
Guess who walks in


13 years ago


"John, how could you do this to me, to Lydia, to us!" mother screamed at my father with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Iris, look, I'm sorry but, she is my mate, I couldn't help it, you know my wolf was going crazy. He needed his mate and you know I would lose him if I didn't stay with my mate," my father said to my mother. He made a move to try and grab my mother's face to get her to look at him but, she moved away.

"But you could have at least had the decency to tell me and not do it behind my back!I would've understood because you two are mates but, NO, you couldn't even do that, you, ass!"

"Rissy, please try to understand."

"Understand?...UNDERSTAND WHAT?!That you cheated on me?!"

"Oh come on, don't be like that."

He tried to grab her hand this time, but, she snatched it away, like if she touched his hand she would get a disease. "How long?" she asked.

"How long what?"

"How long did you cheat on me?You can at least answer that question, or can you even do that one thing for me?"

"10 years." (They have been together for 11 years.)

Just then, I heard my mother's heart break. She let out a heart wrenching sob. "So a year after we got married? All this time, when you have been telling me you were on business trips, you were with her, weren't you?"


That's when she slapped him."What? Were you sleeping with her too?"


Punch."Were you with her when you said you were going to be late home for Lydia's birthday?."



And that's how the pattern went. Slap. Punch. Kick. Along with my mother cursing him out too, to which, she, of course, told me to cover my ears. Although, that didn't really help, seeing as I could witnessed and could still hear, everything.

"You, dumb bastard. I spent 11 years of my life with you, only to find out you were cheating on me.You cheating, idiotic, and inconsiderate, JERK!I can't believe you would do this to me and Lydia, your daughter, or did you forget?"

"I'm sorry, but she is my mate, what do you expect me to do? Let her go?"

"No, of course not, I expected you to tell me the truth, and not go behind my back."

"I'm sorry I disappointed you."

"Disappointed me?No, you did way more than that, you broke my heart in ways I thought weren't even possible."

"If I could take back all of the hurt and pain I caused you, I would."

"Well you can't, okay? What's done is done, now, please leave me be," my mother said, as she sank to the floor, crying her heart out.

"Alright, I guess I will go pack my stuff and Iris, I really am sorry." He took one last look at her and left to go pack.

When he was done, he hugged me, and kissed my forehead."Sweetie, no matter what, I love you, just remember that." With that, he walked out the door, out of our lives. He left my mother sobbing and I confused as hell as to what just happened. I didn't understand then, but now I---


End of dream


I was awoken with what sounded like banging against the wall and moaning and groaning. Ugh my mom has one of her boytoys over, AGAIN.


Not wanting to think about my dream/nightmare I have been having for the past 5 years and not wanting to be late, I go to the bathroom to take a shower.


15 minutes later


Oh my, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself.


My name is Lydia Grant.


I'm seventeen. Did I mention I am a werewolf? Well, I am a werewolf, and so is my mother. We are technically rogues but, we don't act like them.


My mother is a single parent, if you can even call her that, she has been acting like a whore with different boytoys, as I like to call them, every week and she hasn't done shit for me ever since my father left us. No, he wasn't her mate but, she still loved him a lot and I thought he loved her too, that is, until he left us for another woman who my mother found out he was cheating on her with. That woman was his mate and guess what? He already had two other children with her. I bet he didn't give a damn about me. I love you, remember that. I let the words replay in my head.


I snorted.


Yeah right.


I love you, my ass. If he did love me, he would've bothered to call me now and then, but has he? No.


I haven't heard from him since the day he left us. No calls, no emails, no messages. None, what so ever.

I love him, yet I hate him with a passion. I just want to go find him, get his car, run it into a pole, and repeatedly smash it with a hammer and I would hope that it costs millions. Not just that, I would also beat the living shit out of him and curse him out for leaving me, when I was just a fucking baby.


Ok, call me harsh but, can you blame me? He fucking left us without any further contact. Not even an email to ask how my mom and I were doing.


Not that he would care a lot about my mother, but I thought he would actually care about me, even just a little bit.


I guess I was wrong.


No matter how much I try to hate him though, I just can't seem to. He did leave for two good reasons, my mom told him to and he left for his mate.



In the werewolf world, mates are the most important thing in your life. You can't live without your mate. Your mate is like your oxygen in the world, and without your mate, you are nothing. Without your mate, you will lose your wolf as will they. You won't be able to sleep or eat.


