Winifred dipped her feather into the ink and finished her homework. She placed her homework onto her dressing table and cleaned her study desk. She saw children playing outside, including her brother, James. Winifred saddened. Today, at school, Crasantha had teased her and made fun of her. Crasantha compared her red hair and blue eyes with Winifred's black hair and green eyes. Winifred didnt want to think about it anymore. From the inside, Winifred felt really hurt from the outside Winifred stayed completely quiet. She didn't want to fight. Winifred then went to her closet and started organizing it. She hated her new neighbourhood. She liked it better in HonsCity. it wasn't a city but that's what they called the town. Dalesville was great and all but Winifred had no friends to talk to, to laugh with, to walk home with. A ball landed in Winifred's room. Winifred picked up the ball and heard her brother call out her name. She walked towards the window and looked around. "Hey, Peacherino! Over Here!" called out a boy. Winifred knew what Peacherino meant. It was slang for pretty girl. Winifred smiled and rolled the ball down the roof and it landed in James hands. Winifred went back to organizing her closet. This time the ball came back and hit her Harem skirt. Winifred picked the ball up again and rolled it down the roof. James caught it again. The ball came back and this time it hit her ink bottle. Winifred gasped. She picked up the ink covered ball and went to the window but the boys already had their ball. "um... James!" called out Winifred. James turned around and the boys looked at her straightening their jockey hats. "Someone threw this inside!" she told him. "It spilt your ink?" he asked. Winifred nodded. "Well, send it down. More balls, more fun." he said. Winifred rolled it down the roof and James caught it. He studied it. "This is definitely not ours. Our balls are only from Maxi this is... Something else" said James. The boys went back to playing with two balls this time. Winifred started cleaning up the mess. She heard a faint whisper. "Leave...while you have time...he will kill you." Winifred turned around but no one was there, she knew the boys couldn't imitate a girl's voice. Besides, she'd heard it right next to her. "Must have been my imagination." she assured herself."Winifred! Come down for Dinner, honey!" called Winifred's mother. Winifred suddenly felt the room tempeture drop and a chill went down her spine. The wind picked up outside blowing leaves all over the place and some went into her room. Then it all stopped. It didn't slow down but stopped. Winifred went down the stairs, she felt like she was being watched. Winifred walked into the kitchen. " Winifred, dear, call your brother James." said Her mother. Winifred walked out the kitchen and into the corridor she got that feeling again, of being watched. She turned around and saw something standing ontop of the stairs. The figure was dark when Winifred got closer to the stairs, it was gone. Winifred straightened her shoulders and went to call James. She opened the door and stepped outside. "James!" she called. "What is it now?" he asked annoyed. Winifred and James were both twelve years old but James was a month older than her. "Come in for dinner." she ordered. James sighed and walked into the house. He threw his jockey cap to Winifred. "Put this in the closet for me." he commanded. Winifred threw the jockey cap back at him. "It's your hat, not mine." she laughed and walked into the dining room and sat down into a chair. "Hello, father." she greeted. Her father looked up from his newspaper. "Hello, my Winnie." he greeted back. "My name is not Winnie, father." she corrected.
Winifred's mother brought in fresh stew and Brussels sprouts. James and Winifred groaned. They hated brussels sprouts. "Mother, you promised you won't feed us Brussels sprouts on mondays!" reminded James. "Did I?" giggled their mother. Winifred and James ate their dinner very slowly. After all, they didn't want to choke on their sprouts.
