Robert Fluffington (Nicknamed SQ for Senor Quackers, his alias)
Summary: Abandoned by his mother and father bear, his baby body was stumbled upon by a group of ducks (a lesser species of creature in this world). These ducks more or less took him as one of their own, perhaps because his body provided them with shade. SQ knows basic avian and common Erfen (English) language. He is 6 years old, and an adult in bear years. Race/Class: Polar Bear with duck-like characteristics, Mage-Alchemist. Goal: SQ wants to create a virtually unheard of rare potion of growth and puberty that advances his age and maturity. He wants to look like a duck as he believes that he only looks like a bear due to young age.
Walking through the darkened forestland filled with only the crisp smell of lodge pine and evidently a wisp of burning wood that seems to be coming from a bonfire in the distance. SQ came across a caravan of traders and gipsy folk; no sign of violence in sight, Fuzzington surely knew it was a place he would like to hang about until he arrived at the closest village or town, considering he’s been walking for so fricking long. SQ met with the caravan owner, a posh looking rat wearing a monocle named Ratty, as gentle-like as he seems there is no doubt that he is just as cunning, as most rats are. The rat offers SQ a position among some others as a mercenary whilst travelling, to protect the caravan until they get to the port of Loudwater, he is offered 50 gold pieces upon completion of this task ”you can never get enough bear protection”. SQ is clearly unknowing of the fact that he is worth far more, that cunning rat... SQ willingly accepted, knowing he was running out of money, low on adventuring gear and also Loudwater was the next town anyway, so it was a win, win situation for him, or so he presumed.
SQ and the caravan have been travelling for days, coming closer and closer to Loudwater, surely just one more day shall do it. On his travels with the caravan, he met many of the gipsy’s and grew a somewhat weird fondness to a beautiful looking blue and yellow bird the gypsy animals called her Ranger for the obvservation that she wields a hand-crafted Elfen bow, but you (viewer) may know her as Fy. She is seen hanging about some other aviary creatures, in particularly, eagle Jon.
SQ and the others have been noticing signs of followers, rustling tree branches, shadowy figures running from one boulder to another, and the slight tinge smell of bear shit in the distance, SQ is the only bear in the group, the suspicions were correct.
We will reach the end of this journey by noon, Ratty makes an observation. “Wait, do you hear that”, suddenly, a group of grizzly bears show up from out of the rustling bushes, six to be exact.
You would think that by this time, a bear of SQ’s age, would have plenty of fighting experience, but you’d be wrong, in fact, anyone who even know’s this clumsy polar bear, would tell you that he would not succumb to killing even the most vilest of creature, i.e. the roach. But this is where it might come as a shock, as he may have just been the leading cause of victory in this battle; his first battle…
Battle :1
Without a single thought, SQ panics and rushes behind everyone to the caravan, and with all his might, forces it towards the group of enemies, however the disoriented slope critically affected SQ’s impulsive action, having missed all of his advesaries.
Fy takes up arms with SQ and draws her bow for a kill. But struggling in haste, she shoots an arrow too early, yielding a weaker draw-back and misses her shot.
Noticing his mistake, and Fy’s missed try, SQ believes that all is lost, that none can best the hungry fiends, he makes a break for the caravan that he had unthinkably pushed towards the scattered foes, and dives underneath it in a cowardly fashion.
Whilst the bandit bears scatter to fight the hoards of prey, Eagle Jon included, one of the bandits look up to see Fy wielding a fiery ball of light and screams in a scooby-like cowardice “Oh no, she’s magic”. One of the other bandits in the background yells “NO WE’RE MAGIC” and rips open a bird character with his teeth.
Fy reaches down behind her where SQ is hiding (beneath the caravan) and finds a piece of cloth, she uses her fire magic to light it on fire, placing it in a bottle of half empty rum and throws it towards the leader bandit bear, it frightens him as he screams “Oh no! It’s REAL magic, let’s go boiz”.
As the bandits flee, they grab a wounded Eagle Jon and run off, as they make their way onwards, the forest behinds them starts to burn, the cost of battle.
End of Battle :1
Low and behold, Ratty and his trading caravan have finally made it to the trading town, “alright lads, here we are, it was a wild journey indeed but we have finally made it to Loudwater”.
Arriving into town to set up shop, Ratty rewards SQ and Fy for the extra muscle. “Wha...what is this, the deal was 100 gold pieces Ratty (originally 50 but it was agreed that the other mercenaries who died in the battle would declaim their earnings to the two), where’s the rest” Fy makes a kean observation. “Well having run into those wildly rascals, and practically, single-handedly saving the day, it’s clear that some of my product was destroyed in the battle, no thanks to you two. Your halves more than make up the amount needed for damages”.
SQ and Fy accept that they may have spoken in haste, they did use his materials to bake a breakfast cake without permission afterall. They both shake Ratty’s paw and go their seperate ways.
We begin this adventure in Loudwater with SQ, he spends better-most of a day searching for anything that would get him one step closer to brewing the rare growth, puberty and maturity potion, that by this time we’ve established is his life mission, as he believes that this potion will help him grow into a duck, his biggest dream.
SQ, after walking through the entire town, it is a small town, figures that the best place to search is the Grand Library, right smack in the centre of the village. It is said by the locals to contain the largest amount of knowledge stored anywhere in all of Erf (Earth) which is weird considering how small and secular Loudwater actually is. Now whilst it’s actually a great place to begin his quest for the maturity potion formula, the issue is that the only way in is via. Invitation, and only the greatest scholars of Erf may enter. To satifyingly overcome this pradicament, SQ decides to force his way in, illegally, searching the old tomes for something, anything that will help him achieve his goal.
