I didn't know how love would be so easy in life when you meet that person. And I also never knew that if you fall in love them that person things would turn out so good in the beginning but at the end things start to turn bad. My sister, Bella, tried to warn me so did her husband, Edward, and there family. But when you meet that person that you belong to and you want to be with them and then someone bad comes and takes that from you under your feet and you can't do nothing to stop it. What would you do to stop it.
Well, my sister Bella and her husband, Edward had in mind that they would keep me safe from anything that would come from us both sides. If the Volturi wants to start a fight well they got one. I never knew my life would be so good until I meet Zachary Cullen. Zachary is the most loving person that you would never knew. He may be a vampire and I may be a human but I guess true love does come true. The way Bella and Edward look together and their daughter, Renesmee and Jacob look together and even Emmett and Rosalie and Alice and Jasper and Carlisle and Esme. They look so good together why would someone so hurtful, mean, and hateful would do something like that. Well I did not know that until I met Zachary Cullen.
Go with your gut don't let no one tell you what to do about "how to fall in love". You can fall in love all on your own. I should know my mother did it two times. She did it with Bella's dad, Charlie and my dad, Phil. Bella and Edward did it. They even knew what would happen but they couldn't live without each other. I love my family so much I just can't live without them.
I was in my room packing my clothes and also on the phone with Bella. Bella was so happy that I was moving to Forks to live with her and the Cullens'.
“Haley, your not gonna believe what Alice and I did.” she was telling me.
“What did you and Alice do, Bella?” I asked.
“Well, we gave you the spare room that was across from Renesmee and Jacob. And since you love pink, we painted the room hot pink, have a pink furry rug by your bed and your bedding is pink.” she was saying. “And you know how Alice is with shopping, she got you some really cute clothes.”
“Wow. Tell her 'Thank you' for now until I get there will yea.” I told her.
“Sure will Haley. Can't wait til you get here.”
“Me too. I'll call you you guys when I get off the plane okay.” I said.
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too.” I hung up the phone.
I put my cute shirts in my red bag that I was taking and my skinny jeans and sweats in my blue bag. I grabbed my laptop and put it in it's bag with my Iphone and Ipod/mp3 player and my book that I been reading called, “The One That Left.” it was good so far. Bella was a little hurt about it when I told her I was reading it. That's when she told me about when Edward left her because of Jasper “almost” killing her over a paper cut. I told her I was sorry about it but I'm still reading it.
“Haley, come on your plane leaves in about 45 minutes.” my mother yelled.
She was so happy that I was going to Forks to live with my sister. That last time I seen Bella was when I was six years old when my father, Phil, won his game in Settle, Washington. I yelled back down.
“Coming mother!”
I grabbed my bags of stuff and put them in the car. My mother and father drove me to the airport. I texted Bella and told her I was just getting on the plane and that I would see her in a few hours.
When I got on the plane, I was listening to my mp3 player and was reading my book. One of the waiters tap me on my shoulder, and asked me if I wanted anything. I asked her for a coke. She handed me a coke and went on the line.
I got tired of reading so I put my book in my bad and looked out the window. The plane ride from Jacksonville to Seattle was a 3 hour trip. So I set my phone to go off (well vibrate) in 3 hours, so I could take a nap.
~ 3 hours later ~
My phone went off and I woke up. I saw that we were landing and thank god it wasn't raining. When we landed I texted Bella.
“Sis, just landed.” I texted her.
“Okay, I'm here.”
“Okay, I'll meet you in the lobby.” I told her.
I put my phone in my bag and walked off the plane. I went to the lobby to get my bags. Bella was in the lobby with Edward and Renesmee. I was looking for the whole family.
“Aunt Haley!” Renesmee yelled, then ran (in human speed) to me.
I put my bag down and hugged her. “Hi, sweetheart. I missed you.”
“Miss you too, Aunt Haley.” she said.
I put her down and grabbed my bag and walked over to Bella and Edward.
“Bella!” I yelled. I was so happy to see her. I hugged her and when I did I shivered. But I didn't care.
“Haley,” she said. “Oh my god you got big.” she laughed. “And I don't mean the ass or the breast. I mean the tallness.”
I was only 5 feet and 3 inches tall. Me and her were the same size, but the ass and boobs. I laughed at her and so did Edward.
“Hi Haley.” Edward said waving his hand at me.
“Edward!” I said. I let go of Bella and hugged him. “It's so nice to see you.”
“I say the same about you too. Your sister wouldn't stop talking about it.” he said.
I let go of him and saw my bags and went to go grab them. But Edward was there getting them.
“Thanks.” I said.
“Your welcome.” he said.
We walked out of the lobby to the front of the airport. And oh my god, everyone was there. Alice was smiling when I came into view. She ran to me (in human speed) and hugged me.
“Haley.” she said. “How you been?”
“Good.” I said.
Emmett picked me up in a big bear hug and put me down. 'God, he looked bigger.' I thought.
“No, he's the same size.” Edward said.
He must have heard my thought. I kinda hated that about Edward reading all my thoughts but I kinda liked it sometimes when I didn't want to say something out loud to Bella or at all.
“Oh, okay.” that was all I said.
“Hi, Jasper, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle, and Jacob.” I said smiling. There was a new face in the family 'Who is he. I never saw him before. Damn he is sexy.' I thought.
“This is Zachary,” Edward said.
“You can call me Zach if you want.” he said.
“I'm, Ummm.... Haley.” I said. I couldn't get the words out.
He smiled at me and said. “Nice to meet you. May I take your bags.” he asked then looked at Edward who still had my bags.
“Sure, I don't mind.” I told him.
I took my phone out of my laptop bag and gave him the bag, and got my other two bags from Edward. Zach and the others went to the cars. Jacob looked at me and smiled.
“Are you gonna say something Haley.”
“I said, 'Hi' Jake.” I laughed.
“I know. Oh come here.” he picked me up in a bear hug like Emmett. “I'm glad your here. Bells wouldn't stop talking about it.”
Jacob I loved and liked. He was always there for me. When I was little we kissed one time when he came to Jacksonville to visit me one summer after I turn 8 years old. I told him 'I never had a 1st kiss before' and he said 'Well here I'll give you this but I can't do it anymore. I'm with Renesmee and I love her.' I told him, 'I know that Jake but your like a big brother to me. I never had a big brother. It's was just me and Bella.' I remembered.
“Yea, Haley. You should have seen her. Like a child opening gifts on Christmas day all over again.” Emmett said laughing. He came over to me and Jacob. “Okay, Jake. My turn.”
“You already gave her one.” Jake said.
“So but I haven't seen her since she was six years old. Damn.” Emmett said.
Jacob let go of me and then picked me up in one of his big bears hug, like he always gives me one. Alice and Emmett I can trust but Rosalie didn't really like when Emmett did that but he didn't care what she thought of it. She knew he was hers and me and him were just friends well family now.
“Can't. Breathe.” It was hard to get the words out but I got them out.
He put me down, “Sorry Haley.”
I almost fell over when he put me down, when I started to go over. Bella and Jacob went to grab me.
“You alright, Haley?” Bella asked.
I shook my head. “Yea, I'm okay.”
“So, who do you want to ride with?” Emmett asked. “With Bella in her Lambo, with Carlisle in his Mercedes, or with me and Rosalie in my Jeep.”
I was thinking about that. 'Who was Zach riding with.' until Edward walked over to me and said in my ear. “He's riding with us.” I looked at Edward and I smiled. Then I seen Zach put my bags in Bella's car and got in the back.
“I'll ride with Bella.” I said.
Emmett shook his head. Rosalie was in the Jeep with Alice and Jasper. Jacob and Renesmee got in the Mercedes with Carlisle and Esme. Bella, Edward, and I walked over to the Lambo. When I got in the car Zach looked at me and smiled.
“So, Zach how long have you been in the family?” I asked.
“Well lets see,” he said. “about 3 years.” Then he looked back up front. “I'm Alice's nephew. Her sister, my mother, got a hold of Alice and told Alice that I was coming here to live. My mother was human, and she was dieing from Spanish Illness.” he said, looked at me then look at out the window. If Zach could cry he would be a lot right now. I would know what he would be feeling. And then I would be holding him.
“Oh Zach, I am so sorry.” I went to grab his hand then stop. “What about your father,” I asked. “What happen to him?”
“I don't really know. He was not there when I was born. I was 16 and a half when my mother died. When I moved here with Alice. Then she threw me a birthday party for me when I turn 17. that was 2 months after I moved up here when my mother died. When I turn 17, I tried killing myself and one day, I stabbed myself in the chest, nowhere to the heart. Alice came into my room and saw me like that. She yelled for Carlisle. He saved me, before my heart gave out.” he explained
I felt so sorry for him. He has no mother and doesn't know his father. “Zach, I am truly sorry. And when I say I am sorry I mean it. I know I don't know you that well but still.” I said.
“I know you are. I can 'tell' that you, 'always tell the truth', and 'you don't like being lie to' either.” he said. “Like it's your gift. There's something else there too.”
“What are you talking about.” I asked.
“Haley, what Zach is talking about is you have a gift. Bella was the same way with me when she was human. But I could not tell what it was. We will talk about this when we get to the house.” he said. “Oh, to 'warn you', Alice has thrown a 'welcome home' party for you.” Edward warned me.
“Okay, thanks for the warning.” I said.
~ 45 minutes later ~
When we got to the house, Edward was right. There was a big sign on the house that said, 'Welcome Home Haley'. All of a second I was scared. But what the hell would go wrong. Well, other than a house full of vampires. Oh and a werewolf, and a half breed.
The Cullens' were already at the house, Bella parked up front of the house. This was the second time being here. Everyone liked me but Rosalie. She never would talk to me when the last time I was here. Maybe she has changed. I got out of the car and I went to get my bags but Zach already had them in his hands.
Edward open the door and let me go in first. “We're home.” he said. He did not yell but of course they would hear him. Everyone came into the living room. Alice was so happy, she came to me and grabbed my hand.
“Welcome home Haley!” she said. There were 'Welcome Home' signs everywhere in the living room. I looked everywhere, all around me. Jasper started to laugh. But he didn't, he just smiled.
Jasper had a gift that he could 'clam' someone or everyone in the room where he is real fast. I kinda liked it when he did that. Some times I didn't want to show my feeling half the time when I was here the last time.
“I'll put these in your room for you.” Zach said.
I shook my head. “Okay.” then I looked at Alice. “Wow Alice.”
“I warn you.” Edward said. Then Alice added. “You like it.”
I shook my head yes. I didn't know what I was gonna say next. Emmett walked over to me and put his arm around me and said. “Well, sis what do you think. Alice goes 'all out' on party’s. You should have seen Bella's birthday party.”
Bella hissed at Emmett and hit him but he didn't do a thing about it. All he did was smiled at Bella. I kinda laughed at that.
“Okay, Emmett. Haley just got here let her relax and all. The plane trip had to be long and bumpy.” Zach said, when he got downstairs.
He just read my mind about me wanting to relax. “Yea, Emmett.” I laughed. “But thanks y'all. Really, this is truly great. Can I unpack first Alice and take a hot shower.”
“Yea, sure. I don't mind. Do you know where your room is.”
“Yea, across from where Renesmee's room is. Right. That's what Bella told me.” I said.
“Yea. That's where it is. Come I'll take you.” my sister said. Bella started to walk to the steps and then turn around and waited for me. “Come on slow poke.” she laughed. So did everyone else but Rosalie.
I walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Renesmee and Jake was right behind us. They were holding hands when I turn my head to see who was behind us. When we got to my room, I stopped. Bella open the door and walked in. I just stood there. Renesmee was giggling.
I walked in and I looked everywhere. Bella was right. The room was pink. Well almost everything. The bed was huge, it looks like a queen or a king, my walk-in closet doors were a light pink. I had a desk for my laptop, a bookshelf for my books, the lamp that was on the desk was pink. By the bed there was a big furry pink rug, like Bella said there was.
“Wow, you were right. Pink, is everywhere.”
“Yup. And here's your own bathroom. Since you love dolphins.” she stop talking. I walk toward the bathroom.
When I went into the bathroom, everything was blue and dolphins. “Oh my god! Alice, I love you!” I yelled. “Thank you Alice. Thank you, thank you sissy.” I hugged Bella and even kissed her on the cheek.
“Your welcome. Well, I'm gonna let you unpack and take a shower and rest. Edward and I is going to go hunt. If you need anything call. Oh here.” she handed me alarm key (which was pink).
“What's this?” I asked.
“Well, it's your car silly. I got you a pink Lambo just like mine, but only thing is different than mine is your Lambo is a Convertible.”
“Thank you Bella.” I said again.
“And you start school with Zachary and Renesmee on Monday morning. At 8:00 sharp.”
