Chapter #1
I walked up the stone steps to my own personal hell. I was surrounded by perky teens, stinky teens, and worst of all school work. Yup just another day of high school in deer port. Even the name was terrible I mean who names there town deer port and the high school? Can you guess what our mascot was? Yup a deer. I mean I haven’t even seen a deer here in my life and I was always in the forest so there was really no reason to call it that. I sighed and pulled up my striped socks that reached to my knees. I was wearing shorts, a plain black shirt, a fender hoddie, black and white striped socks , and chained combat boots. I did look pretty spiffy If I do say so myself. I looked at the blond next to me in distaste she was head to in pink. Just as this town the high school was very cliché meaning there were clicks. The blond next to me so just so happened to be Tiffany one of the most loved girls in school. All the guys wanted her, all the girls wanted to be her, and she knew it. She tried her best in making my life miserable from snide comments or random bumping into me in the hallways. With anyone else I wouldn’t have been so upset I am after all a pretty calm person. I hated violence or at least I told that to myself. I had to always make sure I kept my anger in check since I was possessed by a demon. Ill explain that latter on. Back to Tiffany me and Tiffany had been friends in elementary and middle school. She had been a nerd then and had been made fun of just like me only I was made fun of because of my blue hair. Then all of a sudden halfway through last year she had transformed into a beautiful swan. She went from frizzy blond hair, big glasses, small chest, and big teeth. To long smooth blonde hair, no glasses so now we all noticed those beautiful gray eyes, perfect teeth, and a body to kill for. I had to hand it out to her she was amazingly pretty. But with that she became a snob. At first she had stayed with me going over to my house and watched movies. It was almost the same except she had to make sure her new friends wouldn’t know she hung out with the creepy girl who talked to herself (in my defense I didn’t talk to myself I talked to me demon) then she just stopped talking to me altogether. Leaving me all alone with no friends. I could have gotten new friends but it would have just been a bother. Tiffany had been used to my creepy family but now with kids my age they wouldn’t be so excepting. I walked into the classroom only to see Lucien sitting in my seat. He was my demon so no one saw him. But if they did they would proudly be scared shitless. He was handsome in a very scary way. His eyes glowed red, his hair was just as red and was shaggy, he had a tattoo of a dragon on his face but it didn’t look occurred just made him look even more hotter and deadlier, he was tall 6 foot 9, had fangs and was pale. What made him more scary was that evil smirk on his stupid arrogant face. Normal people would have been scared of there demons or as some call it there mate but I refuse to acknowledge the fact that I was his mate to be. When I was born he had chosen me when demons mate they do it the minute their mate is born they just get a call and then tada he clams me. My parents have yet to figure out that I was a demons bride. Witch surprised me since I was always being smothered by my overly loving father. He loved me a little to much sometimes. I hated always being near this guy this is he was always pestering me such as he was doing now. Here’s how it works he annoys me until he can get me to scream at him in the middle of class where I would look like a total maniac. I sighed just wanting to get this day over and done with I mean seriously why would I need to be in school anyways I’m way to smart to have to sit in here and listen to the teacher go on about history. I mean really my father was there for the civil war and way before that. But I still sat down I sat right down on Lucien’s lap yup that’s right. Hey I had no other choice. I braced myself for him to tease me about how he knew he wanted me but instead he surprised me. He sighed with content and put his head in my hair. Wow now this is not a side I was used to. I mean yea he has his sweet moments but he never dared to show affection I always got angry when he did. But for some reason I knew he needed it so I decided to let him off this time since I was kind of enjoying it. Wait did I say I was enjoying this? Well I wasn’t I couldn’t be could I? I shook my head and looked up to the front of the class room to see a girl who could only be new. The first thing I noticed was her socks. They went up to her knees and was black and red checkered. Then I noticed her nose piercing. Sweet I loved it I had a belly piercing and but that was it. I would look funny with that.
“My name is kira I moved here from Florida.” wow what was her parents thinking moving to South Carolina? My teacher Mr.Maltion pointed to the desk with a bored expression.
“you can sit there.” she nodded once and sat next to me. She smiled at me and I felt warm in I don’t know a I want to be her friend way.
