yes who is this?
Pooja, Who is Pooja, do I know you?
Jeet, Don't you remember I am your Pooja, Pooja Yadav!
After hearing that name My hands and feet turned cold, and I was reaching back to those same memories that I had barely got rid off ..
I remeber that day when I was very close to death but breath not ceased, I was alive still I was dying every single moment...
What happened that time, because of which I was living to die?, I tell you...
I was in 3rd year of my engineering and you can say that I was of very calm and straight nature guy, according to present generation.
As usual I was working on some thing in my collage library, basically I was prepairing for presentation on which I had to deliver a lecture in upcoming days.
Then heard a very sweet and gentle voice, "can you please help me in making my presentation because Io do not know anything in power point"?
I looked back a very innocent girl, having hope in eyes and a book in hand was waiting for my response.
Sure, why not I will try my level best as much as possible, so tell me what kind of help you are looking for? I answered.
I did not knew that this help will be the biggeset punishment for my life.
Pooja said that she do not know how to make presentation or work on Powerpoint, because she was not good in computers. Pooja was my batch mate and my classmate also, even then also I did not knew her because as I already told you that I was of shy nature. I was getting late for my cricket match as my friends already called me 5 times, so I asked for all materials required for PPT, collected it and told to Pooja that I will provide PPT after 2 days when collage will re open after week off and ran towards cricket ground. I was known as a best bowler in my team and for involvement in many activities of game.
Two days later provided pen drive to Pooja and suggested to prepare for presentation, as I prepared all slides that was required.
Thank you very much Praveen, you do not know how I was worried about this and you helped me alot.
Oh! come on girl ! there is no place for sorry and thanks in friendship, I replied in a filmy way..
I feel regret today, why I said these words to her Because of which had a few moments of happiness and sorrow for life.
Pooja started some feelings for me because of this sentence only and when this feeling coverted into love we did not knew.
We were both so happy as something else was not required, we were enjoying happiness and sorrow of each other. We spent few days together and after knowing each other, decided to spend rest of the life in a relation of husband- wife.Though it was no that easy, because Pooja's parents were always against the intercaste marriage, they would never accept our relation but there was no objection from the side of my family.
Pooja always said, her parents will not ever agree with us, but we had full faith on god, Now all we had left to God.
we were just enjoying our present and were planning for future, we had decided, we will agree Pooja's parents any how at any cost.
All my relatives and my friends used to say that Pooja is with you now, But the time will come when you will need her most, at that time she will leave you alone, but I did not listen to them. I gave all kind of happiness to Pooja, did everything for which she cannot imagine and of-course she also supported me a lot. We visited every holy place including Gurudwara,Temple and Church and asked god to help us and begged to god for our love. We were enjoying our life as heaven.
I forced Pooja many time that she supposed to talk with her parents about our relation, every time she denied by saying that will talk later when a right time come.
let me tell you one thing that I did not believe on god because I did not need any thing for which I need to worship god, I only pray during the days of my exams as all childrens do due to fear of poor marks. But when Pooja entered in my life I started believe in God and to such level that no one can imagine. I was not a writer but She encouraged my work and forced me to write and then I practiced and wrote many poem and my writing skills had been improving day by day, due to believe of Pooja on me. My many poems got selected for many magazines and on many most viewed sites. We were enjoying our life just like husband-wife except one thing that true lover never think about it before marriage that is something wrong due to which person can judge you characterless. My most of the time spent in having words with Pooja in collage or over phone and rest in finding way to agree her parents.
Our graduation was completed and finally the time came when me and Pooja had to be separated, because Pooja belongs to Etawah and I am from Mathura. But before going to Etawah, Pooja took promise from me that I will marry him and she also promised the same.
After graduation when Pooja was at her house and I was seeking for Job, She told her parents everything about our relation. Then her parents reacted badly and beaten her and asked her to forget me, but Pooja clearly mentioned that if she will marry then will marry me, no one else.
