Hi. Wanna listen to my hilarious but serious love story? You'll hear about my seriously good looking boyfriend. Well, though he has flaws like anybody else. Maybe a bit more than flaws. You see his picture? You know what I mean. He smokes weed and deals but would do anything to keep me for himself. Anyways, you just get on with the story.
I crossed my arms across my chest. Jake rolled his beautiful eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." I told him. Jake hauled me onto his shoulder and he carried me out the room. I pounded against his back. "Put me down! Jake!" I yelled. Jake continued walked down the stairs and out the front door. "Be quiet Taylor." he commands me in that sexy voice. I immediately obeyed. He rang my doorbell and stepped inside when my mom opened it. "I've got a delivery Mrs. Walker." he laughed when he placed me gently onto the ground. He walked out the door with me on his heels. "Go back." he told me without turning around. "But why can't I come along?" I asked annoyingly. He stopped in his tracks and I bumped into him. He turned around to face me. "You really want to come with me?" he asked me. I nodded excitedly. "Well, you can't." he said rudely. "Why are you so mean to me these days!?" I yelled at him. The dark brought out his green eyes. He seemed to shatter when I said that. "Because." he shrugged. I bit my lip. "Well. Too bad. I'm still coming with you." I stated.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He gave me the death glare. I put my hands on my hip and looked straight back at him. "I'm coming and that's final." I restated. "Why do you have to be so annoying? Go stalk somebody else!" he waved his hand at me. I shook my head. Jake started walking away towards his house. "I'll kiss you if you don't let me come." I threatened. Jake would never want me to kiss him. It was like his death sentence. He stopped in his tracks like somebody had called him a chicken. Which was a bad thing to do. Trust me, I'm talking from personal experience. He continued walking towards his front door. "You're a chicken! A fat one too!" I cried. He stopped in his tracks again and spun around. He walked back towards me. I released my hands from my hips. I took a step back. Then another. I was cornered between the side wall of my house and his and himself. He positioned himself in front of me. Now I had no way out.
"What did you call me?"
"A chick that's in."
"You're lying."
"Pff. Why would I lie to youuuu."
"You called me a chicken."
"Why would I do that? Right?...."
"..." I gulped. Jake took a step towards me to pop the personal space bubble. His green eyes looked the same as they were before. His arms rested on the wall beside my head and he pressed his body against mine. "Give me a good reason why you want to come with me." I blushed. I wasn't used to having hot guys brush against my body everyday.
"Go on."
"Thought so."
He held my gaze for a while. He leaned in a bit. His lips only a centimeter away. Then he suddenly pushed away from me and continued walking towards his house. I could still smell his cologne. Ahhhhhh. *sigh*. I followed him, skipping all the way behind him. I had to be more annoying. I walked in after him, with no one to stop me because his parents were gone on a buissness trip and they had told my parents to keep an eye on him. Which I was doing for them. "Wait. I have a good reason why I should come!" I shouted when he closed his bedroom's door on me.
"Because you parents told my parents to keep an eye out for you and I'm doing that for them." I explained giddily. Jake slammed the door open and walked past me pulling on a shirt. He swore at his parents under his breath. I was still shocked at the sight of his abs. *Amazing!* I followed him down the stairs and towards the kitchen. He pulled out an apple from the fridge and sat down on the couch in the family room. I followed him like Twitter. I sat down beside him. He turned on the TV. I poked him in the side. "When did you get those?" I said laughing clearly directing towards his abs. He jerked away from me laughing. I had hit a soft spot. J-A-C-K-P-O-T!-!-!-! "I got them long time ago. Want to see them again?" I ignored him and started watching TV. I had read in TRUST magazine, if you want to attract hot guys, follow these steps:
1. Be his friend (whole list how)
2. Don't annoy him much (I'm the total opposite!)
3. Don't flirt with other guys (I'm not pretty :()
5. Show him you want him. (I do! I do! I do!)
6. Give him time to understand your feelings for him. (not. :$)
7. Hold his gaze a couple times a day. (How is that supposed to help?)
8. Become friends with his friends. (I'm already friends with them! Hardy har har!)
9. Kiss him on the cheek. (Totally go for it. But he ovoids it.)
10. At the final step, you can only do this once or your relationship is a fail. When he makes a cute joke, ignore him only ONCE. (Stalkers. Pffff.)
11. After this, you've got his undivided attention.
"Does this mean I'm coming with you????" I asked him. "Sure. But don't say that I didn't stop you." he shrugged. I wondered what could be so bad. "I was wondering about that kiss... you know." joked Jake. "What about it?" I asked turning my gaze toward him. "Were you really going to kiss me if I didn't let you come?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Obviously. Why not? I had the perfect plan to finally kiss you but you ruined it. Now I have a new one." I let it all out. He cocked his head to the right and then laughed at me.
