Chapter 1: Heather's in love
Today I woke up at 6 A.M. Jumped in the shower, then walked to school. I met my best friend outside. By the way my name is Heather Wilson. I am in the 10th grade. I am one of those girls that thinks that they know everything, well I do. They may call me a bitch but I don't give a shit. I may be skinny & tall but I do know my stuff. I have short blackish brown hair, brown eyes & fair skin.
I walk to school everyday & after school. I am really smart & all my teachers know it. All my classes are easy & fun but my Lang. Arts Class with Ms. Coons. There is a boy in there that I really like in there. We talk sometimes. I even see him at lunch. He is so cute. I don't know what his name is but my best friend Cody told me his name is Alejandro. His locker is like 3 lockers down from mine.
I walk in to Lang. Arts and he sits down where he always does in the front. I usely sit in the back but the teacher put my folder on the desk next to him. I was happy at first but we never ever talk. Every time I go say something to him I frose up, nothing comes out of my mouth.
I go take my seat next to him & I say 'Hi' but he just nodded his head. Ugh! I thought in my head. Why can't he just say something to me. I put my head down on my desk for almost three minutes.
I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I thought it was the teacher. I look up & it was Alejandro.
Alejandro, “Hey, is your name Heather right?”
I say, “Yes it is. Why you ask?” I turn & rolled my eyes & thought to myself, 'OMG he is talking to me. He's so sweet & sexy.'
Alejandro, “ I was just asking. Do you know what we are doing?”
I say, “Yes, we have to write an essay on anything we want to write about, Alejandro.”
“Oh, okay. Do you know what you are writing about on you essay Heather?” He said.
I told him, not trying to be a smart ass or a bitch. “No, I don't Alejandro why are you want to know what I'm writing for?”
He gave me a dirty look like I pissed him off. “I was just asking to be nice, you don't have to be a bitch about it, Damn Heather!”
When he turned around to look forward it looked like he was about to cry. Then I said, “I wasn't trying to be a bitch Alejandro.”
He said, “Whatever Heather.”
The bell rang. 'Ring, Ring, Ring'
He grab his books & left.
I wanted so bad yo tell him I was so sorry for being a bitch but I can't help it, and also tell him I like him a lot, but I am also afraid he would hate me from now on.
I seen him at lunch, eating his sandwich. I wanted to go to his table to tell him sorry. I start to walk to him but,
Cody called me over to talk to me.
“Hey Heather get over here.” Cody yelled.
Alejandro looked up to my name and looked at me. I waved to him but, he looked down again.
I walked over to where Cody, Noah, & Courtney were sitting at. Cody always saves me a sit at lunch, he is like my best friend. He comes to me for help, because I am so smart I guess.
Cody & Noah are real good friends they know each other since they been born. Cody is 16 & Noah is 18. They go out. They are the coolest gay friends ever. Some people kinda look down on that but no one can't stop that they are getting married. I'm a little older than Cody. I'm about to be 17.
Courtney, she Noah's best friend just like Cody & Noah & Cody & Me. Cody was joking around about what him & Noah was going to do when they got married.
Cody said, “Yo, Heather you should hire some male dancer for me & Noah.”
Everyone that sat at our table laughed. Seen Alejandro look over at our table. I bet he is thinking why we are laughing at for? I looked over at him. Cody seen me looked at Alejandro and said.
“Hey, Heather, why don't you go ask Alejandro to come over & sit with us. He's always sitting by himself.”
I say, “I don't think he wants to because in Ms. Coons class he thought I was being a “bitch” which I was not trying to be one, you know how I am Cody when people ask me stupid questions.”
“What did he ask you, Heather?”
“He asked me, 'What are you writing your essay on' and I told him, 'I don't know what I'm writing my essay on and why do you want to know for,' and then he said, 'Okay, you don't have to be a bitch about it,' I did say 'Sorry' to him but he didn't say anything.”
“Wow, Heather, that did act like you were being a bitch but, he's new tho so he don't know you yet, just give him a little bit of time to get to know, Heather.” said Courtney. “And look I will try to talk to him for you okay. I have ICP with him. Will that be okay? Then I will tell you when we all walk home together.”
“Thanks a lot, Court I own you big time. Until the day we die.” I laughed.
Courtney smiled and said, “Oh Heather it's okay.”
I had choir for the next two classes, Cody & Noah walked in the room with me. Cody & Noah was still laughing about the day of the wedding. Cody was so happy.
I sit in the 1st roll close to the middle by Courtney's boyfriend Duncan. Duncan was a very good singer. I think that was all Court sees in him. But he is cute tho.
We started singing 'He's God' and right after we started a new girl came in her name was Gwen. She looked crazy with blue lipstick and blue eyeshadow.
When Gwen came in, Duncan stop singing, well we all did, but he just kept looking at her. Every time Gwen looked at us and stopped at Duncan she blushed & turn to the choir teacher.
I asked Duncan, “What are you doing, you are with Courtney. Why you keep staring at her for?”
He said, “I'm not, everyone is looking at her and it's not like that way, Heather. I love Courtney all my heart, and you know that.” He was getting a little mad then he took a breathe then said. “Why would you say something like that for?”
I told him, “I don't know because when we were singing and she walked in then you stop singing and looked at her. And don't get smart with me either Duncan.”
The choir teacher told Gwen to sit behind me in the 2nd row. I was thinking 'Oh brother.'
The bell rung. 'Ring, Ring, Ring.'
Cody, Noah, Gwen & me stayed in choir we had two classes of it. I talk to Cody & Noah for a little bit then talk to Gwen.
“Hi, I'm Heather. What's your name?”
“Hi, I'm Gwen.” Gwen said.
“Nice to meet you Gwen. Do you like school so far?”
“It's okay. It's better then being in an all girls school.” she smiled.
Noah asked her, “Why were in an all girls school for. I use to be in an all boys school for fighting that was like about 3 years ago.”
She said, “The same thing but a little different tho.”
“What did you do?” Cody asked.
“I killed this girl for talking shit to my best friend's little sister. So they thought I need to be in there for at least 6 months tho.”
All 3 of us looked at her & we all said, “DAMN!” we said it real loud.
The choir teacher looked at us and said, “Watch your mouths.”
Cody, Noah, & me said, “SORRY!”
We went over not then, sang smile. The bell rang. School was let out a little late.
“HEATHER!, HEY HEATHER STOP!” Courtney yelled.
I stop and walk to her.
“Hey Courtney, What's up? So what he say. Please tell me you talk to him.” I said.
“Not much, but I did talk to him. We worked together. And guess what Heather?” she said.
I asked, “What is it? Just say it please!” I was begging because I really wanted to know because I really like him.
“Well, you are not going to believe this. I asked him, how he was doing? He said, ' I'm good but this morning was bad!' I asked him, 'Why? What happen this morning?'
“What he say Courtney?” I yell while I was jumping up and down.
While I was doing that Cody & Noah came by my locker. Alejandro was at his locker already.
Cody & Noah both asked at the same time, “What's going on?” they both looked at each other and smiled and kissed.
“Well telling Heather that Alejandro has a huge crush on her!” said Court.
I screamed and everyone looked at her even Alejandro. “HE DOES! OH MY GOD! Tell me what all he said.”
“He said, that you were very sexy and would like to ask you out but he was scared, until you was being a 'bitch' this morning ha ha,” she winked at me. “Talk to him tomorrow or write him a note and put it in his locker. Here's a pen and paper he's gone so hurry up and write it. I would like to go home and see my boyfriend.”
When she said that I looked at Cody & Noah they seen what I was thinking they shock there heads without her seeing. I wrote the note that had said, 'Hey Alejandro I heard a rumor that you have a crush on me. I'll talk to you tomorrow in Lang. Arts. Bye for now. H.'
We walked home, Cody & Noah was holding hands on our way home. Courtney took her street and said, 'Bye talk & see y’all tomorrow.'
Cody & Noah walked me home & Cody hug & kissed me goodnight. Noah don't care about that because he knows its not like that.
I woke up real early. I didn't sleep much that night. I dream about Alejandro all night. I got on line on Facebook. He sent me a request, & even wrote me too. I opened it. It said, 'Heather I wanted to ask you something but I scared too. I know you didn't mean to be a bitch it looked like you were really tried. I have a crush on you real bad. I know every time you say 'Hi' I wanted to say something but I couldn't, and I am very sorry Heather. I know you like me very much too. Please write me back soon.
I <3 U!'
Aw, I thought to myself. I clicked reply and wrote back. 'Aw, how sweet Alejandro. I do love you so much and I was scared to say it to you too. Thank you for knowing that I wasn't trying to be a bitch and I have not had sleep for 2 days. I will see you at school today. Love,
I <3 U 2!'
I look to see if anyone was online and yes there was one and it had to be Alejandro too. I hit his name.
Me- 'Hey'
Him- 'good morning sexy what you doing up this early?'
Me- 'I couldn't sleep.' I wanted to tell him I had a dream but I didn't want him to know yet.
Him- 'oh okay. Me too. I had a dream last night. And I usely wake up about this time.'
I got up to get something to eat. When I got back he wrote again.
Him- 'Hey you okay? I want to tell you something don't freak out I know you had to read the letter I wrote you on here.'
Me- 'Hey, yea I'm okay. I went to get something to eat. And you had a dream? What was it about? And yes you can ask me anything. And yes I did read the letter it was sweet.'
Him- 'Oh okay. Will you go out with me Heather. I think you are very sexy and sweet and I really like you. I never seen a girl like you before.'
Me- 'um.... yes I will!! <3 <3 <3 :D
Him- ':D love you'
Me- 'love you two'
Me- 'see you at school baby. :D
Him- 'okay, see you 2'
We both signed off.
I was so happy. I was still laying on my bed daydreaming until Cody & Noah walked into my room.
“Hey get your ass up heather,” said Noah.
“Hey, I know that face, Heather, you are in love with someone are you?” said Cody. He walk to my laptop and read what I was IM to. And said, “Heather & Alejandro! OH MY GOD! NO FUCKING WAY!”
Noah said, “What is it Cody?”
“Heather & Alejandro go out Noah.”
“What no way. Heather, is this true?”
I didn't answer them I just kept laying on the bed.
They both said, “HEATHER! HEATHER!”
“Huh! Oh hey. Hi he he. Sorry I was daydreaming. Plus I'm tried. What's up?”
It took them 2 times to get a hold of me.
“Wow, Heather you okay you look really tried. Are you sure you want to go to school. You don't have anyone to tell you what to do. Maybe you should stay home. Get some rest. I will bring you your homework.” said Cody.
“Are you sure Cody? I am tried so maybe –”
“Yes you should.” They both said it at the same time.
“Okay, thanks you guys love y'all.”
Cody hug & kissed me and said, “your welcome Heather.”
They left and I seen Alejandro was back on.
Me- 'Hey I not going to school I'm too tried to go to school. Why don't you come over.'
Him- 'Okay. Where do you live?'
Me- 'I live 4121 E. Michigan St.'
Him- 'Okay, I live like 4 streets from you.'
Me 'Oh Okay. The door should be open come in and shut it & lock it please love you.'
Him- okay love you 2.'
He signed off.
I fell asleep and then about an hour a warm hand touched me. I open my eyes. Alejandro was there sitting on the edge of my bed.
We both said “Hey.” We both laughed.
“You look tried, Heather move over I'll lay down with you.”
I nodded and moved over. He took his shirt off and oh my god he was very sexy. He kissed me on the lips and he hold me real close.
He hold me so close I could smell a sweet smell from his hair & body. We kissed like 3 times until we fell asleep together.
I never had a boy stay with me but Cody. He's not really a boy to me because he's my best friend.
4 hours later – I woke up, Alejandro wasn't in bed with me anymore. I started smelling food, I got up & walked in the other room & saw him cooking breakfast. I walked up behind him and put my arms around him.
Alejandro said, “Good morning, babe.” and kissed me
“Good morning to you to babe. What are you cooking?” I asked.
“I'm fixing some breakfast for you. How you sleep. I am sorry that I woke you.”
“Oh no you didn't wake me and I slept okay. Thanks for asking babe.”
“Good, I'm glad you did.” he said. “Here you go my dear.”
“Thanks, & oh, Cody & Noah will be here to give me my work. They are real cool friends. They may be gay but, they are cool. I known Cody forever.” I told him.
He nodded and said, “Okay. I heard they were gay and getting married. That is very cool. I happy for them. When they getting married?”
“Um...” I was thinking. “I don't know yet you can ask them when they get here.”
“Okay. Here you go.”
He fixed me some eggs & toast. He was a good cook. I told him, “Thank you so much. It was good.” I kissed him.
“You are very welcome.” he kissed me back.
We watch TV, until Cody & Noah showed up.
Cody & Noah came in the house seen me & Alejandro sitting on the couch. I was asleep on Alejandro's lap.
Cody said, “Hey, Alejandro, what's up?”
Alejandro said, “Not much. Keep Heather company. She's been asleep almost all day. She did wake up to eat tho. I fixed her eggs & toast. Then we watch TV until you guys showed up, then she fell asleep again.”
Cody & Noah looked at each other & smile.
“Well, here's her homework, Alejandro.” said Cody
“Hey can I ask you something?”
They nodded.
“When are you guys getting married? I asked Heather but she didn't know.” he asked them.
“Noah wants to have a fall wedding where it is not too hot & not too cold. Like around November.” Cody said.
Alejandro said, “ Cool if you need a best man, I'm yours.” he smiled & I woke up to that.
“Hey guys, sorry I have been so tried these days. What's up? Did you get my homework?” I asked.
“Yea, here babe.” Alejandro handed it to me.
“Thanks, babe.” I said.
“Well, I got to go, I'll see you tomorrow.” Alejandro said.
“Alejandro, can you seat with us at our table.” Cody asked. “You look lonely when you sit by yourself.”
“Yea sure, since my girlfriend sits with y'all.” he smiled at me. “Write me if you need anything babe, love you.”
“Love you two.” and I kissed him.
Alejandro left and Cody & Noah sat down next to me.
“So you & Alejandro huh?” asked Noah.
“Yea, I guess so.” I blushed.
“You guys look cute together. When he come over?” ask Cody.
“I IM him when you guys left and told him I was too tried to go to school. And I asked him to come over.”
“Oh okay, that crazy, you have a boy in here other than me & Noah, Heather.”
“I was thinking the same damn thing Cody.” I said and it was the truth.
“Well, come Cody we have to go. We have to meet up with my brother to do wedding shopping.” Noah said. “I'm not trying to be mean but my brother hates when he does things late.”
“It's okay, I'm gonna get in the shower and do my homework & eat again so don't worry about me. Love you guys.”
I didn't wake up when I was suppose too. Cody & Noah came in & saw me still asleep. They woke me up.
“Hey Heather. Heather wake up your gonna be late.” Cody said.
I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't I woke up & seen them.
“Hey sleepy head. What did you do stay up all night long?” Cody asked.
“No, I went to bed about 6 P.M.” I told him. “I don't know why I'm so tried for.”
“I don't know either, Heather. Well get dress & come on.” Cody said.
Cody went into the living room where Noah was at.
“She up, Cody?”
“Yea, now she is.”
“Wow what she do stay up all night?”
“She said no. she went to bed at 6 P.M.”
I walked in the front room. “Okay I'm ready come on.”
We got to school about 10 minutes late but still made it tho. My 1st two classes flew by fast. Lang. Arts was here already.
Alejandro waited for me by the door. Kissed me good morning. “Morning, babe.”
I kissed him back, “You too. Sorry I'm late.”
“It's okay. Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yes and no, but don't worry about it okay.” I told him. “I just want this day over.”
“You & me both. I want to go to your house and hold you & kiss you.”
I smiled at him and said, “If I can stay up. What's today anyway?”
“It's Friday, baby.”
“It is damn. I thought it was Wednesday. Well good that means I can sleep all weekend.” I laughed about that.
“Yea, you do need some sleep. Do you want me to stay with you all weekend.”
“I don't mind.” I said, then I thought to myself. 'I hope he don't think he's getting a piece of ass.' but then I would like to but we just starting dating.
“Alejandro, Heather please be quiet.” Ms. Coons told us.
“Bitch” I said real low. Alejandro was the only one that heard me, and he laughed.
Class was over. It was lunch time. Alejandro & I walk together in the lunch room holding hands. Cody & Noah already there, so was Courtney & Duncan. Gwen was next to Noah talking when we showed up.
“Well, about time I see you two.” Courtney laughed. “so how are you.”
I wish she never asked I wanted to go home so bad right now. “Tried” we sat down. I put my head on Alejandro's shoulder and he put his arm around me.
“Heather, maybe you should go home. You know you can sign yourself out.” said Noah.
“But I can't we have two more classes left. I can make it. I just wish my car was working again.” I said.
“What's wrong with it.” ask Duncan
“I don't know, it just won't start. I think the starter is out.” I said.
Alejandro, Cody, Noah, & I walked home holding hands. Courtney had a ride from Duncan. Cody and Noah went home instead of coming to my house. Cody told me I should get some sleep and Alejandro agree with him.
Alejandro stayed for an hour. He said he had to do stuff with his ma and pa.
So I was alone I did my homework that I had. It was math. When I work on my work I walk it out it helps me out more better. My mom used to call me crazy but I don't think it's crazy.
“5*4*3= hmm. Well I can do it this way 5*4 or 5*3. 5*4=20, 5*3=15, 20*3=60, 15*4=60. They both are the same.”
I only had 6 problems to do. Real easy. I laughed.
“10*3*2= hmm. 10*3=30*2=60. 11*2*4= hmm. 11*2=22*4=88.
¾+2/4=5/4=1¼. 1¾+2 2/4= hmm. 1*4=4+3=7 so 7/4. 2*4=8+2=10 so 10/4. So 7/4+10/4= 17/4= 4¼ or I could so 1¾+2 2/4=5/4 that is 1¼ so 1+2+1¼= 4¼ real easy.” I was done with my homework. I fix pizza & watch TV. And I fell asleep on the couch.
The phone rang it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. “OMG!” I said.
“Heather, you okay I been calling all day?” said Cody.
“Well, hi Cody. I am I was asleep. Whats wrong?” I had to ask.
“Have you heard from Noah?”
“No I have not why?”
“I don't know, he said, 'he was leaving to go over his mom's house and be back in 2 hours. It's been 3 hours. I'm worried.”
“Maybe he just got caught up. The wedding is in 2 months Cody stop worrying like a girl.” I laughed at that. “Sorry Cody. Hey hold on someone is at the door.”
I put the phone down go to the door. It was Noah.
“Hey, Noah. Wassup?”
“Not much. I was at my mom's. She wanted me to give you this. It's for the wedding. You said, 'you didn't have nothing to wear,' well here.” he handed me a baby blue dress. He wanted everyone wear baby blue clothes.
“Well thanks, come in. Cody is on the phone. I'll tell him your here.”
“No don't I'm leaving tell him I just stop by. Please bye Heather.”
“Hey Noah is on his way over. He said sorry it took so long.”
“Oh okay thanks love yea sorry I woke yea.” then he hung up.
Then when I went to go lay back down, someone knocks on the door. It was Noah again.
“Did I leave my keys in here?”
“Um... Yea here they are.”
“Thanks, Heather.”
Noah left again.
I went back to bed and it felt like days.
Chapter 2: Cody can't wait for the wedding!!
Hi, I'm Cody, I'm getting married to Noah. I'm 16 and he is 18. I have known Noah for a very long time, ever since we were born. I love Noah so much. We have about a month & a half. I can't wait for it.
Heather is the 'bridesmaid' and Alejandro is the 'best man'. Heather & Alejandro go out, they been going out about 2 months.
It would be funny they will be married next. Heather is 17 & Alejandro is 19.
I got on facebook and Heather & Alejandro was on. I put us on 3 way.
Me – 'hey, guys.'
Heather – 'wassup Cody'
Alejandro – 'hey Cody & Heather.'
Heather – 'hey baby.'
me – 'not much, waiting for Noah to get home.'
Alejandro – 'where he at?'
me – 'over his brother's house.'
Heather – 'oh okay well I got to go. My sister in-law wants to take me shopping so I'll talk to y'all later, love you guys.'
Alejandro – 'I love you too, babe. All my heart.'
me – 'love ya.'
Heather offline.
Alejandro – 'god I love her so much. She's my everything, Cody.'
me – 'that's good buddy.'
Alejandro – 'six more weeks buddy, are you happy?'
me – 'oh, hell yea~'
Alejandro – that's good, well imma gonna get off Cody see you on Monday.'
me – 'see you too.'
We both sign off.
When I got off I went to lay on mine & Noah's bed. It must been hours because when I woke up I seen Noah coming in the bedroom with a towel on, so he must got home and took a shower.
I got up and walk over to him and said, “Hey, honey glad you came home.”
“Thank you honey, sorry I didn't wake you. I was trying to be quiet you need it until we get married.” he kissed me and hold me until his towel fell. And I had to look down. I laughed about that too. “Cody you know I want too, but you have to wait until the honeymoon.” he kissed me again and got dressed.
I jumped in the shower & while I was in the shower, Noah was fixing dinner.
I got out the whole house smelled so good. I didn't ask what he made I just ate it. I had like three plates full, he had like two plates full.
“Cody, I don't feed you enough.”he laughed.
“Noah, you feed me a lot. I just love this so much whatever you made.” I said.
“Well you are very welcome my grandma made it & showed my mom and she showed me. I don't know what's it called.” he told me.
“Oh. Cool tell your mom it's good.” I told him.
He nodded. “I will, honey.”
We went to bed, I layed my head on his chest and he had his arm around me.
We slept almost all day until 4 P.M. We stayed in the room but, we just watched TV/movies. I was sitting up going over vows and he was just laying there.
When I was almost done, he sat up and took the papers out of my hands and put them on the table, and pushed me down on the bed. Noah got on top of me. I was thinking, 'oh my heavens.' He bit my neck over & over.
“I thought we were waiting until our honeymoon, Noah?” I asked, I was hoping he would change his mind, but I was not wishing to hard.
“I do want to Cody but, if I'm going to take your v-card, I want to do that on a special night Cody. I love you so much I want you to wait.” Noah said.
Noah kissed me on the lips & got off of me. I want it so bad, but he is right tho.
“Oh okay. You are right Noah.” I told him.
“I know, I'm right. Am I always right at everything.” Noah smiled at me.
The rest of the day went fast. Noah went to bed at 10 P.M. & I didn't go to sleep until about midnight. I couldn't sleep. Noah woke up got dress & woke me up to saying, “Good morning sleepy head.” and kissed my forehead.
“Cody wake up. Time for school.” Noah love playing with me in the morning. Plus he likes to tease me too.
“Aw, I don't wanna.” I groaned.
“I'll make you leftovers of what we had last night.” he told me.
I nodded & got up to get ready.
The day went fast, real fast. I just feel like I got here an hour ago, but we been here for four hours. I was already at lunch. Heather, Alejandro, Gwen, Courtney, & Noah was already at out table. I got in a little late. Heather waved at me.
“There you are. About time you get here. Noah was worried sick.” she winked at Noah and me laughed.
“I'm sorry, Noah. I had to put my books in my locker.” I said.
“It's okay. I don't mind. Heather was just joking with you.”
“I know.”
We all walk together to class. The choir teacher told us to sing, 'He's God, Why Does the Willow Tree Weep?, & Always Believe.'
In 'He's God' we were jamming in that class. She was so happy with us.
Duncan couldn't sing because he lost his voice 3 days ago from yelling so he just sitting in his seat drawing something or writing something.
Heather was singing very well. She loves singing. Alejandro told me that when she's not tried she sings to him. I think its cute & funny.
Noah does it to me when he's in a good mood or in a singing mood. Noah asked Heather if she sing at our wedding. She told us she would think about it. Sometimes she don't like singing by herself, but sometimes she does.
School was let out. We walked home. Heather & Alejandro kissed before she came home with us. Alejandro had to work.
Oh my god two more weeks until the wedding. Heather, Alejandro, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Noah, & me thought we should do it on thanksgiving weekend. Since we have 5 days off.
Noah didn't make that much money this few months at work because of school. Heather thought, we should have our honeymoon during Christmas break. Since its 3 weeks long.
Noah was graduating this year really early. And when he does he was going to get a full time job & help me out more.
The days were going by real fast when Heather said, 'Yo, Cody, one more week until the wedding.'
When she said that I was jumping up & down in my seat.
Mr. McCabe told me to seat still in my chair.
I told him, “Sorry Mr. McCabe.”
He went on to his lessons.
Noah & I skipped choir to be together for a few hours. We had 3 more days left.
We were so happy.
Thanksgiving was here. We had 2 more days left. Tomorrow, he is staying with his brother & I am staying with Heather & Alejandro. Heather was helping Noah with everything. The dress was very cute. It was long, had flowers on it, lacy, real sexy that what Heather said, ha ha, that was real funny. Noah & Heather has came real close ever since me & him was getting married.
Alejandro was helping me out with my tux. Me & him were talking while he was fixing me.
“Hey Alejandro, why don't you & Heather get married your 19 & shes 17. You'll be graduating this year.” I asked him.
“Well, I was thinking about it Cody but, I don't really know. I really love Heather & she loves me. I was gonna ask her one day. Give it a few more months.” he said. “but, – ” he stopped there.
“But, – what Alejandro?” I said.
“I don't really have the money for it, Cody. But my great grandpa is still alive, he was from the army. I could ask him for the money to do for the wedding. I was thinking have it in April or May where its in the spring.” he said
I thought that was real cute have it like that.
“And you could have roses, daises, cherryblossems, & everything, Alejandro. You should let me & Noah do this for you & Heather since you guys are helping us. Its a big, no huge deal.” I told him.
He nodded. “Thanks, Cody.”
Chapter 3: The big day had come!!
'The big day has came,' thought Cody.
Cody was already at the church with Alejandro. Everyone took their seat & in about 10 minutes Noah will be walking down the idle.
Heather was doing the last minute touch ups on Noah. I hope he looks real hot. I will thank Heather big time.
3 more minutes. Heather came up front to get Alejandro to come out back.
It was about to start. Heather & Alejandro was moving with the music when they were close to me. Here comes Noah. He was so beautiful in that dress. Heather was right about the dress.
The minster read something about of the bible and then we said out vows which was short.
Cody said to Noah. “I will love you for the rest of our lifes no matter what. We belong to each other forever.”
Noah's was the same thing like mine but a little differently.
Noah said to him. “Cody ever since we been together I feel like we were brought together from God. He gave us life to live it, and thanks to him I have found you. I will always love you Cody no matter what happens.” he smiled at me.
The minster called us “Husband & Wife. You may kiss the bride.”
They kissed & they were so happy. Everyone clapped for them. Then they all went to Heather's great grandma's huge house to have the party.
Heather & Alejandro drove them there.
“Well congrats guys.” Heather laughed. “Very happy for you guys.”
“I thought Cody was gonna cry when you came into view, Noah.” Alejandro said.
“Hey, I wasn't gonna cry. I was very happy okay. I have waited for years for this to happen.” Cody said then kissed Noah again.
The DJ played a slow song for Cody & Noah. They danced two dances.
Heather & Alejandro danced a few songs. They caddled & they kissed. Heather seen Cody's eyes. He has been crying. He was by the back door without Noah. Noah was dancing with his little sister. Noah look cute in a dress.
Heather told Alejandro she will be right back. Heather walked over to see I was okay.
“Cody, you okay?” Heather asked.
“Then why are you crying then.”
“Because I'm so happy that I'm here that's why I'm crying Heather.” Cody said.
“Well you should be happy, Cody. Noah loves you.”
While Heather was talking to me, Noah came over in the top of the dress with a pair of pants that look like part of the dress. It looked HOT!
“Why are you crying Cody?” Noah asked.
“Because, I am so happy that I'm here Noah. I am so happy. I don't want this day to ever end ever!”
Alejandro came over & kissed Heather & put his arms around her and said, “Hey Cody you know what I told you when I was fixing your tux.” he winked at Cody.
“Yes, I do. Why?” Cody asked.
“What are you talking about babe?” Heather turn her head & looked at him.
Alejandro told her, “Hold on you will see in a minute.” he picked up a glass & tapped it. Everyone was quiet. “Thank you all for coming here for Cody & Noah so much. I maybe the best man but I have to say something. Heather can you sit down right here.”
Heather sit where he told her to sit at. She looked scared.
“Heather, I love you so much & I know we been dating for at least 3 months and well –” Alejandro got down on one knee.
'OH MY GOD! He's doing this.' Cody thought. 'Really going thru this.'
“Heather, will you marry me?” Alejandro said it.
He really said it. Cody thought again.
“Yes, oh Yes! I will Alejandro.” she kissed & hugged him.
Everyone clapped & yelled. Alejandro put the ring on her.