“hmmmm seems like you are finally going to make a friend.” Lucien said. He was always bothering me to make friends. I rolled my eyes and reached in my bag to get my pen Gina. My pen was shaped like a bird and could actually talk to me I’m the only one who could hear her and she gave me answers. What I hated math! I tried not to keep looking at the girl who sat next to me but I couldn’t help it. There was something different about her I just couldn’t put my finger on it…
Kara P.O.V
I walked into a small classroom and looked around. I wasn’t even nervous people just didn’t make me nervous they were all ignorant anyways. I was different then everyone I could see things the way that that people couldn’t see. I could see the supernatural world. I was looking around when I fond what I was looking for. It was a witch I was sure of it. She was very pretty though she had light blue icy hair, dark blue eyes, was about four foot nine, pale skin, and had a tattoo of a raven on her neck that was clutching a heart. She was sitting on a guy who had his arms around her waist protectively. He winked at me. Let me tell you something he looked terrifying. He was a demon and I was guessing she was his mate although the way she sat told me she didn’t like that fact. She should have been happy though it was rare for a demon to chose a bride. After saying my name I made my way to the seat next to her. I was happy to sit with her and not the group of blondes that were sitting in the corner. I could feel the girls stare as I looked down at my paper not looking up knowing she was trying not to be caught. She was most likely trying to figure out what was so different about me. I heard the bell rang and I turned to her.
“um I know we just meet but I was wondering if I could sit with you at lunch.” her eyes widened and she nodded eagerly.
“of course you can!” I was rewarded with a smile from the demon who mouthed “thank you” to me I only nodded in response. I could tell this was going to be one weird friendship.
Chapter #2
Back to the witches P.O.V
I couldn’t believe I had acted so excited. I most likely looked desperate! I groaned at that thought sometime I was such an idiot. At least Lucien had decided to leave me alone for the rest of the day. He was acting so strange! I mean he never left me this early and he was never quiet. I walked to the lunch room I was relieved since it was halfway through the day. I felt a tug on my sleeve I looked back only to see a smiling Kara.
“Hey Shadow you ready for lunch.” I felt excitement it had been so long since I had sat by someone. I lead her to my table only to see it was occupied by some blond guy. When I looked closer I realized it was Tyler the caption of the football team he had another guy sitting by him. I cleared my throat.
“hey your sitting in my seat!” I felt smug when I saw him jump about five feet in the air.
“Oh um well I know its just I was wondering if I could talk to you?” I looked at him like he had grown three heads was this some kind if joke. Despite the fact that I was suspicious I nodded and lead him to a now empty hall. I looked back at Kara signaling that I would be right back. Turning back around I found myself staring at him. He was so hot!!! He had big brown eyes, blond hair, was about 5 9 and was tan. I blushed I had always liked him since first grade.
“you wanted to talk to me?” I asked as coolly as I can I was trying to act like the fact that he was talking to me did not make me want to scream. He shuffled his feet nervously.
“do you reamber that day we were in art and we talked?” I felt my face get reder. This had to bad I thought remembering how I ranted on and on how people here only cared about football and didn’t care about art. I forced myself to nod. He smiled.
“well ever since that day I started to like you. So I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie or something?” although he asked this it sounded more like a fact almost like he knew I would say yes. I frowned wondering if this was a dare. Well if it was a dare then I would make this interesting.
“Actually I have another idea. I was wondering if I could surprise you?” he smiled.
“of course you can so ill pick you up at eight pm tomorrow?” I nodded then walked back to lunch. I cackled as I thought of my plan.
“why are you laughing in such a manner my new friend.” Asked Kara with an amused look on her face.
“that guy just asked me out on a date but I think he did it on a dare so I told him I have an idea where we are going to go. Im going to scare him so bad!” Kara’s eyebrows raised.
“and what if this isn’t a dare and he likes you then what?” I just looked at her and sighed at her ignorance.
“trust me it is everyone here knows I’m a freak.”
“Shadow do you think going on a date is a very good idea anyways wont your demon get mad?” I gasped how did she know? I asked her and she looked at me guilty.
“well I can see supernatural things for what they truly are and so I know you have a demon mate and I also know you’re a witch.”
