
Why Her?

Francisco's POV

I felt that same tug in my chest as Alex walked in. That's happened ever since she moved here last year. The worst of it all, she's my mate. She's hideous for all I know. Not what I can see. Because... I can't see! I'm not blind. She hides herself in baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants.
Alex had long brown hair... I think. What I do know for sure is her face. I have it memorized, and I love what I see. Her eyes are an icy blue, so blue, they're almost unhuman. They have the same fierce look in any kind of mood. Although all she looks at me are faces of hurt and anger. I resent what I did. She has a cute button nose, and big pouty lips perfect for mine. Wait a minute... what just happened?
Ever since she moved here all I did was ignore her. I knew she felt the same pull as I did. But I couldn't help it. She wasn't at all my type. My type was redheads with curves. A real body. A proud body. I sighed and headed to class early. One of the classes I had with Alex. She was already there, of course. In her usual get up. Baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. Though, I must admit, those pants made her ass look huge. And yes, I did look. Can't blame me, can you?
I took my assigned seat. Next to her. Her shoulder scrunched up when I scooted closer to her, to actually get into my seat. They were tiny. Though, she was tinier, she had space between her stomach and the desk. Guess she was skinny. The teacher walked in, her wrinkled face looking bored.
"Okay, class," she yelled at us. "today, we're doing a lab and you're partner will be the person sitting next to you." I looked at Alex and she looked at me. I was getting lost in her big blue eyes, and she automatically looked away. I sighed, and as soon as she was handed the paper, she immediately started working on it. Well, my mate's smart, I thought, that's attractive. But it was.
I had my right hand up and I was twirling a pencil in it. While she was doing a problem, she didn't notice that her sweatshirt sleeve slid off her tan shoulder. I however, couldn't stop staring at it...

Alex's POV

I was working hard on a problem, trying to ignore how close Francisco was to me. Our object we were observing was on his side of the desk. Just great. I reached for it, and I felt his knuckles graze my skin. He growled softly, and I looked at him, squinting my eyes at him in confusion. His upper lip was pulled up and I could see his gums. He looked like he was trying to keep himself together.
His eyes met mine. It was like he was hypnotizing me... I couldn't breathe. I saw his face get closer slowly, but it was too slow for me, so I started to close the distance between us myself. His eyes left mine, and looked down to my lips. All of a sudden, I was free, and I realized what I was doing, so I pulled away. His eyes were dark with lust, and my breath caught. Lust? No, that was impossible. Right?
The bell rung, and I dashed out of there. I needed to get my head together. That meant I needed to get away from him. Away from everybody. Luckily, I had no other classes with 'him' and the rest of the day passed quickly. I walked home, it wasn't long, about 7 minutes. My best friend, Ivan, stepped in beside me. I smiled at him, and he smiled at me, looking nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked him, and he shrugged and looked away. Okay... weird.
We stopped at my front door, and I turned to say goodbye to him. I froze when I saw that he was staring at me intently. "Alex, I need to tell you something," he said, more like whispered. I nodded, not understanding. "I like you, Alex, more than friends, and... I need to know how you feel about me." He rushed and my eyes widened.
I took that time to look him over. He was cute. Dirty blond hair with warm chocolate brown eyes. He was tall, just the right build, and a great personality. I've never thought about him other than a big brother... until now. He liked me. More than friends. I'm not ugly, I know that much, and he was the only one who has seen my body. Not like that, just... he's over all the time, and at home, I'm in a tank top and sleeping shorts. He was shocked the first time he saw me like that. I smiled as I thought over that memory.
"Please, Alex, the suspense is killing me," he begged me, looking scared, and a little defeated. "Just one date, please, and if you don't care for me like I do for you, then I won't bother you anymore about this. Just..." he rambled on, shrugging, "please, one date."
I sighed and smiled a little bit. "Okay, one date." I agreed, and he smiled so wide I thought his face would split in half. I was happy, but deep down, I wondered why I felt like I was cheating.

Too Little Too Late

Francisco's POV

I walked into the classroom and Alex was there, and I froze. She was different. Gorgeous. She wasn't in her usual get up today. She was only in a white button up shirt, wearing a black pencil skirt, and in high heels. She stood up and made her way to me. It was only us in here. I actually saw her legs. Long, tan, slender, and sexy. My throat felt dry and my breath hitched.
"Francisco," she whispered in my ear, and I groaned. "do you want me?" She asked me and I nodded frantically.
I brought my hands to her slim waist, drinking in her new found curves greedily. "God, I do. I never knew you were like this. I want you." I told her, and she smirked, her full lips looking delicious. I leaned in and she backed away.
Her hands rubbed my chest and biceps and spoke with a hard voice. "Well, too bad. Ivan and I are together now. You waited too long. You think I'd really just forget what you did to me?" She laughed darkly, smiling smugly. I shook my head, trying to speak, but she wouldn't let me. "You ruined me. That's why I'm like I am." She cried, running away from me. My heart sunk and I reached out to her, I wanted to cry with her now. Ivan appeared out of nowhere, and pulled her to him, glaring at me. I growled and lunged at him, beyond angry, I saw red.
She smiled at him and they started kissing. I felt my heart crumple and break into pieces. I broke down, not caring who saw me. Then I felt a touch that sent tingles up and down my arm and warming my whole body. A warm finger lifted my chin, and I looked into Alex's face. Her face was torn. "I still love you," she muttered, smiling a little.

That was when I woke up.

My breath was coming in quick pants and I was sweating. It had felt so real. The ache in my groin felt so real. I looked down and I groaned. Yep, it was real. Better take a cold shower.
After, I just sat there, thinking of the dream. Ivan? I know him... he's my buddy. Some buddy he is. But, I don't know if that dream was true... I sighed, I didn't know what to think anymore. I was just so tired of this. Between me and Alex was supposed to be love and trust. But instead, we had hatred and confusion. But I know that was my fault.
Her body... was that my imagination? Or the reality? It might just be... I was dying to find out. But, alas, today was Saturday, and I'd have to wait till Monday to actually find out. Usually I was hoping that the weekend would last forever, but now... I wish it'd hurry the hell up.

Alex's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed, and still a little guilty. What the hell? I didn't do anything wrong, I told my brain. I shook my head and just laid there for a few moments. I smiled as I thought how sweet Ivan was. After I told him yes, he smiled and lifted me off the ground, spinning me around. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall.
He let me down and smiled adoringly at me. I bit my lip and looked down. He kissed my cheek, his lips lingering there. He said he'd call me later for the details. I teased him on how excited he was about our date. And his response was, "Hell yeah, I am!"
Then my thoughts reluctantly drifted to Francisco. Even though the two men were completely different, I held feelings for both of them. With Francisco, I was focused on the past, and for Ivan... it-he-could be my future... my heart stirred at that thought. Though, I couldn't tell if it was happy about that thought. After all, I was thinking with my brain for all of this.
Francisco had jet black hair and it was always styled in a really messy way. Really sexy way, too. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, straight nose, and kissable lips. A strong jawline, high cheekbones. I sighed... Perfection.