Cody, Noah, Heather, & Alejandro went to Heather's house. Had some wine & some cake & ice cream.
“Well, congrats Heather & Alejandro.”
“Thanks.” said Heather. “I just can't believe you had to do this at their wedding, Alejandro.” she looked at her soon-to-be-husband. “But I'm glad you purpose to me.” she kissed Alejandro.
“Me too, babe. I told Cody about it when I was working on his tux.” he said.
“Well, so whens the wedding you guys?” said Noah.
“Not for awhile.” said Alejandro.
Heather agreed with him.
Cody & Noah left to go home to go to bed.
When Cody and Noah got home. Cody undressed himself & Cody watched Noah undress himself, he put on some sexy boxers that had hearts that said 'I love you' on them. Cody bought them for him 6 months ago.
They fell asleep. They didn't have sex because Noah wanted Cody to wait.
Chapter 4: Alejandro moves in with Heather & bad things happen to her!!
After I purpose to Heather I feel like we been closer. I love her so much.
It's all most Christmas break. We have about 2 weeks til the last day of school for our break.
Cody & Noah was going to wait this summer for their honeymoon. They think they could not make enough money.
I live with Heather now. I'm slowing moving my stuff. My clothes are here tho. I'm going to bring the rest of my things in here very slowly.
Heather was at school with Cody, Courtney, Gwen, & Duncan. Noah and I already graduated from school.
We been working too. I work at a car lot, and I think Noah works at Best Buy. He gets half off on everything. I don't know how much he gets, but I get like $9.50 per hour. I now work 10 hours for 6 days.
I take Heather to school every morning before I go to work. Today I was off. I went to my mom's house and grab some of my stuff.
I grabbed my big flat screen TV; my loveseat and some dishes. Heather's small TV that was in the front room is in the bedroom. Then I put my big screen in the living room. Put the loveseat close to the big windows, to face the front door.
I clean the house from top to bottom. I bought some frames for our pictures. Even got a big one for Cody, Noah, Heather, & me from the wedding. One for us & one for them. We are like a big happy family.
When, I picked up Heather, I told her I had a surprise for her when she got home.
“Well, Heather when we get to the house, I want you to close your eyes. And I am going to hold your hand, and when I tell you to open your eyes, okay.”
she nodded, and asked. “What you do to our house Alejandro?”
“I told you it was a surprise didn't I.”
“Yes, you did.” she kissed me.
We got home and I walked her to the door. She close her eyes and I walked us inside. Then I said.
“Okay. Open your eyes Heather.” I was still holding her hand.
She stood there in the doorway didn't say anything.
“Heather, say something.”
“Wow it looks good. I'm glad that I said, 'Yes' to you.” she told me.
“Me too, Heather. Me too.”
so, she loved what I did to this place. She did her homework & I cooked dinner. I fix pizza something easy.
After we ate I told Heather, “I jumping in the shower do you want to join me?”
“Yea, I do Alejandro, my love.” she kissed me.
We got in the shower & when we were done, we layed in bed watching TV. The Simpsons were on then after that The Family Guy.
We went to bed at 10 P.M. I had work in the morning. Heather had school.
I woke her up by giving her a kiss on her forehead. She got ready & I told her, “ hey I have to work late tonight okay, so can you walk home with Cody.”
“Okay, I can walk with him.” she said.
“Thank you. I'll call you when I get off okay.”
“You don't have to. We need the money so work as much as you can. I love you.”
“I love you too. Have a good day at school.” I kissed her when she got out of the car.
The day went quick. I fixed 5 cars. And on my break I called Heather.
“Hey babe.”
“Hey.” she sound upset.
“Whats wrong, Heather?”
“Nothing, okay. I'll tell you when you get home, love you.” she hung up before I said, okay love you.
I wonder what's wrong.
I called Cody & Noah. Noah answered.
“Hello?” he said.
“Hey where's Cody. I have to ask him something.”
“He's right here. Cody, Alejandro wants to talk to you. Is everything okay, Alejandro?” Noah asked.
“I don't know I called Heather just a few minutes ago and she sounded upset.”
“Here's Cody.” he told me.
“Hey man what's up.” Cody said.
“What happen at school today? Heather sounded upset when I called.”
“Um.... She was fine at lunch & she wasn't in choir so I don't know. She didn't even walk home with me like she told me she was.” Cody had told me.
“Oh okay. Well I get off in one hour so I'll ask her then.”
“Okay see ya man.”
I hung up the phone up. The boss needed me to help the new guy up. This would be the 7th car I did today.
So Heather didn't walk with Cody. I wonder what happen.
I got home, Heather was in the bedroom laying in bed. I walk in there and layed next to her.
“What happen today Heather. I called Cody, he said you didn't go to choir & walk home with him. Tell me now or I will go to school on Monday & ask someone.” I was getting real mad now.
“I don't think you want to know.” she said.
“Try me Heather!” I told her.
“Well your gonna get real mad. Okay. Duncan kissed me & he tried to get a hold of me. He was Hi or drunk or something. Courtney went in the bathroom & seen him do things to me. I don't want to talk about it okay. Courtney broke up with him & called for help. 2 teachers came in the bathroom & took him & helped me. He beat me up, because I wouldn't have sex with him. Courtney took me home.” she started crying again. I hold her real close. I rocked her to sleep & every time she had a dream she would scream.
I called work & talk to my boss told him what happen. He said.
“Take a few weeks off. You do so well. I will even pay you while you take off.”
“Thanks Kenny.” I said.
“Your welcome. Tell Heather I'm sorry. And that I hope she feels better.”
“Will do.” I got off. She was still asleep and since she was, I went back to sleep.
I woke up. Heather was not in bed. She was at the door. Duncan was there. I walked in there and started going off on him.
“GET YOUR MOTHER FUCKING ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Heather was crying & ran to me. I grabbed her and hugged her.
“I came here to tell Heather I was sorry. I was messed up. I was drunk & even on pills.” Duncan said.
“I'm not leaving. I staying.”
I took Heather with me & called the cops. 4 cops came. Heather told them what happen yesterday & why he came. She started crying again.
I was holding her from behind while she told the cops her story.
They took Duncan & he did go to jail. I hope he stays in there forever for what he did to my soon-to-be-wife.
I kissed her forehead & told her, “Heather, go lay back down okay. Get your rest.” she nodded & went to the bedroom.
Courtney came over, while Heather was asleep because I called her & told her what happen.
“I can't believe Duncan would do this to me. And he said he loved me yeah right.” Courtney said feeling sorry for Heather. “I feel so sorry for Heather. She never liked Duncan, when we went out, she told me he was bad news.”
“Hm mm... yeah, I could see that, Courtney.” I said.
“But, I don't know why he would do this to Heather. What was going on in his head.”
“He said 'he was drunk & been on pills.' Yeah.”
Her eyes popped out like they were going to fall out.
“DAMN! He has never done that before. Oh SHIT, his brother must be in town.”
“What?” I asked.
“Duncan's brother, he drinks a lot & does drugs.”
“Oh okay.”
Courtney left. I fell asleep on the couch. I heard Heather screaming. I got up & ran into the bedroom.
“Shh.... Shh.... it's okay Heather. Its okay. Shh... Shh...” I was holding her & rocking her.
She had a hard time going thru this. It has been months.
Even talking about it even hurt her. We even went to classes to talk about because the lady cop the came said it should help her talk about it. The lady cop's name was Hope. She came here every 3 days to check up on Heather.
Chapter 5: Cody & Noah's honeymoon!!
“School is out in two more days.” I said to Cody.
Cody was so happy that school was almost out. That means the honeymoon was almost here.
“I know Noah, that's not why I am so happy Noah.” Cody was happy that school was almost out, but the real reason was the honeymoon.
“Let me guess you can't wait until the honeymoon, huh?” I asked.
“Yup...” Heather came over to talk to us about where we were going.
“So, where are you going?” Heather asked.
“Um... I was thinking Paris. And I was also thinking Las Vegas.” I said.
Cody said. “I want to stay in this country. Las Vegas is cool.” Cody winked at me.
“Me too, Cody.” I winked at him.
“Wow, Noah.” I laughed.
“Oh by the way Heather, sorry about Duncan, on what he did.” I said. “I really sorry Heather.”
“It's okay. It's not that now then it was after he did it.” Heather said. “Oh you guys need to come over to the house. You have to see what Alejandro did.”
“Okay, we will.” Cody & I said at the same time. We all laughed.
On the last day of school was very fun because Cody was happy that school was out. I went and spent the day of school to see all my friends and teachers.
They said, 'Hi & Hey'. Gave me hand shacks, hugs, kisses on the cheek from girls, pats on the back, & etc.
the choir teacher was happy to see me in her class to help them sing.
Cody didn't know I came to spend the day. He was so happy that I was in the choir room.
“Hey Noah,” said Ms. Benson.
“Hi Ms. Benson.”
“How are you doing.”
“I been good.”
“How was the wedding.”
“Cody cried like a girl.” I smiled at Cody.
“Well love you too Noah.” Cody said.
“I love you too Cody. But other than that it was great.”
“That's great.”
“Yea I'll bring the pictures in when the bell rings for period 10.” I said.
“Okay. That good.”
We pray for all the people that has been hurt, or having babies, & for Heather. Everyone in the school heard what happen to Heather. What Duncan did to her. Everyone was mad at him.
When the bell ring I went to the car to get the pictures. I showed everyone the pictures they thought they were cute & funny. They thought it was funny that I was wearing the dress and they also thought I was cute in it. Hahaha....
when the bell rang Cody was so happy. Ms. Benson asked why he was so happy.
“Cody why are you so happy?”
“Because its summer & Noah & I are going to Las Vegas for our honeymoon!” Cody told her.
“Oh. Have fun you guys.” she said.
“Come on, Cody we have to get ready.” I said.
“Oh boy!” Cody said & Ms. Benson & I laughed.
When we got home we packed. All together we had about 4 bags. I called Heather & Alejandro. Alejandro was at work so I talk to Heather.
“Hey, Heather I'm gonna leave the key in the mailbox. Tell Alejandro when he gets off to come by and pick it up.” I told her.
“Okay I will, have fun in Las Vegas. Win some money for me.” she said.
“Oh I will whatever I get I'll give you half.” I laughed.
Heather & Cody thought that was funny too.
“Bye Noah, tell Cody bye & have fun. Give him a kiss for me.” she laughed at that.
“I will Heather. Bye.” I hung up the phone.
We put the bags in the cab & it took us to the airport. It took 2 hours to get on the plane & we took 2 trips. We got there late about 10 P.M. And all the lights were on and it was beautiful very beautiful.
We got to our room and It was a big room. I asked for the suit for couples.
“We are gonna be here for awhile Cody so I hope you brought enough clothes.” I said.
“Yes, I did honey. So how long we gonna be here.” Cody asked.
“Well that I don't know yet.”
We took a shower together then when we got out of the shower, the maid was in here.
“Holla, I will be your room service/maid for this room.” said the maid. She did look down at us. Then said, “Sorry, me didn't mean to bug you. I didn't know there was anyone in here. I did knock. I should leave.” she blushed then left.
I have never see that coming. We got dressed into something very comfortable & cool.
I took Cody out to eat at the most beautiful place that I ever seen in my life.
After that we went to see a concert that was playing. It was Chris Brown, T-Pain, & Lil Wayne.
Chris Brown & T-Pain played, “Best love song”, Lil Wayne played, “Lollipop”, Chris Brown played, “Look at me now” with Lil Wayne.
When the concert was over we went back to the hotel. We cuddled together in the big queen size bed.
“I told you when we would do it Cody but, if I do anything you don't like tell me or to hold you peace.” I said to Cody.
“Okay, but trust me I won't stop you Noah. I been waiting for this day to happen.” Cody said and smiled.
I kissed Cody and said “I bet Cody.” I laughed and starting taking my shirt off. I kissed him and while I kissed him I took his shirt off.
I move my lips to his throat and bit him. I thought he would stop me but he didn't.
Then he pulled my head back up to his and kissed me. Then he moved to my throat. We took the rest of our clothes off and I said.
“Are you sure you want to do this Cody?”
“Yes, I am sure. I love you so much Noah.” he said.
“If I hurt you tell me okay.”
He nodded then I went down on him. He didn't say anything then I just out it in him. He still didn't say anything.
I was thinking to myself while I was doing him. 'He has some guts.'
he bent down on me & put it in me. For someone that has never done it. He is good for a new be.
After we done it we went to bed. It feels like it has been hours since the last time we slept.
I woke up at 10 P.M. I let him sleep in for the day he needed it. I went in the living room & watch TV and see what's new.
Cody woke up 3 hours later. “Good morning, babe.”
“Good morning sleeping beauty. How did you sleep?” I asked.
“I slept good. Thanks for asking.” he kissed me and sat on the couch and put his head on my lap. I put my arm around him.
We didn't do much, but stayed in & watched movies. I order room service for me & Cody. We had steak, mac & cheese, & corn. It was good.
The day was quick. I went to bed early, Cody stayed up. Then about 2 hours later I felt the bed move. Cody kissed me & said, “I love you Noah.”
“Isn't that why we are here Cody.” I laughed
“Hmm.” he fell asleep on me.
We been here almost a week & a half. Cody didn't ask for anymore sex. I thought to myself that I hurt him. I wanted to ask him if I did but I stopped myself.
I called, Heather and asked her how was everything. Asked about the house & the car. Asked if she got the mail. She says, Alejandro goes over there everyday after work.
We been in Las Vegas for almost 2½ weeks I told Cody we were living in 3 days.
That night Cody asked me, “Noah can we have sex again. I like it and I wanted to know will you give it too me?”
“I guess we could.” I kissed him & we got it on. It felt like it was hours until we were done.
We packed up & went to the airport & waited to get on the plane.
Chapter 6: Duncan nevers learn his lesson. And Courtney moved in with Noah & Cody like a big happy family!!
Hi, my name is Courtney. I am 18 & in the 12th grade. I am real good friends with Heather, Alejandro, Cody, Noah, Gwen, & Duncan.
Well Duncan I don't know, we broke up in the winter time because he beat up Heather & tried to rape her. He did go to jail for it about 6 months. They let him go.
I told everyone I would never go back out with him but over the summer when Cody & Noah was on their honeymoon we got back together.
They were made at first but they got over it. Well it took Heather awhile too. She still has bad dreams about it, and I don't blame her.
Duncan can't come back to school & he is not aloud around Heather. But I'm trying to ask her to drop it. She said she would think about it.
I was home by myself and I asked Duncan to come over. He told me to beg Heather to drop it so me, him, Heather & Alejandro, we can go on a date together. I asked Heather about that. She did like that but she asked Alejandro about it and he hasn't gave her an answer yet.
“Hey baby, hows it going.” Duncan asked me walking home from school.
“Not much. Tired very tired. Want to go home & go to bed.” I said.
“Want me to join you, Courtney?” he asked me. Ever since he been to jail he has changed I tried telling Heather that but she doesn't tell.
Me & dun went back to my place & went to bed. When i woke up a few hours later he was gone. He didn't even leave a note or anything.
On saturday, Gwen came over ans talked to me about Duncan.
“Court, I love you, but I think you need to find someone better,” she said. “Duncan read it to me last night. He thinks you don't want to hang out with him or be with him.” Gwen was so honst to me, since I known her for 2 years.
“What, no. Everything was working out so good, well but one thing he got mad because Heather won't drop the papers so we can double date.” I told her.
“Yea right. I say he wants her because she strong, smart, & nice, and also cute.” she said. “They always got into fights. He got real mad when he heard Heather and Alejandro was getting married.”
I thought she was joking but she's not because they did fight alot. And he did get mad. So he tried to rape her so her & Alejandro would break up no way.
“You are so tight Gwen. I don't know why i didn't see it.” I said.
Today in school, Heather had told me, “In choir, Duncan kept looking at me.” They let Duncan back in the school because Heather dropped the order.
“Why was he staring at you for.” Alejandro asked.
“I don't know,” she told him. “Courtney thinks he likes me.” she had to put me into this. 'Oh boy' I thought.
“Heather, I don't think he likes you. If he did why would he beat you up for? Tell me that.”
“Well Gwen said, 'He got real mad when he heard that we were getting married & that you also moved in.”
That's what Gwen have told me 2 weeks ago –.
Alejandro interrupted me in my thoughts. “Well, he's gonna have to give it up because I love you so much. We belong together.” she kissed him for saying that.
I haven't seen or heard from Duncan for 2 weeks and I was thinking, 'maybe he got locked up.'
Noah came over to see me to see how I was doing. Ever since he been married, he has been hanging around me more. Today he told me something that I have never heard him say it to me.
“Hey Courtney, I have something to say.” he told me.
“What is it Noah, buddy, old pal?”
“Don't freak out okay.” I was starting to freak out after he said that. I nodded.
“Well, I have a crush on you. I always have one on you. But I don't know why. I love Cody. I'm gonna have to tell Cody that I love you too.”
I just stared at him. He waved his hand in front of my face.
“Courtney, you okay.”
“Yes. I am.” I said & cleared my throat & said. “Aw you do, but your married to Cody so how can you love me too.”
“I'm going to have to tell him, but there could be a way. You can live with us & we can have 3 sums.” he said & sounded really happy. “I can ask Cody. How about it Courtney?”
“Sure, I guess.”
“I'll be right back. I'm gonna tell Cody about this.”
“Um hmm.”
He left. When he went to go tell Cody I guess Cody was for it because when Noah came back Cody was with him. We all don't live to far from each other.
They helped me pack my things. Cody gave me a hug and Noah gave both of us a kiss. 'So Cody was all in for this wow.' I thought.
When Noah and Cody went to put my things in the car and took them to the house. I called Heather and told her all about this. She said.
“What!? No way Courtney, that's great that you guys are moving in together. But Noah is in love with you & Cody, WOW!”
“That's what I'm talking about. I guess Cody is all for it because Noah kissed both of us and Cody didn't say shit when he kissed me.”
“DAMN!! Way to go Courtney! Woo!!” she laughed. “What about Duncan?”
“Duncan, well we tried to work things out, but he's in love with you I guess but I don't know. Fuck him he can go to hell for all I care. Well they are back so I talk to you later Heather.”
I have lived with Noah and Cody for almost a month now.
I so love it here. I asked Noah and Cody, 'If I can have the spare room,' they said ' yes.' I panted the room they didn't care. I put frogs in there. I had a frog rug, frog mug, frog bedding, frog pictures. And I even had a pet frog its just a baby still. I got it about 6 weeks ago.
Noah and Cody was talking about children and I brought up, “Well I'm not ready to have kids yet. I still in school. Why can't you get a puppy for a little bit and act like it is your child.”
“I like that Noah,” said Cody.
“Me too. Thanks Courtney.” Noah kissed me.
We were looking and thinking what we should get.
I walked outside to go to my old place and Duncan was there.
“Where have you been Courtney?” he asked me.
“I moved Duncan. And it is none of your business either.” I told him.
He got up and walk to me and put his hands on my arms.
“Don't touch me!” I yelled at him.
“Why? Your my woman.” he said.
“The hell I am.” I yelled. “I found someone else.”
“Who?” he said he was getting mad now.
“Noah!” I yelled at him and I was hoping Noah would hear me when I said his name.
“What!? That gay ass bitch?” he yelled, he was really mad. “He's with Cody. How are you going out with him.”
He touched me again. “Don't touch me, Duncan.”
“No!” he slapped me and that hit it. I was screaming and Alejandro came out. Good he was home.
“Duncan leave her alone!” he yelled at Duncan.
Duncan turned to look at Alejandro. “Go to hell Alejandro you got a woman to go to and leave us alone.”
“Yea, I got a woman and you want her too. Well you can't have her so let her go now!” he put a hand on Duncan's shoulder.
Duncan slapped Alejandro. That did it. Duncan let go of me and Alejandro was punching Duncan as hard as he could. Duncan had no chance with Alejandro. When Duncan let go of me he pushed me to the ground.
I was crying now. Noah heard all what was going on and took off over here and grabbed me.
“Court you okay.” he seen me on the ground crying then he seen the black eye. “Oh the hell he didn't.”
Heather came out and seen what was going on. She started yelling at Alejandro to stop.
“ALEJANDRO STOP THIS NOW PLEASE!” she yelled and when she grabbed his arm, he hit her. Then he seen what he did.
“Heather! I am so sorry.” he told her.
“DUNCAN YOU BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER. I HATE YOU. THIS IS FOR HEATHER AND FOR COURTNEY.” Noah hit him so hard he broke his jaw and his nose, and blood was spilling out now.
“CODY CALL 911 NOW! Alejandro told him. He was holding Heather. “I so sorry baby.” he kissed her. He didn't leave a mark on her, thank god.
“They on there way.” Cody said. People were coming out of there houses. Noah was holding Courtney on the ground. “You okay?”
“Yes, I am since I'm in your arms.”
The cop that seen heather, Officer Sanderz. She came over to where me, Noah, Heather, and Alejandro were. Cody was in the house getting me some ice for my eye.
“Here you go, Courtney.” that help my eye.
“Thank you Cody.”
“Well, well, hi Heather glad to see you again. How are going.” Officer Sanderz asked.
“Good until now.” Heather said.
“So why don't someone tell me what the hell happen here.” she asked all of us.
“The same thing that happen to me but he got it.” Heather smirked.
“Officer Sanderz, Duncan was – ”
I looked at Noah.
“Go on Ms.” Officer Sanderz said.
“He was waiting for me here. I came over to get some of my things and he asked, “Where have I been.” I told him, 'I moved and he got up. He said I was 'his woman'.” Noah growled. “And I told him the hell I am. I have someone else. He asked 'with who' I screamed Noah's name at him. I thought you would come out and help me.” I looked at him.
“Sorry I was in the basement.” Noah said.
“Duncan hit me and Alejandro came out and told him to leave me alone.” I looked at Alejandro holding Heather. I didn't bring up that he hit Heather and shit.
“I told him to leave her alone, he said, no and told me to go back to Heather.” Heather looked up at me. “I said yea I have a woman which she's not yours. He wanted Heather over the summer if you remember. I put my hand on his shoulder and he hit me and I just kept hitting him. And Noah came out and seen what happen then Heather tried to stop me and I hit her and I didn't mean to. I am so sorry Heather, please forgive me.” he said to Heather.
“I forgive you baby.” she kissed him.
“Then I seen what he did you Courtney then I hit him real hard and told him this is for Heather and Courtney. Then I told Cody to call 911.”
“Well, damn. Well okay I will tell you this. This will be in court. But I am going to take him to jail but I am not going to take you guys. Here is a number on this card I want you to call Courtney is it?” I nodded. “This lady will help you. I should say he shouldn't been let out of jail. I say he is going to stay in there for a very long time.
I went to school 2 days later from what happen with Duncan. Everyone was looking at me because I had a black eye. Gwen asked me.
“What happen?”
“Duncan hit me.”
“Yup. He's going to be in jail for a long time. That's what Officer Sanderz told me.”
The office called me to come to the office. I went to the office and Officer Sanderz was there.
“Courtney, this is Ms. Jackson. She will help you out. I used to work with her back in the day so she is nice. Tell her what happen and if you need help just ask her.” Officer Sanderz said.
“Nice to meet you Courtney, I'm Ms. Jackson I work with women that had been beat up, and Officer Sanderz told me everything that happen.” she touched my face where Duncan hit me. “I helped your friend Heather out too. So, if you have anything to say I'm here. Here's my number.” She wrote her number on her card. “This is my cell. Call me anytime of the day.”
“Okay, thank you.” I hugged Ms. Jackson and Officer Sanderz.
School was out I went home and layed in bed. Cody stayed after to help out Ms. Benson.
Noah came in and sat next to me.
“Courtney, honey, you okay.” he asked.
“Yes, met Ms. Jackson today at school.”
“You did. Well that's good.”
“Yea. She helped Heather out.”
“She did. Okay I'm gonna fix dinner okay. I love you.”
“I love you too, Noah.” I layed back down. “Noah thank you very much.”
“You are very welcome.” he kissed me and left.
I was asleep until I had a nightmare. I was screaming and Noah came running in the bedroom. Cody was right after him.
“Courtney, your okay. I'm here so is Cody.” he rocked me.
“Oh Noah,” I put myself on him.
“Shh, Courtney its okay.” he said. “Cody go get me a wet rag please.”
Cody left to go get me a wet rag. Then I heard him come in. he put the rag on my forehead.
“Thank you Cody.” I said.
“Your welcome.” Cody said.
Noah left the room. I must have falling asleep again, and he must have called Ms. Jackson, because she came in my room.
“Courtney its Ms. Jackson. Are you okay. Noah called me. He said you had a nightmare. Its okay Duncan won't ever hurt you again.” she said.
She got up and told Noah. “I want you to check on her every two hours okay.”
“Okay. Thank you Ms. Jackson.”
“You are welcome.” she left.
Noah kissed my forehead and left the room.
Chapter 7: Gwen meets a boy name Trent!!
Hi, my name is Gwen. This is my 2nd year here at high school. I know I might look old. I'm only 16.
All most all my friends are out of school but Cody. Cody is a Jr. this year. His husband, Noah is out of school. Courtney is in the 12th grade. She's been thru a lot this year because of Duncan which is in jail for 2 years. Ha ha that's what ass hole gets. Heather is a Jr. too. Her soon-to-be-husband is out of school. Alejandro and Noah are working now. Alejandro works on cars and Noah works at Best Buy.
I have three people still in school with me. I went to my 3rd class which was JROTC. It was helped me on my behavior. I seen this new kid comes in and took his seat have not seen him before.
“Gwen, can you come here please.” 1sgt asked. I'm a let 2 so I have to help around here. I'm a LT./Platoon Leader/ an Officer.
“Yes, 1sgt.” I got up and walked over to where 1sgt was.
“Give this to Trent, the new kid over please.”
“Yes 1sgt.” I walk over there to the new kid. So his name was Trent. “Here can you fill this our and hand it back tome and have your parents fill this out please.” I told him.
Trent looked up at me and said, “okay. Hi I'm Trent. What's yours?”
“It's Gwen.” I said.
“Gwen nice to meet you, so are you new too?”
“No, I'm a let 2. I'm a Platoon leader. You can call me LT.”
“Oh okay. An Officer cool. I'm gonna tell you this. You are very cute. And when you are in our uniforms I gonna stare at you because I think, women are cute in them.”
I was blushing and he touched my face where my cheeks were turning red.
“Um.... Thanks Trent... Um... Fill this out please. Your in A company, 1st Platoon. And I'll be your witness for you.” I wrote my name on his paper. Gwen, Gwen.
“Gwen.” 1sgt called.
“Did you show him what to do?”
“Yes 1sgt.”
“Okay. I want you to get 5 let 1's please and show them the base movements. Left face, right face about face and etc.”
“Okay. Um. Daisy, John, Trent, Smallman, Austin, and Tori I want you to help me.”
“Okay LT.” said Tori.
“Okay, let ones fall in on Tori.” Trent was doing this right. He's very good. “Your feet have to be 90'o angle.” I put my foot in between there feet to show them where they should be. “That's attention Tori fall out ans watch them from behind.”
Tori felled out like she was told. “I'm gonna call you to parade rest and you move your left foot. Don't move your right foot. Your hands go right over left. Tori they doing it right.?”
Tori looked at everyone to see if they did it right. “Yes, Lt.”
“Okay. Thank you. Fall back in. Attention. Parade rest. Attention. Present arms is you put your hand up and your middle finger is on the corner of your eyebrow, if you have glasses your middle finger goes at the corner of your glass. Order arms is where you put your arms down. Hands are at the heme of your pants, cuffed.”
“Lt come here please.” said 1sgt.
“Yes, 1sgt.” I said. “Tori fall out and take my place.”
“Yes, mama.”
“Yes, 1sgt, you called.”
“Yes, file these in the folders and make Trent one.”
“Okay, 1sgt.” I went to where the folders were. “Tori stop for a moment. Trent come to attention and fall out. You can go on Tori. Trent, here write your name, last name first then first name.” I told him.
Trent wrote him name and handed it to me and slapped my ass. I took his folder and put it where it belonged.
I let Tori do my job while I was filing and helping out 1sgt. The bell rang and It was 4th period lunch.
“Trent come here. Please.” I asked.
“Yea, Gwen.”
Here's your book bring them everyday. If you don't I will give you push-ups.” I told him. “Put your name in them too.”
“Okay. What do you have next?” he asked me next.
“I have lunch.” I said.
“Oh me too. He said.
“Cool we can walk down there together.” I said.
When we got to the hall Trent kissed my cheek.
“Why did you do that for?” I asked him that.
“Because I told you I like you.”
“Oh okay.”
We had lunch then I went to help out in the office. I answered phones when the phone rang.
Then I had Algebra. Trent was in there. He saved me a sit.