SQ finds what he is looking for, an old document telling that of the elements, the origins of Erf and how it came to be. When the destruction of Pre-Erf came about, the nuclear radiation did not only affect the animal inhabitants of the world, but also the soils, oceans, and winds. This document tells of pieces of Erf that became maluable but powerful, there may very well be elemental stones that have never been found, but for the fair few that have been, it has greatly impacted Erf in ways that never did in the Pre-Erf days. The wind elemental stone crashed into the ground, and like a stone being tossed into a body of water, arose great mountains towering the skies, piercing the clouds. The collision is said to have been the reason dragons came about. The plantation stone element, sprouted pixies, fairies, and other unworldly creatures, as well as being capable of smothering landscapes in lush green in mere seconds. Although the importance of these stones come to mind, it turns out that the reason the growth potion that SQ seeks is so rare is that it requires a piece of the elemental fire stone, the very stone that gives phoenix’s the abilitiy to be reborn in the ashes.
SQ wraps the documents in string and walks towards the exit, a mistake as he had forgotten that it was guarded, and that he had come through a shaft in the buildings exterior. One of the guards hear a noise and spots SQ, although in dimly litted light so as to be unable to see him clearly. SQ cleverly uses his magic of illusion and casts a smoke pouch spell, making a successful escape. His figure is now searched for in the town, although it doesn’t lack it’s fair share of bears. Although word doesn’t travel far in New-Erf so our fuzzy crusader is in luck.
Next stop is the alchemy goods store, SQ cautiously approaches the clerk, a squirrel in shady clothing, asking him for a few ingredients, he buys a phoenix heart for 80 gold, as they barter, SQ confesses to the clerk as to what he’s trying to make “the potion is unheard of, impossible!” the clerk then offers SQ a small sack of grizzly toes, which he then reluctantly admits to being apart of the ingredients list of the growth formula. SQ, unsurprisingly gets angry at the clerk, he’s obviously being hustled for his gold, it’s fair enough to say that a rare phoenix heart costs 80 gold, but now the sly squirrel wants 70 gold pieces for a pack of grizzly toes that could just as easily be collected from any old home (implying that he would cut them off old bears as they are too old to fight). SQ impulsively screams in rage, slamming his paws down on the bench in a feiry fury, leaving the desk burnt with the mark of his paw. The squirrel, having been eclipsed by SQ’s massive body, scared and confused, asks SQ why he even wants all of his ingredients, why he wants to make the potion in the first place. SQ admits to wanting to become a duck, as well as admitting to his theory that he just doesn’t look like a duck because he’s too young. The clerk mistakingly says “well, are… aren’t you a bear?” which increases the agitation between the two, this angers SQ even more and slams his hands down on the desk, creating a paw mark once more. The squirrel, in fear, hands over the grizzly toes to SQ for free, telling him that it’s an indication of good will, hoping that SQ would leave his store sooner.
We now skip over to Fy’s side of the story, delving into her Loudwater adventure we find that she is looking for a map, we find out now that she doesn’t actually know where the fire stone is, and that she requires an enchanted map that can scale the skies, even the moving clouds. She doesn’t know where to start looking, but as she’s looking through the windows of the merchant stores, one of the owners spots her and comes out, he’s a pelican, sailor-looking fellow with an eye patch on one eye. She confesses to her search and he just so happens to have such a map in his possession, although he makes it clear to Fy that it’s only a collectors item, and is not for sale. Although he’s a fair Erfen (Earth Creature), he shows her the map and offers her to copy the map as it currently is, without the enchantment for only 10 gold pieces. Fy agrees but her intentions are otherly. She knows that the only way to find the stone is to have the real map, imbued with all its magical properties. So as Pelican Petey goes inside to find some rags and charkoal to copy the map for Fy, she takes it into her possession and flies off with it, Petey none the wiser. Because of this, both Fy and SQ are wanted in Loudwater, although it is a large-ish town, and they are only looked for based on appearances. Although there can’t be many phoenix’s here, so she makes her way out of town to lay low.
It’s established that both SQ and Fy are willing to do anything to achieve their goals.
Now we’re back to SQ’s adventure. His tummy rumbles, and he feels it best to get some lunch, by this time we see him ravaging through the angler shop bait supplies for something cheap. There’s an old coot black grizzly bear in the corner on a rocking chair, and a relatively small, but adult aged black grizzly attending the counter, “Hello my fellow bear, can I help you with anything?” Grant the Grizzly asks SQ. He explains that he’s looking for some fishing supplies for his journey. Grant enquires about his journey, where he’s headed and what for. SQ just nods, claiming he’s somewhat of an explorer, searching for something, important. This is all he tells Grant.
“I need a fishing rod” SQ exclaims. Grant offers SQ a shoddy looking rod for 25 gold but he only has 50 left “it may look old, but this beast can reel in the best of meats” *rod breaks whilst Grant holds it up* “darn, alright alright, listen, we have no choice but to raise our prices, we’ve had, well there’s this, um, issue with another angler shop owner, he’s been spreading rumours about us for quite some time now, and just recently has he been been making waves about our supplies, he bought a rod off of us and mistreated it on purpose, showing it to other Erfens and convincing them that our goods are second hand piles of junk, our shop isn’t what it used to be. Hey, I’ll tell you what, I’ll make you a deal, if you can deal with this said grizzly bear for me, I’ll give you the best rod we have in this shop, and for only 30 gold pieces”. That was alot for SQ to take in, and perhaps he forgot he had a budget, instead of negotiating getting the rod for free in turn, he accepts the quest, asking what exactly he should do to the bear. The old coot right behind Grant crackles a speech saying “Snitches Get Stitches” and then begins to laugh maniacally, coughing in the process.