I Bet You Won't

Francisco's POV

It was Monday morning. Finally. Though, now I was having a couple second thoughts. My wolf disagreed. He used this as an excuse to get close to her, to actually make skin-to-skin contact. Don't get me wrong, I wanted that too... more than anything. But I had my image to protect.
I already knew today was going to go fast, since I hadn't made up my mind yet. First period seemed to only last for a couple of minutes. All the other classes, a couple seconds, and my palms were sweating as I saw the only person in the hallway were me and Alex. She didn't know I was here.
God, I felt like such a creeper. But, I needed to do this. I took in a shaky breath and made my way over to her. She must have heard my silent footsteps because she spun to face me quick and her mouth dropped open in surprise. "What are you doing here?" She whispered to me, looking scared. She looked around the empty hallway, knowing that we were all alone. And that I could do anything I wanted to.
"I came to talk to you." I told her softly, holding up my hands as a sign of peace. She still backed away from me slowly, while shaking her head fast, her mouth mouthing words, but not saying anything. "I won't hurt you," I said to her, trying to reassuring. I reached out to her, trying to keep her in place.
She gasped. "No, get your filthy hands away from me!" She almost shouted, swatting my hands away. My wolf grew mad. Not only was she defying me, but she hit me, when I didn't do anything but trying to help. I unexpectedly growled and she froze as I gripped her upper arms.
"Don't you dare do that again, do you hear me? I overrule you, and you will do what I say." I commanded her and her eyes grew wide. She nodded, but barely, she probably wasn't even aware she was doing it. Then she snapped out it.
She sneered and I surprisingly found that face sexy, it was hard to keep myself from biting my lip. I shook my head and tried to concentrate on my upset mate. "No. Who. The, hell. Do you think you are? Okay, look, don't act like you own me, or know me. Cause you don't. Never have, never will." She spat at me, her temper rising. It was turning me on. I opened my mouth to speak, but she closed her eyes, and held up her hand, stopping me. "And stop acting all tough, saying you'll do whatever you want to me." she finished, stepping inside my space now, and having her mouth hovering right above mine. "Bet you won't," she whispered in my mouth.

That was when I lost it.

I slammed her body into the dark green lockers, that were starting to lose their color. Then I pressed my waiting body into hers. I felt her body. Her real body. Just like my dream... I had to find out. I needed to once not to be blind.

Alex's POV

"Get off me," I spat at him, and he laughed hard. It was evil, and it made me feel weak. Weaker than I already was. He had me pinned up against the lockers with my hands above my head.
He shook his head. "No, I'm gonna find out what you're hiding, once and for all, bitch." He told me, and started to unzip my baggy sweater. No! I thrashed even more, but somehow he got it off me. Now all I was left in my thin tank top. I wasn't fat. I had a four-pack, slim waist, and curves. I also had breasts too big for my petite figure.
I felt a cold breeze on my legs, and I looked down. That motherfucker tore off my sweatpants! Oh, he was lucky I put on some sleeping shorts this morning... "You fucking hoe! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shouted at him, but I could tell he wasn't listening to me anymore.
That made me even more annoyed at him. First he hunts me down, all the while saying how ugly and fat I am. Now, he can't tear his eyes off of me. I smirked, I could use this to my advantage, I thought... I put my finger under his strong chin, and he met my eyes. I trailed my hands down his arms and stopped at his hips. I heard him take in a quick breath through his teeth. Then I retraced my path, but grazing his thin shirt with my nails. His stomach hardened under my touch.
I felt myself being slid up the lockers again as he growled. His hands were under my thighs and held me up from there. My legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed me fiercely. He moaned as I squeezed him tighter to me. I licked his lower bottom lip and he opened his mouth, and I plunged my tongue deep in his mouth. It's like I wasn't even me. He kissed my neck, sucking, licking, even biting. I groaned and slammed my head back as I ran my hands through his soft silky hair. I felt exposed. I liked it.
His hands went to my sides, drinking in my curves and taking my tank top with him. It was like he wanted us to be closer because his fingers were digging in my skin. I liked that, too. He must have liked it, too because I felt something very manly press into me. I whimpered when he grinded into me forcefully, plunging his tongue deep inside my mouth, practically searching for my tonsils. I needed to stop this...
I pulled away from him, both of us panting heavily, trying to catch our breath. Even though I could tell he was panting harder than I was, he wouldn't stop. He softly kissed my lips once more, then trailed kisses down my jawline and neck, to my chest. His hand groped my breast, and I froze. That was like a splash of cold water to the face. I needed to stop this... now, before I forgot about everything once he started kissing me again.
"Francisco," I breathed out, still panting. He looked up at me, and I froze when I saw the emotion in his eyes. Lust. Passion. And love...? Okay, okay, get out of here, now. "I need to go," I croaked out, and luckily he understood. He let go of me immediately, I bent down to get my backpack. I hung it on one shoulder and ran out of there like hell. Hopefully he wouldn't follow me. I didn't want that... or did I?

You're Mine, I'm Not Yours

Francisco's POV

I drove home sullenly, not wanting to leave the place where my new favorite memory took place. Right before she left... It was so perfect. A little intense, but what I can say? Seeing the real her brought fire to places that needed satisfying.

Go back to my mate, Francisco, stop being a baby, go make her happy, make me happy. Now.

My wolf commanded me, and I sighed.

No, I won't touch her again till she's ready, I fought back. Damn animal.

If we don't persuade her, she'll move on and never be ready. What are we going to do then? You know Ivan has his eyes on our little mate.

My wolf growled, it's voice turning taunting at the end. I growled and clenched my hands around the steering wheel to keep myself from killing him. Literally.

No, he wouldn't do that, I argued back, my heart starting to beat hard in my chest. My phone rang, and my body stiffened when I saw who the caller was. Ivan.

Told you so. Now, pick up the phone and tell him she's yours. Do it. Now.

My wolf urged me on, and I nodded, knowing that she was mine and no one else's.

"Hey, Ivan. What's up?" I asked, struggling to keep my tone light. I would soon get my words out.
I heard a click and Ivan spoke softly. "I need a favor, man. Listen, I asked out Alex and she said yes! I really like her, and I need to know the perfect place for a first date. Possibly good enough for her to ask for another?" He questioned, chuckling a little at the end. She said... yes? No, no, this wasn't her fault. She was just trying to be nice.
My wolf took over and said for me, "You will not take her on a date." There was a pause on the other line, then I heard his breath catch. "Francisco, what are-" I cut him off. "She is mine. No one else's. If I catch you looking at her again I will punish you. And you will regret doing it. I give you permission to be her friend, but nothing more, and if there is something more, I will find out." Then I hung up the phone. My wolf was pleased to have sent that punk straight. I, on the other hand, was too busy thinking about Alex. She was lonely. I would change that.

Alex's POV

I was in my room when the phone rang. A small part of me thought it was Francisco. A small part of me wished it was Francisco. It wasn't, and I was oddly disappointed. It was only Ivan. I smiled as I put the phone to my ear. "Hey, Ivan. What's up?"
I heard him gasp a little as he breathed something like, "Francisco said that," I shrugged and let him speak when he was ready. It took a couple minutes. I was about to hang up when I heard a noisy exhale on the other end. "Uh, Alex. I'm sorry but I don't think I'm going to be able to take you on that date," he muttered cursing someones name right after.
"What, why not?" I asked, I wasn't angry or annoyed, I was actually quite relieved. But, I was honestly curious. He answered way too quickly. "Nothing," he muttered softly. "Tell me," I urged. He said no, and we repeated it... over and over again.
"Fine!" He caved and I smiled in triumph. "You're boyfriend

, Francisco and I had a less than pleasant conversation over you today. He told me to stay away. And don't say that, 'that's not what he was implying', because, yes, that's exactly what he was implying. And he made that very clear. We can be friends, but just that, I'm sorry." He said sounded really sad and I pouted. Then I got confused.
Francisco? He didn't have any right messing with my dates! Well, not that this particular 'date' mattered anyway, but... still. I would like to make my own decisions, thank you very much. "Ivan, what exactly did he say to you?" I asked, anxious, desperate to know.
"He said, "she's mine," and, "I give you permission to be her friend, but nothing more," it was really creepy, weird, and I guess a little over protective if you ask me. You guys have only been dating, for what? A week now, I would never do that, so-" I cut him off when I heard him say "You guys have only been dating,"
I shook my head even though he couldn't see it. "Woah, woah, woah. Who said that we were dating? We're not dating. I don't even know why I would be 'his' but, I'm not. That motherfucker better be ready for what's coming to him," I muttered that last part to myself but he heard, and he started to freak out.
"No, no, no, no, no, please don't tell him! I don't want to die! Anything you want, I'll do it, just please don't tell him, I'm begging you," he pleaded in a hushed whisper, and I was shocked. He was strong, but even I knew not even close to Francisco. I sighed and nodded. "Okay. God, fine, okay, I won't tell him." I yelled at him through his rambling. He said thank you a lot of times before I finally just hung up on him.
Okay, revenge. I picked out my outfit for tomorrow. I smiled evily as I thought of his face when I paraded around school like this. I set my alarm earlier than usual, so I'd wake up at 5:30. What? I had to dress to impress, but in this case, dress to revenge. I laughed some more to myself as I changed into a long t-shirt and crawled into bed.