"You'll never get me to kiss you!" he laughed. "I will. You were about to kiss me against the wall. You didn't because you don't have the guts, too." I reached to poke him in the chest but he caught my hand startling me. "I don't have the guts to kiss a girl?" he asked me. I nodded. I had his undivided attention. Jake's weakness was when people called him names that really ticked him off or when someone insulted him like the classic chicken. He was really hot when he was angry. His face never went red like others or anything. It stayed the same while his eyes did all the work. His eyes went black as they do when he's angry or pissed off. Trust me, I did my research. He pulled me by the waist closer to him. He was going to kiss me right here on the spot????? He was a total rebel. He closed his eyes. "I'm only doing this to prove that I have the guts to kiss a girl." he told himself. His lips crashed onto mine surprisingly. They were soft. My stomach fluttered violently. I hoped my lips were soft, too. He pushed me down onto the couch so I was laying down and he was on top of me. My stomach fluttered again. I thought he was going to stop any second but he continued like he actually wanted to kiss me. We continued the kiss enthusiastically until we were out of breath and had to stop. He sat up breathing hard on my legs. I tried to sit up but he was still sitting on my legs. "Jake. You're sitting on my legs." I told him. He got up and turned the TV off. "Wait. I have a question." Jake sat down beside me. He signaled me to go on. "Were my lips soft or rough?" I asked him. Jake laughed. "What? I'm curious." I said innocently. "They were soft." he answered pulling me back into his arms. "And you know what?" he asked me bringing his face close to mine, only two inches away. I shrugged. "If we stay here longer, we'll miss the place where I'm going and you're not." His lips touched mine gently again and again so we had time to breathe. "But you said I'm coming with you-" he cut me off with his lips. "You were saying?" he asked. "I said that you said that I wa-" he cut me off again with his lips. "Please continue." he said pulling away from my lips. "But-" he picked me up into his arms. My stomach fluttered again. I was starting to feel self conscious by the way he was looking at me. He walked out of the house and dropped me off in front of my door. "But I want to come with you." a car pulled up in front of his house. I could see Riley sitting in there. "Never mind." I said turning to my door and fumbling with the lock so I could go in. "Are youuuuu suuuureeee????" asked Jake batting his eyelashes and biting his lip to keep himself from laughing. "No thanks." I said stepping in. "Movie at my place tomorrow?" he asked. I shrugged. "If I have time." I answered. "You better." he said winking at me before leaving and climbing into the car. I closed the door and made sure it was locked. I went straight to my bedroom and locked that door too. I changed into my ice blue penguin pajamas. I climbed into bed. Finally, to think through what had just happened. Amazing. Was it that easy to kiss a boy? Wow. I should've done this earlier. I closed my eyes and drowned into darkness.
12:38 P.M
My phone rang. I drowsily hit my alarm clock expecting it turn off, to later find out it's my phone. I picked it up. "Hello? Why the hell are you calling me at twelve?" I asked before the caller even said hi. "Hey, sleeping beauty." answered a familiar sexy voice. It was Jake. I groaned. "Hiiiiiii" I yawned. "You sound tired." he noticed. "I am." The line was silent for a moment. "You mind pushing your blinds away?" he asked me. I got up and pushed my blinds away. Jake was standing in his room, waving at me. I waved tiredly back. I wanted to go back to sleep. Badly. I sat down on my chair and shrugged at him. He shrugged back. "Is this why you called me?" I asked him getting up and getting ready to go back to bed. He smiled innocently. "No." he answered with a sexy edge to his voice. I rubbed my eyes. "Why did you call me then?" I asked him now anxious to know so I could go back to sleep. "Can you come over?" he asked pressing his nose against his window. I trusted Jake that he would never rape me. But right now? I was anxious to go back to sleep. "Better not rape me, Jake." I said going to the washroom and washing my face and brushing. I heard him laugh softly.
12:45 P.M
I rang his doorbell. I had pulled a teal sweater on top of my pajamas and clipped my blonde hair to the back of my head with a blue plastic clip. Jake opened the door and I stepped in. "What is it?" I asked leaning against the door. Jake hauled me onto his shoulder and went upstairs to his room. I was thankful for that. He threw me gently onto his bed. I cuddled to his pillow and closed my eyes to go back to sleep. Just before I drowned into darkness, Jake woke me up. "Hey, I'm supposed to do the sleeping, here. You're my special, cute, human size teddy bear." he said lying down beside me. I didn't budge. Instead, I pulled the blanket onto me and tried to go to sleep. But Jake poked me in my sides. I laughed and fell out of his bed. He had his arms out for me to sleep in. I took my sneakers off and climbed in with him. He was very warm. Thank God. What was it, like fifty in there? I closed my eyes to go to sleep. He woke me up again. "Does this not hurt you when you sleep on it?" he asked me. I realized he was talking about my clip. It did hurt but I was to lazy to take them off. He pushed me up and took my clip off. My blonde hair tumbled onto my shoulders. I laid back down and my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart thump quickly. He was either drunk or had lost his mind. He would never call me in the middle of the night to be his teddy bear. I guess I was too lazy to notice that earlier. He rotated onto his right side so he could see me. His hand rested on my back pulling me closer to him. He was looking relaxed. I was starting to feel self conscious the way he was looking at me again. I turned my gaze to his posters.
