It was 6 PM evening when I was thinking a little better topic to start a new story.
Suddenly I heard a voice, Hello! if you do not mind may I ask one question?
I did not understand what he said, as I was busy for getting some intresting topic.
Yes, what you said, I am sorry I did not listen. I asked to person..
Nothing important, can I ask one question?
Actually, I have been watching you since last 30 minutes, I think you have lost some thing. So may I know what you are looking for? might be I will be able to help you.
Oh! nothing, I have not lost anything, I am writer so just thinking for some intresting topic on which I can write a story. Any way thank you for asking to help.
Good to see that I am speaking with writer, the person said.
Hi! my name is Amir, I am software developer in profession.
Hello I am Praveen, I replied to Amir.
Amir, do you come here on daily routine? I asked
Not on daily basis, as I am an engineer so have tight schedule from Monday to Friday, so I come here for walk and to get fresh air every after 5 days on Saturday and Sunday. Amir replied!
If you have no problem then I can help you to write story, Amir Said.
How can you help me?, I mean you are an engineer and as per my knowledge engineers do not take much intreset in all such things.
Amir: yes you are right, actually I have true story of mine which you will like most, once please listen it after that decide whether it is useful for you or not.
As you are trying to search for story for long time and still have nothing, so some thing is better then nothing.
I listened his words and thaught that he is right, afterall I have nothing to write, hope Amir story will be nice to write.
So friends here I am telling you a story of Amir and his lover Deepika Joshi, Amir called her DJ by love.
Here I am writing this story like Amir himself is writing. Whenever I will use "I" that means Amir.
Hello Jaan, what are you doing? So is there any plan for today? I asked to DJ.
Yes, why not I have a plan, come here in next 20 minutes, I have to kick on your bum and after that you and me will have different way.
What happened darling? why you are so angry?
Still you have guts to ask me this question, DJ shouted
it is more than 6 days you are calling, why you are calling me now, keep away from me and don't dare to call me again. I do not want to talk you.
I know baby you are angry and you have to be, because I did wrong. But please do not stop me to call you, I will call you day and night, I replied in soft voice.
Do you have any reason for not being so rude Amir, you have no idea how I spent these 6 days without any information of yours? Even your number was also switched off, no message on whatsapp also.
Why I am telling all this to you? you have no respect for my "feelings and love" but I have, I am not like you and can't be. I love you....
I am sorry DJ, I am calling to tell you the reason for not calling you, I know I had to inform you on the same day but I wanted to surprise you. I did not know that this will put you in tension, Baby I am sorry again.
Okay leave this and tell me what is the surprise stupid, DJ asked with smile.
No no I will not tell you on call. For this you have to meet me, so tell me when you are free?
Amir, as I am out of station at my uncle's home now, I will come after 3 days there. And I can't wait to know so please tell me now over call.
No baby, I will tell you only when you will come here, after all "wait have fun".
Okay so see you after 2 days, bye bye darling. DJ dropped the call.
Oh! I am sorry to forgot to introduce DJ.
DJ is 5.4" heighted very innocent and cute girl with brown eye and pure black curly hair. Her parents are teacher in profession and she is the only child of her parents. She lives near to my house in girls hostel for her graduation in Veterinary Science in Allahbad and her parents lives in Lukhnow.
I met her for first time during my last semester of engineering, when I took my dog for treatment to veterinary collage and she was the one who took care of my dog. But the most spectacular thing was when I came to know the doctor's best friend is my friend's girlfriend.
I had to took my dog to doctor for next 5 days and I was happy that DJ will be going to treat my puppy. By this I will also get chance to see and meet a beautiful doctor Miss DJ.
I asked Shilpi (my friend's girlfriend) to call me and to make plan to have me when she will meet DJ. She accepted my proposal, after all she was my best friend also.
One day Shilpi made plan to go for some fun in water park, she invited DJ also. So, me and my friend Rohan reached water park where Shilpi and DJ were waiting for us. First DJ got shocked when she became to know that I am Shilpi's friend.
Hi I am Deepika Joshi, you are the guy who came to my collage for dog care? she asked with out her hand to shake.