SQ has been told that this grizzly that he’s supposed to be taking care of likes to spend most of his days down at the local wharf, catching fish for the pathetic street markets. As SQ passes through the street markets, he comes up with the semi-brilliant idea of attracting sharks to the wharf “heheh, the perfect crime”. He haggles with the shopkeeps, settling on a deal of 3 gold for her 3 smallest fish, which is actually a horrible price considering the price for fish is 2 gold for large trouts, she knew that there was no way she could get rid of these pathetic gibblets without lying to a gullible somebody. As he approaches the wharf, he spots both, a sign that says “Non-Shark Waters” and the grizzly bear he might be searching for sitting over on a distant pier.
The closer SQ gets to this bear, the more and more his brain rattles with ideas. He comes up with yet another brilliant idea, to convince this Grizzly to move closer to the sea a few miles away, to where there are sharks, although the grizzly is highly uninterested in this idea, or SQ for that matter. Next, SQ uses a different excuse, he tells this grizzly that there are better fishing rods just across the river, for the greatest prices he’s ever seen, but this seems unconvinving to the grizzly, he denies again. Angered and frustrated to the max, SQ uses his magic to attach rope to this grizzlies legs, trapping him to the ground, “Woah, HEY, What’re you doin yo?”, SQ demands that this grizzly hands over all of his gold, seeing this as an advantage to do so, SQ is handed a pouch of 50 gold coins. “Now you have my cash wod, what about you let me go now bud? Help a brother bear out eh? BUD!???”. SQ screams “I’M NOT A FUCKING BEAR” and then uses his magic to slowly drag the grizzlies feet down into the water, drowning the grizzly. SQ picks up the faulty rod that this grizzly was using to defame Grants shop and heads back to claim his reward.
SQ heads back inside of the Angler Rangler store, and hands over the faulty rod, and 30 gold pieces for the stores best fishing rod. It turns out that this rod is in half, it is said that the rod has a legendary background, once activated, the head of the rod that’s missing, can be bound from oblivion, no bait or hook needed to weild (it is not mentioned here, but you need a piece of void elemental stone to use it), the trick is that nobody has ever found out how to use it, not yet at least. SQ puts it away for later. The shopkeeper tells SQ that the rod is highly valuable, and world-wide famous, so there’s a high chance that he may run into trouble because of the rod. SQ takes the advice as it is, bids his farewells and leaves the store.
Fy is now seen atop a tree outside of the town gates watching and listening in on the guards, possibly also spotting prey to persue, she must now make the best of a bad situation. Now that the whole town is in search for a rare-coloured phoenix and a large bear with a hat. Little did she know, that the ruckus and on-edge excitement between the guards are not because of her taking a crusty old map, but that the guards have found the dead body and suspect that Fy may have something to do with it, seeing as how she’s a stranger to the people.
Fy spots SQ coming through the gates, she sneakingly flies above him, remembering of a cake that he baked during their travels together working for Ratty, she figures that she has some food that she could have, or otherwise steal. She lands in front of him, leaning on a tree with one wing. She reluctantly explains her predicament with a few unclear details, “All I need is some food, then I’ll be off your back, as simple as that, umm, Quackers, was it?” SQ kind of waves with a smirk on his face “Si senor”. SQ explains to Fy that he doesn’t have much, making it obvious to her, that all he really has are the pathetic fish gibblets that were supposed to be used as shark bait.
SQ spots the enchanted map in Fy’s possession, hanging out of her satchel, and makes a deal with Fy, they could both use the directions, and after a long discussion, finally sharing each others journey to one another, they agree to a termed vocal contract, for now, Fy will allow SQ to take a glimpse at the map for 1 of the small fishes, 4 inches in size. They trade and both look at the map together.
The map is moving, the skies, it’s scale is huge, and yet with only a slightest though may you see closer to the ground if need be. You can see all the Erfens walking from birds eye view, although it is not clear whether it’s a memory of what has already happened, or what is currently happening. The map, as large as they have ever known their world to be, covers vast landscapes, a large cloud the size of the biggest Erfen empire, may be the size of a pinhead on this map.
From what they could make out from the map, in the West, south of Dakendillo forest, where they just came before arriving in Loudwater, there is the sea, the Seaguard Towers can be seen, they are ancient domestiles built along the coasts that are supposed to act as go-to spots for repair and recuperating between port towns. Although they have been long out of commission by the Erfen Empire. To the East can be seen the large Draconian Range, this is where it’s believed that the Earth elemental stone originated, where it currently resides, and where basically all dragons roam, and there’s no way in hell SQ or Fy are going there anytime soon. South of them is another town a few 100 miles, beneath them are the old mines, found by young Erfens following the war of Pre-Erf, they literally struck gold, a crack created by the Pre-Erfen weapons, with this gold, they practically founded the Empire. Although now all but disbanded, few regions are still Empire controlled, individual settlements are all basically against the Emperfians (Empire Erfens). Just North of Fy and SQ, West of Dakendillo forest, there can be seen, a large object, which embosses the Erf in shadow, could this be Phoenicia, the location of the elemental fire stone?
Fy and SQ sure do think so, and it just so happens that SQ is looking for an elemental stone too, whilst searching the tomes in the ancient library, he finds that he requires the unearthly magic of an elemental stone in order to complete his quest, although he still needs a few other rare items, he figures it best to join up with Fy.
As a sign of ‘the beggining of a beautiful friendship’ Fy offers SQ one of her rare feathers, noticing it’s one of his rare-needed ingredients to the growth spurt formula. SQ hands over something as well, all that he has on him, befitting a bird. Another one of his pathetic little fishes.
The scenes end, visuallising the trade in wing and paw, the adventure begins.
Fy and SQ have arrived to a new port town named Stillwater, the town is run by a wise owl whom is posh in posture and personality. This fabled themed town seems to go on for miles along the coastline (the town is built atop the ruins of a pre-erf shipping container depot) however it seems that this town is specifically favoured by the elderly, rejected seniors with no family members seem to hold majority residence here, something of a resort for the forgotten.