This story will be continued after this chapter! Later because I have to finish the new chapter.
Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. Brandon. My heart skips a beat when I say, hear, see, or think about him. You can say obsessed but you can't when he's kissed you himself. Well, he kinda did. Never Mind! You just read.
*Football players and Cheerleaders Party*
We won the championships. I mean they won the championships. I was in the bleachers watching the football game. I'm obsessed with football. It's my life. I love tackle or two touch. Flag football is okay but I play it anyways because that's the only football team they have for girls. I would've been at home, watching Green Bay vs. Minnesota. But I decided to watch the school game anyways. I'M NOT at the party or anything because I hate high school parties. They've got tequila, tobacco, weed, needles and everything that's going to make you high running over there. People say it's just me being a chicken and everything. They laugh at me too. But y'all not going to be laughing when you lyin' in hospital bed.
I'm at home. Alone. I've got nothin' to do. So I'm playing black opps alone. Zombie mode. I was thinking I should go watch Taken 2 or Wreck it Ralph but it's just not fun going to the movies alone, you know what I mean. I want to have fun, too. All my friends are gone to the party. I told them I had a game to play and they told me to come but I ignored. The phone rang and I picked it up. I pressed my shoulder to my ear and played black opps.
"I thought you were at your football game!"
"I'm sorry but the line is occupied right now. Please try again later." I cut the phone and went back to my game. I was thinking of watching paranormal activity but alone, no way. I was hungry, so I paused my game and went into the kitchen to eat something. I pulled out a can of Pepsi from the fridge and a bag of smartpop. My mom was gone to a buissness trip in London, Britain. My dad lives separately in Newfoundland. My mom doesn't trust him so she has a baby sitter for us. The baby sitter, apparently didn't show up so we're alone.
It's ten o' clock now. So I'm going to watch Green Bay vs. Minnesota. The lights go out. Great. Perfect. Then the TV. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME! *SOB* I FROWN. Right when I'm about to watch the game, great. I pick up the phone and call my dad. "Hey sweetheart." he answers. "Dad, the lights went out and the TV's not working." I complained. The line went dead. Great. No connection? I'm having the funnest day of my life. *Sarcastic* I walk outside into the warmth. I wonder if I have any flashlights. I open the garage and step into our empty garage. I climb onto the top of a rack and try to reach for a box. It was still to far up. "Need help?" joked a voice. I ignored. Somebody put me on the ground and reached for the box with no hesitation. It was Brandon. My brother's best friend. I thanked him and took the box. I rummaged through it looking for a flashlight. It was full of old comic books and old sports almanacs. My brother came in. "Why are you back?" I asked them pulling out an old dusty flashlight. I hoped it worked. "We were here to get HALO. The guy who was bringing it forgot it." he explained going inside. "Forget it. No power in the house." I told him. He frowned. I threw the flashlight to him. "What am I supposed to do with this?" he asked me. "Go fix the power or somein'. " I shrugged. He threw it back at me. "No way I'm going in the basement. Besides, you're the one who fixes everything!" he argued. I sighed and went inside. I heard them snicker. In another life, I would make you go away, so I won't have to say you were the one that got to stay, the one that got to stay. I hummed it over and over again in my head as I went down the stairs to the basement. The control power box was in front of the steps so I swung it open and beamed my flashlight at it. My flashlight flickered and it went out. I clambered back up to the ground floor to get batteries or something. I looked in the kitchen cabinets but found nothing. I walked outside to the garage and rummaged through the same old battered up box looking for batteries or hopefully another flashlight. "Well, we're going." announced my brother, Nathan. He was holding our new game that we got about two weeks ago. HALO 4. "Wow. You're such a great brother. I really appreciate you." I sarcastically thanked him, rummaging through the battered up box. "What do you expect me to do?" he asked me shrugging. "What normal brothers do. Go get me some batteries." I ordered him. Technically, he was a year older than me but I treated him like he was three years younger than me. "Yeah, right. I got a game to play, later." he said walking out. I rolled my eyes. "You coming?" asked Brandon walking backwards looking at me. "No. I'm going to the movies. Alone." I answered him. "Have fun." he encouraged me walking with his skateboard in his hand. "I will." I told him. He smirked at me. I remembered I had made a project in grade 8 to create light. It was in my closet. I ran inside and up the stairs. My room had this glow to it as if God was my roommate or the person who lied there was God.(I'm not saying I'm not god heh hehe!) I then stopped and felt a sudden wave of laziness. I thought I should go down to Starbucks or something. I changed into a nice outfit (I dunno why?) and headed downstairs. *To check it out, click on this link http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63773925 Tell me if it doesn't work!* I walked out the door and headed for Starbucks. It wasn't windy or anything but I held onto my new Bites Brim Hat by Vans. I loved it. Starbucks was a few corners away but I took my time. They also had Wi-fi there so, yay me! No. Not really. I was just trying to be girly. I ordered a coffee and connected my iPhone to the internet. I went onto pinterest.com and pinned around there. Then I went onto twitter and tweeted there. The final place I went was facebook and I guess I did something there. I left when I finished my coffee and headed out to the movie theater. Did I mention they had an arcade in there too? If there wasn't any movie playing, I'd probably just play a shootout. I checked the showtimes. They had Paranormal Activity playing ten minutes from now. I guess I could go. Besides, Paranormal activity doesn't scare me!