Winifred woke up at the sound of her father walking down the stairs. She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes. She checked her clock watch. She could see very well in the dark. It was 5:39. Winifred stretched. She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep now. So She decided to wake up anyways. She walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. The floor was freezing cold, sending a chill up Winifred's spine. She left her hair open and walked down the stairs. The lights weren't on downstairs. She walked down the corridor anyways. She yawned and turned on the lights. She thought she saw figure move in the kitchen. Winifred walked into the kitchen and screamed. There were hairy spiders crawling everywhere. Her brother came dashing after her. He turned on the kitchen lights. The spiders went everywhere. Not their way but off the ground onto the counters. Her brother walked slowly towards the kitchen window, letting a strong gale in. He moved back and the spiders went crawling outside which was not normal. He shut the window with a slam. "What is with this house!" he questioned nobody. "Where's mother and father?" asked Winifred. Her scream was loud enough to wake the whole street which it probably did. James shrugged. James walked upstairs o check on them while Winifred checked if their father's car was outside or if he was in the wooden shed in the backyard. James walked into their mother and father's room. He saw shadows of two girls on the wall from the light coming through the door, staring at his parents asleep. The shadows turned their heads around to look at him. They peeled off the wall as if they were posters and walked toward him. James blinked. The shadows were gone... so were his parents. James woke up in bed with Winifred in her room. James fell out of bed taking the blanket with him. He looked outside. His parents' cars were there. He stood up and looked at Winifred. She was still in bed fast asleep. He could hear his parents' voices downstairs. He put the blanket back on the bed and went downstairs. He smelled pancakes. He walked into the dining room but no one was there. As he got closer to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes faded. In fact, there were no pancakes. That part was a bit disappointing. "Hmm, weird." he whispered to himself. "It would be when our parents are sleeping upstairs when it's almost seven." said a familiar voice behind him. He turned around to find Winifred stretching and yawning. "Oh, I thought- never mind. Did you have a nice dream?" he asked. Winifred hesitated. "If you would give a scenario of hairy spiders in a kitchen or walking outside and being locked in the cold in the word nice... then, yes. I did have a nice dream." responded Winifred. "I had the same dream! So I woke up hearing someone walking down the stairs. Then I heard a scream. I ran downstairs to see you and a kitchen full of hairy spiders. Then we went to look for our parents. You went to go check for father in the shed, outside. While, I went upstairs to see if they were there in their bedroom." remembered James. "I had the same dream, too! But is'nt father supposed to be at work by 7:30?" she asked. James and Winifred went running up the stairs to wake their parents up like they used to do when they were four on Christmas. James flipped onto the bed. Their parents groaned. "Is it Christmas already?" asked their father. James and Winifred laughed together. "No, silly. You're late for work. It's seven!" they shouted together. Their father checked the clock then nearly jumped out of bed hurrying to the washroom. "Oh my, George. I haven't seen you running like this since highschool." commented their mother, Mariana. Their father mumbled something while brushing. Winifred walked to her room to get ready for another day of school. Meaning, another day with Crasantha
William ran down the stairs to be greeted by his (Stupid) scowling sister. William walked around her avoiding her death stare. She followed him into the kitchen. "When I woke up this morning, I found the radio on a different station." she stated. William rolled his blue eyes. His Aunt, Jemicia smiled at him. William smiled back. He saw a plate of fruit salad waiting to be eaten. William ooed and ahhed at it. He sat down beside his quiet cousin, Joyce. She blushed at the sight of him looking at her. William took his fork and got ready to dig into the delicious fruit salad. "Don't eat that, honey. It's your father's lunch." said William's mother walking into the dining room."And what's with your hair? It reminds me of Hurricane Harold." she added. William ran his hand through his blonde hair and winked at her. "It's called loveliness at last." he described. William took his fork and dug into the fruit salad and gobbled it down. "Anna? You have my lunch ready?" asked William's father treading down the stairs. William's mother, Anna looked at William. William wiped his mouth on one of the napkins and sat up pushing the plate towards Joyce and taking her cereal instead. He placed the bowl to his lips and chugged down the milk and cereal. The radio in the family room blasted to it's full volume. William's father, Andy walked into the kitchen and saw Joyce nibbling on his fruit salad. He sighed and made a clucking sound with his tongue three times. He looked disappointed. William was too. He was disappointed because he couldn't finish the fruit salad. "Jemicia? You've got to tell your daughter to stop eating my fruit salad. William, you've got to stop chugging cereal down like that." ordered William's father. William burped extra loud. Louder than last time. "Eww." Joyce wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Where's Uncle Harold? He leave early?" asked William checking his reflection in the mirror. "Yep. William, what's with your hair? It reminds me of Hurricane Harold!" cried William's father. Everyone looked at each other. That was exactly what mother had said. Like his father, William was very handsome. Even though his hair was in a mess, he looked the best all the time. "I gotta go now. I've got to catch the Hurricane Harold to explain my hair." William rolled his eyes. "I'll drop you off." said Aunt Jemicia standing up and wiping her hands on a handkerchief. William nodded. He grabbed his bag and made sure his homework was in it. He grabbed Joyce and hoisted her onto his shoulders. She laughed. They walked out the front door with Aunt Jemicia on his heels.