Neva Gave A Fuck

Francisco's POV

I was with my pack Blake, Chris, David, Ramiro, and Andrew with their mates, Kelly, Anna, Carolina, Peggy, and Kira. I was the only single one here and I felt ashamed about that. Things could have been different, I thought to myself, and I sensed her presence. I couldn't stop myself from turning to look at her, expecting the usual. But what I found was a stranger. A sexy stranger.
Wearing a confident smile, Alex strode inside the school. That's not what caught my attention. It was her appearance. Wearing something I never thought she would. Revealing. My wolf rumbled it's approval, then growled when we noticed the other males noticing too.
I couldn't blame them, though, I wanted to have an excuse to pound their faces in. My wolf didn't need an excuse and that scared me. She had a black snap-back on, the front facing the right side of her head that had one word in bold white words, "WOKE". Her black hair hung straight down her slender shoulders with a soft turquoise peek-a-boo. She wore a black tank top that clung to every curve, with a light sleeveless blue denim jean jacket, and a necklace that said, "Latin Chick Swag". She wore dark blue shorts that showed off her nice, long toned legs that had all the men drooling. Including me. Finished with high topped all black converse that made her look irresistible.
She knew this, because she was wearing a sexy smirk. Now, this

was mate material, I thought. Her eyes met mine, normal grey, so I couldn't tell what she was feeling. Normal, maybe? No, something brought this up. When she made it to me, she stopped and smiled warmly at me and my pack. "Hi, I'm Alex. I guess I belong to Francisco?" She asked them, and their mouths popped open. My breath caught and I immediately thought to Ivan.
I felt her small hands grip my collar and pull me away. I was too turned on to stop her, so I just smirked at my pack and they smiled knowingly. They all knew, and it was about time. We walked into an empty classroom, and she locked it after we made sure we were the only ones in here. "You belong to me," My wolf said, and I wasn't able to stop it from coming out.
My hands drifted to her hips, loving the way her eyes rolled back when I did. I bent down and licked up and under her upper lip. "Yeah, I guess I am," she breathed out. Then her hands rested on my cheeks and pulled away. "Do I need to permission to hang out with Ivan? Or my parents for that matter? Or my other friends?" She asked harshly, her face in a sneer.
"What do you mean? You can do whatever?" I said to her, but it came out as a question. I didn't have complete control over what she did, so she could do whatever she wanted... for the time being.
She smiled cynically, and laughed once. "Of course I can. Just wanted to put that out there. So remember," she said to me, giving me a long passionate kiss. Just as I was ready to lay her down on the teachers desk and take her, she pulled away breathless. "Bye." She smiled and I was too shocked to follow her.

What just happened?

Alex's POV

Why would you do that, my brain asked me. I don't know, I answered. We were talking about the kiss. I didn't know why I kissed him! I just did! I really didn't want to pull away from his strong arms, and addicting lips. I saw Ivan, and I made my brain turn off. Wish I could do that to my body, I thought. It still pleasurably tingled from the kiss we had in the classroom. I saw him exit it and I panicked. I ran over to Ivan, and smiled over at him.
His eyes grew wide at my appearance, and I watched his eyes smolder. Oh, crap. I forgot. I gave him an apologetic smile, and he swallowed noisily and smiled back at me a little. He understood that I forgot, and have forgiven me. "So, what's with the stay-at-home appearance?" He joked, and of course no one else would understand it but us.
"Oh, y'know," I shrugged casually. I stated while smiling wide, "Revenge." He looked confused then he understood and laughed and smiled at me. I looked around us and I noticed boys' still staring. And it wasn't at my face. I cleared my throat real loud and they all heard. All set of eyes met mine, and I smirked waving my fingers at them. They cleared their throats, embarrassed and looked away. To look back a couple of seconds later. I rolled my eyes. This is why I never dress like this!
Too much pervs for my liking. I saw Ivan staring at me, too. I sighed, I just hoped that this day would go fast.

A/N - Since I really don't know how to upload pictures (haha, sorry) If you WANT to see how she looks, go to Google, or Youtube and look up, "Neva Gave A Fuck Freestyle" by Snow Tha Product... and yeah, you'll see how she looks.

Til Death

Francisco's POV

The day seemed to drag on and on. I never saw Alex again. Except in lunch, and she had herself draped over Ivan's shoulder. That motherfucker. Didn't I tell him to stay away from her? I took a calming breath to stay in control. That all broke when I saw what happened next.
With a quick on Ivan's neck, she stood up to throw away hers and his lunch trays'. Somehow, I found myself striding over to him and I pulled him up. His shocked face came into view. "Oh, h-hey, Francisco," he stuttered out, and I growled, and pushed him.
"What the fuck did I say the other day?" I shouted at him, now the cafeteria was deathly quiet. Even the cheerleaders were silent. Wow, shocker. he tried to explain. Excuses, excuses. How dare he try to lie to an Alpha? The pain will be severe, I will be satisfied with nothing less,

My wolf stated and took over. My fist hit his jaw with an audible crack and it felt good. He stumbled back, clutching it.
His eyes blared. I saw Alex's face filled with shock, and worry. I was still focused on Alex and I didn't see him charge at me until it was too late. My back hit the hard floor hard and he started immediately throwing punches. I dodged some, but not all. He got me good on my jaw and under my left eye. I heard Alex's angelic voice yell, "Stop!" But we didn't. I was on top of him throwing punches and I saw that his lip was bleeding, and above his eyebrow, but I still didn't stop.
I felt little hands grip my upper arms, and attempted to get me up and off him. The familiar scent of her made me get up to be close to her. But she went to him. She knelt down by him and touched his face tenderly, it made me even more jealous. She whispered that it would be alright to him and then stood back up and backed away while he was getting help.
"You're stupid," she whispered to me. I growled and then I saw her lips curl into a little smile. She came to me and touched my face softly, sending tingles and warming up my body. She got a sneaky smile on her beautiful face, and she put her finger up to her full lips and pursed them, saying, "shh..." and led me out the door. No one noticed, because they were too busy on helping out Ivan.
I smirked and let her drag me out to the parking lot. "Where are we going?" I asked her curiously. She laughed, and I reveled in the moment, and shook her head. "Don't get any sick ideas, San Francisco, we're just going to get you cleaned up." She told me happily. "Do you mind if we took your car? I walk here, and I don't think you'd really wanna walk to my house." She shrugged, and my breath caught.
Her house? Okay! I nodded like it didn't matter, but it was just the opposite.

