

The story revolves around the hunt for Paul Leonard, the man responsible for the death of Stanley Colton’s family.


Jack was not only a detective he was also well-known as a hitman of an underground Elite program to stabilize the prisons.

He was also part of the operation that eliminated murderers and rapists.

This Elite team was newly emerged by a High Court Judge, Judge Roberts, whom you will learn a lot more about later into the story. 

It was no secret that Jack and the rest of the family were brutally murdered by Paul Leonard.

Paul, a ruthless, hard-ass cop, was also originally trained as a hitman by Judge Roberts. 

Unfortunately, Judge Roberts takes advantage of His Elite Team, creating a mob of an army, to racketeer and make money from weapons and drug smuggling for his advantage.  

And then, 13 years later......, After Young Stanley witnesses the death of his own family, hiding underneath a table unnoticed,

Detective Frank Colton and Officer Michael Sharp investigate the files of previous convicts in search of the PERFECT candidate for their mission, and one young hitman stands out!

He has a clean record. Stanley.

They need him to help them on their mission to capture and kill Paul Leonard with the help of Judge Roberts.

Frank then decides that Stanley has a clean sheet and attempts to track him down to take on the hit.

Eventually, With the significant help of Officer Michael Sharp, Frank Colton finds out about Stanley Colton’s whereabouts.

Detective Colton then approaches Stan without telling him that they are related.

Stanley is met with attitude and heavy metal appearance, clearly showing that he has a different life at the moment and has no interest in going back down memory lane. 

He continuously disapproves of their offer and insists on stating that - “there were some things in life I chose to put behind me.”

We then meet Tracey, Stanley’s on and off girlfriend.

She is completely aware of his hitman activities and tough boy skills. 

She encourages him to participate and reassures him that there’s nothing wrong with receiving a little help.

Stanley becomes agitated with the idea, but eventually, curiosity and impatience get the better of him and he agrees to participate to go on his most brutal, spiritual, healing adventure ever yet.

Chapter One - The Memory

It's early evening at the Colton family's new temporary residence and Jack removes his jacket, placing it on
the bed next to him.
Samantha walks up to him in greeting and hugs her beloved husband fondly.
"Do you think we are safe here?" she asks Jack.
"I hope so," he replies, "For the sake of the kids, I truly hope so," he says as he swoops his arm around her
waist and walks ever so lovingly beside her to the kitchen.
"Dinner's ready," she says, "I'll get the kids to set the table in the meantime."
Moments later in the dining room, Jack and Samantha, and their two children, Stanley and Ashley are seated
quite comfortably and at ease at the dinner table.
Jack smiles at Samantha whilst they exchange glances and he continues to sip at his glass of wine.
He then breaks the silence. "This meal is just simply amazing. Thank you my love." And he raises his glass
to toast his appreciation to her.
She smiles back at him and responds with, "Thank you dear. Once again, a family meal made with love."
With all that said and done he then turns his attention to the children. "So, kids, how was school
"Oh so boring. As usual." Ashley quickly replies. "The teacher kept yelling at everybody all day you know."
"Did she yell at you as well Ash?" Samantha asks.
"Nope!" Ashley replies.
Samantha smiles, "That's my Good girl. I'm so proud of you."
Jack looks at Stanley with raised eyebrows awaiting his reply that doesn't seem to be coming any time
"Stan? Stanley!" Jack repeats himself to get Stan's attention.
Stanley looks up and responds half-heartedly. "Was okay. I guess."
Ashley grabs the opportunity to quickly butt into the conversation and blurts out, "But I heard you got into
trouble for calling that fat girl a pig face."
And boy oh boy does she laugh.
At this same moment, both Jack and Samantha turn to look at Stan awaiting an explanation.
"Stanley!" Samantha shouts out. "Is this all true?"
Jack quickly intervenes, "Why would you say something like that to an innocent child Stan?"
Stanley calmly replies, "Say What? She does have a pig face! Her face is so fat it automatically disfigures her nose." The entire family
roll into fits of laughter at his response while Stan remains quite serious and oblivious
to their concerns about his hurtful comments to the fat girl at school earlier that day.

Moments later in the TV lounge, Jack and Stanley are playing video games together.
A regular occurrence in the Colton household where father and son enjoy quality time together.

Samantha goes about her chores in washing up the dirty dishes from dinner whilst her daughter Ashley stands
on a chair helping to towel dry.