We had a test. I took mine and I turned mine in. Trent finished like 3 minutes after I did and wrote me a note that said.
'Dear Gwen,
Will you go out with me? Like I told you in the ROTC room I really like you. Please write me back.'
I looked at him and thought to myself. 'He is cute, so I guess we could go out. I wrote on another piece of paper.
I wrote him back and said.
'Dear Trent,
Yes I will go out with you. And when you kissed me it was like sparks went off. I like you too when I was telling you what yo do in the ROTC room I saw you look at me. So the answer is yes!'
I handed him the note and to me it looked like he was smiling.
Class was over, I walk to my locker and put my books in there. Trent was following me outside.
“Gwen, do you want to go get something to eat?” Trent asked me.
“Sure. Do you walk or what?”
“I walk why.” he said.
“Do you want a ride? We can go to White Castles down the street.” I said.
“Sure.” he said.
When we got done. I took him home. After that I went home and layed in bed and I must fallen asleep because when I woke up it was 11 A.M. I missed school.
I called school and told them what happen. Ms. J said it was okay. It was the 1st time doing it since I stared school.
I fixed me something to eat. Then did my homework from last night.
Got on facebook. Trent sent mew a request and wrote on my wall. Aw he said he loved me.
I wrote back, 'love you too.'
He commented on my pictures. How sweet. I looked at some of his pictures. Damn! He's sexy!
He had his shirt off. 'Damn! Sexy! You are so Hot!!!' I commented on his picture. I copied it then I printed it off. And I even put it on my walls.
My best friend I have not talk to in forever is coming live here. Here name is Bridgette and her cowboy boyfriend, Geoff, is coming with her 'Oh boy' I thought.
I wrote her and asked her.
“So when are you and your boyfriend, Geoff coming here to live? Miss you girl, love yea!”
I logged off and just layed in bed. Tomorrow is Saturday, I have a date with Trent.
He is so cute. I called Heather and told her about it.
“Way to go Gwen. So is he cute?” she asked.
“Very cute. Well God Damn he is Hot very Sexy! I found him with his shirt off.”
“That's what I said Heather!” we laughed.
I met him and we went out to a place where my dad took my mom.
We ate and talked. He asked if he could go to my place.
“Can we go to your place?”
We got to my place and I showed him my place.
We went to my room and sat on my bed. I was already on my bed laying down. He sat down on the edge of my bed.
He kissed me and then he got up to take him shoes off. Then he got in the bed on the other side then pulled me on top of him.
I was thinking 'Oh my god'. He was playing with my hair, then he pulled my face to his and we kissed.
“Gwen, I love you so much. And t can't believe I'm gonna tell you this. I want you to take my V-card.” he told me.
“Um okay, well your gonna take mine with you too.” I said.
“Oh okay.”
We kept kissing then he was playing with my boobs. I took my shirt off showing my bra. I stood up up on my bed and took my pants off too. My bra and thong matched. They were both from 'Joe Boxers'
He sat up and took off his shirt. Damn he was so so sexy. I was feeling his abs. He knew I liked them.
He took his pants off. And we started kissing again. He took off my bra then, put one of my boobs in his month. I took my thong off and he took his boxers off. Then we got it on. We had sex for 4 hours. And it was 'Oh my God it was great'.
He spent the night with me.
We fell asleep at 2 A.M. And didn't wake up at 4 P.M. We took a shower together.
“I love you, Trent.” I said.
“I love you too, Gwen. Your my everything.” he said.
I try calling Courtney but she didn't answer the phone. I called Heather if she heard from her.
“She moved in with Noah and Cody.” Heather said.
“Huh... What? When was this?”
“About 2 days before Duncan beat her up.” she said. “Call Noah's house phone. Do you know it?”
I said, “No, I don't know it. Do you mine giving it to me.”
“Sure. Do you have a pen or pencil.”
“Okay, 263-1042, that's the house phone.”
“Thanks Heather.”
“You are welcome.”
“Are you okay, Courtney?”
“Yea, why?”
“Just asking guess who I go out with.”
“Um... Duncan?”
“Hell naw. I go out with Trent.” I said.
“Hell no! For real?” she asked.
“Yes. We started going out 3 days ago. And you are not going to believe this.”
“What did yea do Gwen?”
“We done it.” I said.
“You done what!”
“Me and Trent had sex.” I told her.
“No way are you fucking with me.”
“No I'm not. I let him fuck me. We both lost our V-card.”
“Oh my heavens Gwen does Heather know.”
“Damn, I forgot. I was just on the phone with her.”
“Okay. Well, call her back and tell her . Love you girl.”
I hung the phone up and called Heather again. Alejandro answered.
“Hey is Heather there.”
“Hey Gwen yea hold on. Heather Gwen wants you.” he said. “Here she is.”
“Hey, oh my god I forgot to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
“You know how me and Trent go out right?”
“Yea.” she said. “What did you do?”
“Well, we don't it? I had sex with Trent.”
“What!? You had sex with him. Oh my god. Was he good?”
“Yea he was good.”
“Wow. Okay. Got to go love yea!”
“Love ya too.”
We went to school holding hands. Everyone was watching us even, 1sgt.
“Gwen why are you holding hands with Trent?” asked 1sgt.
“Because we go out that's why.”
“Oh okay. Hey Tori is not here so your gonna have to be the class leader, okay.”
“Okay.” We took our seats until the bell rung.
When the bell rung I got up and walked in front of the room.
“Class attention.”
“Second to nun number one hornets lead the way.” they said.
“Half left. Please join me with the pledge of allegiance.”
We said it.
“Half right. Please join me with the JROTC Cadet Creed.”
They said the JROTC Cadet Creed.
“Parade rest.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“She not here 1sgt.” I said.
He said the rest of the names.
“Class leader.”
“Class attention.”
“Second to nun hornets lead the way.”
“Take seats.”
“Howe Junior ROTC”
They took there seats.
I passed Trent to go to 1sgt. I put my hand in his hair.
“Do you need anything 1sgt?”
“No, I don't you can sit down.”
“Okay.” I took my seat across from Trent.
“Hey babe.” Trent said.
“Hey.” I laughed.
“Yes 1sgt?”
“Take them to the North gym.”
“Okay. Class fall in at the door now.” I said.
“You are going to teach them how to march. LT tell them forward march.”
“Forward march.” I said “Trent stop at the gym doors.” I told him. “So how am I going to do everyone. Tori isn't here. Me and her are the only let 2's.”
“You can do it. I believe in you, and its your job anyway LT. If I didn't believe you couldn't do it I wouldn't have promoted you to platoon leader Gwen.”
“I know that.” I told him.
We got to the gym. 1Sgt was watching me do this.
“Fall in two columns. Behind Trent and Daisy.” I said. “Dress right dress, you put your left arm up and the tip of you fingers should be touching the person's shoulder next to you. The first person does not look to the right they look straight and everyone else looks to your right.” They did everything right I looked at 1sgt.
“Your doing good LT.” he said.
“Ready front, you put your arms down and look at me. Present arms.” I did an about face and I did the same thing. I did another about face. “Order arms. Left face. About face. Forward march. Left, left, left, right, left. Column left march. Left, left, left, right, left. Left flank march.” I thought to myself, 'They doing very good.' “Right flank march. Column right march. Right flank march. Left, left, left, right, left. Left flank march. Column right march. Rear march.” they need some help on the rear marches. “Rear march. Column right march. Column left march. Column left march. Element halt. Left face. Fall out.” I was tired already. I went to 1sgt.
“So how we do 1sgt?” I asked.
“Lt you did great.” he said.
“Thanks, they still need a little help.”
He agreed with me. “Yea but still you did good.”
The bell rung and me and Trent went to lunch.
I had the only one class left that was algebra.
Trent was waiting on me at the door. I kissed him and we walked into the room.
That class ended fast. And we went home together. I went to my bed. I was too tired for anything.
“Hey I'm gonna go home okay I'll see you later. You need some rest.” He said.
“Okay, love yea.” I kissed him, and he left.
I fell asleep and it felt like days before I woke up again.
Chapter 8: Duncan says to himself, “Why am I in here for? Oh, wait I know why because I did something bad that's why!!”
Hi, my name is Duncan. I am now 19. I been in jail for almost 2 years.
I ask myself this question about 50 times since I been in here. The question was “What did I do to be in this place?”, and I know the answer and the answer is, “Oh, because I did something bad that's why!”
I met this guy in here, everyone calls him Chef Hacheff. I can tell you one reason why everyone calls him Chef Hacheff for. I guess the reason is because he's a damn good cook. He had a place in the army that he cooked and he did something bad to become in here.
I asked him what he did but he won't tell me. Oh well. I have done two things that were bad. O almost raped Heather and I beat her up. Then I fought with Noah and Alejandro because I gave Courtney a black eye.
Heather sees me every Saturday when Alejandro is at work. She asks me, 'Why I did what I did?'
I told her. “Heather I asked that same question over and over. But since you are here now. There is something I do need to tell you.”
“What is that, Duncan?” she asks.
“I'm in love with you well was in love with you. I was mad when you told Alejandro you would marry him. I wish you told him no. I wish you would break up with him because in 2 months I will be leaving this place. I love you.”
“If you loved me then why did you beat me up and tried to rape me.” On rape she said softly because if the cops knew I was the one that tried to rape her they would want to know why she here for.
“I told you why Heather.”
“I know why Duncan. I'm just not getting it. Okay I got to go.” she told me, “And I'm not going to say, 'I love you' either. I'm not even gonna break up with him. I love him.”
“Whatever. But you will soon believe me.” I threaten her. I wish I didn't.
“Is that a threat Duncan?” she asked.
“I don't know Heather, okay just go please.” I told her.
She left and the cops took me back to my cell.
I have not seen Courtney ever since the day I gave her a black eye. I have not seen Heather that day I threaten her.
I wrote Heather and Courtney a lot since I been in here. I even called them. Noah told me to stop calling she don't want nothing to do with me.
And Alejandro said the same thing. But he did ask me why I told her she should break up with him for me. Then he hung up on me before I said anything.
Gwen is going out with my buddy Trent. But she don't know that, no one know that. But me and him. But he don't talk to me anymore ever since he heard what I did to Heather and Courtney. He seen me 3 days ago and told me.
“This is not you Duncan. I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again. You have became your brother all over again. Leave me and my friends alone now.”
That was the last time I heard from him and seen him. My own family hates me but my brother, because hes done what I did hundreds of times.
The last week for me here. “Hey, Duncan good luck out there. I don't want to see you in here anymore.” said Chef Hacheff.
“Okay Chef Hacheff you were the only one that talk to me while I have gone crazy. All I want to do is just kill myself.” I said.
“Don't do that. Okay.”
I just nodded and I went to my bed and fell asleep.
The day I get out. I was happy that I was getting out. My mom and dad came and got me. They told me about my brother Bobby. He got shot by some bitch. I guess a drug deal didn't go out like it should have been. So his showing is in two days I was very pissed when I found out.
“Duncan, honey, I'm so glad that you are home. Your our only child that is alive.” my mom said.
“Me too, mom.” I said.
“Hi, son.” my father said to me.
“Hi dad.” I said.
I got my old room like always every time I come home to my mom and dads house.
I have not been here for a long time. That day I got ohm I walked by my brothers room. I went inside. I shut the door and sit on the floor. I was talking to him out loud thru god.
“Dear god, can you please help my brother. I love him so much. Help him work thru things up there. I never prayed in my life. But I was praying now.
“Duncan.” someone called my name. I never heard this voice before. It was my brother talking to me.
“Duncan!” There it was again. I thought I was going crazy. “Duncan, take care of mom and dad, for me please.”
“Mom, dad!” I was calling them.
They ran into the room asking, “Whats wrong son.”
“It's Bobby. He was talking to me.”
“What?” said mom.
“He told me to take care of you guys for him.”
“Mom, dad.”
They heard it now.
“Bobby is that you.” mom said.
“I love you, mama!” Bobby said. So I wasn't crazy. They heard it too.
We went to the showing. I was holding my mom's hand. Dad was behind us with each hand on our shoulders.
Mom was crying, like crazy. She never talked about him that much because of what he did. But I think she always had a part of him in her heart.
Bobby, may be 23, but he was always my best friend. I loved him. And it fell like he was there next to me holding my other hand.
While mom and dad went up there to touch him. Trent and Gwen came too. I guess Trent had told her about us.
“Hey, Duncan your out.” said Gwen.
“Yea, I got out 2 days ago.”
“Sorry, about your brother.” Trent said.
“Thank you, Trent. It's nice to see you again, or are you still upset.” I had to ask.
“Naw, we still best buds. I already told her about us back in the day.” he hugged me for the old times or just because of my brother.
“Oh okay.”
“I'm gonna say 'sorry' to your mom and dad.”
I nodded.
“I'm sorry about your lose.” It was Courtney that said that. I turned around and it was her.
“Thank you Courtney.” I said and shook her hand.
“Sorry for your lose, Duncan.” It was Heather.
“Heather....” I stop mid sentence because Bobby touched me.
“Duncan you okay.” she touch me where Bobby out his hand at.
“Yea. Sorry. Thank you. Why you here you didn't know Bobby.”
“I'm here to see you mom and dad. I like them.” she said.
“Oh okay.”
“Mom, dad I have to go. I can't stay here anymore.”
“Okay, let me say good bye to everyone.”
I nodded. I went to go sit in the car, and for them.
I don't like to see dead people. It just scares me.
That night I couldn't sleep. So just laying in bed I went outside on the porch.
Mom was out on the steps drinking some hot tea. I went to sit next to her.
“Hey mom. How are you holding?” I had to ask.
“I'm okay son.” she patted my leg. “I been worse Duncan. When you went to jail I was very very Sadie. But at the same time I was mad at you for doing what you did to your ex-girlfriend and her best friend. Why did you do that for?”
“Mom, I asked myself why I did those thing for. And I hate to say this but I blame Bobby.”
“Don't say that, but why do you say that for?”
“Well, what I did to Heather I was with Bobby. I was hi, doing pills and drinking too. And I went to school messed up. I had a crush on Heather for awhile, even when I was with Courtney.”
“What Heather do to you to have to beat her up and almost rape her?” I love my mom but I should get it out.
“Well, I heard she was getting married to this boy name Alejandro. He's the one that beat me up because what I did to Heather and Courtney and Noah broke my nose and jaw.”
“Oh my heavens Duncan you should have never done that.”
“I know mom. When I was in jail there was a cook that I talk to.” I told her.
“Oh well, I'm gonna go to bed. Don't stay up to late. I love you son.”
“I love you too mom.” And I did love her.
I sat there on the porch just watching the stars, I was thinking out loud. “Why you had to die on me Bobby. You wasn't suppose to die on me. Bobby please be safe up there. I love you so much.” I felt his hand on my shoulder. I was crying. I had never cried for anyone not even when I went to jail. I was a big boy.
Then I heard someone walk up the stairs. I looked up it was Courtney. I was hoping it would been Heather.
Courtney sat down never to me and put her arm around me. “Hey, come on lets go upstairs. Come one get up Duncan.” I took her hand and got up.
We went to my room and layed on my bed. We addled on my bed. She got on top of my and kissed me.
“Courtney, what are you doing?”
“I missed you so much.”
“What about Noah. I thought you were going out with him?”
“I was but I love you, and I want to give you something.”
She took her shirt off and began kissing me again.
We did it for hours until we got tired and fell asleep. I was happy that Courtney was here with me. We woke up together.
She put my robe on and I put on my boxers back on. We went downstairs to eat.
Mom and dad was just sitting down when we came in laughing.
“Good morning, mom, dad.” I kissed them on the cheeks, after I sat Courtney.
“Well nice to see you up this early.” said mom. “And nice to see you again Courtney.” she grabbed her hand.
“You too, Carrie.” Courtney said.
“Did you stay the night, Courtney?” my dad asked.
“Yes sir. I seen Duncan crying on the steps so I told him to come on get inside.” she looked at me and kissed me on the lips in front my mom and dad.
“Are you guys back together?” my dad asked.
“I don't know sir, I do love your son, very much.”
“Okay that's enough.” I got up and went into my room and slam my door shut.
I heard Courtney say, “Excuse me.” She walked upstairs and went to my door and said. “Duncan, can I come in.”
“I don't know can you.” she walked in my room.
“Please don't do this to me. I love you.” she got on my bed and took off my robe and started kissing me.
We got it on again and we only did it for an hour. Just in chase my parents did come in here.
“I love you too.” I said when we got done. “I will be right back. Stay here.”
I went to talk to my parents. “Ma, Pa, wheres grandma's wedding ring at?”
“Why? Are you going to ask Courtney to marry you, are you?” ma asked.
I shook my head and said, “Yes ma.”
“Here.” she took it out of a cup that was by the phone jack.
“Thank you ma.” I kissed her on the cheek and ran back to my room. I walked in my room. She was still on the bed under the blankets.
She sat up. “What are you going do.” she asked me.
“Well, I love you so much and well,” I got on one knee and she put her hand on her month. “Will you marry me Courtney?”
“Oh my god! Yes. Oh yes, I will.” she got up and hugged me. I kissed her.
“Mom, dad I know you are right there. You guys can come in.”
they came in my mom was so happy, she went to Courtney and hugged her and kissed her cheeks and said, “Daughter in-law.”
My dad came to me and hugged me and hugged Courtney, said the same thing as mom said. “Daughter in-law.”
The next day I used my dad's truck to get Courtney's things.
“Noah, you home?” she yelled.
“No, he's at work. Where have you been Courtney – What are you doing here.” said Cody.
“He is here to get my things. I moving out. Duncan and I are getting married.” she told Cody.
“What! I thought you loved Noah?”
“I did but I can't marry him or have anything with him because you guys are.”
We got her thing and left. Noah showed up when we were leaving.
“Do you want to tell him or not?”
“No, Cody can tell him.”
I been with Courtney for 2 weeks and she went to take a drink of apple juice and ran to the sink and got sick. I got up to hold her hair.
“Courtney, you okay.” I asked.
“I don't know.”
“Here let me take you to the store.”
“Be back in a little bit.”
I let her go in the store by herself, and I didn't ask her what she got.
When we got home she ran into the bathroom and got sick again. She told me to stay out. I just waited for her in the living room.
“She been in there for 30 minutes, Duncan. Are you sure she is okay.” And when my mom said that, Courtney yelled my name and ran out of the bathroom.
“Courtney what's the matter?”
“Your not gonna believe this?”
Then I seen what she was holding. “Please don't tell me.”
“I'm pregnant!” I ran to her and picked her up. When I put her down I kissed her and I kissed her belly.
My mom dropped the plate she was holding and ran over to us.
“You did not say what I thought I think you said?”
“I'm pregnant!”
“Ah! Oh my heavens. I'm so happy for y'all!” she kissed me and Courtney.
She told everyone that we were together and getting married and having a baby.
Heather was happy for her on the baby part but still hurt about me part. Because Courtney told everyone that she would never go back to me since what happen with me. What I did to Heather and her. But I did say I was very sorry for the shit I did to them and Courtney took my forgiveness.
I can't believe I'm gonna be a father. I don't know how to be one but I know my father will help so would my mother. So would Courtney's parents too. I know they are bad that she is with me again for the 3rd time. Well they can't tell her what to do now since she is having my baby. She can't just leave me. She will need me to help her take care of this baby.
Chapter 9: Heather had good news for Alejandro!!
After, I heard from Courtney that she was back with Duncan, and they were getting married, and she is have a baby.
I was happy for her. Now Duncan can leave me alone now. I laughed about that.
I been with Alejandro for almost 2 years. We had the wedding while Duncan was in jail. We didn't even had sex on our honeymoon.
And when Courtney told me she was pregnant I wanted a baby now.
I was talking to her today when Alejandro was at work and Duncan was at home. She was telling me she was almost one month pregnant.
I told her, “What is we have the kids born the same year but only one month apart.”
she said, “That's not half bad.”
“I can't believe your pregnant Courtney. I'm so happy, so what Noah say about all of this?”
“I have not told him yet.” she said. “I bet he's still mad about me leaving.”
“I can ask him for you?”
“Will you please.”
“Of course.”
“Thank you so much!”
“Your welcome.” I told her. “So what is Duncan and the new in-laws saying about being pregnant?”
“They happy.” she said.
“Wow. Now Duncan has no reason to hit you now.” I laughed. “Oh sorry, I shouldn't say that.”
“No, it's okay, your right.”
When she left, I put soft music on and out something sexy on and had the candles on every where. I wrote a note to him on the end table that said, 'Hey sexy come into the bedroom something is waiting for you in there.'
I heard the front room door shut and I heard him out his keys down. He started walking down to the hall until he got to the room.
He started to say something until he seen what he seen.
“Damn, Heather!” He took off his clothes off, and jumped in the bed with me and started kissing me. “If you wanted this so bad you could have told me. I didn't know you were this horny Heather.”
“Oh, yes, I am, Alejandro. I want you to give it to me real bad.” I grabbed his arm and we got it on.
For our first time it was great we done it for hours and it felt like I got off 5 times because he was so good.
We don't it two days in a row the 2nd time was all him this time.
The next day I was just laying in bed and when I moved I felt a real bad pain, in my stomach. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I got real sick.
I started counting back days since the day we done it. I was 6 days late. I went to the store and brought a pregnancy test. When I read what it said I dropped it. I moved my hands to my stomach. My stomach was hard.
At that same moment I got sick. I called Courtney and told her I was pregnant. She was happy. Told Gwen, she was happy. Trent told me, 'congrats'. Told Cody and Noah I was pregnant, they were happy.
Then I called Alejandro.
“Hello, Kenny's Auto Sales.” It was Kenny.
“Kenny, it's Heather is Alejandro close by I have something to tell him.”
“Hi Heather. No he;s working on a car.”
“Oh okay. Well tell him I'm on my way up there okay.”
“Okay. Bye.”
I drove over there to Kenny's Auto Sales. Alejandro saw me drove up.
“Hey Kenny.”
“Hi Heather you okay you don't look so good.” When he said that I ran to the trash can and got sick.
“Heather.” Alejandro dropped the tool he was using then ran to me. “Heather you okay.”
“Yes and no.” I said smiling.
“What are you talking about?”
“Guess.” I put his hands on my stomach.
“No. Your pregnant!” he picked me up and spin me around. Kenny and everyone stop doing what they were doing.
“Congrats, man.” Kenny said. “You just got a raise.”
“Thanks. Oh my God Heather. When you find out?”
“This morning.” I said. “I was 6 days late so I went to the store and got a pregnancy test.”
“I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad.” he kissed me.
“Congrats dad.” I said.
Kenny let Alejandro leave early. He drove me home. He called his mom and dad. They were happy.
He told me what his mom said. “Mom said go lay down and rest.”
“Tell her okay.” I went to the bedroom and took a nap.
Two months passed. Courtney told me that she is having twins, but don't know what they are.
When I was about 5 months, Alejandro took me to the doctors. I was having twins. They were both girls. They gave us pictures.
I told Courtney. “I'm having twin girls.”
“Congrats, Heather. I'm waiting to see what they are when I have them.”
“You don't have that much time. Your only 6 months.” I was teasing her.
“I know.”
Alejandro came home with pink everything. Even bought me a girl puppy. We named her Bella. She was a pitbull.
His mom came over to see me while he was at work.
I was on the couch when I told her to come in.
“Hey Heather.”
“Hi mama.”
“How you doing?”
“I am good but, the morning sickness.”
“That does that too you.”
“I heard.”
Courtney was at the hospital having hers. Duncan called me and told me.
I was 3 weeks away to having mine. It was 6 in the morning and he was up. My side of the bed was wet.
“Alejandro!” I yelled.
“Yes, Heather.” After he ran into the room.
“My water broke.” I yelled.
“What!” He said. “Oh my god. Wheres the bag.”
“Over there.” I pointed where I said where it was.
“Come on I'll take you to the hospital.” he put me in the back seat. He drove fast as he could.
When we got there. He got me out of the car and helped me inside and yelled.
“My wife is having her babies.” A doctor grabbed a wheel chair and help him get me in it.
They took us to a room where we can be alone.
“Baby, call Duncan and Courtney, and Noah, and Cody, and Gwen, and Trent.....”
I couldn't say the rest I was in pain for 2 minutes.
“Okay.. It stopped.. Tell them I'm having the twins please.”
“Isn't Courtney and Duncan here having there's.” Alejandro asked.
“Damn, yes. Ask someone what room they are in please” I must look like hell.
“Okay baby don't worry , you will have these babies with me.” He kissed me when he walked out the room. He walked back into the room and told me. “They are in 3 room down from us.” He said.
“Okay wheel me in there then.” I told him.
He wheeled me in there room. Duncan looks up when he seen me and says.
“Heather what you doing here?”
Courtney looked up and seen me come in too.
“Hey Courtney, I guess we will be having our wish.”
“What do you mean?” Duncan asked.
“Well, my water broke this morning.” I said.
“Oh wow, that's cook Heather we should get a room together.” Courtney said.
“Yea – ” I grabbed Alejandro's hand.
“Ow. Heather, honey, take deep breaths in and out.”
I did what he said. Then a nurse came in. Courtney asked her.
“Can me and her get a room together. She's my best friend. We are having babies at the same time?”
“Yea sure I'll fine a room for y'all.” The nurse walked out.
“Okay that was longer, 5 minutes. I'm gonna have them soon.”
The nurse came back in. “Okay we found you guys a room right down here. Can you wheel her out while I get her please.”
“Yea sure.” He wheeled me out to the hall and the nurse wheeled Courtney in her bed down the hall.
“Here you guys go. Do you need help to get in the bed?” she asked me.
“Um I don't think so but maybe.”
she help me in the bed while Alejandro went to get the bags from the other room.
“Thanks – ” right when I was saying thank you to her I grabbed her hand.
“Ow... Okay take a deep breath in and out... I think your about to have them now.” she said.
“Sorry Courtney about having them together.” I told her.
“It's okay, they can be a day apart.” we grabbed hand and the nurse wheeled me out of the room. Alejandro seen me and said.
“Having the babies.” he asked.
I nodded and said, “Yup.”
We got to a room and they put that big needle in my back.
They put my legs up and was telling me to push and telling me to breathe.
“What's her name?” the nurse asked Alejandro.
“Heather and I'm Alejandro.” Alejandro said.
“Well Alejandro hold Heather's hand okay.” she said to him and said to me. “Heather give me a big push okay.” the nurse said.
I pushed like she said.
“Breathe in your nose, out your month.”
I even did that. Alejandro was going it with me.
“Push, Heather!”
I heard a cry. I looked at Alejandro.
“I see the head Heather, give me one big push hurry we got to get the other baby out.”
I pushed. And I heard they said, “It's a girl.”
“Okay, Heather, few more pushes and we will be done.”
I pushed a big pushed. And they said, “See the head. One more big push.”
I gave them another big push.
“Another girl. Congrats you guys. Twin girls.”
“Can I hold my baby girls?” I asked.
“Yea, here.” They handed me my twin girls. They were so cute. They look like their daddy, has my hair tho.
“So what are you gonna call them?”
“Well this one with the eyes open and looks more like her daddy, Alex, and the other one, Hannah.”
“Thank you for naming this after me.” He kissed me.
“Your welcome, honey.” I kissed him back.
“Can we go back to out room? Where my best friend is?” I asked.
“Sure, but she's not in there. She's having her babies too.”
“When she have them?”
“After your first born. Is it Alex?” I nodded. “Yea after Alex was born. She'll be in a different room for at least 10 minutes.”
“Oh okay, but she's okay right?”
“Yea. You'll see her husband or boyfriend in the room tho. He passed out on us when her first baby came out.
“Duncan passed out wow.”
They wheeled me to the room where Duncan was still in and Alejandro was wheeling Alex and the nurse was wheeling Hannah.
“Thank you.” I told the nurse.
“Your welcome Heather. I'll be right back to check on you and the twins.”
“Okay.” I said. “Well, Hi Duncan, what's up?”
“Not much. Courtney having the twins. He said. “I see you had your twins.” he got up from his chair and walked over to where I was.
“Yea, this is Alex, and this is Hannah.” I told him. “Do you know what your having?”
“Well, I know we had a boy, but I passed out to know what the other one was.” when he got done saying that Courtney came back in here with her twins.
“Hey Heather.”
“Hey Courtney, so what you have?”
“Two twin boys.” She said, “And you?”
“Twin girls. Alex and Hannah.”
“Oh. Well the first born is Duncan Jr.” She smiled at Duncan, and I seen him smiled. “And the other one is chad like my brother.”
Chad was her dead brother she never talked about him a lot, but I'm surprise she name her baby after him tho. I didn't ask why she did. It wasn't none of my business to know why. It was her baby not mine. I only seen her brother in pictures, that was like 4 years ago. She told me he died a very young age. The last time she told me this he was like 4 years old. I forget when his birthday was, but her mother told me its hard on her when his birthday comes. I remember her mother told me Courtney took care of her brother when he was little. Like he was one of hers. She is 19 now, and she was 9 when he died. So he has been dead for about 10 years.
