
Reading sample

Copyright © 2023 by Melanie Voland and Treehouse Books

All rights reserved.

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  1. 1. Introduction Page
  2. 2. The Story of Sirena
  3. 3. Thank You Page

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Once upon a time, in a beautiful place called Guam, in the Mariana islands, there lived a lovely girl named Sirena, with golden brown skin, big dark eyes, and thick, long, soft black hair.

Sirena got her name, which means serene or peaceful, because she had been such a calm and quiet baby. Sirena was graceful and also playful, but what she was most known for was that, all her life she had loved the water, and she was an excellent swimmer.

She also had good skills in cooking, housework and crafts, but Sirena was always very much in her own world, and her family and others saw her as a daydreamer, because she loved to bathe and swim so much in the river and ocean nearby, that she often forgot


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 08-04-2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-4873-0

All Rights Reserved

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