
Getting settle in my new life.

Hello,my name is Lexie.I am 17 years old,a sophomore in high school,I am currently on my way to my new home,where my step brother sky lives.You see the story is two years ago my Daddy met sky's mom in a business trip,they met and fell in love at first sight.Anyway the reason why im moving to my brother mansion(which my rich daddy gave it to him.)is because my parents are moving to England and I didn't want to leave north Carolina.Well my brother lives in the north area and i live all the way in the south area,so it going to take 5 hours to get there by my bike.
(yeah my ride is a motorcycle.)The only thing I packed was my full wardrobe,all my books and picture frames,and of course my green mustang,which the movers are taking care of that problem for i can enjoy my ride.I also wonder if my step brother will recognize me,the last time he saw me i wasn't fully grown,for crying out loud i was still 15.Since i enter high school i enter the track team and dance team,for a year and a half ive been training my body.Guys now doesn't seem to leave me alone,they describe me 5'4" give or take a couple inches,Long dark blonde hair,Green eyes,Lightly tanned skin,a nice slim body with all right curves.Well lets just say im looking foreword to what type of face he will make.2 HOURS TO GO.

Chris POV:
I just got off the phone with my mom telling me that my sister just left 3 hours ago and is currently now on her way,so that means she will be here in like 2 hours.I had the maids make her room just this morning by what my mom tolled what type of girl personality she has,so far all i got from her is that she does track and is a dancer,she likes pop and rock music,and her fav color is pink and black.The lexie I remember never left my side, always clinging to me like her puppy and master haha i chuckle in that thought.Well i always so her as my baby little sister even though she is only like 1 year younger then me. Well I need to protect her from the wolf's in this house.Yep im not the only person who lives here,i have 2 friends that i knew since childhood.Lexie never has met them.Damm I kinda feel sorry for her.I saw all the guys in the leaving watching some football.
''Hey guys can i have your attention.''They looked up at i knew there ready to listen.
''Listen my step sister will be here in like about 30 minutes,so can you guys give her a nice welcome when she comes?''These guys, including myself are the most popular guys in school,so i bet they will make fun of her or something.
''why is she ugly or a nerd type?''said Xavier with a smirk on his face.He has brown hair with green eyes that the lady's seem to like they all think his an angle,but of course that's all lies his actually a little devil.
''well i don't know the last time I saw her was when she was 15 years old,but that does not matter either way don't mock her or make fun of her.''Damm im getting nervous already.
''Dont worry im sure she will be fine.''that was sky his the hottest one from the whole group which is what all the lady's say and not to mention the most popular,I come 2nd and his also my best friend.But his a little player.After are little conversation was over,just at the right time i heard a motorcycle engine and so did the guys.So we all stand up from the couch And decided to open the door to go outside.
As soon i open the door i see a long slim body,with some nice legs,whoever this lady was she was wearing some jean shorts a tank top and a leather jacket,she was taking off her helmet and damm she was smock-in fine!
She was looking at us and she smiled at me,that smile seems familiar and i couldn't believe it im shocked in my vision.
she came running to me and jumping in my arm like how she used to she was so cute back then but now its kinda awkward.
''lexie is that you?''I still couldn't believe it she look at me with a huge grin in her face.
''Yep this is me in the flesh i missed you so much.

Sky pov:

Chris was opening the door and we all saw it was a chick,with very nice long legs and slim body.
Man i sure hope she is not lost or anything,i pray to god that is chris sister.I mean who wouldn't want such a hot babe around.
''Chris!''she came running to him and hugged him so tight.MAN! i wish i was chris at the moment and so are the guys there just looking at her with lust just like i am.But chris is the other hand is dead shock.
''lexie is that you?''when he said she put this huge grin on her face, seems she was expecting that.
''yep this is me in the flesh i missed you so much.''She has such a beautiful angelic voice,i wouldn't mind hearing that voice for my entire life.She is the most beautiful girl ive ever seen.I mean no girls in are school compares to her.

