
Moving in

"Stop ! Stop!" Mr.Smith pleads to the man robbing him.
Suddenly flashing lights come up.
"Ill get you for this William! I will !" Saids the robber running away.

*13 years later*

"Home sweet home!" I say and run into my aunts house with my 3 heavy suitcases,Not letting them hold me down .
"Baylee dear,Welcome!" My aunt greets me with a smile and calls my cousins down.
I have 3 cousins. One,Lea who is 15 .Anthor Cheryl who is 5. And ofcourse my big cousin Timothy who is 18.
"How was middle school little one?" Timothy asks while patting my head as if im some toddler.
"Little one? Im 14 Tim ."
"Sorr-ey,How was middle school Baylee?"
"Thats better,And it was good. Not as bad as I thought it would be" I say slightly.
"So..Weres my room?" I ask politely trying not to be pushy.
"Oh! Right this way sweetheart !" My aunt saids dragging me up the stairs. I missed this house. Last time I was here.I was 2. Since my uncle missed my first birthday we decided to come here for my 2.
"So how do u like it?" My aunt asks
"I love it! Thanks so much aunt Whitney."
"Your welcome. Get unpacked,Washed up then down for dinner,How does that sound?"
"Sounds amazing ! Thank you again. I missed you and the rest of the family much."
I unpack and turn my CD player on to Taylor Swift,Safe and sound. Slightly singing to myself I put my clothes in my closet and dresser. I unpack my make up and put it ontop of my dresser. After im done I carefully unpack my bow and arrow. Im into anchery if you havent guessed. I put that under my bed fragily. Relizing I still have an hour before dinner I get dressed in skinny jeans,A aeropostel T-shirt and a little book bag as my purse. I comb thur my black and blonde hair then run downstairs and go outside.
"Leaving all ready?" Lea asks right before I go out the door.
"Not leaving,Just exploring the town tell Aunt Whitney I have my phone if she needs me" I run out the door and walk down the steert. I plug my ipod in and turn on Hinder-Better than me.
Guys whistle at me but I pretend not to hear it. Because I dont want to hear it.
"Have some respect guys,Dont whistle at her." Saids a boy. I look over at him and mouth 'Thank you'
"Anytime" He mouths back. I smile and keep walking . I walk down to the corner and look around. Which way will I go... I decide to take a left but before I could a guy runs up to me
"Hey! You must be new to the neighborhood,Im David." He saids
"Uhm,Werent you one of the boys whistling at me?" I gfive him a evil glare.
"No. That was my friends,I was the one who told them to stop"
"You dont look like the guy who told them to stop..Noone likes a liar..."
"Fine I wasent,But I was about to"
"But you dident,Now I have to go." I say and run to the left. He follows me . I keep running and finally I stop and go behind a corner of a fence hoping he wont spot me.
But he does,Of course. Just my luck.
"Come on,Im sorry. I just wanna get to know you. You seem nice" He saids.
"You whistled at me. You have no respect! Hasent your mom taught u to respect women!"
"I dident think about what I was doing,Im sorry."
"Leave now. I refuse to talk to you." I say and change the song on my ipod to 3 days grace.
"Hey,Thats my favorite band!" He says
"Mine t-Hey werent you suppose to leave" I sigh
"Yeah but I dident"
"Then I will." I say and run to the neighborhood park and sit on a bench. A few minutes later he comes and sits beside me
"Why wont you leave?" I ask madly
"Because,I wanna get to know you."
"Fine.. My names Baylee I love neon colors,I like cats. Meow. I love wolves. Im from france but moved to America when I was 8 months. I lived in Florida but im her ein Orgen to vist,i love to draw and paly gutair. Oh and im into anchery!" I say extremly fast so he couldent understand it.
"Oh cool.." We end up talking for a while. Hes really funny and sweet.
"We should hang out sometiems!" I say
"Agreed" He said and stands up. I stand up to. Somehow we get really close. I can feel his hot breathe on my neck. We go in for a kiss. His lips aginsit mine. I bite his lower lip softly. We keep kissing. Somehow I spot my watch and I pull out of the kiss. "OH MY GOSH .IM GONNA BE LATE" I say and run off going home
"Hey.Call me!" He saids.
"Will do !" I smile and keep running. I finally get home and run inside out of breathe and go intot he kitchem
"Haha,Hey guys!" I say and act natural. Im bad at that.
"Your late..." Saids Cheryl .
"Thank you captain obviouis" Saids Lea
"Your welcome Lt.Smartmouth" I say and sit down. My phone rings.
"Excuse me" I say and anwser my phone. Its Erica. My bestfriend back in Flordia.
I went up to my room after talking to her,Hoping I could skip the long lecture at dinner. I wanted to eat with them,But I knew just for being late,And then being rude when my phone rang I was gonna get a lecture,And my parents would get a call saying 'What happened to this babys manners!? Haven't you taught her better?! I guess she does need to stay a summer down here' and blah blah blah . So I run up the stairs quietly,But of course Timothy spots me. I stop dead in my tracks,and try not to look him in the eyes.