SQ and Fy have run low on supplies during their trip and SQ suggest checking out the marketplace for supplies. Fy is somewhat of a con, she knows how to sway the men towards her dispositions, she and SQ had a lengthy discussion about these abilities so to better coordinate their attacks in case of a worst case scenario; cooperation. However SQ decides to look around the marketplace for ”someone to sway”, all he sees is a bunch of old people. Fy brags ”where you see old people, I see opportunity, watch and learn”.
Fy spots an old phoenix in a wheelchair, she tells SQ a short history of phoenix’s, (she is a very rare mutation of phoenix that isn’t affected by this but you can tell her apart by her light yellow feather colors, other phoenix’s are redish orange. When phoenix’s are reborn, they forget everything about their past life, this is why it’s rare to see them outside of Dakendillo Forest, they have family and friends to remind them of who they are, and what they own, this is a good opportunity to take advantage and practically transfer ownership *steal*) it seems that this isn’t new news to the people of this town as there are already a group of Erfians surrounding the old phoenix, an antellope woman is pushing his wheelchair. Fy approaches and argues over the wheelchair, it isn’t until the old phoenix says ”Oh Fiona my grandchild, it’s been sooo long” that the antelope gives up, walking away staring angrily at Fy as she knows she’s not Fiona.
SQ seems to get bored of watching Fy and becomes distracted for a moment, he notices a young mouse boy trying to steal his gold and is able to prevent him from taking anything, the boy runs off into an alley and SQ chases him. The boy is trapped, SQ sees this as a good ”opportunity” to be like FY and tries to convince the boy to buy his fleshroot (grizzly). SQ rubs one of the toes in his hand and it sets on fire due to its touch qualities ”see, it’s cool super awesome magic little kiddie”. But the boy tries to escape again, this angers SQ and he grabs the boys hand yelling “alright, you’r going to pay me in some way, I payed 2000 for this flesh root and I already gave one up to show you what they can do” (this is obviously false as you’ll recall they were given to him for free from extortion in the last town, they are also useless. SQ is mistaking silver tongue with aggressive threats) The boy literally pisses himself in fear. SQ starts to lose his patience and keeps lowering his price for the fleshroot. The boy finally manages to escape but he drops all of his gold whilst trying to run away. SQ manages to make a 3 gold profit, the rest of the gold falls down a drain. A bum stole the rest of the gold and bolted for it.
As SQ comes out of the alley he notices the folk gathering to get somewhere quick, he asks one of them as they tell him that the Annual Stillwater Wizard Convention is on, this years theme is alchemy, all contestants must make an innovative potion, the winner gets 300 gold. SQ sees this as a great chance to build on his skills, alchemy is his specialty afterall.
Fiona *Fy* and the old phoenix are walking around town, Fy is listening to the old phoenix and putting up with his shitty old foke’ stories, she finally convinces him to take her to his home, it may very well be considered a mansion in Stillwater. Fy realises that the old phoenix has achieved much in this lifetime, that he actually did have a family and grandchild and that they ended up leaving with most of his gold and assets as he has gotten older, the old phoenix couldn’t handle that his family has done and this has rapidly sped up his memory loss due to depression. Fy uses this to her advantage and tries to convince the old fella to sign over the will to his home. Whilst this Erf is primitive and apocalyptic themed, Erf does have a government like system.
We come back to SQ who is approaching an
Owl steps up on podium “good afternoon novices, I know youre all expected to do ALCHEMY” *no one screams as expected*. Bear sees the mouse in the audience and rubs is fingers together and the mouse pisses its pants again
Healing potion, is the first contest. Makes one pretty good one, burns his hand when he looks the other way, tells him why he did that. All good. 50 minutes pass, last potion is brown and smells horrible, remembering smelling this disgusting boiling concoction, and feeling like just vomiting, the owl sees it and just says “no” and then throws it out the window. and for then on, people said that the street smelled revolting, known as the smelly alley. Then the guy just rushes out the hall crying, fuzz thinks “one down”.
Next potion is a potion to give me a direction “haha just joking, im an owl, I don’t have a penis”
Next potion is potion of fire resistance, perfect ingredient, but he adds a special ingredients, he adds a grizzly toe to makes the potion a perfect fire resistance potion. Grabs the owls hands, and interacts with the test aswell, and puts hand on couldren fire, and didn’t hurt at all.
Final round, a potion that will make him smell good. He makes the potion, smells foul and rancid throughout, but changes the potion quickly to something else he remembers vaguely from a book, makes two potions, green and blue. Opens up one of the potions, smells like shit, good work. Then the second. Pours it all over himself since it smells so nice, fuzz whispers in his ear, hey your gunna make me the winner aren’t you “well, I can’t disclose that.
From other potions, went on fire, smelled like shit all that typa stuff.
He won the 75th super awesome annual alchemy division of still water, hands bag over, wins 3020old, but tax, has 2820gold.
Fy is seen with the old phoenix, Fy knows that she now owns a house and it is almost time for the phoenix to be reborn, she urges him to come out into the marketplace once again, the time has come and the old fella rebirths in a spectacle unlike anything else, his body crumbles into ash as it feeds the fires. He wakes up just a young lad asking for his home and who he is, you see Fy in the background walk away as the old fella is seen confused outside of a retirement home.
when he comes back from rebirth he forgets where he is and asks for his home…finding out he never had a home but in truth gave his house to his…granddaughter, through a will.
Wizard arena now, fy is gambling, 5 gold on pigface, scrawny guy in different race with pig mask. 20 gold on fuzzy.
Pigface went first, purple energy, went up into the sky and did nothing.