“Oh okay. They are only one hour apart.”
“Yea.” Noah, Cody, Gwen, and Trent came in.
“Hey guys.” Trent said.
“Hey buddy.” Duncan went over to Trent.
“Hey Heather. Hey Courtney.” said Cody.
“Hey Cody.” We said at the same time. We laughed.
Alex was crying. Alejandro handed her to me.
“Hand me the blanket please, honey.” I was breast feeding her.
“So what we have.” Trent asked us both.
“Well, I had two twin girls, Alex that I'm feeding and Hannah is asleep.” I said.
“And I had twin boys. Duncan Jr. that I'm feeding and Chad is asleep.” She winked at me. I laughed.
“Aw.” It was Carrie, Duncan's mother. “I have boys for grandchildren.” she laughed.
“Hey ma, pa.” Duncan hug his parents.
“Heather, well its nice to see you again. Carrie said.
“You too Carrie.” She hugged me.
“What you have?”
“Twin girls.” I lift the blanket that was on top of Alex. “This is Alex and this is Hannah.” I took Alex out from under the blanket and handed her to Carrie.
Someone knocked at the door.
“Mama, papa, Holley, gomistas” Alejandro was speaking Spanish to his parents.
“Holla, gomistas Heather.” his mom said to me.
“Holla and good. Glad this is over with.” I smiled. “Excuse me I have to use the bathroom. Alejandro, can you help me up please. I'm still sore.” he helped me to the bathroom.
“Thank you.” I kissed him when I get out. He helped me get back into the bed. “Is Hannah up?”
“Yea her eyes are open.” he said.
“Hand her to me please baby.” he handed her to me and I feed her.
“Ma, hand me Alex and take pictures of us four.” Alejandro told his mom.
“Okay.” she handed Alex to Alejandro.
She took pictures of us and Courtney and the babies.
The nurse came in. “Okay sorry to say this but visiting hours are over. The mommies has to sleep and the babies has to go to be checked out.”
“Like I can sleep.” Courtney said.
“I can.” I laughed.
“I'll see you guys later.” said Duncan. “Come on Alejandro.”
“Yea honey.”
“I love you!”
“I love you too.”
They left and I fell asleep, so did Courtney. Nurses came in and out to check on us.
A week later we were allow to go home. When I got home the twins room was already ready for them. Bella was by the door when we came in.
She hasn't changed much. A little bigger not much. She's only 3 weeks old. I have to watch out for her because the twins now. She might want to bite them or whatever. Watch her more closely when the twins start to walk and crawl, and there toys too.
I didn't get fix and I wasn't allow to have sex for 6 weeks. Gwen came in when we got home. She didn't see much of the twins when I had them. She was helping me put them in there bed and putting there bags up. Setting up their closet with diapers and wet wipes. We left the door open Alejandro was on the couch watching the football game and letting us girls do the baby things Ha ha ha.
Trent came in and yelled for Gwen. “Gwen you in here.” Trent said.
“She's in the twins room helping Heather put them to sleep.” Alejandro told Trent.
“Oh can I go back there?” he asked.
“Yea.” Trent walked back where we were. “Hey Heather. Hey honey.” He kissed me on the cheek and kissed Gwen on the lips.
“Gwen was telling me you guys were trying to get pregnant.”
“Yea but its not working.” Trent said. The dog was jumping on Trent.
“Bella go lay down.” I said.
“Oh, she's okay.” Trent picked Bella up. “She's cute. What's her name again.”
“Bella. Alejandro got her 2 weeks ago for me right before I had the twins like 3 days before. She sleeps with us.”
“Aw, how cute.” Trent was petting her.
Gwen put Hannah in her bed, and I put Alex in hers.
“So you want anymore kids?” Gwen asked when I was watching the twins sleep.
“I don't know. I can't even have sex for 6 weeks.” I laughed.
Gwen and Trent even laughed. Alejandro came in behind me and put his arms around me. “We will soon after you can. Don't worry Heather.” he laughed.
“I hope.” We went into the living room.
“Well the twins are asleep now what you want to do.” Gwen said.
“I don't know. I'm really sleepy so I might just go lay down. But Alejandro you can go with them.” I told him.
“Are you sure. What if you need me to help with the twins.” he said.
“They will be out for awhile so go.” I kissed him.
“Okay.” He said.
I went into our room and Bella followed behind. They left. Bella jumped onto the bed and slept close to my feet.
3 hours later I woke up. I was surprise I have not heard the twins cry. I got up and went into their room. Alejandro was in there feeding Hannah with a bottle. Alex was asleep.
“Hey did you sleep well?”
“Yea. When did you get back?”
“About an hour ago. I was in the living room watching T.V. Then, I heard Hannah cry, I came in here to give her a bottle.”
“Oh thanks. Bella are you hungry too? Well, come on lets go feed you too.” Bella followed me to the kitchen to give her some wet dog food.
I gave her, her wet dog food. While she was eating it, I was watching her. It felt like I was watching my babies eat/sleep.
Alejandro must have put Hannah back into her bed because he came into the kitchen and out his arms around me. I turned around and he picked me up and put me on the counter. He started kissing me and nibbling on my neck. He was trying to turn me on and it was working so instead of going to the bedroom I asked him what they did.
“So, what did y'all do?”
“Not much. We went to Gwen's house and watched T.V. There was a football game on so we watched it and then we played cards. I didn't want to leave you here alone, Heather with the most beautiful children ever helpless.”
“Aw, my poor baby.” I put my arms around his neck and started kissing him. “I love you.”
“I love you too all my heart.” he said.
Alejandro went back to work. And when he went to work I was stuck at home with the twins and the puppy. Which was on my lap asleep. I called Courtney. Duncan's mom answered.
“Hey, Carrie, is Courtney there?” I asked.
“No, Duncan and her went out. We are watching the twins.”
“Oh okay. Tell her I called okay.”
“I will Heather. Bye.”
When I got off the phone Cody was at the door.
“Heather!” Cody yelled.
“Shh! The twins are asleep.”
“Oh sorry.” he said softly.
I laughed when he said sorry softly.
“It's okay. What's up? I haven't seen you for awhile.” I said.
“Not much, Noah's at work.”
“Oh okay, so is Alejandro.” Bella loves Cody. She got off my lap and ran to him like crazy.
“Damn, she's getting big. How old is she?”
“Almost 5 weeks old.”
“Oh okay. Hey Bella what's up.” She licked his face.
He loved talking to her, and sometimes I think she understands him. I know she can't talk but I think she really truly thinks she understands him.
She loves licking people. Its away to tell you she likes you and 'Hi'.
The twins are 4 weeks old, they sleep longer then 2 hours. That's better for me. I been busy cleaning this house or at least try to.
One day when Alejandro wasn't working, he put up a white picked fence for Bella so she can go outside without anyone to watch her use the bathroom or play. Wait until the twins get bigger to play she would love the twins.
That same day when Alejandro was putting up the fence I was feeding Alex and Hannah and she jumped on top of me and she started licking Alex and Hannah and they started giggling at that it was so sweet. I have my big happy family with me. That was my wish when I was little like 10, and my wish came true on the day I met Alejandro at school when he asked me out.
Chapter 10: Cody has a stalker name Sierra!!
I was still in school, its my last year of high school I was so happy. Gwen, Trent, and me is the only ones still in school. Noah, Alejandro, Heather, Courtney, and Duncan is out of high school.
Well Duncan takes night school because he had to drop out his last year because he went to jail.
I was walking home from school one day, and I was thinking there was someone walking behind me and every time I turned to look behind me there was no one there.
Well, 2 weeks passed and I was walking home with Gwen and Trent. I told them turn right. We stop behind the building.
“Why are we stopping for?” Gwen asked.
“Because someone is following me and I want to catch them.”
then a girl with long purple hair came around the corner and stopped.
“Hey you, why are you following me everywhere for?” I asked her.
“I um... I don't um....” she took off running.
“Trent run after her.” he ran after her and when he grabbed her they fell.
“Stop moving.” Trent told her.
“Why are you following me home?”
“I don't know why.” she said.
“What's your name sweetie?” Gwen asked her.
“Sierra.” Sierra said.
“Okay, Sierra. Why are you following me and if you don't tell me I'm gonna call the cops.” I told her. I had 911 on my phone about to hit send.
“Because I like you and I stalk people if I like them.” she said.
Gwen, Trent, and I looked at each other and I cleared my throat and I told her.
“Well, I'm married to someone and I'm gay.”
“I know you are gay and married, and I know what your name is. It's Cody.” Sierra said.
“Damn, Cody she knows everything about you.” Trent said laughing. Gwen joined him.
“She don't know what's my birthday, don't know how old I am, where I live, who I am marry to? Do you?” I asked her.
Sierra said, “3/5/93. Your 18, married to Noah which is 20, and live at 4119 East Michigan Street.”
“Damn she does know everything about you Cody.” Gwen said laughing.
“Well I'm calling the cops.” I hit send.
“911 how can I help you?”
“Yes is Officer Sanderz there?”
“May I ask who I speaking too?”
“Yes, my name is Cody. She knows who I am. I would like to talk to her. Its important.”
“Okay, sit I will hook you to her.”
The line was ringer to Officer Sanderz until she answered.
“Officer Sanderz, how may I help you?”
“Officer Sanderz its Cody.”
“Hey Cody. Hows it going?” she asked.
“Okay until now.”
“What's wrong Cody?”
“I have a stalker. We got her right now. She has been following me from home to school and back. Can you please come get her.”
“Sure I'm on my way.”
About 30 minutes to an hour, Officer Sanderz came to my house.
“So where she at?” she asked me.
“Right here.”
“Sierra? What are you doing here?” Officer Sanderz said.
“Mom, what are you doing here?”
“Mom!” All 3 of us said.
“She's my husband's daughter. I been her mom since she was 3. Her mom died.”
“Oh we get it.” we said again.
“Why are you bothering Cody here for?”
“No, wonder she knows everything about you Cody.” said Trent, “Her mom is a cop.”
Trent and Gwen laughed.
“Sierra get your ass in that car right now young lady. You are in huge trouble when we get home. Wait til your dad hears about this. Trust me Cody this won't happen again.”
“I hope not, its just crazy and freaky.” I said.
“If it does call me on my cell okay.”
“Okay, thanks again.”
They left. So did Trent and Gwen. I went inside and layed on the couch. I must have fallen asleep because Noah came in and put me in the bed. When I woke up the house was smelling so good.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. I seen Noah cooking and next to him was Sierra. I screamed bloody murder.
Noah came into the room and said, “Its okay. It's just a dream Cody.” he said over and over and over until I woke up.
So, it was just a dream what the hell I thought it was so fucking real. I had this dream for almost 2 weeks. What the hell, I was having dreams of a little girl with long purple hair. Have I lost my mind.
I have not seen Sierra for 2 weeks, but I spoke to soon.. one day Noah was working someone knocked at the door. It was Sierra.
“Hey Cody.” Sierra said.
“What are you doing here. I'm calling your mom.”
“No don't she sent me over here.”
“Why she do that for?” I asked.
“Because what I did 2 weeks ago. The reason you have not seen me was because I was grounded.”
“Well, you should have been. Look what you done, Sierra. Why do you like me for I'm married and gay.” I told her.
“I don't care. I just like you. We can share.”
“No we can't. I am only for one person.”
Noah came in and seen Sierra.
“Who she?” Noah asked.
“No one she just leaving.”
“I'm Sierra. You must be Noah.” they shook hands.
“So your the one who's stalking my husband. Will you stop please.” he told her.
“Well, that's not gonna happen because, I like Cody a lot. Well, I'm in love with him.”
“Well, he's my husband. And you can't have him.” he told her.
“Please go or I'll call your mom.” he threaten her.
“Okay, I'll leave but trust me I'll be back.”
She left and that wasn't the last time I seen her. I seen her before school, after school, days when I took the trash out.
Then out out no where it stopped happening. I bet she got the point.
She don't even go to my school. One day I went outside and waited to see if I seen her. I liked her pretty, long, purple hair. It was very sexy. I called her mom and asked her id Sierra was there. She said no. So where has she been.
Then one day I went outside to check the mail. She was on our swing.
“Hi, Cody. I heard you asked about me.”
“Yea so.” I said.
“Your starting to like me are you?” Sierra asked.
“No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know.” I told her.
I don't know what to think. She was cute in a non-crazy way. I loved her hair in a non-crazy way. I wanted to go back into the house but I didn't want to make her mad since I been asking about her. I guess her mom told her.
“Come on you can tell me.” she told me.
“No.” I said.
Then I went inside the house and slammed the door in her face. I bet I pissed her off. I bet she ran home crying to her mommy. I bet she is telling her mom that I slammed a door in her face. Watch her mom will be here real soon if she told her mom.
3 hours later I went to go look outside and she was gone. So I walked outside and Noah was pulling up. I went to meet him at the driveway.
“Noah can I tell you something.” When he got out the car.
“Well you know Sierra right?”
“Well I kinda like her. And I was thinking well you know ask her to move in here. Like us 3 can have 3 sums and shit.” I told him.
“Well, I don't know maybe. She is cute.” he said. “I'll think about it Cody.”
A month went by I haven't heard from Sierra. Maybe she died or got grounded again, or moved. Oh Well.
School is almost out. School goes by real quick when your doing things.
Talk to Heather. The twins are trying to walk. Even Courtney's twins are trying to walk too.
Both sets of twins are 6 months old, already trying to walk. They already crawling.
Kids was on my mind for awhile since Heather and Courtney had their twins and one night when me n Noah was laying in bed I told him.
“Noah I was thinking.”
“Yes, Cody.”
“I want kids.” I thought he would freak out when I said that but he didn't.
“Me too Cody.” he said. “Where is this going to?”
“Well I was thinking one of us should fuck Sierra and get her pregnant and have kids.” I told him.
“What are you crazy.” he said.
“No, I like her and she likes me.”
“Her mom is a cop Cody.”
“I know that.” and I did know that.
“I don't know Cody.”
“Please.” I gave him the puppy eye look. He always go for the puppy eyes.
“Okay find her and ask her.”
“Thank you. I love you.” I kissed him.
“You are welcome and I love you too.”
I have not found Sierra. I have not see or heard from her. Oh well. I called her mom and she said she hasn't seen her in 3 months.
“She moved out of the state for a little bit. She's 19 years old Cody, she can do what she wants to do Cody.”
So she left the city/town/state. I was sad for awhile when I heard that. I stopped looking for her. I moved on with my life
Chapter 11: “The twin boys are fine.” says Duncan.
The twins are 8 months old mine and Heather's twins. Both sets are already walking.
Me and Courtney has not have time to do the wedding yet. But I told her one day I got home from work.
“Courtney we will get married when we get enough money don't worry.” I told her.
“That's not it Duncan. I understand about that. I just wish we got married before we had kids.” she said. She look like she was about to cry.
I walked over to her and hold her close to me. We been living with my parents. My mom said the twins can have Bobby's room.
“Where is the twins, Duncan?” she asked.
“The twins are fine. They are with ma and pa.” I said. My ma and pa was happy when Courtney was having my kids. She thought we were young for kids but they are their only grandchildren.
“Oh okay. So how was work baby?” she asked me.
“It was okay. I'm glad Alejandro hooked me up at Kenny's Auto Sales.”
“Me too.” She kissed me and went into the bedroom and grabbed our and twins clothes and washed them.
My parents and the twins came home 2 hours later. The twins have not start talking yet.
I was saying mommy and daddy a lot since the twins been born. Every time I say mom when I was talking to her I say mommy. Even say the same thing with my dad I say daddy.
3 days later went by and I came home from work, and Duncan Jr. came running toward me yelling. “Daddy!”
Courtney came running out of our bedroom. “Did Jr. just talked?” she asked me.
“Mommy!” Jr. ran toward her.
“Oh my heavens my baby said, 'mommy'” said Courtney.
Chad came running in from the bedroom saying “Grandma. Grandpa. Up! Up!”
My mom picked him up, “Hey Chad.” she handed Chad off to my dad.
“Aw my babies.” she was crying.
“Courtney come here.” I was sitting on the couch and I patted my leg. She came and sat on my leg. “Courtney why are you crying?”
“Because, mom's do these things when they there first word and start walking. Oh leave me alone.” she got up and ran into the bedroom.
“Courtney wait!” I yelled.
“Not in front of the twins, son.” my dad said.
“Here I'll talk to her for you.” my mom said.
My mom came out with Courtney. Her eyes were red from crying.
“Courtney, I sorry for making you cry.” I told her.
“It's okay. This whole parenthood is just all new to me and really hard.” Courtney said.
“It's new for me too Courtney.” I said to her. “I say mom was right. We are to young to get married and have kids. But I should say it is too late about the 'having children' Courtney because we have two of them.”
“Yea she was right Duncan but, it is too late tho. I love you and I want you so bad.” she was feeling on my leg and I hope I was thinking the same thing she was thinking.
“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” I asked her.
“Maybe, if you are thinking what I am talking about?” she said .
“Um maybe.” I said. And I pointed with my eyes toward the bedroom and I asked. “Is that what your talking about?”
“Yes.” she got up and grabbed my hand. We went into my room and started taking our clothes off.
“Are you sure Courtney, you really want to do this. You just had twins 8 months ago.” I said to her.
“Yea. I want you right now Duncan. And I don't care. If your scared that I will get pregnant again just pull out.”
She pushed me on the bed and then she jumped on top of me, and she started kissing me on the lips then was going down on me. She started nibbling on my neck, she bite me there and it did hurt but I didn't say anything about it. She ran her nails down my front side, from my chest to all the way down to my waist. She climbed on my dick and we got busy. She was doing all the work all I had to do was just lay there. She was going down and going up real slowly. She was teasing me but it felt real good tho. Every time I told her let me do something. She said, 'no'. She just kept fucking me. Damn it was only has been 8 months since we had the twins, I didn't know she was this horny.
She started going faster and faster and god it felt really good. She was saying everything in the damn book. Until I told her lay on the bed it was my turn to do something. She was so easy to flip her. I layed her on the bed and I started fucking her as fast as I could and she was saying shit like this, 'Oh Duncan.... faster.... o yes o yes.....' every time I hit the spot she would moan. I say she got off like 8 times.
“Oh god, yes Duncan, I love you!” she said when she moaned.
She ran her nails down my back and she just made it worst because when you do that to me it just turns me on even more. I moaned when she ran her nails down my back and at the time I said.
“Courtney, god o yes Courtney.” I moaned. “I love you too.” I said back to her.
We done it for at least 5 hours. We walked out of the room to go to the bathroom. The twins must be in bed. Mom must have put them in their beds. Mom might have thought we have fallen asleep. I was surprise they didn't hear us. Courtney was moaning loudly. After Courtney and I were done taking a shower we went to bed.
Courtney and I woke up, I made breakfast in bed for Courtney. I kissed her when I left. I was a little late for work but Kenny wasn't there. Alejandro was there in the office.
“Duncan, your late. Do you know that?” he asked me.
“Yes I do. I woke up late. Where Kenny?” I asked.
“Out sick. He called me this morning and told me I was the boss for a few days until he gets back.” Alejandro said.
“Oh okay. So hows the twins? Jr. Chad is walking and started talking yesterday.” I told him. “Courtney was really happy when they started talking and walking.”
“They are fine. They started talking 3 days ago. They started speaking English then yesterday they were speaking Spanish.” he said. “Heather was happy until they started speaking Spanish.” he laughed at that.
“Oh okay.”
Someone came in to pay for a payment for a car.
“Welcome to Kenny's Auto Sales how can I help you?” Alejandro said.
“Is Kenny here?” she asked.
“No, he is not. He is out sick for a few days. How can I help you mam?” he asked her again.
“I would like to pay for my car payment.” she told him.
“Okay. What's your name?” he asked her.
“April Smallman.”
“Okay April Smallman your payment is $350. he has wrote down that you are 2 months behind so that's why it's a lot.” Alejandro was good at this.
“I know. I told him, I would pay double this month.” she handed him $350.
“Thank you have a nice day April.” he handed her a note that said how much she paid.
“Well I better get to work.” I told him.
“Yea, tell Donny he needs to clean that mess he made yes. Kenny wrote a note about it. Tell him if he don't he is fired. Tell him Kenny said it not me. I can show him the note.”
“Okay.” I walked out. And told Donny what Kenny said. “Hey Donny, Kenny wants you to clean that mess you made yesterday. And he said if you don't you are fired. Kenny told Alejandro and Alejandro told me to tell you.”
The rest of the day was very slow so we had hardly no work to do. We had 2 cars. Done them in about 1½ hours. When I got home jumped in the shower and when I got out I went to go lay down. Courtney was at work, she started work 2 days ago and the days she don't work she goes to night school. So do I since I had to drop out when I went to jail.
Duncan Jr. came in the bedroom and said. “Daddy... can... I... come... up... there... and... lay... down... with... you...?” he was afraid to say to much out loud.
“Yes you can Jr.” I picked him up and layed him down on the bed. We fell asleep and Courtney came in and seen us.
“Aw.” she said softly. She picked Duncan up and put him in his bed with his brother, and she came back and layed down with me.
“How was work baby?” I asked her.
“It was okay.” she said.
She works at Walmart. “Oh okay, so what are you doing?”
“I am putting things away anything.”
“Oh how fun. My day was slow.” I kissed her and I went back to sleep.
I didn't work that much today because I told Alejandro I had to take twins to get check ups.
“Hey man, I have to take the twins to the doctors, okay.”
“Okay. My twins appointment is in two day. Heather is taking them.
I took them to the doctors. They were good for another 3 more months.
Courtney was already at home waiting for us. She fixed dinner for all of us. My mom and dad likes when Courtney cooks for us. Ha ha ha. Very funny.
Chapter 12: Bridgette and Geoff moves close to Gwen and Trent!!
Hi my name is Bridgette, I am the most beautiful woman alive. And the smartest person alive too. I'm in the 11th grade. I'm suppose to be in the 10th grade but, they skipped me a grade. I'm 16 years old but people think I am at least 18 or 19 years old because I am so smart.
I go to school with my best friend. Her name is Gwen. She goes out with a boy name Trent.
I got out with a boy that loves to wear his pink shirts all the time. And he loves to wear his cowboy hat. He is from some state like Tennessee or Kentucky. He has a southern assent. His name is Geoff. He is the most handsome, sexiest guy alive. He may not be smart, but he's smart enough for me.
We have every class together. So does Gwen and Trent. Well all of us do. Over the summer when Geoff and I moved here Gwen and Trent went to boot camp. They are in this class called JROTC. Gwen wanted us to get that class but, I said no, but when school started I had that class with her.
Geoff and I has been going out for about 2½ years. We have not had sex yet.
“Good morning Geoff.” I woke him up.
“Good morning sexy.” he said.
I kissed him. We have a nice two bedroom house. We found our house two street down from where Gwen and Trent lived.
“Come on Geoff we be late to school.” I told him.
“Okay give me a minute.” he said.
We got to school om time Gwen and Trent was putting the flag up when we showed up.
I ran over there pulling Geoff with me. He was holding his hat down. When I ran past a lot of boys they were looking at me and they were shouting at me.
“Gwen!” I yelled.
She just put the flag up.”Bridgette!” she yelled back.
We ran to each other screaming. Everyone was looking at us.
“Oh my god, I missed you Bridgette.” Gwen said.
“I missed you too Gwen.” I said.
“Why don't you come in the ROTC room after we get done doing the flag we come back together.” Gwen said. “Present arms.” Gwen said. Trent and Gwen put there arms up. Then she said this. “Order arms. Fall out.” Then she grabbed Trent's hand.
“Okay.” I also grabbed Geoff's hand.
We went into the ROTC room and there was some guy in an army uniform. Trent was saying good morning to him.
“Good morning 1sgt. Glad to see you this morning.” Trent said to him.
“Good morning to you Trent, Gwen. Who is this that's behind you Gwen?” the 1sgt asked Gwen.
“This is my best friend since P.K. Prekindergarten, Preschool, Kindergarten whatever you want to call it.” Gwen said. “Bridgette, Geoff, this is 1sgt.”
“Hi Bridgette, Geoff. Are you in this class with Gwen and Trent?”
“Yes, I am. I mean yes we are 1sgt.” I smiled at him and shook his hand.
“Son, take your hat off. You are in the building.”
“Yes sir.” Geoff took his hat off.
“Yes 1sgt.” said Gwen. “Give him 25 push-ups Geoff. Sorry Bridgette.”
“You have to do what you have to do.” I told her.
“But.” Geoff tried to say.
“No buts son, you heard her get down and give her 25 push-ups. You don't call me sir. I'm 1sgt. You call me 1sgt.” 1sgt said.
I was laughing at Geoff I have never seen him do anything like that. When he was done he go up and he told 1sgt, “Sorry 1sgt.”
“It's okay just don't do it again.” 1sgt said.
The bell rung. We went to class. We all had ICP together, then Algebra, then some kind of Lang. Arts ECA Lab class. After that class was English, then we all had JROTC class together, lunch, then we have 2 classes of choir. Gospel and Beginning choir.
On our ICP Bell ringer was: How much does a 50kg person weight in newtons? That is so easy. It's 9.8 * 50, that is 490.
I raised my hand and said. “It's 490. I got 50 * 9.8 = 490 newtons.”
“Thanks you Bridgette that is right.” Mr. McCabe said. He wrote down what I said.
Geoff wrote down what I said. When he was done he was staring at me. I mouthed to him, 'What?'
Geoff mouthed back to me. 'You are so beautiful and so smart.' I smiled at him and even kissed him.
Our 1st 4 classes was fast. It was 6/7 ROTC. Gwen was the class leader.
“Class attention.”
The class said. “Second to nun number one hornets leads the way. Hooah.”
“Half left. Please join me with the Pledge of the Allegiance.” she said.
We said the Pledge of the Allegiance.
Then she said. “Half right. Please join me with the JROTC Cadet Creed.”
“I am an army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself, my family, country, school and other Cadets. I do not cheat, lie, or steal. I am countable for mt actions and dead.” That's all I know.
“Parade rest.” she told us.
The 1sgt called our names.
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Thanks you son.” he told him. “Gwen.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Thank you LT.” he told her. “Trent.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Not here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Here 1sgt.”
“Thank you. Class leader.” We had a small class.
“Class attention.”
“Second to nun number one hornets lead the way. Hooah.”
“Take seats.”
“Howe Junior ROTC. Hooah.”
We took our seats. The 1st day was cool and fast. The 1sgt has Gwen do everything. She was like a teacher or something.
“Gwen why don't you take a seat before you pass out.” I said.
“I'm fine. I do this all the time.” she told me. “Okay, everyone listen up. I want you to fill these out with your info. And the 2nd sheet I want you to take home and have your parents fill out and bring back to me tomorrow.
“You are in B company, 1st platoon. And while you guys fill this out I will tell you who is in your Chain of Command.” she walked to 1sgt desk and he gave her some kind of paper.
“Okay. I will tell you who is on the Chain of Command for company B., for 1st Platoon: your Platoon Sgt is Reed, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Your Platoon leader is Trent, he is right here.” he raised his hand. “2nd Platoon: Platoon Sgt is Small, he is right here.” he raised his hand. “Platoon Leader is Rice, he is right here.” he raised his hand.
“Gwen tell them who the Captains are.” said 1sgt.
Gwen nodded her head.
“I will be your Captain. My name is Gwen. I am the Captain of everything in this program. So if you need help with anything come look for me. The Color Guard Captain is Arnold, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Honor Guard Captain is Smith, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Your Drill team Captain is Adams, she is not in this class period. Your IDR Captain is Rice, but he is in football so to take his place until football season is over is Gabby Rangel. To help her out is her twin sister is Andrea Rangel. Your Raiders Captain is Small. For Rifle team well we don't have a Captain yet but we will soon. So Rifle team is out until we get a Captain.”
She gave 1sgt the paper back. And when she went to take her seat he told her.
“Gwen you know what I know you are the Captain of everything and we don't have a Captain for Rifle Team. Well I am putting you as the Captain. You have done a lot for me in the last 3 years, and since you are a let 3, it's yours. And if you are not here well to take your place is Trent.”
“Thank you, 1sgt.” she told him.
“Thank you, 1sgt.” he told him.
“Tell them what days are for what.”
“Okay.” she turn to us and spoke again. “Okay class. Mondays and Tuesdays is Rifle team. Wednesdays is Raiders. Thursdays is IDR and Drill team. On Fridays is Color and Honor Guard. And I will be staying after for everything to see if you are doing everything right.” Gwen said.