“oh that makes sense.” I sighed in relief at least I wouldn’t have to explain the weird things when I took her home.
“so how do you plan on scaring him away anyways?” I smiled at her evilly.
“Two words MY DAD.” She just shook her head.
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” I just ignored her already thinking about my dad and how he would act around him. This would be the first time I brought a guy home or ever attempted to go on a date my dad is really over protective of me so all I had to do is not tell him and when the guy comes knocking ill let my dad answer. He will be so angry when he realizes I had planed to go on a date without telling him he will be really angry. Seeing me dad angry is terrifying I had lived my whole 16 years of life with him and was still not used to it. Looking at him is like looking at an angry god. I shuddered just at the thought of that. My dad was a vampire so even if a human didn’t know he was one they could still tell something was off about him. This was going to get interesting I thought. After all I had never tried to get my dad angry on purpose. To be honest I was I was scared to death of my father I mean he may be all loving but when he got angry at me things tend to get messy. No one wanted to be around when we fought. I sighed wondering what exactly was I thinking my father wasn’t the only one who I had to worry about I also worried about what Lucian will do when he finds out. I shrugged oh well there was no turning back. I picked up my bag and walked out the school deciding that I had enough of school for a day plus it had been forever since I last ditched. I walked in the door only to be greeted by my older vampire brother who was 300 years old. He was smirking at me.
“so little sis you have a date does dad know about this.” I glared at him.
“how did you even find out?” he raised his eyes brows.
“I just so happened to be passing by your school when I heard a boy bragging about having a date with you.” I rolled my eyes it was so like my brother to be spying on me.
“You mean you were spying on me.” I crossed my arms over my chest. I was so fed up with my overprotective family. My dad was the worst but then there was my other brother and sister who were older then me. They were all over protective of me. I was being watched twenty four seven, and I was getting tired of it. Sighing I pushed past my brother and walked up to my room to get ready for the date tonight. Thinking of Kara’s warnings I wondered if Lucien would find out. I shuddered hoping he wouldn’t I had never really made him fully angry and have never seen him that way but I had a hunch I never wanted to. So instead of thinking of what was coming tonight I decided to just wing it and hope for the best.
Tyler P.O.V
I couldn’t believe I had finally had the courage to ask her out. I shook my head I cant believe I was that nervous in the first place I was after all the most wanted guy in the school. Girls were always wanting my attention. But she had been different she had even told me I was stupid and shallow if all I talked about was football when there was so many other great things out there. I had no idea how I hadn’t noticed her before this she was really beautiful even if she was a little weird and different form the other people I hung out with.
“Dude are you crazy!” my friend Luke asked me for the millionth time today. He looked over to where her and the new girl were sitting. Her friend was shaking her head at her most likely telling her she shouldn’t date a jerk like me and all that. I blushed.
“would you stop looking over there!” I hissed. He turned around shaking his head.
“You have no idea what your getting yourself into she’s a freak
There’s so many hot girls in this school I mean tiffany wants to date you!” I shook my head.
“I don’t like her she’s a whore and so are most of the girls in this school.” just as I said that I saw tiffeny making her way towards us she didn’t notice us looking as she paused and pulled up her skirt to make it shorter if that was even possible and pulled her shirt lower showing her cleavage leaving nothing to our imagination. I turned around and gave Luke a pointed look that said see I told you so.
“hey baby.” she said crawling into my lap shoving her cleavage in my face I couldn’t even breath. I picked her up and set her next to me she pouted as if she was five and I was taking away her new favorite toy.
“So Tiffney you wont believe who Tyler is going on a date with tonight.” I threw him a glare hoping he would take the hint but as usual he ignored me I had no doubt that when tiffany found out who she would make shadows life miserable.
“and who would that be?” she asked eyebrows raised no doubt wondering who could be any better then her.
“That chick named Shadow.” it was a well know fact that Tiffney for some unknown reason hated her more then anyone else in the school. I watched as her face went from calm to absolutely furious. But then she quickly hid it with a look of smugness.
