We observe a beautiful sunset vanishing as the night sets in and embraces the city below.
Bringing along with it yet another beautiful closure to a stunning day.
The clouds move in quickly. They surround the city beneath them like a blanket was been gently wrapped around it,
protecting its contents.
Another round of lightning lashes out and illuminates the night skies.
What an amazing experience of watching mother nature showing off in all her glory.
Some more random outbursts of lightning make an appearance out of nowhere, quickly becoming more aggressive.
It's almost as if it is all happening from within a fantasy world.
A beautiful fantasy world filled with displays of color, brightening up the dark skies.
Another true reflection of apocalyptic artwork taking place.
The lightning rushes through the night skies, enveloping this once truly magnificent city of lights.
There are so many people seen scurrying below to safety. They are in an absolute panic for shelter as the rain starts to belter down
heavily on them. Now the storm is becoming more aggressive with each moment that passes.
Some are merely in a hurry, thinking only of themselves and totally ignorant of the storm that is about to
pounce upon them, while others are just running in panic-stricken states with overwhelming anxiety.
There is no consideration shown at all for the surrounding people being pushed out of the way, causing even more destruction.
Others are simply enjoying nature's magnificent display.
A random flash of lightning steals the moment, followed by another large clap of thunder as we witness
the towering buildings across the way take a beating from the storm.
Some windows begin to shatter on the 40th floor, causing parts of the structures to collapse.
What a spectacular display of destruction!
The storm becomes even more intense. Then, out of nowhere, a surveillance drone makes an appearance.
The drone is out of control due to a lack of signal.
Pedestrians are observing with utter caution. The people proceed to evacuate as efficiently as possible.
The drone then unexpectedly hits a pole nearby. This ends up in it ricocheting back off the pole, and as it changes direction,
it smashes right through a shop window and heads across the road in the opposite direction.
At last, the drone finally comes to a standstill on the pavement. The screeching sound of the metal on the concrete is piercing to the
human ear. The lifeless drone remains in pieces, never to take to the skies again.
Tom Thomas, who currently resides in a tranquil, relaxing, upmarket apartment, is an extremely successful 50-year-old bachelor.
He currently owns a multi-million dollar, International Engineering Company.
He is most definitely not our average 50-year-old either. He likes to works out regularly, eats well, and generally
takes good care of himself.
He sports a beautifully toned masculine physique, which easily turns heads when the ladies happen to lay eyes on him.
One could quite easily see him as the perfect man actually. Well, most women would.
He is absolutely complete in his current surroundings.
His luxury apartment flaunts perfectly dimmed lighting, splashed with shades of brown, beige, and cream decor
to finish it off. He loves listening to old rock ballads playing softly in the background as
the rain falls softly in the background onto the windows.
Lazily lying on his bed, he browses through digital photographs enjoying all the memories coming to mind.
His facial expressions keep changing as he fondly remembers his late sister Suzanne.
Mixed emotions are flying high as his thoughts continue to wander deeper down memory lane.
Reminiscing about the last moments that he shared with his late sister Suzanne are Tom's special moments that
he prefers not to share with anyone that easily.
He remembers how late it was that night and how busy the skies were with cosmic activity.
They were filled with the most incredible formation of cosmic butterflies. There was just chaos in the streets below.
That was the night the storms became so aggressive and simply ravaged anything in their path.
That moment was still so clear in his memory as if it were just yesterday. That was the last night he would ever see her again.
A night he remembers so clearly leaning over her almost lifeless body.
The visuals of the car also return. Coming toward her, rolling down the street.
Spinning down the road toward her with the force of the tornado driving it at a speed.
Sadly, his sister was in the path of destruction that was been caused by the vehicle.
He could do nothing but watch the aggression of Mother Nature pick her up and throw her around as if she were a rag doll.
Just when he thought he would never see her again, he watched the tornado throw his sister back out onto the ground.
It left her just lying there motionless on the sidewalk.
It was hard to believe this had happened ten years ago. He still remembers clearly how he ran towards her in slow motion.