Hello, people know this inconspicuous by the name of Amir, Amir khan.
Nice to meet you Amir, and how is your dog now?
Ya he is fine and perfect, after all Dr. DJ was the person who treated him.
Oh! no man, I am not doctor yet, I am final year student and just learning all the things in the observation of specialist, but thanks for the compliment. But you have not told me yet, what you are doing? DJ asked
You never asked me so how could I told you, but anyways I am an engineering student in Computer stream and I am also final year student with only one semester left.
Okay guys, we are also here, you both guys are busy in your talks as you have no other peoples with you. Shilpi broke our talkings
I am sorry Shilpi, but as we are meeting for first time personally so we just look to know more about each-other, DJ replied..
Are you guys are planning for future, I mean looking to tie up in relationship. Rohan said his first sentence in teasing way.
When Rohan said these words, DJ moved forward and she had brought a faint blush to her cheeks.
We enjoyed in water park for about 2 hours and then had lunch in nearby hotel. And at the same time, me and DJ exchanged our numbers. After that we started chat on whatsapp , some time phone calls were made to each other.
I do not know when we became a good friend and started love to each other. DJ told me each and everything about her family.
One day when we all four went on adventural tour, I asked DJ a question that I wanted to ask from the start, but that time we had nothing in between us even we did not know each other exactly.
We all were having dinner in the tent, sat on floor.
DJ, if you do not mind, can I ask a simple question that I wanted to ask for long time.
Yes, why not, why one? you can ask as many question you can.
Please do not take it another way, I just want to know your opinion, it will be your choice totally depend on you.
Oh Come on! do not swing things round and round. Now I am scared, do not know what you're asking? DJ replied in hesitation.
DJ, I just want to ask... will you... will you...
Amir, are you asking or shall we leave this topic?
DJ, will you marry me?
What? DJ got shocked!
Are you serious, I mean are you gonna mad man?
Why? what happend, don't you like me? I asked with hope.
Amir, I like you but I never thought about you with such mean and undoubtedly our parents will not agree because you are Muslim and I am Hindu.
In our country people do not accept intercaste then how do you think that our parents will accept anti religion marriage.
I do not know DJ, but I love you and I just want to know, do you love me or not and will you marry me?
There is no force on you, if you need some time, no issue I can wait, I will accept your answer whether you say no or yes.
I did not get any call or any message from DJ for next 2 days. I thought that DJ got me wrong and now she hates me that is only the reason she not called me, suddenly i got message.
Hi Amir, meet me now at my collage, I am waiting.
Okay wait, I will be there in next 10 minutes, I replied to the message from DJ.
I started my swift dezire and reached veterinary collage and saw that DJ was waiting for me having some paper in her hand and anger on face. She did not speak to me much, just gave me a paper that she had in hand and told me to open it at home and asked sorry in advance if I get hurt after reading paper.
I was scared and disconcerted, had no idea what she wrote in letter, I reached home fast as much as possible because I was curious to know the words written on paper.
I opened it and read whole and in last I was shocked, it was hard to believe that DJ accepted my proposal but she wrote one more thing that she will not go against her parents, if her parents get agreed for marriage then it will be the best situation in her life. But if her parents refuse our relation then I will not force her.
I was happy that DJ was different from all girls, because mainly girls get marry by going against there parents, her parents were the most important in her life. I called DJ and said.
Thank you for accepting my proposal, and DJ I also agree with your terms and conditions. we will talk to your parents and when they become agree then only we will get marry else we will be good friends.
From now onwards our way of living got changed, because we had responsibilities of each other, we had to care for each other.
After few days after completion of my graduation, got campus placement in reputed company. There was 2 months time to join office so decided to meet DJ's parents for which DJ was compalining in start.
After 2 days DJ came back to hostel and called me.
Hey sweetu, so tell me where I have to come so that you can tell me the surprise?
Okay so you are more curious to know? suppose if I do not tell you then what will you do? I asked in naughty way
I will kill you duffer.
Okay kill me, I will not tell you?