Brandon's POV:
I walked into the movie theater looking for Christina. She was at home, wasn't she? She was looking through the junk box when I left. The whole prank was going to fail. Tonight. I spotted her walking towards the line. Damn. She was looking pretty. I jogged and stopped beside her. "Hey." she said greeting me, clearly surprised. "Hi. Weren't you supposed to be at home fixing the power thing....?" I asked. She shook her head. "No thanks. I decided I'm going to watch paranormal activity." she shrugged. Paranormal Activity? Those movies freaked me out good. "But you should really go home." I insisted like a fool. She gave me the look that said what are you talking about or are you crazy??? "No thanks. I decided if everybody else gets to have fun, then I do too." she smiled. Damn. Again. Her smile. "Ahhh, your brother said he'll call your mom if you don't come back." I said trying to remember what Nathan told me to say. She shook her head. "I don't care. If he tells mom that I'm watching a movie alone, I'll tell her that he left me alone in a house without power and went to party with his friends." threatened Christina. "Are you watching, or no?" she asked me. Her turn was next. My mind went completely blank. "Yea." I said with a black vision of what terrible nightmares I was going to have. She pulled out her credit card and handed it to the girl at the desk. Christina looked at me. I smiled like a jerk AND a jock. She bought popcorn and two drinks for us and we headed into the dark theater. I gulped. "Are you alright, Brandon? You look a little...pale?" man she had good night vision.
Jake POV:
I woke up to find, Taylor in my bed. I panicked and looked under the covers. We were still dressed. Thank god. I don't know what gets into me when I get high. Well, Taylor was using my chest as a pillow and I was using her as a teddy bear. My head was killing me. Today...was Sataurday? No Sunday. Yeah, Sunday. Taylor stretched and yawned but then went back to my chest and to sleep. Wow. I never knew she was a heavy sleeper by the way she annoyed me all the time, no. Memories of yesterday came rushing back to me. I remember walking into a party... that's it. Before that, I remember kissing Taylor for some reason. Don't remember the reason why. I try to get up but Taylor hanged onto me. I gently tugged her arms off of me and rested her head onto the bed. I got up, with a heavy head. I walked into the washroom wearily. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I took a quick bath and changed into new clothes. I combed my hair and straightened my collar. I stepped out of the washroom expecting Taylor to be sitting up in bed and yawning. But, no. She was still asleep. I walked over to her and poked her in the side. She groaned and hid her head under my pillow. "Wake up, you're in my bed." I informed her. She groaned something back in groan language. It sounded like she was sayin I know. I poked her again. "lemme go to sleep..." she mumbled. I poked her on her arm. "Feel my pain of having you follow me around everyday. Wake up!" I cried. She sat up on her knees responding to my voice with my blanket on her head. I tried to pull it off so I could see her face but she kept it on with her hands. " I don't want you to see me, I'm too ugly." she said with a crack in her voice. I raised my eyebrows at her. Or the blanket. What HAPPENED when I was high? "When did I say that?" I asked her. She reached for her hoodie but I grabbed it first. "First, you have to show me your face." I told her. She dropped her hands to her sides. I pulled the blanket off of her like she was some time machine covered with a checkered blanket. She was up on her knees with her blonde hair over her face so I couldn't see her face. I rolled my eyes. Girls and their self conscious selfs. She got up and walked out of the room. She came back. She picked up her shoes, clip and reached for the sweater in my hand. I put it up in the air where she couldn't reach it. She stood there with her hair in front of her face. She was looking at the ground. Man, if I had said something wrong last night, it was really bad. "Can I have my sweater back...now?" her voice cracked and wasn't the usual cheerful. I lowered my hand and put it out for her. She slumped and took it. She walked out of my room, down the front stairs, and out the door. I knew I should have stopped her and asked her what's wrong but...this is the first day in a century without her annoying cheerful voice. I thought I might enjoy it.
Later on....
I was wrong. Having Taylor around was fun for a while but now it's just boring. I'm used to hearing her laugh and annoy me. I never knew there would be a day in my life that I would miss her. I miss her. I admit it. It's no fun without her. Even though, she's annoying and is like a stalker but lets look at the positive side. She's positive. She's funny. She makes me miss her. She's annoying. No that would be on her negative side. But when she's annoying, she's cute. So that would be on both of her sides. I called her. She didn't pick up. I texted her. She didn't text back. There's still two things I could do to get her attention...
