Your love shinning bright
Your love is everlasting
I know when I'm praying and fasting
I feel your appearance near
I know that you can hear
My prayers
The ants
We are the tiny bitty ants
Crawling all over your pants
we have endured many things in life
We have cried we have hoped and had faith that we will strife
Even in darkness and negativity in life We do embrace the light
We encounter other insects and give them a good fight
And I'm sure you've seen us crawling on your kitchen floor
to find that piece of cake you dropped by the sliding glass door
Yummy, yummy, yummy
we do live for our tummies
So, spray us with raid set us with a poison trap
We don't care well just crawl in your lap
Be positive
Life can take you for a twist and throw you down
Has you lay there with sorrow and pain
A inner voice tells you get off the ground
Stand up be positive in everything
Smile and be strong
Listen to the birds sing
Remember life will through you down
Cause heart break sorrow and worry
But get off the dirty ground
Smile dance be with nature embrace the sea
I know you often cry when you look at your own reflection
But when you do tell yourself there no one like me
Others may have rejected you
Abused you put you down
But remember what's true
You have to love who you are
Strife for great things
Then you will go far
There’s only one of you
Be unique live outside the box
Know what is true
Be positive in everything you
King Benjamin
He gave a speech upon a tower
His voice so loud strong
And with such power
He spoke about how we can
Serve God by keeping his commandments
To serve others and avoid sin
To show kindness charity and love
Charity is the pure love of Christ
He told us we must serve God above
and I want to serve like he did
I to want to serve others and serve God from above
Show charity and love
hello solitude
I want to express my feelings
And my gratitude for the many years we spent together
You have helped me through my trial and now I'm healing
I enjoy your every minute and every hour of your embrace
Loving cuddling kissing your adorable face
Tickling playful memories you bring back to me in a child like state
i know us being together has to be fate
When I look at your body your face touching your hair
expressing such love kindness with such gentleness and care
Im falling in love each and everyday
I enjoy our romantic walks on the bay
The moonlight
The shinning stars brings you into a angelic sight
I have enjoyed our many years we spent together
I do confess there was an other
but I have ended it so now you can love me
And except me for what I can be
I know you will always be here
To comfort me I love you my dear
We have an unconditional type of love that the world will never understand my sweet solitude
I won't stop
Every tear i shed rushing like a storm
Pieces of my heart still together some how
every feeling ever emotional has been scorn
Even though I have lost my sight
Lost my vision, lost my ability
covered in complete darkness, I still fight
my heart somehow won't die
My mind won't stop my will is still there
my life, has it is, won't say goodbye
searching endlessly for a magical key to open all
hopes desires wishes love peace and light
to open all that is good in me to give me insight
this key to direct me to the correct path what is right
what is moral what is correct the key to help me fight the good fight Where is this key is it inside of me
Is it in my mind is it in my heart where can it be?
I search high and noon
to find this key soon
Pure love of Christ
Loving others with sincerity
Show compassion and grace
No matter what we face
Forgive and let go
And you know
Love can set you free
I know Heavenly Father loves me
And his love I will show to you all
His love helps me stand tall
Be like Jesus in everything you do
Remember Jesus loves you
Dear my child
I know your lost and confused
And you been abused
And your dealing with so many fears
You cried so many tears
This really makes me cry
You must know I will never say goodbye
I will never leave your side I'll be here for month years and days
I love you always
Nothing you ever do will keep me from not loving you
My love is everlasting and true
I'm just a prayer away
Please come back to me today
Love forever Heavenly Father
Young women progress
Faith to believe you can do great and many things
Just have hope you'll be amazed by what it brings
Divine nature to give brother kindness to all
Individual worth to help you stand tall
Knowledge to learn and grow
Choice and accountability and good works
And you know
That it will keep you from being dark and hallow
Good works, integrity and virtual you should follow
If you want to make your dreams come true
Keep these words close to you
Keep them in your heart
Do not depart
From the way of life
It will help you to strife
Fight the good fight
Stay away from dark and stay In the light
Don't give up be strong
It won't be so long
You can endure all things
Your a champion Raise up and sing
You are a child of the king
God bless you
Mindy sue mickevich
Publication Date: 05-02-2015
All Rights Reserved
King Benjamin
He gave a speech upon a tower
His voice so loud strong
And with such power
He spoke about how we can
Serve God by keeping his commandments
To serve others and avoid sin
To show kindness charity and love
Charity is the pure love of Christ
He told us we must serve God above
and I want to serve like he did
I to want to serve others and serve God from above
Show charity and love