“Okay. Have fun hunting, bag a few lions for me. And thanks again.”
She shook her head and turn to leave out the door. “Oh if you need anything Haley, just asked. Don't be scared.”
“I will.” I said then walk to shut the door. “Wow.” that was all I said.
Before unpacking, I open the door windows that looked out to the river where I seen Bella and Edward jumping over. “Have fun!” I yelled. I heard Edward laugh. I turn around and walked to my bags. I put my laptop on my desk, plug it up. Then I put my mp3 player next to it. I turn on my laptop and let it update. While I did that I put my mp3 player on it's chargeable speakers to listen to my music while I was unpacking.
I put my clothes that I brought with me in the 3 door dresser and put my phone on my bed. And put my bags in the closet. Bella was right, about what Alice did.
I left out my skinny jeans and pink top that says, 'I love pink!' Bella got it for me when I was 12. So, I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I left the door open so I could hear my music.
I jumped in the shower and took a hot one. I used my favorite shampoo and conditioner that smells like 'Strawberry Kiwi', even used my favorite body wash was that smells like 'Twilight Wood'. I get all my body washes and everything at 'Bath & Body Works'. When I got out, I put my hair in a towel and got dressed. I rolled up my pant legs half way to put on my 'Twilight Wood' body lotion. Then put my pant legs down and walked into my room.
I turn on my laptop to get on facebook. When I got on I had 3 messages from my mother.
The 1st one says, 'Haley, write me as soon as you get in. tell me how you flight was. Is it raining? I miss you already. Your father says 'Hi and he loves you.' mom.'
The 2nd one says, 'Haley, why haven't you wrote me back. What are you waiting for? Mom.'
The 3rd one says, 'Haley Renee, if I have not heard from you by 7:00 P.M. Today, I'm calling Bella. Mom.'
I checked the clock. I still had 15 minutes, but my mother was well known for jumping the gun. I wrote her back and said.
'Mom, clam down. I'm writing right now. Don't do anything rash. Haley.'
I sent that, and began again.
'Mom, everything is great. No it's now raining. Bella put me in school for my last two years. And she got me a car. A Lambo Convertible. A pink one. I love and miss you too. Talk to you later mom. Bye. Haley.'
I put my laptop on 'sleep' and got up. I walked over to my bed and sat down. My phone was going off. Sweet it was Amber, (my best friend ever) calling.
“Amber, what's up chick.”
“Haley, so how was the flight?” Amber asked.
“It was okay, I fell asleep for a little bit. Tell my mother that I said, 'Clam down and I'm fine'. Will yea.”
“Will do. So, how is Bella treating you.”
“Bella and her husband, Edward is Ummm.....” she didn't know that the Cullens' were vampires. “Downstairs I think. I don't know. I'm in my room. I just got out of the shower.”
“Oh okay.” she said.
I was about to say something until someone knocked on the door. “Hold on.” I yelled. “Amber I'll talk to you later okay.”
“Okay bye.”
I hung up the phone, threw it on my bed and got up and open the door. It was Zach. “Hey Zach.”
“Hey, may I come in?”
“Yea sure.”
I let Zach in my room and I closed my door. He sat on my bed and I went into the bathroom to pick my hair before it drys.
“So, how you like the room.” he asked.
“It's great. I love it really.” I said while I was picking my hair. “Alice and Bella really did a good job to it.”
“Yea, they did.” he said.
When I got done with my hair, I walked back into my room. I went to my mp3 player and turn the song.
“That's a good song there. I love that song.”
“Oh, colder weather. Yea me too.” I said.
Zachary got up off my bed and walk to me, I just stood there. Then he grabbed both my hands. He put one on his shoulder and the other in his hand. Then he put his arm around me and then we were dancing. He turn me around, and we kept dancing.
Dancing with him was fun. I have never dance like this before. I was like Bella a little bit. When the word said 'I close my eyes then I reopen them, I see you.' I did that when the song was over. When the song ended he bent me a little back and kissed my cheek. That was sweet what he did.
“Thanks for the dance, Haley.” Zach said.
He let go of me and was about to leave until I grabbed his hand. “Don't leave me, Zach.” Did I really just said that. Yes I did.
He turned around and we went to my bed and sat down. He was so beautiful. I started to touch his face, when I did that he put his hand on mine. Then he put his hand on my face.
“Stay still Haley. I want to do something.” he said.
I was as still as I could be when he lean in and kissed me. I kissed him back, 'Oh my god,' I thought to myself. 'Is he really kissing me.' I got on my knees and started kissing him more until he got up.
“Stop.” he said.
“I'm sorry.” I said. I feel like I was gonna cry, and I didn't know why.
“I'm stronger than I thought.” he said.
“Yea, I could say that.” I told him that.
“Haley, I'm sorry.” he was about to walk out my room.
“Zach, please stay with me.” I said.
“Okay. But Haley. I have to tell you something.” he said. “When I saw you earlier, I fell in love with you. I don't know what Bella and the others are gonna say about this. Mostly my Aunt Alice.” he said in his hands.
I got up off my bed and walk to him. “Zach, don't worry. I'll talk to Bella and Alice okay. And I like you too. If you could read minds like Edward you should have heard what I was thinking in my head.”
“What were you thinking?” he asked me.
“Well, I was thinking that you were very sexy and all.” I said.
“Oh, I was too.” he told me. “I like you a lot Haley.”
“So do I Zach.” I said.
“But, I don't want to hurt you Haley. For what I am, a monster, and I could hurt you easy.” he said.
“I don't think you can if you could Zach.”
“Haley, you don't know me like you know my family here. I could kill you, but I won't.”
“Okay. Zach I trust you. I don't believe you can tho. I like you a lot and I believe like you said you like me a lot too.”
“Lets just see where this takes us okay.” he said. “Everyone is out hunting but Renesmee and Jake, do you want anything to eat.”
“Sure. Lets go downstairs to the kitchen.” I said.
While we were walking downstairs, Zach and I were holding hands. When we got to the kitchen, I started looking for something to eat. They had all this food but I don't know what I wanted. Then it hit me. Fried chicken and fried potatoes. While the chicken was cooking I was cutting and piling the potatoes, when the chicken was done, I started the potatoes. While I was cooking the potatoes, Zach started kissing my neck.
When I turned around to look at Zach he picked me up and sat me on the counter and we just started kissing. We were kissing until we heard Renesmee and Jacob come down the stairs. He picked me back up then, put me on the ground so I could go back to the cooking.
“I smell fried chicken and potatoes.” Jake said.
“Yes, you do. That's what I'm cooking.” I said.
“Where's momma, aunt Haley?” Renesmee asked.
“She and daddy went hunting and the others did too. And I was getting hungry.” I said. “Here, it's done. Come get some.” I made there plates.
“Thank you, Haley.” Jacob said. Then Renesmee added, “Yea, thanks.”
We all ate but Zach well he took bits from my plate. He was trying to be funny with me. When we were done eating, I was doing the dishes. Zach helped me do them. When I was done doing the dishes, Zach picked me up and he flew us up to my room and shut the door behind us and threw us on my bed. I was laughing when he threw us on the bed.
All we did was kissed. We didn't do more but every time I tried to do something different he would sigh and tried to get up. I put my legs around his waist and try to hold them down but I was not that strong. He got off of me and sat up.
“Haley, I can't. I could hurt you if we go anymore than us kissing.” he said. I tried to say something but he put his finger on my lips. “Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning. I got to go hurt before I do something stupid with you.”
“Okay. Love you.” I said.
“Love you too. Good night sunshine.” he said then jumped out the window.
I got up and shut the windows and went back to my bed to go to sleep. I did fall asleep, but I also dreamt of Zachary Cullen too. Zachary was the most loving person I ever met in my whole life. What I was dreaming of Zach was kinda crazy. I didn't even know him that well, and we were kissing.
I woke up like 3 times in the night. Every time I did, I was cover in sweat and I was burning up. I got up and went into the bathroom and put warm/cool water on my face. When I got done I open the door windows and looked out. It felt good out even being in March. It was not too cold, not too hot, just right. I looked at the clock and the clock said it was 4 A.M. In the morning. I put on some short shorts and a tank top on and put my hair in a bun and walked downstairs into the kitchen.
When I walked into the kitchen, Emmett and Rosalie were in there. I stopped when I saw them.
“Oh sorry guys. I didn't know if anyone was down here.” I said.
“Its okay, Haley. Me and Emmett were just talking.” Rosalie said.
Wow she's talking to me. I walked to a chair and I almost fell. Rosalie grabbed my hand when I almost fell.
“You alright. You don't look to good.” she said. “You look like your gonna get sick. Do you want me to call Bella?” she asked.
“I'm good. Just burning up. I think it's from me moving from there where's it's hot to here where it's cool.”
“Oh maybe you should take a warm shower.”
“I'm good. I just splash cool water on my face. And I open my windows too. It feels good outside.”
“Yea, it does. We just came in from outside from hunting.” Emmett said.
“Rose, can I ask you something. Girl to girl.”
“Yea, you can. What is it?” she said.
“Do you want me to leave?” Emmett asked.
“No, you can stay.” I said.
“Whats the matter sweetie.” she asked.
“Well, I'm afraid to ask Bella, but since your a girl. I kinda like Zach, no I'm in love with Zach. And so is he. He just don't know what Alice would say nor Bella. What do you think Rosalie.”
“Well, I know we never talked that much when the last time you were here, but I'll give you this Haley. How much do you love Zachary?”
“A lot. The thing is. We already. Kissed.” I was scared to say the words.
“Wait a minute, you and Zachary already kissed.” Emmett kinda said a little loud.
“Shh... Damn Emmett.” Rosalie said to him. “Maybe you should talk to Alice and Bella. If you love Zachary. Do you wanna call them in here now or wait til in the morning.” she asked.
“That's the thing, Rose. If I do would they be mad about it. I already know Edward know about it. He's heard my thoughts.” I said.
“Well, since Edward has heard your thoughts, he's already told Bella, and Alice could have or might have 'seen' y'all together in her head.” Emmett said. “Haley, don't worry about it. I'll talk to Zachary for ya okay. Go back to bed. You need your sleep.”
“Okay. Thank you guys. Rosalie I hope we can be friends or even family.”
“Haley, you are family to us. I should have been nicer to you in the beginning. I was just a little hurt that you knew about us. I was the same way with your sister. If you need anything I'm just a call away.”
“I know Rose. Well night or whatever you want to call it.” I hugged Rose and Emmett. Rose kissed me on my forehead before I went back upstairs.
I walked up the stairs real slow, because I was tired. When I got to my room I almost fell on my bed but someone caught me.
“You alright, Haley.” Zach asked.
“Yea, I think. I'm just tired, but can't sleep. I got real hot so I open the windows and went downstairs to the kitchen.”
“Yea, I know. I heard you talking to Emmett and Rosalie. Are you sure your okay.”
When he said that, a sharp pain hit me in my stomach. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I got sick, I threw up what I ate. Zachary was right there with me, holding me. He gave me a cool wash rag to whip my face off. He picked me up and carried me to my bed. He layed me down and got in with me. He put the covers over so I would not get cold from his body. But the way I was feeling right now, I bet he would feel better than this wash rag.
I fell back to sleep while he was holding me close to him. I went back to dreaming of me and him. I started thinking about what Rosalie and Emmett were saying. Me and Zachary did love each other so much, but we also were scared what Alice and Bella would say.
When I woke back up it was 11 A.M. In the morning. When I didn't feel Zach laying with me, I rose up in bed. “Zach.” I said.
“I'm right here sweetie. I went to get this wet again. How you feeling. Do you want me to go get Carlisle?” he asked.
“I'm okay, maybe. I don't care.” I got up and did the same thing I did to him this morning.
“I'll be right back Haley. I'm gonna go get Carlisle.” he said.
When he left I walked back to my bed. I grabbed my phone and started to text Rosalie. I texted Rose and asked her to come here. Two seconds later she walked into my room.
“Haley, are you okay.” she asked, when she seen me on the floor with my head on my bed.
Then Zachary and Carlisle came in the room. When they came in. I ran into the bathroom. Zachary was about to come but Rosalie stopped him and came into the bathroom.
“Are you okay.” she asked again.
“Yea.” I said after I whipped my mouth off.
I was so weak, I could not get up and Rosalie saw that I couldn't so she helped me. She helped me back into my bed. Then Carlisle came over to me.
“Haley, how are you feeling?” Carlisle asked. “Tell me from 1 to 10 if you have any pain or anything.”
“I don't have any pain. But I just feel so weak.” I said. “I am so cold.”
“Zach close the windows for me please.” Carlisle asked him.
“Sure will Carlisle.” Zach said. He got up off the bed and walked to the windows. “Edward and Bella is back from hunting with Renesmee and Jacob.”
