Ruby Fire
Her eyes are blue, blue as the heart of a flame.
When i saw her, there was something that bound me to her. Was it her crystal clear warm eyes or her mischievious smile? Manya was always by my side in good or bad. She became the light of my life, but one day she left and never came back. I waited for three endless days and then went to find her.
Her mother told me she died last night. She gave me Manya’s slam book; every page of it contained memories of our last 6 months of friendship. She was still smiling at me but the blue flame has been lost somewhere.
Love may last
In some dust laden corners
Like a cobwebbed drawing
In unchecked portions of your heart
That you just forgot in time
Lay pieces of those letters meant solely for your eyes
Speechless pages had changed their colour
And the covers look faded and old
But the abandoned words had not died
They lived in black and bold
In soundless whispers and unheard sighs
They laugh at the present from a lasting past
Their roots have now grown
You hate this loss of control
Tastefully you will bear the pains
Of a wounded past
For odds to remain that love may last.
John wallace
Everyone in the city was talking about the kid Who 'the' sole survivor of that tragic accident eighteen years ago. Doctor John Wallace, a successful surgeon of Surrey still felt pain of loneliness. He had come out after doing a major surgery when an emergency patient was admitted; a nineteen year old on verge of death. He instantly fell in love when he looked upon her face and he prayed to God, asking for her life. Angella was discharged after twenty days and when she thanked John for saving her life, he proposed to her. After 2 months they got married and lived happily ever after.
Publication Date: 09-11-2010
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