After heard of such words Pooja's parents loose there temper and tried to kill her, but of god's wish they did not succeeded in it. They also took Pooja's mobile which was only the mode to bring our heart closer and now our mode of communication had been broken. Pooja told me incident of murder attempt when her brother was outside and her parents gone to village for Diwali occasion, she called me by her brother's number. She was just crying, not was in a condition to speak a single word as her throat was swelled, I can't tell you that incident as it was the worst time I have ever faced and I never wanted that pooja will face such situation because of me. In this mean time Pooja's parents fixed her marriage with a guy pursuing Phd. and 13 years old then Pooja, and Pooja did not want to get marry any one except me.
Pooja's parents forced her to meet that guy, and during meeting a guy name Kulwant Yadav got Pooja's number from her parents.
I think this is something like stupid thing that her parent did, I mean how can any parents share there daughter's number before any relation, they were just met for first time. Due to her parents restriction we did not talk on phone for long time, even I did not know all these things were happening in background. One day when her parents and brother were out she called me and provided me the number by which that guy called her and told me each and everything that happened in past days.
For a single moment I thought its all over now, My hopes were shattered for a single moment, then I manage my self and And all the things to be reminded again.Then I convinced her that it all be Okay after some time and we will be one, these all problems are for some time.
Any how she picked out the time to talk to me and tell me all the things they had and here I was just worrying about all the things that were happening and just was trying to find the way to achieve our goal and Pooja was trying her best to get out from that environment and to meet me and to do job with me,because she was always wishes to get job as soon as possible, and in this I always supported her and always filled her government job form before mine.
Okay now come to the point where we left, I was saying that I got the number from Pooja by which she got call from Kulwant's sister who was also pursuing Phd. and before calling on that number I asked Pooja to share all the thing in between us so that this relation will get stop here and the guy can deny for marriage.I planned each and everything that how I have to perform in front of that guy and how can I get him stopped to get marry with Pooja My love.
Next day I came back to home from Office and called on number that Pooja gave to me, and a girl picked my call actualy I dont know her name but she was kulwant's sister who called Pooja. I got nervous and only two sentence came out from my throat, that I want to talk to kulwant
Who is this? she replied.
I said my last sentence I am Pooja's relative and dropped the call....
After that I did not tried that number and putted my number in switch off mode, because I called her but I had no idea what will happen now? I just opened my laptop and searched for Kulwant Yadav and for his sister. Luckily I found both of them and after looking into his profile on Facebook I thought that the guy is decent and understandable, after all he was pursuing Phd. I took risk and messaged all the thing about Pooja and mine relation. I described our relation and messaged him as it is written below.
" Hello Kulwant sir, (after all he was 13 years older than me), I think you are the guy with whom Poojs's parent looking to get there daughter marry, I hope you will understand what I am trying to say? Pooja and me are very close to each other and can't live apart from each other. We have seen so many dreams with each other and we have acknowledged that any how we will live together.
Pooja also do not agree with this proposal , and I have your contact number and searched for you by this also you can imagine how close we are, and what is our relation? So please deny for this relation, please please."
After 7-8 hours I got reply from Kulwant.
Hey Praveen, yes I am the guy who is looking for marriage with Pooja.
Please contact me on XXXXXX. he dropped his personal contact number.
Here I was just looking for his reply all time and finally happy to see his message in my inbox. At the same time I called him, it was 9.30 PM. I was nervous and did not know how to start our conversation.
Kulwant picked the call, Hi! is it Praveen there?
Hello Sir, yes i am Praveen, Thanks for accepting my message and having conversation with me.
So Mr. Praveen tell me what you want to speak about you and Pooja.
Me: Sir as I already told you everything, just want one favour from your side, please deny for this relation.
Kulwant: Are you sure, pooja is not ready for this relation?, I mean she did not tell me anything during first meeting, if it is so then she needed to speak me frankly and at the same time I could denied for same.
Me: Sir, think about it, if Pooja agree with this relation then why she has provided me your contact number I mean your sister contact number, she was nervous and scared because her parents was there and she did not knew about you, it was very hard for her to believe on person about whom she did not know anything. If you will talk to her in alone when her parents will not be with her, I assure you she will tell you everything.So please contact her and ask and please refuse this proposal.