When he said that Bella and Edward came into my room. She walked over to my bed and sat down.
“What happen.” she asked.
“She just sick, Bella.” Rosalie told her. “She just sick to her stomach.” Carlisle added. “Let's let her rest she needs it.”
Carlisle, Rosalie, Edward, and Bella walked out to the door. Then Carlisle turn back to me and Zach.
“Come on Zach let her rest.” he said.
I looked at Zach and he was looking at me while he was talking. “I'm gonna stay in here with Haley, Carlisle.” he said. “I love Haley and I'm gonna stay in here and show everyone that I really care and love Haley.”
“What?” Bella started to say, until Carlisle told Bella, “Bella leave them be. Haley needs her rest. You can talk to her later. Would you like anything.”
“Not right now, but if I do I'll ask Zach to get it Carlisle. Thank you.” I said.
He shook his head and shut the door. Zach covered me up and climbed in bed with me. “I love you Haley Renee, no matter what.” he told me. “Go back to sleep, you will feel better later.”
I shook my head and did what he said. “Love you, Zachary.” I murmured before I fell asleep. He said something, but I didn't hear him. All I know he kissed my forehead.
~ 2 hours later ~
Rosalie and Bella both came into my bedroom and asked Zach how I was feeling.
“Zach, how she feeling?” Bella asked.
“I don't know Bella. She's been asleep.” he told my sister.
“Zach, can you come downstairs, the family would like to talk to you.” Rosalie asked.
“But I don't want to leave her.” he told her.
Bella was the one that said this and I was shocked that she did say it. “I know just please Zach, this is a family meeting. About you and Haley. Just come please.” Bella told him.
He must have got up and left with them. He didn't even kiss me when he left. Oh well, he might have thought Bella would say something. So I went back to sleep dreaming.
~ Zachary's P.O.V ~
I walked down the stairs with Rosalie and Bella. Everyone was in the living room waiting for us, well me. Alice and Jasper were looking at me. Rosalie and Bella went to their love ones. Renesmee and Jake were on the couch talking well, he was talking, she was 'showing' him what her thoughts were. Carlisle looked at me and walked toward me.
“So, what do y'all want to talk about. I know what y'all are feeling, I can feel it, but I don't care what y'all think about me loving Haley. Y'all done it before.” I said and looked at Edward and Bella. “Edward you done it with Bella so why is this different for me and Haley?”
“Zachary, I could not help it. Bella's blood was calling me. Her blood was a type of drug for me. I tried to leave but it just didn't work. I could not stay away from her. It was hard for me. If you remember what I told you.” Edward said.
I growled then sighed. I sat down on the step and put my head in my hands. 'Yes, I do. When Jasper 'almost' killed Bella and you told Bella you didn't love her anymore so you left her,' I thought. 'Then when Bella started doing crazy things with Jake. And when Rosalie told you that Bella dies. So you went to the Volturi, you asked them to 'kill' you and they couldn't because you had a very good gift. I get it.' I thought again.
“No, you don't get it Zachary.” Edward said. He didn't yell it but to me it felt like he did.
I looked up at him and then I got up. “Yes, I do Edward!” I hissed at him. “So, you left Bella, but you came back to her. You love Bella. It's the same for me, Edward. I love Haley!” I hissed.
Renesmee got up and started to walk to me. Jacob grabbed her arm but she touched him and he let go. She walked to me and looked at me. She put both of her hands on my face. She was 'showing' me everything but other than that, she was 'showing' me, her and Jacob. Plus she was talking to me. She whisper. “I understand.” she put her hands down and hugged me.
When she let go of me, she looked me in the eyes and touched me again. She thought. 'Do you understand?' I shook my head. She turn around and looked at Edward and Bella then spoke. “He's right.”
Bella and Esme gasped. Edward looked at Bella and Bella looked at him. Then she spoke.
“Edward, maybe he is right. If Nessie, our own daughter, think he is right. Maybe we should give him a chance.” she said. Then looked at me and said. “At least. But if you hurt my sister, I'll hunt you down Zachary Mitchel. Do you understand that.”
“Yes, I do Bella.” I said. I couldn't believe that she used my middle name. I hated my middle name.
Then I looked at my Aunt Alice. So did everyone. Alice looked at me then at Bella and Edward, then at Renesmee. “Like what Bella said about her own daughter thinks.”
Renesmee flew to Alice and touched her. 'My own cousin was on my back. Wow.' I thought. Edward sign but I didn't look at him. Then Alice spoke to Renesmee.
“Nessie, you believe in your own cousin that he and Haley should be together?”
“Yes, aunt Alice. If daddy and mommy can do it and Jacob and me can do it. Then I think Zach and Haley can do it.” she said and looked at me.
“Okay.” she said. Then she looked at me an said. “Zachary, if you hurt Haley.”
“I know, Aunt Alice.”
“Just treat her good, Zach. She's my sister for god sakes.” Bella said.
“I will, Bella. Don't worry.” I wish I had not said that. Bella looked at me and her eyes were black, not gold.
Jasper flew to Bella and got in her face. “Bella clam down.” Jasper and Bella were looking at each other until she looked at him then her eyes were not black anymore. They were a light brown color.
“Sorry.” she said.
“What was that. Why did her eyes turn from gold to back then back to a light brown color?” I asked.
Jasper looked at me. “It's part of her gift. She does it when she is ready to attack someone. If they get on her bad or wrong side. This is the first time in 18 years.”
“What happen the last time.” I asked.
“I attacked Jacob, but Seth ran between us. Then with the Volturi. It's how I can control myself. That's how I passed from being a newborn to just a vampire. Emmett used to make fun of me about it.”
“Oh okay, sorry.”
“Your good.” Bella said.
Then out of nowhere Haley was coming down the stair. I turn around and grabbed her hand that was reaching out to me.
“How are you feeling, Haley?” Carlisle asked her.
“I feel a lot better. I think it was about me moving. Or what I ate. But Jake and Nessie didn't get sick.” Haley said.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Yea, I kinda am.” she said.
“What would you like?” Bella asked.
“May I cook it.” Haley asked.
“Yea, whatever you like Haley. This is your house just as it is ours.” Esme said.
Haley shook her head and walked into the kitchen. Jacob and Renesmee got up and walked into the kitchen with her. I guess they were hungry too. 'Jake eats like a horse.' I thought. Edward started laughing. Everyone looked at him.
“What's so funny, Edward?” Emmett asked.
“Zachary.” Edward said laughing. “He was 'thinking' and I 'heard' him.”
“What did you say.” Alice asked me.
“I said or 'thought', that 'Jake eats like a horse', and Edward, of course heard me.” I said, laughing at my own joke.
“Well, at least I don't Ummm.......” Jacob started to say something but stopped.
Then we heard him growling. He was at the back door. We all ran into the kitchen. I grabbed Haley and got in front of her. Then he ran out the door and knocked someone down.
“Get off of me mutt.” it was a girl.
“Zafrina!” Renesmee yelled. “Jacob it's good. Get off of her.”
The others ran outside and Renesmee helped her up. “Renesmee, tell your boyfriend next time he knocks me over, I'll break him.” Zafrina said.
Jacob growled at her then ran into the garage to change. “Sorry. All I smelled was a vampire.”
“No hard feelings dog.” she said.
“Zach, you can stop guarding Haley now.” Edward said.
I got up and pulled Haley with me. “You okay.” I asked.
“Yea. I'm okay.” she said.
It was quiet for a moment until Edward answered Zafrina's question. “Zachary is a new member of the Cullen family and yes he is a vampire and yes there is a human here. Her name is Haley. She's Bella's sister. She lives here with us. Zach and Haley are mates just like the rest of us. Well like me how me and Bella were and Jacob and Nessie is.”
“Oh okay.” she said.
'Why was she wondering about me and Haley for.' I thought, when I looked at Haley. 'Who does she think she is.'
“She's a friend of our Zach. And she just asked about Haley okay.” Edward was saying when me and Haley walked outside.
When I walked outside, I looked right at the vampire 'she's got red eyes. She's not like us.' I kept Haley close to me. The red eye vampire looked at me then to Haley. Then she looked at how Haley was behind me.
Edward did answered my thought, “Yes, Zafrina is not like us, but she's a friend Zach please be nice.” then Zafrina, what ever her name was, well the red eye vampire said something about what Edward said. “Young child, I will not hurt your mate nor you. I'm not like that.” she said then looked at Jacob. “My sisters are coming, so don't knock them down. They went hunting up north on the way here.”
“Okay, I will try not too. And I did say I was sorry Zafrina.” Jacob said. She nodded her head.
“Would you like to come in Zafrina?” Carlisle asked.
“Yes, I would.”
When the others walked in front of me in the house. Haley and I were the last ones in. We went into the kitchen so Haley could make Jacob, Renesmee, and her something to eat. She made grilled cheese sandwiches. She made six of them two for her, Renesmee and Jacob.
“Guys it's done.” she said.
Renesmee flew into the kitchen, jumped to kiss Haley and then me and sat down. Jacob walked in, sat down and started eating. Haley made her and them a glass of milk. Then she sat down.
I went by the back door to look out for the red eyes' sisters. 'God more red eyes.' I sighed. I was not really listening to the other talking, I was on 'alert', for the other. I was so alert I didn't even hear Haley get up.
Haley came behind me and wrapped her arms around me and started kissing my neck. Haley kinda scared me a little bit but I didn't do anything. She walked in front of me and put her arms around my neck.
I looked at her and smiled a little bit then kissed her. We kissed until Jacob said something.
“Ugh! They're close I can smell them. And I thought I got used to vampire smell.” he said. I looked at him and laughed.
“Well, get use to it some more.” Zafrina said, laughing.
Everyone join with her. “Sorry Jacob.” I mouthed at him. He smiled.
I turn my head started looking for her sisters. I was holding Haley, while I was looking. Kissed her a few times while I was holding her. Then I saw them walking at first then started running. I was playing like I didn't see them, and said out loud.
“Your sisters are here.”
“Thanks for the warning.” she said. Then walked in the kitchen and out her hand on my should. “Well, about time sisters.”
“Sorry, Zafrina. Kachiri wanted to go to Canada to hurt.” She said. I didn't know who was who yet. She looked at me then to Haley. “I see you have two more members Carlisle. But one is human.”
“Yes, we do Senna. She's my sister. Her name is Haley. And this is Zachary. He's Alice's nephew.”
“I would say. He looks just like Alice. And I have to say about your sister looks a lot like you too, Bella.” Senna said. She was the same size Rosalie but with short brown, well light brown hair.
“I have to say, your sister clings to Zach like a little puppy dog.” the other sister said. She looked a lot like Bella but with dark brown hair that was curly. She must be Kachiri. “Oh, I did not see that there was a dog in here.” she laughed.
Jacob growled at her, Bella hit him in the head. “Ow..... that did hurt. God, Bella one of these days, I swear.”
Renesmee giggled at him then spoke. “Hi Senna, hi Kachiri. My Aunt Haley is my cousin's mate.”
“Hello dear.” they both said then Kachiri said. “Oh, I see. That's why he is protecting her.”
“Yea, from y'all.” I said.
“Zachary!” Edward said.
But before he said anything I grabbed Haley and flew out the house. “Hold on.” I told her when I put her on my back.
I didn't know where, we were going but there. I tried controlling my temper as long as I could. I jumped over the river and ran as fast as I could.
~ Alice's P.O.V ~
“I'm so sorry about my nephew, Kachiri. He's just a little upset about what you guys are.” I said.
Emmett, Jasper, and Jacob went to go find Zachary and Haley. Renesmee wanted to go but Bella and Jacob told her to stay. Bella was pacing outside, Edward was trying to clam her down but she was in her own world right now. That's what Jasper said. She was blocking everyone out even Jasper but I could see if she was gonna do anything stupid. Renesmee was outside with her mother and father. She tried clamming her down too but Bella would not let her touch her.
We were in the living room talking. Rosalie was upstairs trying to call Haley, but she said they were not answering. I was in the corner of the living room with my legs folded trying to get a read on Zach and Haley.
“Alice it's not your fault. I shouldn't have said anything about it.” Kachiri said.
“No, it's not Alice. Kachiri is right. Zach is just young and in love. I would too.” Zafrina said.
I nodded my head and blocked everyone out, so I could see if I could see Haley or Zach. I was wondering if Haley was scared. I wasn't really paying attention to anything until I heard Renesmee scream (well yelled). I ran outside. There was no danger so why was she screaming.
“Mom!” she yelled. “Stop pacing, god!”
That's when Bella stopped pacing and looked at Renesmee. Renesmee was on the ground crying. Bella looked at her and then looked to were Emmett, Jasper, and Jacob took off at. It was Jacob running at full speed to where Renesmee was. He was growling then looked at Edward.
