
Chapter 1

     I remember her voice. It was scary, yet... comforting. Her voice was what pulled me into the room, into the worst days of my life. I'll never forget her. Never.

     "Amy..." It was saying as I struggled to get up from my bed. It was two in the morning. What the fuck was calling my name that early? "Amy... wake up," it said again as I went into the hallway and to the voice that was callling me. It sounded like it was coming from the spare room that was supposed to be for my little brother, Johnny. Johnny claimed that he heard the same voice calling to him, which is why he now practically lives in my parent's room.

     "Amy." I can hear it growing impatient. I quickened my pace a bit.

     Once I reached the room, I hesitated. My hand rested on the handle of the door. "Amy..." it called again. I slowly opened the door.

     I walked in the room and looked around. Nothing.

     I must be hearing things, I thought. I was about to walk out when I heard the voice again, more clearer this time.

     "Amy, come here..." It sounded like it was coming from the closet. I walked to the closet and hesitated again. I pressed my ear against the door and heard movement inside. "Amy..." Yup. It was in the closet.

     I opened the closet door cautiously.

     "Hehe..." the girl's raspy voice caught me off guard. "H-hi, Amy." I became petrified.

     "Uh, who are you?" I asked her. She smiled. "I'm Chloe, your sister." My eyes got wide. "What? You can't be! I was always told that I never had any siblings besides Johnny!" the girl, Chloe, shook her head. "They told you lies," she said.

      I heard footsteps coming into the spare room. I quickly closed the closet and stepped out of the room. My mother looked confused. "Amy? What are you doing?" she yawned. "I..uh..." I said. "I was just exploring the spare room. Curiosity got the best of me."

     "That's what killed the cat," my mother said as she grabbed my hand and led me to my room. "Go to sleep," she said. She closed my door and walked away.

     I wanted to go in there again, but I didn't want to get in trouble. So, I did what I was told, and fell asleep.

Chapter 2

     "Wake up, Amy!" Johnny jumped on top of me. "Wake up!" I turned. "Give me a few more minutes." "No! We're going to McDonald's for breakfast!" He climbed off me and ran into my parents room.

     "Get up, sleeping beauty," my father ripped my blanket off me when he walked in. "We're going to McDonald's." I leisurely sat up on my bed. My dad laughed and walked out, closing the door behind him.

     I felt guilty for leaving Chloe on her own, but then again, who knows how many times she's been left on her own while we were gone?

     I tugged a black T-shirt off a hanger and fished through clothes in my dresser until I found a pair of dark blue jeans. I settled on this outfit and put on my Adidas.

     "You look like a boy," my mom said when I walked down the stairs. I shrugged. "Of course," I answered her. "I'm a tomboy." she blinked for a couple of seconds before saying, "Okay then. Um, just go brush your teeth and come back down so I can brush your hair." I nodded silently and trudged back up the stairs.

     I flipped the light switch on in the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. I put toothpaste on the toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. My brother came in the bathroom shortly afterwards.

     "Yay! McDonald's!" he exclaimed. I continued to brush my teeth for 3 minutes, then I spit out the toothpaste.

     "Hurry up, John," I said to Johnny.

     "Hey, girly. Put a smile on that face," my dad said when I walked downstairs. He gave me a hug.


     We drove to McDonald's. As we got out, I saw a Ronald McDonald mascot. Johnny absolutely hated clowns, so I decided to tease him just for the fun of it.

     "Hey, John," I gently pushed him in front of me. "You see Ronald right there?" He looked at the mascot and hid behind me. "Aww," I said. I grabbed his hand and pushed him in front of me again. "Johnny, that's not nice." "B-but it's a cl-clown!" Johnny stuttered. I told him, "He just wants to say hi!"

     The mascot stood by the door, waving to everyone that came in. As he held open the door for us, I said, "Hey Ronald! My brother wants to say hi!" Ronald looked down and waved at Johnny. "No!" Johnny cried. I just laughed.

     "Amy! Stop teasing your brother!" Mother grabbed his hand and went inside. I laughed again and went inside.

Chapter 3

     We ordered our food. After we ordered, we sat down. After we sat down, I got back up and walked around. I have ADHD, so I have to move around a lot.

     I observed their photo. In the photo, there was a young lady, probably around her early 20s. She had jet black hair and was petite. She looked like she was around 5''4, maybe 5''5. She wore a cheerful expression on her face. Somehow, she looked familiar. She almost looked like...

     "Get over here, girly!" my dad said. I quickly shook my head and walked to my seat.


     "Mmm, that was good!" Johnny said when we walked out. "Yes it was, actually," my dad said, wrapping his arm around his wife. But I wasn't paying attention to them. The picture of the young woman stuck to the back of my mind. She looked so familiar! But who could she look like?



Publication Date: 12-01-2020

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