Lexie POV:

''chris its me,i haven changed that much.''Damm everyone in this house are so fine!! but i dont want it to look like i notice so i just focus on chris at the moment.
''yeah his fine lets just get you inside,the movers said they will be here in one hour so in the mean time why dont we go and get to know each-other.''A cute baby face with brown hair and green eyes was talking to me in the moment,aww his so cute.
''ok thank you.''I look up to his face and smile so innocently,he felt for it he melted in place.
they all got in and headed all to the living room.I sat in a one sit couch and the boys in the long sofa.there was so much silent in the air.
''so do you guys want to introduce yourself or should i start?''everyone seemed to nodded and i saw a very handsome face,he has such a nice muscular body and a slim face.His so handsome.Anyway.
''well ass you know im lexie i am currently 17 years old,a sophomore,i will be attending your school Tommarrow.In my last school i made the dance team and track team.And i wish to get along with every single one of you.''I smiled all angelic.They were drooling when i said i was in the dance team.I bet there imagining how i look in my dance outfits.What pervs.I chuckle at the thought about it.
''my name is sky,im 18 years old a senior in high school, im also the the captain of the football teams and the guys here are my 2 best friends since childhood and are in the football team.''so his name is sky such a cute name for him.
''nice to meet you sky i hope we can get along.''he smiled at the thought and look at the guy to his right,suggesting its his turn to chat.
''My name is xavier,im 18 years old also,and i like women.Hope to get along.''He shot me a lustful glaze that made me feel uncomfortable.Boft chris and sky smacked him in the face.
'' guys.''He complained and i started laughing that was way to funny.
''i hope to get along to but,not in that way your implying lover of women.''he heard my reply and got disappointed.But in the other hand sky put a huge grin on his face,i hope he likes me.ugh shit im bluffing.cough cough
''so um you guys im sorry but i had a long ride and im pretty tired,now if you Dont mind please excuse me,chris can you show me to my room.''I really am tired.You know what it is to drives for hours man my ass is hurting i just want to take shower and head to bed until the movers get here then im really going to be tired.
''yeah sis come follow me''
''aww its been such a long time since you call me that.''He blushed aww so cute.I decided to mock him when he showed me my room i decided to kiss him on the cheek as a thank you gift.He didn't seem affected by it so i guess i Dont need to worry about him liking me, that's good cause i also see him as a brother.
''I will let you know when the movers get here.get a nice rest until then.'' He was going to close door but it seem he forgot something.
''oh by the way i missed you and welcome home sis.''
''thank you,and its good to be home.''I said and he smiled and closed the door wow my room is amazing its huge.

I also have a walk in closet and a full bathroom with gold marble its so cute,i bet one of the maids did this with a lot of consideration.Anyways i decided to take a shower and after that i went to take a nap.

Chris POV:

I showed my sister her room and it seems she liked it,im glad my girlfriend melody help me out with well everything..My girl melody is so beautiful with a slim body and a cute angelic heart shape face, and cute ass alot of sluts envy her,i wonder how lexie going to take it, my sister is very much beautiful, the sluts are defiantly going to get more possessive with two beautiful girls in my group.
''damm lexie is so hot!''what a rude comment from xavier.jeez what im i going to do about him.
''i agree she the most beautiful girl ive seen.''
hmm someone seemed to fell in love at first sight,maybe lexie will change this little player.His never been with one girl only.
''you guys she off limits,I dont want her to get hurt especially with players like you.''
''come on chris, she is different i just know it,she like my dream girl.Dont take her away from me.''said xavier acting all sarcastic.
''look you guys i know i haven't seen her for like 2 years but i can tell she is still the same in the inside she is very fragile,her dad was always busy with work,so she was always alone,until her dad married my mom the one year i was living there she got very attach to me,cause we boft knew the pain.She was crying for over a month since i moved my mother tolled me''I regret leaving her behind but she did seem to get stronger.
''yeah chris we understand we will treat her like are own sister.''sky might be a little crazy but he is very thoughtful to people feelings.
''thanks sky ill appreciate it.''
''men i understand but with a body like that,in all the right places its going to be bad to treat her like my sister.''said chris which i dont disagree i mean its going to be hard for myself also.
I heard a knock on the door.
''the movers are here for lexie things.''Well its about time.
''Hey guys help with the movers dont wake up lexie let her sleep a little,so just put the stuff in front of her door.''they boft nodded and went to open the door.
they boft said.
''excuse me who car is this?''I asked the movers.
''its lexie car she asked me to bring it also,she said it was for rainy days.''he smiled remembering her saying that.
''i see.she has grown up.''i sighed
''yeah men she has great taste in things.''sky was shocked not knowing a girl like these guy cars.''
''she no longer the lexie you know huh chris.''xavier said.
''ugh i feel like my life in high school going to go crazy.Because of her.''
they boft nodded in agreement and laughter.
So we got all the things men these are lots of boxes and luggage what does she have in here i swear we went up the stairs like 10 times to finish.
we finally finish and fell back in the couch,except for xavier he couldn't make it. i laugh but to tired.
I decided to call melody to come and help from the looks of it,were going to need help.She agreed and said she on her way.
10 minutes later and there is a knock on the door,and she open it with her own key that i gave her.From all my girlfriends she the only one i gave a key to.She notice me and came jumping on my lap.
''hey babe.''she said.
''hey love thanks for coming.''
''no problem i want to introduce myself to your sister,until school start,so what do you guys think about her?''she said looking at the guys.
''SHE IS HOT!''they said like little puppies responding to there master with enthusiastic marks. ''wow now im interested,oh babe my mom and dad said yes to moving in,they understood the situation of your sister and agreed saying that it to dangerous for one girl and 3 guys all alone in a big house.''I started laughing at that.
''no way you moving?''said xavier.Oops i forgot to mention it to tell them.
''yeah sorry guys i asked her this morning.'' i continued ''so when are you moving in?''
''well today lets handle lexies things then tommaroww after school would be my turn,im moving in your room right?''she said with a huge smirk in her face.
''yeah babe i wouldn't want any other way.''pft who wouldn't want there girl in there same room.
''oh by the way where is lexie?''
''oh she in her room sleeping.''said sky.
''yeah i think i should go and wake her up.''I was getting up before.
''hey why dont you let her sleep some more?''said sky with concern eyes.I think he really did fell for worried.
''nah she said to wake her when the things arrive.''
we all got up and i knock on her door.
''lexie the things are here.''
''hmm come in.''she said with sleeping sound.
''see i told you we should let her wait a little longer.''said sky
I already woke her up and we all walk in and her eyes stayed on sky,damm i guess she fell for him also.Xavier nudge me on the stomach noticing the same thing.UGH then she notice melody.
''hi im melody its nice to meet you im chris girlfriend for over a year now,ive heard so much about you.'' she saw the melody was friendly and has a huge smile on her.
''my name is lexie its a pleasure to meet my brothers girlfriend,hope to be good friends with you.''Lexie seems to still have proper etiquette to her she is the heir to her father company.So since little she has strict training.
melody saw that and went hugging lexie.lexie was shock at her embark but snap out of it and hugged her back.the guys started laughing and i join in to.
''so lexie i invited melody over to help you pack she is also moving in here the next day for you wont be the only girl.''she smiled
''of course thats ok im glad,do you go to the same school as chris?''lexie asked melody
''yes i do i hope to have some classes with you im 17 years old also.''
''thats great.''
we started unpacking and men she has so much clothes.But melody in the other hand doesn't seems to mind she wants to be a stylist.
''wow you have so much designer clothes.''said melody.And in the meantime me and the guys are just sitting on the bed.Not knowing nothing about clothes.
''yeah i only brought half of my things because im planning on buying some new clothes in this town.''only half?i mean there is like 5 boxes of shoes and accessory's and 6 luggage of clothes.Half i tell you girls these days.
''oh do you mind if i go shopping with you, i know all the hot places.''
''i was just going to ask you the same thing.''
the girls started laughing and i have a huge smile on my face. that's good there getting along with each other.After 3 hours of unpacking we all found out she likes to read books with a collection of like 200 books.She seems to be fill with surprise.And melody saw all the dance trophy's and track trophy's and got excited because she is also in the dance team next year she is going to be the dance captain.She asked melody if she wanted to be in the dance team and responded with .
''actually the only reason why i join the dance team is to make some friends because i was always alone,since chris left the house.but now im here surround with friends and i wont be lonely anymore but i still want to train so i will just stick in with track.''i got sad but what she said.
''im sorry for leaving you behind and im starting to regret it but i thought you would of been ok.''she turned around and smiled.
''dont worry about it chris,because of you i got alot stronger.''she said smiling.
''thats good.''
''hey why dont we make a welcome home part for the girls on friday.''said xavier to break the ice.Nice one chris.
''Yeah i agree what about you guys.''
''well its ok but dont let me drink alcohol.''said lexie.
''haha why?''said sky
''well with just a sip of alcohol i turn to someone,like a double personality.''thats interesting.
''no way i wont to see.''said xavier of course.
''nah hah.''
We finally finish unpacking everything and went downstairs to eat what we had there.We all seem to get along well with each other.We all said goodbye to melody,she will meet us at the parking space tommaroww at school.And each one went to there own rooms exactly at 2am super tired from the move.I got in my room and landed in my bed knocking out.