“What's the matter, Jake.” Esme asked.
Edward looked at Esme and said. “He was worried when he heard Nessie screamed. Jazz and Em are still looking for them.”
I was not looking for Zach or Haley at the moment, then I gasped. Everyone was looking at me.
“Alice what do you see.” Bella asked.
“I know where they are at.” I said.
“Where?” she asked.
“At our meadow, Bella.” Edward said.
“Let me change then we can go.” Bella said.
Edward nodded an Bella went to my room to get a shirt, a pair of pants and some shoes (running shoes). Then they took off.
“Call Emmett and Jasper, Rose.” I said.
She went into the house to call them.
~ Zachary's P.O.V ~
Haley and I went to this place that I thought it was beautiful. Edward called it 'his and Bella's' meadow. I stop there and I pulled Haley off my back and sat her on the ground.
“Are you fucking crazy, Zach. Why you do that?” Haley asked me.
“I don't know.” I said.
I sat down and put my head on my knees and was thinking. She was going on and on about something. I wasn't really listening to her. The I rose my head up and said something that I wish I hadn't said to her.
“Shut the fuck up, Haley. God Damn, your safe it isn't like I killed you.” I hissed at her.
It did shut her up but she looked at me and slapped me. I did deserve it. “How dare you tell me shut the fuck up.” she said then she started walked off crying. She went in the middle of the meadow and sat down crying.
I was feeling her pain. So I got up and walked over to her and sat down. “I'm so, so sorry Haley.” I said. “I wish I hadn't said it. But I had to say it. You were going on and on and I couldn't think. Please forgive me Haley.” I tried putting my arms around her to hold her.
“Get the fuck off of me Zachary. You are a fucking monster. I hate you!” she said crying.
I went to wrap my arms around her again until someone knocked me a few feet away from Haley.
“Get your arms off of her, Zachary.” Bella yelled at me. “Haley it's okay. I'm here.” she said to her. “I fucking trusted you with my sister.”
She got up and was about to attack me again until Emmett and Jasper knocked her down.
“Bella no!” Edward yelled.
“Get off of me!” she yelled.
Bella was trying so hard to get out of Emmett and Jasper's hold. Then everyone else was running toward us. Jacob growled at me then I seen that there were more than one wolf. Seth and Leah was with him. They were circling me.
Zafrina was in front of Bella.”Ahhh..... give me my sight back.”
Then Carlisle went over to Bella. “Bella clam down. Someone can get hurt.” I bet she was thinking I would or was going to get hurt.
Then I seen Haley yelled. “Stop!” then she ran to me and got on the ground with me. “Stop this Bella.” she said.
Then Bella stop fighting with Emmett and Jasper. She fell to the ground and then Emmett and Jasper let go of her and Zafrina stopped doing what she was doing. Edward ran to Bella. Bella looked like she was crying but there were no tears just dry sobs. Renesmee ran to Bella and Edward and Bella wrapped her arms around Renesmee.
“Jacob, Seth, Leah back away from Zach and Haley.” Carlisle said. They did what Carlisle said then he spoke to us. “Haley are you okay.”
“Yes I am. Please don't do anything to Zach. I love him so much.”
Bella hissed. “Your going back home to mother. You can't be here anymore. I don't want you around him anymore.”
“I don't care what you say Bella. I am not going back to Jacksonville to mom's. I belong to Zachary. I love him so much. He's half of what I am. He makes me whole.” Haley said then she kissed me on my lips. “I'm so sorry that I slapped you. I'm sorry that I said all those thing to you.”
“I'm sorry I told you to 'shut the fuck up'. I can't believe I said that to you.” I said.
Leah growled at me then Jacob growled at her, like she said 'please' and he told her 'shut up'. Seth flicked his tail at her face and couched a laugh.
“Mommy, forgive them. I know you can do it.” Renesmee said.
“Let's go home and talk about this later.” Carlisle said.
“Jake, run Renesmee home please.” Bella said.
He barked and Renesmee got on his back and the wolfs were gone. The red eyes, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper took off. Bella, Edward, Haley, and I were the last ones to leave. When we got to the house the wolfs were in human form. When we got to the house, I put Haley on the ground. I was about to walk in behind Edward and Bella, but Haley grabbed my hand. I turn to look at her.
“What's wrong, Haley?” I asked.
“I'm really sorry Zach. For calling you a monster and slapping you.” she said.
I was about to say something but she put her lips on mine and then we were kissing. We never really kissed like this and now it feels like I feel sparks when we kiss. When we stopped she said something.
“I also sorry that I told you to get off of me. When I'm mad and I say things like that hold me until I cry. I don't care, I love you so much Zachary.”
“I love you too. Lets go inside and get this over with.” I said.
She nodded and then kissed me one more time before we walked inside. When we walked in Leah looked at me and gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes. I didn't really care for her like I care for Seth. Me and him were good pals that's why he flicked his tail at her for what I was saying.
I didn't care if she ever like me. She didn't like Bella and still don't to this day I think. She drives everyone crazy. Even Jacob said the same thing about Leah. Leah thinks she's all that. She's like another Rosalie but at least Rosalie helps Bella.
Rosalie has changed a lot when Renesmee was born. Everyone has seen it too. I pulled Haley into the living room and Kachiri looked at me and smiled.
I smiled back at her and was about to say something. “Zachary, before you say something. I am really sorry that I got on you bad side.”
“Its cool, and I'm sorry too, to all three of you guys. About calling y'all 'red eyes'. If y'all are the good one then I understand that. And thank you for helping my cousin in the past.” I said.
They nodded then Haley said. “Well, I am going to bed. We have school in the morning. Love ya and good night.” she grabbed my hand and we went to her room. I shut her door and sat on her bed.
I heard that Renesmee and Jacob was coming up the steps to going to Renesmee room. I guess they are going to bed too just like us. Well like Haley is going to bed. I love Haley very much and I hope everyone will understand that too. I just hope Bella forgives me about this. I mean, trusts me again with her sister. At least Haley forgave me for telling her to 'shut the fuck up', and I forgave her for slapping me in the face. At least it didn't hurt me. (I know it would if I were human.) All I am saying or thinking just in case Edward can hear me, 'I REALLY LOVE HALEY VERY MUCH AND I DO NOT CARE OR IF ANYONE DOES NOT LIKE IT. THEY CAN JUST KISS MY ASS.' I smiled at that when I was done thinking it. I hoped Edward got a good look at it and told everyone about it.
~ Haley's P.O.V ~
After what happen with me and Zach yesterday, Bella has been a little different with Zach. But she has to live thru it since me and him are together.
I forgot to set my alarm clock so, Alice came in my room and woke me up. “Haley.” she said softly. “Haley, Haley, if you don't get up I'm gonna throw cold water on you.”
The next minute she wasn't near me and the next she was. Then I heard Zach come in my room. “Aunt Alice, don't you dare pour water on her.”
Then the next minute I was cold and wet. “Ahhh.....!” I screamed. “Alice! You didn't just pour cold fucking water on me!” I yelled at her.
Emmett, Jasper, and Jacob came running into my room. “What the hell is all this yelling about in 6:30 in the damn morning.” Jacob said yawning.
“Alice poured cold water on me.” I said.
Emmett and Jasper was laughing. Emmett was laughing so hard he was on the floor. I threw my alarm clock at him and yes it hit him. “Hey, what was that for?”
“Because you were laughing at me.” I said.
“Well, next time I try to wake you up, get up. Or set you damn alarm.” Alice said. “Now get in the shower and get dress. It's time for school. Jacob wake up Ness and tell her to get in the shower too.”
“She's in the shower. I'm waiting for her to get out, so I can get in.” Jacob said.
“Okay, everyone is up. That means everyone leave so Haley can get ready.” Zach said.
Emmett got up off the floor and threw my alarm back at me. Lucky Zach caught it or it would hit me. Alice left with Jasper and Emmett (still laughing) got he kills me sometimes.
“Burr.... thanks Alice. Now I'm cold.” I said shivering.
“Awww.... my poor baby.” he said then kissed me. “Go take a shower, so we can leave.”
I nodded and got up and walked into the bathroom. I turn on the water and got it. I used my favorite my shampoo and conditioner and my favorite body wash. When I got out I put my hair in a towel and wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my bedroom.
Zach was still in there. He was laying on my bed. He looked at me when I walked in there with a towel around me. He even was watching me walk to my closet. When I open it up, I sighed. Zach was giggling at me. I rolled my eyes at him.
“What to wear. What to wear.” I said out loud.
“Wear something sexy.” Zach said.
I turned around looked at him. “Are you crazy. What would my sister say. And all the guys at school.”
“If they dare even think about touching you in anyway, tell me and I'll rip their head off.”
“Zach really quit it.” I said. “I'll wear something cute but not sexy.”
“Do you want me to leave.” he asked.
“Naw, you can stay in here.”
I took out my pink lace bra and thong that matched it, layed them on my bed. I went thru all my shirts that Alice got me. I found one that says, 'I'm taken by the best', she got it for me the other day when she found out about me and Zach. Put it on the bed and got a skirt that was 3 inches above my knees, I put it on my bed. And went thru all my shoes (I mean dress shoes). I found some really cute pink ones and black ones. 'Well, my shirt is pink so pink heels'. I thought. I put them on my bed. I closed my closet and turn around and faced Zach that was smiling at me.
I slide my thong on under my towel with my skirt and clipped my bra on and pulled my shirt over my towel and took my towel off and put it on the floor.
I put my heels on and strapped them. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took off my towel and layed it on the floor. I bent my head over and picked my hair out.
I looked under the sink and grabbed my moose and put moose in my hair. I was gonna leave it down and wavy. I looked in the mirror and started putting on some light pink eyeshadow and a light pink lipstick that does not come off so if I kiss Zach he won't have lipstick on.
“Zach throw me that towel on the bed.” I said. He threw it to me, well walked in the bathroom and handed it to me. “Thank you.”
“Damn, and you said you were not gonna dress sexy. You look kinda 'HOT'. Babe, I love you.” he said.
“Thank you and is it too much? For school I mean.” I asked.
“Naw, not really. I like it. Even the shirt. 'TAKEN BY THE BEST'. It's perfect.”
He gave me a sexy growl that he never ever gave me before and picked me up and sat me on the sink. He started kissing me, and I mean kissing. He kissed my lips first then started going to my neck.
I felt his teeth close to my neck, and when I did I pushed him. “No, Zach. No biting. At least me being human.”
“Haley, I wasn't going to bit you. At least not now. I am not going to turn you into a vampire.” Zach said.
“I was not asking that Zach, all I said no biting. Not now.”
“Oh okay. Well lets go get something in you belly.” Zach said while playing with my stomach.
I smiled and nodded. I jumped down and went into my room. Grabbed my phone, keys, mp3 player and pink purse. I put them in there and turn my lights off. And walked down the stairs into the kitchen.
Jacob and Nessie was already in there. I grabbed a pop-tart and sat down eating part of it. Alice and Rosalie came into the kitchen.
“Here Haley. This is a gift from us.” Alice said.
It was a necklace (that was pink) of their Olympic Crest. It just looked like Alice's. Pink ribbon and the crest was pink but the design was black.
“Awww.... it's cute, thanks. Zach here put this on me.” I asked.
Zach came over and put it on me. “It is cute.”
“Ummm.... Zach can I talk to you in the living room for a minute.” Alice asked.
He shook his head yes. They went into the living room. They were in there for a few minutes, then they were back. “Well, lets go. It's time for school.”
“Thanks again.” I said when I got up.
Nessie blew Alice and Rosalie a kiss and they did it back. Jake and Nessie walked into the garage a head of me and Zach. I got my key out and Jacob and Nessie got in the back. Zach hit the garage button before getting in the car. I started it and drove out of the garage and drove down the Cullens' long ass drive to get on the freeway.
I remember where the school was, Bella showed me when I came here that last time. It wasn't hard to find it either. Zach was holding my hand while I drove to school.
“I can't believe my dad got you in this school.” Nessie said to Jake.
“Yea. Aren't you suppose to be going to the Rev?” I asked him.
“Well I was suppose to but I told Edward I didn't want to be far from Nessie so he got me in here.”
“Wow.” that was all I said.
When we got to the school everyone was looking at us. It isn't like they haven't seen someone new before, or was it the Lambo? They are new now. I found me a parking space and we got out.
Zach came over to me when we got out. But like I told Zach about they guys. There were a few that was staring at me. I looked at the football team that was passing the ball to each other. We went to the small tables to sit down for a little bit until the bell rung.
I looked at Zach when we sat down. When I crossed my legs, I put Zach's hand on my lap. He looked at me when I did that. He smiled when I did.