Kulwant: Okay let suppose, I refuse this but are you sure you will make her parents agree for your relation?
because as I know them they will never accept your relation and another thing we are yadav, we never accept inter-caste marriage. they will kill there daughter but will not agree for marriage.
Me: i will take care of all and will not let her parents to do so.
Kulwant: Okay Mr. Praveen I just want to know one thing, are you sure you will keep Pooja happy entire life, and will take care of it.
Me: Sir, is it a thing to say? of-course I will.
Kulwant: Okay Praveen then let me think what can I do, okay bye!
Me: Thank you sir!
After having conversation with him, Broken Hope was awakened again!
I was feeling relax and wanted to inform all this thing to Pooja but sadly I had no option, just can wait for her call.
After 2 days Pooja called me and said everything has finished, once I was shocked what she was saying.
What happened, tell me Pooja why are you so worried. I replied...
Pooja: I think our relation will no longer exist, because my father and brother are at kulwant's house to fix the date of marriage and engagement. Did you speak to Kulwant?
Me: I spoke but don't you think that you are taking all this so lightly?
Why don't you speak to your parents and clearly inform them that you will marry me only, no one else. I know they will be more angry, even they will beat you but Pooja by keeping mouth shut, nothing will get change. I am giving my best but without your support, I will not be able to fight for all this long.
Pooja: Tell me what can I do? I have said them but they are not listening me, I do not know how, but you have to do something
Me: I am giving my best and will give till last hope, but now you have to talk again to your parents, you will feel bad hearing but I think you are happy with this relation.
Pooja: if you think so then yes I am happy. What you know about the situation that I am facing here every single moment, I am dying every second, I have no life without you, why don't you understand Babu?
Me: Okay no worries Bachha let me think about and then I dropped the call .
I had no clue what to do now?, but just wanted to do some thing to stop all this.
Suddenly I got an idea, I messaged to Kulwant's sister on FB the same thing that I said to Kulwant, and inform her that Pooja will die if this relation will not get stop here. I got no reply from her for next 4-5 days and no call from Pooja.
I was more worried now, then I called Priya di who was Pooja's roomate during collage time and request her to take Pooja at conference. Priya di had Pooja's father number, and she was allowed to speak with Pooja, no one else.
Priya di did not put Pooja with me at confrence but did a favour that she informed Pooja to call me because I was so worried
At the same day in the evening I got call and I heared such words from Pooja for which I never imagined and never expected from her, She broken my heart.
Hello Pooja!
What Hello? Praveen.
You ruined my reputation and respect in front of all, now I'm not worth anybody shake sight.You always said that you love me and you are more sensitive about me and will not do anything which will abolish my respect. So where is your that love and care now?
If you tell me what happened? then only I will be able to remove your misunderstanding.So Pooja do not swing it round and round an tell me the thing for which you are shedding your all anger on me.
Okay, tell me what you said to Kulwant's sister? Pooja asked in loud...
Me: I told the truth for which I got permission from you, I did not done anything without your permission.
Pooja: I don't care but I allowed you to speak with Kulwant only not with his sister. You told each and everything to her and now do you know what they will think about me?
Me: Let them think, why you are so worried, what is your relation with them?
Pooja: I never expected this thing from you. you have to shamed on your self.
Me: Why you are blaming me, today I am thinking that you were just using me and were playing with my feelings, I did everything for you only and now you are blaming me, What happened to you Pooja?
Pooja: Kulwant's sister told everything to her brother. He called me and said that, "Praveen told me about your relation was fine, but he told everything to my sister. Do you think what this reflects? what my sister will think about you?
I will deny for this marriage, but I think Praveen is not good guy for you, so please forget him if possible.
Your parents just looking for good future for you and which is not with Praveen".
Me: Okay, now I understand, so Kulwant said this and now you are thinking that he was right?
not an issue, it is your choice, what you think about me and with whom you want to spend your life, it all depends on you. But always remember one thing that I love you and will always be your till end of my life.