Alex's POV

I slid into his car, I'd be riding it. It was a nice car, (A/N - Not really that into cars, so I really can't describe it to you, sorry.) and I'd be driving it. Since he didn't know where I lived, and he was hurt. My eyes drifted to him every few seconds. We got there in about 3 minutes. Before I got out, I held out a hand to stop him, and he stopped, confused, but stopped. I grinned and laughed and jumped out and ran to his side of the car, and opened the door for him.
He was shaking his head, grinning a little while he got out slowly. I couldn't help but giggle and he playfully pushed me forward to my front door. I opened it and let him in, while he looked around my house. I brought him up the stairs... to my room. My heart raced at that thought... of him on my bed... on me. Woah-no thinking like that!
"Nice room," I heard him mutter, looking around. I muttered back a thanks and led him to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. He had dried blood on his jaw and under his left eye. So, I ripped a tissue off the counter and put it under the faucet. Made sure that the water was warm. Then I looked back to Francisco and froze.
He was real close, and staring at me intently. I breathed out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and reached towards his face. His eyes closed when I touched his face to hold him still. I dabbed his face till all the blood was gone, but I didn't want to scoot away. He noticed this because he opened his eyes, and I gasped. They were glowing turquoise.
I blinked a lot, thinking I was hallucinating it. No, I wasn't. I heard a low growling noise, and it was oddly appealing. I tilted my head to the left for some reason and the growling grew louder. Before I knew what happened, his lips were latched to my neck. I cried out shocked, but it felt good too. His hands went to my hips. I threw the tissues into a near trash bin and held onto his shoulders so I wouldn't fall. He wouldn't have allowed that though, he had a pretty tight grip on my waist.
He trailed hot kisses down to my neck and back up my neck, to my jaw, then kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back, wanting this so much. He licked my bottom lip, asking entrance, but I wouldn't let him in. He growled and pushed me against the wall. My breath caught but still kept my lips together. He bit my lip once more and pulled it out. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I opened my mouth and licked his teeth. He thrust his tongue inside my mouth and I moaned in the same way that he did. His hands were leaving my hips and going down. I kissed him all the harder.

In My Lifetime

Francisco's POV

My hands were drifting to her thighs and I hoisted her up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around my waist and, feeling that she wasn't going to fall, trailed my hands upward. One hand was tangled in her long hair and the other one was just feeling her. Her neck, chest, legs...
Take mate... NOW!

My wolf snarled, struggling to get out. I was losing control.

No, not yet. I want to take it slow! I argued back. My wolf whimpered but stopped. Feeling pleased that I was once in control, I went back to Alex. She unconsciously or consciously rubbed against my member that was throbbing. Man, she was a tease... she pushed my head into the crook of her neck, and I inhaled deeply, savoring her unique scent that drove me crazy with a single whiff.
I felt my fangs elongate and I was losing control once again. She brought my head back up and started kissing my neck. I groaned and held onto her hair tighter. Her small hands were drifting to the hem of my shirt. She touched my six-pack and I ground myself into her. She whimpered with the force of it. "Francisco..." she moaned and I kissed her again.
"Alex," I breathed right back. She puffed out a breath of air as I kissed her sweet neck again. "No, Francisco, let me down before I do something I regret. Please," she said to me, breathless, but firm. My wolf whimpered when I did what she asked.

WE'RE in charge, not her. Show her who makes the decisions!

My wolf yelled at me, and I just shook my head at him.

Do you want to scare her off? I growled. Silence. Didn't think so...

"Well, Francisco, it seems you are fine, so, if you would please... leave?" She said but it came out as a question, and she squinted her eyes at the end, not pleased with herself. I sighed, I didn't want to leave her. My arms felt cold without her in them. My wolf went crazy for her. Now... this is my mate.
I opened my to talk, reaching out for her. She took a backwards step away from me, shaking her head. "I'll-I'll talk to you later at school, okay?" She bargained and I didn't want her to be scared of me so I just nodded my head and left my mate.
As I got into my car, I thought of everything. Why the sudden feelings? I was obsessed. Though, I barely acknowledged her existence before. Sure, I still went crazy for her, but I was too ashamed of my mate that I ignored her. I still remember the first day that she came in here.

All dressed pretty, high-topped converse, jean shorts, and a loose fitting top, though you could still tell she had an amazing figure. Though, how could I tell she was my mate? You know who your mate is when you turn 18. And, I was still 17 that day until the next day. Nice timing, I thought to the heavens now as I rethink the memory.
Like magic, her light gray eyes met mine, and my wolf howled in satisfaction. Of course, I ignored the big clue. She smiled at me, but I just rolled my eyes and turned around. I was hooking up with Isabella, a fiery redhead, who was at the time, kissing my neck. I bit my lip and my wolf growled menacingly.

She's not the right one...

My wolf whimpered, but, being the fool I am, I ignored the second big clue.

I kissed her harshly and through my peripheral vision, I saw Alex with a torn look on her face, looking at the ground, her delightful mood evaporating. I scoffed, thinking that she was just a snobby kid who usually got everything she wanted. Well honey, sorry to bust your bubble... I'm not sorry. Though, Isabella was a woman who was used to getting everything she wanted, I was attracted to her.
Lunch time was here... and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that new girl. Oh great, add to my misery! I thought bitterly as I saw her making her way to my table with my pack. The men were eyeing her lustfully, and I growled at them as a warning to back off. That puzzled me, and even they knew it because they shut up and looked elsewhere.
"Hi, I'm Alex. I'm new here. Do you mind if I sit with you guys?" She asked politely, smiling widely, showing off her perfect teeth and big dimples in the middle of both of her cheeks. I wonder if she has any other dimples, I thought distractedly. No, stop it! I scolded myself.
I shook my head at her. "Sorry, honey, but no one wants you here, okay?" I said politely to her, but my eyes and smile telling otherwise. She looked smart, so I was sure that she got it. I looked down and noticed that she didn't have a lunch tray in her hands. Just her book-bag hanging off her shoulder. "Just take your anorexic self and lock yourself in your room for a couple of days, would you?" I spat at her, and her mouth popped open.
Her face crumpled and she looked like she was going to cry. I felt bad, but I didn't let it show.

What are you doing?!

My wolf roared at me. I don't know, I answered, but... what's done is done, and I never apologize. Even if I know what I did was wrong. Never. She looked like she wanted to confess to something, and I saw fear cross her eyes. I was confused by that, and I wondered what she was worried about. She turned her back on us and left, rather fast, and stumbled out the cafeteria. I snorted and turned back to the table.
They all had shocked and angry faces. "What?" I snapped at them and they automatically looked down at their food. A few challenged me for a little while. Until they had disappointed looks and returned to their food. But, instead of eating they picked at their food. I shook my head, whatever. My appetite was gone, and I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I couldn't eat.

I shook myself away from the memory, already at the pack house. What have I done? Of course she doesn't trust me... why should she?

I'm Still Breathing

Alex's POV

I laid in my bed, thinking about what happened. I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up thinking it was Francisco. I was annoyed... and excited. Should I answer it? My heart was telling me yes, but my brain was telling me that he would just take advantage of me. When I didn't answer, the door burst open.
My dad came barging in with an angry expression. He raised his hand and slapped me. "Who said you could eat?" He asked me, ripping my shirt off. I yelled in surprise, and he slapped me again. He stared intently at my stomach. "You're getting fat... you know what that means, right?" He asked sweetly, his smile disgusting me. I shook my head, while I pleaded, "No, please, please, I'll behave," he just shook his head coming closer.
He gripped my hair and pulled it back, no doubt removing a handful while doing it. He punched me in the stomach hard, while I held back a cry of pain. He didn't like it when I made noises. He dragged me to the bathroom and banged my head against the glass, tiny pieces cracking into my skin and onto the floor. I see red liquid dripping slowly down it and I bit my lip to keep in the strangled cries.
"Maybe you should eat more often," he laughs. "this is fun." Then he throws me on the hard floor and leaves me there. I hear the door slam shut and then I know that it's safe to finally cry now. I cry until my throat hurts I can barely breathe. I wish Francisco stayed here to protect me, I thought ruefully. But, he'd probably join in on the fun, laughing with my father.
I slowly stand up, ignoring the protests my body gives me. Of course, he beats me when I miss school, so I better get to bed. I look in the mirror, and I could barely see the damage between the missing pieces and cracked ones. But, I do. My forehead has dried blood crusted on it. My right cheek has a big purple bruise in the size of a hand on it. I stretch on my tippy toes to see my stomach and I gasp. An almost black bruise covered most of my stomach. I sigh sadly, and carefully clean my forehead and climb into my bed and fall asleep immediately after taking the usual pills to help me...