“Your With that freak.” she snorted. “I bet after one date you will come running back after she takes you on a walk through a grave yard and if that doesn’t scare you off then her family will. Her dad is a freaking psycho.” How does she even know Shadow? Luke seemed to be wondering the same thing asked. For the first time I saw Tiffany nervous like she said something she wasn’t suppose to say.
“I had to do a project with her for school.” with that she got up and walked away.
“well that was weird” I said as the bell rung. For the rest of the day I thought about my date with shadow tonight something told me that this would not be a normal date.
Tiffany’s P.O.V
I couldn’t believe it! He had chosen that freak over me! How could I have almost told them I used to be best friends with her. I felt a pang missing it when I used to sit in the kitchen with her and her loving father or watched anime with them. Before I had been popular I had been real close to that family even knowing their deepest secret they didn’t know I knew it but I did. I even missed not having to always be on guard all the time or worry if what I wore was not cool enough. But it only lasted a seconded how could I miss all that? I had everything I had ever dreamed of. I had beauty, friends who practically bow at my feet, and all the guys wanting me. Life was almost perfect. Almost. My mom was in a mental hospital for trying to kill her self and my dad was a drunk. I dreaded going home. This life at school was the only thing I had and I wasn’t about to ruin it just because I missed one person. I sighed and walked into my house where my dad stood waiting for me with an angry expression. I knew tonight would not be good
Shadows P.O.V
I looked in the mirror with a satisfied smirk. I was wearing a black and purple ripped dress that was a corset on the top, and was shredded at the bottom it went to just below my knees, fishnet gloves, and combat boots, my blue hair was in chop sticks, and I was wearing purple lipstick. I had even put all my earrings in my ears. All in all I think I looked perfect for the night I had planed that is even if I’m able to get out of the door. Part of me wanted my dad to say no way! But another part of me wanted to go I had never experienced a date before and had always wondered what it would be like I heard the door bell ring and stiffened when I heard my father answer it I strained my ears to hear what was being said.
“can I help you.” oh no he was putting on his dangerous voice my dad enjoyed scaring random people.
“I’m here to pick up shadow for our date sir.” Tyler answered in a confident voice not even sounding a bit scared. How could he not be scared he had guts. Apperitly my father noticed because he laughed.
“come in.” he said in a warm voice. Wait why was he not yelling or saying no way in hell?
“So you want to take my sweet darling out do you?”
“yes sir I’m sorry if this is a bit of a surprise I’m guessing she didn’t tell you?” his voice sounded angry for the last part. I felt a little guilt about my plan but quickly swallowing it with the thought that he was most likely doing this on a dare.
“No she didn’t but because I like you I decided that you are worthy enough to take my daughter out for the night. BUT!!! The curfew Is midnight.”
“Yes sir.” Tyler said sounding a little nervous I was guessing my father was giving him the stern look I had always hated that look.
“SHADOW!!!! YOU R DATE IS HERE.” my father screamed taking a deep breath I walked out the door only to see my father giving me a kind smile as if to say I’m not mad. I could barley remember the walk to the car. I hadn’t even noticed the car turning on all I could think was what have I gotten myself into?
“so where do you want to go?” I looked over at him only to see him smiling at me he was so amazingly beautiful no one could match him well Lucien could but Tyler had an innocence to him that Lucien did not.
“Go on the highway turn left at the first sigh you see.” I answered already thinking of the night ahead my mood suddenly lifted and I smiled. We were going to go to this one party my friend Jaggy had told me about. It was a big bonfire and there would be a really cool band playing.
“I was thinking after we go to where ever it is you have planed I have this thing I was invited to I want to take you.” I opened my mouth but before I could he held out his hand silencing me.
“I’m going to your thing I think we should go to mine.” I huffed.
“Fine.” I knew it was some kind of party with all the cool kids and knew that id hate it but curiosity made me say yes I had never went to one of those before. After what seemed like forever we finaly pulled into the party. Tyler sat there gaping. Ahead of us were nothing but hippies, Goths, and punks. The band we were about to see was a mixture of all that stuff. I grinned at him.
“well what are you waiting for?” He snapped out of it and shook his head opening his door and getting out. When I stepped out of the car I was immediately surrounded. My friend who called herself flower gave me a big hug.
“Shadow its been weeks!” she exclaimed I laughed.
