Caught in the Crossfire
by Jim Price
There are now over 200 million guns in the United States and an estimated billion rounds of ammunition. You and I are caught in the crossfire. The chances of being shot goes up by the day. Most deaths are accidental but even so , you are just as dead. Stone cold dead and then the weeping begins! Children often get their hands on guns and shoot themselves or someone close.
In our town, a grandfather left his handgun where a favorite grandson found it and accidentally shot himself. The family wept, the grandfather is totally distraught and has no way to cope, no way to go back and correct his mistake.
Now in American, about 11,000 gun deaths occur each year, far more than ever die from war. Yet, Wayne LaPierre, Jr. of the NRA, vows to fight Obama and the government, to retain the right to wipe out both the guilty and the innocent by the thousands year after year; here in the land of the free?
So as you read about the gun deaths in your community and and in you state as well as in your country you can be sure that the bullets are coming closer and closer to you or to someone you love.
But why is there so much insistence by so many millions of Americans that they have a God given right to have a house full of guns? Many homes with very limited household income have thousands of dollars worth of guns and ammunition; lingering there in the house like a ticking bomb. Waiting, just waiting for someone to break in so they get the chance to shoot someone. It’s more likely that someone inside the family will get hold of a gun and shoot someone accidentally and then the aftermath and the pain is even more intense.
Can you imagine the cost and the legal difficulties involved if someone gets shot on your property?
If a robber bursts through the door of your house with a gun and demands money or goods the best thing you could do would be to remain calm and try to comply with his wishes. The odds are in his favor, at least for a few minutes. Chances are if you are calm and compliant then he will be more likely to tie you up, and otherwise leave you intact. When he is gone with whatever goods he took, then you can start to get even.
Now you will be in a position to bring in the big guns; the police, that’s what they are paid to do, that’s what they are trained to do. Many people who brag that they will shoot the S.O.B. the moment he crosses the threshold have not thought through what such an unlikely event would do to their lives. Certainly they have not considered how someone dead in their living room would impact the rest of the family, including the distinct possibility that a family member might well be shot in the crossfire.
There is no doubt but that Americans have watched too many movies and seen their celluloid heroes kill too many people. Subconsciously they feel it’s about time they became a hero. It doesn’t work that way in real life.
The gun culture is so pervasive and embedded in our collective DNA that even Christians, those who follow Christ, the Prince of Peace, deeply believe in guns. In fact God and Guns have
become a mantra for many. Many people believe that there must be something in the bible about guns; there isn’t. Jesus was seen riding on a donkey, not a war horse.
Some people seem to have a fear of the government and defend their right to have an arsenal of guns because one day they might have to fight their own government. How irrational is that? Very! For one thing if the government truly wanted to fight and over power us; they have tanks, planes, drones and chemical weapons. Come on now; do you think you're fifty clip, bought at a gun show weapon would be a match for that?
When you hear that we may have to fight the government; consider how crazy that is and consider who is trying to raise those irrational fears. It has been said that America is the easiest nation in the world to be a crank. Not only that but it’s possible to become a multimillionaire by being a crank in America and have millions of followers.
Next consider what would have to happen before the government could wage war on it’s own people. All the generals, all the pilots and to some extent some two million in our armed services would have to be willing to attack their own country, their own relatives, their own communities.
Some people say the president can make that happen. Don’t be ridiculous! No president, of whatever persuasion could make that happen. There are people who would put him in a mental ward and the country would be led by the next in line.
If you are to be killed by a weapon of war it will most likely be one bought at nearby gun show.
Just remember one of those guns can kill you just as dead as a nuclear bomb.
Text: Jim Price
Images: N.A.
Editing: Jim Price
Translation: N.A.
Publication Date: 02-15-2013
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