Next guy hits pigface in the head, pigface is out
Tiger jumps on someone, casts basic spell and does nothing, and slashes the guys throat and leaves him to die
Next guy shoots a lightning bolt at the tiger, the tiger survives somehow
Spell backfires and explodes the next guy
Fuzzy casts a fire shield, and casts a fairly good spell. He can see everything on the outside
Next guy doesn’t do anything
Next guy doesn’t do something
Next guy aims at fuzzy and misses
Next guy does nothing
Fire ball at some guy and killed him
Impaled by millions of icicles
Down to 4 people, tiger man, jon, lightning bolt guy and fuzzy
Tiger guy lunges over fuzzy shield, lands in front of fuzzy, casts the same basic spell, bounces off the shield and hit fuzzy for 4hp
The lightning guy teleport into fuzzy shield and burns him to death
Jon summons a massive a meteor crushing tiger guy killing him
Fuzzy cast simple stun spell, it hits, jon falls down and tries to break free and succeeds instantly.
Jon casts a spell of mist, fuzzy has poor visibility. Fuzzy tries to cast levitate, and succeeds, he striked a lightning bolt through the mist, the mist is conducted and electrocutes jon and jon died.
Fuzzy won 4500 (7320g)
Fyranger won 2000 gold from gambling for fuzzy as the winner (2205g)
Is now at house, together looking for gold
*river sounds*
Senor: *sigh* God, I wish my wings grow in soon… It’s been, what, 6 years. Still no growth. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m not a duck after all.
*pebble splashing into the pond*
Senor (Narration): See that miserable fuzzball over there? That’s me. People say I look a lot like a polar bear and who can blame them? But I know what I am on the inside. I’ve always known it.
*inspiring music*
Senor (Narration): See, I was raised by ducks. Well, by raised I guess I mean they tolerated me until I started to prove of use.
*duck noises*
Bandit: Come to papa. We’re having duck tonight, boys!
*bear roar*
*bandit screams*
Senor: Yeah! You better run!
Senor (Narration): I don’t know why, but just watching my brothers and sisters fly… I mean… Why can’t I have that? What makes them so special?
*sinister music*
Senor (Narration): So, one night, I mustered the courage to delve into the forbidden ward of the local library and… Get this. There’s something that could actually help me out. It’s called an accelerated Puberty Potion and it should help me to finally grow my wings. After that night, I gathered all the materials I needed. Well, almost everything. There was this one item said to be impossible to attain. A fragment from the stone of rebirth, a well-guarded Phoenix artefact, the source of their ability to resurrect from their own ashes.
*music stops*
Ratty: Are you alright there, boy? You’re scaring away all the ducks.
Senor (Narration): That’s Ratty, a well known merchant. He travels between cities with his caravan in hopes of returning a profit. He doesn’t really sell anything of value, but he often sweet talks you into buying something anyway. Rats are manipulative like that.
Senor: The ducks don’t mind.
Ratty: Well, CLEARLY they don’t. Here I am, tossing them this stale bread and you’re throwing pebbles, scaring them off!
Senor: You don’t mind, do you, Aunt Flow?
*duck noises*
Ratty: Listen, boy. You know that you’re not a duck, right? Ducks don’t talk, you hear?. They’re lesser beings. Things like them can’t think like we do.
Ratty: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Look, I talked out of line back there. I’m sorry. I was just… Tell ya what. You’re a bea- I mean… You’re big and strong, yes? Well, I am a rat and, just between the two of us, rat’s don’t do too well in a fight *nervous laughter*. I am taking some supplies from this town to the next, and I need a bodyguard. Think you can help me out there? I’ll pay you for your efforts.
*leaves crunching*
*bonfire in the distance*
Senor (Narration): I met him that night by his caravan. He was seated by a campfire, toasting marshmallows at the end of his dagger, in the company of an exotic array of gypsies and mercenaries.
Ratty: Ah! He comes! This is the bear I was talking about. Please, friend. Take a seat. S’more?
Senor: N-No thanks.
Ratty: You should really eat something, you know. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us.
Senor: I’ll have some bread if you’ve got any.
Mercenary: *laughs* Well tickle me pink! He really does think he’s a duck!
*crowd laughing*
Ratty: Now, now. Don’t be too harsh on the boy. He may be a bit… eccentric, but I’ve seen him tear a fox in half like it was paper.
Senor: Well, it was more like wringing a wet towel… I only wanted to hurt him a little. I didn’t mean to kill him…
Mercenary: *nervous laughter* I… uh... Of course! I didn’t mean to offend you, honest!
*crowd mumbling*
Ratty: Well, now that we’re all here, I think it best to begin our quest to Loudwater. I expect us to arrive in the early morn, so it’s imperative we begin posthaste. With any luck, we may not even need your services, men, but knowing these roads, I anticipate we’ll be ambushed once or twice. Nothing you lot can’t handle, am I right?
*crowd cheer*
Senor: Uh… Excuse me. Did you just say ‘ambush’?
Ratty: Aye. Vicious bandits and murderous marauders armed to the teeth with crossbows and swords, knapsacks ready to pilfer and pillage from our supply of goods as we let our guards down for the briefest of moments. Don’t worry, friend. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Fyranger: Ratty, if I may… I’m sure you think he can fend for himself, but I’m telling you, he’s going to die out there. At least train him first.
Ratty: Hmm. Good idea, Fy. Until we get to Loudwater, you can be in charge of keeping him alive.
Fyranger: Ok… Sorry, what? Oh, no! I’m not going to babysit your chum!
Ratty: Now, Fy. I feed you. I put a roof over your head. The least you could do is help an old rat out. Besides, I could just as easily replace you with someone whose beak doesn’t flap about in protest at such a simple task.