“Flower its only been three days remember we were hanging out at that one club. She laughed.
“well it felt like weeks who’s this?” she was always jumping topics in one sentience.
“This is my date Tyler.” her eyes widened.
“Does he have a brother” I laughed. Tyler smirked as if he knew he was hot I rolled my eyes. He was so cocky.
“well I’m going to look for Jaggy! See you later.” after saying goodbye to everyone else we made our way further into the woods.
“You seem to know a lot of people here.” I shrugged.
“My friend Jaggy introduced me to everyone so technically they are all his friends.” Tyler shook his head.
“has anyone ever told you how weird you are?” at first I was a little hurt by his word but felt better when I realized he had said it in a kind way. Maybe there was more to him then what meet the eye. He had been able to face my father and hadn’t at all seemed to have any disgust towards any of these people. So why would he want to hangout with all those people.
“Hey Tyler can I ask you something?” He shrugged
“Sure why not.”
“How is it you can be so nice but hangout with all those mean judgmental people?”
“You know you should get to know them before you say that.” I snorted.
“I have and tiffany’s the worst.”
“How would you know that?” he challenged.
“because we used to be best friends until she got popular.” Tylers eyes widened.
“Oh I would have never thought that.” we were silent the rest of the way. We made it to the clearing where the band would be playing and as I had predicted a blue headed Jaggy was screaming orders at the crew setting up. I rolled my eyes.
“JAGGY!!!!” I yelled and ran over and jumped on him. He in returned tickled me. I hated being tickled!He tickled me five minutes’ straight until I gave up and screamed mercy. I stood up panting and glared.
“cant you go five minutes without doing that!”
“Awe shadow then it wouldn’t be fun! And who is this guy next to you?” oh no I had totally forgotten he was even there!
“oh well this is Tyler he’s my date” Jaggy raised his eyebrows.
“I would peg him for a guy who dated cheerleaders not the weird girl who talks to herself. Ouch what was that for!” I had punched him in the arm.
“How many times do I have to say I don’t talk to myself!”
“Oh I’m sorry I meant the girl who talks to her imaginary friends.” he smirked but jumped just in time to avoid another punch. Tyler stood there looking awkward not knowing what to do.
“So Tyler what’s your favorite band?” he shrugged.
“To be honest to you I never really cared for music I only listen to classical music. Me and Jaggy gasped.
“Shadow what where you thinking?” He asked me gravely. I shook my head.
“leave him alone Jaggy and be nice!” I knew I was asking an impossible thing Jaggy wasn’t a very nice person. Well he was but if you didn’t know him enough you could easily misunderstand his joking or his sarcasm can really burn.
“well I have to go anyways have fun you too.” with one last wink he walked away. I turned to Tyler
“A little advice never say you don’t care for music just say I like classical music or you will end up getting lectured about how important music is.” I smiled and he laughed.
“I guess I should have known not to say that. You sure do hangout with some wild people.” I grinned.
“yea but so do you.” he frowned.
“I don’t think my friends are all that wild.”
“Yea they are I mean they go to parties and play some game that involves a pong and a glass.” He started to laugh.
“I can tell you have never been to one of those parties. Yea we may play that game but when you go to one of those parties you always know what’s going to happen.” I frowned.
“what do you mean?” he paused.
“well you walk into the door you get a beer hangout with the guys or if you’re a girl you either dance with some random guy cause your drunk or you just stand on the side. And then you hear some shouting and you go into wherever it comes from its almost always Tiffney cause some girl looked at her boyfriend of the night wrong. that’s pretty much what happens. With some pukeing and fights and some innocent girl get corned in a dark room with some guy and at the end of the night she’s a slut.” I raised my eyebrows.
“why would you even want to go to a party like that?” he shrugged.
“cause what else is there to do here in deer pert besides drink and party.”
“well” I said slowly. “ you could go in the woods and take a walk and just think. Or you could read.” he burst out laughing.
“Yea ok but after a while that gets boring.”
“maybe so but at least your not killing brain cells or you could just have a party that doesn’t involve drinking have a bonfire have some games like flash light tag be creative and make up a fun game that older kids want to play. If you think about it most of the problems are because if the drinks. I mean the minute you walk in the door you have a beer in your hand.” we were now on top of the hill the stars were really bright hundreds of them we remained silent for a while just gazing up. Behind us the music had started. The words echoing.
