
Chapter 1

Its 6:00 in the morning on the first day back to school from winter break, and the last thing I want to do is wake up to the sound of my little brother Anton yelling at my mom in the other room. Ugh, he’s so annoying! He’s already 9 and he acts like a 4 year old. I think I can hear him.... he’s yelling at her for not making him damn pancakes for breakfast!

I’m too angry to fall back asleep, so I throw the blankets off me and stomp to the door. Its then, when I pass my mirror that realize I’m only wearing my bra and underwear. I walk over to my wooden dresser and put on a pair of black shorts, and a white T-shirt. When I look in the mirror, I see a picture of my mother, Anton, and I in the corner where I taped it. My father left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me. So that’s why he’s not in the picture.

I walk past my bed to the door, walk out and up the stairs, then down the hall to my brother’s room. My moms standing in the doorway with her hand on her forehead like she’s about to flip out. I past my mom and she looks up. I walk over to my little brother standing in a pile of clothes and games and as I scan his room for a brief second I notice one of my bra's on his bed.

"What the hell Anton!" I say as I walk over and pick up my Victoria Secret black and purple bra. He cut the straps off and ripped the lace off! I look over at him with my eyes narrowed.

I throw the bra back down on his bed and kneel down next to him so we're face to face.

"Do you have 35 bucks Anton?" I ask as I look straight into his eyes.

"No, and even if I did I wouldnt give it to you, I bet you used your prostitution money to buy that bra so you could get more costumers." he says back to me. I cant believe how he talks to me now, i dont know where he learns this stupid shit. 

I pick him up by the waist- he’s 4 foot 7 and weighs 87 pounds, so I can easily pick him up- he starts yelling and slashing in my arms, I ignore him and my mom moves out so she doesnt get hit. I walk past the door and down the stairs. I pass the living room-Anton still hitting and kicking in my arms- to the screen door that leads outside to our backyard. And our pool.

"Let me go, now!! Or ill bite you Satan!” he screams at me. I ignore him. I’m 4 feet from the pool when he bites me. I scream a little and throw him in the 22 degree pool.

We live in Seattle, Washington and its January 2nd. It snowed 2 weeks ago, so the waters freezing.

Hes under the water for about 3 seconds, then he comes out gasping for air. He starts screaming and yelling for mom-who just so happens to be 4 feet away from me. She smacks the back of my head, but I can tell she thinks this is funny.

"Get out of the pool Anton, I'll get a towel,”I say.

“I-I-I’m going to kill you Sat-t-tan! I-I-Im fre-e-ezing!.” He screams back at me, while trying to tred water.

“Yeah whatever. Just get out. I'll get you a towel,” I say back because I know im already in deep shit. I’m back in a minute and he’s out of the pool and walking toward me. He's shivering and has his arms crosed infront of him as he holds the sides of his arms. I almost feel bad for the kid. Almost.

“Don’t touch my shit! Oh, and you owe me 35 bucks so I can buy a new prostitution bra” I say teasingly as I hand him the towel.

"No way you tick, I hope mom grounds you!” he yells.

"You two quiet down! The neighbors will hear us. Now, Anton, get inside. Savannah, don’t ever do that again, your brother could get sick from this!” My mom whispers as she starts leading us back to the living room. I know my moms pissed when she starts calling me by my given name.

"Your not going to ground her?” says Anton.

"No. Shes not gonna do it again” mom says as she stares at me with death eyes. Eugh! those eyes scare the shit out of me.

"Ugh! That’s not fair mom! She threw me in the pool!!” yells Anton as he turns and runs upstairs.

“You're such a baby!” I yell. I know he heard me even though he didn’t reply.

My mom gives me a lecture for about 25 minutes. Then I head upstairs, into my room, and sit on my bed while I text Chris-My best friend.

To Chris:
Dude, get ur ass over here, i need to get out of here! I threw my brother in the pool and my mom almost shit a brick.

About a minute later my phone buzzes and I check it.

From Chris:
Damn girl, I know why they call u Satan now. but anyways ill be there in 10.

To Chris:
Ya ya whatever, ill see you in 15.

From Chris:
I said ide be there in 10

To Chris:
Ya I know, but when are u ever on time?

From Chris:

Chapter 2

15 minutes later I hear a knock on my window. I walk over and open the window. Chris is standing on my roof that happens to be just below my window. On the side of my house, right next to the roof, is a stack of wood for winter when it gets cold. You can easily climb on the stack of wood and climb on to the side of my roof. That’s how I sneak out or Chris sneaks in.

“Ready?” he asks and carefully steps through the screen-less window.

“Yup, just hold on a sec, I’ve got to ask my mom first.” I say and motion for him to stay there as I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs and to my mom who’s making breakfast for Anton.

“Can I go to Chris’ house? School starts at 7:30 and we haven’t seen each other in 4 days.” I ask and hope to dear god she says yes even though I threw my brother in the pool.

“Sure, I need to take Anton to the Dentist anyways. You and Chris haven’t spent 4 days away from each other for about 9 weeks, I don’t want to break the cycle,” she says through a smile.

“Thanks mom, I'll see ya later,” I say and kiss her on the cheek.

I walk outside and Chris is already on his motorcycle with his helmet on. I’ve never gotten used to the idea that my best friend drives a death trap everywhere. I would drive my car but it's in the shop getting a tune up.

“Must you wear a tank top?” He asks as he scans my outfit. I changed my shirt into a black tank top and I’m wearing light blue jeans and black converse. I have my hair down so I can put that huge ass helmet on my head. “If we get into an accident, all your skin will scrape off those sexy arms.”

“Thanks for the concern Chris. But I’m fine.” I say as I straddle his bike.

He hands me the huge black helmet and I slowly place it on my head, so I don’t mess up my long brown hair that gets knotty every 10 seconds. The tough part is getting it off without messing my hair up. He starts the engine and slowly rolls backwards out onto the street, then accelerates onto the street. I wrap my arms around him in a bear hug and clench his shirt in my hands.

About 10 minutes later we arrive at his medium sized, 2 story, white old house. I take the helmet off as slowly as possible, trying not to mess up my hair, but it doesn’t work. I have to flatten my frizzy hair and i'll have to fix the knots later. I got off the bike and walk with him to his front door.

"You need a small and nicer helmet Chris, my hair can’t take much more of it." I try to say seriously.

"If you have 50 bucks I’ll be happy to buy you a nicer one." He says back, not trying to be serious.

I ignore his last comment and we reach his door. He unlocks it and we walk up the stairs and down the hall to his room. His older brother is the only other one who lives with Chris. His parent’s disappeared when he was 5 and his brothers 20, so he took custody of him.

I enter his room and walk to his bed, sit down, and wait for him to come through the door. But he doesn’t.

I peek my head out the door, “Chris?” I whisper out to nothing but an empty hall. All of a sudden I hear what sounds like glass, break. I walk down the hall and see Chris and his brother duking it out in his room. I see a broken lamp on the ground near his bed side table.

“Chris, Jack, stop it!” I scream and rush into the room and grab Chris by the waist before he lunges towards Jack.

“Calm down cupcake, we were just playin’ around.” Jack says to me, I hate it when he calls me cupcake, it makes me feel like I’m 10 and he’s my father. He bends down to pick up the pieces of what’s left of the lamp.

“Well how was I supposed to know if that was real or not? You guys were really brawling it out.” I say.

“Sorry Satan, I came in here to tell him you were here, and well, one thing led to another and we started fightin’.” Says Chris, who seems to be out of breath from fighting.

