Motivation is the experience of desire or aversion…You want something, or want to avoid or escape something. As such, motivation has both an objective side – a goal or thing you aspire to – and an internal or subjective aspect: it is you that wants the thing (or wants it to go away). -Wikipedia
I consider motivation as the sum of purpose, reason, and desire, which makes us work in a particular direction. In the absence or lack of any of these factors, we cannot work properly.
Ups and downs are parts of life. Sometimes we lack motivation or get demotivated. This can happen because of a failure, lack of purpose, and/or lack of energy. We should identify the reason and try to deal with it. If we do not know the purpose of doing a job we cannot do it with interest. Failure can also dishearten us and render simple tasks difficult for us. In such conditions, we can take the help of external means to cause and boost motivation within us. We can read motivational books or listen to motivational speeches or apply any other method, which suits us.
When we go for a job, our primary motivation can be remuneration. However, after a few days, a few months or a few years remuneration only may not remain the only motivator to continue the job. We may feel the need for job satisfaction which we may find lacking. Sometimes we are not clear about the end product of a task and the task seems to
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Text: Author
Publication Date: 12-30-2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2500-8
All Rights Reserved
I consider motivation as the sum of purpose, reason, and desire, which makes us work in a particular direction. In the absence or lack of any of these factors, we cannot work properly.