Fyranger: You wouldn’t…
Ratty: Phoenixes with the inability to rebirth are becoming quite the occurrence nowadays, so I trust that a cheap substitute wouldn’t be hard to find.
Fyranger: Hmph. Fine. Come on, bear. You’d better not slow me down.
*the fire is kicked out*
Ratty: Well? What are you lot doing standing around? We’ve got cargo to deliver!
*eerie music*
*carriage being drawn*
Senor: *exhausted* I’m. So. Boooored! How much longer do we have to walk? My paws are killing me.
Fyranger: *slightly out of breath* We get there when we get there.
Senor: Well, are we there yet?
Fyranger: *becoming annoyed* No.
Senor: What about now? Are we there *yet*?
Fyranger: Grr… I just told you! We’re not-
Eagle Jon: *to the horse* Woooah! Easy! Easy!
Senor: Everyone’s stopping. Does that mean we’re in Loudwater? Funny, I don’t see any buildings…
Fyranger: Something’s not right… Stay here. I’ll be right back.
Senor: Yes, ma’am! Just going to stand right here. Like you told me to...
*cut to Eagle Jon*
Fyranger: Why have we stopped, Eagle Jon? The town’s not for another few miles. There had better be a good reason for this.
Eagle Jon: There. Do you see? In the bushes.
*leaves rustling*
Eagle Jon: I spied something moving out of the corner of my eye. The scent of a freshly smothered fire also wafts through the air. Like it or not, we’re being watched.
Fyranger: Good find. Do you want me to alert the others?
Eagle Jon: There’s not enough time. We’ve already stopped. They know we’re onto them. It’s only a matter of time until…
*bear mauling sounds*
Eagle Jon: Get the new guy and secure the cargo!
*sword unsheath*
Eagle Jon: I’ll do what I can to keep them off you guys! Keep it safe! That’s your number one priority! GO! GO NOW!
Fyranger: Gotcha! These bandits just messed with the wrong mercenary.
*cut to Senor*
Fyranger: Come on, rookie. We’ve got a job to do.
Senor: Oh! Oh! Fy! You’re back! S-Someone’s in trouble! I heard a scream and there was this loud noise…
Fyranger: Rook, hey! *click* *click* Listen. Do you know how to use a weapon?
Senor: N-No… I mean, I probably could. I think. I don’t know…
Fyanger: Alright, sweetie. What I’m going to get you to do is stand by the cargo carriage and make a *really* scary face. Can I get you to do that for me, please?
Senor: Right. Scary face. Ok, like this? *Rawr*. *makes a face*
Fyranger: That’s, uh… We’ll have to work on it later. In the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing and stand right over there.
Senor: No problem! *Rawr*.
Ratty: Fy, can I borrow you for a second, please?
Fyranger: Oh! Oh, Ratty! Thank god you're here! Uh... What are you doing?
Ratty: Hmm? Ah! Here, hold this. *passes box of fireworks to Fy*
Fyranger: Fireworks? Now's not the time, boss… If you haven’t already noticed, we’re kinda-
Ratty: Shh! I’m thinking… Hmm… How much do we sell the roman candles for?
*fumbling through the box*
Fyranger: What? Uh… They’re about three gold pieces each. Why?
Ratty: Fur coats. Are they still at a relatively high demand?
Fyranger: …Alright. You’ve lost me. Can you *please* just start making some sense?
*bear roar*
Ratty: Stand back!
*match strike + firework sound + firework explosion + blood splatter*
Fyranger: Holy shit, Ratty! A little heads up next time, please?!
Ratty: Damn, the pelt’s toast… Well, I’m sure we can scoop up what we can and sell it for something resembling a profit.
Fyranger: We’re being attacked and all you can think about is money? Seriously?
Ratty: What did you expect? I’m a *businessman*. And I know a guy in the next town that sells grizzly knuckles or something for a hefty price. ‘Fleshroot’ I think he calls it… This is just between the two of us of course. It’s not, strictly speaking, *legal*.
Fyranger: I don’t even want to know what it’s used for and I honestly don’t care… Just try not to die if you can help it.
*cut to Senor*
Señor: Dammit! What's taking her so long? She should be back by now...
Eagle Jon: Haha! Take that, you walking carpet! You all fight like girls! *grunts as he swings his sword about*
Senor: What was I thinking? I can't fend for myself! I'm just an innocent... fragile, little duck...
Bear 1: Gotta give 'em credit where it's due. They're putting up more of a fight than we thought.
Señor: Crap! Someone's coming... What do I do...? Nobody's going to look *under* the caravan, are they...? I-I'm sorry, Phoenix lady... I let you down. *hides under caravan*
Bear 2: Yeah. For a bunch of vermin, they're almost more trouble than they're worth.
Bear 1: We don't know what they're worth yet now, do we? Ah, here we go. *passes crowbar to bear 2* Wanna do the honors?
*crowbar breaking lock + door opening*
Bear 1: Move outta the way! Aha! *evil laughter* Would ya look at what we have here? Master will be *very* impressed.
Eagle Jon: Step away from the goods, you cocksuckers!
*wooden door slam*
Bear 1: Graah! Who dares to mock us with such impudence?!
Eagle Jon: That would be me, Eagle Jon! Now, draw your swords and let us engage in swordplay! Let me show you what a true mockery looks like!
*swords unsheathing*
Bear 2: In case you haven't noticed, there are two of us and only one of you. Flee for your life while you still have the chance!
Eagle Jon: Nonsense! 'Tis an even match. Besides, Eagle Jon never surrenders! Hryah! *swings sword*
*swords clashing*
Señor: Dammit... I need to do something soon. He looks like he's in trouble!
*Eagle Jon + Bears fighting*
*Wooden door impact + bottles clinking*
Eagle Jon: *grunts* Ah, don't mind if I do.