“You were my love yesterday
But today you became my sorrow
But something made me feel like we weren’t meant to be
You were meant for something greater
Something to make you feel more alive
To make you feel like you belonged
This world that I come from is no match for you
Cause girl your so much more”
“those words are amazing.” Tyler whispered. “I thought I didn’t like music but now I think I understand why people rely on it.” I nodded.
“Yea” we were silent for a few more minutes until Tyler broke the silence.
“what was Tiffney like before she is who she is now.” I looked up at the sky.
“She was amazing.” I whispered. “she was smart and a good friend if you would have traveled back in time and told me she would be the person she is now I would have laughed in your face. She was innocent but when people said the mean things they did she would just laugh and throw it over her shoulder. She acted like it was no big deal I should have seen it was all an act. I thought she was the stronger of us while I let everyone’s words effect me and cry in the bathroom she was always there to tell me to suck it up. And I would cause I never wanted to disappoint her. When she first got her looks she stayed with me but little by little I watched the strong independent friend become weak and watched as she turned her back on me. You want to know what the worst part is?” I looked over at him I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as I remember that day.
“she isn’t even happy anymore she sacrificed our friendship for nothing.”
It was chilly out I had been waiting thirty minutes for her to separate from her new friends so she could sneak over to me. It was taking longer then it usually did. What was taking so long? I thought impatiently. But then thought it was worth it I thought of the day before how she had walked down the halls with the girls behind her the envies looks that were thrown her way. I remember how she shinned. She had never been that happy when we had been together. I felt a mix of anger and sadness. She was slipping away I had known that for a few months in my heart I had known but my mind had refused to except that. I heard approshing feet and looked up relieved to see her approshing. But the smile vanished when I saw the girls with her. She looked behind her they gave her encouraging nods.
“hey Tiffney my dad got tickets to that band we wanted to see.” I forced a smile. I knew in my heart what she came here to do what those encouraging nods meant but I still refused to believe.
“I’m not going.” my smile froze then turned into a frown.
“But why? We have been trying to get these tickets for weeks my dad finally agreed to let us go!” My voice turned desperate which made all the girls laugh. Tiffney shook her head.
“Why would I want to hangout with a freak like you?” I felt a knife stab me in the heart I finally knew what all those books meant when they said that. My breath was no longer there just gone. Sometimes when I think about it I think that I haven’t been able to breath right since. Everyday I passed her in the hallways I would feel that same hurt I always did. It never went away. I became alone not wanting to make friends not wanting to let people near me or my shattered heart cause all they could ever do for me was take it all away.
End of flash back
Tyler held me he was warm but I couldn’t help but think about Lucian and how when he held me at a time like this he felt strong and warm. Tyler felt warm yes but he lacked something. Lucien when you looked into his eyes you could see that he had been through life and been through pain but Tyler he was too innocent to know real pain. I shook my head I refused to think about him its not like I loved him anyways. Plus I was here with Tyler
“I’m sorry that it happened to you don’t know what id do if my friends ditched me” I sighed but smiled.
“well I promised we would go to your party so lets go. But promise me one thing.”
“Promise me you wont drink or corner me in a room.” he laughed.
“Ok sounds good to me.” after saying goodbye to all my friends we were in the car on the way to this party. I dreaded it but was still curios.
“so who’s party is this?”
“Its lukes” I rolled my eyes. I had him in my history class and he sat behind me. I heard all his conversations which consisted to all the girls he had in the weakened and football. Blah. Tyler was right his friends weren’t exactly exciting just predictable. After what felt like hours we pulled up too a white house. It looked like it had two floors but it was pretty.
“Do his parents know he throws these wild parties.”
“No they don’t and if they ever found out they would murder him just like if they found out all the other things he did such as breaking all the girls hearts he can.”
“wow I think I like his parents.”
“How about you what would your dad do if he found you having a party.” I burst out laughing.
“He would insist on serving some tea and I’m not joking. My dad he’s lived in lots of places like that. His concern isn’t parties.”