Stanley defeats his Dad Jack in a fighting game. He laughs at his father under his breath.
Not been able to maintain the almost silent laugh he starts giggling.
Jack turns to look at him and he immediately drops the game control.

Jack then raises his voice slightly as an outburst toward Stanley, "I don't get it. How the hell do you get it
right to win all the time?"
Stanley makes a mock angry face at his father and proceeds in a deep voice...
"They don't call me Brutal Boy for nothing Dad."
Jack responds instantly, "Oh is that so? Let's see what my brutal tickles do to you."
Jack leans over and tickles Stanley repeatedly until both are rolling around the floor. Stan is laughing so
hard and uncontrollably until they freeze in silence from hearing car doors closing outside the house.
It is at this moment that both Jack and Stan freeze in a moment of silence and look back toward the window.
Jack then gets up slowly off the floor and walks on over to the window. He peeks out slowly as a sudden
visible anguish overcomes him.

As Jack slowly moves the blinds away, being very careful that the new arrivals don't notice, he watches as
three distinguished men, wearing suits, stand in front of a black SUV busy loading up their AK 47's. They clip
the magazines and cock their machine guns.

He starts to breathe more heavily instantaneously. All of a sudden, a face appears in front of Jack on the
other side of the window. The new face to Stan on the other side of the window smiles at him.

"Hi, Jack, remember me?"
Jack is startled instantly and gives a loo bewilderment! He turns around and looks directly at Samantha.
They both stare at each other in anguish and despair as they both know why Paul is here.

Stanley remains hidden with his little sister under the table adjacent to the lounge. Swiftly sliding his hand
around from the back of her head and firmly around her mouth. She's trembling and so terrified. She's just
a little girl.....
He watches intently as his parents seat themselves on the couch. He continues to watch as Paul
approaches them.

" So, How are you doing, detective?", Paul asks as Jack rolls his eyes.
"What do you want, Paul?" Jack replies.
"Jack, Jack, Jack, come on now. Where's the hospitality?" asks Paul smirkingly.

Paul walks toward the table and Stanley notices his father's eyes opening progressively wider and looking
larger than usual.
"Today was uh...a very long, shocking day" Paul says out loud as he paces around.
Jack keeps pointing his finger in an upward direction repeatedly each time Paul's back is facing him.
Stanley glances up and sees a holster taped down underneath the table with a firearm inside. He then listens
intently at the sound of whiskey being poured into a glass as he slowly removes the gun from the holster;
being extra cautious not to make a sound, as Paul walks back toward Jack and Samantha. He stops dead in
his tracks right in front of them.

He leans down pushing his face right into Jack's face and says,
"Because do you know what I discovered today, Jack?".
Jack remains silent. Samantha doesn't make a single movement or utter a sound. She stares continuously
out in front of her towards the floor. Paul smiles at them and says,
"A very reliable source told me today that a very naughty boy is planning to send a few men to Now of course as we both know that could mean anything from dinner to a drink but...
He turns and snaps back into Jack's face again at these last words emphasized. This means business for sure!
Both Samantha and Jack jump from the sudden outburst. And then.....he says it again.
"THIS! Reliable source meant otherwise. He meant as in YOU, Of all people were going to send me a couple of boys to bump me and my crew off?"

Paul runs his finger across Samantha's cheek. She moves her head slowly and carefully away from his hand.
"I wonder what a pretty diva like you would go for on the market?" he asks and looks back at his boys
"You leave her alone you sick son of a bitch!" Jack shouts out at him.
"Not just yet Jacky boy!" and Paul starts whistling out loud. The three men then move forward toward him and point their rifles right into him. Paul grabs hold of Samantha by the arm and she surprises him with a right
punch across his jaw. Paul steps back, looks at his men, and starts laughing while he wipes the blood off of
his slightly cut upper lip.
Unexpectedly, he swings her around, ripping her skirt off.
"I've been dreaming about this day for quite a while now, Jack," Paul says as he makes eye contact with
"Please, Paul. We could work something out." Jack pleads with him.
"Too late my friend!" Paul shouts back at Jack.
Paul starts to unbuckle his pants, whilst Jack continues begging him not to. Samantha is screaming out in
fear for what is about to happen to her.

