The love is real
Whether it's red
Or blue
When you gaze at your crush
And feel their presence
No matter what color love is
You're in love and that's final
I try to act pish posh
It's hard to be
When people treat you like trash
The words they say
The painful memories, they make you rememebr
We all suffer at one time
We all want to be pish posh
But one person is always there to knock us down
Thye make us feel like we can't do anything
They make us scare even though we're brave in the inside
It's hard to tell who's you true friend anymore
You hear your friend talk about you behind your back
Fake friends can't tell the truth to your face
But your true friends do
Your true friends are the one whose always there for you
When no one else is there to stand up for your
There's a shoulder to cry on
There's someone to feel your pain and sorrow
We all have these feelings
When we struggle with our feelings
Wondering who to trust
Baby I love you from the deepest of my soul
When I see you
My heart wanders
Your the joy to my soul
When I am down
You give me strength
When I am weak
Your my outside shell
Holding everything inside
You know my feelings from the inside out
You know when Im having a bad day
or a good day
That's exactly why I say
"Baby I Love You"
Text: Danna Toussaint
Images: Danna Toussaint
Editing: Danna Toussaint
Translation: Danna Toussaint
Publication Date: 04-20-2016
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