“then what are they?” I looked out the window wishing I could tell him the truth. About an organization called the hunters who hunted the supernatural but instead I went for something a human girl who was a teenager complaining about her dad.
“boys.” he nodded.
“I can understand that I mean I see how most guys are with girls and they aren’t exactly innocent.” he opened the door and after hesitating I walked in. it seemed as though the room had froze. Then just as fast the whispering started.
“did you see that?”
“whys she here?”
“Is she with Tyler what was he thinking?”
“He must feel sorry for her.” I looked over at him and sighed.
“I don’t think they are happy I’m here.” he bent down.
“don’t worry about them their just jealous.” he winked and lead me to the living room where his friend Luke was flirting with some girls and some guy who I think was named Matt stood by with a bored expression. But grinned when he saw us walking towards them. He meet us the rest of the way.
“So Luke wasn’t kidding when he said that you were on a date worth the rumored witch.” I couldn’t help it I burst out laughing. The rumor must had been made out of spite but they had no idea how close they were. I was laughing so hard there was tears in my eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was cause I was nerves that I was laughing at something that normally would have just made me smirk.
“if it weren’t for your speech earlier about not drinking or not being with you from when we walked in this party I might have thought that you were drunk.” Tyler said amused I glared.
“finally someone else here has enough sense not to drink.” Matt grinned.
“You know Tyler I think you got yourself a keeper.” he smirked.
“She also suggested to me earlier that instead of partying I take a nice walk in the woods or read a book.” they both roared in laughter.
“She was kidding right?” Tyler shook his head gravely.
“Im afraid not.”
“well at least Im not wasting my time in an overcrowded room with to much smoke and beer spilled everywhere and the smell of puke every weekend.” I huffed. Matt looked at Tyler a thoughtful expression.
“Yea now that I think of it I do smell puke.” Then once more roared with laughter.
“what are you guys laughing so hard about?” Luke had come over no doubt cause he had no luck with the girl he had been trying to charm. I looked behind me to see a girl with red curly hair it went just above her shoulders and she had blue piercing eyes it was then I realized it was my cousin Beth. Which also meant my other ones were here. Normally if I were in a normal family it wouldn’t have been an issue. But these cousins were not only vampires but also recluses and like everyone else in my family overprotective of me. I looked around the room and sure enough I saw Seth standing on the other side his hair was dark green like the forest and he had the same piercing blue eyes as his sister Beth. He was walking my way and so was Beth. I didn’t need to look anymore to know that my other three cousin were also here and heading towards us. The room grew silent everyone had turned their attention to the scary looking new arrivals that was now standing in front with me stern expressions.
“Its 12:30 shadow your dad said to come home at twelve.” I gulped. Seth was really scary. He sighed.
“and this gentleman here failed to follow orders when uncle had been kind to let him take his only daughter out.”
“Wait Shadow your related to them?” Tyler gulped he didn’t seem to have enough in him to be as brave as he was with my father. To show my cousins weakness was not a smart thing the minute the sensed it all hell would brake lose. I sensed this so I stepped in front of him hoping that this would stop them from doing anything rash. But Dmitri who was Seth’s twin brother reached behind me and grabbed him.
“Lets him go! He didn’t do anything stop it!”
“He didn’t do what he was supose to do Shadow and neither did you! Go wait in the car!” Seth’s eyes that used to be blue turned red. If this had been any other time I wouldn’t have dared disobey. But now looking at Tyler’s pale face I knew I couldn’t just leave him especially if he was in the hands of Dmitri and Seth. Beth seemed to sense this she looked over at me pleadingly but I just put my chin up
“NO!” I shouted. Seth narrowed his eyes.
“what do you mean no?”
“well there should be a dictionary somewhere is you don’t know what it means.” I told him slowly as though I thought he were stupid. He nodded to Gillian who was the youngest.
“Take her to the car I don’t care how you get her too just do it.” His voice shook with anger. It was low but deadly everyone that stood around flinched. He nodded eager to make his older brother happy. I was roughly grabbed and thrown over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed the whole way but his grab never loosened and I didn’t dare use magic in front of all those humans. I really hated my life right now.
Publication Date: 01-29-2011
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