Mental illness
My mind racing with voices and imagines that are quite disturbing to the normal mind
the voice are cruel and not very kind
Im depressed isolated and alone and abused
Im often frighten and confused
Lock me up throw me away throw a bottle of pills at me
I have no feelings lock me up throw away the key
I don’t know how much I can bare
No one seems to care
I'm just let here with pills and sleeping in the street
Left on my own two feet
Throw food at me like animal feel sorry for me
All I ask is someone to love me and be my friend is that to much to ask
Dear human
I've come from the planet mars to find a new home
Our planet is overpopulated and has only one dome
Discovering your planet has made me sad
I was shocked to discovered you humans are very bad
Your lifestyle based on fast food plastic surgery and materialism and t.v
Diet pills lose weight fast skin and fat burner tea
Get stronger get exercised look great be adored
All this has making me very bored
Buy buy, buy get plastic surgery oh my
Spend, look great,spend some more money ,to me its one pathetic lie
Miss no face
An haunted image of a jaded old dusty mirror upon a wall
A dark cold and chaotic reflection walking towards the hall
A frozen eerie feeling type atmosphere surrendering the place
Wrapped and bounded with chains walks a creepy reflection with a no face
Her beauty has been taken and replaced
She walks only has a reflection to humanity
She lives for drugs ,pills ,media and insanity
Her love only for materialistic things
False sense of beauty false sense love she brings
She lives for un forgiveness and revenge
She goes on everyday life on a shopping beige
Thinking that she can buy fame,love,friends and anyone
Buy her way towards happiness and fun
I see the broken glass the broken hopes
everything i hoped for ripped apart
I see it slowly become numb slowly dying
everything I loved everything I cherished
I see my heart crying
everything I have loved slowly disappearing
everything inside of me my heart losing
my heart my soul my heart fearing
my heart bounded with chains
twisted turning inside of a dark grave
the heart suffering with scars and pains
everything my heart desires loves wants needs
Can of fakeness
It coming by high noon
It will be here soon
Instant happiness in a pill
I'm been waiting to get my fill
Instant fakeness in a can
Hi there Dan
Do you find me hot
Cause I'm a media robot
It's here Now I can be mindless
Dan now I'm perfect give me a kiss
I'm a gorgeous super star
With these pills I can go far
Everybody wants to be me
I'm a standard what every wants to be
Look at that ugly girl I saw today
She so weak and what can I say
Im so awesome filled with superiority
She will bow down to me like I'm royalty
I told all my friends about her cause she's weak
Compare to me she is a freak
And I donate to a good cause and even sing in the church
I even created and pass out church fliers
And I like to thank can of fakeness
And the pill that brings me instant happiness
Buy it today for low price of 19.99 just call our toll free number 1-532- arrogance
To order
This advertisement was paid by self righteous body wash
I'm going to the casino I'll just take my entire paycheck
Hit it big show me the deck
Blackjack here we go
No time to be slow
Make it fast
Let's have a blast
Let play the slot play every game
I want riches and fame
But dang
That was lame
I lost it all
No money no dime not even a cent
Now I can't pay my rent
Dearest Don
I'm writing you a letter of my love to you
Oh my sweet bitter Don whom I miss
Your coldness your smell of rotten flesh
Your rough pointed hands.
Your corpse of rotten mesh
Holding me by my hand
I miss our days at the local cemetery
Our days embracing the moon night
I'm left with memory I often Carry
I miss you but your rotten away
Inside that black box
I'll continue to write you letters each day
Oh my love I miss our days at midnight
I regret what happen to us
When that day we got into a fight
I'm here locked away inside
I can't get out so I have to write you
Why did you hide
You know we are meant to be
You know I love you forever
You belong to me
We were suppose to be with each other tonight
But instead I'm here for life and you're rotten away in a box cause of a fight
Love you but you don't listen at times
Remember we we're suppose to be together tonight
But no I'm doing life for my crimes
I'm here doing life inside
And you are rotten away in a black box
Cause you ran and hide
Only if you listen will be together forever
March 17
A cold dreadful night
I hear his voice crackling
I try to run and hide when I see his sight
His finger nails sharp has knifes
His eyes cold has midnight
The though of him gives me hives
His coming after me
I have something of his
Locked away and buried in the sea
I Never want this to be set free
His trying to find it this thing
I found under a old mysterious tree
If it is set free,evil will breed across the land
Devouring goodness love and kindness
It will cause a plaque rapid racing in the sand
I must protect humankind from it
Even if I have face that dreadful creatures
I have my sword ready to swing and hit
I have my armor if I have to die
To protect humankind I will
If I go don't cry
I will tell that hidden secrets it in the bottom of the sea
He wants to kill me
I will battle to save us
If I go you just hide the key