Please Amir, do not let me to wait, I want to know, please please please .....
Okay baba, come to my house, I will tell you everything.
At your home, are you mad, Aunty will know everthing about us
So what is the problem if my mom will get to know everything, this will make easy for us to get our parents agree.
Amir, I don't think this is right, but any ways if you think this is right then I am coming.
DJ reached my home in the evening after 3 hours of my call.
Ting tong! my house ring rang,
Amir, open the door and check who is there?
Mom I am busy, looking for some thing so please check your self.
Amir, some one came to meet you, My Mom called me after 2 minutes!
I reached drawing room and saw DJ was sitting on my mother's side.
Oh hi!! DJ when you came? even you did not call me before coming.
Just now when I asked you to open door, mom replied
Mom she is DJ my friend and DJ she is my mom, I introduced both
I know my son, we already introduced ourself so there is no need of formality, mom replied by pulling my ear.
Sorry mom!
I like the girl, just ask her to fix meeting with her parents, my mom said by touching DJ cheeks with her soft hands.
Aunty, am I dreaming or you really agree for our relation and how did you know about us. DJ asked to my mother.
My child I know about you from the first day when my son met you, he told me everything on the same day.
You cheater! if you told everything to aunty then why did you hide from me? DJ shouted
I told him to do so, mom said.
because that time you did not know that my son want to marry you.
Aunty, Aamir is so lucky that he have parents like you. I wish every parents should be like you. Today my half concern had been finished, now just looking to get my parents agree too.
My mom: Deepika, we are two only in our family me and my son and we have this little house but we will treat you as our child, because I have no daughter and if you marry to my son then you will be my daughter.
So child are you still ready to become my daughter-in-law.
DJ: Aunty, I never demanded to god for bunglow, car or any high profile thing. I just want a small but happy family where I will have a lot of love, where I do not ever lack of parent enrollment.
And all these thing I will get here in your house only.
Aamir, you really surprised me and gave me a lot of happiness.
No my dear this is not main surprise, I said.
So there is much more that I can't imagine?, now you are exciting me to know, please Aamir tell me na..
Just call your parents and tell everything about us.
So here after surprise you want that I deserve some pain?
Why? why you will suffer from pain, don't you want that your parents become agree?
I really want it but Amir...
No Amir and other, just call and tell everything.
I forced DJ to call her parents and she called.
She was very nervous when she was calling to her parents and just repeating one thing that I can't tell anything over call.
Her father picked call..
Hello Dad!
Yes my dear, how are you?
I am fine Dad, can I speak to Mom?
What happened my child, is everything okay?
Yes papa there is nothing to worry, as it is long that I talked to mom so can I speak to her?
Sure Beta, one minute..
DJ's father called her mother over phone..
Yes my child, are you okay? DJ mother asked
Oh! mama I am fine, how are you?
Every thing is perfect here, just me and your father are prepairing for annual function in our school.
DJ became silent for moment..
Hello child, are you there?
Mom I want to tell you one thing..
Yes Beta, tell me
Mom promise me you will not react badly and will understand that I want to tell you.
DJ, tell me and what is the thing that you want to tell me in which you are so nervous?
Mom, if I choose my lifepartner of my choice, will you allow me for it?
DJ, what rubbish you are talking, I hope there is no such situation for which you are asking, DJ mom shouted on her.
Yes mama, here is a boy whom I like most and I want to make him my life partner, if you allow me.
DJ for this only we left you there, just focus on studies, we are alive to take decision for your future.
Mama please think on it once.
Stop it DJ! and we are coming there after annual function. After saying this DJ's mother dropped the call.
As her mother dropped the call, DJ started crying with tears and shouted on me.
I told you that over call I cannot convince my parents, now see what happened, they are coming after few days and after that everything will get over and all this happened because of you.
Don't worry Child, everything will be fine, just let your parents come we will talk to them. And till that time just focus on your project. My mom said consolingly.
How? Aunti I do not think that everything will be fine now, because my mom was very angry.
And Amir, "is this your surprise"?
I know DJ but when they will come, then face to face it will be easy to convince them.