“Well wasn’t this fun. I’m going to work, catch ya later Satan.” Says Jack as he heads downstairs.

I head out of Jacks room and back to Chris’s. I sit on his bed again and he sits on his desk chair.

“School starts in 20 minutes, we should leave in sec.” Chris says as he gets up and walks to his closet to change. He takes off his shirt and reveals his chiseled body. I cant help but stare at his chest, which he notices and starts to smile. “If I didn’t know any better id say your checking me out.” He says to me and grins from ear to ear.

“Yeah right. You have a nice body Chris, and we both know that. Hell, everyone knows that.”

He starts to walk toward me and sits on the bed, still half naked. “Does this bother you?” he says to me, his eyes locked on mine.

“A little.” I say and slide a little over so he’s not so close to me. He flirts with me more ever since he got back from his trip to Italy last September. I don’t know why but when he flirts with me, I kind of, well, I like it. It’s weird for me because we’ve been friends for so long and I haven’t ever thought of him like this before.

“Good,” he says and he slides closer to me. I start to stand up but he grabs me by the wrist and pulls me down on the bed to where I’m laying on my back. In a half a second, he’s on top of me, straddling my waist likes he’s sitting on a horse.

“Get-off-of-me.” I say, wiggling under him, trying to get out, the entire time I’m laughing and so is he.

He eases up a little, just enough for me to move, and he grabs both of my sides and pushes me up so my head is inches away from the head board. Its then when I realize that he still has is shirt off, and I only realize this because I’m pushing against his chest, trying to get him off me. He lowers his head so its inches away from mine, then he leans closer and closer. I swear he’s about to kiss me, and I think I want him to. But then he licks the side of my cheek and starts to laugh.

“Eugh!!” I scream. He gets off me, and I sit up on my elbows and wipe my cheek. “Gross Chris! What the hell was that for?” I yell at him.

“I was just having fun, I know you liked it.” He says through his sexy smile that I’ve always loved.

Chapter 3

We roll up to school on his bike 20 minutes later. Everyone is staring at us because of his bike and all the noise it makes. Ugh, I hate attention, but Chris doesn’t, he just smiles and takes it all in. I get off the bike and slowly take off the helmet, my hair gets all frizzy so I have to pat it down again. Dont even get me started on the knots.

“1st day of second semester, and I still have the ladies staring at me.” Chris says to me with a grin on his face.

“Chris, their probably staring at me, dumbfounded, that Im on your bike with you and their not.” I say back as I stare at all the girls who are gawking at us.

We start walking towards the front door when I catch in the corner of my eye, Merida. She’s the ‘popular’ girl at Lineway, everyone’s scared of her because they know that she can ruin there life.

“Bitch alert.” I say to Chris and he turns around to see me staring at her. He looks back to me and grabs me by the shoulder and drags me through the front doors. “Hey, let go.” I whisper so we don’t draw attention to ourselves.

“Listen, if she saw you, the first thing she would do is embarrass you in front of the whole student body. I just saved you some humiliation Satan.” He whispers back to me. Ok, I have to admit that was nice of him.

“Ok, fine, thanks Chris.” I say as he lets go of my shoulder when we reach the gym for the second semester school assembly. “let’s find a seat at the bottom of the bleachers, I don’t want to trip over people on the way up.” I whisper to Chris. I take a seat at the very front in the middle of the bleachers and Chris sits next to me.

Merida and the Principle start talking about this year and all the ‘fun’ stuff that’s going down, but I space out during most of it. Merida's the head of the student body council, so she’s explaining most of the stuff while the principle stands there and smiles.

I stop spacing out when everyone starts yelling. “What’s going on?” I ask Chris who seems to be into the assembly.

“There about to pick someone new to go up there and recite the rules for the school for all the new kids.” Chris whispers back to me. Merida starts walking down the side of bleachers and bends over. I cant see who shes talking to, but then a boy stands up and starts to walk towards the middle of the court.

I hold my breath because of how hot this boy is. Hes about 6’1 and he has shaggy blond hair. Hes wearing a black T-shirt that outlines his body, his body resembles Chris. He’s wearing black jeans and a leather jacket.

“What’s your name?” Merida asks the boy.

“Cam.” Is all he says.

“Is that short for something?” He obviously doesn’t want to be up there, I can tell by the way he keeps looking at his seat. Chris accidently nudges me and apolygizes and I dont catch the guys name. 

“Well Cam, please recite the 4 rules we have at Lineway.” Buts in Principle Howard.

“1st rule, no bullying or harassing. 2nd rule, no drugs or alcohol. 3rd rule, no place of affection on school grounds. 4th rule, no profanity.” He says threw a monotone voice.

“Good job Cam. Does anyone have any questions?” says Principle Howard.

“Yeah, what happens when your break a fuckin' rule!?” screams some boy in the area where Cam just sat down.

“Who said that?” yells Principle Howard. Everyone’s laughing but nobody comes clean. “Okay everyone, get to 1st period, now.” He says with anger in his voice.

I start to stand and walk to the doors with Chris by my side. When I reach the doors to lead out of the gym, someone pushes me into the wall.

“Ow! What the hell?” I yell. I clutch my right arm in pain. Cam comes into view with another boy by his side.

“Watch where you’re going.” Says the boy next to Cam.

“I wasn’t even in your way, you did that on purpose.” I snap through clenched teeth, still holding my arm.

“Your word against ours sweetheart.” Says Cam with a smile on his face. Then he starts to walk away and Chris comes up behind me and grabs my waist to turn me around.

“What happened? I was gone for 2 seconds and you’ve already hurt yourself?” he says with shock on his face.

“Where were you? Some guy pushed me into the wall.” I say back with just as much shock on my face.

“I saw Daniel and went to say hi. Who pushed you into the wall?” he says back, looking around.

“A new boy, I’ve never seen him before.” I look around for him again.

“Oh, well if you see him, tell me. Let’s get to class.” He says and ushers me throught the hall.

School goes by quickly, im already in 3rd period, Chemistry, with Mrs. Peterson. She hands me a piece of paper. I open it up and it has 2 words on it. Cameron Calibre. What does that mean? Who’s Cameron Calibre?

“What does this mean?” I ask Mrs.Peterson.

“Its your lab partner for the rest of the year. Go find him at a table.” She says
I look around the room. Cam and his friend that pushed me into the wall are sitting at a table near the windows. I look over to Chris, who’s standing with Will, his friend. “He’s over there by the window, the guy that pushed me,” I say to him as I walk over to him and point over in that direction.

“Those two? Oh, well I'll deal with it later.” He says with suspicion in his voice.

“Im partners with some guy named Cameron, who are you partners with?” I ask


“Do you know who Cameron is?” I ask Lacy whos standing next to me. I knew her from last year.

“Yeah, he’s the hot guy over there who stood in front of the school and recited the rules.”

No way. That ass hole can’t be my partner for the rest of the year. I walk over to the table where they're sitting. “Cameron?” I ask him.

“It’s Cam. You’re not my partner are you?” He asks me. Shit, it is him.

“Umm, yeah, I um, I'm your partner.” I say very shyly. I don’t know why I'm being shy, I should be a complete bitch to him for what he did.

“Shit.” He says under his breath. His friend stands up and looks down at me with a smile on his face.

“Good luck.” He says to me as he slaps my right arm playfully, knowing it’s the arm that hurts. I wince a little, and sit down.