At school, I go to class earlier than I usually do. I groan in pain when I bend my back to get into my seat. Oh, shit. I see Francisco in about 8 minutes when class starts. I'm not ready. I pull up my hood further and crouch, somehow trying to make myself disappear. But, of course, that doesn't happen. A loud tap sounds in front of me. I cringe, and look up slowly to see a tan hand holding a #2 pencil. I move my eyes, not my head, and look at him. He's smiling at me... it reminds me of my dad right before he... I sniffle, my hands tremble.
"Hey, what's wrong? Do you need to go to the nurse?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head and look down. He put a finger under my chin and made me look at him. His eyes were glowing... a little. Right now, I couldn't care less. His eyes search my face and I get worried he would see the bruise so I slap his hand away. With that force, my hood unexpectedly fell off. His eyes grew wide and then they narrowed. Now, they're glowing full on. Oh, no...

Francisco's POV

Who did this to her?

My wolf growled with rage, fighting to get out. He wanted to hold Alex close and feel her safe in his arms. Then after, he wanted to kill that bastard who hurt our little mate. She was so innocent. Why would anyone do this to her?
"Who did that to you?" I growled out, losing control. I was trembling, and she swallowed, but cringed when she did. That's it! I grabbed her arm-very gingerly-and took her outside in the hall. We hid in a secluded corner then the bell rang. We waited a few more minutes just to be safe.
I helped her stand up, and I tried to see if she was hurt anywhere else, but of course, she was back to her usual attire. "Is there more?" I whispered. She opened her mouth, probably to lie, but I gave her a stern look and then she reluctantly nodded. I growled unintentionally again. "Where?"
"My stomach," she whispered quietly, and she unzipped her sweater and lifted up her shirt. Her once beautiful clear skin was now covered in a big black and blue bruise covering most of her flat stomach. My wolf growled and I punched a locker, making a huge dent in it. But, I didn't care. I strode over to Alex and engulfed her in a hug.
I was beyond angry, but I had to be calm for her. "Who did this?" I tried once more. She shook her head, and I growled. She stiffened, and her shoulders slumped. They started to shake and I heard her lightly sniffle.
"My dad," she cried softly. I growled so loud it echoed through the hallways. I tightened my hold on her and squeezed softly. What kind of man did that? To his own daughter, for God's sake!

The punishment shall be death, no excuses!

My Alpha wolf coming out.

"I was thinking of my first day here," she said and I stiffened. "when you accused me of being anorexic... it wasn't by choice! He doesn't let me eat... says, 'it's easier for me to throw you around,' and whatnot. J-just, please don't let me go back there, please, Francisco," she sobbed, my tears getting soaked with her hot tears.
I held her tighter while shaking my head. "No, you won't go back there. You're going to live with me from now on, okay?" I said to her, coming out as a question, but I meant it as a command. She nodded, somehow wise enough to not argue with me. "Come on," I murmured to her sweetly, leading her to the door. She shuffled beside me, cringing a little when her stomach twisted as she walked.
With no argument, I picked her up bridal style as she yelped in surprise. Her little arms wrapped themselves around my neck and pulled herself closer. My wolf stirred at that, but I pushed him down. Now wasn't the time to get distracted by that.

For You

Alex's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room was dark, but sunlight was streaming through the little slits in between the curtains. The walls looked a dark blue, and whoever this person was... had a very big bed. My heart started racing as I thought of the worst. I looked down and to my relief, I was dressed.
A man came bursting through the door and he smelled of food. My stomach growled at that thought. I blushed, embarrassed. He came closer and my heart started beating faster again. But even though I couldn't see this man's face I could see his body. A shirt that outlined his six-pack. Long legs. It was Francisco...
All the memories came flooding back to me and I sighed with relief. I was away from my father, and hopefully, never have to go back. His nostrils flared and his eyes filled with lust as he growled. Could he smell my arousal? No, impossible. The human nose isn't strong enough for that.

What if he's not human? My brain asked me, and I rolled my eyes. Okay, what am I, six? Of course he's human! Those big canines told me different... then all I saw was familiar blackness...

"Alex... are you...-wake?" I heard a deep voice call to me. I groaned and turned my head towards the noise. It sounded familiar. Then the memories came flooding to me once again. I kept my eyes closed and stayed absolutely still. "I know you're awake," Francisco cockily said and I couldn't keep the huge smile off my face. I opened my eyes to find him smiling adoringly at me.
Comfortable silence filled the room and I saw him steal quick glances at me once and a while. My tummy chose that moment to growl with all it's force and he was soon laughing at me. I rolled over and buried my face into one of the pillows that smelt of Francisco. "You probably already know what I'm going to ask, but... do you have anything to eat?" I asked him, mildly embarrassed. When I looked at him he was smiling at me again. "I haven't eaten in about 2 days," I added and his face turned sinister. He growled, and I grew scared.
He must have saw my distress because his whole demeanor changed, and he cradled me into his huge chest while stroking my hair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'll be right back with your food, okay?" He asked sweetly and I nodded and smiled a little at him. He stared at me for a moment, then he softly kissed my forehead.
I laid back into the soft comforter and stared at the ceiling. I heard hurried footsteps downstairs and I smiled. Who knew he was so caring? Then the door burst open and I raised my head shocked. He was back with 2 plates crammed with various foods. Toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, hash-browns, ham, all the good stuff. And a whole jug of Orange Juice. I laughed as he set them on the bed carefully. He brought a folded table and placed everything on it. "Here you go," he breathed out and watched me intently.
"Um, thanks," I told him unsure. I scooted closer to it and looked down shyly. "can you not stare at me while I eat, please? It's kind of uncomfortable." I said to the ground and he nodded, laughed but complied. When I was down I laid my head down on his shoulder. "Thank you, Fran." I told him, giving him his new nickname.
He looked down at me and shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed. "You already said that." I shook my head and looked him in the eyes. "Not for that... for getting me away," he understood and nodded, his eyes tightening. "I'd do anything for you," he said so softly I barely heard him.
Our eyes locked and I felt a light tug pull me closer to him. My eyes drifted towards his lips every few seconds and I saw his do the same. His eyes flickered close and mine closed as soon as our lips touched.

Francisco's POV

A shock passed through me as our lips connected. It was hard keeping my wolf at bay and this sure as hell didn't help. Doesn't mean it had to stop, right? Her lips fitted perfectly against mine. Her body was perfect for me. After all, she was

made for me. How could I not see how sexy my little mate was? Was I really that self absorbed? I would change for her, and I will.
My hands started roaming her body on their accord and I thought I should stop but the noises she made in the back of her throat kept me going. Her hands drifted up my chest, my muscles tightening while she did, and locked her arms around my neck pulling on my hair, yanking me closer.
My hands were rubbing her lower back and her back arched unintentionally pressing herself closer to me. I felt my body come alive. My wolf was coming out again. She got up and straddled me and kissed me harder. I groaned with the pleasure of it. My hands slid inside her shirt and as soon as I felt her smooth, warm skin, I was lost.
I was more than ready to continue this, but she wasn't. I knew this much. I wanted her first time to be magical and be everything she could have wished for. I wish I would've waited. But... was

this her first time? What if that bastard took advantage of her more than one way?
We pulled away and I laid her down and kissed her forehead softly. She smiled up at me and snuggled in closer. Soon she was asleep, and I took off my shirt and jeans. I undressed her, trying not to get to lustful just looking at her, and put one of my shirts on her and put the covers over both of us. I sighed, and am pretty sure, that smile stayed there the entire time I was asleep.