First day of school.

I woke up from a goodnight sleep when my alarm clock rang.It was 6:20am 40 minutes before school starts so i headed to my bathroom and do everything a girl does in the morning.
I went to my walk in closet and pick out my outfit,it was really cold outside so i decided to wear black leggings with brown leather boots,with a long gray Slouchy Dolman Sweater,with on top a brown leather jacket,as for accessory's Alex & Chloe Cross Ring and neck-less,and a Colorful Stripes Scarf.There i look hot for my first day.I headed down stairs when and, went to the kitchen i saw the guys eating breakfast.
''good morning guys.thanks for helping me last night.''
They all lifted up there face and saw me.
''good morning sis.''
''sup sweetheart.''said xavier
''mornin.''said sky not even lifting up his head.Did i make him mad or something?
well i got a orange juice and an apple thats it for breakfast.
''alright guys lets head for school.''said chris.
I got in my bike and starting heading for school,all 3 guys got in sky Lamborghini,its a nice car but i prefer mustangs.:)We finally arrived at school and everyone was staring at the sweet rides or probably me.

sky POV:

damm im so mad when i saw lexie coming down the stairs she look so beautiful,i just dont want any other guy looking at her why did she had to dress up so hot in her first day of school,do you know how much attention she going to get.We arrived at school and everyone was staring at her,you see what i mean.
''man im so pissed!''I tolled the guys.
''why?''they boft said without stoping to laugh they know exactly what i mean.
''nothing.''i slam my door and headed straight to class.

lexie pov:

I saw sky slamming his car and walking straight to school.
the guys came up to me.
''whats up with him?''
they boft started laughing ''nothing just egnore him.''said chris.
''hey morning guys.''walked up melody going straight to chris and they started making cute but disgusting in a way.hehe
''come on lexie ill show you to the office.''xavier grabed my hand,and stared dragging me to the office.i saw a chunckie lady at the front desk.
''excues me she is new this is lexie gomez.''
''ah yes we been expecting you,here our your locker number and schedule.have a nice day.''
''thank you and you to.''
we boft got out of the office and started heading to my class,which xavier showed me and the bell ranged so he went running to class.I walked in the class and headed to the teacher.
''Hi im new im lexie gomez.''the teacher toked my schedule and''well please introduce yourself to the class.''
everyone looked at me with sparkles in there eyes except to some girl in the middle she seemed like the school slut with some really short shorts and high heels i mean seriesly its cold outside.
''what where you doing with those hot guys this morning.''said slut with such a series tone.
i chuckle at that.
''well chris is my step brother and i will be living with them.''everyone was shocked at that statement so i continued.
''well anyway at my last school i was in the dance team and track team,but im only thinking about doing track here.please treat me well.'' i smiled at them a smile that always make the boys melt.
''ill treat you well if you go on a date after school with me.''said a cute boy in the front.
''im sorry maybe next time,i still have to unpack.''
''please take a seat lexie.''said the teacher and i sat on the back desk next to the window.
I had calculus at the moment.Such a boring subject.the bell finally rang and my next class is weight training.