Your skin will be white as snow, eyes as dark as the night, arms and legs as bony as twigs, your hair as thin as string, and lastly, your heart will be shattered like glass.


It's like I hate my father but love him.


UGH!But the more I think about how he left us the more I hate him, and then the more I think about mates I start to love him.




I think I hate him more than I love him though, after all, he did leave me alone, well, not alone, I still have my mom but, is she there for me when I need her the most? Nope. Is she doing shit to help pay for our new house, or helping to put food on the damn table? NO, the hell she isn't and I have to do it all by myself. I shouldn't have to, damn it! I am only seventeen. In order to do that, I have to work at a diner that is named More food.(Not the best name, I know.)




Speaking of work, I am going to be late.


Putting on my More food shirt and skinny jeans I head out of my room but not before putting on my ankle boots.


Just to let you know, they let you wear anything to work as long as you wear the More food shirt, anything else you can wear.


As I am out the front door, I yell to my mom I am going to work, not that she can hear over her moaning and the guy's moaning.

Yuck! Gross! It makes me sick!I sooooo don't want to hear anymore of that, so I closed the door and headed over to the diner, walking.


The coincidental thing, was that the diner was around the corner from my new house.


It comes in handy, because we don't have a car, only because my mother spends some of the money on drugs and alcohol.


10 minutes later


Finally, I made it to the diner. Hopefully, my boss will let me off the hook.


As I walked through the door, I was immediately attacked by the smell of coffee and my boss.


"Lydia, where in the world have you been? Oh, never mind then, I guess no time to fret, just go put on your apron and start taking orders. The diner, today, is full of people ," she said. (My boss)


"Thanks boss."


"Yes, yes now, child get to work it's getting crowded."


Sure enough, she was right, it was getting more packed by the minute, groups of people started piling in.


Rushing to put on my apron, I get a pen and notepad.


"Damn girl you look stressed out, " Claire, another waitress, said.


"Have you been having those dreams again?" she asked.


"Maybe," I said.


"Oh girl, you have got to get some rest and try to find a solution to stop the dreams from coming back."


I wish. Small chance hon, small chance.


"I know," was all I said, before I went to table number four to take orders.


There were four people sitting there. (Wow)


A guy with blond hair and the cliche' blue eyes, except his were as blue as the sea, and let me tell you he was hot. Guy Number 2 had brown hair and emerald eyes that sparkled in the sunlight he was hot too. Guy Number 3 had blonder hair but warm, kind brown eyes, again hot.


Last, Guy Number 4. He was,




He had black hair and his eyes were a mixture of sapphire and violet, with golden flecks in them, you could look at them forever.


It was like they could see through my soul.


He had the cutest dimples when he smiled. Through his shirt, I could see his 8 pack. Damn, he was sexy and hot, the other guys were nothing compared to him. (Sorry not good at descriptions.)


When he smiled at me, I almost fainted. Right then, was the moment I knew he was my oxygen now, the air that I breathe, he was what was keeping me sane. My mate.


At the same time my wolf stirred inside me.








Weird Confrontation


Oh NO!


He is not my mate!He can't be , right?


I am in deep shit.......I am so not ready for a mate, I mean, I don't wanna go through what my mom went through.


What if he rejects me?


What if he doesn't think I am pretty or something?


What if he can't accept a broken person like me?


Stop it! Lyla, your panic face is showing. Damn it you're acting stupid, just be yourself, your normal, weird, mouthy, ballsy, self.


(Yes she is talking to herself)


As I approach the table, they all turn and stare at me. All of their eyes scan over my body. Sheesh, awkward much?


"Hey baby, wanna take me for a spin? 'Cause you know I am pretty sure we would both have lots of fun, riding all night, and I am not talking about a car here," Guy number 1 says.


My SEXY hunk of a mate growls, in response.


Oh wait! That sounds wrong, I mean, he growls at what he says. Yep, that sounds about right. Don't you think so, self? Hold on, Lyla, you are getting off track here. You just called him sexy AND you have four people waiting to order.


"Okay, I know I am sexy, you don't have to say it again, ugh, it's always the same treatment, not that I don't enjoy it. I am just so sexy, I guess girls just can't help themselves so, they just throw themselves at me and I don't want to be rude so, I just take what they give me and fu------"


And then guy number 1 is interrupted by guy number 3.