Now I am realizing that my friends were true that you will leave my hand when I will need you more and you are doing the same thing . We both did not want that your relation with Kulwant will get fixed, and now when everything is going as per plan you are blaming me.
Pooja: Babu you are taking me wrong again.
Me: What wrong Girl, I did my best and did all possible things, you know what and how I did? how I have made Kulwant to refuse for this marriage?
Pooja: I know Praveen, but please try to understand, what I am saying? Kulwant denied for marriage without any valid reason, so my parents thinking that I did something with your help.
Me: So what is wrong with this? tell them yes we did because we want to marry with each-other no one else.
Pooja: Oh! so you think this will make all thing easy? By doing so everything will become just opposite. My father and brother are at Kulwant's house asking for reason because everyone in my and Kulwant's family agree with this relation.I am worrying by thinking that what will happen if he will tell our name? what will happen if he will tell my father that I gave his sister number to you and after that you called him.
Me: do not take tension, everything will be all aright, our God is with us.
Then we did not contacted each other for next 2-4 days.
I had to go for SSB(service selection board) to face interview for officer post in Army. But due to all these thing happening in our life, I was not able to concentrate on my preparation.
It is now more than 10 months when we met last time and I got tired and were feeling to do some thing wrong with me, because of all things were happening against us. That time my health was also not good and I decided to go home on leaves.
I was at my home now and then decided to meet Pooja, but did not have any idea how to inform her that I am coming to meet her.
I did not know where was her house but during collage time she showed me the way to her house on google map, so now I had an idea to reach her house.
I just left my home very next day in the early morning, by saying my parents that I need to go to my friends marriage.
I just had hope that Pooja will call me then I will inform her and if she does not call me then no issue I will just visit near by place of her house street and if luck will support me then I will see her face without meeting.
Luckily, when I was on the way I got call from Pooja and informed her that i am coming and asked the place where she will meet me and By the mercy of God, pooja's parents were out of town that day.
I reached Etawah Junction at around 12 in the noon.
I was just waiting for call from Pooja but after few minutes when there was no call then I took auto and reached New Yadhuvansh Nagar and took steps towards Pooja's house.
I reached a house just beside her house and then returned, and suddenly i got call from some land line number and I knew that it was pooja and after receiving call I said where are you Jaan?
I am at railway station's STD booth, where are you.?
I am at your colony and waiting for you, but no worries wait there I am just coming.
I was just going towards Railway Station by steps and in the middle way I found Pooja. By seeing her in front of me after so long, tears came out from my eyes and just wanted to hug her tightly, but as it was public place and mainly her relatives lived there so I stopped my self.
Pooja had only 45 minutes, because her brothers were at home and came to meet by saying that she is going to Parlor.
We spent some time in restaurant as I was hungry because I did not had my breakfast and shared lots of things and talked on situation that was going that time.
I saw her neck was swollen as her parents beaten her and attempted to hang her. Then I decided to talk with her parents and will teach a lesson.
At the same time I asked Pooja to call Kulwant to ask whether he denied for marriage or not?
Pooja called him and asked everything and that time Pooja called by my number so Kulwant directly denied for relation.
We were happy that time and gave many many thanks to Kulwant that he understood our situation. But he called Pooja's father and told them that Praveen can do anything harmful to Pooja. So he created another problem for us.
I came back to my Job and after few days I called Pooja, she was very depressed and was very rude on phone and disconnected the call just after saying hello.
I called her many time, her phone was just ranging and ranging.
After some time finally her brother received call and abused me, I was very angry but did not want to lose Pooja by my single mistake, so I controlled my self and simply asked him to get Pooja on call.
He ended the call, after that I did not tried her number.
We were relaxed for few days because her parents stopped looking for boys to get there daughter marry.
In the mean time Pooja was trying to convince her parents to allow her for Job with Archana(her friend).
Everything was going perfect then suddenly I got news from Archana that Pooja's parents are not allowing her for job before marriage and searched another boy for her.