“Okay class, take out a sheet of paper and split it in half and give the other half to your partner.” Mrs. Peterson says. I take out a sheet of paper and carefully rip it in half and hand the other half to Cam.

“Okay, now you’re going to get to know your partner. Write down 10 things that your partner tells you about themselves.” She says.

Chapter 4

Write down things about my partner? I don’t even want to talk to him. Could this get any worse? I glance at his paper and he’s already written down a few things. He hasn’t even said anything.

“What are you writing?” I ask him.

“Nothing.” Really? He knows I can see him writing stuff. What’s he writing?

“What are you writing?” I ask again. He turns to me, then stares at my-blank-paper.

“My names Cameron, but I go by Cam. Write that.” He says to me and turns to write more things. I write down what he said, and turn to see that he already has half the page filled with words.

“What are you writing about me? I haven’t even told you anything yet.”

“Im writing all the things I already know about you.”

“You don’t even know my name.”

“Your names Savannah Maine.” My eyes go wild as he says my full name. How does he know that? Half the kids at this school don’t even know my real name, and he just got here.

“Its Satan. Don’t call me Savannah, and how do you know my name?”

“I asked around.” What? Why would he ask about me?

“Who did you ask?”

“Does it matter?” he says rudely. I don’t reply.

“Class, you will be spending lots of time with your partners. You need to have at least a full page of information about you partner by tomorrow. Class dismissed.” Mrs. Peterson says as the bell rings. A full page? I have 1 thing about him and now class is over.

He gets up and starts to walk towards the door. I grab my bag and paper and rush towards the door.

“Cam!” I scream. He doesn’t stop walking down the hall. I run up to him and grab his arm, he spins around and pushes me towards the lockers, not hard, but not gently. He looks around to see if anyone saw us then turns to me.

“What do you want?” He says angrily.

“I don’t know anything about you, and I have to have a page about you, by tomorrow.”

“I have to get to class, you’re going to have to deal with it.” He says and starts to walk away.

“Cam!” I scream and he stops. “Unlike you, I want to get a good grade in chemistry.” He walks towards me and grabs my hand. He scribbles something on my hand and walks away. I look at my hand and there’s 7 numbers on my hand. Great, now I’m going to have to talk to him over the phone, I guess this day can get worse.

I skip lunch and go the football field to sit and read. Then 4th period comes around.

4th period is block. Block is when you have two periods with the same teacher and class but they're both different subjects.

I walk into Mr. Mack’s class and lucky for me, Chris is in this class. I walk over to him and tell him about how I’m partners with Cam. Then we sit down at a double seat table.

“I can’t believe you have him as a Chemistry partner, he’s a douchebag.” Chris says to me.

“I know.”

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. I’m face to face with Cams friend-the one that pushed me into a wall.

“Hey Beautiful, how did Chemistry go?” He says in a taunting voice.

“Great actually.” I say with a smile, giving it right back.

“I’m Scott by the way,” He says and sticks his arm out. I see Chris stiffen in the corner of my eye but i extend my hand anyway.  

I shake his hand nicely and say “I’m Satan, the girl you pushed into the wall earlier, remember?”

“Of course i remember, sorry about that.” he snickers the last part.

“No problem, its not like it hurt or anything.” I say sarcastically and turn around. I sit through 4th and 5th period. 

Chapter 5

After the bell rings, I meet up with Chris. I have P.E next. Great, I get to run around having perverts gawk at me.

“Yay! P.E! I yell as we walk into the gym. I look around, there’s a bunch of boys in one corner and the girls in the other corner. I catch sight of Miranda. She stares at me, smiling, like she has some plan to remove me from earth.

“Hey, isn’t that the asshole who pushed you into the wall?” Chris says. I look in the direction he’s looking in. Well what do you know, he is here, and so is Cam. Perfect.


“Class, Line up for your uniforms!” yells Coach Armstrong. I line up with Chris and slowly move forward to the table with the uniforms.

“Hey Sweetheart.” Someone whispers in my ear. I turn around and Scotts inches away from my face, smiling.

“Hey Sugarplum. Enough with the names. Actually, enough with the talking to me.” I say back, still slowly walking to the table

“I like feisty girls,” he taunts. I turn back around, and grab my uniform. A grey small T-shirt and black shorts lay in my hands. I start to walk to the locker room when someone grabs hold of my elbow. I turn around.


“Here, you forgot this in Chemistry.” He says and holds out his hand with my angel bracelet in it. I grab it. My angel bracelet is a small silver chain with a small pair of angel wings hanging from the chain.

“Thanks.” I say and he walks away and meets up with Scott.

After I change into my cloths, I examine myself in the mirror. I look so sporty. I have my hair up in a ponytail, I’m wearing my gym cloths, and I’m wearing sneakers that I brought from home. I walk out to the gym and meet Chris. He’s wearing basketball shorts, and a black T-shirt. He’s lucky, he’s on the football team and he gets to wear what he wants.

“We’re gonna be wrestling today, and the rest of the week.” He says to me. Great, I get to fight some girls I don’t like, this should be fun.

“Great.” I say back and walk to the mat with the girls around it.

“Alright, were going to be wrestling today. I’ll pick your partners. Remember the rules, no punching, scratching, or kicking. Most of you know the rules and the ones that dont can easily remember them, so no excuses if you break a rule!” Coach yells. I look around at the girls, there’s only one girl here that I can stand to talk to, and that’s Pyro-her real name is Kim, but she’s known for burning and catching things on fire.

Coach starts partnering people up, and then I hear my name. “Bethany, and Kristen.” He says. You’ve got to be kidding me! Kristen’s Mirandas little sidekick. She’s got long hair, down to her boobs, and she’s always wearing pink. She even has pink socks on now. If I fight her, she’s most likely to pull my ponytail, that’s her way of fighting. Last year, she ripped a girl’s hair out for calling her a bitch during lunch. It was brutal.

I feel everyone staring at me, like they know I’m going to get my ass kicked or something. Jokes on them, I actually know how to fight, unlike her. After Lana, Mary, Sarah, Jessie, Miranda, and Kim fight, Coach calls my name and Kristen’s. I head onto the mat and wait for the whistle to blow. I look to my right and catch sight of the boys wrestling; I see Scott and Cam looking at me.

The whistle blows and I focus back to Kristen. We start moving in a circle around the mat until she lunges for me, grabs my shoulders, and pulls us down on the ground. She’s on top of me now, trying to get my hands on the ground above my head. But then I push her and she topples to the ground next to me. I get on top of her and grab her arms, trying to pin them on the ground, but then I’m being lifted and thrown off her by her knee. She stands and lunges for me, but I’m too fast for her. I roll a little to my left and she hits the ground with a smack. I turn back over and get on top of her. I grab her arms and pull them up her head so she can’t move. I hear the whistle blow and people start cheering. I stand up and realize that everyone’s huddled around the mat, watching me, even the boys.

“Great job Satan!” I hear Coach yell. I smile, and turn around and face Chris. He hugs me in a big bear hug.

“I can’t believe you won!” He screams.

“Thanks?.” I say and laugh a little.

After all the girls are done wrestling, I head for the lockers to change. I change back into my other clothes and head for the door. I walk down to the vending machines of water. I buy one and wait for Chris.

I see him head out the guys locker room door. He looks down the hall until his eyes land on me. He smiles and walks towards me.

“Hey, let’s go.” He says.


About a half hour later, we arrive at my house. I hop off his bike and take the helmet off.

“Thanks, I’ll see you later.” I say and turn for the door.