Chapter 2

Even thou its summer,My aunt still makes my cousins go to school. So that means I have to too. Im dreading it,But at least we get a longer weekend. We get out Thursday and don't have school Friday,Saturday And Sunday. This is a weekly thing. Im glad through . And schools dismissed at 2:00PM but we have to be at school at 6:30 AM. So yeah .Its Monday, I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. Ugh,Just as I thought,I look a hot mess. Well I did just wake up. But that's no excuse for my running eyeliner and my hairtie that I have to cut out of my hair. I was so exhausted last night I fell alseep with my hair up and make up on and everything . My skinny jeans stick to me with sweat. Nightmares? I don't recall having any,But now's not the time to dread over how bad I look. I quickly hop into the shower and wash the make up off my face. Putting my silk rope on that Grandma Layla got me,I run to get my hair gel. I begin to 'crinkle' My hair. When I think its curly enough I begin to blow dry it.
"Mommy saids for you to come down to breakfast" Cheryl saids at the bathroom door.
"Tell her im not done getting ready"
"She said she dosent care,Come down NOW!" Cheryl saids innocent like. I grunt and just keep blow drying my hair. Since when have they been this strict? About 5 minutes later,I go downstairs. Of course I get yelled at by Whitney (My aunt) But oh well . I sit down at the table. "Your mom must be really poor in manors,She must be triffing for you to come back here acting like that !" Whitney saids. Anger fills me immdeatly. I feel like everyone around me has poofed into plain air and only Whitney was there,I felt like we were in a battle to the death. I lock my eyes on her,Giving her my best death stare. But Timothy catches on fast and interrupts to remind me everyones still here. Timothy is the only on at this table who knows what im capable of. He knows that I'm a fire. And that anything can ignite me,And if you deicde to ignite me, You best be prepared for the wildfire thats gonna come. Considering I could not do anything to bad to my aunt,I deicde to trigger what ticks her off the most,And thats being ungratful . So I take a bit of my bacon,And say "Bacons a little dry,I bet the straving kids in Africa wouldent even eat this" Shes completly shocked. I knew I had ignited her fire. But I'm not done. I take a bit of my toast and a sip of my orange jucie and add "Toast a little over cooked..Almost bunrt..And what are you trying to do? Chock me with that orange jucie,Theres so much plumb in there that even the homeless kids would pour that in the sink" I begin to get up,Pour my orange jucie in the sink and throw my plate away.Everyone staring at me,Like I commited a murder. I decided I was gonna walk to school today. I cant be bothered riding in a car with Whitney. Im gonna get fussed out for all these big time,But to be honest, I dont care.:)