Believe Me

Alex's POV

"Wha-?" I muttered to no one in particular, still half asleep. And that's what I want to be... asleep. Francisco's stupid iPhone is blasting, "The Motto," on full volume. God, I already find his voice annoying, but this is worse! I reach over him to his nightstand, careful not to wake him up.
It was a text message... by someone named Isabella. Isabella? That redhead that he's always with? I'm not a stalker. Just, they're popular. I stole a peak at him and opened it. God, why am I doing this? I shook my head and was about to put it back when I saw the letters form words. Those words formed sentences.
'Franny, we need to talk. im pregnant... i think its yours :L' is what it said, and I felt my heart drop. I was gasping for air, it was hard to breathe. For some odd reason, I trusted him. With everything I had. Hell, I was ready to give it to him yesterday! But... who was I kidding? He's just a whore... that'll never be ready for commitment.
I turned the screen off and threw it on the nightstand, not caring anymore. I sat up slowly and rubbed my hands over my face. My hands grew wet and I realized that I was crying. Alex, I scolded myself, stop crying! We've been through more and we didn't shed a single tear. Why is this time different?
"Franny" was rustling in bed and, being the coward I was, I quickly laid down again and pretended to be asleep. He groaned as he sat up. I felt his eyes on me, and I heard him clumsily grab his phone. "Fuck," I heard him mutter and rushed to get out of the bed. I heard a door close and I figure it was the bathroom to get ready to meet Isabella.
Tears were coming back but I forced them back down and made myself be still. I heard the shower turn on and in a matter of minutes, Francisco was out the door. I sighed brokenly when I heard him drive away. I wouldn't mope around like an idiot so I decided to get up for real. I turned the shower on and got in.
After I got out, I heard this, "Alex? Alex, where are you?" I sighed and scowled to the mirror. Francisco. I did not need this right now. I was finally beginning to be okay. I smiled in relief as I saw my clothes and slowly put them on. As soon as I got out of the humid bathroom I was engulfed in a hug from Francisco. "Hey, sorry I wasn't there when you woke up I had some business to take care of." He spoke with no hesitation. Wow, so he's a good liar... no real shocker there.
I looked up at him and saw his eyes soften down at me. That's weird. I opened my mouth to tell him I wanted to go home when he covered my mouth with his. Without thought-and definitely without permission-I kissed him back fiercely. His arms circled around my waist and I thought how those arms could have been around Isabella not so long ago. In this same position!
His tongue slipped inside my mouth and I groaned with the feel of it, but, that was when I lost. I turned my head and he started kissing my neck. Man, this is hard, I thought to myself. I pushed him away and finally got his attention. On my face, that is. But his eyes soon started drifting towards my lips again and I spat out what I needed to say. "I want to go home," and he froze. I gulped, suddenly scared to was he was going to say.




Hell No...

A/N - Ohmygosh! I am SO Sorry! If I'd known you guys liked my book so much, I would've updated a lot sooner! Okay, no more stalling. Here ya go! Hope you like it!

Francisco's POV

What? She wanted to leave? WHY?

I've been nothing but nice and treated her good, she had no reason! I wasn't going to let her go! My wolf growled in agreement. I looked back to her and I could tell she was afraid of what I was going to say.

"Hell no," I said, shaking my head, and she froze. She got a confused look on her face, and she tried to back away, but I wouldn't let her.

She whipped her head back to me, and her eyes were cold. "No? Who the hell do you think you are? You're not the boss of me. I'll leave if I want to, I'll leave right now!" She yelled, struggling in my arms, but only arousing my wolf and I. Without permission, my wolf broke free, and I could tell that my eyes would be black.

He pushed her against the bed, and her knees knocked against the mattress, and she fell over. He pinned her hands above her head and held her there with my body. "You're not going anywhere," He growled, his voice deeper and huskier. She shivered and he smirked, loving the effect we had on her.

"Get off me," she growled right back, squirming even more. Oh, she shouldn't have done that, I said to myself. He growled and grinded against her, groaning. My lips attacked her neck, and despite wanting to get out, she moaned and tilted her neck, giving us better access. Once he was satisfied that she wasn't going to try to excape, he let go of her wrists, and immediately her arms snaked around my neck and pushed us closer together.

Give me back my body! I growled at my wolf.

He knew that if he didn't, I would be pissed. Fine...

he muttered, and gave me back control. I sighed in relief, then I noticed that Alex was still glued to me. Her hands came up to my face, and kissed me. I kissed her back and licked her bottom lip, demanding enterance. She didn't give in at first, teasing me. I growled-playfully-and she gasped at the sound.

My tongue plunged in her mouth and battled with hers. My mouth went to her neck and without thought, I bit her. Marking her as mine. She moaned and passed out. Then the realization hit me. I marked her. I marked her.

Why the hell did I mark her?!

To show that she's ours, that's why!

My wolf roared at me, pleased that the deed was done. I growled at him, and he just rolled his eyes, and went to rest. Lazy dog! Crap... what am I going to do when she wakes up? Would she be mad? Or happy...? God, I really hope it's the latter one.

Alex's POV

I sleepily opened my eyes and moved my head to see what time it was. "Ah," I gasped in pain. My neck was in pain. The memories came flooding back to me. Me trying to escape. Him trapping me on the bed with his body. His eyes turing pitch black. His voice changing. Kissing... Some pleasure. What did he do to me anyways? I looked around cautiously for any sign of Francisco still being here in the room with me, just waiting till I woke up.

Luckily, he wasn't here, but for some reason, I felt oddly disappointed that he wasn't. I shook my head, No I can't be thinking like that! I tip-toed to the door silently and turned the knob. It was open! A smirk made its way onto my face and I quietly but quickly made my escape. Where were they anyway? I shrugged, I didn't care, as long as they didn't get in my way.

Damn, this is a BIG house,

I thought as I made yet another turn down a huge hallway, getting lost on the way. I saw a door and without thought, and with a lot hope, and I squealed in happiness. Outside! Well, it led to the forest, but... I had to get out of here. Away from that lying, manwhore... thinking about him brought tears to my eyes and I ran away from the house.

I felt as if I was being watched... I didn't know how to describe it. Not the warm and caring way when Francisco tried to discreety gaze at me, but an unforgiveable and cold way. But, who could be out here?

A/N - Ehh... Not very proud of this chapter. It sucks, but at least it's something, right? Just waiting for a special "Someone" to tell me something, but as soon as I do, I'll update like that! *snap* :P



I Got You, I Had You...

Francisco's POV

I sighed, as I exited the room. She passed out and I left as quickly as I could, torn in between checking in after my pack, or staying with my mate... I really did need to check on my pack. I was Alpha! I had duties to fill and I intend to. With one more longing look to the closed door, I jogged downstairs to where everyone was huddled up, whispering qiuetly.

"What's going on here?" I demanded in a hard voice, and they jumped up, startled and bowed their heads to me as a sign of respect. "Alpha, George is hurt. He was attacked by a pack of rouges, and once we got there, they were all gone, leaving him for dead. I'm sorry we didn't tell you at once, Sir, but you were with your mate." Someone explained, and I growled. Alex! Then I was ashamed, no, I can't be blaming other people for my mistakes... "Get him to the pack doctor, guys. I am so sorry, you are right, the pack must always come first. I will do my best to make sure that sure is still intact." I promised them and they nodded and got to work.