All this was happened in last 2-3 days but Pooja did not informed me.
My anxiety increased again and I called Pooja but she did not received my call.
I called many times and after some time her father picked my call and he also started abusing me as his son did before some time.
Then I requested him for our relation and tried to convince him by all possible ways, but there was no impact of my request on him.
He was just saying one thing that forget Pooja.
Me: Uncle please try to understand, Pooja will be happy with me, as she is not agree to get marry with some one else then why you are forcing her to make her agree.
Pooja's Father: who are you to tell me this thing? I am her father and I know very well what is good and what is not for her. So mind your business and never try to call here again.
Me: okay I will not call you again. Just one last time please allow Pooja to have words with me.
first they denied and finally got agreed to allow Pooja to have conversation with me.
Pooja: hello, yes speak what you want to speak?
Me: what is wrong with you, why don't you tell your parents finally that you want to marry with me only? And as your parents saying that you also do not want to speak with me, is it true?
Pooja was silent for some time I could hear the sound of her parents in background, They were insisting to deny.
Pooja: yes I do not want to speak with you, so please do not call here again.
Me: do you know what you are saying?
yes I know, Pooja said in painfull voice.
Me: I know it is not you, your parents are forcing you to do so, no worries bachha, if you are happy in this then I will not call you again. And dropped the call....
After this I left my job and just had to cry all day.
Now as Pooja also left me in between journey of struggle so there were no reason for me to live, but I was living by dying every single second for my parents.
I love my parents, not me only everyone love there parents.
Now everything that my friends used to say is going to be true that Pooja will left me for her parents. There is no place for true love.
On 02-04-2014, Pooja called me last time to inform me that she got engaged today.
I did not believed on her first and when finally when she told me that I swear that I got engaged and I have ring in my hand that I wore by his hands.
again tears were started to come out from my eyes and I just asked his name to whom she got engaged.
Pooja: Why want you to know his name, Oh! so here you just thinking to get contact with that guy and again get my engagement cancelled?
Me: So finally you decided to get breakup from me?
Pooja: Yes! and please this time do not create any problem, because now I got engaged, if this was the case as previous one then i will not stop you.
But if at this stage you will try to get this relation cancelled then I will commit suicide.
Suicide! after this word, I lost my temper and shouted over phone.
Do you think that i will die without you? please remove this thought from your mind, I have no shortage of girls.
What kind of girl you are?
My friends told me truth that you will left me when I will need you more.
Pooja: whatever, I just want to say one thing that please never call me again.
Me: okay, I will not call you again, I wish you best of luck for future. But can you just tell me his name?
No, I will not and by saying this Pooja dropped the call and just after few seconds I tried her number again, and got response that "the number you are trying to call is switched off".
Everyone in Pooja family got there number changed after this incident so that I cannot create any problem in this relation.
I was in Sai mandir, when Pooja called me, and I returned to my room and then punched my hand in wall with dead soul, and got unconscious.
My friends were with me that time, they took me to the doctor and when I came to senses found my hand swollen and one finger bone got damaged.
My whole hand was in pain but not more than pain that Pooja gave me. I lost my life, my everything, I did not want to trust on situation that were happening around me.
Whenever I tried to take single bite to eat, Pooja's image came in front of my eyes and then tears started from my eyes. I was just at the end points of life from where death starts, but my bad, I could not die.
I had responsibilities of my family as I am only the single male children of my parents.
My condition was getting worse everyday, My weight got lost by 8 kg in only 10 days.
I do not quite understand what I did wrong, I tried my best and tried my all possible ways that I could.
I believed in god more than anything but he did not helped me, I broken all statues of god in my room, and now god was my worst enemy.
I was remembering my past memories, the time that I spent with Pooja, then suddenly I got a message on Face book from a guy named Raz Yadav from Etawah. I did not know him, but when I read his message then i got some idea and thought that some how he know Pooja, because he contacted me because of Pooja to ask what is my relation with her? because I putted my status on FB as in relationship with Pooja and she also putted the same and after engagement she forgotten to remove it.
Who are you to ask me this?, I replied..