4:44 p.m Taylor POV:
I can imagine Jake having a great time without my annoying self. I play temple run on my iPhone. He texted me before asking What's Wrong? Well, Jake, you don't know you talk in your sleep? Now you know. I heard everything you said. You don't like me, you like Riley. The cheerleader. Uggghhh. Lacrosse is way better. The doorbell rang, since I was the only one at home, I had to open it. I didn't care who it was or why they were here. I was fulfilling my duties. But I hope it's mom. I tried calling her and everything but she wouldn't pick up or she would just cancel my call. I paused my temple run game and walked over to the door to open it. It was Jake. I opened the door. "Hey," he said to me. "Hi." I said enthusiastically. I tried. Jake shook his head. "Somethin's wrong. You're usually happy." he observed. I shrugged and put on a fake smile. Jake walked in and pressed me against the door. He grinded against me. I looked around. It was too hard to look him in the eye and talk. He put his head in my view. I looked down, which wasn't much to look at since his body was pressed against mine. I looked up at him. "Please, Jake. Nothing's wrong with me." I assured him. Nothing was wrong with me. Really. I was hoping he would buy it but he didn't. I looked at his hair. His fourth stunner.
Jake's Stunners
1. His Green eyes
2. His six pack abs
3. His smile
4. His hair
5. His voice
7. Did I mention eyes?
8. His Jockiness
9. I dunno. Himself I guess.
Jake's hair was awesome and amazing. It was swag. Jet black and green eyes. Reminded me of Percy Jackson. Annabeth was soooooo lucky (Percy's girlfriend.). I wanted to touch his hair when I first moved here. Wish I could......
Christina's POV:
I clambered out of the movie theater and into the open, cool air. Man, it was stuffy in there. "Do you ever laugh?" asked Brandon. I shook my head. I don't laugh much. Or smile at the ground. Or enter a room with people staring at me. Paranormal Activity was okay. I didn't scream at all. It was... loud. I guess. I was going to go to the movie rental down the street to rent Paranorman or Brave or What to Expect When You're Expecting or Snow White and The Huntsman. I was thinking of Titanic. "Woah. Aren't we going back to your house?" asked Brandon pointing to the left when I walked towards the right. "I've gotta rent a movie." I told him. Brandon came racing after me. "But we just watched a movie!" he argued. I shrugged. "I know. But it's only like Ten thirty. I still have time for one more." Brandon rolled his eyes. We walked into the rental store. They were just about to close. I walked into the store looking for all the movies I thought of. My mind raced when I saw Battleship. I grabbed it and grabbed The Three Stooges. I rented them and quickly left. I had rented the worst movies but that was alright. I wanted to watch Battleship badly. I didn't get to when it was in theaters. We walked back to my house as it got darker and darker and darker. The lights were on in the house when we reached home. I walked in, surprised to see Jocks all over the place in the TV room. I walked up the stairs quickly trying not to catch attention. Nobody looked at me anyways. I walked into my room but then stopped. No way my brother wouldn't take advantage of me gone. I looked behind me and took a step back. I turned on the lights to see ketchup, mayo, white bread slices, lettuce and tomatoes all over my bed. Around my bed, there was ketchup outlined and tomato slices forming into a smile in front of me. I should have stayed home. Jocks were going to be jocks. *comment if you agree with me!* I looked up at the ceiling to see nothing. I had to make sure everything else in my room was okay. I opened my closet to see ketchup all over my clothes. Anger was building up inside me. What am I supposed to wear to go to sleep? What am I supposed to wear tomorrow? I clenched my fists. Then I remembered. My not necessarily dirty clothes pile. I looked down but there was ketchup on that too. But at the very bottom, they probably won't be. I carefully lifted my ketchup stained clothes and put them to the side. At the bottom, there were my pajamas. Perfectly clean. But a bit wrinkled but that was alright. I walked into the bathroom and pulled them on. I stepped out and went downstairs. I reached for the home phone. Nathan smacked my hand away. "Who are you calling?" he asked me raising his shoulders and narrowing his eyes at me. "Dad. I've got to tell him I've got to go buy some new clothes tomorrow." I told him. Nathan laughed. He had planned the sandwich attack. I was going to do nothing like that to him. Nathan shook his head while smiling. I reached for the phone but Nathan grabbed it first. "A-a-a! YOU are not getting this. He threw it to the one of the jocks laughing. I shrugged. "Alright then." I told him and walked away looking for my iPhone. Then I stopped and turned around. A kid sat on the sofa disabling my phone. I grabbed it out of his hands and walked away. My iPhone was disabled for five hours! I wanted to cry. Though, I don't. I don't cry. I don't laugh. I don't be mad. Deal with it. I walked up the stairs and tried to turn it on but it won't. Brandon came out of the washroom and looked at me when I walked