Meanwhile, the two children are still in hiding under the table. Nowhere to be seen by the intruders as the table cloth hangs to the floor. Stanley swings his left arm around his sister, closing her mouth
with the palm of his hand. At the same time he turns his sister's head toward him and tries to hold her there
and keep her hushed so as not to disclose their hiding place. They both stare shockingly at each other while
their bodies tremble, fearing the unknown. Stanley's eyes are filled with tears as he stares in anger at his sister.
The sound of his mother's screams, while she is being raped is too much for him and this forces him to close
his eyes. He does not want to see this happening to his mom. He had never imagined or even thought he
would have to witness such a vulgar act!

"I hope you're watching, Jack! Do You know what this is? This is the definition of someone getting fucked over!"
Paul shouts out to Jack who is being held back by his men.
Stanley keeps holding his sister's head toward him. He cannot allow her to see this.

Moments later in the lounge, Paul pulls his pants up, breathing heavily still after his sick ordeal of having his
way with Samantha. He turns toward Jack and says, "I've always wanted to do that to your wife, Jack."
Samantha hurriedly makes use of her now free arms and hands and covers her breasts and private parts as
best she can while crying and sobbing loudly. Jack is in total shock and keeps staring blankly out in front of
him, as if there is no life left in him anymore. Paul walks toward the door. Glancing back at his guys, he
calmly says, "Kill them." And he leaves.

"No!", Samantha shouts out. As Paul exits the door, the three men step forward. They proceed to shoot at
Samantha and Jack, Samantha falling towards the couch and Jack tilts his head toward the children still hiding
underneath the table. They watch as their parents are filled with rounds from the AK-47's. Both the children frighten by the
gunshots and little Ashley reacts by running out from underneath the table.
"Mommy!!!", Ashley shouts out. She runs toward the couch and more gunfire fills the room and Ashley falls
to the ground lifeless!

As each round fires, the sound of the rifle fades away and Stanley stares in horror.
Now speechless, motionless.....
The first gunman shouts to the other, "Oh my god! you shot the kid!" The men run out.
Stanley sits against the wall as he stares at his father from underneath a piece of table cloth that hangs from
the edge of the table. The sound of boots hitting the ground as the men are running outside and leaving the
house confirms that he is now alone.

He crawls slowly out from underneath the table and gets up warily onto his feet. He hears no sound,
showing no emotion. He looks down at the gun in his hand and let's go. It drops straight down to the floor. Not even the hard thud of the firearm landing on the floor startles him. He is alive, but lifeless. He slowly and carefully tugs at his
father's dead body and bursts into tears. He grabs onto his father's shirt with both hands.
The sound of Stanley screaming, echoes through the neighborhood, leaving a memory that will live on inside
of him... Forever.

Chapter Two

Frank, walking down the stairs exiting the police station. He pleasantly greets all the officers passing by on the way down.
Officer Michael is walking at a swift pace behind him. "Hey Frank, wait up will you!" Michael
shouts out.
Frank pivots around to look behind him. "Hey Mike, you seem a bit out of breath bud," says Frank in laughter.
Michael, struggling to catch his breath still, "Hey uh..., Aren't we unfit!" Exclaims Frank. They grin at
each other.
"Yeah, yeah..., whatever," says Michael. "listen, I got those photos taken for you that you wanted. I think you're
going to like what you see."
"Any news on Paul Leonard?" Frank asks.
He opens his car door and rolls down the window and gets in. "Just the usual," Replies Michael. "His guys
are causing huge shit. Pretending to be security guards again, beating up on old people at convenience
stores for money and so on, the usual shit" Michael explains to Frank.

"Fucking racket boys...Alright Mike," says Frank. "Thanks. Meet me at Roberts' place tonight. Bring the
pictures and the files."
"You got it," says Michael. Frank gives him one more glance and places his hand on Mike who is now leaning into the
car window, "And Mike. Thank you." He starts the car and proceeds to drive off.

Later that evening in a small garage that has been transformed into a convenient meeting room at Robert's
Frank, Michael, and Roberts are seated around the table. Roberts pours them each a short scotch.
"Did you find anything?", Roberts asks.
Michael then walks around the table and hands out the files to both Frank and Roberts. They open the files and briefly browse through
the pictures and written notes.
"ok......First guy. Derick Hamilton." Michael addresses them, "Spent a few years in prison for robbery, assault and

"Sounds like my kind of guy," says Frank.. Roberts scratches his chin. "Derick Hamilton, uh?" he says.