Bear 1: Don't turn your back on us! Face us like a man!
*cork removal*
*Eagle Jon drinking from an alcohol bottle*
Bear 1: Did you hear me? I said, stop ignoring us!
*bottle smash*
Eagle Jon: Oh, you little asswipe! You just got tequila all over my beautiful face!
Señor (Narration): In the pursuit of a concoction that would enable my wings to finally develop, I may have filched a few textbooks on the arcane arts from a sizeable selection of magic academies. As my mind mentally skimmed through the pages of ‘Mastering the Elements: A Preliminary Guide’, I felt a wave of energy wash over me and begin pooling up within my fingertips.
*sword swipe*
Eagle Jon: Haha! What will you do now without your sword?
*bear tackles and restrains Eagle Jon*
Bear 2: *lunges* Hyaah!
Eagle Jon (flustered): Oof! Ahh… I see you’re into bondage. You know, you’re supposed to take me out to dinner first. What are you, an animal?
Bear 1: Grr… Just shut up already! I’ve had it with you and your foul tongue! Let’s see if it still runs when my sword spills your insides to the ground!
Eagle Jon: Heh… Tis only our first encounter and we’re already talking of penetration… Hehehe… *gets kicked in the back* Oof! Hey! Knock it off back there!
Senor: Stop! Please s-... S-Stop…
Eagle Jon: Huh? B-boy! What are you doing here? Can’t you see that I have everything under control?
Senor (nervous): L-let go of him…
Bear 1: *chuckles* Let go of him…? Or what?
Bear 2: *laughs*
Senor (becoming more confident): O-or… Or I’ll hurt you.
Bear 1 (sarcastic): Oho! He’ll hurt us! Oh no! We’d better do what he says.
Bear 2: Hehehe.
Senor (excited): R-really?! That’s great!
Eagle Jon (deadpan): No, boy. They’re just fucking with you. Leave now, and regroup with the others. Keep my seat warm for me. I’ll be back in a moment.
Senor: N-no! I-I… I really mean it! I will… hurt you… if you don’t stop… *fire wells up in his hand*
Bear 1: We’ll get to killing you as soon as we’re done with this loudmouth…
Eagle Jon: Idiot boy! Do as I s-! *gets hit with a fire blast* *screams in agony*
Senor (frantic): NO! Th-That wasn’t supposed to happen! That… That wasn’t…
Eagle Jon: Ahhhhh! My face! Ahhhh! Get it off me!
*sizzling flesh*
Bear 2: W-what should we do?! He’s crazy!
Bear 1: Run! Get away from him! Go! Go now!
Bear 2: You’re coming with us, loudmouth.
Eagle Jon: It’s… Eagle… J- *death rattle*
Senor (Narration): As the bandits fled, the implications of my actions began to set in. Because of me, we had lost a valuable coachman who just so happened to also hold the rank of our most capable swordsman. Perhaps I had been too hasty. Maybe his fate was to die in this battle regardless of what I did. I could have only acted as a catalyst for the same, sorrowful outcome. Who can say for certain? All I know is that I killed a man today… And I deeply regret doing so.
*inside a horse drawn carriage*
Ratty: …and that’s when I let him have it! Oh, you should have seen his face as he begged for mercy! “Please don’t kill me, Mr. Rat!” “I have a wife and kids, Mr. Rat!”
Fyranger: *Ahem* Ratty. Not now… Please.
Ratty: Oh… Sorry. Sometimes I forget that every great encounter has its casualties. W-Would you like to talk about it, Fy? You know… About Jon?
Fyranger (dispirited): *sigh* What is there left to say? He died protecting us. That’s really all there is to it.
Ratty: But… Are you going to be ok? I mean, you and him…
Fyranger: That doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s just get to Loudwater and we’ll work our way out from there.
Ratty: It’s odd though… He used to be able to fend off an entire encampment of grizzlies all by himself while in a drunken stupor. I suppose his age must’ve started getting the better of him…
Senor: Y-Yeah… That’s… probably it… Good night… everyone…
Fyranger: Hmm? Heading off already, Rook? Yeah, it’s probably a good idea. We’ll be getting up early tomorrow to finish the job after all.
Ratty: He’s had a rough day, but he’ll be alright. You should go with him too, Fy. For protection, you see.
Fyranger: *sighs* You’re right. Good night, Ratty. Stay safe.
Ratty: Of course. And, don’t beat yourself up about Jon. It wasn’t your fault. There was nothing we could do about it, yeah?
*Fyranger leaves the caravan with Senor*
Bandit: What a buzzkill, sire. You sure you want to keep her around? She’s a loose cannon if ya ask me.
Ratty: Oh, well, it’s a good thing I wasn’t asking you then… She’s got heart… and she gets the job done. Let’s just hope this new turn of events doesn’t hinder her performance… Hmm. Well, what are you waiting for? Bring us the mead. We’ve a victory to celebrate!
*outside the caravan*
*crickets chirping*
*gypsies singing and dancing (muffled) in the caravans*
Fyranger: Hey, Rook. First day, hey? I remember my first day with Ratty. Of course, by then, I’d already learned the basics of combat… I mean, yeah… ...Hey, you’re looking kinda down. What’s wrong? It’s not too much for you, is it?
Senor: Huh? Oh, no… It’s fine.
Fyranger: Is there something you’re not telling me? It’s ok, you can trust me.
Senor: What? Who, me? No…
Fyranger: Come on, you can’t fool a Phoenix. I know something’s up.
Senor: So, where did you learn how to fight like that? You’re amazing!
Fyranger: Hmm? Well, of course I am! I have to be if I want to make my way up Pyre Mountain. The stone of rebirth’s not gonna fetch itself, you know.
Senor: Wait! Stone of rebirth?