After few days when Annual day got overed, DJ parents came to her hostel and asked her about me an my family and then asked her the address of my house.
Some one was knocking at my door, I opened the door and found DJ and her parents standing outside.
Amir, my parents and Dad he is Amir. DJ introduced us.
Oh Hello! uncle please come in.
Mom, look who is here.
My mom was cooking for lunch and after some time when she came and asked surprisely about DJ parents.
Mom see DJ parents.
My mom welcomed her parents in our tradition way and after that asked few minutes to bring some coffee with snacks.
DJ also helped my mom and then everyone started talk.
So you are the guy whom my daughter like most? DJ's father asked
Dad actually I also like him most and if you allow, I want to marry with him, DJ interuppted our conversation.
DJ please keep your mouth shut, we are talking na. uncle shouted on her.
So Amir, does your mother agree with this, or your religion person will accept this marriage?
Sir, according to my point of view, if we care for our childrens happiness then we are not supposed to care of people's chattering that are of no use for us. My mom said!
We also have no issue with caste and religion because these are the things which are made by we people only, and for us also, our daughter happiness is more important.
DJ, we were already agreed with this relation but we wanted to hear all this matter from you, and you did as a good child and we are happy for this.
Dad you were agreed means? how you came to know about this and from whom?
DJ father: My child, if any other guy came to us and had words with us for your relation then we might never agreed, but the way this guy convinced us and told us everything, that time only we decided that Amir is the only guy who can full your whole life with joy.
Aamir had asked us to tell all this to you as a surprise.
DJ: Dad when he met you, I am not understanding anything.
DJ this was only the surprise for you that you did not know and I agreed your parents, so tell me darling how was the surprise? I asked
Amir, you are really hero for me, the thing which was the toughest thing for me, you made it very easy and did not left anything for me to do. But how and when you did this?
DJ as you were shouting on me in start that, where I was without informing you for 5-6 days? during that time only I met your parents and I was away from you for this reason only without informing you to give you surprise.
As DJ was busy in her final year project then I decided to meet her parents because this was only the time where DJ needed to focus on study more and I did not want to disturb her.
As my mother knew everything about us so I asked my Mom to meet DJ parents. My mother allowed me and then I packed my bag and reached Lucknow, I was afraid and nervous because I was going to ask DJ's hand from her parents and the worst thing was that we both are of anti religion. I had a question in my mind that will DJ parent agree or not, will they listen me or not, how will they react? I had all these question in my mind. But I had a hope that as a teacher they will listen me and understand.
I did not know DJ address but once she told me the school name where her parents are teacher. I reached the school during lunch time.
I asked gate keeper.
kaka, I am here to meet Mr. and Mrs. Joshi who are primary teacher, where I can find them?
May I know who are you? gate keeper asked!
Sure kaka, I am Amir came from Allahabad and I am Mr. Joshi daughter's friend.
Okay sir, please make entry in register and go inside and just take left, there you can ask anyone he/she will leave you there.
okay thank you kaka!
As Mr. Joshi was taking lecture so I waited outside till lecture got over.
Hello Sir!
Hello, yes how may I help you?
Sir can I have some time of you, because I want to speak you some important thing?
Amir as this is my last lecture, if you do not mind can you wait for more 45 minutes, Mr. joshi asked.
Sure Sir I can wait.
After 45 minutes when DJ's father got free then he saw me that I was waiting in prayer ground for him.
Sorry my son! as it was my lecture so you were need to wait for long.
No worries Sir, I understand.
So now tell me what you want to speak?
Sir if you do not mind can I ask some thing?
Sir, as you are teacher so according to you, for marriage of girl and boy, does it is necessary to have same caste and religion?
DJ's Father: why you are asking this question to me?
Me: because sir only teacher can answer this perfectly.
DJ's father: but there are other teachers too, but why me only.
Me: Sir, first please allow me to finish, after that it will be your decision.
Sir I am Amir from allahbad where your daughter purusing her B.Sc., please do not take me wrong we both like each other and descided to spent whole life together but not without permission of our parents.