"Okay, Cameron, we get it, and what he is trying to say is, who the hell are you talking to?!"


"Uh, well, I am talking to myself, it's a habit I guess. And by the way, Cameron, if you ever talk to me like that again, I will seriously cut your ding-dong off, burn it, and feed it to the dogs, and I am not talking about a bell here."


"Ewwwwww! That's nasty! Why would you feed it to us?That's sounds revolting, " Guy number 2 screams.


Then, everyone in the cafe looks our way.


"Shut the hell up, dumbass, you're causing a commotion, there are humans here," my mate says. Oh god, I just had an eargasm.


His voice is sooo hot and rough, just the way I like it. His voice can take my ears anytime. Yeah, I know I am weird but, I don't give a damn in the world. Fuck, man, I am thinking about him, again! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, LYLA!


I am thinking about how perfect he is, so, I slap myself, mind you, not mentally.


Everyone is still looking at us, and I just made myself look like an idiot, which I am, but they don't have to know that!


All of the guys, including my mate, are looking at me.


Then, they all burst out laughing.

"Oh my god!That was the funniest thing I have ever seen.You---" Guy number 3 couldn't even finish his sentence.


"Did you guys s--s--s--s--s-see that?" Cameron asks.


Then the other three guys stop laughing.


"Okay, I know you're a blonde, but did you really have to make the insulting phrase "blonde moment" become true, well for you, anyway?" Guy Number 2 retorts. (I AM NOT TRYING TO BE INSULTING WHATSOEVER TO BLONDES)


"Oh, shut up, you're just jealous."


"Of what?" asks Guy Number 2.


"Of my absolute, sexyass. I mean who doesn't want to kiss it? All of the ladies love me and I can have anyone I want, hell, even guys want me, or a least they want to be me. How can they not? My face is just heaven and girls are just waiting to lick me---"


"Don't even finish that sentence ," Guy number 3--Okay I can't do this anymore, I am just going to ask their names.


"So what are you guys' names?"


"Well I am Damion, this narcissist is Cameron, the idiot is Paul, and he, is Arrow," My mate answers,in a husky voice. Yum.


In the background, using my wolf senses, I hear people saying, "What weirdos?" and stuff along those lines.

"WHAT IS YOU PEOPLE'S PROBLEM?! YOU CAME HERE TO EAT AND ENJOY, NOT STARE AND GLARE!" I yell. Immediately, people continue to do whatever they were doing, before they so rudely stared.


"Wow, you are weird, first, you tell Cameron off without falling completely head over heels for him, like most girls do, second, you start talking to yourself, then, you slap yourself, and now, you yell at customers...........I LIKE YOU! So what's your name, best friend? Also, I meant to ask you why did you talk to yourself and why are you making Damion go hard? Which never happens when he is around a girl," Paul says.

Slut Alert!

I look down at his pants  and sure enough Damion Jr. was making his appearence. Shit! It seems bigger than a damn cucumber...tehehehe unusual comparison. So...big.


5 minutes later


Gosh so freaking huge


"What?"Damion asks.


"Oh my cheese nuts--I mean balls--I mean oh my cheese, I said that out loud?!"


"Yes, you did honey, and it's flattering really but, don't you know it's rude to stare?"


By this time my face was as red as a tomato and Paul, Arrow, and Cameron are having a laughing contest. Assholes. They just love seeing me suffer. Anyway, as I was about to tell Damion to cover up his junk, the three sluts enter the diner.


Kana, Kera, and Kira, the biggest sluts of them all. They have done pretty much anyone from hobos to 60 year old men. I seriously believe that all diseases, able to be sexually transmitted, originated from them. They are used more than condoms, it's gross. And the crazy thing about it is, that they're not even pretty, unlike those other cliche stories where the sluts are gorgeous and just dump their faces in makeup.


It's like they slam all of the makeup on their faces, thinking they can make it look classy. When in reality, just reminds me of those types of art that look colorful, but make no sense at all.


I had just finished that thought when Kana, the head whore, spots table number four.


Oh NO! the bitch is heading over here with her clan.


"DAMI!"She screeches.


Suddenly, Paul coughs,"Slut alert."


As he says that the funniest thing happens. While they were running over to us, apparently their killer heels got caught in the floor and what do ya know?! They fell, face first.






Text: All rights reserved.Any type of plagiarism will have to suffer consequences.
Publication Date: 11-15-2012

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to.............whomever or whatever?

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