“Satan, wait!” Chris yells and I turn around. “Can you go to K16 tomorrow night at 8?” he asks me.

“I don’t know, I’ll ask my mom!” I yell as I turn around and head into my house.

Chapter 6

    Its 7:00 PM and I’m doing math homework. I’m blasting Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding in my ears. I finish my math homework and take out the paper that I’m supposed to have full of stuff about Cam. It’s due tomorrow! I know nothing about him, except that he’s an arrogant asshole with the most beautiful green eyes. I need to call him, but I don’t want to. Or maybe I do. No no, I don’t. But I need to! Dammit, I’m just going to call him. I pick up my phone and dial the numbers on my hand.

Ring Ring.


“Hello?” Oh thank god he answered. 


“Hey, it’s Satan.”


“Speak of the devil.” He snickers to someone else on the other line. He was talking about me to someone else?

I clear my throat. “I need you to tell me stuff about you so I can finish the paper.” I say.

“Well your just going to have to come find me.” He says playfully. Is he drunk?

“Where are you? I’ll come by if you won’t tell me over the phone.” I say back fiercely.

“I’ll give you a hint. I’m in between K16 and the Jack Pub.” In between K16 and the Jack Pub?

There’s only an old abandoned warehouse, and a torn down house. I could find him. I need to get this paper done, I can’t get bad grades this year, my mom won’t let me do shit if I get bad grades.

“Okay, I’ll come find you.”

“Good luck.” He says and hangs up. Great, I get to go run around in the dark, in a really bad neighborhood, looking for an asshole. Just for a few details about his life. My mom’s at work now and my brothers at my uncles. I’m going to have to ride my bike.I walk downstairs with my backpack and out the door. I open the garage door and hop on my bike.

I ride my bike for about 10 minutes, down to the Jack Pub. I park my bike behind the Pub in a hidden place, so it won’t get stolen. I start walking around to the front entrance when I hear a couple of men whistle at me. i get a little nervous but keep looking. Perverts. 

I’m at the torn down house now. I don’t see anybody. If he left, I’m going to kill him tomorrow. I redial his number.

Ring Ring.

“Where ya at sweetheart?” He asks me.

“Don’t play any games, where are you?”

“You’re gonna have to come find me.” He says and ends the call. Shit. This is just perfect.

About 20 minutes later, I end up parked near the warehouse. I get out of my car and walk to the warehouse, listening to see if I can hear any music or sign of Cam. I walk up the steps to the warehouse and slowly walk to the door.

I peek inside the warehouse. I walk in and whisper “Cam?” No answer. “Cam?” I whisper again when I’m at the other side of the warehouse. I hear the door slam open and three guys walk in. They catch sight of me and smile.

“Looks like we got a sexy lady boys!” Yells the big guy in the middle of the three boys. They start walking towards me and I book it the side door. They all start running after me and I scramble to get out the door. I run a little ways down the gravel when one of the boys catches up to me and grabs me by the waist.

“Where ya goin sexy?” he says into my ear. I wriggle around in his arms and try to break free. I scream and he clamps his hand over my mouth. “Shhhh,” He says into my ear, “We wouldn’t want anyone to hear you.” He taunts. He throws me on the ground and I scrape my cheek. All three boys are around me now.

“Just let me go please.” I yell. In a second, the big guy has me over his shoulder, carrying me back into the warehouse. He sets me down and another guy comes up behind me and grabs my wrists and pulls them behind my back so I can’t move them. “Let me go!” I scream and the guy who grabbed me earlier punches me in the cheek. I kick him in the stomach and bang my head against the guy behind me. He lets go of my wrist and I run to the door, and out. I run down the gravel path and trip over something. I land hands first on the ground. My leg hurts so bad, I can barely stand. I manage to stand and I start limping down the cement street, towards some sort of civilization. Someone pushes me onto the ground and I wince in pain as I land on my hurt leg. The small boy who punched me starts towards me. I kick him in the balls and he falls to the ground. I start to stand and then start running-limp- towards the torn down house and sit on the front steps for a breath for about 3 minutes. I look up and realize there’s no one chasing me anymore. I’m all alone.

I start crying because of how much pain I’m in and because I could have been killed by those men. I can barely move my leg and I’m too weak to stand. I roll up my pant leg and gasp as I stare at a huge gash in my leg. I lean back on the steps, I’m not good with blood. I start crying even more, until I can’t breathe. I’m panting so much that I barely hear the sound of footsteps getting closer. I look up, threw my watery eyes, and barely make out a figure walking towards me.

“No! Leave me alone!” I scream, and start backing up on the front steps until I reach the door. I cover my face with my hands.

“Don’t scream, it’s just me.” A voice im really happy to hear.


Chapter 7

He moves towards me and kneels in front of me. “What happened?” he asks me, worried spread all over his face.

“Um, I was, I don't know. I was trying to find Cam and-” he cut me off when he came closer and wiped a tear off my cheek. I covered my face with my hands and started to cry again. He came closer and sat next to me. He removed my hands from my face and held them while he examined me.

“Cam? What the hell were you doing looking for that asshole? You know what, nevermind that, can you stand?” he asks me. I nod my head no and he stands to pick me up. His arms around me, they make me feel safe. Hes cradling me like a baby, I wrap my hands around his neck and he starts to walk to K16. “I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.” he whispers in my ear. His fault? Ugh, I cant really think about anything else except the fact that my leg is in major pain, and I cant feel my cheek.

Before i know it, I'm in a car. He starts the engine and drives out of the K16 parking lot. He starts to drive in the direction of his house when he speaks up, "What were you thinking Satan? You could have gotten yourself killed, and why were you looking for Cam?"

“I’m sorry, but I was looking for him because he’s my chem partner and I needed to do some work with him. He told me he was down here and that I should come meet up with him to do the work, but when I got here, he wasn’t anywhere in sight.” I didn’t want to tell him about Cam telling me to go find him because he would just get even angrier.

“Well the important thing is that you’re ok. I’m taking you back to my place, you can crash there and I think I even have some of your clothes.” I’m happy that I can crash at his house so I don’t have to deal with climbing in through my window.

We arrive at his house and he gets out of the car and opens my door. I unbuckle my seat belt and wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up. He carry’s me all the way to his room and sets me on his bed. He walks to his closet and searches for my clothes and he grabs a black tank top and some purple shorts. I remember those clothes, there from when we went swimming at Lake Equa and I forget them here after we came back to his house. He sets them on the bed and walks to his little bathroom.

“I’m gonna take a shower. I got sweaty from carrying you and you dirtied me."He says to me with a hint of amusement in his voice. I laugh a little and look at my clothes. Yup, im all dirty. 

“Can I take a shower in your brother’s room? I’m dirtier then you.” I laugh.

“Yeah of course.” He smiles and disappears behind the door.

I head down to his brothers room and into his bathroom. As I’m taking the shower, I try not to get soap in my cuts. I have to balance most of my weight on my right leg because my left hurts too much. After I'm done with the shower, I realize I forgot my clean clothes on his bed. Shit. I can’t wear my dirty ones. I pick up my underwear and bra- they seem to be ok- and grab the towel on the rack next to the shower. I wrap it around my torso and yell “Chris!” No answer. Damn, he must still be in the shower. I head out of Jakes room and towards Chris’s. I open the door a little to make sure he isn’t in there. Nope, no sign of Chris. I head in and grab my clothes. I can hear the water still running so I have time to dress. I put my bra and underwear on first, then my booty shorts. I pick up my tank top when I hear a cough and laugh.