Fyranger: Yep. When I get my wings on that bad boy, I can use its power to rise up from my own ashes. Who said death has to be forever, am I right?
Senor: That… sounds so cool!
Fyranger: You… think so? Eh, it’s a nice dream, but I don’t think I’ll be going any time soon… Ratty doesn’t want me to leave. He says it’s too dangerous and that I need to train more before I can even think about taking that quest.
Senor: Uh… Well, what if I join you?
Fyranger: You? Alright, don’t take this the wrong way, kid. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but you’re a big, cuddly pushover. Besides, you might blend in with the snow, but we’re talking about Pyre Mountain here. You’ll get roasted out there!
Senor: Th-then train me! I’ll show you that I have what it takes!
Fyranger: *sigh* Let’s just focus on getting to where we’re going before we make any rash decisions, ok? I’ll let you know if I want you to tag along, but for now, let’s get some rest. I expect we’ll be at our destination early tomorrow morning.
Senor: Alright. Night, Fy!
Fyranger: Night, Rook.
*chickens and lizards doing stuff in the background*
Senor (Narration): As the night rolled on, deliberations of my fatal flaw and of Eagle Jon’s pained howls kept me up, relinquishing any thoughts I had of sleeping well tonight. Lying alone in the rear of a carriage amidst walls lined with animal cargo, all I could think about was how I had irrefutably killed someone that was only trying to look out for me. Furthermore, that Phoenix lady… Fy. She mentioned the stone of rebirth today. It never occurred to me at the time, but perhaps our meeting wasn’t a simple act of chance… Maybe it was written in the stars that the two of us would eventually find each other. Or… maybe these are just the musings of a sleep deprived duck who’s had a long day… and needs to close his eyes… so he can fall… asleep.
*rooster crow*
Ratty: Ok, everyone! Rise and shine! I’m not paying you all to sleep in!
Fyranger: Rook! Rookie!
*opens Senor’s caravan*
Fyranger: Hey, Rook! We’re about to get- Huh?
*chickens and lizards doing stuff again*
Fyranger: Rookie? Where’d he go? Oh, don’t tell me he left already…
Senor: Hey, Fy! Look what I made~!
Fyranger: Oh, thank god. You had me nearly scared to death for a second there.
Senor: Do you like it? I made it myself!
Fyranger: What is- Is that a cake?
Senor: Well, yeah.
Fyranger: Where did you even get the materials for a cake? Wait. Oh, no. Don’t tell me you actually used Ratty’s stuff for it!
Senor: Uh, of course I did… I mean, what else would I make a cake out of? Prayer, air and chewing gum?
Fyranger: Do you even realise how much trouble we’d get in if Ratty sees this?
Senor: But… I thought you’d like-
Ratty: Hmm? If I see what, Fy? What is it now?
Fyranger: Oh, Ratty! I was just about to start looking for you! It looks like the new guy used some of your stuff without your permission… But don’t worry! He was just telling me that he’s going to pay for it all out of his own cheque when we get to Loudwater so you don’t have to worry about it, like at all! Please… don’t get mad.
Senor: I said… what?!
Ratty: Get mad? Heh. Heh heh… Of course not. Let’s see what you made, boy. Hmm…
*Ratty sticks his finger in the icing and tastes the cake*
Ratty: You didn’t hold back on this one, boy. Well done. However… Hmm… white sugar, flour… cocoa powder, salt… eggs, milk, cream, cherries…
Fyranger: That’s… a lot of stuff for one cake…
Ratty: *clears throat* Then it’s settled. Eat up, the both of you. It’s nice, boy. Definitely worth the hundred and fifty gold I’m charging you for the ingredients.
Fyranger: But… It’s a 100 gold trip there, Ratty. That’s not enough to cover the cost of the materials. Where’s he going to get the extra 50 from?
Ratty: *ahem* Where do you think, Fy?
Fyranger: You’re joking, right?
Senor: Hey, Fy! Look on the bright side. We get an ENTIRE cake to ourselves!
Fyranger: *annoyed groan*
Senor: You know, you should really learn how to lighten up. You only seem to see the glass half empty, but you gotta see it half full.
Fyranger (sarcastic): Oh really? My pay’s gonna be half empty no thanks to you.
Senor: Uh, well, aren’t you gonna have some cake? It cost you 50 gold pieces anyway, so you might as well…
Fyranger: Who eats a fucking CAKE for breakfast anyway?
Senor: Um… Party… animals?
Fyranger: Unbelievable.
Senor (Narration): I’m not going to lie. I made a mistake, but I was determined to right my wrong any way that I could, by whatever means necessary.
*inside of a moving caravan*
Senor: Are you still mad at me?
Fyranger: …
Senor: ...Ignoring me is not going to solve anything, you know. Like, what are you even accomplishing by doing that?
Fyranger: …
Senor: ...Ok, now you’re just being rude. ...How would you like it if I ignored you, huh?
Fyranger: …
Senor: …
Fyranger: …
Senor: Come on, Fy! It was an accident!
Fyranger: How much longer until we get to Loudwater, Ratty?
Ratty: Eh? We should be entering the town gates any moment now.
Fyranger: Finally…
Senor: You know what? You’re not a very nice person… I might just have the last slice for myself. It’s not my fault you didn’t get any. Huh?! We’re stopping? Is this another ambush?!
Ratty: No, friend. We’re here. Welcome to Loudwater city!
Senor: Loud… water? Strange, I don’t hear any loud water…
Ratty: And that’s the way we want it. Last time we came here during a storm, we lost half our bait supplies to a school of quippers.
Senor: Quippers?
Ratty: Yep. They’re vicious little suckers… Best served with light seasoning if you ask me.
Senor: O...k…
Publication Date: 01-11-2019
All Rights Reserved