up the stairs. "I told you we should go home." nagged Brandon. He was right. I was wrong. I slowly walked into the guest room. Luckily, nobody was there. Brandon entered after me. He sludged against the wall and crossed his arms. I sat there in front of him with my head in my hands. "Go join your jock friends." I told him. I looked up to see him with a hurt look on his face. "You consider me a jock?" he asked me. I shook my head. "No. Not you. I consider your friends, jocks." I remarked and went back to the classic depressing gesture of my head in my hands. I felt the bed bounce as Brandon sat down beside me. He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and placed into my lap. I peeked through my fingers to see him cross his arms over his chest and have the look on his face saying "I can't believe I'm doing this." I looked down at his phone and picked it up. "I promise I won't get you in trouble but your friends will." I said grinning and passing it to him to unlock his iPhone. He typed the password in and passed it to me. I quickly dialed in dad's number. "Hello?" said my dad unwillingly. He didn't know who it was because of the caller ID. "Hey, dad. It's Christina. Remember I called you earlier? Well, I'm calling you again from my new best friend's phone. He's like- the best." I said escaping a quick glance at Brandon who was biting his lip to keep himself from blushing to death. It was a once in a lifetime chance to hear those words come outta my mouth. If you were lucky enough. Which you aren't. Ha ha! I jokes. "That's great dear. Wait, did you say that your best friend is a guy?" my dad didn't like me hanging out with guys all the time but mom was fine with it. She was always teasing me about my "empty" love life. She made it feel and look like that love life was a lemonade jug and the lemonade was the relationship. As it got filled to the rim, that meant you were seriously in love while when it was empty, you were a loner as I like to say a "One-man army". "No. Did I say he? I meant she. Her name's- uh Brittania. She's great at football like me and loves to party unlike me. She's a good friend of Nathan." I covered up. Brandon narrowed his eyes at me. I gave him an apologetic look and a shrug. "Why are you calling from her phone? Don't you have your own?" asked my dad. "That's why I called you! Nathan's throwing this huge jock party" I mouthed the words 'you're not a jock' to Brandon and continued "And while I was gone to go- um get some more batteries, he converted my bed room into a lunch box and that's like changing genders. Awkward isn't it? Then he didn't let me call you or mom and disabled my phone and he did that creepy laugh and borrowed Bran- Brittania's iPhone." I blew out a deep breath. There was a long pause after my dad spoke again. "Where is your mother?" he asked me slowly and carefully as he would've done when I lost my $300 worth skateboard in Central Park when I was ten and they weren't divorced. "She's gone to a meeting and she told this babysitter to come but she didn't come. So I'm surrounded by jocks everywhere! Except for Brittania." I explained. I used my six year old voice when I did it. It made it sound more dramatic. "That b**** leaving my baby alone with Nathan." I frowned when he called mom a female dog but smiled again when he called me his baby and Nathan, Nathan. "Don't worry, kid. I'll call yer mom and uuuhhhh, tell her that Nathan's gone wild again." I rolled my eyes. "Dad. I could've done that too. If you could-" the line went dead. I gave the phone back to Brandon. He was just as happy as I was *sarcastic just in case you don't know.* Brandon shrugged at me and gave me the look saying "You're just as weird as I thought you weren't." What should we do now?" I shrugged back at him. I was stuck in a situation where there was no way out.
Taylor POV:
My mouth tastes like granite. I know it does. Because it's my mouth. I clamber up the stairs and hide behind my bedroom curtains as I watch Jake talk to Riley. She's weird. When I look at her, something's always up in her face. One day, her face is blue with sparkles and everything. Next day, she's wearing golden makeup. Day after, it's the silver thing you outline your eyes with, what is called again? eyeliner or something. I watch as she trails her long red nailed finger down his abs. I narrow my eyes at her. I should be the one standing there, doing that. But not holding that huge pink purse with a dog in it. That's too pink and too puppyish. And not me. I can see Jake smirking and laughing as he or Riley pull a stupid joke. I crumble to the ground, against the wall. I knew he liked Riley. More of loved her. I was just a stupid, blonde headed girl in his way. I can tell, if he had to chose between me and Riley to marry, it would be Riley. She's literally perfect. For a girl. I try to get hold of my mom again but she's not responding. I like New York better. California sucks. No. Minnesota is the best. I get up and catch a glimpse of a car pulling away from Jake's driveway. The car had two people in it. I'm pretty sure it's Jake and Riley. I give up. I admit it. I'm a loser. I'm another stupid, annoying girl who has no life or rights over sexy guys. I'm nobody. Just like I was before.