She looked happy. She went over to 1sgt's desk and put that paper in a folder, and went over to Trent and kissed him. They were happy. They had 2 jobs to take care of. I wonder why 1sgt gave both of them 2 jobs.
“Okay for the next 3 weeks I will be teaching you the Basic movement steps and when the gym is open I will take you guys there and show you how to march. Since I am a let 3 and your Captain and Trent is a let 2 he is my helper we will be the only ones will be teaching you other than Smith and Arnold. That's on Fridays only during school Trent and I will be teaching you okay. Okay we are going to the gym so class fall in at the door. Trent take them to the gym and stop at the doors.”
“Yes Captain.” Trent said. Gwen blushed when Trent said that.
Trent took us to the gym Gwen was a little bit behind she was talking to the 1sgt.
“Trent take them upstairs.” 1sgt said.
We went upstairs and Trent put us in 2 columns. This was a little hard because we kept going over this like 5 times until Gwen told Trent to stop for a minute.
“Trent tell them halt.” Gwen told him.
“Group halt.” Trent said.
“Okay I think you guys are doing very well for you 1st time.”
“We done it like 5 times, Gwen.” said Keith.
“Yea Gwen. I know your a let 3 and a Captain, but you can't just push us like this.” said Reed. She was agreeing with Keith. So was Smith.
Keith was Decko, Reed was Heather, and Smith was Heather. Heather Reed goes out with Decko Keith.
“I know Keith and Reed that's why I told Trent to stop you guys. Smith, Reed, Keith you guys are let 2's and everyone else too but we do have some let 1's.” she pointed to me, Geoff, and some others. “Anyways the bell is about to ring so the reason why I stop yea is to tell you go back to the room and get your things.”
We went back to the room. Some of the cadets were talking about how Gwen and Trent was handling this. I was surprise no one talked to 1sgt about it.
When we got into the room the bell rung. We went to lunch. It was pizza day. We ate and talked together. Then after lunch we had choir. We went over some notes and we did some warm-ups, then the choir teacher asked us to sing with her to see where we were, if we were high, low, or both.
Gwen and I were both high. We sat to the right of the boys. School was let out. When all four of us was walking outside, someone called Gwen's name.
“Gwen!” some girl said. She was across the street with twin baby girls.
“Oh my God, Heather your here with the twins. Hey Alex, hey Hannah.” Gwen kissed the twins.
“Aunt Gwen. Uncle Trent.” they both said.
“Aw, how cute.” Trent said.
“Gwen who is this?” I asked.
“Oh yea, Heather this is Bridgette and her cowboy boyfriend name Geoff. Bridgette, Geoff this is my best friend, Heather Wilson.” Gwen said.
“Hi Bridgette and Geoff.” Heather said.
We both said, “Hello.”
“So are these your kids?” I asked.
“Yes, they are. This is Alex she looks a lot like her daddy. And this is Hannah she had my looks.” she laughed.
“They cute Heather.” said Geoff. “How old are they?”
“They are almost 1 year old. Their birthday is in 2 months.” Heather said. “And speaking of birthdays, Duncan, Courtney, Alejandro, and I were thinking about having the party at Chuck-E-Cheese's. So Gwen, Trent can you guys help out?”
“Yea, we can help out for our nieces.” Trent told Heather.
“Okay well I got to go Alejandro is in the car waiting.” she said. “Love yea don't forget. And your friends can go too.”
“Um.... Thanks Heather.” We said.
“Geoff go get the car.” I handed him the keys.
“Well, we got to go, sorry I have to get to work and I have to get Gwen home.” Trent said.
“Oh okay. Well see ya tomorrow.” I told them. Right then Geoff showed up with the car.
“Hey sexy need a ride.” Geoff said.
Trent and Gwen was laughing.
“Love ya Gwen, and yes I do need a ride.” I said.
When we got home, we did our homework. Well, I did, Geoff was just looking at me, well watching me.
He started touching my hair. Then he grab my hand. He was just holding it and rubbing my hand.
“You are so pretty, Bridgette. I love you so much. I don't want anything to happen to us ever until we die.” Geoff said.
“Aw, how sweet Geoff.” I said.
The phone was ringing. I got up and got the phone.
“Hello Bridgette, its your mother.” my mom said.
“Oh, hey om. Whats up?” I asked her.
“Not much. What you doing?”
“Geoff and I are doing our homework.” I said. When I said, 'Geoff' he looked up at me. 'It's mom,' I mouthed. He shock his head.
“Oh, okay, tell Geoff 'Hi' for me please.” she told me.
“I will.” I told her. “Geoff, mom said, 'Hi'.” I told him.
“Tell her, 'Hey cutie'.” he said. He laughed.
When he 1st met me and came over to my house he had a crush on her. He said, 'we looked alike.' Yea right.
“Mom he said, 'hey cutie'.” I told her what he said. She liked Geoff. She thought he was funny.
“Aw, tell him, 'thank you' will yea. I have to go, talk to y'all later.” she said.
“Okay, love ya!”
“Love ya too.”
I hung up the phone, and told him what my mother said.
“Mom said, 'thanks' Geoff.” I told him.
After we were done, I fix us some dinner. Then I went to bed. He stayed up and watched TV. I kissed him goodnight and went to our room.
We went to school. Today was a little boring and slow. Geoff and I fell asleep in ICP.
Geoff got push-ups from 1sgt again, for cursing. He said, 'shit' when he ran into the desk. I was laughing when he ran into the desk. So did Trent and Gwen. Trent was training us while Gwen was filing papers.
The phone ranged and I got it.
“JROTC, student speaking.” I said.
“Yea, is 1sgt there?”
“Yes, but he is busy, hold on I'll ask him if he can talk.” I put the phone down and walked over to where he was. “1sgt someone is on the phone for you.”
“Ask who it is and tell them I'll them back.” he told me.
“Okay.” I walked back to the phone. “Can I ask who I'm talking to?”
“It's William Cockran.”
“Okay William, well he said, he will call you back later.”
“Okay tell him to call me on my cell.” William said.
“Will do.” I hung up the phone. “It was William Cockran he said call him on his cell.”
“Okay, thanks.”
The bell rung. I went to lunch.
“Hey Bridgette.” I turned around and it was Trent.
“Hey Trent. Wassup?”
“Not much nice job you did marching.”
“Thanks. I think.” We laughed.
“Your welcome.”
The res of the day went fast. I was so tried. I feel like I have not slept in days. When I got home, I got into the shower and went to bed. Geoff didn't mind much.
School went so fast all week. Sunday my parents came that day for a Sunday dinner. The 1st Sunday dinner together ever since I moved.
. Chapter 13: Harold has a secret crush on Leshawna!!
Hi, my name is Harold. I am in the 10th grade. I been in school for at least 3 months at T.C. Howe. This school is better than a church school. We can wear anything we want. At the church school we had to wear uniforms. They were only one color, light blue shirts, pants and shorts were tan, and the skirts were navy blue. The socks were white, navy blue or black.
One day I was in choir and there was a new girl that came in. She was singing with Ms. Benson. God she is a beauty. My buddy's DJ and Justin were in there and Justin was waving his hand in front of my face.
“Harold, what are you staring at?” Justin said.
“Nothing, Justin.” I said.
“There is something, your staring at the new girl, Leshawna.” Justin said.
“How do you know her?” I asked.
“Because, I have her in period 2, 4/5, and 6/7. That's how I know her. God you are such a guy.” he said.
DJ was laughing at that. DJ is a one of a kind. He is a pet person. Loves animals to God. He is like another God I should say. Every time I see him he always has a little animal with him. He has like 8 animals, 3 bunnies, 2 cats, and 3 dogs.
Lucky his mom has a big house and big ass yard. DJ's mother was okay when he has 3 bunnies and 2 cats. When the dogs came she was a little hurt.
One day, he brought his cute little gray bunny, it was so cute. The teachers and staff didn't say anything. His uncle is the boss. Well the Principal.
“Oh, shut up DJ. Your such a girl. Look at you. You have a bunny on your shoulder.” I said.
“Hey, leave my bunny alone. He not hurting you. Are you Fluffy?” he asked the bunny. “And yes the bunny is name Fluffy.”
Leshawna came by and said. “Aw, isn't he cute?” she was petting the bunny. “What's the bunny's name?” she asked DJ.
I said. “It's name is Fluffy. And yes he is cute. I could eat him.”
“Hey your not gonna eat my buddy.” DJ was hiding Fluffy from me.
“It was a joke. God DJ your such a girl.”
Leshawna laughed. “Hi, I'm Leshawna.”
“I know I have you in a few of my classes. I'm Justin tho.”
“I'm Harold and that's DJ. Of course you knew that.”
God, she is so cute. I thought I seen her wink at me. Her eyes were so beautiful. They were like a blueish green. I wasn't paying attention.
“Your eyes are so beautiful.” Did I just say that out loud. I blushed. So did she.
“Thanks. Is it Harold?” she asked.
“Yes, it is.” I told her.
“Well, Harold thank you very much. You are the first to say anything like that to me today.”
“You are welcome.” I took her hand and again without thinking I kissed her hand.
She blushed and took her seat. The whole time I was staring at her.
The bell rung and I hurried went to my locker and went home. When I got home, I went over to my laptop and looked up some love poems. I found a few.
This one says:
Do what makes you Happy,
Be with who makes you Smile,
Laugh as much as you Breathe,
Love as long as you Live.
There was another one that says:
Love is a gentle caring, a quiet concern deeply hidden in the heart.
A presence always felt everyday, every minute, every hour.
Love is a gentle embrace between body and soul.
A quiet touch of the hand a soft hug by warm arms a caress of two souls.
Love is a great passion between hungry hearts.
The intimate exchange between mind, body, and soul.
Love is always caring always growing always being there.
Love is a wonderful gift shared by two blessed souls experiencing Heaven on Earth.
And there was one that said:
Love is like a mountain
hard to climb, but once you get
to the top the view is beautiful.
I wrote all 3 of them down and I even printed them off. There were more of them. I picked the most sweeties ones out. I'll give her one every 2 days. I'll put them in her locker and see if she'll find who keeps doing this. I bet she won't know who is doing this.
When I got done. Went over to my bed and started drawing her. I drew her like 20 times, different ways. I even drew a few of us together. One day I was in Art, I was drawing a 3D one of her. The Art teacher came and seen what I did.
“Harold you drew this?” Ms. Meyers asked.
“Yes, I did.” I told her.
“Who is that? She looks like I seen her before?” Ms. Meyers asked.
“It's a girl that goes here her name is Leshawna.” I said.
“Oh okay. Leshawna I have her in my 1st class.” Ms. Meyers told me. She went to checkout every ones Art work.
The bell rung. I put that drawing inside my binder. I went to lunch and Justin and DJ was there. Izzy, my sister, was coming with her lunch. I put my binder down and I sat down. I was talking to Izzy.
“Hey Izzy, whats up? Where have you been in the last 2 days.” I asked.
“No, where. I been here.” Izzy said.
“Yea, Harold, she's been here.” Justin said.
“Guess who I ran into the other day at the store, from my childhood?” Izzy said.
“I don't know. Who?”
“Guess? He used to read a lot. He was scared to kiss me. We played tag a lot with him. He called me, 'crazy' all the time. Do you know what I'm talking about.”
“Um... I have no clue tell me, Izzy.”
“Noah.... Did you know he's married to a guy, his name is Cody.” Izzy said.
“Oh Noah, the nerd. I didn't know he was even gay. So was that why he didn't kiss you when we played spin the bottle. Wow.” I said.
All this time I was now just knowing he was gay.
“Wait a minute. Who did you say he was married to?” I asked.
“Cody. Why Harold?” Izzy asked.
“Cody, the weak guy with brown hair?”
“Yea. The one Duncan always messed with. Did you know he's married too and has kids. Well engaged. I think her name is Courtney.” Izzy said.
“Damn.... Cody and Noah, wow I never knew this.”
“Wait a minute. So this Noah kid was scared to kiss you when y'all were kids?” Justin said. “And he called you 'crazy', wow. I would see why he's gay.”
“Hey, no fair. Shut the hell up. I loved him when we were little, we were 8. okay so shut up.” Izzy was getting mad.
“We will talk about this when we get home little sis.” I hugged Izzy when the bell rung.
I went to choir. I seen Leshawna, got her love poem. She was reading it when she was coming in the room.
To me she looked happy but I wasn't sure. I waved at her but, she didn't wave back at me.
“What's up with Leshawna? She looks happy. I never seen her this happy.” DJ asked Justin and me.
“You got me DJ I don't really know her that well. Harold do you know why.”
I was not paying to much about them. I was daydreaming of us together in a rose patch.
“Harold. Earth to nerd. Harold!” Justin said to me.
“Huh? Oh hey, whats up?” I said stupidly.
“Um. Do you know what's up with Leshawna. She looks really happy.” DJ said.
“No, how should I know?” I was pretending I didn't know what they were talking about.
She did look happy. So she likes things like that huh. I was about to get up to talk to her, and ask why was she so happy.
Choir started so I could not ask her why. So I guess I will ask her after class or when school ends. If I can remember.
We did a song called, 'Rolling in the Deep' and 'Halo' for gospel. This was my last class of the day.
Art and choir is my favorite class. They are better than the rest of my classes, but Algebra. All of these I have A's in. The others I have B's. So I'm on Honor Roll.
The teacher was working on the girls during the whole time. Us guys which was like 6 of us were sitting and talking to one another. I was just thinking of her, the only one, Leshawna. She look so cute when she was singing.
The girls were doing so good singing. The choir teacher was happy. There were 15 minutes left. I couldn't wait to go home and draw and think about her.
“So what you doing this weekend, Harold?” Justin asked me.
“Well, I don't know. I have to take Izzy to the mall to get her nose done and another eyebrow ring. And get her some make-up and some clothes.” I told him.
“Why are you doing that for? Why don't you tell her have someone else do it with her, like a girl.” Justin said.
“Because, I'm her big brother. I have to take care of her. And plus, I told her I would take her in the first place. Since our parents are gone. I'm 18, she's only 16. okay lay off of her. She has to come with me everywhere I go. I promised out mother I would.” I was getting a little upset about what Justin was saying about Izzy.
The bell rung and I went to my locker and went to go find Izzy. She was talking to some boy.
“Izzy!” I yelled.
“Hey, that's my bro, I got to go.” Izzy told him.
Izzy came to me. And the guy she was talking to went the other way.
“Who was that?” I asked.
“A friend. Just a friend okay.” she told me while she pulling on my arm.
I wanted so much to tell him off, to leave my sister alone. But I didn't know how to fight and he was bigger than me.
“Just a friend, huh? Why was you holding him hand for?”
“I was not holding his hand, Harold. Come one can we go. I want to go to the mall.” she said.
“No, we not going today. We are going home and we are having a talk. Then I might talk about the whole mall thing. Come on get your ass in the car now before I change my mind about the mall.” I was really upset.
“But, you said you would, you pinky promise me you would.” she started crying.
DJ and Justin was coming toward us.
“Whats wrong with her. Why you crying Izzy?” DJ said.
DJ really cared about Izzy a lot. He told me he had a crush on her when we were little. He's only 3 years older than her but he was my best friend. He would do anything for her.
“Nothing, DJ. Just nothing. Everything is just find like always.” she yelled at him. Then she took off.
“Izzy wait.” I yelled.
“What the hell did you do to her, Harold?” DJ said.
“I told her she wasn't going to the mall until we got home and talked about this guy she was holding hands with.”
“You are a jerk you know that.” DJ ran after Izzy.
I never seen DJ like this before so he really must care about her.
Izzy was at home when I got there. She wasn't the only one here. DJ was here too. They were in her room together.
“Hey you got a minute Izzy.” I asked.
“What the hell do you want. Can you just leave me the fuck alone.” she said.
“Watch your mouth with me young lady. I am your brother so I would like to talk to you alone please.” I said. I looked at DJ too when I said that.
DJ got up and Izzy grabbed his hand.
“Don't go DJ.” Izzy said.
“I'll be right back okay.” DJ told her, and he kissed her hand and left out of the room.
“What do you want Harold.”
“Who was he? Please tell me Izzy. I'm not gonna get mad unless you tell me.” I said.
“His name is Mike. He was my lab partner for today and I was shaking his hand. He;s new to the school okay.”
“Was that hard to say. So what's with you and DJ. When have you guys become friends. I thought you hated my friends.” I asked.
“DJ is cool. But Justin is too mean. I don't like him. DJ is very sweet and he understands me, unlike some people.” she said. She looked at me then laughed.
“Now, that's what I miss a smile on that face. You really do care about him don't you.” I said.
“Who DJ. Maybe. Why?” she said.
“Just asking. If you want to ask him out that's cool. I know he will take care of you.” I told her.
“For real you would mind?”
“Yea. Its up to you. I don't care, but I just want you to be careful tho okay.”
“Okay, I'll ask. Don't say anything okay. I swear if you do your ass is mine.” she laughed.
We laughed together I totally forgot about talking to Leshawna after school. I guess I ask her when I see her again. We went to the mall together. DJ had to go home. She has not talk to him about anything yet. I think she's scared to right now. She got her nose done. She cried for a moment. She could not change her nose ring for about 6 to 8 weeks.
Chapter 14: Izzy likes DJ, the animal person!! DJ likes Izzy, the goth person!! Part 1
Hi, my name is Isabella, you may call me Izzy or Iz for short, but my friends mostly call me Izzy. I live with my 18 year old brother, Harold. Yes he is a nerd but he's my brother. Our parents dies when I was 14, and I'm now 16. Harold promise our mother he'll watch over me and keep me safe.
Two days ago, he took me to the mall to get my nose done, some make-up, clothes, and a new eyebrow ring.
He has this best friend name DJ, the animal lover/person, every one calls him. He is so sweet. Of course hes 3 years older than me but I kinda like him.
My brother said it was okay to date him, because he trusts and knows that he won't do anything bad to me.
It was winter break and Harold was working everyday of the week. I was only working like 4 days a week. We had 4 weeks off. The days, I didn't work I stayed home, watch TV, play my PS2, or just lay in bed and listen to music.
Well, today I didn't work, it was a Wednesday. Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays I don't work. And I was bored so I called DJ. It rung like 4 times before he answered.
“Hey, DJ. Did I wake you?”
“No, I was in the shower, just got out to hear you calling.” DJ said.
“Oh, um. Can you come over please. I need someone to talk to.” I hope he wouldn't take it the wrong way.
“What's wrong, Iz? Is everything okay.”
It was to late. “Yes, why shouldn't there be. I just want you to come over.”
“Oh okay. Yea, I will, let me get dress and I'll be over there in about 10 minutes.” DJ said. “Have you eaten?”
“No, why?” I said.
“Just asking if you have. See yea in a few.”
“Okay. Bye.”
About 15 minutes later he was knocking at the door. I went to go let him in and he brought breakfast, from Burger King.
“You shouldn't have DJ.” I told him.
“My treat, Izzy. So what's up?” DJ asked.
“Not much. I was off today.”
“Oh okay. Well lets eat while these are hot.” he said.
We went into my room. I rearranged everything around since he's been here so when we went into my room he was like wow.
“Wow, I like.” he said.
“Really. All the black and purple.” I said.
Everything in my room was black and purple. Goth colors. Harold did not like it much. But he said whatever makes me happy.
“Yea. Aw, you have a picture of me and Fluffy. How sweet.” he said. Fluffy was his gray bunny. Fluffy was so cute, and that was his best friend.
“Yup. I love Fluffy so much.” I said.
He nodded while we went to my bed to eat. He got my favorite: egg, cheese, and ha, on a bagel wit orange juice. I put my radio on and my song was on 'no love' by Eminem and Lil Wayne.
We ate without talking. I didn't know what to say to him about me liking him. He didn't say anything either.
When we got done eating, I threw our trash away. He got up when I did and when I turned around to go back to the bed he was right there.
“Hey, sorry.” I said.
“It's okay. I have to tell you something Izzy.” DJ said.
“Okay, what is it. You can tell me everything you know. We are best friends.”
“Yea, about that. Well I don't want to be friends anymore.” I interrupted him.
“What why.” I started to cry but he went on.
“Let me finish what I was gonna say. I don't want to friends. I want to be more than friends Izzy. I had a crush on you since we were kids.” he said. Then I stopped crying.
“Oh, okay. You have why haven't you said anything about it.”
“I don't know, because the age, Izzy. I didn't want to get into trouble.”
“Oh. Well I have something about that. I like you too. And I told Harold about it and he don't care about us. He thinks we would be good together.”
“Yea. I told him about me liking you when we were little.” he said.
“DJ, I would like to –.” I didn't finish what I was saying.
“Would what? Kiss me.”
I nodded and he moved closer to me. I never kissed anyone but my brother and my mother.
I put my arms around his neck and he picked me up and he sat on my bed. I was heading to his lips, when he got to mine before I got to his. We kissed for about 30 seconds, before we parted. When we parted he went to my ear.
“Izzy, I love you.” DJ said.
“I love you too, DJ.” I kissed him again.
We layed in bed talking and listening to music. I had my mix CD on. It had everything on it.
We were playing around. He was tickling me and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
Harold came home, heard me laughing and came into my room.
“Hey, guys.”
“Hey, bro, stop DJ.” I said while I was laughing.
DJ stopped and he kissed me in front of Harold. He got up and walked up to Harold. “Hey, what's up?” he patted his shoulder.
“Nothing, just got off of work. What about you guys. Since I just seen you kiss my sister.” Harold was smiling.
“Well, she called me and asked if I could come over and I said yea, so I came over with breakfast. We talked and laughed. And I told her how I felt about her since we were kids.” DJ elbowed Harold.
“Yea, was that okay. Since I didn't have to work.” I said.
“Yea. I'm gonna jump in the shower okay. Then Justin wants me to meet him at the track.”
“Cool, have fun. Me and DJ can stay here.”
“No, Izzy we are going with them. I was gonna ask you in the first place.” DJ said.
“As a date?”
“Yea, I guess. If you want.”
“Okay.” I kissed him.
DJ went home to get some clothes. Some to stay warm in while we were at the race and some to stay after in. he told me he was gonna tell his mom that he was staying with my brother.
Harold jumped in the shower right after DJ left. I got in after he got out. When I got out DJ was in my room laying on my bed with Fluffy.
I walked in with just a towel. And that's when I seen him.
“Hey, babe.” DJ said.
“Oh hey. You scared the shit out of me.” I told him.
“Sorry. Do you want me to get out to change?”
“No, you can stay in here.” I shut my door and went to my closet. “So is your mom cool about you staying after?”
“Yea, she's cool. Are you sure you don't want me to get out.” he asked again.
“Yea, I am sure. Why are you scared to see me naked or something?”
“Um. No, but isn't it a little early for that.”
“So, it isn't like we gonna have sex.”
I put on my favorite thong. It was black and purple. Sexy one too with lace. I put on the matching bra that goes with it. When I put them on I took the towel off. My bra was twisted in the back. I went to DJ and asked him.
“Can you get the back please?”
“Yea.” he said.
I know he was scared at first but he went for it. He got off the bed and fix the back. I turned around and I seen him eyeballing me.
“You like?” I asked.
“Yes, I do. It's sexy.” he said.
“Thanks.” I went to my closet to find what I should wear.
I found my black sweater dress. I was gonna wear but I didn't know. So I found my blue jeans and my shirt that says, “I'm taken so leave me alone.” on the back.
I went to turn to ask him if this was okay. He was right behind me. I dropped my clothes.
“DJ you okay.” I knew that look in his eye. It was, 'I like what I see,' look.
“Yea.” he came toward me and picked me up, and swung my legs around his waist. I put my arms around his neck.
He carried me to my bed and he put me on my bed. He got on top of me. He started kissing me on my lips. I went along with it. Then he went to my neck. He bit me a few times. It felt good for a moment. I even moaned too.
“Ah, DJ.” I moaned. Then I thought about what was happening. “DJ, stop.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because, it's too early and Harold is here.” I told him. “And plus I got to finish getting ready okay.”
He got off of me and helped me up. “Sorry. I don't know why I did that for?”
“It's okay. We will one day okay.” I kissed him and picked my clothes up and put them on.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yea, DJ. You can ask me anything.”
“What size are you.” he asked.
“I'm a 38 DD.” I told him when I was brushing my hair out. “Why, DJ? Do you like?” I asked.
“Was just wondering. Because your big for a 16 year old, and yes I do.” he said smiling.
“Oh. Remember my mother was big too.” I laughed.
“Yea, true. I like the shirt.” he said.
“Thanks.” I went to him and kissed him.
Harold came in and saw us kissing.
“Do you mind. Damn. Can you knock. What if we were naked.” I yelled at him.
“Sorry and I hope you guys weren't.”
“I was just saying. Damn.”
“I said, 'sorry'. Didn't I.”
“Yes, but still.” I said. “What you want.”
“Are you guys ready. Justin is waiting.”
“Yea we are.” DJ said. “We will meet you in the car.”
Harold left out of my room.
“Damn. I hate when he does that. Glad he did not see what you did.”
“Yea, me too.” he kissed me.
I went to get my jacket and a blanket out of my closet. I couldn't reach for the blanket so DJ came and got it for me.
“Your welcome.”
I bent over to get my keys from off the floor and DJ slapped my ass.
“Damn baby.” I said. “I don't want to leave this room if your like this. I like.” I kissed him again. “Bye Fluffy.” I petted him.
“Daddy and mommy will be back.” he told hm. I liked how he said, 'daddy and mommy will be back.'
Harold drove us to the track and Justin was waiting for us to give us our tickets. DJ and I was walking up there, holding hands.
“Hey guys. What's up?” Justin said. He looked down and seen that we were holding hands. “Aw, look how cute. Are you guys going out or just holding hands for the hell of it.”
“Both.” I laughed.
“Yes, we are going out.” DJ said. “You hungry baby?”
“Yea, a little. Pizza and Mount. Dew please.” I kissed him.
“Oh my god Izzy, get a room.” Justin said.
“Shut up. Your just jealous.” I said.
DJ got our drinks and food. Just showed us where our seats were.
It was cold out. DJ seen I was shivering so he moved over next to me and wrapped the blanket around us.
“Thanks babe.”
“Your welcome.”
I ate the pizza slowly when the race started. I put my head on DJ's shoulder. I was getting tired.
“How long it this damn thing?” I asked.
“It's over at 11:00.” Justin said.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“9:30.” DJ said.
“God, I'm so tired. I want to go home.” I said.
“Here, let's go home. I see you guys later. See you home Harold.”
“Here's the keys. Justin will take me home.” Harold said.
DJ drove me home. I fell asleep in the car. He had to carry me inside. All the way to my room. I woke up when he put me on my bed.
“Hey. We home already.” I said, tiredly. I yawned.
“Yea. You fell asleep in the car. So I carried you up here.” DJ said.
“Oh. So where are you going to sleep?” I laughed.
“With you of course silly.” he laughed with me. Then kissed me.
“I knew that.” I took off my shirt and pants and put on my sexy nightgown which matched my thong and bra.
He took off his shirt and his pants. All he was wearing was boxers. He put Fluffy in his box and got in bed with me. We addled until we fell asleep. Which I fell asleep first. I guess he was just watching me sleep or he fell asleep too.
I woke up at noon. He was still in bed. When I woke up I seen him looking at me.
“Morning sunshine.” he said.
He was so sweet. I like that about a man sweetness.
“Morning to you too.” I said. “Is Harold home?”
“Yea, he got home about midnight. He came in here to check on you. I should say us.”
“Oh, I wonder why. So what did you do when I fell asleep?” I asked.
“Watched you sleep.” DJ told me.
“Awww, did you like what you seen?” I laughed. Then I yawned a big O. He laughed.
“Ummm. You sleep like an angel that's what I like.” he laughed again.
“I bet.” I said.
I got up and walked over to my to closet mirror. I was checking my body. I was sore. Then I seen him getting up off my bed.
He walked over to me from behind. He started kissing me on my neck and shoulders. Then he went back to my neck. He moved my hair and bit my neck again. I closed my eyes and let him do it. It was moaning for a least a minute. When he got done biting me I turned around and pushed him on to my bed.
I jumped on top of him and I was kissing him. He already got me started. I was kissing him from head to toe. I was even kissing his chest, I went back up to his throat, to his lips.
Lucky Harold was at work. DJ's hand was at my cheek. He made me look at him.
“Izzy, are you sure you want too?” he asked.
“Yea, I'm already missed work so what the hell. You already got me started, DJ.” I said.
Then I took off my nightgown. He helped me take it off my head. He unhooked my bra and started playing with my boobs. He put one of them into his mouth. I say he was enjoying this.
I stood up for a moment and took off my thong and he slide off his boxers. And wow he was big down there.
“Wow.” That was all I said.
“What?” he asked.
“Your huge. I'm gonna be in pain. So go easy okay.” I said. He laughed.