He lean in for a kiss so, I gave it to him. It was not a peck on the lips, it was a kiss that we always did to tell us that we loved each other. I did it to let everyone know that I was taken.
~ Bring, ring, ring ~
The bell rung so we got up. When we were walking in the teachers were tell everyone to go to the gym until one of the teachers stopped us.
“Excuse me young man? Do you go here?”
I guess she was talk about Jacob. “Yes mam, we all do. My girlfriend's father signed me up here. Her parents used to come her.”
“What's your parents names sweetie.”
“Edward and Bella Cullen.” Renesmee said.
“Oh, they were nice students. How are they now.” she asked.
“Happy and married.”
“Married. How long have they been married?”
“About 17 years now. I'm 17 so, yea 17 years.”
“Oh wow. Well, I'm Ms. Corp. I work in the office if y'all need anything.” she said.
We all nodded and walked into the gym. The cheerleaders were doing some flips on the floor. One almost fell when we came in but lucky one of the guys caught her.
There were a few whistles at us. Girls and guys. We found a spot and sat. there was a group of girls giggling behind us. I looked and so did Jake. Jake looked at me and shrug his shoulders. Then the one with brown hair came down and sat behind Jake.
“Hi, I'm Kelly. Me and my friends were wondering what are you? Are you Indian or what?” Kelly asked.
“Yes, I'm Indian.” Jake said.
“What's you name cutie.” one of Kelly's friends yelled.
“It's Jacob and I'm with someone.” Jacob told them. Then he kissed Renesmee on the lips. She giggled when he did that.
“Oh okay. What's you name cutie?” Kelly asked.
“He's name is Zach and he's with me thank you very much.” I said.
“Oh well I wasn't asking you but thank you anyway Ummm..... what's your name?”
“My name is Haley and this is my niece, Renesmee.
“Nice to meet y'all.” she said and got up. “Bitch.” she said when she sat with her friends.
I locked my teeth together and was about to get up. “Baby, forget them. They are nothing to me. Your my everything.” Zach said. He kissed me when he said that.
“Listen, up everyone.” a tall man in a suit said on a mic. “I said, 'Listen, up everyone.' My name is Mr. Greene and I'm your principle, if anyone of you guys didn't know. This is Mrs. Greene, your vice-principle/the cheerleader coach. This is Mr. Weeks your guys dean, Ms. Ivery your girls dean, and Mr. Shults your dean for everyone.” Mr. Greene said.
“Welcome to Forks High School if you are new and if your not welcome back. For our first day, we will be giving y'all your schedules over here. Just tell us your name and we will get you going. If y'all want to do a fun class or sport come over to here where it says sports.” Mrs. Greene said. “If y'all have any questions please come find me over there.”
“Haley, you should be a cheerleader.” Zach says.
“Yea, Haley.” Renesmee agreed with Zach.
I nodded. “What are you going to do, Jake?”
“Well, I was gonna sign up for football. What about you sweetie?”
“I was thinking band since I am good with the piano.” she said.
“That's cool. I was thinking about baseball.” Zach says, then looked at me. “So, my baby can cheer for me.”
Us four laughed. “I'll cheer for you any day.”
We got up and went to get our schedules and then went over to sign up for a sport or a fun class. I went over to Mrs. Greene.
“Mrs. Greene.”
“Hi, I'm Haley Swan and I was asking if I can join your cheer leading.”
“Yea, you can Ummm.... just sign here and let me get you some papers.” she said. “What was your name again.”
“Haley Swan.”
“Are you Bella Swan's sister.” Mr. Greene asks me.
“Yes, sir. I'm her baby sister and that's her daughter.” I told him. “Renesmee come here.”
Renesmee came over with Jake and Zach. “Yes, aunt Haley.”
“Oh yes she sure is Bella Swan's daughter.” he said.
“It's Bella Cullen, Mr. Greene.”
“Oh, Bella and Edward got married huh. How long.”
“About 17 years. I'm 17 so yea 17 years.”
“Wow. Well tell them congrats.”
“Yes sir.”
“What's you guys names.”
“I'm Zachary Cullen.”
“I'm Jacob Black.”
“Zachary Cullen and Jacob Black huh. Zachary and Renesmee you too cousins.”
“Yes sir.”
“Your Edward's nephew?”
“No, sir. I'm Alice's nephew. Alice Cullen.”
“Alice Cullen, how is she. Sweet child there.”
“Yes she is sit. And she's doing great.”
“Good, well Jacob your big and strong why don't you join my football team.”
“I just signed for it sir.” Jake told him.
“Okay. Let's see how good you are. Tyler let me see the ball.”
Tyler threw him the ball and Mr. Greene handed it to Jacob.
“Tyler go long.” Jacob told him.
Tyler went on the other side of the gym and Jacob threw the ball. Tyler caught the ball and came running back to us.
“Nice throw, man.”
“Thanks. I play football with a pack of my friends down in La Push.”
“Cool, you should play. Talk to the coach and see what he says.”
“Well, lets go get our books and our lockers. I'll talk to you later Mrs. Greene.” I said.
“Call me Coach Green and come to tryouts this Saturday at noon.”
“Okay Coach.”
I was smiling when we walked out of the gym. “Well, are you going Saturday?” Zach asked me.
“I'm thinking about it.”
“Well I want you to do it.”
I nodded and kissed Zach. We all went to the bookstore to get our books. All we got was our English books, Math books, and our little notebook to keep down what work we have for each class. We all had our locker close together on purpose.
Our classes well were a little different. Zach and I had period 1, 4/5, and 9 together. Jacob and Renesmee had period 2, 3, and 9/10 together. We all had period 8 together it was lunch. I had no classes with Jacob or Renesmee nor did Zach. Well, I had Gym with Jacob but we hardy see each other, so that don't really count. So only time we see each other was before school, lunch and after school, and between classes when we went to our lockers.
My classes were:
P. 1 English Lang. Arts
P. 2 ICP
P. 3 Reading
P. 4/5 Math
P. 6/7 Gym (with Coach Greene doing cheer leading not til after Saturday)
P. 8 Lunch (with family)
P. 9 Art
P. 10 English Lab (getting ready for ECA)
Zach's classes were:
P. 1 English Lang. Arts
P. 2 Gym
P. 3 ICP
P. 4/5 Math
P. 6/7 English Lab (getting ready for ECA)
P. 8 Lunch
P. 9 Art
P. 10 Reading
Renesmee's classes were:
P. 1 ICP
P. 2 Reading
P. 3 English Lab (getting ready for ECA
P. 4/5 Band
P. 6/7 Math
P. 8 Lunch
P. 9/10 English Lang. Arts
Jacob's classes were:
P. 1 Math
P. 2 Reading
P. 3 English Lab (getting ready for ECA)
P. 4/5 ICP
P. 6/7 Gym
P. 8 Lunch
P. 9/10 English Lang. Arts
We went to our classes, and today was not gonna be much. Today was gonna be a busy day for everyone, well mostly the teachers.
When 4/5 came, I was tired. I had Math with Zach and oh my god this day could go any slower. We didn't really do anything. The teacher was getting everyone down that was in her class. She put in a movie in since it was a crazy day.
We were watching a movie called 'Dear John'. When she turn off the lights, I put my head down on mine and Zach's table. I did fall asleep a few times.
Zach kept waking me up when the teacher got up. “Haley, wake up.” he whispered.
I rose my head when he woke me up. “God, can this go any slower.” I whisper to Zach.
“Sorry, babe.” he whisper back to me.
I took out my phone to see what time it was. It was 11:00, 20 more minutes until period 6/7. Since we were watching a movie, I texted Renesmee and Bella.
I texted Renesmee first. “Hey, what you doing?”
Then I texted Bella second. “Sis, can you wash the bedding. Alice pour water on me this morning.”
I waited for them to write back. I put my head on Zach while I was watching this movie. Bella texted me back like two minutes after I did.
“Okay, and why are you on your phone, during class for Haley.” she texted.
“We are watching a movie in my math class. I'm trying not to fall back to sleep.” I texted but didn't send it yet.
“Tell her not to worry I got you in control.” Zach laughed softly.
I nodded and added. “And Zach said, 'not to worry, he got me in control'.” I texted and hit send.
Then I got Renesmee text after I sent Bella's. “In band playing the piano well showing everyone what I know.”
“Oh, show off. :) Are you having fun?” I texted her.
Zach grabbed the phone from me and wrote something to her. I didn't know what her wrote her until she wrote me back.
“Your an ass Zach. Give Haley her phone back.” I showed him what she said.
“What did you write her?” I asked.
“I told her, 'she's doing great things'. It's a inside joke. She knows what I'm talking about. That's why she knew it was me and not you.”
“Oh.” it took me a moment about that until I 'got it'. “Doing great things, Eww... Zach your crazy. But I love you.” I kissed him and the teacher caught us. Of all things caught me and him kissing.
“Ms. Swan and Mr. Cullen, no PDA in here please.” she said.
“Yes mam.” we both said.
Zach wrote back to Renesmee and I watched him text it to her. “Wanna wrestle when we get home for it.”
“Your so mean, but I like it.” I said.
Bella texted me back saying. “Oh, well stop. Your in school. We'll talk when you get home. Love you.”
I texted back and said. “Love you, too.”
“Your on Zach. This time Emmett isn't gonna help until I tell him what you did. Lol.” Renesmee texted.
Zach and I were laughing softly to our self. “Ha Ha. Nice try little cuz. Lol :)” Zach said. “You are just trying to cheat again. It's not gonna work on me this time.”
“I'm not gonna cheat. Well, I'm human so I have too lol. Your just slow and bad at it. Jasper even says so too. Why don't you think I get more deer then you.” she said.
“Okay, now your ass is mine when we get home.” Zach texted. “See you later.”
“Lol. ;D” she texted.
~ Ring ring ring ~
He was about to text her back until the bell rung. “What do you have next?”
“Gym. What about you.”
“English Lab.”
“Oh, I have that last, but see you at lunch.”
“You too babe.” he kissed me then we went our way.
I texted Renesmee and told her. “See you and Jake at lunch.”
“You too.” she texted back.
I turn my phone off and put it in my purse and walked to my locked. Jasper was already there. I was playing with him when I got there.
“Hey cutie. What yea doing?”
He turn around and looked around him until he seen it was me. “Hey, nothing. I just got out of ICP. You?”
“I just got out of Math with Zach. I'm putting my phone and my purse in my locker, so I can go to Gym.”
“Oh, me too. Let's walk together.”
“Alright.” I said. “Oh, Zach and Nessie are gonna wrestle when we get home.”
“Something between them too.”
“Did he do that, 'your doing great things' joke to her.” he asked.
Yes, he did.” I told him.
“Oh, no wonder they are gonna wrestle again. He always does it to her. What was she doing to make him say it.”
“She was playing the piano letting everyone know what she knows. I told her she was a 'show off' then Zach took my phone and was texting her.” I explain to Jake.
“Oh, I would have said the same thing. She is a show off. When you mother and Bella's father came over so your mother could meet/see Nessie and she went to the piano and was playing. Edward, Rosalie, and Nessie is the only ones that knows how to play. Nessie loves playing with Edward and Rosalie when they are playing.” Jake told me. “She likes playing by herself but she mostly likes playing with them.”
“Oh wow. Well, I'll see you at lunch.”
“You too, Haley.”
He went one side of the Gym and I went to where my Coach was. I sat down on the bleacher and waited for Coach Greene to call us together.
“Ms. Swan,” Coach called me.
“Here Coach.”
“I know, I want you to come here for a minute of your time.”
I got up and walked over to Coach and asked. “What's up.”
“Well, Ms. Swan this is Jessica, she's the captain of the squad. She will be helping you out this school year.”
“Okay Coach.” Jessica and I both said at the same time.
“Jessica I want you to show Ms. Swan a few of our cheers so she can get them down.”
“Yes, sure will Coach.” Jessica told her. Then she faced me when Coach left us alone. “Hi, Ummm.... What's your name I don't want to keep calling you Ms. Swan.” she laughed.
I laughed with her. “It's Haley.”
“Nice to meet you Haley. Okay here's this, everyone knows this, but we changed it a little.” she told me then faced her squad. “Squad, what time is it?”
The whole squad got together and started to do one of their cheers.
“I said brr it's cold in here
I said there must be Spartans in the atmosphere
I said brr it's cold in here
I said there must be Spartans in the atmosphere
I said OEOEO ice ice ice
I said OEOEO ice ice ice.”
They did some flips after they did their cheer. It was cool. Jake was across the Gym watching us, well them.
“We got spirit how about.” Jessica cheered then the squad joined her.
“Come on, y'all
Let's hear it.”
Then Jessica said, “What kind of spirit do we have squad?”