8:45 p.m
I've been trying to reach mom for the past half hour but she's not picking up. It's late now and I'm starting to get the creeps alone at home. It's actually kinda creepy alone. My mom and dad split up a decade ago. My mom got me and my dad got my brother. Same thing happened with my cousin, Christina. Except, her mom got her and her brother. Her dad's free to roam. Just like me. Another thing that's been taunting me is Jake's promise. He said he was having a movie at his place at 5. I'm not sure if he's back or not but that's what's mimicking me too. I'm worried about him. But I shouldn't be. But sexy guys like him were meant to attract attention. My doorbell rings. Great. I'm so happy to have some company right now. I get up and walk towards the door. I open it without looking through the keyhole. I want an abductor to abduct me. I want a kidnapper to kidnap me. That way, I get to avoid Jake and my family. Two bottles shot with one bullet. Fortunately, it's my brother. Blake. "Blake! What are you doing here in California?" I ask him while throwing my arms around him. Blake hugs me back. "Listen, we've got a problem. Mom ditched you and she's all the way in Dublin with her legally married husband. I think you're my sister because you look like her and dad's gone after her." Blake explains in a rush of words. My mouth drops open. "You're playing a joke on me. Mom would never do that to me. She..." I gulp. Would she? I flash back to when I last saw her. She was wearing those kinda clothes you wear when you're travelling. She was holding...a duffel bag. She... looked happy but.... I know something is wrong. "Mom is mom. Remember the time when she beat me to death when I came back late from an after school basketball game? To tell you the truth, mom is not mom. The mom that you've been living with is not our mom." I squint my eyes at him. I can't believe what he's saying. Mom is not my mom? "What I mean is, she's our mom's sister. Our aunt. Our mom died when she- never mind. I'll explain this to you later. Pack your things, we're going over to Uncle Matt's. Dad told us we're staying there while he's gone to deal with our fake mom. Go! Pack!" he tells me. He closes the door behind us while I go upstairs to pack my things. I pull out a loose nike duffel bag and throw it onto my bed. Blake walks into the room and glares at me. "Pack your things faster! We're going to miss our flight!" he yells at me checking his watch. I randomly pull out a buch of random clothes and stuff them into my bag. I take a pair of combat boots, indoor soccer shoes and a blue white and gray checkered scarf and stuff them all into my bag. I run into my washroom and grab my toothbrush, hair brush, lotion and run back and stuff them all into my bag. I zip it up. Surprisingly, it all fits. We both run down the stairs and fling open the door. Blake's rental car, a mustang GT is waiting for us. Blake grabs my hand and we both run towards it. Blake climbs into the driver's seat and I climb into the shotgun. I see Riley's car pull up on Jake's driveway. Jake gets out of the car and is laughing with Riley. He notices the mustang and my open door. He looks surprised, then raises his hands clearly asking where I'm going. "I'll tell you later!" I shout to him. He drops his hands but he still looks suspicious. I close my door and blow a breath out as me and my brother race towards the airport. Blake's phone rings. He pulls it out. It's a samsung galaxy. He answers it, mumbles and then cuts it. "New plan. Uncle Matt un-volunteers himself from babysitting us." informs Blake. "We either wait until tomorrow to go over to Nathan's house, they've got a babysitter babysitting them or we stay at your place or take advantage and go to Greece for no reason at all." Blake lists the options with a shrug. Blake is not really a jock. He has blonde hair and blue eyes like me and a medium build. He's very handsome and cute as the girls' call him. He's not as smart in school as he is with soccer. And he's really, really, really nice. Way nicer than Nathan. Sometimes, I feel bad for Christina. I play around with my charm bracelet. "It's up to you." I shrug. I can tell that he wants to take advantage but he won't. "We'll go over to Nathan's tomorrow but that means we're staying over at yours today." I nod in agreement. We drive back home and I open the door to show Blake around. I show him around the kitchen, the family room, my fake mom's office, then we go upstairs. I give him the spare, extra room at the end of the hall. While he goes freshen's up, I sit downstairs and think of what I should make for dinner. That's when the door bell rings. I look at who it is in the port hole or whatever it's called. It's Jake. I open the door. Jake blows a breath out. "Listen, we've got to talk." I SHRUG. "Okay." I say and let him in. We walk into the kitchen and I flip through a cookbook looking for recipes. "Who is that guy?" asks Jake getting to the point. "That's my brother." I answer simply. "What is he doing here?" asks Jake.
"There's some problems going on between our parents."
"Where were you guys going to go?"
"To my uncle's house."
"Your mom's not home?"
"Can I join you for dinner?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"You okay?"
"What are we having for dinner?"
"I have to tell you something."
"Go ahead."
"I'm not single anymore."
Boom. My heart blasts to pieces. Ouch. That's going to take some time to heal. I smile. "Who you hook up with?" I ask enthusiastically. Jake hesitates. "Riley." he answers blushing. "You love her!" I tease poking him in the arm. Jake blushes. "Yeah." he agrees. Owwww. He agreed with me. That just gave me a heart attack.