sky pov:

''yo whats up did you saw that new girl who came in with the motorcycle,such a hot chick.''
''yeah im totally aiming for her.''
''nah men she all mine''
''just imagine being in bed with her.''
''yeah i heard she was in the dance team in her last school,i bet she flexible.''
Im getting so irritated that i couldn't handle it anymore.I slammed my fist into there gym locker.
''what did you guys say about lexie.''Damm im so pissed,they actually think they have a chance.
''hey men whats your problem?dont tell me your aiming for her to.''
''yeah men if his aiming for her we have no chance.''one of the guys said,well at least there not stupid.
''nah men he has every slut aiming for him,cant you at least give us one.''
thats it i lost.I punch his face,and kicked his stomach.His friends didn't seem to get in.Until xavier and chris grabbed my arms.
''yo your going to kill him.''they said.
''let me go,im heading out already.'' they let me go and we went in the gym.
''hey are you in the wrong place cutie.''i heard on of the guys about 6 guys surrounding someone,and by the looks of it its a girl.
''hey whats going on?''said chris.
''there seems to be a girl in here.''
''no im in the right place.this is my class.''i heard a similar voice.
i saw chris walking to the group.
''hey guys leave my sister alone.''no way what is she doing here did she came to tell me why i treated her that way this morning.xavier and i wear walking to them.
lexie seems to notice and saw me and blushed when our eyes met.wait does that mean she likes me.i put a huge grin in my face.I notice she was wearing a black liatart under her red basketball shorts.She has such a nice body showing how slim she looks.
''what are you doing here lexi''i said.she look and me and smirked.
''what a pretty girl like me cant have weight training?''she said that being conceded on purpose.
''we just dont want you to brake a nail.''said xavier.
she got up and went to xavier and put her hand on top of his cheek she got closer to him face to face.Why is she doing this in front of me.i growled,because xavier seems to be liking it.
''how about this will do push-ups for 2 minutes and whoever wins,the winner makes the lose do a dare.''
''your on but just so for you to know im going to win,i hope you like to strip in front of me when we get home baby doll.''what! i cant believe it she not going to accept that.
''your on,but just make sure i wont go nice on you sweaty pie.''
''now wait a minute lexie your not going to accept that, what if you loose,i cant let that happen.''chris im to speechless to say anything.We seem to get the whole class attention.
''dont worry big brother i wont loose.''she has that much confidence in herself.Xavier is enjoying himself.
''now this is fun xavier count for me and chris count for her.''
when he said that melody went over to him and kiss his ear then she blew it and moved her hand down his shoulder slowly.Xavier tense up when she went to whisper in her ear that only us can here.she said
''you sure you can handle me.''she smirked and i notice that his little friend went up.i would be so pissed about what she did but i couldn't stop laughing at his stupid face.Chris was to shock,but then he snapped out about it,and started laughing.
''ok ok lets start, 1 2 3 go.''chris said and they started by some reason lexie was going way faster then xavier,she probably did that to get a disadvantage over the speed.
''And stop!''chris yelled and lexie one by 10 more.unbelievable she is amazing.
''men she cheated,i won a dull over.''
''no no dull over,im sorry just weight until we get home.''she walked away and every guy was looking at her in shock.
''HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you got tolled.''i started saying and after me,everyone started laughing.
the class has ended and we were walking out of class.we tolled lexie we will be saving her seat during lunch,she said ok, she went to the girls locker room and same here to the guys....
while changing every guy were still talking about it.Xavier seems mad that he dialed one of his hoes to meet up with him.Every time he gets mad or sad thats what he does to forget about it.
He walked out without a word.I turned to chris and we looked at each other and started cracking up even harder.
''SHUT UP!!!''said xavier.i even crack out even harder.