Raz: I am the guy with whom She got engaged Yesterday.
By knewing that he was the guy to whom Pooja got engaged, a ray of hope raised in me to get Pooja back.
Then I started my efforts to get my love back and I started to tell everything to that guy, but before telling everything I took promise from Raz that he will understand and will take action by mind after thinking and he assured me that he will not do any such thing by which Pooja will be in trouble. I told him everything, what I want and what Pooja want and how her parents insisited her to accept proposal to get engaged with Raz.
Raz: I don't believe this, because Pooja was not looking that she had something in heart had some feelings for you.
Me: How should she told you as you did not gave her chance to speak. you just putted the ring in her finger and got engaged. She was very scared of her parents.
Raz: Okay I understand that she was scared but when my sister in law asked her alone, then also she did not speak anything and accepted everything.
Me: but know you know everything so what is your plan from now onwards?
Raz: what plan, I am going to marry with her, and keep your opinion with you and never try to contact us again.
Me: Oh! come on man, you are looking for yourself only, but Pooja, please think about her also, she will not be happy with you.
Raz: Do you have any proof for what you are saying.
Me: Proof! what proof you want, if Pooja will tell you everything then will you believe on her? after that will you refuse this engangement?
Raz: Yes definitely I will do so, but if in case this will be false then you cannot imagine what I will do.
Then he dropped the call..
I was thinking that now everything we will be fine, Pooja will come back to me and her parents now will agree for our relation as they also had been faced much trouble because of us.
I did not knew that he will show his servility. I thought he will show some sincerity and will handle everything in a way as Kulwant( previous guy) handled. But he did everything wrong, I do not know how we can accept him as a B.tech graduate. He directly called Pooja's father and asked him about I said.
Just next day in early morning when I was in bed I got call from Pooja. She was shouting on me, how dare you to tell all nonsense to Raz, how you got her number, I told you to stop all this thing that you have been doing since last one year. Don't you want me to live more.
I was sleeping and did not know what Sneha was speaking? So I asked Pooja to call me after some time, but she was just shouting and wanted to speak with me that time only.
Me: Okay tell me, what is the problem now?
Pooja: You stupid, what you think about your self? are you a hero of any film?
Me: just tell me what happened?
Pooja repeated all the thing again and then I kept my mouth shut for some time and were looking for idea to make Pooja's mood fine.
Me: Calm down Pooja! and let me know do you really not want that get tie up in a relation, just tell me the truth once, I will then not disturb you again.
Pooja: again you are starting all things, I love you and really want to be with you but my parents will not agree ever why don't you understand this?
Me: leave all this to me, I will manage everything and I will make your parents and all relatives agree. I am coming to Etawah Tomorrow.
Pooja: no, you will not do any such thing, my parents will kill you.
Me: I am not afraid of dying, just want you any how.
Pooja: okay come, but do not put any expectations on me, I will not give you up.
Me: No worries, I will not force you to do so, it is your choice, but I never wanted to die by having regret that might be your parents will agree if I could try.
So I am coming there and will trell each and everything to your parents, after that they accept me, kill me will be there choice. And just to let you know, I never searched for Raz yadav, even I did not knew the name of gut to whom you got engaged, he messaged me first then I replied him.
Pooja: Oh my God! so your status is still in relationship with me, right?
Me: yes, so?
Pooja: why you did not remove it?
Me: Why should I remove it? I want you and I have no problem to have such status.
Pooja: But I have, I do not want to continue any relationship with you. I will delete my account.
Me: sure you can delete it, but tell mw one thing, if you did not want to have relationship with me then, why you played with me, why you asked me to help to break last proposal with Kulwant. Pooja this is not right that you are doing with me, I can't live without you.
Then you can die, go to hell, Pooja replied and ended the call.
I still did not want to lose Pooja, because she was my life and I can't live without her.
I asked Raz through message on FB that he denied for marriage or not. I did not got any response for next 3 days. I was again lossing my hope then suddenly I got message and Raz asked for my contact number. First I wa not ready to provide my contact number but with some hope I provided it to him.