“We got Spartans spirit yes we do, how about you.”
Jessica and another girl did two cartwheels with a front flip.
“We got spirit how about you.” they both said when they got done flipping.
“Wow that's cool. You guys are so awesome.”
“Thanks. I'm Courtney, that's Ricky, Michael, and Alex in the back and those four girls are Whitney, Ashley, Casandra, and Bobbi. Whitney and Bobbi are sisters.”
“I'm Haley.”
“Hi Haley, you can call me Casey okay.”
“Your not from here are you?” Ricky asked.
“No, stupid. She's news.” Ashley smirked at him.
“They go out so it's kinda crazy around here.” Casey whispered to me.
I smiled then answered his question. “No, I'm from Jacksonville, Florida. I just moved up here on Saturday. My sister and her husband signed me up at this school with my niece, her boyfriend, and now my new boyfriend. My niece's cousin is mt boyfriend.”
“Wow just moved and she's got a boyfriend.” Ashley said. “What's his name?”
“Zachary, but he goes by Zach.”
“Zach what?”
“Wait what. You go out with a Cullen?” Courtney asked.
“He is so cute, so is the rest of the Cullens'.” Bobbi said.
“Yea, but the other Cullens' are married.” Whitney said.
“Duh... our cousin's dad did Edward and some girl name Bella's wedding.” bob said.
“Edward's my brother-in-law.” I said.
They all looked at me like I was crazy. Then Alex said. “Bella's your sister?”
“Yea, my big sister.”
“Damn, your sister is hot. I seen her at the store with some little girl.” Alex said.
“That's her daughter. She's here somewhere.”
“How old is Bella's little girl?”
“She's 17 years old. Bella got pregnant with her on her honeymoon.”
“Awww, how romantic.” Ashley and Casey said.
Then the Coach came over to us. “Okay squad, that was a good warm up to show Ms. Swan.”
I blushed then Michael came over to me. “So Haley, are you joining our squad?”
I looked at Michael and looked at Coach Greene and then at everyone else. “I want to but tryouts are on Saturday. That's a week well, 6 days from now.”
“Let me tell you this, since you want to be a cheerleader so badly, why don't you stay after tomorrow or Wednesday and we all can see what your made of.” Coach said.
“Yea Haley, then me, Courtney, Michael and Alex can come over to your place on Saturday, we can teach you some things. What do you think?” Jessica said.
“Ummm......” I couldn't think. “I'll have to get back to you about that. I have to talk to the owners. Dr. Carlisle and Esme about it if we can use out big back yard.” I told them.
“Okay, then it's set. I'll get you some uniforms. One to cheer here, one to cheer at other schools, one to cheer in at contests, and one to wear after school to train in.” Coach said.
I nodded. “Alright.”
“Well, we will see you tomorrow then.” Jessica said.
“Okay,” I nodded. “I'll let y'all know about Saturday.”
Jessica nodded. “Okay.”
The bell rung.
~ Ring Ring Ring ~
“Do you wanna sit with us?” Michael asked.
“Ummm, I'm sorry. I was gonna sit with my family today.” I told Michael.
“Oh okay, maybe later on the line.”
I nodded and went to my locker to get my phone and purse. Zach was at his locker and Jake was right behind me. I knew he was there but he still scared the living hell out of me.
Jacob picked me up and carried me to out lockers. Zach looked at me when I yelled. “Jake, put me down!” I yelled. Zach was laughing when we got to our lockers.
Renesmee was running (human speed) to us. “What the hell was that.” she said. When Jake was putting me down.
“Haley, screamed when I picked her up.”
“Because you scared the shit out of me, and your cover in sweat.”
“Sorry, I was working out.”
“Like you need too. You buff as hell baby.” Renesmee said smiling at him. “Let's go to lunch.”
When we were walking to the cafe Alice called.
“Hello Alice.”
“Haley, are you okay. I just saw you screaming.”
“Yes, I am fine. Jacob had to scare the hell out of me.”
“I said I was sorry Haley.” Jake said.
“Aunt Alice, don't worry. I am taking a good care of her trust me.” Zach told Alice.
“Okay. See y'all when y'all get home. Bye.” she hung up.
We had to go outside to get to the cafe. When we found the cafe everyone was staring at us again. When we walked inside the cafe we went to get our lunch well, Renesmee, Jake, and I did. But Zach was gonna give his to Jake.
I turned to see who called my name. It was my squad. Jessica was the one who yelled my name.
“Hey, Jessica.”
“Hey, so this your family.” she said.
“Yup. This is Zach, Jacob, and Renesmee.”
“Hi, you can call me Jake if y'all want.” Jake said.
“Hello y'all can call me Ness or Nessie if y'all want. My boyfriend made that name for me.”
“It's cute. I like it.” Casey said. “I'm Casandra but y'all can call me Casey. This is Michael, Ricky, Alex, Ashley, Courtney, Whitney, her sister Bobbi, and our captain Jessica.”
“I still can't believe your dating a Cullen, Haley.” Whitney said.
I blushed, when she said that. Then Jake jumped in and said. “Well, there is two people here dating a Cullen.”
Alex smiled. “I can't believe you look a lot like your mother.” Alex said.
“Huh. Do I know you from somewhere? And how do you know my mother?” Nessie asked Alex.
“Well, no you don't and I have seen you and your mother at the store. This whole town knows Bella because of her dad and everyone know the Cullens' because of the Dr.” Alex explain to her. “And my cousin, Ben went to school with her.”
“Oh, well I'm hungry so I'm gonna go get my food. I'll see y'all later.” she told Alex.
“Yea, see you guys later. I'll see about Saturday if y'all can.”
“Okay, Haley.” Jessica said.
We got in line for lunch and found us a table close to the windows. Thank god it was cloudy. It looked like it was gonna rain. When we got to the table, Nessie looked at me.
“What?” I asked.
She didn't answer me. I waved my hand in front of her. “Nessie. What's wrong.” she still didn't answer. “Nessie. Renesmee. Hello talk to me.”
Zach, Jake, and I kept looked at her. She wasn't even moving. (I mean she was breathing that's it.) so I turn around and looked to see who she was looked at. No one was looking our way.
“Nessie, baby. Talk to me. What's the matter sweetie.” Jasper said to her.
Zach was waving his hand in her face too. She still didn't move. Then I picked up my phone and called Bella.
“Haley, why are you calling me while you are in school.”
“I'm in lunch, but that doesn't matter. Something is wrong with Nessie. She's not moving.” I told her.
“What do you mean she's not moving?”
“She's not talk Bella. That's what I mean. Zachary, Jake and I try talking to her and waving our hands in front of her.”
“I hate to say this, but Haley bring her home.”
“Okay. See you in a few.”
I hung up and told them we had to leave.
“Guys, we got to take her home.”
“Okay. Baby, come one we going home.” Jake said.
“Haley, you not eating?” Jessica said coming over to us.
“Naw, we taking Renesmee home. She's not feeling so good. I'll see y'all tomorrow.”
“Oh okay. See ya.”
We threw away our food and Jake picked up Nessie and we got her to my car. Jake got in the back sit with her still in his lap and Zach and I got inside.
I drove as fast as I could to the house. I was about 5 miles from the house until I saw someone following us in a black car. I grabbed my phone and dialed Bella's phone. I put it on my ear piece.
“Edward? Where's Bella?”
“She's upstairs in Renesmee room why?”
“Well someone is following me.”
“Where you at?” he asked.
“I'm about 2 miles from the house.”
“What color is that car?”
“Its a black GMC.”
“Well drive a little faster and you know the hidden drive I told you about.”
“Yes about a mile past the house to the right.”
“Yes, take it then go left around the bend. And if you don't see the car, come straight to the house. And Haley.”
“Please be careful.”
“I will Edward.”
I hung up the phone and hit the gas to 80. I took a right turn and then turn left like Edward said. Then I hit the gas again. I went around the bend like Edward told me too. I looked to see if the car was behind me. I didn't see it, so I went back roading to the house. I parked the car in the garage and Zach jump out to shut the garage door.
Jake carried her inside the house. Everyone was in the living room but before I could walk all the way into the living room I felt a sharp pain in my side and fell. It hurt so bad I started screaming.
“Ahhh!!!!” I screamed.
Zachary, Bella, and Edward was at my side. “Haley!” Zach and Bella said at the same time.
“What's wrong?” Bella asked when they helped me up into the living room.
“My. Side.” I said breathing heavey.
Then Renesmee was back to normal. “How I get here.”
Jake was the one to answer her. “Haley, drove us home. Don't you remember what happen?”
“No, all I remember was talking to Haley's squad and getting to our table to eat.” she said.
~ Jasper's P.O.V ~
Haley, Zachary, Jacob, and Renesmee came into the house. Jacob carried Renesmee and put her on the couch and then I heard a scream.
“Ahhh!!!” it was Haley that screamed.
Zachary, Bella, and Edward flew to her. Zach and Bella helped her up. “What's the matter Haley?” Bella asked.
“My side.” she said breathing heavy.
Then Renesmee was back to normal. “How I get here?”
“Haley, drove us home. Don't you remember what happen?” It was Jacob that answered her.
“No. All I remember, we were talking to Haley's squad and walking to our table to eat.” she said.
“Ahhh!!!” Haley screamed again. “My head! It hurts! Bella! Bella!” she screamed.
“Shh.. I'm right here.” Bella told her.
“Stop the pain. It hurts.”
“It should hurt when your a weak little human.” a young man said.
“Alex, what are you doing here. How did you know where we lived?” Zach said.
“I followed you, by using Renesmee.” he said. “That's why she wasn't answering you.”
“Ahhh!!!” Haley screamed again. “Stop the pain. It hurts.”
“Stop hurting her. Now!” Zach hissed at him.
He was about to attack him until me and Emmett grabbed him. “Let go of me. I'm gonna kill you, if you don't stop doing whatever you are doing to her.”
Then Alex closed his eyes and then Haley was on the down holding her head one minute and the next she stop screaming. Bella was holding her.
“You think your poor shield can work on me think again.” Alex told Bella.
“Please, don't hurt her again,” Bella begged. “She's all I have.”
“I'm not here to hurt your poor little sister, nor your family. I'm here to ask, y'all for a favor. For help from y'all.”
“Why should we. You tried killing Haley. What are you?” Rosalie asked. When she flew to Haley and Bella.
“I'm half witch and half vampire. My name is Alex Owen.” he said.
“Your a what?” Emmett asked.
“Half witch, half vampire. My mother was a witch and my father was a vampire. My mother died giving birth to me. But my father is still alive.”
“But why do you need our help for?” I finally spoke.
“Because him and his coven is trying to find me. I been staying with my cousin Ben and his girlfriend Angela.”
“Wait Ben is your cousin?” Bella asked.
“Yes, Bella. Yes he is.”
“Is he a witch too.”
“No, he is not. His father is a witch but his mother is human. We don't know why he didn't become a witch like the rest of us.”
“Does he know you half vampire?”
“Yes he does. Only person that doesn't know about us is his girlfriend.” Alex said.
“Emmett, Jasper let go me.” Zach said.
“Are you in control?” I asked him.
“Yes.” he said.
We let go of Zach and he went over to Haley. Haley was still on the ground. She was still alive but she was still in pain from what Alex sis. Zach grabbed her and started holding her.
“I'm sorry about hurting you. How are you feeling. I didn't mean to use that much power on you. And if you are wondering if I broke anything, well I don't think so. It will feel like it at first when I first use it but when I stop the pain goes away. Sometimes.” Alex explained.
“I'm fine a little. But why me.” Haley asked.
“Yea, why her. And how did you know that we were vampires. You never really met us.” Renesmee said.
“Well, I knew when I saw you and Bella at the store. I smelt ya and when I met you and Zach at school. And the reason I attack her was because.” he didn't finish his sentence. He let it go when he closed his eyes again.
“So, why do you want our help for?” Carlisle asked.
“Because, my father and his coven is trying to kill me and my witch family. He wants me to live as a vampire and not a witch. But I don't want to do that. And he said 'since I don't want to be a vampire that I should die' and he is gonna kill the rest of my kind with me. Please help me. I been hiding from him for 200 years. I been here for 3 years and I think he found me.”
“Why does he want to do that for? To his own son,” Esme said. “Don't you mean anything to him. I mean at all.” it sound like she was crying tearless sobs.
Carlisle pulled her close to him to hold her. Her motherly kicked in, I wouldn't help it if I were her or even a father. I looked at Bella and she pulled Renesmee close to her. Edward was holding both of them. Then I spoke.
“Why tho with Haley and how do you know that he found you. Have you seen him?”
“No, not him but my step-sister. She looks a lot like her.” he was pointing to Haley.
“Me. I didn't do anything. How. I mean. Why.” Haley was saying still breathing heavy. “Why, hurt me.” she was trying to get up.