Chris pov:

Sky and me were headed off to the cafeteria.We spotted melody saving us some seets.
I went up to her and kissed her lightly full of love.
cough cough.
''sky your so rude.''said melody i just chuckle of her embarrassment.
I spotted lexie in the middle of a group of guys she seems used to it,theres a calm atmosphere around her.she spotted us and was heading to us.when miss.slut aka kimberly bumped lexie and was heading to our table.
''hey babe.''she said to sky.there not really going out sky just had a one night stand.
''hey.''said sky with no enthusiastic at it all.She seemed to notice.But she just sat there.
''hey guys.''said lexie and went to sit next to melody and me.she seems sad.
''what are you doing here slut this is not your table,get out.''said miss slut.
''the only one who is not suppose to be here is you.''said melody.Melody never liked her to begin with.
''what are you talking about sky is my boyfriend.''lexie just looked at her plate with sadness.
''kim i dont remember ever asking you out.''
''of course you did 3 nights ago.And it was the best night in my life.''said that and kissed him in the mouth.
''Im sorry i lost my appetite,im going to the athletic office,melody can you show me the way.''
''yes of course.''
they boft got up and walked hand in hand.In disappointment.
''kim will you take your hands off of him,as you can see he doesn't like you.''
''of course he does were going out.''
''ok listen here that night i was totally fucked up,you offered me and i toked the chance.nothing more and nothing else so if you so please be so kind and get out.''
wow he was angry.Kimberly notice and started walking off
''hey men why didn't you say anything when lexie was here she seemed disappointed.''
''men i know i just couldn't say anything knowing how she looked.''
''men i dont know how your going to fix this.''
''yeah i know.''
during the whole lunch time he just stayed quiet and staring at his food.

Lexie pov:

It has been 4 days since i last spoke to sky, I mean i just couldn't take seeing him with that bimbo,he even went out last night and came home in the morning. Series i cant believe i thought it was love at first sight.Ill just forget about him tonight at the party.My brother was throwing a welcome party for me and melody.On monday afternoon melody was moving in,it helped out alot it was great to have another girl in the house.This pass week she turned to be my best friend.So back to the present i am currently getting out of my class on Friday.When i saw sky making out with this girl, i felt disgusted.
''hey lexie.''I turned around and notice it was this guy from my chemistry class,it seems he has a liking to me cause he wouldn't stop flirting with me this pass week.I mean his pretty cute with broad shoulder,his also in my track teem,i officially made it :).Well he has silver eyes and a slightly tanned skin,from all the running.
''hey randy are you coming to the party tonight.''I said it a little louder for sky could hear me.
''well that depends what are you going to be wearing?''ha he is so cute,if it wasn't for sky hearing i wouldn't flirt back.I put my hand on his shoulder and had a huge grin in my face.
''lets just say you wont keep your hands off me.''that shocked him and so did sky cause i heard a punch at the locker and i turned and saw him walking alone by himself.Ha im enjoying myself.I mean i know wear not going out so i dont know why it matters.
''well if you put it in that way,ill defiantly go.''
''alright see you then.''he kissed me on the cheek and starting walking away.
''you totally did that on purpose.''melody turned to be next to me.
''i dont know what your talking about''
''aha.''we boft started laughing,melody the only one i have tolled i liked sky.Well were always basically together after school the boys always has football practice,and i decided to join the dance team to be with melody a little more,i made the tryouts without a swet, my old team was alot stricter .And for track ill practice on friday and the weekend.Basically because its a individual sport that i can practice alone,but i at least make it to practice on fridays and in the weekend i just practice alone.
''alright lets go change for practice,it starts any minute now.''said melody
''ugh yeah.''