After 2 days, Raz called me on my number and asked again every thing that me and Pooja had in between. I again reminded him everything and then he asked me to call Pooja.
Raz: Hello, Praveen!
Me: Hi Raz, how are you?
Raz: I am fine, okay Praveen do you have Pooja's number, I want to call her.
Me: I do not have, because her parents got her number changed?
Raz: But you said that Pooja called you few days back, then how you contacted her?
Me: I did not called her, she called me by her friends number.
Raz: May I know here name, and her contact number so that I can get all things confirmed with Pooja.
Me: I do not have her number. But you can speak her on her father's number.
Raz: okay please wait!
I waited for around 3-4 minutes as he putted me on hold. I was thinking that Raz is confirming everthing with Pooja, weather I am telling truth or not.
Hello, Praveen are you there? Raz asked.
Me: yes I am.
Raz: okay so here Pooja is on conference and she is saying that, there was no such thing between you and Pooja, you are just lying.
Me: I am not lying. I do not know why Pooja is saying such thing.
Pooja: Raz please do not take him seriously, we had no relation in between, He was just in my class, we talked one day and he thaught that I love her. (Pooja said on call as she was also on conference)
Me: what the hell you are saying Pooja? we were just friends, I have proof of our relation.
Pooja: What proof you have? Raz please do not trust on him, he is just not wanted us to get marry, it was my mistake that I believed on such guy but trust me you will not get any problem from my side, I will not give you a chance to complain me.
Me: I have pictures of together that we clicked on many ocassion.
Pooja: so what is different in that, every collage friends click picture together.
Raz: Pooja do not worry, I will marry you and I will take care of this bluddy guy.
Pooja ended call.
Raz: listen Praveen, this should be last call from you, I am going to marry her and after this if you will try to craete any problem and try to hassle Pooja then I will teach you a lesson.
Me: if you have guts then come and meet me face to face, then will see who teaches lesson. I was quite for Pooja only but now as she also has left me then I have no fear of no one, so stop chattering and meet me you mother fu***r.
Raz ended call.
As I got call dropped from Raz, I got call from Pooja and this time I was out of my mind and was very angry because she made me lair and made me stand in category of clown.
Why you are calling me now, as you have finished everything?
I want to tell you one thing, Pooja replied.
I don't want to talk any more, best of luck for your future. and I dropped the call.
tears were in my eyes, I wanted to cry but tears were not coming out of my eyes as I cried a lot in past one year.
Pooja called me again,
Please Praveen listen me once..
is there much more things to listen, I replied in anger.
Pooja: every time you take me wrong.
Me: Wrong? so still you think that it was right that you did, made me liar.
pooja: that is why I am telling you, why I said so.
Me: Pooja there is no need to know more now, because I have lost my everything and after listning your reason nothing will get change, so please keep your excuse with you.
Pooja: Praveen, just last time Babu listen me.
When Pooja called me Babu, I became silent.
Okay tell me, what was the reason behind all this?
Pooja: You know, when we were on conference, then all were listining our conversation, I mean Raz putted his phone on loud speaker, my father and brother were at his house, my father and all his parents were listining what were talking and on my side my mother was with me and were listning our words, that is why I said all those things.
Me: Now these things does not matters, as I have lost my everything. You also wanted the same and now you got all the things that you wanted but I lost my life.
No worries Pooja, enjoy your life and I wish you a good future with Raz. I tried my all possible ways for my love, but sadly without your support I have lost you. Pooja, I did all for you, gave you all things that I never got for my self, I stood against my parents and relatives for what? only for you my love.
That would be a pity to me that I am failed to give you longlife happiness.
Bye and take care and now onwards you will not get any kind of activity in this matter from my side, but I would like to say one thing that, at any stage at any time, if you think that I can help you, you are most welcome!
Bye My love, my life, good bye!
After this I never contacted her and never try to call her but some time tried to get information about her, how is her life going on, weather she is happy or not, through her friend. But after some time this was also got stopped when her friend blocked me on Facebook when I told her some thing about Raz Yadav.