“Zach, help her up.” Edward said.
He nodded and helped her. Alex walked over to Haley to help her too. “Don't touch me Alex.” Haley said.
“At least let me help you to tell you I'm sorry.”
When they helped her up, she fell back down. “Emmett help them.” Edward said. Emmett walked over and picked her up. Emmett put her on the couch and when he did that, we all heard a crack. Then we heard her yell.
“Ahhh!” Haley scream. 'Damn, she's got some lungs on her.' I thought.
I was feeling her pain and so was Zach, he fell to the ground. “Zach.” I flew to him. What ever was hurting her was hurting him.
“Carlisle, she's bleeding.” Alice said. Carlisle flew to Alice and Haley. Then he turn around to all of us.
“Everyone outside. Now!” Carlisle told us.
~ Carlisle's P.O.V ~
“Carlisle, she's bleeding.” Alice said.
I flew to Alice and Haley. I turn to everyone and said. “Everyone outside. Now!”
“Emmett, Jasper help Zach up. Jacob help Carlisle carry Haley upstairs.” Esme said.
Jacob came over to me and picked Haley up and we ran to my office. Bella was right behind us. When we got to my office. She was right there when Jacob put Haley on the cot.
“Haley, how are you feeling.” Bella asks.
“I'm okay, a little. My side just hurts.”
“Haley, I'm gonna give you something for the pain.” I told Haley.
“Jacob, go get me a wet rag for her.” Bella told him.
Jacob ran out of the room. I was getting the medication ready for her while I was doing that Alex came in the room. Bella pushed Alex to the wall.
“Why are you in here. You think you should be in here huh, what you just did to my sister.” Bella hissed.
I put the medication down on the table. I flew over to Bella and put my hand on her shoulder. “Bella, clam down. Before I get Jasper.” I said.
“Carlisle, he shouldn't be in here, for what he did to Haley.” Bella try to explain to me. “He hurt my sister.”
Before I could say anything here comes Emmett and Jasper. Edward must had heard me, and sent in help. He know he couldn't clam down Bella like Jasper could nor wasn't that strong to hold Bella down like Emmett could.
Emmett was as strong as Bella but Bella was a little stronger then him. But Jasper is the only one that can clam her down. Jacob came in the room and went over to Haley and whipped her face.
“Bella, calm down.” Jasper said. He tried pulling her arm off of Alex but she yanked back her arm.
That's when Emmett came in and grabbed both her arms and picked her up over his shoulder and flew downstairs to outside.
~ Emmett's P.O.V ~
Me and the rest of us were outside, while I watched Alex go in the house then like 3 minutes later Edward told me and Jasper to go get Bella.
“Em, Jazz, go get Bella. Try calming her down.” Edward said.
Jasper and I flew into Carlisle's office. When we walked in Bella had Alex pinned against the wall and Carlisle was trying to calm her down. Jacob came in the room and went over to Haley and whipped her face.
Jasper walked over to Bella. “Bella, calm down.” Jasper said. He tried pulling her arm off of Alex but she yanked back her arm.
That's when I came in and grabbed both her arms and picked her up over my shoulders. Jasper and I flew downstairs and went outside. When I got outside with her, still on my shoulder, everyone was looking at us.
Bella was kicking me in the back (like a little kid when wanting down or someone just kidnapped someone) the whole time and kept saying 'put me down' over and over. I did put her down when we got outside. When I did, she tried going back into the house.
When she did that I grabbed her again. When I grabbed her arm, she looked at me. Her eyes were black and I mean a dark black as they could. Jasper came over to us and put his hands on her face.
“Bella, calm down. Bella, if you don't calm down right this second, I'll let Alex do whatever he did to Haley to you. Now, calm the hell down.” Jasper told her.
I had her arms behind her back, so she wouldn't do anything. Renesmee started coming over to us and Rosalie called for her.
“Nessie.” but before she could say anymore. Nessie touched her then walked over to us.
“Mommy, please calm down for uncle Jasper. Please, I don't want Alex to hurt you.” she said. “I don't like you like this. It's not you, please mommy. Please for me mommy.” she started to cry.
Like whatever Renesmee said it worked on Bella. Bella calm down and looked at Renesmee then looked at Jasper. “I'm sorry Jasper. Emmett let me got please.”
“I don't think so. I don't trust you. What if the second I let you go, you will run back in the house to go kill Alex.” I said.
She turn her head to Edward and I know what she was doing. She open her shield so Edward could hear her thoughts. Then Edward looked at me and shook his head.
“Emmett, let her go.” Edward said.
I signed and let her go. I was not happy about it, but I did it anyway. When I let go of her arms, she fell down on the ground to Renesmee and hugged her close.
~ Haley's P.O.V ~
I was laying on the cot that Jacob put me on. I was still in pain but not much. Carlisle put some pain medication in me while he worked on me. Jake was holding my hand, thru the whole thing.
Carlisle stitched me up and said there wasn't no crack or break, but he thought that I popped something out of place when Emmett put me on the couch. But he said that I had to take it easy a little bit. And he didn't want me moving a lot either. So I wasn't going to school any time soon.
'Oh boy' I thought about that, but Jacob, Renesmee, and Zach had to go to school without me. Zach didn't want to but I told him to so he could get my work and tell all my teachers.
After Carlisle was done, he told Jacob to carry me to my room. Alex was right behind us. He open the door for Jake and Jake put me in my bed slowly. I was home for 3 days now, just being stuck in my room. One day Zach came home during lunch to check on me.
“Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I'm good. Why are you here. Shouldn't you be at school.”
“Yes, but it's lunch time. I told Jake and Nessie I was coming here to see you. I'll be back before lunch is over.” he told me.
“Zachary, I'm fine. Go back to school. I'll see you when you get home. I love you.”
“I love you.” he said.
He kissed me goodbye before leaving. When he left, I got up slowly. I was so tight from laying in bed all the time. So I went to the bathroom washed my face and got on the computer. I had 2 messages on facebook from my mom and Jessica.
Jessica wrote me yesterday. 'Hey, Alex told me what happen. Are you okay? He told me that you were doing some flips and landed wrong and broke a rib. I hope you feel better. Love Jess.'
I wrote her back. 'Jess, I'm okay. And yes I did break a rib, but now what he told you. I did a move from what Alex showed me and when I did it I landed wrong. But it wasn't my fault. Jake got in the way and I didn't see him until the last second. Tell Coach I'm fine. I'll be in school next Monday. Love Haley.'
My mother wrote and said. 'Hey, how are you feeling. Bella told me what you did. You are just like her I swear. Be careful doing flips okay sweetie. I don't want to lose you. Love mom.'
I rolled my eyes and wrote back. 'Mom, I'm fine okay. God. Carlisle fixed me up good. Don't worry to too much. Love Haley.'
when I got done, I turn the computer on 'sleep' and walk to the windows and looked out. I seen Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie coming home from hunting. Emmett was being funny, he walk (well ran) thru the river and was getting Rose all wet. I started giggling. Emmett looked up and smiled at me. I waved at him and turned around.
“God, I am not staying in here all day again. Ugh!” I said out loud.
I walked to the door and Emmett was there. “Damn, Emmett. Scare the hell out of someone, will yea.”
“Sorry, I see your out of bed. Not listening doctors orders are we, Haley.” Emmett said.
“I'm sick and tried of being up here all day. I want to go downstairs and get some fresh air. And plus I'm hungry.”
“Well, come on. But if Bella sees you out of bed you know she'll bitch me out.”
“Well fuck her. Are you scared of her. What she going to do bit your head off.”
“No, I won't do that to him and I won't bitch you out either Emmett.” be said coming up the stairs. “If she is sick and tried of being in bed all day long for 2 days straight then what. I would have done the same.”
“You did Bella. When we were in the hospital when James broke you leg. So now what.”
Bella hissed at him and he laughed. “Come on Haley.”
She walked down the stairs before me and Emmett. Emmett has been helping me while Zach was at school. When I got off the last step, I was happy. Edward was in the chair watching the news. Alice and Jasper was on the couch talking to themselves. Alice smiled at me when I came down the steps.
“Well, good afternoon Haley. I see you finally got out of bed.” she winked at me.
I nodded my head and went into the kitchen where Bella was. “Where's Rose?” I asked.
“In the garage!” she yelled.
“Why is she in the garage?”
“She's fixing the jeep. One of the big springs broke in the back. You know how us Cullen's likes to ride ruff.” he elbowed me in my side.
I groaned and said. “Ow.” and hold my side. I was faking it hurt but they didn't know.
“Emmett, god damn. Watch what you doing.” Bella yelled at him.
Emmett tried to help me walk to the kitchen table but Bella snapped at him. Then Edward came in the kitchen looked at me then looked at Bella. “She's faking, Bella.”
“Hey, big mouth.” I said laughing. Alice and Jasper started laughing with me.
“So I didn't hurt you.” Emmett asked.
“No, you didn't.” I said still laughing. I was laughing so hard, my side started to hurt. “Ow, okay. I need to stop and sit down.”
“Yea, you need to. That's why car told you to stay in bed.” Edward said.
“You know what Edward.” I asked. 'I wonder if he is gonna say 'shut up'.' I thought.
“Your gonna tell me to 'shut up'.”
“Hey stay out of my head.”
“You shouldn't have thought it then.” Edward laughed.
“Ughrrr.” I groaned.
“What the hell was that.” Jasper asked. “Was you trying to growl at Edward. Damn that's scary” he started laughing.
I went to get up and when I did I got up too fast and my side hip popped.
“Ow.” I said breathing heavy.
Alice came into the kitchen then, she gasped. “Haley, sit down tight now.”
“What's wrong.” I asked.
“You popped your hip. Carlisle!” she yelled.
“No, I didn't” I tried lieing.
“Yes you did. I just saw you did.”
“Yes Alice?” Carlisle asked.
“I just saw that Haley popped her hip when she stood up.”
“I'm fine damn. My hip always pop so does all my bones. It's normal, see.” I popped my fingers.
“Then why you say 'ow' then.”
“Because it hurt since my side hurts.” I said.
“Speaking of side, when your done eating, I want you to come into my room so we can check it out.”
“Okay Carlisle.” I stuck out my tongue to Alice. And Emmett, Jasper, Edward, Bella was laughing when I did that.
“What do you want to eat, Haley.” Bella asked.
“I don't care. Fix whatever. You know what I like.” I told her. “Wait fix me grandma's hamburger helper. I have not has that in forever.”
“That takes to long and it's lunch time not dinner. I'll fix it tonight for you, Jake, and Renesmee. How about a grilled cheese sandwich.”
“Yes, please.”
She made me two grilled cheese sandwiches for me. I tell you I was hungry. Carlisle did want me eating the day I got hurt just in case and I slept all day yesterday and woke up when Zach got here at noon.
When I got done Emmett helped me up the stairs to Carlisle's room. Esme was there so Emmett didn't have to stay in the room. When I got in there I sat on the bed. I took off my shirt so Carlisle could look at my side. I didn't care about taking my shirt off in front of him. I had a bra on and Esme was in here with me. When he touched it I moved. He was cold, but he felt good at the same time.
“Haley, please don't move.”
“I'm sorry Carlisle but you hand was cold on my side.”
“Oh sorry.” he said.
“It's okay.”
It was about 3 P.M. Zach should be getting home. “Haley, what did car say, about the side.” he asked when he came in.
“Get out Zach,” I said. I grabbed my shirt and covered my front side.
“Oh sorry.” he said when he turned around.
“He's just now checking. How did you know I was in here?”
“Well I was about to go to your room when Emmett said you were in here.”
“Oh.” that was all I said.
“Haley, you are good. You may put your shirt on. When you take a shower tonight just put on some of that cream I told you about and leave it alone. I want it to air out. Then I think you will be good for school on Monday.” Carlisle said.
“Okay thanks.”
I hoped down and Zach helped me up to my room. Emmett asked me if I need anything I told him no and that he could go help Rose. When Zach and I got to my room, I went to take a shower. I wasn't in there long. I got in did what I had to do and got out. I put on that cream that Carlisle gave me on and wore a tank top and shorts.
“It's suppose to be sunny tomorrow. Are you going to school?”
I knew the answer before he told me but I still wanted him to tell me.
“Nope. You know what that means huh?”
“No, what.” I smiled at him. I knew that answer but I wanted him to tell me anyway.
“I get to stay home with you.” he said. “Jake will be the only one going to school. Nessie will be staying home as also. Alex was at school today. He sat with us.” he told me.
“Alex did what today.” Alex said coming in the room. “Knock, knock.” he said.
“Come in.” I said laughing.
“That you sat with me, Jake and Nessie at lunch. Well the rest of lunch that I had.” he winked at me.