I turn around and clutch my shirt to my chest to cover myself up. Chris is standing in his bathroom doorway shirtless, and smirking at me. “Chris!” I yell and swat my hand in the air in a movement to tell him to turn around. He laughs a little and turns around. I quickly put on my tank top. “Ok pervert, you can look now.” I say sarcastically.

“Hey, I'm not a pervert, I came out of the shower and you were standing there naked.” He says and threw a smile.

“I wasn’t naked, I just didn’t have a shirt on. For all I know you could have been standing there the entire time while I dressed.” I say back accusingly.

“Boy do I wish I was.” he says and I cant help but laugh a little.

Chapter 8

“Where do you want me to sleep?” I ask Chris as he sits on his bed.

“You can sleep in my bed; I’ll sleep on the ground.” He says and walks over to his closet to get some blankets.

“No, it’s your bed; I’ll sleep on the ground.” I try to reach for the blankets but he moves them away.

“It’s fine Satan, I can sleep on the ground, you were beat up pretty bad and you should sleep in a comfortable bed.” He says and lays out the blankets on the ground next to the bed. I look over to the clock and it’s 2 in the morning, Chris catches my gaze towards the clock and nods towards the bed.

“We have school tomorrow; you better get some beauty sleep.” He says threw a smirk.

“Yeah you’re probably right.” I ignore his last comment and get into the bed. “Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed, Chris.”

“You’re welcome.” He says and turns on his side. I’m a little shaken up about earlier, all I can do is think about what those guys did and would have done to me. I start tearing up but try to stop because Im not a baby and i need to go to sleep, I can’t be crying right now. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

I awake around 4 in the morning. I keep telling myself that I need to sleep but I just can’t fall asleep. I slide onto my side and look down at Chris who’s sleeping like a baby. I can’t help but notice how good he looks when he sleeps. I start shivering and realize that it’s really cold and window is open.

I reach down and slide my hand across Chris’s shoulder and wake him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks a little surprised.

“It’s really cold and I can’t fall asleep.” I say in a baby kinda way. He smiles a little and slides out of his blanket and stands. He’s only wearing his shorts, and I wonder how he's not cold. How the hell is he not cold? I'm the one wearing actual clothes and he's wearing practically nothing! I get out of bed and walk over to him and grab his hand.

“How are you not cold? You’re warm too!” I say bewildered. I slide my hand up his arm and he moans and grabs my hand.

“I'm just not as sensitive as you when it comes to the temperature.” He says and smiles. With my hand in his, he steers me towards his bed and sits me down. “Go to sleep, okay? Do you want me to get you more blankets?” He asks me.

“No, can you sleep in the bed too?” I ask, kinda shocked at my own words, but realize that if he says ok that I’ll be warm and I’ll probably be able to fall asleep a lot fast then if he says no. He looks at me with shocked eyes, opens his mouth, and then closes it. Is he actually nervous that I asked him this? I mean, we used to do this all the time when we were younger. But I guess it’s not the same. I let go of his hand and turn away and say “I guess you don’t have to, I was just thinking that because you’re really warm.”

“No, no. It’s okay, I can.” He says and motions for me to get under the covers, and I do. He climbs in with me and wraps the blanket around us. He’s a lot warmer than I thought he’d be but its kind of relaxing and soothing, but more importantly is comfortable. I slide me hand across the small space between us and stop when I reach his arm. “How are you so warm?” I ask him again.

“I really don’t know Satan, but it’s really late, so let’s just go to sleep.” He says in an annoyed kinda way.

“Oh, okay.” I say in a disappointed voice that wasn’t really meant to sound like that. He looks at me and closes his eyes in a pleading kind of way.

“I'm sorry, it’s just, I-I kinda feel…..never mind, it’s just weird sleeping with someone next to me in my bed.” He says in a nervous way. He starts blushing and I can’t help but reach towards his cheek and touch it. He widens his eyes and grabs my hand before I have a chance to touch his cheek. “What are you doing?” he says.

“I was just, I don’t know, you started blushing so I-“I start to say but he cuts me off.

“I wasn’t blushing.”

“Yeah, you were Chris.” I say and look into his gentle eyes that are focused on mine and realize he's embarrassed. “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I just can’t remember the last time you blushed.” I say in an apologetic way.

“Uhhh, I'm just not that kind of guy I guess. You know, you are a girl whose wearing a tank top and 2 inches away from me in a bed. I think any guy would blush in this situation.” He says in a flirty tone and slides his hand towards me and up my thigh.

“Whoa.” I say and swat his hand away. “No need to get all touchy.” I say with a laugh. But he doesn’t budge; he slides his hand over my stomach and hip to the small of my back and pulls me towards him. I open my mouth to speak but he pushes me onto my back and slides on top of me. His hair all messy and in his face makes him look rather cute but his eyes say he's hungry for something I can’t quite distinguish. He slides his hands up my sides and back down to my thighs.

He leans forward and kisses my neck. At this point I'm just speechless and I can’t move. He moves higher up and nibbles on my ear and I can’t help but groan, and as I do he moves his head back and stares at me and starts smiling. Then he leans in more and whispers in my ear “you’re blushing sweetheart.”

Chapter 9

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead I just smack his chest and cover my face with my hands from embarrassment. He laughs a little bit and eases off me.

“I'm sorry, but I couldn’t resist it.” He says. I uncover my face with my hands and face him.

“You suck, you know that?” I say smiling.

“Yeah, yeah, you know you were turned on.”

“That’s beside the point!” But now that I think about, I think I actually was. No. What.Am.I.Saying? I shake my head to get rid of the thought and turn the other way-not wanting to face him as a blush beat red.

“Okay, I'm sorry, please look at me.” He says and grabs my waist to pull me towards him. He’s practically hugging me in a backward bear hug, but it’s actually nice. He slides his hand down a bit until it reaches my abdomen and leaves it there. I can feel his breath on my neck and gives me shivers-but in a good way. “Warm now?” he whispers in my ear.

“Yeah, thanks.” I say in a hushed voice. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

I awake to the sound of Chris’ alarm clock and moan loudly. I.Do.Not.Want.To.Get.Up! I got like 3 hours of sleep after Chris got in the bed. He removes his hand from my stomach and turns off the alarm clock. “Wakey wakey sleepyhead.” He whispers in my ear. He jumps out of bed, leaving a gap in the blankets for cold air to get threw and make me shiver. I turn over on my back and rub my face to wake myself up. I lazily get out of bed and realize that I only have the cloths I wore to bed to wear for school!

“Chris! Ohmigod, I only have these clothes to wear! I can’t wear this to school!” I yell at him,
gesturing to my ‘pajamas’.

“Well your just gonna have to wear a jacket to cover up your tank top I guess. Looks like you’re gonna be a little cold today.” He says and starts laughing.

“It’s not funny! These are really short shorts! I'm gonna get so much shit today if I wear this to school. Do you know how many people will stare at me like I'm crazy?!” I yell at him.

“You can wear my jacket, okay? We have like 40 minutes till school starts, which means we have 10 minutes to get ready if were gonna make it on time.” He says and heads into the bathroom.

Great. I'm gonna look like a slut on my second day of school. Perfect.

Chapter 10

Chris is still taking a shower as I scramble around in my purse to find my mascara and eyeliner.
I finally find it and put some on. I check to make sure it’s all good and Chris saunters out of the bathroom shirtless and smiles at me.