My mates smell hit me like a ton of bricks. She was near. I searched everywhere but found her nowhere. Then I did a silent gasp. Outside.

I ran outside in a frenzy, my heart beating like crazy at the thought of me losing her. She was gone. My heart felt like it was ripping into tiny little bite sized pieces, and she took some bites when she left. I have to get her back. I need her. I shifted and ran after them, not going to stop until my mate was by my side.

Alex's POV

I was wandering through the forest when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. I started to scream, thinking that Francisco was going to take me back to that prison again, but... it didn't feel like him. A dirty hand slapped on my mouth hard and I whimpered in slight pain, and there was this deep chuckle behind me, pulling me closer to the warm hard body that was holding me. I struggled but it was no use. They were too strong!

I was turned around and came face-to-face with a guy that looked like he was my age. He had dirty blonde hair, and it was actually dirty

, bright blue eyes that were cold and had fear in them, when he

was the one actually doing the kidnapping. I'll admit, I would've found him very attractive if he wasn't kidnapping me, or something like that. "Don't worry, this'll only hurt like a bitch," he said before I felt a pain hit my spine and I blacked out...

I opened my eyes only to be met with darkness. I started panicking, was I blind? I opened my mouth to scream for help, but there was a material in my mouth so I couldn't really make a sound other than a muffled moan. My hands were tied behind me and I felt like I was sitting so I was most probably tied to a chair in a yucky room. I heard a door open and then close. Footsteps made their way to me and I started panicking even more. Fingers untied the knot harshly off my eyes that he actually tore off some of my hair, I whimpered a bit but nothing more than that.

"Oh, we have a tough little girl, do we now?" A harsh voice said in front of me. The person had black dress shoes, khaki pants and a nice black shirt. A light stubble on his strong chin, rosy plump lips, straight nose, I skipped his eyes, not wanting to know the color and just went straight for his pitch black hair gelled and combed to perfection. Looks like he wasn't the one who got dirty doing all this...

I never actually looked into his eyes because I didn't want to be beaten or worse, so I stayed quiet and waited for him to speak again. "Well, guess not, that's a shame, I wouldn't have minded a little struggle. Y'know, with all these woman throwing themselves at you might be the average man's fantasy life, but... I just want a chase, you know?" He said, and started stroking my cheek with one hand. Oddly it felt nice, tingles down my body, but nevertheless, I moved away from him and slouched a bit.

I wasn't going to allow him to touch me! "Now this

is what I'm talking about! I had a good feeling about you," he chuckled. I sniffled as a few tears slid down my face, looking down. I bit down on the fabric in my mouth and forced myself to hold the sobs in. He lifted my chin with his finger and looked into my eyes. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color. Everything faded away but the two of us. His eyes softened as he looked at me and fear and shock also went into them.

Griffin's POV (Kidnapper)

"Alpha, the girl is in the room now," Jake's voice rang through my closed office door. I immediately shot up and went to her. I opened the door to find Jake gone already. I smiled at how everyone kept out of my way. I slammed the door open and saw that she was awake. She had long black hair with a turquoise peek-a-boo, a tank top that clung to every curve, a light sleeveless denim jacket and short dark blue jean shorts that showed off her long legs that went on for days and high topped converse. There was a black fabric tied around her mouth to keep her from speaking, and black fabric wrapped around her eyes to keep her from seeing.

I untied the fabric from her eyes harshly to show her what I'm capable of, but for some reason I felt horrible doing it to her. She whimpered slightly but other than that, nothing. "Oh, we have a tough little girl, do we now?" I said harshly, to match my actions. She didn't answer, she couldn't, but she examined me from toe first, then upwards. I took notice of how she skipped my eyes and just went to my hair.

"Well, guess not, that's a shame, I wouldn't have minded a little struggle. Y'know, with all these woman throwing themselves at you might be the average man's fantasy life, but... I just want a chase, you know?" I said, stroking her cheek with my hand to get my message straight that I found her attractive. She moved away from me and then slouched in the chair. "Now this

is what I'm talking about! I had a good feeling about you," I chuckled. She started sniffling, looking down, trying to hold the sobs in. Those sobs tore me apart, my wolf whimpering for her, yelling to me to comfort her. I lifted her chin with my finger and looked into her eyes. Beautiful light grey eyes.

I was shocked when the rest of the world faded away, and it was just us. I never thought that I would find her, my whole world, my whole life. My only reason for living. My soul-mate...

A/N - DO YOU LIKE IT??? Okay, yeah... not much, and I tried but I've got Writers Block! D: Just so you know, the chappie's not done!
So, you know the drill...


I Should Hate You, But I Can't!

Alex's POV

He looked away, breaking the hypnotizing connection between us and I could see everything else again. I was breathing heavily for some reason, but, that was intense. It seemed that all that mattered was him. My kidnapper! Was I falling for my kidnapper?! Great, this is just great, I told my stupid heart. A growl echoed through the small room, making me jump in surprise, and saw my kidnapper heading towards me. Fear shot through me and I cringed.

That made him stagger a little, but then he shook his head roughly and untied my hands. Once they were untied I brought them to me and rubbed my wrists. They were red and had cuts from the rope that were around them. My ankles were still tied to the chair so I didn't try to escape, it would just embarrass me in front of him. If I like him, I didn't want to embarrass myself, I know, stupid.

"I'm sorry," I heard him mutter softly, it was even harder to hear him over the scraping noise of a chair being dragged in front of me. He sat in it and put his hand in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees, so I couldn't see his face. Even though he kidnapped me, and almost raped me, I felt the need to comfort him. To take his pain away. My hand actually reached out to him but I brought it back to me with much effort.

I so badly wanted to hate him, to want to kill him, but I couldn't find it in me to even think those thoughts. I needed to speak something to him, I felt that I needed to hear his voice just once more. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked him, fearing his answer. His head snapped up and I saw self loathing in there and fear. Was it like before? He also had a boss that was going to do something to me, that he was just a guard that thought he could have a turn first?

He was silent for a while, then he spoke up, "I'm going to get you something to eat, then I'm letting you go," he sounded sad that he was letting me go, and I couldn't understand. Why was I brought here, if I was just going to go back in a few hours?

Fear consumed me still as I thought of going home. I sure as hell wasn't going to go back to Francisco's house, he probably already forgot all about me. I didn't want to go back home, especially not right after I'd just eaten. "I-I'm not hungry," I mumbled to the ground at the same time my traitor stomach growled. Damn! 

"Yeah, okay," he said in a teasing tone. I haven't seen this side of him, I guess I wasn't actually supposed to since I was kidnapped. "C'mon, I'll show you where the kitchen is, and you can pick what you want to eat."  I finally noticed that the rope around my ankles were released and I could actually stand. 

I didn't, though. "Look, I'll be honest with you. My home isn't much better than this. My mom died and my father blames me, so he doesn't let me eat and if I do eat, he beats me. So... if you could just give me some water, then I'll be on my way." By the time I finished, a huge growl once again sounded through the room and I heard fabric tear. I looked up to see what was going on, but instead found a raven black wolf staring down at me...


Griffin's POV 


"Look, I'll be honest with you," she said, still looking at the floor. "My home isn't much better than this. My mom died and my father blames me, so he doesn't let me eat and if I do eat, he beats me. So... if you could just give me some water, then I'll be on my way." She said, and I just lost it. I growled as I shifted, but I didn't leave. I couldn't leave. I needed to be by her all times. She snapped her head up and when she saw me, she slumped against the chair once again, passed out. I hurried over to her to see if she was okay, and she was, so I shifted back and grabbed some spare clothes hidden in the cupboard and carried her to a more comfortable bed. My mate deserves only the best.