“Oh, yes I did. So hows the side?” Alex asked.
I pulled my shirt half way up. “It's good. No more bandages on it. Just the cream that Carlisle gave me.”
“Oh cool. So that means you can come to school in Monday huh?”
“Yes, I am. Jess told me you told her what happen that I broke a rib. That I fell on my side wrong.” I told him.
“Oh yea, sorry.”
“Its okay.”
“Oh this is from Coach and the squad.” he said.”Gifts appear.”
When he said 'Gifts appear', there was a 'Get Well' card, flowers, and a 'Get Well' smiley face balloon.
“Here you go.”
“Awww. Roses all of the colors too and 'Get Well' card and balloon. How sweet.”
“Everyone of us in the squad signed plus the teachers. And the roses are from the squad. The black one is from me.”
“Awww, thanks Alex.” I told him then put the car and roses on my desk and tie the balloon on the chair. Then walked to Alex and gave him a hug.
Then my Iphone was going off. When I let go of Alex and picked up my phone. It was a video chat from Jessica.
“Hey Jessica.”
“Hey Haley.” the whole squad said together.
“Oh my heavens,” I said.
“How are you feeling.” Michael said.
I handed my phone to Alex. “Alex hold this.” when I handed it to him; I did a back bend and hold it where I was. “I'm great. See.”
“Coach look at her.” Jessica said coming over to the phone.
Then I seen Coach. “Well that's good.”
“Thanks Coach.” I said when I got up. “I'll see y'all on Monday. And thanks for the balloon, card, and flowers.”
“Your welcome.” Jessica said.
“Jess are you gonna tell her the good news.” Alex said, when he handed the phone back to me. “What news.” I said when he handed it to me.
“Well, I talked to the squad and the Coach about this and well,” she said. Then Courtney said. “We are making you the Vice-Captain.'
“Ahhh!!!!!” I screamed. I was jumping up and down from the good news. I had to give the phone to Zach. “Oh my god!” I yelled.
Then everyone came up to my room. Bella, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Jacob, Nessie, and the rest of the family. When they came in we all looked at them. Zach was facing the phone toward the family.
“Hi y'all.” I waved.
“Haley, why were you screaming for?” Bella asked.
“Because we told her good news.” Michael said.
“Who said that.” Rosalie said.
“Oh my phone did. My squad is video catting with me. Squad this is my family. Family this is my squad.” I said.
“Hello.” my family said.
“Hello to y'all too.” my squad said.
“What was the good news.” Emmett said.
“They made her Vice-Captain.” Alex said.
“Wow, Aunt Haley.” Nessie said.
“We need to celebrate this.” Alex said.
“Yea.” Jess said in agreement. “Can we come over there.”
“Ummm. I don't know. Carlisle, Esme, it's your house can they?”
“Sure.” they said. “But I got to get to the hospital. I have to work.”
“Zach, Alex why don't you two go get them.” Emmett said.
“Okay.” they said.
“I'll see y'all later. Bye.”
“Bye.” they said.
I hung up and slide down the stairs. Emmett looked at me when I got off.
“Don't lie to me.”
“I'm not lieing to you.”
“Yea sure.” I gave him the look that I gave my sister when she always lied to me. “Edward!”
“Really, your gonna use my own brother on me?” Emmett said while Edward walked into the living room.
“Yes Haley?”
I looked at Emmett (well stared at him, that was my look), and crossed my arms and thought in my head. 'What is Emmett thinking?'
Edward looked at me then at Emmett. I kept staring at him. “You better tell her whatever your thinking.” Edward walked out of the living room saying. “Because she'll keep looked at you like that. She's just like Bella, Emmett. If you love Haley, you better tell her.” he said laughing.
Huh, Edward couldn't get a read on him or Emmett isn't thinking it our loud to him. “Okay, two can play this game.”
Edward and Jasper was giggling. Emmett shrugged and walked away. Zach came down from his room with Alex, grab me by my waist, pulled me in a kiss. He made me loose my focus on Emmett but O'well.
“I love you my princess.” Zachary said.
“Love you too.”
“See you when we get back.”
I nodded and then Alex went out the front door to his car and Zach went out to the garage. He took my car.
“Fine Emmett. You don't tell me, I'm... I'm... I'm... Not gonna talk to you for the rest of my life.” Then I went into my room but before I slam my door. “I see how you don't love me like you say you do.”
When I slam my door I laughed. “Told you two can play this game.”
I went into the bathroom brushed my hair then put it up into a high pony tail. When I was done I texted Jacob.
'Hey, Jake. Come into my room. Need to talk.'
While I was waiting for him. I packed my mp3 player with it's boom box speakers and put them in my back pack. And put on my tennis shoes and put my phone in my pocket and back pack on my back.
Then about 5 minutes later Jake came in my room and shut my door.
“What's up?”
“Can you do me a huge favor?”
“That has to depend on what you want?” he said smiling.
“Jump down from here to down there with me. I want to practice my stuff before they get here and I font wanna face Emmett since he can't tell me what he's thinking.”
“Sure.” he said.
“Thanks.” I said when I walked to him.
He picked me up and we jumped out of the windows. He landed just fine with me in his arms. When he landed on the ground he put me down.
“There you go.” Jacob said putting me down.
I took our my speakers and mp3 player and put them on a stump. And starting down what Alex showed me.
~ Emmett's P.O.V ~
When Haley hung up the phone we all went downstairs. When I was already in the living room, she slide down the stair case rail. I looked at her when she got off.
“What?” she said.
“Nothing.” I told her. Which there was something I wanted to say but I kept my lips close.
“Don't lie to me.” some how she knew I was lieing to her.
“I'm not lieing to you.”
“Yea sure.” she gave me the look that Jasper use to give Bella when she always lied about her feelings. “Edward!” she yelled.
“Really, your gonna use my own brother on me.” I said when Edward walked into the living room.
“Yea Haley?”
She looked at me (well started at me, that was the look that Jasper gave Bella), and crossed her arms. She must be talking to Edward thru her head because Edward looked at me.
Edward looked at her then looked at me. She kept staring at me. 'Edward, don't even think your gonna go thru my head for Haley.' I thought to him.
“You better tell her whatever your thinking.” Edward said, then he walked out of the living room saying. “Because she'll keep looking at you like that. She's like Bella, Emmett. If you love Haley, you better tell her.” he said laughing.
“Okay, two can play this game.” she said.
Edward and Jasper was giggling. I shrugged and walked away into the other room so I would not have to look at Haley like that.
Then I heard Zach come downstairs with Alex.
“I love you my princess.” Zach told her.
“Love you too.” she said.
“See you when we get back.”
Alex went out the front door and Zach came out here to the garage. He took Haley's car to go get her squad.
Then I heard Haley yell out when Zach left. “Fine Emmett. You don't tell me, I'm... I'm... I'm... Not gonna talk to you for the rest of my life.” Then storm up to her room, but before she slam her door she said. “I see how you don't love me like you say you do.”
When she slam the door I heard her laugh, then said. “Told you, two can play this game.”
I walked into the kitchen and Bella, Alice, Rosalie, and Ness was looking at me. Bella was the worse one out of all four of them. You can tell Haley and Bella were sisters. They both had that same look on there face when they did that look. Then Jasper came into the kitchen.
“Will y'all stop. I'm feeling everything in this room. Bella say what you got to say and Emmett just tell Haley what you were thinking.” Jasper said.
“Emmett, what are you thinking.” Bella said.
“Nothing.” I said at first. “Rose, don't get mad at me when I say this.”
I looked at her and she shook her head at me. I looked at Bella and said what I had to say.
“Bella, I love you very much. Your my little sister and I would never ever do anything to hurt you.”
“Well you are because of my sister. Why can't you just tell her what's on your mind.” she said holding my hands. Then put a hand on my cheek. “If you love me and my sister tell her what your thinking.”
“That's the problem Bella. I love your little sister so much. I just don't want to see her hurt. I feel like I have a bond with her. Like I did with you when we first met.” I told her.
I felt bad that I was telling her this, in front of Rosalie too. But Rose didn't get mad.
“Emmett if that was all then go up there and tell her.” Bella said.
“Haley isn't up there.” Jacob said coming in from outside.
“Weren't you upstairs.” Nessie said.
He nodded then Bella said. “What do you mean, she isn't up there. Where is she?” Bella pushed him against the wall.
“Mommy, stop. Let go of him before you hurt him.”
“Nessie stay out of this sweetheart.”
“Clam down Bells. She's out back. She's just practicing her moves. I jumped out her window with her. She didn't want to see Emmett.” Jacob said.
“Oh okay. And sorry.”
“Its okay Bells.” he said then kissed Bella on her forehead then sat next to Nessie.
While all the girls were talking about a shopping spree and Jasper was holding Alice while they were talking, Zach Alex, and Haley's squad came in from the living room.
“Haley, your squad is here!” he yelled up the stairs.
“She's not up there. She's out back.” I told him when I went into the living room.
“Oh thanks.”
“Sure no problem. Hi Haley's squad, I'm Emmett.”
“Hi I'm Jessica, this is Ashley, Ricky, Casandra, Courtney, and Michael.” Jessica said.
“Nice meeting y'all. Here I'll take y'all to her.” I said when we walked into the kitchen. “Oh this is my wife, Rosalie, my sister, Alice, her husband, Jasper, and my sister in-law Bella. Renesmee's mother. Her father is somewhere around here, his name is Edward. My mother is upstairs, her name is Esme. And my father, Carlisle is at work.” I said when we walked outside. “Haley!” I yelled over the music.
When she didn't answer I turn it off. She got mad. “Hey, what the hell Emmett.”
“Your squad is here and watch how you talk to me like that.”
“Whatever Emmett. Leave me and my squad alone.”
~ Haley's P.O.V ~
I was doing my flips and when I didn't hear Emmett yell my name he turn off my mp3 player. I got upset with him when he did that.
“Hey, what the hell Emmett.”
“Your squad is here and watch how you talk to me like that.”
“Whatever Emmett. Leave me and my squad alone.”
When Emmett left the squad looked at me. Alex and Zach came to me and both asked me what happen while they were gone.
“What the hell happen while we were gone?” Alex asked. Then Zach added. “Babe, what happen?”
“Nothing, other than me and Emmett got into it.”
“Why?” they asked.
“Don't wanna talk about it.” I told them.
Zach looked at Alex and Alex looked at Zach. They both shrugged. “Okay then.” they said.
Then Zach walked to me and said in my ear. “We'll talk later then.” he kissed me and left.
~Zach's P.O.V~
Alex ad I both asked Haley, what happen while we were gone. “What the hell happen while we were gone?” Alex asked. Then I added. “Babe, what happen?”
“Nothing, other than me and Emmett got into it.”
“Why?” we both asked.
“Don't wanna talk about it.” she said.
I looked at Alex and Alex looked at me. We both shrugged and said. “Okay then.”
Then I walked toward Haley and whispered in her ear. “We'll talk about it later then.” then I kissed her and left her and her squad alone.
I walked into the house, and Bella and Rosalie were making the squad drinks and then I smelled for Emmett. He was in the garage.
I walked in there and he was under the Jeep. I pulled him out under the Jeep and grabbed him and pushed him against the counter.
I was strong but not that strong, he elbowed me and did the same thing I did to him.
“I swear Emmett, you fuckin' dickhead! You fuckin' y'all at Haley again, I'll kill you myself.”
“I didn't yell at Haley. So we got into it big deal.”
“It is a bit deal to me Emmett. I love Haley.”
“I do too Zachary.”
When he said that I elbowed him again and started going at him.
Then Edward, Jasper, Jake, and Bella came out to the garage. Edward and Jasper got me and Bella and Jacob got Emmett. Alice, Esme, and Rosalie were just watching us.
Edward and Jasper threw me into the ground and Bella and Jacob took Emmett outside.
“Bella, Jacob just let me go. I'm not fighting with a kid. I'm done, I'm sick and tired of your fucking mouth Zach. Ever since you got with Haley, that's all you want to do. Run that fucking mouth of yours. You done it with Alex, done it with Zafrina, Senna, and Kachiri. Your not going to do it with me.”
“Emmett stop. Shh.... go out side. Take a breather.” Bella said to him.
~Bella's P.O.V~
Rosalie and I were just making drinks for the squad until we heard a crash in the gar. Then I saw Edward, Jasper, Jake, and the others go in the gar. I followed them.
Then when I walked in there, I see Emmett and Zachary fighting.
Editing: Heather Reed
Translation: Heather Reed
Publication Date: 02-22-2012
All Rights Reserved
I dedicate this book to everyone in my family that i love. I dedicate this to book to Stephenie Meyer for writing and all her time to write the Twilight Saga books and kepp writing them dont stop.