I am Muslim and you are Hindu, still me and my mother have no problem for this marriage. My father was an Engineer in IOCL and he is no more now, he died in an accident, Now we are two in my family, me and my mother.
Sir I know I am not supposed to talk you in this matter but no other person can tell you my feeling for your daughter. I love her and will give her all the things that she want.
DJ's Father: Amir, it is good to see that you have guts that you are talking to me directly but child don't you think that this is unfair that your mother are not here to discuss on this matter?
Me: I know sir, but I promise I will call my mother here if you allow, but before that I wanted to tell you everything, before moving forward you can clear every doubt of your's.
DJ's Father: Amir as school will get over in next 15 minutes, as it is not right place to talk about all this so please wait for 15 minutes, we will talk at home.
I was afraid and had few questions in my mind
- shall her parents will beat me
- will they call police
- will they understand my situation.
I was having all these thing in my mind then DJ' father said.
Do not worry my child, you will not face any problem and you will not be in any trouble. we will just talk at home.
After having such words from mr. Joshi, I got relaxed.
After 1 hour we were at DJ's house where I met with her mother, she was so beautiful as her daughter was.
I was hungry and as it was lunch time so we all three sat around dinning table and during lunch DJ's father started conversation.
DJ's father: So Amir, you like my daughter and want to marry her?
Me: Yes uncle!
DJ's Mother: How many members are in your family, and what all do?
Me: Aunty, we are two, me and my mother only. my mother works for NGO which take cares for handicapped child.
And I am software developer recently completed my graduation and got campus placement but joining date is of after 2 months.
I know your next question will be related to my salary, so sir my salary package is 3.27 lacs per annum which is not much but good thing is that I am among the lucky guys that I have got start. And we all know that as much I will get experience, I will get hike in salary also.
DJ's Mother: Amir, money is not everything to survive but we need it to fullfill all daily needs, but our main concern is our daughter happieness. Are you sure you will manage it any how? I hope you can understand as a parents.
Me: Aunty, please do not worry about this, I will give all the thing that DJ want and I promise if you allow us to marry, then I will definitely keep smile on her face.
And my bad luck, if you not agree for this relation then also, I promise you, as a good friend I will take care of her.
DJ's father: Amir as on one decision our daughter's whole life depend so we need some time to think on this.
Me: sure sir, after all you are parents and it will be your decision what you decide for her. I will wait for your answer. And if you do not mind may I have your number?
DJ's Father: Why don't you stay here in our house for some time. we will get to know more about you and in the mean time you can see the beauty of lucknow.
Me: Thank you very much sir, but as there is no other person to take care of my mother so I have to go know, I came here to tell you the thing that was in my heart and it all up to you.
Dj's father: Sure Beta, I will call you soon and one more thing as we want to hear all this thing from my daughter also so it is my request please do not tell all this to her that you already told all to us. We want to know how my daughter is open to us.
Me: Do not worry Uncle, I will not tell anything to her, I hope she will tell you.
after few days DJ's parents called me and informed that they are agree for marriage. This was one among the best moment in my life. I wanted to tell all this to DJ at the same time but as her father requested me so I did not tell anything and after some time when DJ told everything when I forced her got to know from her parents only.
As our parents got agree for our marriage so now we had no tension and we were enjoying our life.
After few days, parents fixed the marriage date and decided that we will get marry in Hindu tradition. Me and DJ started to decide what she wear and what I and where we will go for honeymoon and everything enganged couple decide.
As DJ always went to market in car with her parents, as they had Skoda Rapid and DJ did not know how to drive. So I decided to purchase car before marriage. As I had no huge budget so I purchased WagonR and I wanted that DJ will learn driving before marriage.
We had a big ground nearby to our place where I could teach driving to her, I called DJ.
Where are you darling?
nowhere, just having rest in hostel. DJ replied
Then why are you making your day bore, just come here, we will go for drive and I will teach you driving.
No Baby, I am tired as there was lot of work in collage so please let me take rest.
okay darling, but please come here if possible when you will feel fresh.
Sure, bye Amir.