Taylor POV:
I pulled out our lasagna and served it to Blake and Jake. Their names rhymed but Blake looked a bit anxious to leave then eat dinner with me and Jake. At last, I sat down with my dinner in the middle. We ate our dinner in silence. I had introduced them to each other but all they did was smile and shake each other's hands. I turned in the TV to allow some sound to break the silence. I put on AFV. Then I changed it to Wipeout. Idea! A light bulb flickered over my head. I changed it to the football channel. Jake and Blake both like football. That should get them to become friends or something. Their gazes turned to the TV. "Who do you support in NFC east?" asked Jake to Blake. "New York Giants." answered Blake suddenly interested in their silent conversation. "You?" asked Blake. "New York." said Jake flashing a grin. They picked up their plates and headed for the couch. I didn't stop them. They started talking about some random statistics and gibberish. I blew a breath out. That was over now but my heart wasn't feeling any better about Riley. I stared down at my UN-finished lasagna. I wasn't in the mood for eating anymore. Small cries consumed every inch of my body. I tugged at my sweater's collar. Butterflies were trapped in my stomach and I felt like I was going to break down like a broken car any moment. I decided to text Christina but I doubted she would respond to me. She was always watching some football game or gone to watch a movie alone. I sighed. The only thing left to do was lie down on my bed and stare up at my cheap, plastic, glow in the dark stars stuck on my ceiling. Wow. I should really get a life.
Christina POV:
I rolled my eyes as I joined the guys downstairs. I don't know why Brandon had suggested this. This was the worst night ever. I would've rather joined my friends at the party rather than this. I could probably go in the basement but last time I went there, I found a jock snuggling with his girlfriend. I have the worst life ever. There's always outside but I don't trust my bro anymore. For some reason, I am thinking of revenge. I hear a police siren pass our house outside. Probably here to arrest my brother or something. But when I look out, the police car passes our house down our street towards the party. I shrug. If my friends were going to get arrested tonight, they will. They deserve it. We went through this whole thing in middle school on how drugs are bad for us and stuff but they still drink beer and alcohol even though they're underage. That's why they should get a life. I make my way towards the fridge and Nathan blocks me. "Going somewhere?"
"Yea. Up your ass. Now let me get something to eat." I try to shove past him but he just grabs hold of wrists. "You call dad?" he asks raising an eyebrow.
"Yea. I did. What are you going to do about it?" I pull back my wrists and take a step back. "Mi querida hermana, trata de entender.***My beloved sister, try to understand: it's in spanish!***" Nathan smiles innocently in Spanish. Spanish makes him look innocent and good. "He's gone out with Miranda!" Nathan grins with gestures of his hands. "Who's Miranda?" I ask cautiously and stupidly. "Mi querda hermana, Miranda is a sex worker." explains Nathan like he's talking to a a child. "Pfff, dad would never do that..." I finish my sentence in silence. Would He? "Mi querda hermana, he's a sensation on porn sites!" cries Nathan. "You go on porn sites?" I ask disgusted and taking a step back. "What- n-no! Tyler does! He said he saw this video of our dad having it with a whore!" shouts Nathan. The jocks look back and stare at us. "Let's go talk in the living room." Nathan drags me out of the room holding my arm gently. Which is surprising because he never holds me gently or ever does anything nice to me. I catch Brandon look at me as we leave the kitchen. He mouths: Where are you going? to me. I shrug in response. Brandon frowns. Nathan takes me into our study room instead. "Okay, so what you're saying is, Dad's in a relationship with a whore?" I ask steadily. Nathan nods slowly. I fall onto a chair. Suddenly, I'm starting to believe my brother. "No, no, no, no. This isn't possible..." I look up at my brother. Nathan pulls out his iPhone and hands it to me. "Obviously he would answer our calls..." I reach for his phone slowly....
Taylor POV:
I'm confused. What should I do? I can't leave Jake alone! But at the same time...my brother is so important to me. But Jake has a girlfriend. But she's a whore! Who cares-? I do! Well he's the one who made the decision! But did you not ever hear of GIRLS GO TO COLLEGE TO GET MORE KNOWLEDGE WHILE BOYS GO TO JUPITER TO GET MORE STUPIDER! Boys have no brains! So what?
WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SO WHAT?! HE'S LIKE- chill. You're being super over obsessive right now.
My brain battles on with my heart. I sigh. I decide to go with my brain. It's right. Jason already has a girlfriend that he chose. Whether she's a b*tch or whore or not. I don't care. I clamber down the stairs holding my nike duffel bag I re-packed. Blake's sitting on the couch casually, watching an Italian soccer game. I roll my eyes. What happened to Lacrosse? Blake's eyes light up as I approach him with my bag. "Ready?" he asks me. I smile and nod. Blake smiles back. We head out the front door and into his car. We take our seats that we took last time. Jake had texted me this morning that he was gone out with Riley. I rolled my eyes at it.
Text: me
Images: Google
Publication Date: 11-18-2012
All Rights Reserved
To All Overprotective Bfs.
P.S We all GFs Love you!