
Book Description

With a good cookbook, your problem is solved for the present-day way of life. You will not waste time thinking of the next meal, it really saves time and money. Good planning and management of your kitchen can save your time doing other things that need your attention. And, you can prepare in advance, menu for any occasions your family needs. Some cooking terms are added besides kitchen utensils, food preparation and storage, buying selections and other tips that could uplift your cooking style.

The book is an everyday cookbook reference for housewives who valued their family well-being through gaining ample knowledge about cooking and serving food. Thus, practical ways of food storage, kitchen management, selections of food and other facets of food preparation can be learned for increasing awareness of the family members’ health. Different recipes are included for easy cooking, preparing and serving

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Why You Should Select Your Food with Care

In selecting foods, one should buy those which are cheap but which at the same time give much food value. It can be learned by people who truly valued their well being and their families. Not all expensive foods contain the food nutrients. A good housekeeper intelligently apportions the money on hand for the different kinds of food her family needs. In a big family, it is economical to buy dry and canned foods by the dozen.

Foods that can be stored like salt, flour, sugar, garlic, onion and other spices can be bought in quantity to last for some weeks or months.

In buying fish, select the fresh ones with right bright eyes and red gills. Buy leafy vegetables that are fresh, and green vegetables and fruits which are firm and free from blemishes. Prefer fresh meat to that which is kept in cold storage.

The nutritional values of foods that you serve with your family are the one that gives them the proper health all throughout their lives. Be happy with what you can do to your family, for it really enhances their outlook in life.

Kinds of Foods That Should Be Supplied Daily

To provide us energy for work, we should have a daily supply of foods with proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The body needs new materials to replace its worn-outs cells. The sources of building materials are foods rich in protein and mineral matter. Regulative foods help in the digestion of food, keep the blood in proper condition, make the muscles strong and aid in the different body processes.

Foods may come from vegetable, animal or mineral sources. Vegetables consist of plants and substances manufactured from plants. In this group are roots and tubers like beets, carrots, potatoes and onions. Cauliflower and asparagus are plant stalks. Food from plant leaves are lettuce, cabbage and bok choy. Peas and nuts are seeds. Food materials from plants are starch, sugar, molasses, syrups, flour, and other foods.

Foods coming from animals are fish, shell fish, various meats, milk, eggs, cheese, butter and cream.

Why should the Nutritive Value of Foods be considered?

In selecting foods for the family, we should include fruits and vegetables to supply us the minerals, vitamins and woody part as roughage. The latter gives bulk in the food stream, and acts as a brush to push the food along the intestinal tract. Roughage foods keep the inside of the body clean.

Green and leafy vegetables furnish iron and calcium in the body. Food from animal and vegetable sources is usually rich in protein and amino acids. Sugar and starchy foods are rich in carbohydrates which give energy to the body.

Buying and Storing Meat

Throughout history, meat has always been the food of celebration - a star at everything from a grand banquet to a more modest family lunch. Lean lamb and beef provide the basis for countless tasty, innovative and healthy meat meals. They are economical, nutritious and versatile foods. Getting the best out of your meat however, relies as much on correct storage, as it does on correct cooking.

Purchasing Tips

If you are at all unsure about which cuts to buy, ask the butcher. They are trained professionals and more than happy to help.

Check there is enough space in refrigerator or freezer before buying meat.
Allow 125 grams to 150 grams of lean boneless meat or 200 grams bone in cuts per person.
Meat should be bright pink to red in color with a fresh (not dry) appearance. Select lean cuts; if there is any fat cover, it should be minimal.

Check that supermarket meat is packed on day of purchase. Don’t buy packs where there is meat juices as this means the meat has lost some juice and will be fry when cooked.
Keep meat cold while carrying home. Use an insulated chiller bag, to stop the meat temperature rising. This avoids the growth of food spoilage bacteria and reduces the use of excess plastic bags.

Refrigeration Storage Tips

Meat kept in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days will be more tender than meat cooked on day of purchase, this is because natural enzymes soften the meat fibers.

Storage in the Special Meat Compartment

Unwrap meat or remove from supermarket pack and arrange in stacks no more than 2 to 3 layers high. Make sure there is some air space between each piece of meat. Cover top of meat loosely with foil or waxed paper to stop surface drying. Do not cover with plastic as this causes the meat to sweat which shortens the storage time.

Storage in the General Refrigerator Area

Place a rack in a dish deep enough to catch any meat drip. Unwrap meat and store as for Meat Compartment in coldest part of refrigerator. In a refrigerator only unit, this is at the bottom. In a combination refrigerator freezer, the coldest air is at the top, because of closeness to the freezer.

If meat is to be used on day of purchase, it can be left in its original wrapping.