“How many minutes do we have?” I ask him, avoiding the smile.

“About 4 until we need to leave.”

“Okay.” I say and walk to his coat rack to grab his leather jacket. As I put the jacket on I

look at Chris who’s just found a shirt to wear. I watch him as he puts it on and turns around to catch me staring. He smiles and turns back around to put some cologne on. I walk over to his mirror, grab his brush, and start doing my hair. “Shit! I don’t have a ponytail!” I yell and slam my fist on his table.

“It’s fine, Satan. Just wear your hair down today, it doesn’t look too bad.” He says and snickers at the last comment. I smooth my hair down and brush it back and out of my face. I guess I don’t look too bad, except for the bootie shorts of course.

“Times up, let’s go.” Chris says and walks out the door, and I follow.

It takes about 25 minutes to get to school and about 5 minutes to find a space to park in. As I get out of the car I push my hair back, straighten my jacket and smooth my bootie shorts. As I start to walk to the building I catch a few glances from people. Just as my eyes find the front door, I see the bitch I never seem to get a break from. Miranda. As I turn to Chris, I can tell he’s noticed her. He gives me a look that says ‘stay calm and don’t do anything you’ll regret’ and I listen to that advice, there’s no way I'm getting suspended on my second day of school. I look back at her and notice the new boys with her. Scott’s laughing and whispering in her ear, while Cam’s sitting there smiling at her. I'm about to look away when Miranda catches my eye. She smiles and whispers something in Scott’s ear, he then turns my way and smiles. Shit.

Just 7 steps until I can walk through the doors and leave Miranda behind me. I tell myself. I start walking up the steps and I'm almost to the door when Miranda steps in front of me.

“Well don’t you look skanky today Satan?” She says in her annoying tone. Scott joins her side and Cam just smiles.

“Thanks Miranda, don’t you look slutty as always?” I say back with dignity in my voice. She frowns at me and opens her mouth to say something but Scott interrupts.

“I'm liking the new look Satan. Suits you.” He says with a flirty voice. That’s when Cam stands and joins Scott’s side.

“Listen bitch, why don’t you just leave and skip to class with your boyfriend? Kay?” Miranda chips in.

“Um, you do know that I have to go through those doors-“ I gesture to the front doors, “to get to my class, right? You blocked me. So be a doll and move, so I can ‘skip’ to class with my ‘boyfriend’. Kay?” I say, using her annoying voice on the last part. Cam and Scott start smiling and snickering and she gets . She looks me up and down and smiles.

“Fine, as you wish.” She says and moves out of the way. I start to walk to the doors when my feet come out from under me and I fall on my palms. Luckily I didn’t get scratched, or land on my face. I lay there, looking at the ground, and start laughing.


There’s no way she’ll get the glory outa this. I think to myself. 

“What are you laughing at you clumsy skank?” She scoffs at me, and I hear Scott and Cam grunt. I start to pull myself up when Cam grabs me by the elbow and helps me.

“Thanks, but I don’t need your help.” I snap at him.

“God Miranda! You will just never stop will you?” Chris yells at her. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me through the front doors and down the hall.

“You okay?” he asks me as we reach my locker.

“Yeah, I'm good. God, I can’t stand her, I just really wanted to slap her in that bitch face of hers.”

“Yeah, me too. Did you see Cam after she tripped you? He looked pissed, and Scott did too.Those ass holes were laughing the whole time.” He says. Really? Psh like they really cared; Chris is right, they’re the ones that caused this.

“No, I didn’t, but I don’t really care. I just gotta get to class. Okay? I’ll see ya later.” I say, I grab my books, and head to my first period class, plannning her funeral in my head.

Chapter 11

As I reach the door to my first period class. Math. I could tell something was up. As I walk into the class, all I hear is laughter. Shit. Cam and his friend Scott sat just 15 feet away surrounded by girls. Great. Luckily they couldn’t see me. I edged over to the seat in the corner-the farthest away from them- and put my head in my hands. A big smacking sound brought me back to reality and as I flinch and look to see Scott standing 4 feet away with a huge grin on his face, just looking at me.

“Hey sweetheart, do you mind handin me my book?” He said and pointed to the ground next to my feet.

“You have legs, get it yourself. You did throw it over here.” I say smugly.

“Ouch, that hurt my feelings Satan.” He said and got up and walked towards me. He picked up his book and sat on the top of the desk in front of me with his legs sprawled out on both side of my desk. He just sat there. Staring at me.

“What?” I finally said.

“Nothing, just trying to figure out why that boyfriend of yours could go for a girl like you.” He said calmly. I felt like rising from my chair and punching him, but I just sat there, dumbstruck.

“He-He’s not my boyfriend, now go away.” I finally said. Why the hell do i get this way with them?

“Oh, well then that explains it.” He said with another sheepish grin. I almost felt like crying. What did I do to him?! I turned away and looked down at the grown to avoid his annoying gaze. I heard shuffling for a brief second and turned to look Scotts way when I caught my breath and was staring right into his eyes. He was at least an inch away and coming closer. His face had just brushed past my cheek when he whispered “Gonna cry Satan? I couldnt imagine a devil crying.”

I jerked back and slapped him square in the cheek. “Douchebag, you’re not worth crying over.” He jerked back and I could tell he was about to say something but was stopped when Mr.Conaway entered the room.

Scott glares at me one last time before turning and sitting next to Cam, who looks dumbstruck in his seat. The girls all scatter to their seats and I notice that a few of them turn and glance at me a few times during the period.

As the 1st bell rings and signals us to go to our 2nd period, I notice Scott lingering back in his seat with Cam. I stand warily and avoid eye contact with them. I start to walk past them, hoping they’ll ignore me, but I was wrong. Scott sticks his leg out so fast that I don’t have time to react except fall palms first onto the ground. I barely have time to look up when big hands grab onto my shoulders and flip me onto my back. Now, I'm staring into Scott’s big brown scary eyes. I crane my neck back and try to catch a glimpse at Mr.Conaway. I see him sitting at his desk with his head down and not even noticing what’s happening.

“Mr. Conaway!” I yell but he doesn’t even move. It’s like he’s dazed or something. I open my mouth to scream again when Scott’s hand clamps over my mouth before anything comes out.

“Shhh, Cam’s concentrating, you don’t want to distract him and have Mr.C wake up.” He whispers in my ear. I look up at Cam briefly and notice that he is concentrating really hard on something. He’s staring at Mr.Conaway like he’s confused but mad. I look back at Scott and he smiles. Suddenly, Cam stands up and walks towards the door, glancing back at me quickly and leaves, closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with Scott. I look back at Mr.Conaway and it looks like he’s sleeping. I grunt and moan really loudly, trying to get his attention when Scott knees me in the stomach and I can’t help but moan in pain.

“Shut up, we don’t want to wake him.” He whispers and grabs onto my side and pulls me closer to him. I close my eyes and wince when he takes hold of my hair and makes me move my head closer to his. He grabs onto my lower back and pushes me into a sitting position on his lap. He looks at me and smiles before he nussle’s his head into the nape of my neck. With his hand still over my mouth, he starts nipping at my neck and I try to squirm out of his grasp but he holds me even tighter against his chest.

“Stop, your just making it worse. If I move my hand off your mouth, are you gonna scream?” He asks me. I hesitate for a second and realize we have 2 minutes until the bell rings, so it wont be long before students pile in the room, so I nod a no. He removes his hand from my mouth and I take a deep breath.

