

"YO CAMIE! HURRY UP IM GONNA BE LATE FOR SOFTBALL PRACTICE!" I scream at camie. She always takes long doing her hair. "Im coming! Im coming!" Camie groched back at me. When shes finally done we go to get in the car.
"So what do u think your couch is gonna say about u being late" Camie ask me
"Ugh,Your right hes not gonna let this slip. This is my 3rd time being late.Hes gonna make the team un like 5 extra laps becase of me"
"Whoa,Hes strict."
"You got that right"
After tht we arrive at the practice feild i run out to the couch. And explained my story."TEAM! LISTEN UP! YOU GOTTA RUN 6 EXTRA LAPS BECUASE OF BLACKMEN OVER HERE!" He screams. He likes to call me by my last name. "Great" I sarcastly think to myslef.
After practice my dad picks me n camie up to go eat at mcdonalds. "Hehehehehe,I HAVE TH EMIND OF A 4 YEAR OLD! HEHEH" Camie saids running into mcdonalds. After we eat there we go back to my house. "Hey camie.go make yourself crotmable in my room ima go talk to my dad about when moms coming home" I tell camie. About 15 minutes later i hear camie yell my name. "KRISTY COME HERE!"
"WAT?" I yell walking into the room
"Wat in the hell is this book doing here!?"
I went over to examine the book. It had a upside down pentagram thingy on it. "I don't know,Its a book,Maybe my big brother left it in here when he came to get one of the pet snakes" i say calming her down. "Why would your brother have tht!" Why is she making a big deal out of this,I mean damn.
"Its just a notebook,calm yo tits."
"Throw it away than geez"
"See wat it has inside it than mrs. worrywart"
She opens the book.
"Kristy..Theres a date in it.."
"Leemmme seee!!!!!"
I go and take the book from her.
"Thats not good!"
"Someone remebered my bithday,It is good!"
I put it on top of my nightstand. And looked at the clock. "Its 8:30 pm are u staying the night or not?" I ask
"Fine." She replys getting into her pjs. "Hey if it makes u feel better we will ask my big bro if he knows were it came from ok?" I say trying to make her feel better. "I guess"
"Ok,Ima go take a shower mkay?"
"Ok" she saids still staring at the book. I walk out and into the shower

The book,How could it just pop out of no were. I couldent take my eyes off of it. I was worried. I walk over to it and look at it again. "This isent just a notebook.." I say to myself. I keep thinking about it but,Andy,Kristys bro popped thur the door. Hes like my brother to,Since my brother dyed when i was 4. "Cam,Wats wrong with you" He saids plopping down next to me. My eyes still locked on the book
"Im fine.." I said with acid in my voice
"Gosh,I was just asking..Wat the hell is this book doing in here"
"I thought you knew about it..Dident you leave it in here?"
"No..." He said pushing his black long hair out of his eyes revealing his sparkling green eyes,Hes cute..REAL cute.
"Than it popped out of no were.. This is bad..It has Kristy birth date in it" I say showing him.

I got out of the shower and went to my room. Camie was sleeping already. "Well than,There goes staying up all night" I say to myself. I quietly walk to the dresser and get on my Pjs. I see the book on the dresser and roll my eyes. I turn around go to sit on my desk.I turn around just for a moment and than turn back to sit at my desk. The books right smack dab in the middle. "Whoa.." I say. I pick it up and put it in my bottom drawer.

I woke up to the sound of kids. "Ugghhh" I groan as I get up. "KRISTY!!!!" Yelled my little cousin Kim,And David. I walk into the kitchen as Kim and Dave follows. I see a note on the refridager. "Dear Kristy,Me,your dad,aunt,and uncle went to go vist your older cousin Derek in jail. We'll be back in 3 days since hes in Californa. Love you,Take care of the kids,I dont care if Camie helps." Reads the note.
"So it appears im babysitting yall" I say and sit down.
"Were Hungy."
"Nice,Im bored.Go get something eat."
"We cant cook"
"Learn to make a sandwhich."

Chapter two

I appear in a strange room . Its dark and humid in here. Where am I? Wheres Camie? What is this place..? All these questions running thourgh my mind..I carefully get up and exmine my surroundings..Its hard because like I said its well DARK! I find a notebook on the dresser and I quietly but carefully pick it up..Straining to read it. Its appears to be a diary
"My life is horrid . Excuse me while I sit here and wish I was dead because I have noone to lean on . I have to steal blades cause my family wont surpport me anyway . Then comes in my job . I hate that to. more like it hates me..Oh well..People laugh at me as I walk in a room..How can I ginore? They call me a emo fag . Im glad they dont see my scars . Im insuecure about them but yet I keep making more . Im gonan do it,Im gonna pull the trigger..Here I go ..One.Two..Thr-" The book saids.
"Oh my..Thats horrid.." I pick up a flashlight that jsut rolled at my feet and shine it around . I see a stranger figure int he corner rocking . I dont go near but I exmine it hard . It appears to be a boy . With a gun.. He put it up to his head . "DONT! ITS NOT WORTH IT STOP!" I yell but a vocie whispers in my head.."He cant hear you." Than a evil laugh .
BOOM! the trigger was pulled..I scream and yell with tears it my eyes. I dident know the boy but..Than my surroundings change..Im in a highschool buliding. That same boy is walking down the halls. I rush over to him ignoring the strange surround change in a blink of a eye .
"Hey ! Are you okay?!?" I say.
"HE.CANT.HEAR.YOU." The vocie saids again. Then some boys come up and push the boy in a locker..And jsut beat him . IO close my eyes but it dosent go away . But it finally does. I see a face..A face a normal person would have a heart attack if they saw.
"You life will be horrid just like min- I mean that boys was..." The vocie saids as the pictures of faces go away. And suddenly im in my bed..Like nothing happened.
I walk into the living room and see Camie knocked out on the couch and Andy watching my little cousins
"Hey guys.." I say as I walk in. My cousins are asleep so basically im just talking to Andy.
"How'd you sleep.You okay. You seem troubled."
"Im fine..Just had a nightmare." I say lying. I know it wasent a nightmare. It was to real to be one.
"Good,You hungry?"
"Naah,I think ima go for a walk..." I say getting my jacket and walking out the door. I run down to Erickas house. Knowing shes home alone I run in without knocking . She dosent get mad cause were like sisters.
"Well Hi to you to.." She saids as I rush in looking thur her stuff for something.
"Hey,No time to talk gotta use ur phone to call Aaron. My phones dead and I cant use my brothers."
"Is it that important?"
"Yes." I give her a glare than get back to serching .
"Pfft..Here...God.." She saids slamming her phone on the table beside me and she goes intot he living room.
I quickly dial Aarons number
"AYE BRO" He saids into the phone .
"Shut up and meet me at the park." I say and hang up.


Publication Date: 05-04-2012

All Rights Reserved

Some of this is based on a true story, Me and my friend Camie,Finding the book is real (But no worries we burned that mofo)

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