

fred Rogers quote


“Part of the problem with the word 'disabilities' is that it immediately suggests an inability to see or hear or walk or do other things that many of us take for granted. But what of people who can't feel? Or talk about their feelings? Or manage their feelings in constructive ways? What of people who aren't able to form close and strong relationships? And people who cannot find fulfillment in their lives, or those who have lost hope, who live in disappointment and bitterness and find in life no joy, no love? These, it seems to me, are the real disabilities”Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember




Endure to the end


Enduring to the end quote

"The blessings that come to us from enduring to the end in this life are real and very significant, and for the life to come they are beyond our comprehension."President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Have We Not Reason To Rejoice?, October 2007 General Conference

Beautiful words


Graditude quote



hello solitude I want to express my feelings


And my gratitude for the many years we spent together You have helped me through my trial and now I'm healing



I enjoy your every minute and every hour of your embrace Loving cuddling kissing your adorable face



Tickling playful memories you bring back to me in a child like state


I know us being together has to be fate



When I look at your body your face touching your hair



expressing such love kindness with such gentleness and care



Im falling in love each and everyday


I enjoy our romantic walks on the bay


The moonlight


The shinning stars brings you into a angelic sight



I have enjoyed our many years we spent together


I do confess there was an other


but I have ended it so now you can love me


And except me for what I can be


I know you will always be here


To comfort me I love you my dear


We have an unconditional type of love that the world will never understand my sweet solitude


“When a man knows the solitude of silence, and feels the joy of quietness, he is then free from fear and he feels the joy of the dharma”-Buddha

We must


Inspiring quotes

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness




If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.Mother Teresa

The ants

 The ants We are the tiny bitty ants

Crawling all over your pants

we have endured many things in life

We have cried we have hoped and had faith that we will strife

Even in darkness and negativity in life

We do embrace the light

We encounter other insects and give them a good fight

And I'm sure you've seen us crawling on your kitchen floor to find that piece of cake you dropped by the sliding glass door

Yummy, yummy, yummy we do live for our tummies

So, spray us with raid set us with a poison trap

We don't care well just crawl in your lap  

I won't stop


I won't stop Every tear I shed rushing like a storm

Pieces of my heart still together some how

every feeling ever emotional has been scorn

Even though I have lost my sight

Lost my vision, lost my ability

covered in complete darkness, I still fight

my heart somehow won't die

My mind won't stop ,my will is still there

my life, has it is, won't say goodbye




Key Searching for a magical key to bring me out of darkness and into the light

A key to open all that is good in me to give me insight

The magic key, to direct me to the correct path what is right

what is moral what is correct the key to help me to fight

Where is this key is it inside of me

Is it in my mind is it in my heart where can it be?

I search high and noon

to find this key soon

Inspiring quote

“Blame keeps wounds open only heals forgiveness heals” Thomas S. Monson



Mental illness


Mental illness

My mind racing with voices and imagines that are quite disturbing to the normal mind

The voices are cruel and not very kind

I’m depressed isolated , alone and abused

Im often frighten and confused

Lock me up throw me away throw a bottle of pills at me I have no feelings

lock me up throw away the key I don’t know how much I can bare

No one seems to care

Just throw me out in the street

Left on my own two feet

Throw food at me like animal feel

sorry for asking for a friend 

My love

 My love , I want to tell you, that I adore you but I'm not that self destructive materialistic cookie cutter image you   want me to be

steal my self worth hate me with your self righteous ridicule use me.

You left me in a forever desert of endless despair

And then I told myself I don’t care

Your cruel insults going over and over in my mind making me cry over and over and each time and each day

you try To get me to give up ,lose hope ,become defeated and die

The lonely feeling and the negative voices hard to bare

And then I told myself I don't care

You left me with a inner disturbed feeling

Those inner tormented scars that you have caused is still healing

your dark clouds stalking me each and everyday Isolated tears of agony pouring at night you caused its not okay I hate this emotional illness that you have injected me And Side effects of unstable emotions I can't control or won't let me So I'm breaking up with you For something true A new love called faith love hope and charity

Inspiring quote


I thank God for everything and everyone because no matter what the situation he was always there. I am done with the pain, sorrow and hatred. It's time for me to forgive and forget and to look forward and never look back. There was a point in my life where I could say I thought God didn't exist but now I realize that without him I wouldn't be the person I today. Maria Ramirez quotes


Just words


Just words It's just words I will ignore and throw away

Lasj out at me insult me each and every day

The words are nothing but a lie

You will never have me break down and cry

I'm solid has a rock throw me your insult

Stoo blaming me its your fault

You may think I will be you

That's from being true

I will not be an anorexia Barbie doll, I will be me be

I'm not enslaved by the media standards I will always be me 


Miss no face


A dark cold and chaotic reflection walking towards the hall A frozen eerie feeling type atmosphere surrendering the place Wrapped and bounded with chains walks a creepy reflection with a no face Her beauty has been taken and replaced She walks only has a reflection to humanity She lives for drugs ,pills ,media and insanity Her love only for materialistic things False sense of beauty false sense love she brings She lives for un forgiveness and revengeShe goes on everyday life on a shoppingy beige Thinking that she can buy fame,love,friends and anyone Buy her way towards happiness and fun





That feeling of freedom, open highways of possibilities, has kind of been lost to materialism and marketing.Sheryl Crow

My child


Dear my child

I know your lost and confused

And you been abused

And your dealing with so many fears

You cried so many tears

This really makes me cry

You must know I will never say goodbye

I will never leave your side I'll be here for month

years and days I love you always

Nothing you ever do will keep me from not loving you

My love is everlasting and true

I'm just a prayer away

Please come back to me today

Love forever Heavenly Father



Hate is a serial killer

That numbs your feeling like a drug dealer

A flesh eating maggot that eaten away the heart

Ripping tearing shedding it apart

Emotions that are enraged

It's keeps you in isolated cage

It's caused a lot of wars conflicted and death


Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!Bob Marley


Young women's personal progress


Young women progress

Faith to believe you can do great and many things

Just have hope you'll be amazed by what it brings

Divine nature to give brother kindness to all

Individual worth to help you stand tall

Knowledge to learn and grow

Choice and accountability and good works

And you know

That it will keep you from being dark and hallow

Good works, integrity and virtual you should followIf you want to make your dreams come true

Keep these words close to you

Keep them in your heart

Do not depart

From the way of life

It will help you to strife

Fight the good fight

Stay away from dark and stay In the light

Don't give up be strong

It won't be so long

You can endure all things

Your a champion Raise up and sing You are a child of the king


Publication Date: 05-06-2015

All Rights Reserved

To everyone with love

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