Winifred sighed in annoyance. She got out of the car and looked around. James ran away to his friends. Winifred was left all alone. She looked behind her hoping to find the car still there but it was already driving away. Winifred blew her breath out. She walked towards a lonely tree. She sat down under it. She heard laughter near her. She saw Crasantha and a couple of girls laughing in her direction. Winifred ignored them and pulled out a novel she was reading. She flipped through the pages until she found the one she was at. The laughter of the girls turned into screams. Winifred looked up to see a spider hovering around their feet. They ran away. Winifred got up and walked towards it. She placed her hands down so it would crawl onto it. It slowly climbed her pinky onto her hand. Winifred stood up and carried back to where she was sitting. The whole playground had quieted down to watch her. They had never seen a girl hold a spider before. Winifred felt a shadow tower over her. Winifred looked up to see two girls looking down at her. One girl had pale skin, dark brown open hair and ice blue eyes. The second girl had strawberry orange hair and chocolate brown eyes. They were looking down at her very friendly. "Mind if we join you?" asked the one with the dark brown hair. "Go ahead." smiled Winifred. They sat down but looked nervously at the spider in Winifred's hand. "Oh." Winifred blushed and set the spider down onto the grass. "I'm Sharon." said the one with the brown hair."I'm Bonnie." said the one with the strawberry blonde hair. "I'm Winifred." said Winifred. She wanted to sound simple and pretend the name was very common among them. Sharon nodded and smiled. "Are you new here?" asked Bonnie raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I am" responded Winifred. She heard laughter and a car honk. She saw boys scrambling and girls fixing their hair and flirting. Bonnie and Sharon smiled. Winifred looked confusingly at the crowd around the car that had arrived. "What's going on?" she asked Bonnie and Sharon. "That's William." said Bonnie with her chocolate brown eyes sparkling with delight. "He's the most handsome kid in school and the best in sports." explained Sharon. "There's Merabeth!" cried out Bonnie waving to a small figure walking towards them but they both had their gaze fixed on the crowd. Little Merabeth sat down beside them and joined them looking at the car. "Merabeth meet Winifred. Winifred meet Merabeth." introduced Sharon but her eyes were still fixed on the car and the crowd. Merabeth turned around to face Winifred. Merabeth smiled and blushed. "Hello." smiled Winifred. Little Merabeth had dark hair and dark eyes. Her face was ghost white. All four of them continued looking at the car. A figure stepped out. Winifred was surprised. This so-called William was handsome. He had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He grinned at his friends. And at Crasantha. Crasantha waved her hand back at him. Winifred looked away. This was very stupid. A huge crowd just to see him? thought Winifred. Winifred looked at her novel and kept reading. "He's looking at you!" whispered Bonnie excitedly to Winifred. "Hmm." agreed Winifred. She wasn't listening but she was listening. "Winifred, he's walking toward us!" cried out Sharon too excitedly. Winifred wanted to see if he was actually walking toward them. She looked up from her book to see him smiling directly at her. "Hey, Bonnie, Merabeth and Sharon. I think he's looking for you guys. I better leave." Winifred closed her novel and opened her bag to put it back in but William was quicker. He reached them before she could fit the novel back into her bag. "Hello, ladies. Mind if I steal your new friend for a while?" he asked. The three of the girls giggled, flirted and got up walking away slowly so they could hear the conversation. This was not