
Chapter One: American`t



WE ALL NEED to unwind after a day of hard work, or no work. But
a need to be around people. We need human interaction and touch,
away from the cold, mechanical political-correctness on a corporate
plantation. The real you needs an environment where no one has a
title and people actually have style. Men have swag or no swag.
Women have class or no class. I love living downtown because I
can exit my building, go left, right or cross the street and there’s
entertainment, food and art. I can feel the life of the city around me
like I’m a droplet of blood in the veins of the street. My city needs
me to live, as much as I need it. I’m one with the streets, and I’m one
with the city. My city is Charlotte, North Carolina….


Publication Date: 04-14-2022

All Rights Reserved

Their journey will make you laugh, cry, become angry, but above all else, it will make you think. Are Black people citizens of America, which loves to wave its flag and boast of the constitution, bill of rights and emancipation proclamation? Or, are Black people subhuman at the bottom of a caste system,STILL slaves in American’t; this is their story, but you be the judge.

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