Storage Periods

Mince and sausages - 2 days
Diced beef and lamb - 2 to 3 days
Beef and lamb strips - 2 to 3 days
Steaks, schniltzels, chops and cutlets - 2 to 3 days
Mini roasts - 2 to 3 days
Roasting joints (boned) - 2 to 3 days
Roasting joints (with bone in) - 3 to 4 days
Corned beef - 1 week
Vacuum packed meat, unopened - 4 weeks


The more cutting the meat has had, the less time it will last. This is why storage time for mince is less than for steak or chops.

Vacuum Packed Meat

Vacuum packaging extends the storage life of chilled meat by removing all air and vacuum-sealing the pack. In the pack, the meat is purple-red in color due to lack of air. Once opened, the meat returns to its usual bright color (bloom). You might notice a slightly “off odor” when opening the bag. This is only “confinement odor” and will disappear in a short time. Once opened,, vacuum packed meat’s storage time is 1 to 2 days less than fresh meat.

Freezer Storage

Mince, strips and diced meat can be frozen for up to 2 months. Other cuts can be frozen for up to 6 months. Longer storage doesn’t cause contamination, but it will cause dehydration and give the meat a “fridgy” taste. Interleave steaks and chops with freezer wraps so they separate easily. Freeze mince in flat packages for quick defrosting. Place meat in a sealed freezer bag to stop “freezer burn” (dehydration). Label with name of cut and date frozen. Vacuum packed meat can be frozen in its bag without repacking. Defrost meat in the refrigerator, never at room temperature or in water. Allow 2 days for a roast, 1 day for smaller cuts. To defrost quickly, use the defrost setting of a microwave oven and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you’ve had a power failure and frozen meat has defrosted, don’t re-freeze it unless you cook it first; for example, make into casseroles.

How to Freeze Food and Vegetables

Freezing Food and Freezer Life

Apples - cut into slices and blanch for 1 minute, pack into rigid containers, or puree before freezing, 1 year freezer life.

Artichokes - trim, blanch, cool, drain and freeze in poly bags, 1 year freezer life.

Asparagus - blanch for 4 minutes if thick, 2 minutes if thinner, pack in rigid containers, 1 year freezer life.

Aubergine (Eggplant) - wash and cut into 1/2 inch slices, blanch for 4 minutes, drain, cool, and open freeze. Package in small amounts when frozen, 1 year freezer life.

Avocados - Puree fresh flesh; add lemon juice, packs into rigid containers. Thaw overnight before using for dips, 2 months freezer life.

Bananas - Puree only for cakes and puddings. Pack in solid containers, 6 months freezer life.

Basil - use only fresh green leaves, wash dry and freeze in small amounts. Use sparingly, crunched while still frozen, for stews, casseroles, sauces, etc., 1 year freezer life.

Broad Beans - shell, blanch; cool in iced water, packs in poly bags, 1 year freezer life.

Runner Beans - chop into 2 inch pieces, blanch for 2 minutes, cool in iced water, pack in poly bags, 1 year freezer life.

Biscuit Mixture - shape into roll, wrap in foil and freeze, 6 months freezer life.

Breadcrumbs - prepare from fresh bread, to use for stuffing, puddings and sauces. Use from frozen, except when coating foods, for this leave 30 minutes at room temperature, 3 months freezer life.

Broccoli - freezes well, blanch for 3 minutes, cool in iced water; pack in poly bags, 1 year freezer life.

Butter Balls - shape into balls, pack in rigid containers, 6 months freezer life.

Butter Creams - any flavors should be pure, but they freeze well. Freeze immediately. Thaw at room temperature, a 200 grams (8 oz) quantity will take 2 hours to defrost, 3 month freezer life.

Bruss’ Sprouts - trim any discolored leaves, wash and blanch. Cool immediately in iced water, open freezer on a tray, then package in bags when frozen, 1 year freezer life.

Cabbages - wash, shred and blanch for 1 1/2 minutes. Cool in iced water, drain and pack in bags, 1 year freezer life.

Cakes - when cake baking, double or triple the mixture and freeze the balance. Avoid synthetic flavorings as they develop “off” flavors during freezing and go lightly on spices. Leave plain cakes to thaw in their wrappings, but unwrap iced cakes to prevent wrapping sticking to the surface and spoiling icing. Filled cakes should only be stored in freezer for 3 months; unfilled for 4 months freezer life.

Candied Peel - keeps very well. Pack in poly bags, 1 year freezer life.

Carrots (baby) - blanch for 3 minutes, cool in iced water


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Copyright@2013 Fernando lachica
Publication Date: 02-24-2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1284-3

All Rights Reserved

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