“I will. I always am. If I do hurt you tell me.” he told me.
He picked me up and layed me on my bed and got on top. He slowly stuck it in me. I grabbed the bar that was on my headboard.
“You okay.” he asked me.
“Yea. I'm fine. Go ahead.” I told him.
He put it more in me. I grabbed the bar really hard. I moaned a little when he stuck the whole thing in me. He took it out really slow. He put and took it out like 5 times until he went a little faster. It did hurt at the same time it felt so good.
“DJ go faster.” I told him.
“Are you sure? I know I'm hurting you. We can stop.” he told me.
“No, I'm fine. Just go for it. Do what you have to do.”
He nodded and went fast real fast. I started moaning real loud. I let go of the headboard and grabbed his hand. I kissed him when he was fucking me. He picked me up and we got off the bed. He bent me over my bed and started fucking me doggy style.
“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.” I said it over and over. It felt really good.
He was going really fast. He slapped my ass a few times. I know he was enjoying this himself.
“Lay on the bed, DJ. My turn to get on top.” I told him.
He got on the bed and I climbed on top of his dick. I was facing him while I was going up and down. He just played with my boobs. I put my hands on the bed and he was fucking me. He had one of my boobs in his mouth.
We fucked for about 2 hours. About 30 minutes later. I heard the door shut.
“Oh shit. Harold.” I said when we were almost done. I fell off of him. I grabbed my t-shirt and shorts and threw him his boxers. I told him to cover up.
“Cover up, I'm gonna get into the shower so he won't know we did anything.” I kissed him and ran into the bathroom.
I heard Harold coming up the stairs. I jumped in the shower.
I heard him talk to DJ. “Hey, where's Izzy?”
“In the shower.” DJ said.
Continues to Chapter 15 Part 2.
Stand by.
Chapter 15: Izzy like DJ, the animal person!! DJ likes Izzy, the goth person!! Part 2!!
Hi, I'm DJ and I was spending the night with Izzy, my girlfriend.
We were having sex and we were about done when Harold, Izzy's brother, my best friend, came home from work.
Izzy fell off of me when we heard him shut the door. She got up and got her clothes and threw me my boxers, and told me to cover up.
“Cover up, DJ. I'm gonna get into the shower so he won't know we did anything.” she said.
“Okay.” I said. I put my boxers on and put the blanket over me.
She ran into the shower. I heard her get in. Harold came up the stairs. He came past the bedroom and said, 'Hey.'
“Hey, where's Izzy?” he asked.
“Shower. She got in like 5 minutes ago. She missed work today because we went out.” I said.
“Oh, I didn't feel like it either but I went. I have to, to take care of Izzy. I don't want to lose her. She's all I have DJ.” he look like he was gonna cry.
“Harold don't worry. I'll help you out. Look how much I love her. If I didn't love her, I wouldn't have asked her out.”
“True, well I'm gonna go eat and watch TV. Are you naked under there?”
“Um... No I have boxers on we just woke up.” I had to think about that for a minute.
“Oh okay. See yea.” he left the room.
I turn on the radio and she had her mix CD's on. She was playing Josh Turner. 'Why don't we just dance' was playing when she got out. Then, 'Your man' came on by him. I was singing it.
“Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low.” I smiled at her. “I can't believe it just turns me on just to be your man.”
she was laughing at me. “I didn't know you like country, babe. My daddy used to sing that song to me when I was little.” she told me.
We were listening to a mix CD that had her favorite groups on it. I watched her get dressed and I told her I was gonna jump in the shower.
“I gonna jump in the shower okay.”
“Okay. I might come in to get my brush when my hair drys.”
“Okay.” I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. “A hot shower is gonna be good.” I said to myself. I heard, Izzy laughing after I said that.
I was in the shower for at least 10 minutes when Izzy came in and grabbed her brush, then she walked out.
I got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. When I walked out and went into Izzy's room. She was laying on the floor playing with Fluffy.
“Mommy loves you so much. Yes, she does. Yes, she does.” she was saying to him.
It was so cute how she was doing it. I went up to her and layed next to her. And I was petting Fluffy.
“Daddy love you too and mommy both so much. Yes, he does.” I laughed so did she.
She kissed me on the lips, then got up because her cell phone was ringing.
“Is there an Isabella there?”
“Yes, you are talking to her. May I ask who this is?” she said.
“Yes, this is your Aunt Joy.”
“Aunt who. I don't know an Aunt Joy. Sorry you have the wrong number.”
“Yes you do, Iz. We met once when you were 4 so you might not remember.” Joy said. “I heard about your parents dieing. I am sorry about your lose.”
“No one calls me Iz but my friends, and my parents been dead for 2 years, and your now just calling about it now. You know what Fuck you and Go to Hell and leave me the Fuck alone. Bye!” Izzy said. Hung up the phone and started crying.
Harold came in and asked.
“What the hell who were you yelling at?” he said then seen her crying. “What's wrong.?”
Ever since her parents been dead she has been taken it hard. Today it has been 2 years since her parents been dead.
“Izzy whats wrong baby.” I said. “Tell me honey.”
“Do we have an Aunt Joy?” she asked her brother.
“Um... I don't think so why?”
“Well, some one name, Aunt Joy called and said she heard about our parents and she was sorry. They been dead for 2 years.” Izzy said.
“2 years today. Izzy maybe we should go to their grave and you get it out. All of it out.” Harold said.
“Yes, that would be great. Baby, I love you but Harold is right.” I said.
“I don't know. But if you guys think so okay lets go.” she said.
Harold drove us to their parents grave. I sat in the back with Izzy. Where we were going was about an hour away.
It was in a small town in this big old state. New Palestine, Indiana was where their mother was born, their father was born in Indianapolis, Indiana but we put them together in New Palestine. We stopped at Gas America to get a few flowers.
When we got there, Izzy grabbed my hand and was holding it real tight. My hand was turning purple.
“Izzy.... Izzy.” I said her name two times before she looked at me.
“Yea.” she said. I seen Harold look back thru the rear mirror.
“Breathe and loosen your grip please.” I moved her red hair out of her face. “I will help you, Iz.”
“We both will, Iz.” Harold corrected me.
“Do you want go by yourself or do you want me to go with you?” I asked.
“Give me a few minutes. Okay baby.” she said. Before she got out of the car she kissed me.
Harold and I watched her go up there but she stopped half way, and turned around. I got out of the car and ran to her. She went to my arms crying.
“It's okay. You have to do this and get this over with baby. Here I got with you.”
We walked up there to their gave. We got down on to our knees. She touched the grave stones and put the flowers on their graves.
“Let it out baby.” I told her.
“Why!? Why you have to do this to me why! I thought you guys love me. Why you guys leave me. I'm just a baby. Why!?” she was crying and she hit the grave stones like 3 times.
“That's good let it out Izzy. Let it all out.” I said.
“You hurt me so bad. You had to leave me with Harold. Why momma. Why daddy. He has kept your promise momma, he has kept me safe like you guys told him too. I'm still in school. I'm with this wonderful guy. DJ has helped me since we were kids. All I want is too know why you guys leave me.”
She fell into my arms crying. All I did was rubbed her back and rocked her. Harold got out of the car and came over where we were. He sat down next to her. He hugged us and kissed her head and rubbed her shoulder. Harold said a few things not much. Then some boy came over and called Izzy's name.
“Izzy?” the boy said.
She looked up from my arms and looked at the boy.
“Noah? What you doing here?” she asked.
“I'm here with Cody, his grandpa died 4 months ago and we come here every month. I see your here for you parents huh?” Noah said.
“Yea, I am.” Izzy said.
“Sorry about what happen. I heard that your dad beat the hell out of your mom then kissed her then hung himself.”
“Hey stop talking about it. She already has a hard time.” I said.
“DJ, its okay.” she got up and walk to him. “Yea, it's true. Why always fought. Harold was with our grandparents, when it happen and I was at school. They kick Harold out when he was 7, remember.”
“Yea, I remember on your 8th birthday, you came over to my house and knocked on my window.” he smiled. “I open the window and asked you what the hell you were doing up and out in the middle of the night.”
“I told you that my parents were fighting and it was the fourth one that week. Then you told me to get my butt inside and go to sleep. We addled together to keep me warm that night because I was cold. Then you said you were gonna set your alarm for 6 A.M. to take me home.” she said.
Me and Harold just listen to the story.
“Yup. You were crazy when I woke you up, but also sweet when you slept like an angel. I have you a piggy back ride home and when we got to your place, I put you down and you kissed me and ran inside. Then later that day my mother and I came over to your place. Your mother talk to my mother then she talk to you by yourself so did my mother. Then she told you that her and your dad were splitting up, and my mom said I had to help you out because my mother and dad had been split up for 3 years. You ran into your room crying and I ran after yea.” he said.
I thought to myself, 'how long is this story.'
“Yea, I told you to get the hell out but you said no. Then I stopped crying and we hugged. I told you, 'Thanks for being there for me.' And I'll say it again, thank you for being there for me when we were kids, Noah.” she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
I started to get up but Harold touched me. I looked at him and he shocked his head. I cleared my throat.
“Oh. This is my boyfriend, DJ. DJ this is my best friend when we were kids, Noah.” she said.
I got up and shock his hand. “Nice to meet you Noah.”
“You too, DJ. Wait your the DJ that was always at there house when we were little right until they kicked Harold old.”
“Yes, I am.” I said. “And your the gay guy that was always called her crazy and was scared to kiss her?”
“I did kiss her. And I was not gay when we were little well until about 9 when I found out I was gay. I couldn't kiss her anymore. Then I found Cody.” he said.
“Okay, stop. This is all about me and my parents so stop okay. God DJ, Noah was just a friend when we were little like we were okay. Can we go home. Call me later okay.”
“Okay bye.”
she got up front this time I sat in the back. I think I pissed her off. When we got home she ran upstairs into her room and slammed the door. I did not go up there for about an hour. I stayed downstairs and watched TV.
Two hours later I told Harold, 'I was going home to get some clothes and be right back.'
“Harold, I'm going home be right back. Going to get some more clothes. I'll talk to her when I get back.”
“Okay.” he said.
When I got home my mom was gone. I ran up to my room and grabbed some more clothes. Feed my cats and bunnies and went out back and feed the dogs.
I was walking out the door when I seen my mom pulled up.
“Hey son, where you been?” my mother asked.
“I been with Harold and Izzy. Helping Harold with Izzy, we went to the grave yard.”
“You did, how she take it?”
“Look at my shirt, it wet. I was holding her while she was crying.” I told her. “Well see you later or when ever.”
“Okay. Tell her sorry.” she said.
“Okay.” I said.
When I got back Harold was cooking. I went upstairs to her room. I walked in and she was sitting on the floor looking at pictures. I put my bag on the floor.
“I thought you went home.” she said. She sounded shitty or she was still upset for all what happen today about her parents.
“I did to get some more clothes. I told Harold I would be back.” I said.
“Oh okay.” That's all she said.
I sat on her bed watched her look at the pictures. I got up and let Fluffy out of his cage. I was holding him. I whisper in his ear and told him.
“Go give mommy a kiss for daddy.” I put him down and he hopped over to Izzy and gave her a kiss for me.
She laughed when Fluffy gave her a kiss. “Thank you Fluffy. I love you too.
She put him down and he hopped everywhere in her room. I just stood there, watching her.
She was laughing at a picture she picked up.
“What's so funny.” I asked.
“This is when I was 5 when me and Noah was playing peek-a-boo with our mothers. My dad look this.” she said. “And here's one of you, Harold, and me at my 6th birthday right after Harold moved in with our grandparents. I threw cake at you.” she showed me.
“I miss those days. You were a crazy, red head brat that always picked on me and your brother.” I told her. I loved you so much when we were kids and I still do. When I went home at night, I always thought about you. I always did, but you had your hopes up for Noah, the bookworm.”
“Hey, he's still my friend, and you were mean when we were little. You look my cookies or was that Harold?”
“Not me, it was Harold. I always gave you mind.”
“Oh yea, you did, didn't you.” she looked at me for a minute. Then looked back at the pictures.
“Remember on Halloween you dressed like an Angel and I was a Prince. You were so beautiful when you were an Angel. And you still as beautiful as you were when you were little.” I told her when I moved a piece of her beautiful res hair out of the way of her face.
“Aw. I love you so much DJ.” she put down the pictures and hopped into my lap made me fall back.
She started kissing me and the door was still open. I rolled over on top pf her still kissing her.
“Oh, Izzy. I love you so much, I never stopped loving you when we were kids. You are the most beautiful girl I ever met in my whole life. Will you marry me Isabella Maria?” I couldn't believe I asked her that. I moved down to her throat, nibbling it as I go down, kissing every part of her body.
“Yes! Oh yes, DJ. I will marry you.” she said.
Harold came in and open the door the rest of the way. “Dinner is ready –.” he didn't finish his sentence. “Oh my god you guys.”
“It's not what you think, Harold. We were just kissing. We weren't having sex.” she said.
“Okay, then what was all the oh yes's for?” he said.
“I asked her to marry me.” I said.
“What? Are you fucking serous. She's only 16, what would mom said if she heard this Izzy?”
“She would be made at first, but she would be happy for me. DJ love me and I love him. Why can't you just be happy for once in life time. What did grand,a and grandpa do to you to become like this?”
“They raised me good okay. DJ wait until your mom hears about this.”
“She already knows. I told her that I loved her. I love your sister, Harold. Come on be a good friend. Your the only family she's got.”
“Oh my god I can't think. I'll think about it. But really does this really have to happen now?” he asked.
“No, I gonna wait till she's out of school to marry her, do you think I'm stupid?”
“No, well come eat.” he left and went downstairs.
“I do get it and bring it up here.” I kissed her and got up.
I went and got our dinner and carried them to her room.
When I got back she was on the bed crying. I put the plates on her dresser and went to her.
“What's the matter, Izzy?” I asked.
“I miss... I miss... I miss my parents.” she said. It look her a minute to get it all out.
“I understand baby. I feel you. Do you want to eat?”
“No, I'm just tried. I want to go to bed. I have to work tomorrow anyways.”
“Okay. Here I'll take these back downstairs and I'll be right back.”
I left with the food and put them in the fridge and went back to her room. I went to get my things and kissed her on the forehead and was about to leave.
“Where you going?” she asked.
“Home, where else.”
“No, don't go. Please stay. I need you right now.” she said.
“Okay. Are you sure you can go to work.” I asked.
“Yea, I have to. To make up today.”
“Okay. Well get some sleep. I will be in bed in a minute let me put these pictures up and put Fluffy in his cage.”
She nodded and covered up. I put everything up, even put Fluffy in his cage. Then, I turned off the light and climbed in bed.
The next day she got up and went to work. I hung out and looked at all her pictures. When she got home she went straight to bed.
When I got up it was 9 P.M. I wrote her a note that I would see her in the morning. And that she need some time to be alone by herself to take all this stuff in about her parents. 'I being a good guy.' I thought to myself, 'Right.'
I got home and went up to my room and went to bed again. My mother came up to my room to check up on me to see if I was okay.
She opened the door and came in.
“Son, you still up?” she asked.
“Yes.” I was not crying but it sounded like I was.
“What's the matter, son.”
“Nothing mom, okay.” I said then I started crying.
“Son, please don't lie to me. I am your mother.”
I turned around and I turn on my little light on.
“Have you ever loved anyone in you life that you know when you were a kid?”
“Yes, I have. I met your father when I was 8. we went to school together. I had a crush on him and then he moved to another house that was 2 streets from me. Then I was about your age I found him again, then I told him everything when we were little. We got married when I was 20, got pregnant with you and had you when I was 21. But love does not last forever, son. When you were 6 we split up. I found your father in our bed with another woman. I told him to get his shit and get the hell out of my house. I see him once in awhile. You look a lot like him. That's why I called you DJ, Dennis Jr.” she told me. “So, where is this going son?”
“Well, you know, Izzy right. Well, I liked her since we were kids, but she liked Noah. And now I told her I liked her and yesterday when I left here to go back over there. I asked her to 'marry me', and she said, 'Yes'. Harold got mad because I did that but, he said he would thing about it.” I told her.
“So you are crying because you think Harold won't let you marry her. Why did you even ask her to marry you in the first place.”
“Because, I love her. I already had sex with her.” oh my god did I just say that.
“Dennis James, are you trying to do the same damn thing I did.” she yelled well not yelled at me.
“No, but I don't care. I love her so much. Doesn't matter anymore she probably mad at me for leaving. I promise her I wouldn't leave her. She wanted me to be there for her.” I put my head in my hands.
My mother understood everything I was saying. She patted my back, kissed my forehead and hold me. She wasn't mad at all. She left my room to let me go to bed in peace. I stayed away from Izzy's house for 3 days. I stayed in my room. I have never been like this about a girl. The last girl I had when I was 12, she used me to lose her virginity. That's when I lost my virginity too, but I did love her.
By the 4th day, Izzy came over. I heard my mom talking to her.
“Well, good morning Izzy. How have you been. DJ told me what you guys did 5 days ago. I sorry you had to go thru that, but at least DJ was there.” my mother said.
“Well, thank you Ms. DJ's mother. That was kinda of nice of yea. Is he here?” I heard Izzy asked her.
“Yes, he is in his room. He's been in his room for 4 days. He has not come out. Well, only to use the bathroom and taken showers.”
“Okay. I go talk to him. Did he tell you about us?” she asked my mother.
“Yes, he did. I hope you treat him well please, he's all I have.”
“Don't worry. I love him so much. He's been there for me ever since my parents been dead. I should love him right. Well, I talk to you later Ms. DJ's mother.”
I heard Izzy come up the stairs to my room. She knocked 3 times.
“DJ can I come in please?”
“I don't know can you?”
She walked in and she seen me laying in my bed looking at the wall. She walked to my bed and climbed in and covered up. She put her arms around me. She started kissing my shoulder, my neck, the top of my head. She put her fingers thru my fingers, even put her leg over my leg. She went to my ear and whispered.
“Dennis, I love you so much.” she told me. She never called me Dennis, not even when we were kids.
I did not answer her at first. I just layed there. Letting her hold me. Then I spoke.
“Why are you even here Izzy? Aren't you upset that I left you in the middle of the night.”
“No, because you were right. I did to be alone for a few days. But, I've missed you so much DJ.”
She rolled me over on my back and she got on top of me.
“What the hell is the matter with you. Ever since Noah came back into my life you been a dick. I thought you loved me.” she yelled at me.
“Get off of me Izzy and go home.” I told her I lift my arms up to move her but she grabbed them and put them on the bed.
“No, I am not leaving, DJ. I am staying here.” she said.
“You are so stubborn.”
“Thank you very much DJ. But, you are too.”
We laughed then she kissed me and let go of my arms. I put my hands on her waist.
“I'm sorry I yelled at you.” she said.
“I'm sorry I left you 5 days ago, and I'm sorry I told you to leave me. I can't live without you Izzy. I want you to be my wife.”
“I want to be your wife. I want to kiss and hug you all I want. I want to have your kids. I want to have sex with you anytime we want it. But most of all I want to be with you for the rest of my life until we die.” she said.
“Me too, Izzy.” I said.
We layed there cuddling each other and fall asleep.
Chapter 16: Past Izzy and Noah when they were kids!! Part 1!!
Hi, I'm Isabella Maria, Izzy for short. Some of my friends call me Iz. I have red hair and I am 7 years old. I live with my mom and dad. I have an older brother name Harold but, when he turned 7 he moved with our grandparents. He's 9 now.
There's this little boy name Noah that live like 3 house down from. I call him the 'bookworm' because he's always reading books. Don't matter how big or hard it is.
He was walking home from school with a book in his hands I was hanging upside down.
“Hi bird, hi old man with doggy, hi – oh hi bookworm.” I jumped down and scared the hell out of him.
“God, Izzy. Don't do that. What are you trying to do? Kill me by giving me a heartache.”
“No, Noah. I was hanging upside down in the tree. Sorry Noah.” I said sorry to him.
“Well, don't do it again.” Noah said.
“Okay. Hey do you want to come to my birthday party tomorrow? It's at 3 my place.”
“Um. I don't know, I guess. 3 o'clock I'll be there.”
“Okay, no book either okay Noah.”
“Okay. I promise. See you later.”
He were walking to his place. He lives with his mama. His parents has been split up for a few years. I felt sorry for him. He don't see his daddy much.
I watched him walk home, walk up to his door, and watched him go inside. My mama called me in for dinner.
“Isabella, dinner.”
“Yes, mama.” I said to her.
I went inside. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I came out my daddy was home from work.
“There's my little angel. How was school?” my dad asked.
“It was good. I got an A on my math test and on my spelling test. Ms. Smith was so happy she bought me lunch.” I said.
“That's awesome baby. Tomorrow for your birthday, I'll get you something for dinner. I'll take us all out. How is that princess.”
“It's cool. Can I pick it.” I asked.
“Yes, where do you want to go?” my daddy asked.
“CiCi's Pizza. I want some pizza. Can Noah and his mother come please? Pretty please daddy. I was giving him the puppy eyes.
“Of course Angel. After dinner why don't you call Noah and his mother.”
“Thank you daddy.” I kissed him on the cheek.
I ate two plates full. We had BBQ Chicken Breast, Mac & Cheese, green beans and corn.
“That was good mama.”
“Your welcome, sweetie.” she told me.
I put my plate in the sink and went up to my room to call Noah. The phone rung 4 times before Noah's mother answered.
“Hi, it's Izzy. Um. Tomorrow after my birthday party. I asked my daddy if you and Noah can come to dinner with us, my treat.”
“Aw, that is so sweet Izzy. Where are we going can I ask?”
“Yes, we are going to CiCi's Pizza.” I told her.
“Okay, we will go, Izzy. So we meet where your place or there.” she asked me.
“Here at my place because I asked Noah, if he could come at 3 P.M. And we are going there at 6 P.M.” I told her.
“Okay, I tell Noah.” she said. Then I heard Noah in the background.
“Tell me what mama.” Noah said.
“Izzy and her parents asked to come to dinner with them after the birthday party to CiCi's pizza.” his mom told him.
“Oh okay.” that was all he said.
“Well, I got to Izzy making dinner. I see you tomorrow.”
“Okay. See ya guys tomorrow, bye.”
I hung up the phone and was going thru all my clothes to see what is cute so I can be cute for Noah. I did not know if I want to wear a dress or what? But, I have this cute shirt that says, 'daddy's little girl', and I have another one that says, 'the cutest Angel'. I was thinking about wearing that with my blue bell bottom jeans.
I was about to go downstairs to ask mama if this was cute, but her and daddy was fighting.
“What are you doing this for. You know we don't have the money for everything.” mama told daddy.
“Because I want to give her the best Mary. She didn't have a good one last year so what the hell. She's my daughter too. And I'm taking her out to eat if you don't like it don't go.” daddy told mommy.
“Your not doing this to me. I'm going to that dinner, Josh. If you like it or not.”
I went back to my room I didn't want to listen to it anymore. I ate when they fight. So I called grandma and grandpa. To tell them about my party.
They didn't answer but Harold did.
“Hello?” said Harold.
“Hey bubby. What's up?”
“Hey sis, not much. Watching TV, what about you?”
“Not much, looking what to wear tomorrow for the party and mom and dad fighting again.” I told him.
“Oh, sorry, and Happy Birthday. I'll be there at 2 okay.”
“Okay, thanks bubby. Well got to go love yea.”
“Love you too, I'll tell grandma and grandpa 'Hi' for yea. If you see DJ tell him 'Hi' for me please.” Harold said.
“Will do.”
I hung up the phone and went downstairs to tell mom and dad what Harold and Noah's mom said.
“Dad, mom, Harold said, 'Hi' and Noah's mom said, 'okay and thanks', they will be here.”
“Okay. Well it's 9:30 time for you to go to bed.” my mom said.
“Aw, okay. Can I stay up tomorrow and can Harold stay the night too.”
“I will think about it and it's up to him and your grandparents.” my mom said.
“Okay love y'all.” I kissed them good night and went to my room and went to bed.
When I went to bed dreaming of my party and Noah. It felt like he was in my room. I woke up a few times. No one was here but me.
I woke up at 9:30 got up took a shower, ate breakfast, and walked to DJ's house.
His mom's car was not there but I still knocked on the door. He was 10 years old. He came to the door. He had a brown bunny on his shoulder.
“Hey, Iz. Wassup? Oh by the way, Happy Birthday!” he told me and picked me up and kissed me on the cheek.
“Thanks. And not much. Your coming to my party right? Harold is gonna be there. And he said, 'Hey'. I talked to him last night.”
“He is well good. About time I see him again.” he laughed.
“Yea, well I got to go okay. See yea later.” I told him.
“You too.” he said. He went back inside.
I walked back down to my place. I went up to my room playing on my computer. It must have been 2 because Harold came in and put his hands over my eyes.
“Guess who?” he said.
“Harold.” I guessed.
I turned around and it was him. I got up and hugged him.
“Hey, DJ will be here I told him this morning. He was happy to hear that you were coming over. He misses you Harold.” I told him. “So do I.” I kissed him on the cheek.
“Me too. I miss everyone. Mostly you. But I can't live here the way dad is. You know that. One of these days he's gonna kiss someone. That someone might be you or mom. I love you Izzy, but I am sorry.” he said and hugged me real close.
We hugged about 3 minutes until mom came in.
“Hey, son. How you doing.” she asked him.
“Good. Miss you and Izzy.”
“We do too. Mostly Izzy. Your dad worries about you but he understands you hate him ever since he hit you and started drinking. But he did stop drinking, a little bit.”
“I sorry mama but like I told Izzy. I love you guys, but I can't come back. Dad might kill someone and that someone might be you two.” Harold started to cry.
He went to mama and she put her arms around him, so did I.
Dad came into the room and told Harold that DJ was here.
“Son, DJ is here.”
“Okay.” Harold said.
“Son, I'm glad to see you here for your sister.” he told Harold and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Don't touch me and I'm not your son anymore. I came here for mom and Izzy. Good-bye Josh.”
Harold walked out of my room and went to go see DJ. My mom gave my dad a ugly look like, 'ha that is what you get.' but I was not sure.
“Josh, don't. This is about Izzy so stop. Just leave Harold alone.” my mom told him.
My dad walked out and went somewhere.
“Wow, Harold was mean to daddy.” I told mommy.
“I don't blame your brother, Izzy. I wish I was lucky like him.” she told me and smiled. “Well, lets get this party over with.” she kissed me.
We went downstairs and I put on some music. I didn't see daddy anywhere. So I guess the out to eat thing is off. I went outside. Harold and DJ was playing.
“Hey, boys. Wassup.”
“Not much, Iz just playing cards with your brother.” DJ said. He winked at me.
I laughed. “Cool. So who's winning?” I asked.
“I am, like always.” DJ said.
“Ha, I win.” Harold said.
“Wow you won a hand. I won like 5 hands.”
We all laughed. I played with them. I won a few. Then Harold said.
“Izzy, there's your boyfriend.”
“What, where?” I turned around. “Noah!” I got up and ran to him.
“Hey, I told you I would come without a book too.” Noah told him. “Hey Harold, DJ. Nice to see you again Harold.”
“You too. How's it going.”
“Good, well my mom will be here in a few minutes. I'm gonna tell your mom Izzy.”
“Okay.” I told him and I waited until he was inside to hit Harold.
“Ow. What was that for?” he said.
DJ was laughing at that. I hit him too. “Not funny. And that was for because, Noah is not my boyfriend. We are just friends.” I told him. “And if you call him my boyfriend, I'm gonna hit you again.”
“Okay. God that hurt. Sorry that I called him your boyfriend.” he said.
“Thank you.” I told him. “And sorry I hit y'all.”
Noah's mom came with some bags. I went to her.
“Hi, Noah's mom. He's inside with my mother.” I said.
“Okay thanks Izzy. Harold can you be a guy and carry these bags for me.”
“Yes, mam. DJ help me you crazy.”
DJ, Harold, and Noah's mom went inside. So did I but I went to go see grandma and grandpa. I hugged them and then I went upstairs. I was in there for about 5 minutes until Noah came up there.
“Hey birthday girl. How you doing?”
“Okay. What about you.” I asked him.
“Good. I'm almost done with my book.”
“Cool. What book were you reading again?”
“The Twilight Saga books.”
“Oh, I love those books and movies. Wish I had them all.”
“Well, when you blow out your candles wish for them.”
“Okay. I will. My Aunt Joy has them. I read Twilight and New Moon and even see them. But have not read or seen that last two.”
“Oh well I read them all like 4 times and seen them like 6 times/”
“Oh cool.” I said.
“Isabella Maria come blow out your candles and lets eat some ice cream and cake and open your gifts.” my mama said.
“Yes mama.” I said.
“Come on birthday girl. I'll walk down there with you. By the way you look cute.” Noah said.