"What's wrong?", Frank asks Roberts. "Nothing. Continue," Roberts replies to Frank.

Michael continues to address the guys, "Well, rumor has it he killed numerous cops and other victims. But yet
he got away with this. All clean. But like I said, they're just rumors. I checked his records. Just the assaults
and robberies so the rumors are nothing to go on and harp about."

"And Who is he linked to?" asks Roberts.

Michael looks at him with a questioning expression on his face and asks, "What do you mean?"

"Does he work for anybody? Does he have friends he works with?" Roberts explains.

"Funny you should ask that," replies Michael, "That's where the next guy comes in. The guy you see with
him in the photograph is the next one."

Roberts passes the file of the next suspect to Frank. He opens it and looks at the photo.
"Nick Galloway," says Michael, "This might be where the rumors might be true. No one has tried to catch
this guy yet but besides him and Derick? They stick together like shit sticks to flies. Nick is the wise guy. He orchestrates
and Derick executes."

"What exactly is this about?" asks Roberts.

"It's about something we should have initiated a long time ago," says Frank. "Who is the third guy?"

Michael tosses the file over to Frank. He looks at the written notes about the new guy.

Michael then adds, "Meet Stan. Real name is Stanley. I couldn't get a hold of his last name and this is actually
pretty weird."

Frank stares at him blankly and asks, "What is?"

Michael replies to Frank immediately, "He doesn't go with a last name. Word on the street is he's a video
game addict. As well an excellent assassin with guns and bombs and shit like that."

"So He's more like a tech guy?" Frank questions again.

"Something like that," Michael replies, "But he's a pretty wild one. People consider him extremely dangerous.
He bombed and killed several mobsters over the years. Another word on the street is that his family was
killed by Paul Leonard and his crew. He's also known as Brutal Boy 666."

Frank laughs and says, "What the fuck! Like an online video game nickname?"

Michael laughs too and says, "Your guess is as good as mine. I checked his records. And guess what? No
records on him. You not gonna believe this but.....He's never even been arrested yet for anything!."

Roberts butts in quickly, "But I thought you just said this guy is dangerous?"

Frank pages through the file again and comes across a photo of Stanley. As he is about to close the file, his
eye catches something familiar. He quickly removes the photograph and stares at it intently for a minute or
At this point, Michael then adds to Roberts question and replies, "That's exactly my point. Not even the cops want anything
to do with him. Look at the surveillance tape."

Michael places a DVD into the slot behind him at the TV mounted on the wall.

They all watch the video footage showing Stan with his hoodie on, shooting two cops, casually and quickly, in an alley.
He tucks his gun underneath his jean and walks away from the camera real quickly, calmly, and effectively.

Frank blurts out first, "Why would he kill cops though?"
"If you ask me I think they tried to set a trap for him. He's a drug dealer as well," explains Michael, "Or,
the cops were corrupted officials in on a hit quest. But I mean hey, this is South Africa. Anything is

Frank takes another look at the picture.

"How did you say his family died again?" asks Frank.
Back to Michael, "Leonard and his guys killed them."

"This is our guy then," says Frank.

Roberts looks at Frank and asks, "What do you mean? Where are you going with this, Frank?"

"We're going to take that fucker out once and for all. That's where I am going!" Frank shouts out to them.

"Who? Paul Leonard? Forget about it!" says Roberts.

"Forget about it? What do you mean? This is it. We want to get our streets clean man! And in return we get
to give these guys a second chance." Frank explains to them.

Roberts shakes his head and says, "Even a high court judge like me is scared shitless of Paul. I started this
whole thing and Paul was a good Hitman but he took his power and built an army and not the type of army
you want to fuck with! Do you even have any idea how many families this guy has gotten killed already?"
Frank looks at him with a serious expression and replies, "Yeah, mine and my friend's for instance and that is
why we need to stop this guy!"

Frank and Michael both look at each other. Michael shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders while lifting his
hands in the air and raising his eyebrows.
Roberts looks at his glass and swallows the last bit of scotch, looks up at Frank and says, "You want to do this? I'm out."

Frank just stands there speechless and shakes his head in disappointment walking toward the door.
"Let's go then," says Frank.

Both standing outside the garage door, each walking toward their vehicles, both stop and face each other.

Frank speaks first, "Okay, fuck that guy. We go through with this. We


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 10-09-2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-5549-3

All Rights Reserved

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