 I set her carefully on the bed and pulled the dark blankets over her to keep her warm. Her dark black hair was spilled over the pillows and my fingers itched to run through it. I felt so bad. She was so young and she's been through so much, and I'm only adding on to her pain. I just-I saw her from a distance and I had to have her. Had to be close to her, and now I know why. I gave up on ever finding my mate, growing up in a rouge pack, I believed that only the good people deserved mates, and I didn't think of myself as a good person. 

 Now I know that's not true, because, I've found her, and I don't ever want to look at another woman, I couldn't. I got all I need right here.

Hey, I'm back. I've been working on this book, writing more chapters, so I hope you guys are reading! Guys, I just wanna say, I really love you guys so much, and even though people are adding this book to their favorites ^.^ I also want people to keep or start commenting, what you think, because as most of you guys know, I'm kind of in a Writers Block, so I wanna know that what I'm writing is good XD Uh, yeah, that's mostly all I wanted to say.
You know the drill





Alex's POV


I woke up, as did the memories, but didn't open my eyes, afraid of what I might see. It felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, and I was immensly comforatble. I moved a little to get more situated, til I registered a pressure on my waist holding me down. My mind went into panic. My eyes snapped open and I looked down slowly and stiffly to see a tanned masculine arm draped over my waist. A squeak escaped my mouth and that sound alone made him hold me tighter to him, whoever this person was.

It was weird, though. I didn't feel disgusted or dirty. I felt safe and protected in the stranger's arms. Much like I do when I'm in Francisco's.


Francisco's POV


I grunted and turned once again. Without Alex here the bed felt scratchy and too hard. They all thought that I needed some nights rest in order to think clearly, but clearly, it wasn't fucking working! I couldn't sleep without Alex right here, in my arms. Damn, I should've killed all those rouges when I had the chance! But I'm too damn nice. We had an agreement. They don't cross our territory, and we don't don't cross theirs, and then all of a sudden-BAM! Sudden kidnapping. Stupid sons of bitches. They know exactly who their messing with.

 I didn't want to think about what they might do to her, and I needed to stop them before they tried anything. She was mine, no one elses!

With that thought, I finally passed out.


Griffin's POV


I woke up to my mate in my arms, her scent in my nostrils. I exhaled in content and pulled her closer to me. Now that I have her, I'm never letting her go. A knock sounded at the door and I groaned quietly, kissed my little mate on her temple, watching her squirm and smile, then pulled on my jeans and went to confront the inturder. "What?" I growled to Jake who was holding his phone out, annoyed that I could still be in bed with my mate, whose name I still didn't know. 

"Alpha, there's someone on the phone for you," he replied shakily. I looked at him quizically and slowly snatched the phone from his sweaty grip. "Hello?"

"Listen, Griffin," Fernando's-my Pack enemy-voice barked through the phone. "I know you have my mate, and I intend to get her. As soon as I hang up this call, I'm going to go over there, kill you, and steal her back!" He yelled at me. I blanched. She was... his mate, too?

How was that possible? 

I opened my mouth to reply, but the line went dead, and I cursed. He would not take her away from me! My last ounce of happiness! I was prepared to fight!

Barging into the room, I went to my mate-I really needed to learn her name-and shook her gently. She grumbled softly and rolled into me. I smiled, and wanted to stay there forever, but I shook her once again. "Hey," I cooed in her ear. She finally opened her beautiful light grey eyes and smiled a small smile. So small I was sure she didn't even know she was smiling. "Come on," I gently said, pulling her on her feet. "Let's get you something to eat, you must be starving," I laughed a little at the end, and she smiled once again and nodded. 

"Crap," she mumbled, as her knees buckled under her, but I caught her before she could fall to the floor. "I haven't eaten in about 3 days, sorry," she apologized weakly, smiling shyly. My wolf growled and I tried to get myself in order. Her needs come first. Without another word, I picked her up, bridal style, and went to the kitchen. She squeaked lightly as I did and I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was. "So what's your name, Kidnapper?" She lightly asked, but I could hear the fear in her voice, and I hated that.

I looked down at her adoringly, and she seemed surprised at that but said nothing. "Griffin, what about you?" I said back and she smiled and blushed slightly. "Alexandra, but... everyone calls me Alex. So... you can... call me Alex. I-If you, want to," she stammered, blushing wildly again and I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling like a goof. 



What The Hell?


Francisco's POV


 I raced as fast as I could in wolf form with some of my best fighters with me. Not all, because what if they attack while I'm rescuing my mate? We saw a house, and I had to admit, it was pretty nice. I shook my head and barked orders to stand guard while I got Alex back. I shifted back and put on sweats before bursting through the door.

I looked around desperately for her and I found her. She was... eating. Cereal.


What the hell?

She looked shocked when I burst in the door and started choking. I rushed to her but Griffin already had it under control. I glared at him and waited til he stepped away from her to punch his face. He staggered back, not expecting the blow, but he got back up fast. He swung at me and hit me in the stomach. My wolf was growling and demanding me to let him take control and tear him to shreds. I wouldn't let that happen, because Alex was right here and she didn't know about wolves.

Then I'd scare her off for good.

I couldn't have that. 

I headbutted him and we both fell to the ground. I wonder why he hasn't changed into his wolf yet. Alex didn't mean anything to him, so why did he care if she saw him like that. Maybe he was worried she'd talk about it. "Oh, my god! Guys, stop it!" I heard her yell over us rustling over the creaky wood floor. We both stopped and stared at her.

God, she was perfect. She had concern all over her face and I felt relieved that she was concerned about me, even though we had a huge fight right before she got taken away. She rushed over to us and pushed me off of him, grasping his arm in her hand as she looked him over. Jealousy ripped through me. WHy wasn't she worried about me?! I'm her mate, even if she didn't know it, I still was! 

I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around and put her behind me in a second. I needed to get her out of here. I didn't understand why she didn't jump into my arms when I came in. She was kidnapped. She should be showering me with kisses by now. No, we should be in my bed by now. 

Griffin growled and Alex struggled to get out of my arms behind me. What was wrong with her? Since I marked her, she should be struggling to get closer, not further away. "Get away from me, you dirty whore!" She screamed at me, and I growled threateningly. No one disrespects me, not even her. I'm always going to be the superior one, the dominant one. She shrank back and I smirked. There's a good little girl.

She ran to Griffin and ran behind him, her hands on his stomach in front of her, her body pressed up against his and I saw their eyes shut and pleasure flash through them. I snarled and stalked towards them. His eyes shot open as her eyes squeezed even tighter shut. He snarled back, holding a protective stance in front of her and I lunged. He stumbled back and she hung onto him even tighter, which increased my anger tenfold. 

I grabbed her wrists and seperated her body forcefully from his, and accidently threw her on the ground. I was so mad, at everything. At Griffin, for stealing my mate and thinking he could keep her. At Alex, for being so weak and finding comfort in someone else's arms. Another male's arms. He snarled and lunged at me, throwing me harshly on the ground on my back. He threw punches and landed a few good ones on my jaw and on my left eye. I threw him off of me and punched him in the throat, making him choke. I also punched his face a lot. I saw red. I wanted him dead. 

I then felt a pounding in my head and I groaned, forgetting about the fight stupidly, and reached up to grab my throbbing head. Then I was knocked to the ground, and I heard Griffin groan, "Alex." 

Forgetting my own pain for a second, I lifted myself up and saw my precious Alex, lying on the ground, with a puddle of her blood oozing from her head. 



A/N - Eh... I'm Sorry. I Really Was Going To Update More Than This.

I'll Try To Update ASAP! But, HEY, I FINALLY UPDATED! I is so sorry! I just have writers block. PEOPLE WHO STILL READ THIS, MESSAGE ME ON WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN AND WHO YOU WANT HER TO CHOOSE! It would really help me :) 


Publication Date: 09-17-2012

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