Noah put his hand in my hand and we went downstairs to the party. Everyone was there, my daddy was by the back door. My mama was right there by the cake. Noah walked me all the way to the cake.
When we got there, he turned to face me and kissed me on the cheek, then let go of my hand. Then he told me to blow out the candles.
“Blow out the candles, Iz.”
I turned to face the cake and made my wish. I wished for the books and the movies of the twilight saga and that Noah would love me for me, and that we could go out.
I blew out the candles and everyone clapped for me. My mom and Noah came to me with my gifts. Noah hand me a box and winked at me.
I opened it. It was what I wished. And the gift was from him and said.
“Noah, I can't believe you got them for me. Thank you so much.”
“You are very welcome. You told me once that you liked them and I was like, 'what the heck I'll get them for her birthday.' so here you go.” Noah said.
I put the box down and hugged him. Then I opened a flat box it was from my mom and dad. It was all four twilight movie shirt. The twilight shirt had, the whole Cullen family on the shirt. Alice, Jasper, Rose, Emmett, Edward, and Bella. The New Moon shirt had Edward and Bella that had a wording on it. 'It never made sense for you to love me. I always knew that.' The Eclipse shirt had Edward, Bella, and Jacob. Bella was in the middle. Then the last shirt was Breaking Dawn and it had, Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee on it. Edward had his arm around Bella's waist. Jacob was a wolf and Renesmee was on top of him.
I liked the shirts and the books and the movies. I hugged my mom and told my daddy thanks.
“Thanks, Daddy.”
“Your welcome, honey.” he said.
I open the rest of my gifts. I got $60 from my grandparents total. Got $20 from DJ. Got $10 dollars from all my aunts and uncles. I only had 2 aunts and 2 uncles that were here. So I got $40 from them. Got $10 from both of my parents. So all together I got $140. I was gonna save it until I need it.
My mom cut the cake. It was a Twilight cake. I had a piece that had Bella on it. I ate with Harold, DJ, and Noah. I put cake on DJ's nose and he did the same to me. My mother took pictures of it.
Noah put ice cream on my nose and kissed me on the cheek. My mother got a picture of him kissing me. DJ looked mad that he was doing that. Harold was laughing at me for what Noah did.
My father came over to whip my face off and told me that he order pizza from pizza hut.
“Honey, I order some pizza from pizza hut okay. Got like 10 boxes for only $30 dollars. You need to thank your grandparents for that.”
“Okay. That's fine. Thanks grandma and grandpa.”
“Your welcome sweetie.”
It was like 5 o'clock almost everyone was leaving but, Noah, his mom, DJ, Harold, our grandparents, and DJ's mother. She came late a little. She was working.
Harold was staying the night with DJ so I still could get to see him. He was staying there for 5 days. He was on his spring break. My spring break started yesterday. I'm out for two weeks. Noah and his mother went home, so did DJ, Harold and DJ's mother, so did my grandparents.
I took my gifts upstairs, then jumped into the shower. When I got out my mom and dad were fighting again. So I got dressed and was playing that I went to bed. It was 10:30 P.M. I couldn't bare to be here to listen to this. So I climb out of my window and walked over to Noah's.
It was 10:30 was getting ready for bed. Had along day at Izzy's. I had fun tho. She looked happy for what she got. I got in my bed, and I was in there only 5 minutes until I heard a knock on my window. It was Izzy.
I got up and opened my window. She was only in short shorts and a tank top.
“What are you doing here.”
“My parents are fighting again. This is the 4th one this week. Why did it have to be on my birthday. Can I stay here please.” she was shivering.
“Yea, I guess. I'll set the alarm for 6 A.M. So I can walk you home okay.” I told her.
“Okay. It's so cold outside.”
“Here get under the covers. You'll be warm in a few minutes.”
I closed the window and helped her into my bed. Got in too. I was holding her so she could get warm. She smelled so good. Like Twilight wood. My mom uses that stuff. She must got her some for her birthday. I kissed her on the forehead. She opened her eyes and said.
“Thank you, Noah. For everything you done for me.” she said. Then kissed me on the lips.
I kissed her back then we fell asleep holding each other.
The alarm went off. I woke up got dressed and then I woke her up. She looked like an angel in the morning.
“Izzy. Izzy, wake up. It's 6 o'clock. Time to get you home before your parents wake up.”
“No, I want to stay. Me warm.” she said and pulled the covers over her again.
“Come on sleepy head. I will give you a piggy back ride.” I told her.
“Okay.” she got up and we walked outside and she hoped on my back.
It took about 10 minutes to walk to her place. She only lives about 5 minutes from my house. But I had her on my back so it took more time.
When we got to her place, I put her down and I told her.
“I'll see you later. Get some more sleep, Iz.”
“Okay.” she said and kissed me and ran inside. I stood there for a minute.
Then I walked home got back in to bed and fell back to sleep. Woke back up at 11. me and my mom went over to Izzy's place. She ran down the stairs when I got there.
“Hey, Izzy.” I said.
“Hey, Noah. Hows it going.”
“Good. How you sleep?” I winked.
“Okay. Thanks again, Noah.”
“So hows everything going?”
“I don't know I haven't seen my father all morning.”
“Isabella, can you come here. I got to talk to you sweetie.” her mom said.
“Yes, mommy.”
“Noah, come here.” my mom said. “Look here, your gonna have to help Izzy out. Her parents are splitting up. Can you do that for me and her mother?”
“Yes, mama.”
Then Izzy started yelling and crying. Then she ran upstairs to her room. I started to go after her, but I stopped. I looked at my mother.
“Go on son. She needs you.” she said.
I shook my head, then went up to her room. I knocked.
“Go away. Leave me alone.”
“No, I won't.” I walked in her room.
She was on her bed crying. I walked to her bed and sat down. I told her 'come here.'
“Izzy, come here.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.
“Shh.... It's gonna be okay. Clam down baby.” I was trying to clam her down.
We layed down on her bed until we fell asleep again. Her mother came up to her room and seen that we were asleep well she was.
“Noah, your mother went home. You can stay here with her if you want. And thanks again for doing this.”
“You are welcome. And yea I'll stay here. Tell my mother bring me some clothes for me please.”
“Yea.” she said then shut the door.
I think Izzy heard that because she got closer to me and grabbed my hand. I kissed her on her cheek.
She slept her whole day out. When she woke up she looked at me. I was on her moon chair reading my book.
“Morning, honey. You okay.” I asked her that.
“Yes I am. I'm sorry I yelled at you Noah.”
“It's cool. I was like that 3 years ago. I'm here to help. If you need help I am here.”
“I know and thank you for staying the night with me.”
“Your welcome. But it was not a night. It was like 2 nights. You slept the whole day. It's 5 P.M.”
“Oh okay. But still thanks.” she kissed me on the cheek.
“No, come here.” I put my hands on her cheek and I kissed her on her lips. We kissed for about 30 seconds until we parted. Then I kissed her again. “I got to go I'll see you later okay.”
“Okay. Noah.”
“Yea, Iz.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. I will take care of you.” I told her.
“I know. You always have you just didn't know you have.”
“I think I have.” I said when I was at her door. But, I didn't say it out loud for her to hear.
I was about to cry but I stopped myself. I waved good-bye to her mom and walked out to go home.
When I got home, I put my things in my room and threw myself on my bed. I started to cry. I was crying for about 10 minutes until my mom came in.
“Izzy's mom called. She said you were crying. What's the matter. Is Izzy okay.”
“Yea. She's fine. I just tole her I loved her too. I always have but I never have. I don't know if I could do it.”
“Yes, you can son. You can love her and help her out at the same time. She needs you. I saw the look she gave you when you kissed her on the cheek.”
“Yea. I know. 2 days ago she came over here and stayed the night because her parents were fighting. And she kissed me yesterday morning when I took her home. And I kissed her right before I left her house.” I told my mother.
“Wow. Well son, just tell her how you feel and see where that takes you. That's how I met your father.” she told me.
“I do love her, but I don't know mama.” I said. “But, she drives me crazy sometimes. I think I just want to be friends with her.”
“Noah, look at me.” I looked at her. “How can you just want to be friends with her if you love her and she loves you. You guys already kissed. Noah ask her out okay.”
“Yes mama. I will but not right now. Give it awhile until everything clams down.” I told her.
“Okay.” she said and left the room.
I did not know what to do. Was I going crazy, or what? Did I love her or just saying it.
Continues to Chapter 17 part 2
Stand by.
Chapter 17:Past Izzy and Noah when they were kids!! Part 2!!
Hi, my name is Noah. But some call me 'Bookworm', and I didn't get it started. When I was little this red hair girl name Isabella, Izzy for short, stared calling me that.
I am now 13 and people still call me that. I kinda like it. Bookworm means, 'Someone that loves to read a lot and will read anything it gets their hands on. They don't care if it is hard or not or even big or small. And it's hard for them to put the book, down when they get started.
Well, that is me I guess. But I do put it down sometimes. I live with my mom. My dad well, I don't know where the hell he is. My mom and him split up when I was little.
She has dated but I think she's scared to love someone again. Well fall in love how some people should say.
Well Izzy and me went to this summer camp over the summer. And things happen at camp with me and her. She always picked on me and shit. It's all crazy but here let me tell you.
~Flash Back~
The first day of camp:
I just got done packing and I put my bags in the truck. Went over to Izzy's house and asked if she was done.
“Hey Mary is Izzy done packing?”
“Um that I do not know. You can go up there to her room and see if she is.” Mary said.
I go up to her room and I seen bags outside her door and I walk in her room and this I didn't mean to see. She was naked.
“Hey, Izzy are you ready to go.” I said. “Oh my god Izzy. I'm so sorry.” I turned around to look at the wall.
“It's okay.” she shut the door and then walked over to me started feeling me. “Why don't you turn around and look at me. You know you want too.”
She took my arm and put it on her boob and then I looked at her to see what she was doing. Wow she's only 13 and damn she's big. Then I took my arm back.
“Izzy get some clothes on, we need to go.” I told her and I was started to leave and she grabbed my hand and turn me around.
“No, not yet.” she said.
She locked the door and she started kissing me. This was very crazy. She took my shirt off and started feeling my chest. Then she went to my pants, took them off too. I was only in my boxers. She started playing with my penis. She even licked my penis a few times and then she out my penis in her month.
“Izzy, what are you doing?” I asked.
“I'm giving you a blow job. I know you want to so lets do it.”
She was right, but her mom. “What about your mom?”
“So, I'll be quiet.” she said.
She kept giving me a blow job. Then I took off my shoes and then I pushed her on to her bed. I started to eat her out, and I even was fingering her. I had 2 fingers in her pussy.
It must felt good to her because she grabbed a hair full of my hair. I looked up at her, she was enjoying it. So I started going faster with my fingers. Then I got up and put my penis into her pussy.
We didn't do it long we did it about 45 minutes to an hour. She liked it because she said.
“Damn Noah. Wow. I'm glad I said lets fuck. God that was good. Do you think we can do it again?”
“I do not know, maybe. I'll think about it. But we got to go. Are you okay?”
“Yea why?”
“The blood on your bed?”
“Oh that's fine. I'm not a virgin anymore it does that when you lose your virginity for girls tho.” she said.
Then the 3rd day, she kissed me at camp. And this was crazy because she only kissed me once that day. She usely kisses me like 10 times a day.
The 6th day at camp we went to the pool. I brought my book with me. I was laying in the folding chair reading.
She came from behind me and scared me. My book went into the pool. I got out of the chair and got it.
“Damn, Izzy. Don't do that. What the hell is your deal.”
“Not a thing.”
“Well I got to go dry my book off and change clothes. See yea later.”
The 8th day at camp was real crazy. All the campers were in the lobby. This boy name Geoff asked who wants to play spin the bottle?
“Who wants to play spin the bottle?” Geoff said.
Izzy said, “Not me.”
“Noah, do you want to play?”
“Um... I guess.” I said.
“Gwen, how about you?”
“Sure. Trent play with me too please.” Gwen said.
“Yea, I guess I could babe.” Trent said.
“Well, I guess I could play too.” Izzy said.
I knew why she change her mind. She wanted to see if I was gonna play so, she can play to kiss me or to see if I could kiss her again.
Gwen and Trent kissed. Geoff kissed some girl with real long blonde hair. She was cute. Then it was my turn to spin the bottle.
The bottle landed on Izzy. She got up to walk over to me and I got up. I just stood there. She looked at me.
“Are you gonna kiss her or not?” Geoff asked.
“Yea, are you gonna kiss me or not Noah?” Izzy also asked.
“No, I am not gonna kiss you.” I said.
She started to cry, so she ran away.
“Izzy wait.” I said.
“Dude, why didn't you kiss her?” Geoff said.
I just stood there and looked at him. I shook my head and said.
“Geoff, I don't know.”
I took off and ran looking for her. I looked everywhere but the girls bathroom by the cabin. I knocked before I open the door. She sure was in there. I heard her crying.
“Izzy, you okay.” I asked.
Why did I just ask her that. I hurt for fucking feelings. What the hell.
“Leave me alone. Go away.” she said.
I went inside the bathroom and found her on the floor crying. I walked to her and sat down next to her. I put my arms around her. She slap my arms off of her.
“Don't touch me!” she said.
“Izzy, I am so sorry. Please don't be mad or upset with me.”
“Why should I? You did not want to kiss me. Why?” she asked me.
I did not know what to tell her. I was scared to say something to piss her off again. So I started off saying this.
“Listen, Izzy. I don't know why I didn't want to kiss you.” I told her. “But, I do know this. I do love you but we can't do this. We have to move on. Find someone else when we get home okay. I can't do this.” I just let it all out.
“Are you sure, Noah?” she asked. “You really want to break up like this at camp.”
“We not. I said when we get home we are.” I said. “I can't just sit here and be the good guy. Well, I am but we really aren't going out we never have. We just said we loved each other. Of course we had sex, but to tell you this. I think I'm gay. When we kiss I don't feel anything anymore like I use too when we were kids. But the sex was good but that like I thought it would be.” I told her the whole truth.
“Wow. I thought I was the only one about the kiss. But the sex was great. I think it was me tho. When we get home what we gonna do?”
“We are gonna move on with our lifes. We been together for about 8 years, so I think we do need a break. I am sorry Izzy.” I told her.
I helped her up. I even gave her a kiss on the lips for the last time. That was not the last time giving her a kiss.
On the 10th day of camp which was the last day of camp. We packed and my mother came and got me and Izzy. We were laughing when we got to my mom. My mom looked at us. We were not holding hands like we usely did around my mother.
I shook my head at her because I knew what she was thinking. Izzy and I told everyone goodbye. And right before I got into the truck, someone called my name.
I looked and it was one of the campers name Cody.
“Noah wait!” no said.
“Be right back.” I walk to Cody. “Hey, Cody.”
“Hey, you gonna leave without saying good-bye to me?”
“Oh sorry. Well, good-bye Cody. Hope to see you again.” I told him.
“Well, I hope so.” he handed me a piece of paper. “Read it when you get home. And I'll hit you up on facebook.”
“Okay. Well, bye for now.” I hugged him and walked back to the track.
“What did that nerd want?” Izzy said.
“Izzy!?” my mother said.
“His name is Cody and nothing I just forgot to say good-bye to him okay, smarty pants.”
“Oh.” that was all she said.
When we got home I help Izzy, carry her bags home. Her mom was cooking dinner when we walked inside. I wave at her but didn't say anything. I went straight into Izzy's bedroom.
“Thanks, Noah for helping me carry my bags.”
“Your welcome. I need to get going and put my things away.”
“Oh okay.”
“See yea.”
“You too, Noah.”
I dropped her bags on her bed and looked at her and then left her room. Waved at Mary again. I walked home, my mom put my bags by my door. I picked them up and carried them inside and put my clothes away. Then when I was done, I layed down on my bed. When I sat down I felt something in my back pocket. I got back up and took out the letter that Cody gave me.
I opened the letter and it had said:
Dear Noah,
I had fun with you in the last 2 weeks and I never told anyone this but my father and mother and my family. Well I am gay. I have dated one girl but it not feel the same. I thought you were cute and I heard you didn't kiss that red hair when y'all were playing spin the bottle. And when Geoff asked, 'Why you didn't, kiss her.' and you said, 'I don't know.' Then the next two days I didn't see yea kiss or do anything like when you first got there, I thought to myself you were gay. Well, if you are write me back on facebook. ( tell me how you feel.
Love, Cody.
Wow Cody likes me. I got on facebook and looked him up. I sent him a friend request. I even wrote him a short letter.
Dear Cody,
Hey, well I was not gay until I couldn't kiss her anymore. We broke up that day too. I told her that we needed to go on with our lifes. We been together since she was 7 well, when she turn 7 on her birthday. So hit me back when you can bye.
Love, Noah.
My mom called me for dinner. I got off line and went downstairs. I made my plate and sat down.
“So how was camp, hon?”
“Okay, but we broke up tho. I think I'm gay. When I kissed her, I didn't feel the sparks like it use to when we were little. I told Izzy we need to move on.” I told my mother.
“How she take it?”
“Okay. She was okay with it.”
“But you think your gay?”
“Yes, mama. Are you okay with that?”
“Yea. Do what you like sweetie.”
“I will mama. Well I done eating, I going to bed. Love yea.”
“Goodnight and love yea too.” my mother kissed me goodnight.
I went to bed thinking about Izzy and Cody. What I did to her and what to say to Cody.
Chapter 18: Cody asks Noah out, but Noah loves Mike and something bad happens to him!! Part 1
It's been a week since I heard/seen Cody ever since we went to summer camp. I got on facebook today after church with my mom, and he was online.
I clicked on his name and started writing him.
Me: Hey Cody, what's up?
He didn't write me back but I waited for him to write me. I checked the rest of my mail. I had one from my aunt and uncle. A few from Izzy and I had one from her mom. I wrote my aunt and uncle and Izzy back. I even wrote her mom back.
Her mom wrote me, “Why aren't you coming over like you use to. Izzy misses you since your her boyfriend and all.” Izzy must haven't told her that we broke up.
I wrote back to her and said. “Well, Mary we broke up after camp. She pushed me and my book into the pool. She only kissed me one time during the two weeks and you know she always kisses me every time she seen me. So I told her that we need to go on with our lifes. And I told her I think I'm gay, because when I kissed her I didn't feel anything so I'm very sorry.”
I hit send, and then I looked at Cody's homepage and there were pictures of him and me together. A few of me and Izzy. Then when I was about to tag them, I heard a click like someone wrote me. I looked down at the bottom of the screen and Cody wrote me back.
Cody: hey cutie, how's it going?
Me: I'm okay looking at the pictures of us when we went to camp. I'm tagging myself in them okay.
Cody: okay, did you read the note I gave you on the last day?
Me: yes, I did. It was sweet.
Cody: so, what's the answer? Yes/no?
Me: well, you know I just broke up with Izzy, at camp. So, well, I don't know yet Cody. Let me think about it for a minute.
Cody: okay. I really do like you Noah.
Me: well, I thought about that. I like you too and when you kissed me on the cheek, I kinda liked it.
Cody: I knew you would. I seen the look you had on your face after I kissed you and you walked over to your truck and got in.
Me: yea. Yea. Lol so what now?
Cody: well, lets see. Will you go out with me Noah?
Me: yes, I will go out with you.
Cody: YAY! Lol thank you. :)
Me: your welcome Cody :) I have something to say. I'm moving in a few weeks.
Cody: Where too?
Me: up north, by pain city.
Cody: I live close to pain city. I go to pain city high school.
Me: I'm going to go school there. So I guess we can see each other. <3
Cody: sweet :) lol <3 hold on my phone is ringing lol.
Me: okay.
While I waited for him to come back I went to put some of my clothes in my bag and boxes. So only thing was left was a week worth of clothes and my bed.
My mom came in my room, to see if I was packing. “Hey, honey you almost done?” my mother said.
“Yea, I'm done. There boxes and bags over there.” I said.
“Oh okay. Is this the Cody you went to camp with?”
“Yes, it is. Why?”
“He asked you out? Wow you could have of told me you were gay. Why didn't you?”
“Well, because it's my life and I don't know mom. I thought I told you that's why me and Izzy broke up.”
“I knew y'all broke up, but still. But oh well. It's your life. Do what you want to do.” she said. “I love you for you. I don't care what you are, gay, bi, or straight. It's your life. I do know your father would have been mad but forget him. I'm the one that takes care of you.”
While she was talking, Cody wrote me back. So I got up and walked over to my computer.
Cody: sorry. It was my friend Heather. She's coming over to use my computer to look up some things for school so I won't be on here for awhile.
Me: oh okay. Well I'm packing my things to get ready to move. And my mom knows about us. She read what you said. She don't care.
Cody: oh good. That's cool. Tell her I said, 'Hey.'
Me: will do. Well, I got to go, see ya.
Cody: you too. <3
Me: <3
I logged off of facebook and let my mother use it. She checked her facebook. I seen that my father wrote her.
“NO! Hell no I am not going to see him. He can go to hell for all I care.” I said.
My mom looked at me and said. “Noah, watch your mouth. And you have too, he's still your father. But if you don't want too, I understand. I'll tell him that.”
“Tell him no! I do not want to see him. He left you for another girl. He didn't want us mom.” I told her.
“I know son.” she said.
I loved my mother so much and when my father left us when I was 4, I didn't want anything from him. He could die for all I care. My dad left us for another woman. She worked at my dad's work so I guess he seen her when he left to go to work and then when he came back, my mom told him to leave because his coworker told her that they were dating, that he was cheating on her for her.
My dad married her and had a few kids. I seen them behind his back. When he's at work I go over there and see them. They been married got 2 years and their kids are 3 and 5 years old. They don't tell my dad, well our dad that I come over neither does my step-mom.
She understands how I felt when my dad left us for her. She feels sorry.
After school I walked over to jenny's house. Mark was at work. Good for him. Mark Jr. and April, April is 5 and Mark Jr. is 3.
April loves me to death. When I walked in she ran to me.
“Noah!” April said, then ran to me when she seen who it was.
“Hey April, what's up?” I said.
“Nothing, got home from P.K.” she said.
“Oh okay cool. Did ya have fun April?”
“Yes, I did. We played outside.” she said.
“Oh cool.” I said. “Where's your mother?”
“In her room.”
I walked into Jenny's room. She was putting clothes away.
“Hey Jenny, what's up?” I asked her.
“Not much. Just cleaning the house before your dad come home.” Jenny said.
“He is not my dad anymore.” I told her. “He is just Mark to me.”
“Noah, don't do this okay. I know what he did to you and your mother when you was 4 years old. But that's the past. This is now not then. Noah, I love you like you were my own son. Trust me, I love your father and I love you, plus the two cute kids he gave me.” she told me.
I knew what she was talking about. But I didn't want to believe it, but I had to because she's right. It was in the past and this is the present.
I was there for two hours and it was almost time for my dad to come home. I was gonna do what she said. I needed a dad in my life.
I called my mom and told her I was staying for dinner. She was okay with that. I helped Jenny set up the dinner table for her. I eve helped her cook. We made tacos, two boxes of them too.
It was 7 P.M. When my father got home. I was in the living room watching Mark Jr. play with his toy.
“Hey honey, I'm home.” my father said.
He walked into the living room and he stopped and looked at me.
“Noah? What are you doing here?” he asked me.
“I'm here to have dinner with y'all and plus came here to see my baby brother and sister. Is that okay with you. Jenny didn't mind.” I told him.
“Oh okay. Well, no I don't mind. You could have called me first tho. But that doesn't matter. I'm glad your here it's been awhile since I seen you.” he said.
“Yea, but I been coming here for five years to see the kids while you were at work.”
“Oh. Why you still here then?” he asked.
“Well, because Jenny and I talked about it a little. That I should let the past go. This is the present not the past.” I told him.
“Okay.” that was all he said.
“Dinner is ready. Come and get it.” Jenny said.
We went and got our tacos and sat in the living room and watched TV. I had 4 tacos and when I was done I had to leave.
“Well, bye everyone, see y'all latter.”
“Bye, Noah, love yea.” April kissed me goodbye.
After she kissed me good-bye I left. When I got home it was almost 9 P.M. Jenny must called her because she asked me this.
“So hoe it go with your father?”
“It was okay.”
“Okay. You okay that you faced your father.” she asked.
“Yea I guess. Jenny and I talked about it. It's in the past. It's the present now.” I said.
“Yea. I'm happy for you.”
“Yea, well I'm going to bed had along day.”
I kissed her goodnight and went into my room and changed my clothes and brushed my teeth. Got on facebook and Cody was on. I hit his name and wrote him.
Me: Hey just got home from my dad's. What's up?
Cody: Hey. Not much just got done eating about to jump in the shower then go to bed.
Me: Oh me too. I had a long day.
Cody: Oh. Well, get some rest. You'll need it.
Me: Yea. I do. Love yea.
Cody: love yea too. <3
Me: <3 :D ;D
I signed off and climbed in bed. It was almost 10:00 P.M. Lucky it was Friday, and not Thursday. Tomorrows, Saturday and we are going to take some of our things to our new place.
When I woke up it was 11 A.M. My mom was on the phone with the moving truck people they were going to let us drive it and my mom's best friend Amy is going to drive out truck. We need all the room and help for all our stuff. Mostly the big stuff.
I called Izzy and asked her if she could help. Her mom was the one that answered.
“Hi Mary. Is Izzy there?” I asked.
“No, she's over her grandparents house.” she said.
“Oh, do you know when she'll be back?”
“Um.... no I don't she's been there for 3 days. She's been hanging with Harold.”
“Oh okay. Well damn.”
“What do you want her for?”
“To see if she can help me move. But that's cool.”
“Okay. Well I got to go to work talk to you later.”
“Okay, bye.”
I hung up the phone and put some bags of my clothes in the truck. When I was outside my mom's best friend pulled up with her oldest son, Mike. He is 20 years old. He was going to drive there car while his mom drives our truck.
“Hey, Noah is your mom busy?”
“No, well she's on the phone with the moving company.” I said.
“Oh okay. Well what we moving today?”
“The big stuff is going into the moving truck and our clothes in the car or our truck and the small stuff can go in the car.” I said. “But we doing mostly the big stuff.”
“Oh okay.” she said. “Hey, Mike help Noah okay.”
“Yes mom.” Mike said.
Mike and I went into my room and I told him, “Just get my bags and boxes and put them in the truck.”
“Okay.” Mike said.
We got everything in the car and the truck and Mike's mom, Amy, took my mom in her car to go get the truck.
I got on facebook and wrote on my page what was on my mind. ' Moving today hope this doesn't take long. Miss my baby. Love you Cody! <3 '
I signed off and unplug the computer and I put it in it's bag. I'm glad I have an laptop it's so easy to move and carry.
I called my dad and see if he was off work or not. It rung 6 times then went to voice mail. I just hung up. I fixed me and Mike something to eat.
Both moms came back and I fix them something to eat too. After they got done eating, we put the dressers and the beds in the moving truck and after we got the beds and dressers in there we left to go to Pain City.
Pain City is like 3 hours away from here up North. I rode with Mike, my mom was first, then Mike's mom, then us.
Mike doesn't talk much to me and I don't know why? But I did ask him this.
“Mike, do you like me?” I asked.
“Well, I don't really know you that much, so I guess no. Can I ask you something?” he asked.
“Yes, you can.”
“I over heard your mother telling my mother that you think you might be 'gay'. Is that true?”
“Well, yea I think so. I broke up with this girl name Izzy and when we went to camp I kissed her one last time and I didn't feel anything anymore. And there was this boy name Cody that had a crush on me and he even asked me out. So yea I guess I am. Why?” I told him.
“Just asked. So your bi?”
“You could say that but I don't really know. I think I'm gonna just try to see if I like it.” I said.
“Have you had sex yet?” he asked.
“Yes, I have with Izzy. The same day we went to camp. She came on to me.” I said.
“So, she raped you?” he asked.
“Oh no. I'm glad we did it. It was good.”
“Oh okay. I was like you once.”
“You were? When?” I asked.
“When I was little, my mother didn't know about it and still don't. Well I'm bi. I done a girl and a guy. So if you want to try a guy, I'm here.”
“Um.... wow.... and okay. Mike your like 20 and I'm 14. That's 6 years different from us.”
“Noah, age is just a number.” he said.
“Yea, so well, I'll think about it okay.” I said.
3 hours later we showed up at the new place. Mike helped me carry my bags and bed in to my room. The rooms were big. There were 3 bedrooms and 1½ bathroom.
We were gonna make the 3rd bedroom a spare bedroom for anyone, plus the computer room too. We'll have to buy a twin size bed. Like if Cody stays after he can stay in there or Mike.
When we were done my mom and Amy left before us. I guess my mom was going to take the moving track back. Mike helped me put my bed up and put my clothes away.