Go to museum there is a elephant Huss
Hide the key there
He's afraid of the elephant
The elephant hair
Will kill the beast looking for the key
Don't ever disturb the tree let it be
The mysterious tree if awaken will kill everything
The dreadful creature looking for me
Will cause hell to sing
Please if I die
Read careful and save us
If I die tonight don't cry
Dark love
I'm attracted to your mystery
Attracted to a spirit I once had
Memories you given and history
Like fossils and dust of a dead tree
I look upon the labyrinthine of soulless monochrome eyes
Hoping one day you'll set me free
I want to hold you kiss you passionate
To give you admiration and love
To embrace you within the crimson of our souls
We are lovers but Your like a rotten fruit
but you attract me don't know why
I hold Your dusty black suit
In my arms but it gives me fears
You bring me heartbreak and tears
When your near a flower it dies
I'm attracted to you don’t know why
You makes life in me again die
Has you drink from goblet a sweet baby begins to cry
Your smile causes death
Your breath causes madness
Has you recite Macbeth
Your voice cause me to break
I want to hold you give you admiration
To love you
To embrace you by the crimson dawn
So many embrace you
To find another way
To find a truth
For their sorrow and heartbreak
But you always there
To take
Never to give just sadness and death
I want to hold you
To love you
To embrace you
Has the eclipse begins
And illumination is here
Your dreadful appearance it sins
Bringing fear
No one knows me
No one knows Who I am inside
No one knows why I cry
NO one knows why I hide
No one sees my tears
No one even knows my fears
No one ever thinks about me
No one stops to see
No one, knows who I have become and why
NO one know why I want to die...
No one sees my soul, my mind and heart
All they see is a body that torn apart
They don't see the heart that bleeds
depression and anger that feeds.
No one even knows me
NO one stops to see
I am just yesterday hello and goodbye
No one cares rather I live or die
I am just another thing to be used
Another human body to be abused
Another joke to society,freak, you see
NO one even knows me..
I am just a label,in society mind
A freak,loser,loner and anything combined
A social outcast, that is thrown away
Just yesterdays past,nothing for today
I am just a shell,ready to be admired
lied,broken,abused, I am tired
ready to give up, ready to go away
Crying to death,for him,to take me away today
No one even care, who I am inside
Or even why I want to hide
All my joy, happiness ripped out of me...
All my thoughts of love, marriage kids gone..
No one even cares,if i cry, no one stop to see
No one one knows who I really am. or why?
Or why I am so depressed and want to die
or why i even cry at night
or why everyday is a fight
No one know why i set here, with a broken heart
No one what inside of me, why i feel so ripped apart...
NO one knows why i feel so alone, so confused , so tired, so trusted , unloved and abused.
Why so many things are passing madly into my mind
why all this horrible feelings inside me combined
No one even knows me
NO one stops to see
Who am I? what am I? why am I here
Why do i have this questions i have all this fear.
No one would even know....
Hate is a serial killer
That numbs your feeling like a drug dealer
A flesh eating maggot that eaten away the heart
Ripping tearing shedding it apart
Emotions that are enraged
It's keeps you in isolated cage
It's caused a lot of wars conflicted and death
My love , I want to tell you, that I adore you but
I'm not that self destructive materialistic cookie cutter image you want me to be
steal my self worth hate me with your self righteous ridicule use me.
You left me in a forever desert of endless despair
And then I told myself I don’t care
Your cruel insults going over and over in my mind making me cry
over and over and each time and each day you try
To get me to give up ,lose hope ,become defeated cut my wrist and die
The lonely feeling and the negative voices hard to bare
And then I told myself I don't care
You left me with a inner disturbed feeling
Those inner tormented scars that you have caused is still healing
your dark clouds stalking me each and everyday
Isolated tears of agony pouring at night you caused its not okay
I hate this emotional illness that you have injected me
And Side effects of unstable emotions I can't control or won't let me So I'm breaking up with you For something true
A new love called faith love hope and charity
Publication Date: 05-03-2015
All Rights Reserved
A social outcast, that is thrown away
Just yesterdays past,nothing for today
I am just a shell,ready to be admired
lied,broken,abused, I am tired
ready to give up, ready to go away
Crying to death,for him,to take me away today
No one even care, who I am inside
Or even why I want to hide
All my joy, happiness ripped out of me...
All my thoughts of love, marriage kids gone..
No one even cares,if i cry, no one stop to see
No one one knows who I really am. or why?
Or why I am so depressed and want to die
or why i even cry at night
or why everyday is a fight
No one know why i set here, with a broken heart
No one what inside of me, why i feel so riped apart...
NO one knows why i feel so alone, so confused , so tired, so trusted , unloved and abused.