One day Raz called me and started abusing, that time I had no fear of anything, I also started the same and then it said such thing by which I realized that this guy is not really good for Pooja, because she did not love her just wanted her for Sex.
First I thought that why should I worry as it is choice of Pooja to get marry with him and now I have no relation with Pooja so let her go to hell. But then I changed my mind and decided to tell everything to Archana(Pooja's Friend) after all I love her and it was my first duty to keep Pooja's life happy and to keep all troubles away from her life.
I had contact number of Archana but never called her on cell phone, I messaged her on FB and after this message she blocked me then I had no option to do any thing for Pooja except praying for her best future.
Now after 14 months when my life is going good, I got call from Pooja that I was telling you in start.
yes who is this?
Pooja, Who is Pooja, do I know you?
Jeet, Don't you remember I am your Pooja, Pooja Yadav!
I was quite for a moment, tears started falling from my eyes again after a long time.
Hey Pooja, how are you? it was too long that we talked last time. How is your life going on? I asked after making myself ready to speak, as my throat got chocked because of tears...
Nothing is good Praveen, everything of mine got ruined and now I have nothing left to survive. what about you?
Me: Here everthing is going as usual, you can say perfect but what happened to you? please tell me.
Pooja: you were right Praveen, I have no future with anyone. Praveen tell me what should I do?
Me: How can I take decision for your life, I suggested you a lot when you were mine but now I have no right on you so I am sorry, I can't help you take decision for your life, but can suggest you, so please tell me what is the problem, why you are so said? and sorry to forgot, how is your husband Raz Yadav?
Pooja: he is fine, but he took everything from me, first he made me away from you and now he left me, not exactly left me, but I have no value for him, he do what he wants and when I ask him for anything for me then he raise hand on me. I am dying every moment.
When I report all these things to my parents then they take it lightly and says only one thing that this is all result of the things that you did in last birth,Those who have done so will have to suffer.
Me: First Pooja let me remind you that you left me at your own choice, not Raz made you away from me. I Besought you alot but you even did not want to listen me, just blaming on me.
Okay just leave all this, tell me now what you want me to do in this case?
Pooja: I do not know what to do, I am not strong enough to endure now. I just wanted to stop all this thing here and looking forward for having little bit life full of happiness. In clear words just want to get divorce with him.
Me: are you mad? do you have an idea what you are saying? Divorce is simple word to say but this will make your life hell.
lets suppose you will get divorce then do you think you will get all things good, your parents will accept you.
I knew from start that Raz is not good guy, I had conversation with him before you got married, then I found that he was really a shit guy and finally he proved this.
I tried to let you know all this through your friend Archana, but she blocked me. I do not know whether she informed you that or not. But any ways I will not suggest you for divorce. try to find any other way to shortout all this matter.
Pooja: I don't want to continue my life with him, I just want to stop all this here, I am calling you to ask, will you hold my hand for my future life.
I was just quite, I had no words to speak.
Please tell me Praveen, will you hold my hand?
What you think about this, should I do so or not, I asked Pooja.
Pooja: I do not know Praveen, I am asking this with last hope.
Me: Pooja, I knew you will come!!!, but you are too late, because I also got engaged and I will get married in next 25 days. I denied many proposals because of you but when you broke my last hope and when my parents and friends suggested to me to look forward, then for my parents and of-course for my self I decided to get marry.
I did not know that in such situation and having such trouble you will come.
Pooja: Can you not refused this proposal also.
Me: I am sorry Pooja, I cannot hurt my parents anymore. If any other help you need from my side then you are most welcome.
After this I never thought about Pooja, because a girl having all her hopes on me going to be a part of my life and I did not want that she face any problem because of my past life.
I do not know what is going in Pooja's life now, but I always pray for her happy life and hope everything would have been fine.
I still have some feelings for her but my wife is everything for me now.
Publication Date: 01-28-2017
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Girl came back to boy whom she loves even after getting married. what make her to came back and did a boy accepted her then or not, will come to know in this story.