“What do u want? Just let me go” I whisper. He pushes me back onto my back on the ground and slowly moves atop of me while straddling my waist.

“Sorry sweetheart, can’t do that. I have to test this one thing…” He says and closes the distant between us and his mouth is on mine in an instant. He lingers there for a moment, and a heat rises up in me. But it’s not anger, its lust for more. As if a reflex, I grab onto his shirt for dear life and pull him in for more. His hot sweet lips grow stronger against mine and I can’t help but moan into his mouth. He takes that as an invitation and slowly slips his tongue into my mouth. We stay like that, kissing, for a few more seconds before a big slam brings me back to real life.

“Scott!” Cam yells as he enters the classroom. Scott eases up a bit and smiles.

“Hey, I told you to give us a few minutes. Didn’t want you to walk in.” He says with a mischievousness smile.

“No, you said you were going to test her reflexes! You never said anything about that.” Cam says and gestures toward me us on the ground. Scott eases up more and I squirm out of his presence and scramble to my feet. I whirl around and face Cam, who looks disappointed and pissed.

“What’s going on? Test my reflexes?” I say demanding. Scott stands and walks over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me toward him. I barely have enough time to say something before his mouth is on mine again, desperate almost. This time it’s interjected by Cam, who pushes me away from Scott and backhands him across the face, i think i almost see red in scotts eyes. Cam turns on me and grabs my upper arm, turning to the door, he rushes me out of the room with such force I almost trip over my own feet.

Chapter 12

Cam had just scrambled through all the kids before he steered us to a janitors closet and shoved me inside while locking the door behind him. I stood there, breathing heavily while he narrowed his eyes at me.

“What do you think you were doing?” He finally asks me.

“What do you mean? I didn’t do anything! If you hadn’t left and stopped him, this wouldn’t have happened!” I shoot back at him.

“I left because I thought he wouldn’t do anything! You could have stopped him or something instead of giving in.” He yells.

“I-I don’t know. He was holding on to me so tight and I couldn’t move! Uh, and I-I couldn’t help it.” I stammer. Trying to remember why i actually kissed him back.

“Dammit.” He says with a sigh.

“What?” I ask him.

“You are the chosen one” He whispers in a hush voice that I can barely hear.

“The what? What are you talking about?” I ask bewildered. Just then, his gaze shoots towards me and he study’s me for what seems like hours but turns into seconds, because when I realize it, he’s walking towards me. He’s so close now I can feel the heat radiating off him. He shoves me back into a shelving unit and I wince. He grabs me by my chin and forces me to look up at him. I resist at first but his hold tightens and I'm forced to look up into his beautiful green eyes. He leans in more and I swear he’s about to kiss me, but he leans past my cheek and whispers something that sounds like ‘sorry’ into my ear. I jerk back and look into his dark black eyes-wait, dark black? I look into his eyes even deeper and a wave of dizziness passes over me and I'm forced to collapse to the ground with a thud before my eyes flutter shut.

Chapter 13

Something stirs me awake. I don’t know what it is, but I do know that I'm not ready to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and am rewarded with more darkness. I try to focus my eyes on something-anything- but I cant. I start to sit up and realize I’ve been laying on something hard and wooden that’s making my back hurt. I swing my legs over the edge of the-presumably- table that I'm lying on and rub my eyes with my hands. I stick my hand out and feel for something to hold onto when a door swings open and light pours into the room. There’s a tall man standing in the doorway, but the light is blinding me and I can’t see him well.

“Savannah, how very nice to meet you.” The man says and starts towards me.How does he know my given name? I grip onto the edge of the table and he stops about 4 feet away.

“Who are you? Where am I?” I ask him, trying to focus on his features. He's tall, young-about 3 years older than me- and very toned. If I tried to fight him, there’s no way I would last.

“I, am Loki.” He answers plainly.

“Where am I? Why am I here?” I ask louder.

“That’s not important. What’s important is that you are finally here.” He says through a friendly, yet scary smile. I open my mouth to say something, but soon forget when he steps closer. He raises his hand and gently brushes his knuckles across my cheek, while gazing at me. I'm to dumbstruck to act, but he’s not. He leans closer, about to completely close the distance between us when another person runs through the door. Not just anyone.


“Loki, leave her alone!” he shouts, but sounds more annoyed then alarmed. Loki steps back with a smile on his face.


Why is everyone trying to kiss me?

“Oh come on, I was just having a little fun. It’s been a while since a girl this beautiful step foot on our grounds.” Loki says and shoots a look at Cam, “or should I say ‘since a girl was carried onto our grounds’.” He adds with a smug smile. Cam shoots me a look that has regret written all over it but it quickly vanishes when he walks over to me and helps me off the table.

“Are you alright?” he asks me. I grab onto his shoulder for support because I think my knees just might give out. I give a little nod.

“Where am I?” I ask him.

“My home.” He says and gives a small smile.

“Do most houses have random rooms with wooden tables in the middle of them?" I ask and scowl.

“Yeah, well, It’s not an ordinary house.” He says and turns towards Loki.

“Do me a favor and tell dad she’s fine and we’ll be down in a while.” He says. Loki smirks and glances at me one last time before turning towards the door.

“What? What’s going on Cam?” I ask him and back away. Hurt almost touches his eyes. 

“You’ll find out in a bit Satan.” He says and steps towards me. I step back again and bump into the table.

“Who was that boy? Was he your brother?” I ask him.

“Yes, he’s my brother. And you’re going to meet my father too.” He says with a frown and lowers hs eyes a bit. 

Chapter 14


Whatever building I'm in is huge. We've walked down 8 hallways so far and up 3 flights of stairs. Cam just leads me along the way and I catch Loki glancing at me every few minutes.

Cam didn't explain much when we left that dark room, but he did explain that I'm meeting his father, who is a ‘very important’ man and that I need to watch what I say to him.
We walk up one more flight of stairs and Cam walks to a huge doorway and stops.

“Father.” Is all he says. I hear a man clear his throat around the doorway and Cam steps into the room. He turns to me and nods to come towards him.

I do.

As I enter the room I notice 4 men in black suits standing around a desk. Behind the desk is one creepy ass man. He’s got jet black hair that flows over his forehead, and completely black eyes. He, is also wearing a black suit. From the looks of it, he looks like big foot; he has to be at least 7 feet tall.

“Hello Bethany.” He says through a tight smile. His voice is low and, well, scary to be honest.

“Hi.” I choke out. He smirks at me and sets a pen down that I didn’t even notice he was holding.

“I trust that dear Cameron has not given you a hard time.”

“Yes.” I say and swallow. Cam stiffens next to me when his father opens the drawer in his desk.

“Father.” He says in a warning tone.

“Don’t, Cameron.” His father warns back. What’s going on? His father sets something heavy on his desk, and when I look to see what It is I let out a gasp. It’s a pistol.

“Don’t be alarmed, Bethany. I wouldn’t hurt you.” He says and grins at me.

“How do you know my given name? People call me Satan.” I say while trying to keep my eyes away from the gun.

“I knew your father, Savannah.”
Everything seems to stop. Including my heart and mind.

“Wh-what?” I screech.

“Let me tell you this straight.” He says to me and looks at Cam. “Get out.” He tells him. Cam looks at me for a brief second and leaves the room. His father gets up and sits on a couch that I hadn't even noticed. He pats the spot next to him and I walk over slowly and sit down.