Sky POV:

Football Patrice just ended. I couldn't keep my head on practice, damm it i swear she will be the death of me. Why did she have to do that in purpose.She probably saw me and that girl making out.I swear i just did that to get my head on the prize.I was just so jealous about all the guys looking at her like they want to eat her up.Everybody just keeps talking about her, like there so close.Cant they just SHUT UP!
''hey man.''
i saw it was chris.
''aw men im sorry i just cant keep my head straight.''
''nah men i can tell through out practice it was like you mind wasn't present.''
''yeah i know.''
We were done getting ready to go home.when
''hey men lets go wait up for my sis and melody.''
''ugh do we have to.?''
He look at me with disappointing look.
''nothing men!''
we were going to the gymnasium and spotted them but they weren't together.
''huh well you look at that.''
i spotted lexie in the middle of all those basketball guys.
''men im out.''

Chris POV:

I guess he saw.ha this is getting interesting.
''hey babe.''
I walked to melody she was getting ready to leave.
i glanced over to lexie and it seems she is having fun.
''yeah i know they wouldn't stop staring at her, so she decided to have some fun.''
''yeah i can tell by any chance is she doing this on purpose?''
''no why would you think that?''she smirked. I can tell she is hiding something.
Men i bet it has to do with sky and lexie.
''hey lexie were heading out!'' i shout and she saw me, she put on this huge grin on her face like she was expecting me.She waved to guys ans i heard mention ill see you at the party.
hmmm i see she wants to be on good terms with them for they wont be afraid to approach her at the party were sky would be.
she started walking over with that huge grin on her face, staring right at me like she knew what i was thinking about.
''i always knew you were my sister,such a Dangerous side you have my dear little sister.''
''hmm i did learn from they best.''she said
''yeah,just dont regret it later.''
''so you figured it out huh.''
''oh yeah big time.and it seems his taking out his frustration with other girls.''
we all started laughing and were headed to our rides.Me and melody got on my porch while lexie got on her motorcycle. She has changed so much.But to be honest im starting to like this side of her more..''babe lexie is going to look so hot in that dress she show me,i swear the guys would not stop staring at her. especially sky.''
Huh really sky is not going to have fun tonight.POOR GUY..

lexie pov:

It was already 8pm and people started arriving for the party,and im still getting ready.I was done taking a shower and had my hair wrapped up in my towel.I went to my make up bag i put on some black mascara and black eye liner,with gold eye shadow and put on red lipstick.
My dress was all red strapless and like 3 inches from my butt.I was wearing gold high heels with some black in them,and for accessory s i had a long black chain that hangs.For my hair im doing it at the moment i was thinking of ironing my hair but with some curls in them.
In 20 minutes i was done with my hair,i got dress and was heading out to the battlefield.
I was walking down the stairs the group of girls who wear coming in from the front door were all looking at me with envy, i just shrugged it off and held my head up high.
Everyone was out side around the pool.Alot of people were here im guessing around 200,and some were even in the pool with bikinis. We hired a dj for some entertainment, And a table full of yummy snacks.My throat started getting dry and i headed to get some coke.I saw sky with some hoe on him.He turned around and saw me but just turned back to her.She grabbed him to him pushing her lips to him.I cant help it but get mad.
''hey lexie you looking sexy tonight.''i turned around and it was randy.perfect timing.
''hey randy are you enjoying yourself?''i said with a flirty smile.
''yeah i am now,you just arrived at the party.''
''well i was always here this is my house you know.''
we boff started laughing and chatting the night away.We even dance some slow songs.And my eyes keep turning to sky to make sure he was looking at me but all he was doing is make out with her.Damm it why is he doing that.He probably does not like me,in fact he barely talks to me since that day in gym class,what the hell did i do?

Sky pov:


Publication Date: 12-08-2011

All Rights Reserved

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