As DJ was not coming for that time so I decided to go with my mother to my uncles house to inform them that next month I am going to marry Deepika.
My uncle protested for this relation as we knew, but my mother clearly told to my uncle that, " I do not care anyone come or not, as it was our duty to inform you so we did. The person who can not join us in my son's marriage to whom we also do not want to continue relation". and after this my mom asked me to leave.
very next day DJ reached my house and asked me for drive, I asked permission from my mother and left home at approx 11 am in morning. We reached the ground where I thaught to teach driving lessons to DJ.
hey man why you stopped the car here? DJ asked
Jaan now you have to drive.
Are you crazy Amir? I mean, I do not know the ABC of car and you want me to drive.
Okay no issue, as you do not know ABC so now I will tell you ABC of four wheeler. See from door side we consider ABC. first padel is for A means "accelator" second one is for B mean " Brake" and last one is for C means "Clutch" so this is the main thing to drive and as you know the ABC so DJ now you have to drive.
No Amir no way, please do not force me, really I do not know the driving.
I know darling that is why we are here, I will help you and trust me, you will learn soon as it is not hard lesson to learn driving.
Finally, DJ agreed and took the driver seat, then I guided her to start and accelarate the car and as we did this job for next 2 weeks, 3 hours each day and finally DJ learnt how to drive. Now the time was to check and to built confidence in her on road as till now she practised and learnt driving in open ground.
She did lots of mistakes and even many times we were very close to accidents, but she got some confidence and finally a day came when she became perfect driver and now we both were happy and whenever we decided to go any where by car, she loved to drive.
One day when me, my mother, DJ and DJ mother went for shopping, we were at jewellery shop to select some jewellery for DJ. we got a call from DJ's father, he just reached Allahabad for some work. I was just going to receive him but DJ stopped me and decided that she will go to receive him by car to give him surprise that his daughter also learnt driving.
First I did not accepted her proposal and I declined her to go but she was stubbornness and left us in jewellery shop to receive her father by car.
just after 15 minutes I got call from DJ's number.
Yes DJ have you reached there?, I asked
Am I speaking with Amir?
Yes I am but who are you? it was not DJ some other person called me from DJ number, I was scared.
Amir the girl having this cell phone met with an accident and she is in very serious condition, so please come here as soon as possible, person told me the location.
After hearing these words, the ground slipped from under my feet, I was not quite understand what to do?
My mother and DJ's Mom asked me what happened Amir, why are you so upset, who was over call? is everything fine?
Mom DJ, Dj met in an accident.
What? both mom were shocked with this news.
We reached the place of accident and found that DJ was laying on the sidewalk in unconscious state.
There was blood all around and from victims we became to know that a begger came in front of car and to save that person DJ turned the car and hitted into light pole badly.
Then we called DJ' s father and told him to reach nearby hospital, DJ was in critical condition as car collided with pole strongly and she got injured badly. After 16 - 18 hours doctor announced that She is quite fine but they were not sure whether she will become fine or not. But we all had belive on our god and prayed all night for DJ. We all were around DJ inside ICU.
All members were trying to talk with her but DJ just fixed her eyes on me and tears were falling from her eyes,I caught her hand first scolded her badly and then kissed her forehead, but she was not in a condition to speak a single word.
DJ you are so stupid, I told you not to go but you, you are just careless about you, I yelled on her.After 1- 2 hours she spoke a last sentence of her life.
"PLEASE SAVE ME FOR YOU" and then she stopped breathng, we called doctor but there were no heart beats and nerves in her body, blood was coming out of his mouth and eyes was just half closed. My life ended at that moment and I lost my everything, DJ's parents lost her daughter, my parents lost there future daughter but I lost myself. How unlucky I was that I did not had a single word with DJ
Everyhthing was happened in front of my eyes, still I was not beleiving on truth, still I was just thinking that DJ is sleeping and will wake up after some time, but truth was just opposite to it.
In last few years I lived my life and I lost my everything, now it is more than 3 years I lost DJ, but still I love her and I cannot allow any other girl to get enter into my life,
Publication Date: 02-12-2017
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