“I knew your father. The day you were born I went to visit your mother and I caught her call you Savannah, before she yelled at me to leave the hospital.” He says and frowns. Before I can even get a word out, he places his hand on my knee and silences me. “I'm going to tell you this very bluntly.”

“O-okay.” I say.

“You’re father was a demon, your mother is an angel. You are half demon and half angel, my dear. You will be gaining you powers the moment you turn 17. Cameron and my family are demons. Not half, but full. You are the ‘chosen’ one because you are the only half blood in this world.”

Everything clicks at once. It’s like a switch just went off and everything he just said makes sense. I'm not even curious. It’s like I already know all this.

“How did that happen? Why does it feel like I already knew this?” I say.

“Because you’ve always known, you were just raised to think differently.” He says plainly.

“Ohmigod. I can’t believe this. But yet, I can. What the hell.” I blurt out and think things over more carefully.

“I’ve been to Hell. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be.” He says. Oh man, I almost forgot that I was talking to a demon. Oh man, I also forgot that Cam is a demon, which means Loki is a demon. Demons actually exist.

“Wait, if you’re all demons, why aren’t you doing bad things and causing destruction?” I ask.

“Oh dear, you have no idea what we do. Our jobs are to create evil. We persuade humans to do sinful things. It’s our job.”

“How is it your job? What do you do?” I ask.

“My family inflicts lust. One of the seven deadly sins. My job will not be revealed to you. But Cameron on the other hand, his job is to take girls virginities, as you could put it.” He says with a wicked grin. I can see it now, but why does this not suprise me as much? Sounds more like Scott to me anyways. Wait, Scott! What is he In all of this?

“What about Cam’s friend? Scott? He must be a demon too.” I point out.

“Oh Scott, that little devil. Yes, he is one of us-demon, but his family inflicts drug abuse.”

“Like alcoho and pills?”

“Yes.” he answers simply. 

“He seems more like the lust type.” I murmur to myself. He laughs at me and stands. He walks over to his desk and picks up his pistol.

“Now, my dear; I must test something that will hurt quite a bit. Hang in there for me, okay?” he says, and before I can answer, he aims the gun at me and pulls the trigger. I stagger back and think the shot must have missed because I didn’t feel anything when I heard the shot, but then a sudden pain rushes over my body and I crumple to the floor. I don’t even have time to comprehend wheat just happened because blackness blurs my vision and I'm sucked into slumber.

Chapter 15

Someone’s kissing me.

I can feel it and my lips are moving, but I can’t move anything else. My eyes stay shut and I just lay there, wherever I am, un-able to move my body.

The kissing is really good; whoever it is must be an expert. There rhythm is perfect and I can’t stop moving my lips with this persons. They have their hand on my stomach, I can feel it. God dammit, why can’t I move? I try and open my eyes 4 times and fail each time, but the 5th time I'm lucky.

I slowly open my eyes and when they adjust I notice a boy in front of me. He’s the one kissing me. He looks like he’s 13. He doesn’t seem to notice I opened my eyes, he just keeps kissing me. I try making a noise but nothing is coming out of my mouth. I can’t help kissing him, it’s like I'm being controlled. He slowly flicks his tongue over my lower lip and when I don’t retaliate he takes that as an invitation. He sticks his tongue in my mouth and slides his hand up to my breast; cupping the left one with his hand. Sweet baby Jesus.

“Get off her.” A familiar voice booms into the room.


I feel the boy smile and he keeps kissing me. He squeezes my breast and I gasp. I can make noises!

“I said get off her! You’re gonna suffocate her!” Cam yells. I look up and I see Cam lunge for the boy, knocking him to the side.

“You brat.” He hisses at the boy.

“She liked it, and I'm horny. Father won’t let me go out and he hasn’t let me fuck anyone in 4 days.” Says the boy. He has a strong manly voice for a boy. The words make me flinch though. His father hasn’t let him fuck anyone in 4 days? Where does this kid get this language? 

Cam slips his hand under my back and lifts me into a sitting position. I almost fall over again when Cam catches me and holds me upright. 

“I need you to hold her while I inject her with the medicine.” He says to the boy.

“Whatever.” The boy snaps. He gets up and holds me up by my shoulders while Cam lifts the back of my shirt up. I barely have time to register what he’s doing when I feel a sharp pain explode in the lower part of my back. I cry out a little and bite my lip.

“O-w-w” I bite out. Yesss, I can finally speak. Cam smiles a little and pushes the boy away.

“Good, its already working. I injected you with healing medicine that our kind use. My father shot you with a gun that can kill demons, and he wanted to test if you would wake up. Which you did, and that means you aren’t full demon after all.” He says.

“But he already knew I wasn’t full demon!” I yell at him. How could he just shoot me?

“He wanted to make sure you understood, Satan.” Oh, well then that explains that. I look down at my hands and realize I can now move them, and I also notice that my shoulder is bare and exposed. I flip my head towards the boy and glare daggers at him.

“You.” I yell. I stand up and get in his face. “How dare you kiss me?! And grab me in… places!” I lift my hand and slap his as hard as I can. Cam starts laughing and the boy glares at me.

“Look, baby, I know you liked it. Don’t deny it.” He says, and smirks at me. Now I'm pissed. I push him back and kick him in the balls. He doubles over and chokes. Cam starts laughing even harder and he grabs my shoulder.

“Calm down, Satan. He’s my brother.” He says between giggles. I look back at the boy and notice his features, and he does look like Cam.

“I'm still not sorry.” I whisper.

“Aiden, stand up, don’t be a pussy.” Cam says to the boy- Aiden.

“Give me a minute man. I don’t think I'm gonna be able to have sex for a while now. My baby’s are sprained.” He says and lifts his head to glare at me.

“Good.” I say and give him a wicked smile, which is rewarded with a giggle from Cam.

“So, what now? Are you going to take me home or are you going to keep me prisoner here?” I ask, realizing I must be very late for curfew. Cam stiffens and sighs.

“You do realize my father will want you to be present here a lot? And my father always gets what he wants.” He hisses the last part and turns towards Aiden. 

“Go, get out. I'm taking her home and you can talk to dad about your lack of sex.” 

Cam grabs my arm and ushers me out of the room and down the hall. He stops at a door and goes into the room. I wait there and when he returns he has a back pack.

“Let’s go. I'm taking you home.” He says.

40 minutes later, Cam pulls up to my driveway and turns the engine off. I play with my hands and try thinking of something to say.

“You’re coming over tomorrow. My father will want you to train with us.” He says and grabs the wheel with a fierce grip.

“What exactly is training?” I ask him.

“We’re going to see what your sin is. You’re mother was drug abuse and your father was violence. That means you take hold of both sins. We will need to test your fighting skills, and how much of a drug you can take without passing out basically.” He says and grimaces.
Ohmigod. I actually have to do this? This keeps getting worse and worse.

“O-okay. I suppose I can’t tell anyone about this right?” I ask, thinking about Chris.

“No, you cannot. It’s the number one law in our society. You break it, and they kill you.” He says plainly. I swallow and start to open my door when Cam grabs my wrist and turns me to face him.

“I'm sorry this all happened in one night. I wasn’t planning on this happening for a while.” He says and looks into my eyes. His beautiful green eyes mesmerize me, but scare me at the same time. I yank my arm away and step out of the car. Before I shut the door, I lean down and look at him.

“It’s not your fault I was born a monster.” I say plainly and slam the door, while laughing at myself in disbelief. 


Publication Date: 11-29-2011

All Rights Reserved

To all the teens out there who love a spicy fictional romance book. :) Enjoy!

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