He was calling out her name, over and over, "Suzanne you have to get up. Wake up please Suzanne. I am almost there."
How she looked up at him, weak and terrified. She manages in a short gasp to speak his name.
He remembers her next words so clearly. He will never forget her last words, "It's too late Tom, I have to say goodbye now."
She hesitated briefly to gasp for some air again before she spoke further.
"You know what to do. I love you Little Brother."
She tilted her head back as Tom lifted her onto his knees and looked up toward the skies. He held her closely with tears streaming
down his face, while he screamed out his heartbreak for all the world to hear.
"No. Oh, God no. Not now. Please bring her back to me. I still need her. I can't do this on my own!"
His heartbreak was deep. He slowly moved away from this sad memory of holding her so closely in her final moments.
The rain was still pouring down while the gale winds were still blowing. The storm was still happening in its full capacity.
These memories for Tom are now becoming less as it is time to leave them in the past.
These slowly fade away into the night skies as he moves onto a much happier memory.
He remembers a specific moment been seated in the living room next to her. She moved forward and took his hands
and placed them gently into hers, and they momentarily gaze into each other's eyes. She was about to use
her spiritual powers to enhance his and prepare him for the future ahead. Because in this world,
when we pass on, you have to prepare for the next chapter. Afterlife existence needs preparation so that all
legacy can move forward to continue their existence. Once this is in place, all legacy can move on forward.
One might ask, but what is the aim of this? The answer is to save as much as they can of planet Earth.
What cannot be saved, will be recognized and not negotiated. This is where they prepare in
advance for what they would still need beyond our current existence.
He remembers her tilting her head and asking him, "Any questions Tom?".
"None at all my dear sister, none at all. Let's do this. I am ready to take hold of my destiny".
She smiles at him and proceeds. "Good. Let us close your eyes and clear your thoughts".
She leads the way and Tom follows obeys. The room is silent as both close their eyes. Their hands still locked together.
The powerful spiritual moment has been transferred and has taken place between them.
Their eyes still closed, he takes a deep breath. She proceeds to completes the ritual and slowly, yet gently, releases him.
Once she is done, he collapses.
She stands up and checks his pulse. His vitals are normal. She smiles and goes to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.
She throws the glass of water across Tom's face to wake him.
"What was that for," he shouts out as he jumps up shaking his head and wiping his face. Suzanne bursts out
"Was the water really necessary?" he asks her.
He laughs with her as he has gathered himself, and grabs her around the waist from his seated position.
He rolls her on the floor, tickling her as any brother would.
"OKKKKK!! That's enough now, you know I hate been tickled Tom.... TOM! Stop it. ha ha ha ha. I give in.... enough now pleaseeeeee???". Suzanne looks at him begging for mercy and release from the playful act of brotherly love.
"OK, game over, back to serious now," Tom says.
It's late into the evening and Tom glances at the time.
Letting off a huge sigh of effort, he gets up off of the bed and moves along to the bathroom.
He leans with both hands on the basin, taking a good look at himself in the mirror.
He brushes his teeth before retiring for the night.
Turning off the bathroom light on his exit, he climbs into bed. He glances once again at the clock, which now reads
10:11 pm.
He places his cell phone on the bedside cabinet and turns down the music that was still playing gently in the background.
Turning off the light, he gets himself comfortable, just before he drifts off to sleep.
Tom falls asleep quite easily after the long day he has just experienced.
About two hours later he wakes up from a restless dream.
He looks around the bedroom cautiously. While he gathers himself momentarily, he realizes he needs to make use of the
bathroom once more.
He happens to see a reflection in the mirror of what's going on behind him. There are so many bountiful colors
reflecting across the night sky.
A Cosmic Butterfly is what he is looking at. He turns around and darts quickly toward the window, with both hands touching
the window he stares in awe at the beautiful sight he sees
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Publication Date: 05-06-2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-9347-4
All Rights Reserved
Originally compiled and written as a feature-length Movie Script.