While we were doing that, Amy called and asked where were we.
“Hey, mom were at the house still. I'm helping Noah put his bed up and his clothes up.” he told her.
She must asked if we be home for dinner because Mike told her.
“Go on and eat without us. We'll get something on the go. Don't worry we'll be home.” he said.
I rolled my eyes at that. Mike laughed a little.
“Well, love ya mom bye.” he said, then he hung up.
I was still laughing at that. I was just got done putting my clothes away.
“What's so funny, Noah?” he was laughing too.
“Nothing.” I couldn't stop.
He was walking toward me. “Somethings funny, Noah. If there isn't why are you laughing for.”
“I'm laughing at you Mike.”
“Why are you laughing at me for?”
“Cause your funny and cute.” I told him.
After I told him that he came over to me. I was standing there looking at him, then he grabbed my face and kissed me. I put my hands on his face too and kissed him back. He moved me backwards on to my bed. We just kept making out.
All I was thing was, 'Oh my god he's so cute. I can't believe we are doing this.' then I moved my head and he was kissing my neck. 'I have to stop him. This is going to far. I'm with Cody.'
“Mike, stop.”
“Why, don't you want to do this. I know you do.” he said.
“Well, I don't really know. I go out with Cody, Mike. So, I don't know what to do. I'm only 14 years old.” I said.
“You don't have to do anything. I'll do all the work and after we do this you will be a pro with the guys.”
“Mike are you sure? We really don't know much about each other.” I said.
“Yes, I'm sure. Look, I'll give you a blow job okay. Then we can go get something to eat. Then I'll take you home.”
“I guess. I have not had any for awhile since me and my ex-girlfriend, Izzy, the day we went to camp together.” I said.
I kissed him again and took off my shirt and he began to kiss me again. When I took off my shirt, he went around my neck and he bit me.
It did feel good but at the same time it felt wrong because I was with Cody and I never done a guy.
“You ready for it, Noah?” Mike asked.
“Well, I don't really know, but I do want some.” I said.
“Don't be scared Noah. I done this hundreds of time with guys and girls. It's just like fucking girls in the asses and them giving you blow jobs.”
I shook my head and began to kiss him again. I took off his shirt and God he was sexy. He had a 6 pack. I started feeling on him then I undone my pants and took them off.
He went down on me, started stroking my penis slowly then put it in his mouth. He did the same thing what Izzy did.
“I'm ready.” was all I said.
“Okay, bend over your bed, and we van get this going.” he said and he also kissed me before I bent over my bed.
He bent me over and pulled his pants down and he pulled his penis out and slowly put his penis in me then started going fast.
I started moaning because it felt so good. It felt so good I said his name.
“Oh, Mike. Oh yes!” I said.
He went even faster then before. We were fucking for about 15 minutes.
“I want to fuck you now.” I said.
“Oh okay. Are you sure?”
I shook my head. So did he. He got up and helped me up. I got on my knees and started sucking his penis. Then he bent over my bed and then I started fucking him.
I was fucking him for at least 15 minutes. He also was moaning, plus saying my name too.
“Oh god, Noah. Fuck yes!” he said.
After all the fucking I did I pulled out and he got in front of my penis and started sucking it again.
Then that's when I blew out cum. All my cum went all over his face.
“I'm so sorry about me cumming all over your face, Mike.” I said.
“Oh it's okay. You have to do that. Didn't you do that to Izzy?”
“No, I didn't.”
“Well, there it was your first. So how did you like it?” he asked.
I didn't say anything. After I pulled up my pants, I kissed him. That was my answer for him.
“Let me guess you liked it.” he said when he was pulling up his pants. “Well your welcome. Let's go get something to eat.” he said.
He kissed me after we put our shirts back on. It wasn't our last kiss.
We left the house then we went to get something to eat. We went to Steak N Shake. When we got to our table, he was staring at me. I looked at him and I guess I was blushing because he was touching my face.
“You okay, Noah? Your turning red.”
“Yea, I'm good. Well I'm great. Thank you.” I said, then I kissed him.
“Your very welcome.” he said.
He was holding my hand on the table.
“Tell me something Noah. If you never met Cody or he didn't ask you out would you go out with me?”
“Well, I don't know Mike. Yea I guess. Mike.”
“Yea, Noah.”
“I love you.” I can't believe I told him I loved him.
“I love you, too. Noah, it's okay to love two different people. I did.”
“Well, I was thinking. I could go out with both of you. The days I'm not with him I could be with you and when I'm not with you I'll be with him.”
“And if you want 3 sums, I'm here.”
“Yea. And if you want a 3 sum with a girl or a guy, I'll do it.”
“Well, that's a deal. Deal?”
“Deal.” I kissed him.
Our food came. We got 2 shakes that were the same Reese's, he got a double cheese burger, and I got a triple cheese burger.
I didn't eat all mine nor the shake so I took them home.
“Do you know how to get back to the old house?” I asked.
“Yea, I do.” he said.
“Okay.” I said. I shivered. “God it's cold out.”
“I'll turn on the heater for yea.” he said.
We were holding hands until we got to the car. We got in and he turn on the heat like he said, plus turn on the radio, not loud either.
I kept looking at him, while he was driving. He was holding my hand, the whole time. I layed the seat back and I fell asleep. Well the food and the heat put me to sleep.
It felt like forever before we got home, but it was only 4 hours. When we got home Mike woke me up.
“Hey sleepy head wake up we're home.”
When I woke up it was dark. The clock said 10:00 P.M. I moaned and I whipped my eyes. I fixed the seat and looked at him.
“Did you have a nice nap?” he asked.
“Yea. You could have woke me up when I fell asleep.”
“Naw. I wanted you to get some sleep you needed it.” he said. “You still look sleepy. Do you want me to carry ya?”
“I would say yes, but no, because your mom.” I said. “But if she wasn't there nor my mom then yes.” I kissed him.
“True. Good thinking.” he laughed then he kissed me back.
He turn the car off and we got out and walk to the door holding hands. He kissed me before I open the door.
“Thanks. I had a good night for our first date.” he said.
“Me too, Mike. Me too.” I said.
We walked into the house. My mom was on the couch with Amy. When I walked in I tripped. When I fell, Mike grabbed my hand. I pulled him down with me then we started laughing.
“Oh my god! You guys okay?” my mom said.
“Yea, we good. I tripped.” I said.
“He's still asleep. He fell asleep in the car.” Mike said.
He got up and helped me up. We were stilling laughing.
“Thanks.” I yawned.
“Did y'all eat.” Amy asked.
“Yea, we had Steak N Shake.” Mike said.
“Speaking of that, did you get my bag and drink our of the car.”
“Yea it's right here.”
“Thanks Mike. We should do this again. I mean hang out.”
“Yea, we should. Well go get some rest you'll need it. Do you want me to help you get to your room?” he asked.
“Yes, please help him get to his room, Mike.” my mom said.
“Okay.” he said.
Mike helped me to my room. He put my arm around his neck, so I won't fall again. When we got to my room he open the door and shut it and left it open a little. He turn on the light.
I took off my shoes and my shirt off. My mom must aired up the sir beds. It was the queen size one. She must wanted the king.
“I would ask ya to stay the night but what would they say?”
“Yea, well I could ask. Tell them I could help out in the morning.”
“Yea true.”
“Be right back.”
He left the room. I fell half asleep. I didn't even hear him come back in until I felt him get in with me.
I felt his lips close to my ear. “They said, it was okay. I told them I could stay in here with ya. They didn't care. My mom left to go home your mom is in bed.”
“Mm.” I moaned he laughed.
“Go to sleep my Noah. My sweet baby.” he said. He kissed my forehead.
I put my head on his chest and he out his arm around me. When I touched him he has no shirt on. It felt nice to with him. I was really in love with him.
“Yes, Noah.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Noah.”
And then I was out.
When I woke up, I looked at the clock it was 2 P.M. Mike was not in bed with me but his shoes and shirt was still here. When I got up I was only in my boxers.
When I got up I walked downstairs. He was on the couch, my mom was in the armchair. They were watching TV. When I hit that last step Mike looked at me.
“Good morning sleepy head.” he said.
Then my mom looked up and seen me. I walked in the living room and sat down and grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around me.
“How did you sleep?” Mike asked.
“Good, but my neck hurts.”
“My neck would hurt too if I didn't sleep on a pillow.” he laughed. “Here come sit on the floor, I'll get that for yea.”
“Okay.” I got up and sat on the floor and he was rubbing my neck.
“Are ya hungry Noah?” my mom asked.
“Yes, mama.”
“I made eggs and toast for us. But me and Mike already ate.”
“Oh okay. Ow, fuck. Damn that hurt.” I said.
“Watch you mouth-”
“It's okay. I would say that too, if my neck hurt.” Mike said.
“Well here you go Noah.”
“Thanks mom. So when are we gonna finish this?”
“When Amy gets off work which is about now. So maybe in an hour.”
“All is left is the couches, TV's, stove, fridge, washer, drier, dinning room table set, dish washer, the radio, and the interment set.” my mom said. “We will be out by tonight, maybe tomorrow.”
“Well since this is it we could use my dad's truck. My mom and dad switches on cars sometimes. I'll call my mom to see if she's got the truck.” Mike said.
“Okay.” my mom said.
“Your phone is upstairs, do you want me to go get it?”
“Naw, I'll get it but you better go get dress tho.” Mike said.
We both went upstairs to my room. I turn on my radio and my song was on. “Wet the Bed” by Chris Brown.
I turned it up, and I started singing it. He was laughing at me.
“I'm gonna make you wet the bed.” I said. “I'm gonna soak your bed to death. How long can you hold you breath.”
“Oh wow Noah.” he said.
“What? I love that song.”
“You are so cute when you do that. That's what I love about you.” he walked over to me and kissed me.
“Hey mom do you have the truck?” he asked her. “You do good. I'll drive it and you can ride with Noah's mom and Noah can ride with me.” he said.
While he was talking to her I put some clothes on. Then I went in the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. When I was done I went back into my room. He was still shirt less, and still on the phone wit his mom.
I walked over to him. I kissed him and started kissing his neck then going down to his chest and his pack. I was feeling his pack.
When he got off the phone he looked at me. I looked at him and stood up and kissed him. When I kissed him, he put his arms around me.
“You okay, Mike?” I asked.
“Yea, I'm good. Why?”
“Just asked. Well lets get dressed. We got a big day a head of us.”
“Yea.” he said.
“I was thinking I get everything together, I was going to get a job. When I get enough money, I was gonna get a phone and take us out. How is that?”
we got dressed and went downstairs. Amy was here. We put that washer, dishwasher, and drier into Amy's truck. The fridge, stove, radio, the TV in my mom's truck.
After we got those in the trucks we left. The highways were half clear so it took about 2½ hours. I lean close to Mike and he put his arm around me.
When we got there we uploaded the stuff. Mike and I put the washer and drier downstairs in the basement. Then put the fridge and stove in the kitchen. The radio into the dinning room.
Then we left and went back to the old house but first we all stop and got something to eat and gas. We had subway something quick and easy.
“Thanks Mike for buying us lunch.” my mom said.
“Its good.” he said.
“Well lets get the rest and get this day over with.” Amy said.
“Good thinking Amy.” I said.
Mike laughed at me. We got back on the road. Mike and I beat Amy and my mom home. We were in the house, taking the interment down. I was trying to get one of the speakers down and it hit me on the head. When it hit me I fell down.
“Noah!” Mike yelled.
Right after he yelled my mom and Amy was walking in. I was on the ground and Mike was over me.
“Noah, oh my god! What happen?” my mom asked.
“The speaker fell and hit him on the head.” he said.
“Noah. Noah, wake up.” my mom yelled.
“Should we call 911?” he asked.
“I'm on it.” Amy said.
I heard her walk into the other room. Mike was holding my hand.
“They will be here about 10 minutes or less.” Amy said.
“Thank you Amy so much.” my mom said.
“Here Mike put this on his head.” Amy said.
Mike put something on my head. It was cold, but it felt good. Then like 5 minutes later some one knocked on the door.
“I'll get it.” Amy said.
I heard Amy got the door.
“He's in here.” Amy said.
“How long has he been out?” the EMT asked.
“Like 5 to 10 minutes.” Mike said.
“So what happen?”
“We were talking the speakers down and one of them fell and hit him in the head.” Mike said.
They put something over my nose and mouth, to help me breath. While they were doing that Mike was still holding my hand, he was holding it hard. He really did love me.
It took them 6 times to get me to breath. I did wake up but they still took me to the hospital. Mike rode with me to the hospital.
“Mike -”
“Yes, Noah?”
“I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me.”
“I love you too.” Mike said, “Just be quiet, your gonna be okay.”
Right when he said that, my heart stop. He started freaking out.
“What's going on. What happen?” he said.
“His heart stop. He's still little bit out of it. Driver go a little bit faster.”
“Noah stay with me please. I don't want to lose you. I love you.” Mike was crying he really loves me.
“Is he your son or what?”
“No, he's my boyfriend.” Mike told him.
We showed up at the hospital. They took him into a room to get him back to life.
“Mike!” Amy yelled.
“Mom!” Mike ran to her. “I'm so scared.”
“It's going to be okay.” Amy said.
“Mom, Ashley, sit down. I have to tell you guys something.”
“What's the matter. Tell us what is wrong.”
“Ashley, mom well, this is hard to say. Well, Ashley I love you son. I care about Noah so much. He's all I care about. I would do anything for him. I know I am 6 years older then him but I truly love him. If anything happens to him I don't know what I'll do.” he told them.
“He's going to live son. And I know it was hard to tell me that, bug can I ask you this? Have you guys done it?” my mom asked.
“I'm not gonna lie Ashley. Yes one time. Four days ago.”
“Thank you for telling me.”
“Mom, you okay?” Mike asked.
“Yes, I'm just wow. How long have you been gay?”
“I'm bi like Noah. And it has been off and on in the last 4 years.”
a doctor came out and walk toward Mike, Amy, and Ashley.
“Yes.” Mike answered.
“I'm Dr. Cullen.”
“Hi, Dr. Cullen this is his mother Ashley. How is he Dr.”
“Well, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is he is going to live but the bad news he's gonna be out for awhile.”
“How long it s awhile Dr.?” my mom asked.
“Two days top.”
“Can I see my son Dr.”
“Yes go on.”
my mom came into my room. Sh was crying so hard, just like Mike. Then I heard Mike come in.
“Ash, me and my mom is going to finish moving for ya okay. So you have the keys?”
“Your mom had them. Thank you so much Mike.” my mom said.
“Your welcome.” he said. He walked over to me. “I love you Noah so much. Get better.” he kissed me on my head. Then he walked out.
My mom stayed with me. She fell asleep in the chair. Sometimes her head on the bed, still holding my hand.
Doctors and nurses came in the room and checked on me.
It felt like I was dead but I wasn't. I tried my best to stay alive.
Continues to Chapter 19 Part 2
Stand by.
Chapter 19: Cody asks Noah out, but Noah loves Mike and something bad happens to him. Part 2
Hi my name is Mike. I am 20 years old. I live with my mom and dad. I go out with his boy name Noah. He is 14 years old. He was going out with this boy name Cody or still is.
I was helping him and his mom move. Noah and me beat my mom and his mom to their old house. When me and him was taking down their speakers and one fell and hit him in the head, he went to the hospital.
I told my mom and Ashley that I loved Noah. They were okay with it. I told Ashley that me and my mom was gonna finish the moving. All was left was the couches, TV, and the radio. We put them in the back of the truck and took off to the new house.
When we got to the new place, we unloaded the stuff and left. Then we went back to the hospital. Ashley was asleep in the chair. I walked in and woke her up.
“Ashley, hey why don't you go home with my mom. I'll stay here with Noah.” I said.
“No, I don't want to go. What if he wakes up.” she said.
“I'll call you if he does. You need a hot shower and a good night sleep. Go Ashley, trust me.” I told her.
“You promise you'll call me if he does?”
“Yes, I promise.” I said. “My mom is in the waiting room.”
“Thank you so much, Mike.”
“Your welcome.” I said.
She left the room. I sat where she was. I grabbed his hand and started talking to him.
“I don't know if you can hear me but I hope you can. I love you so much. You are my life Noah. Nothing will ever come between us. I told my mom and your mom about us. They were cool with it. Please live thru this. I swear if you don't, I don't know what I will do, Noah. But if you do I will take you out somewhere big time.” I told him. I kissed him on his forehead and on his lips, than his hand.
Dr. Cullen came in the room to check on him. Then he left the room. Then about an hour I fell asleep in the chair. I had my feet on the edge of the bed, my arms crossed over my chest. Then someone came in the room and put a blanket on top of me, but I didn't wake up. I stayed asleep.
It was the 2nd day he was out. I only left the room like 4 times. Went to the bathroom like 2 times and went to get something to eat.
But the rest of the day I stayed in the room with him. A few more nurses came in to see him but did nothing. I put my head down on the bed and plus holding his hand. I must have fallen asleep because someone was rubbing my face. When I open my eyes it sure was Noah doing it.
“Hi, sleepy head.” he said.
“Noah, oh my god.” I said. “Nurse! Nurse!”
a few nurses came in but only one answered me.
“Yes, Mike?” she said.
“He's awake.”
“Ah, I see. I'll go get Dr. Cullen.”
“Oh my god, Noah you had me so worried.”
“I'm sorry. Where's my mom at?”
“She's with my mom. I told her to go and get some sleep, and that I will stay here until you wake up. I'll go call her for you.”
I walked out of the room and called my mom.
“Mom, is Ashley there?”
“Yes, she is why?”
“Noah is up. Both of you guys come here.”
“He is that's good. We be there shortly. She is going to be so happy. She's been crying all night.”
“Me too, mom.
“Well, I'll see you in a little bit bye.”
“Okay, bye.”
I walked back into the room. Dr. Cullen was there talking to him.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“I'm good. I feel alive again really. Thanks to god and my lovely boyfriend, Mike.” he said.
“Yes, Mike was with you this whole time.” Dr. Cullen said.
I walked over to Noah and grabbed his hand. I even kissed his hand too.
“Your mom is on the way, Noah.”
“Okay. Thanks.” he smiled at me.
“So, Doc can he leave?”
“Well, yes he can but not right now. I want to talk to his mother first before he can leave.”
“Well she'll be here sooner than you know it.”
“Okay, when she does have a nurse come and get me.” he said then left.
“Well, that's good news. You can go home with us.” I kissed his head.
“Yea, I know.”
about an hour later Ashley and my mother showed up.
“Noah! I am so happy you are okay. You had me worried sick about you. Don't do that to me again. Do you hear me.” Ashley told him.
“Yes, mom. Dr. Cullen said, 'I can go home.' Isn't that great?” Noah said.
“Yes that is.”
“But he wants to talk to you first Ashley. Hold on I'll go tell a nurse to get him.”
I walked out of the room and went to the deck and asked one the nurse if they could get Dr. Cullen.
“Can you get Dr. Cullen for me. Noah's mother is here.”
“Yes, I will.”
“Thank you, nurse.”
When I walked back into the room he was sitting up in his bed. When I came in he looked up at me. I winked at him. He smiled when I winked at him. I went to sit down on the edge of the bed and patted his leg. 5 minutes later, Dr. Cullen came in.
“Well, Noah, how do you feel now? You have some color in yea now.”
“I'm good a little hungry.” everyone laughed.
“I'll get you something to eat when we leave. What do you want to go to first babe.” I said.
“Well Mike, I don't know. I want everything.” he said.
“Okay. Well I guess we can go to Ryan’s.”
“Hell yes!” he laughed.
So did the doctor. “Well before you leave Noah. Ashley, when you guys get home and if he falls asleep check on him every 3 hours.”
“Okay. And what if his head hurts or can't see.” Ashley asked.
“If he can't see come back, but if his head hurts give him some pain medication.”
“Okay. Well we ready to go when you are Noah.”
“Okay, lets go.”
I helped him get down off the bed, even helped him out of the hospital to the car. We were holding hands. My mom went to get the car.
“So mama. Mike told you about us.”
“Yes, he did. And I am very happy you have someone like him. Just don't get married on me right now. Your still a little young. But, I like Mike.”
“Well I like you too, Ashley.” I said. “I guess you are hungry.” Noah's belly was making noises.
“Yup.” we all laughed at that.
I gave him a kiss on the lips. Then my mom showed up. Ashley got in front and me and Noah got in the back. He layed his head on my lap. I put my arm around him.
He was facing me. He mouthed the words, 'I love you.' to me. I did it back to him. 'I love you too, Noah.' After I said that he touched my lips. I knew what he meant. I shock my head at him.
About 20 minutes later we showed up at Ryan's. I paid for our meals. Then we got to our table. We let out mothers go get their foods, then we would go get ours.
When they came back, we left to get ours. We both came back with two plates full. I would be hungry too if I was in the hospital for 2 days.
We both got steaks and mac & cheese. He got other sides and so did I.
We ate our food then we went to their old house so Ashley could get her truck. Then we went to their new place.
Ashley called their old landlord and told them that they were out of the house. While she was on the phone, Noah and I went into his room.
“What's the matter, Noah?” I asked him.
“Nothing, just tired. I don't want to go to sleep. I want to spend time with you.” he said.
“It's okay to go to sleep. I'll still be her.” I told him.
“That's not what I'm scared about Mike. I'm scared I won't wake up again.” he told me.
“You will be fine. In 3 hours I will check on you, if that's what you want.”
“No, your right I'll wake up. I have you to wake up too.”
“Yea, me and your mother.” I kissed him goodnight. “Goodnight Noah, my only Noah. My sweet Noah.”
he smile and closed his eyes. I left his room and went out to the living room. Ashley and my mom was trying to get the living room together.
I put the TV under the window and the interment center set on each side of the TV. I even put the radio in one of the interment center sets. The big speakers on each side and the 2 small ones on top and the small long one on top of the TV.
Then Ashley ans my mom was doing the kitchen. I let them do what they do as girls.
After I was done, I went upstairs to check on Noah. I heard my phone vibrate, it was my ex-girlfriend. She was texting me. She texted me like 3 times. I have not heard from her after we broke up.
1st text: “Hey, Mike. It's Staci, hows it going? Please text me back when you can.”
2nd text: “Hey, it's Staci text me.”
3rd text: “Mike, are you mad at me?”
I texted her back.
“Hi Staci, no I not mad at you. I didn't hear the phone go off. I was downstairs with my mom and her friend Ashley, moving their stuff around. And my phone was upstairs with my boyfriend. He's asleep so it was on vibrate.”
I put the phone down and crawled in bed with him. He did move a little, but didn't wake up. I put my arm around him and kissed his head. She texted me back.
“Hey, you moved Mike?”
I texted her back.
“No, but my boyfriend, Noah, did. I'm laying down with him. He was in the hospital for 2 days he just got back home today. So what's up?”
“Not much. And o I sorry to hear that. So you went from a girl to a boy.” she texted.
“You knew I was bi Staci, so don't be going all mean about it. Damn.” I texted her.
“Mike, I did know that but I didn't know you would do that after you broke up with someone. I understood you did 3 sums with a girl and a guy or all guys.” she said.
“One I don't do all guys all the time. It's mostly girl or a girl and a guy. But if I break up with a girl I go to a guy then back.” I said.
“Don't be mean to me :|”
“I'm not being mean, I'm just saying Staci.”
“Okay, whatever. So how long you been with him?”
“I been with Noah for about a week tomorrow.”
“Oh cool. Congrats. How old is he?” she asked.
She had to ask me that really. I thought to myself. Age is just a number.
“He's14 going on 15 years old. And I known his mom since I was born and she don't care. She's happy that he has someone like me in his life.”
“Wow so young.”
“Staci, you were 16 when we dated. And now you 25, we dated for like that for 3 years until my family knew you real age. They told me not to see you again. Well my mom didn't care nor my father. It was my grandma.”
“Well you were all too, just a child. We didn't even had sex until you were 14 or 15 years old right before we broke up. Have you had sex with him?”
“Like that is any of your business if we did or not. Have you had sex with Cameron yet?”
“No, I have not. We are not there yet.”
“You guys been together for 4½ years.”
“No, we been together for 2½ years. Thank you very much. He was with someone after we broke up. He broke up with her 2 years later.”
“Okay. Well it is getting late I'm going to bed. Bye.” I texted her.
“Can I see you tomorrow.”
“Because, I want to tell you something.”
“Tell me now.”
“I want to tell you in person.”
“Okay. When and where?”
“At the old tree house where we done it at.”
“My place.”
“At 3:30. that's when I get off work.”
“I'll see if I can.”
“Come alone.” she texted.
“Okay.” I was worried.
“Good night, Mike. Sweet dreams.”
“Yea. You too.”
I turn off my phone and put it down next to me. I put my leg and arm over him and fell asleep like that.
When I woke up I was burning up. And I knew why. I must be catching a cold or something. Noah was in the shower when I woke up.
I went downstairs. My mom was not here, but she wrote me a note.
Son, here's the keys to the car, Ashley took me home last night. You and Noah were asleep. You can stay up there as long as you can. But your gonna have to come home and get some clothes.
Love mom.
Oh okay. Good thinking mom. I laughed. I wrote on the back of that paper to leave a note for Noah.
Hey, Noah I will be back. I went home to get some clothes. I will see you soon.
Love Mike.
I left the note where it was and grabbed the keys and left. I had a good reason to go home.
Noah didn't know when I would be home because he knew it was 3 hours there and back.
When I got there I parked up back. It was only 3 P.M. So I had time.
“Mom, you home?” I yelled.
“Yes, in here.” she yelled back.
I walked in the living room. Dad wasn't home. He was at work.
“Hey, thanks for the keys.”
“No problem. You can have it. Your dad is gonna buy me a new one when he gets home.”
“Cool, I'm gonna get somethings. Okay.”
I went up to my room. I got a few bags of clothes, my X-Box 360 and games and my PS2 and games. I grabbed the box that was in my closet. It had all my money in it.
I put everything in the car and came back in to get a pop. Then I asked my mom if I could have a $20 for gas.
“Hey mom, do you have a $20 for gas.”
“Where's your money. I put the last I had in the car last night that was $10.”
“Oh yea I forgot.”
she got up and gave me a $20.
“Thanks, I will pay you back.”
“Don't worry. You always help me out for gas.”
“Well I told Noah I will be back soon so love yea.”
“Love yea too.” she said.
I got in the car and parked it two houses down and walked back to the tree house. I climbed the stairs to inside the tree house. I waited til 3:00 for Staci. I texted her.
“I'm inside the tree house, Staci.”
“Okay I'll be there in a minute.”
It was 3:35 when she got here. I seen the top of her head.
“Hey, Staci.
“Hey, Mike.”
Behind her was a little girl with the same color hair and everything.
“Who is that?”
“This is my daughter, Nikki.”
“Aw, she is so cute. She looks like you. How old is she.”
“She is 5 years old.”
Then my brain clicked. That was the last time we were together. Could she be mine. I kept staring at her.
I looked at Staci and then I asked her this.
“Is she mine?” I asked. “Is Nikki my little girl?”
“Yes, Nikki is your daughter. Nikki, go see you father sweetie.” she told her.
Nikki ran to me and hugged me. I picked her up.
“Hi Nikki.”
“Hi.” she said.
“What am I gonna tell Noah and my family that I have a little girl.”
“Well, that's your problem Mike. Not mine.”
I put Nikki down. So I wouldn't be yelling in her face, but she stayed with me. She wrapped her arms around my leg.
“My problem. Your the one that left me and never told me that I had a daughter for 5 years, and you just now telling me. So, don't tell me it's my problem.”
“Don't be yelling at me in front of my daughter.”
“Ha, your daughter. She just as much as my daughter as she is yours.”
My phone was going off. It was Noah calling me. I answered it.
“You okay babe.”
“Yes. Well I'm talking to my ex-girlfriend. I'll tell you when I get home love you.”
“Oh okay. Love you, too.”
I hung the phone up.
“Well I got to go. Cameron is waiting for me at home.”
“Yea, me too. Noah is waiting for me as well.”
“I'm gonna climb down can you hand her down when I'm down.”
“Yea.” I picked her up.
“Well, bring her down.”
“Don't be pushy Staci.”
“I'm not being pushy. Just let her down.”
“Nikki do you want mommy to hold you while I come down or do you want to be on my back while I go down?”
“Your back.” she said.
“Okay, hold on okay.”
I put her on my back, and I climbed down. When we got down she laughed. I sung her around from my back to my front.
“Are you stupid, Mike. You could have killed her.”
“No, I'm not and she's okay. She wanted me to do it.”
“Yea, mommy. I wanted daddy to do it.”
“Okay, then.” she said.
Text: a few
Images: n/a
Editing: Heather Reed
Translation: Heather Reed
Publication Date: 02-09-2012
All Rights Reserved