It was after class and I was walking home,I dident wanna go home. Not with Whitney there anyways. I remeber when me and my aunt were best pals. 2 peas in a pod. What happened to that? Was it my fault that Whitney has completly went bitch mode?Was there something that happened while I was gone for Winter and fall And some of spring? I did not know,And I did not wanna take the to figure it out,Nor did I wanna take the time to go home and get fussed at for the incident this morning. I sit by a tree and think. Maybe,MAYBE,I could go in through the backdoor and use the back staircase nobody ever uses and go to get my bow and arrow and spend most of the day in the woods. After thinking through all the things I would need,I arrive at my house. Its kinda werid caling it 'my' House. But oh well. I finally relizae noones there. So I guess its safe to be as loud as I want. I forgot I snuck out of school and most of the kids were still in school,Besides the lucky ones who dident have to go to school over the summer. Penny,Oh Penny. The girl I had ment 2 summers back when I was here . The 8 year old I took under my wing . She was bullied,Up intill I taught her how to make friends,She had anxiety,Not the bad kind,Just the kind where you were to shy to make friends,She'd say the wrong stuff and get picked on. But now,Shes as popurlar as a 11 year old can be. I guess it wasent really anxiey,But you know. I made about 5 sandwitches,And I brought a bag of chips. I also brought 5 water bottles. And I brought a whole bunch of other little snacks. I put them in my little book bag. I get my bag that I useally carry anything I catch in it and put my bow and arrows in there. I put my hair up,Get in some Timberland boots and some black tight yoga jeans and a black jacket over my tank top. On my way to the woods I stop by Pennys usual hangout area. This time she just had 1 friend with her.
"Yo Penny !" I yell to her.
"BAYLEE!!!" She yells happily coming to give me a hug. She nods her head as if she knew excatly what I was gonna ask. She wanted to come in the woods with me. Her friend walked over to us.
"Uhm Sally,You can go home if you want,Me and my big sister are going in the woods" I'm not her big sister,But I'm like it.
"What?! No your not you know those deer out there are wild" Saids her little friend.
"You can't tell me what to do! Lets go Baylee!"
"Okay then im telling your mom!" Sally saids in a teasing vocie.
"Just go Penny,We'll do it some other day..." I say and give her a hug. I go off into the woods. Peace and quiet at last. Oh how I love the woods. I see a small deer walking nearby,My reaction is to load my bow and aim. I let go of the arrow and it hits the small little dear. I walk over to it,To examine it. I whisper to it 'Im sorry,I pretended you were my aunt.' I climb up high into a tree,And begin to nom on a sandwitch and some chips. Yum . I take a gulp of water and hang my bookbag from there,And my bag where the little dead dear is. After about 3 hours in the woods,I deicde its time for anthor snack,While climbing up to get my bag I feel antlers pound into my side. "Errrg!!" My cracked vocie yells. The antlered creature just keeps going at me though .

After about 30minutes of being attacked the dear leaves. I struggle to grab my bow and my leath of arrows and I limp away,Knowing my pants are soaked with blood and my hair bust be to, I take the back way. Its shorter also. I force myself to keep walking home,Dusk is falling,And I know nobody will be home when I get there,Because there probalby out looking for me,And I was right. When I got there I was home alone. I qucikly rush to the shower,Washing the diry and blood out of my hair. I wash the large wound on my side and knee to. I think to back when I was so angry that Pennys friend for not letting her come,But now,Im thankful. I don't spend much time in the shower,The hot water hurts to much. I just spend enough time to wash out my wounds and my hair. Knowing that they should be back anytime because Cheryl has a bedtime of 8,And its 7:15 now I hurry to brush my hair,Even thou it hurts my head. And slide on some Peejays . I put everything back to normal as it would be,And lie down. I have to admit my wounds feel better,But not my raging headache. I look in the mirror,I looked normal,Prolly cause I had my clothes covering my bloody and proably infected wounds. As im almost drifted to sleep,I remeber I was suppose to call David. I don't care right now though. I just care about sleep. I feel like crap. And im dreading for when Whitney comes home..


Publication Date: 08-21-2012

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