good. The last time the most popular guy in the school came up to her was to ask her out on a date. Winifred had denied which resulted in cold stares and rumors. William sat down beside her. Winifred nervously looked at him. "You look nervous. Have you not talked to a boy before?" asked William. "Oh, no, I mean yes I have talked to a boy before but the last time I talked to the most handsome boy in the school...let's just say it didn't turn out very well." explained Winifred. William laughed. "So you're new here right?" he asked Winifred. Winifred nodded silently. William smiled a billion dollar worth smile. Winifred was about to faint but she didn't. The last popular boy she had met was very handsome but not as charming as William. If Winifred became a scientist, she would definitely study William. William frowned. Even his frown was amazing. "Yes, I am new." she nodded. The school bell rang. "Well, welcome to Cesent Square!" he said and ran away to hurry to class. Winifred got up, brushed herself off and hurried after him.
Bonnie, Sharon, Merabeth and Winifred sat down under the shade of a tree. It had R+Y and L+A an other algebraic expressions written all over it. Winifred sighed and stared at the tree trying to solve them even though she knew that they meant something else. A shuffle of voices grew louder towards them. Winifred looked away from the tree towards the crowd. It was Crasantha. Winifred rolled her eyes. "Not you again." she said annoyingly. Bonnie, Sharon and Merabeth looked equally annoyed. "Lawrence, I've seen her somewhere!" exclaimed Crasantha. Winifred still wished she had her spider. "I just found out that the difference between girls named Crasantha and a scalawag is not much?" shared Bonnie with them. Crasantha flicked her hair. "Amazing. My theory was correct, Maxwell." said Crasantha to one of the boys beside her. "Girls can be very arrogant when someone was being very polite." she said. Maxwell nodded. "Indeed." he commented. When did Crasantha become so polite? "Crasantha!" called out a teacher at the door. Crasantha rolled her eyes with her hands on her hip. "There's Miss. Stanly. You are safe for today you ignoble wretchs!" she insulted them by pointing her fore finger at them. "Keep on talking, you numbskull!" insulted back Winifred. Crasantha walked away glaring at them. "Numbskull? Never heard that one before. I like it." said a voice behind Winifred. Winifred looked behind her to see William there. "Go away whoever you are." said Winifred gritting her teeth. She hated how she was attracting attention all the time. "That's not polite at all. Crasantha's theory is correct. Girls can be very arrogant when someone is being very polite." smile-winked William. Just one more year and Winifred would be out of junior high and into highschool. No more recesses and time to deal with beautiful liars like William. Winifred got up and dusted herself off. She faced William. He had a sheepish smile dancing on his face. "What's your name?" asked Winifred politely. "WIIIIIILLLIIIIIAAAAAMMMMM. Yours?" William exaggerated his name. "Why?" Winifred crossed her arms across her chest and tilted her head to look at him. "Every beauty is named. You should be too. If you're not, I'll name you something like Herbert or Robert." grinned William. Winifred's friends giggled behind her. Winifred blushed when he referred to her as a beauty. "My name is offensive to me.I prefer to tell anyone." lied Winifred. William rolled his eyes with his sheepish smile still dancing across his face. "What's her name?" asked William to Winifred's friends as she sat down. "Winifred." they all answered in unison. William laughed. Winifred picked her novel up and left to go sit down somewhere else without William's annoying laughter and handsomeness.
Text: Ramneet Corp.
Publication Date: 10-18-2012
All Rights Reserved
To Saffira and Saffina