The End of War, or So they Thought
Blasters firing, bombs dropping, people screaming, buildings crashing, bosz bosz, churk churk, "aah!" dosh, bang, "my leg!". The war against the rebels has broken out in Dreadisia and Dreadisia is losing. They have finally created a working machine called Drone 87, a robot created to make replicas of itself but made for war.
"General, general! The machine is a success. The rebels are fleeing." Doctor Eric said, "After 4 long years, we have finally ended the war. The machine has given us the power of the gods, general."
"Good," replied General Dreamon. "Send down one of our soldiers to give the mechanic Charles the instructions on making those weapons better so that we can destroy the rebels and restore peace and order back into our country."
"Yes sir," replied the Doctor. "Hey you. Give these instructions to Charles, got it?"
"Um... Yes sir," replied Henry. "But where is he, sir?"
"He's in the basement," said the Doctor.
"Thank you, sir. I'll get right on my way then," Henry said as he walked out of the tent.
Henry walked through Dreadisia until he reached the door to the basement right behind the building where Charles' mom died. He hesitated before opening the door so that he could build the nerve to talk to Charles, for he and all the other soldiers feared Charles for his voice was like a fearless murderer. He then opened the door and saw Charles staring at his hand.
"Charles. I have some instructions from the general," said Henry in a trembling voice.
Charles was a tall, scrawny young fellow about 15 years old and the master mechanic of Dreadisia. He had short black hair and a scar across his face. He had a robotic hand from the war.
"Thanks. Just tell me them," replied Charles in a fearsome voice, looking up from his hand.
"The general demands that you modify our men's weapons and the drone's weapons rightaway," Henry said in an even more trembling voice as he saw the scar.
"Thanks. You may leave now," Charles said as Henry trembled out the door.
Charles was left alone in the basement of the house he had lost his mother in. He went back to staring at his mechanical hand. He remembered that horrible day. It was April 3, 2032, when he and his mom, Clara, were in the house relaxing on the couch. Then, all of a sudden, these men broke down the door and killed his mom with one precise blast to the head. All 4 of them shot at Charles but failed to hit him anywhere except for one shot that hit his hand and shot it off. Charles fell to his knees holding his now bleeding hand. They were about to kill him when a group of 7 military men came charging at them, firing but missing. This caused the men to scatter and 2 of the military group came in to carry Charles because he couldn't walk with how much blood he was losing.
They carried him to the medic inside the tent and managed to stop the bleeding. The general had sent a group in order to grab him and bring him back there so that he could be healed for his wounds, or in this case, stop his wounds from bleeding out. They they sent for those men again to carry him to the basement of his house for that's where he would live taking cammands from a man that he may never see. Charles was then awakened from the horrible nightmare by the sounds of cheers coming from outside.
He began following orders and got to work. He gathered up all the drones and collected all the men's weapons. After only working for 20 minutes, he had make the soldiers' weapons as strong as the drones were, which were really strong compared to the original weapons. He then made the drones' weapons ultimate. He also, just for the heck of it, made the drones' armor even stronger than their weapons which were already quite strong.
He then was finished iwth the orders and began to work on his robotic hand. He had to fix and upgrade the powercell. Then all of a sudden he remembered it again. He had been carried to the basement where all the junk and tech was and he only remembered blackness and only heard the strong, heavy voice that was the general.
"Are you Charles?" the general said in a fearsome voice.
"Y...e....s..." replied Charles weakly.
"You are hereby ordered by the Dreadisian military to create a working machine that will create other machines like it, but made completely for war and to cause mass destruction and mayhem on our enemies. Do you hear and understand me?" yelled the general in an ordersome voice.
"Yes sir," Charles replied in an even weaker voice.
Then he was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of the general's cold, heartless voice training the men so that if and when the rebels try another attempt at attacking us, the men will be ready.
The Start of Love
It was just around lunch time and Charles was working on the powercell like he always does. Two years had passed since the rebels had fled from the battle and he was still stuck to live in that wretched basement. He had just finished the powercell when the door flew open, fwoosh, and in walked a tall young girl roughly the age of 16 in camoflage clothes. She had come bearing his lunch and was the only one that didn't fear him, besides the general of course.
"Is that the same thing as yesterday?" asked Charles as she was setting down the tray.
"Yes," she replied in an annoyed voice.
"Okay. Well thank you. Um... What's your name?" asked Charles while staring into her golden eyes.
"Sage. My name is Sage, Charles," Sage replied.
"Sage," Charles said in a dreamy voice. "Sage, you are allowed to go now. That is, if you want to go."
But Sage was already out the door and halfway to the tent. For the rest of the day, he sat thinking all about her. She too was thinking about him and he could feel it. He wass right. She was thinking about him and had been for a while.
The next day, she came through the door cheerful and bearing his tray again for it was lunch time once more.
"Sleep well last night?" asked Sage. "I know I did."
"Not really, seeing as how I slept on a Sleep Number bed," replied Charles. ""Is that my lunch?"
"Yeah," answered Sage. "So how was your day after I left yesterday?"
"Boring, but," Charles paused for a second, "that's not why you're here is it? Nor are you here just to bring me my tray full of food, right?"
"You're right," Sage answered, "the reason for me really being here is... hmmmm.... mmmm.."
Charles had thrown himself upon her and they were now kissing. He saw it in her eyes, that the reason she had come was because she was in love with him.
After that, they continued to have these regular visits, but they were always cut short because there was without warning a raise in demands for weapons and upgrades to be made. That still didn't stop them from seeing each other. Their love was stronger than anything, except for death.
The Beginning of a New Friendship
Due to all the orders for weapons and upgrades over the past 2 years, Charles needed another hand to help around the basement. Luckily, the general actually listened to Charles' need and assigned Henry to the job of following orders from him until the demands were fulfilled. Sadly, even after another 2 months had passed, there were still demands coming in.
"Good god," Henry said agrivatedly. "Can't people live in peace and without violence? Or WAR?!"
"There's no disagreeing with you," Charles replied, looking up from an old SMG that he was upgrading. "If war settles nothing than why do we have war?"
"Because people are idiots these days, Charles," answered Henry while laughing afterwards. "Hahaha. I mean the people that have started wars in the past, not people like you and me, Charles."
"You know what? You may actually be right," replied Charles with a smile.
"I just realized something." Henry paused for a moment. "I don't feel terrified of you anymore. I actually feel safe and happy."
"You see, Henry, I can actually be a nice guy once you get to know me," Charles replied while giving him a pat on the back and a smile.
"I think I'll stay working for you even if the demands stop coming," said Henry with a smile and he gave Charles a pat on the back, too.
"Well, how about I give you a job and make you my apprentice." Charles paused. "Then I'll have an extra hand to help me with the demands and you'll be able to learn the way I do these things. Then you wouldn't have to go and then we can be great friends. How about that?"
"Well, I'll do it," Henry said with glee and almost shook Charles' hand but remembered his robotic hand.
With that agreement came the start of a new friendship that could only be separated by death. They continued the demands and Henry no longer feared Charles.
As weeks came and went, Henry was learning a lot from Charles and was in no time going to be as good of a mechanic as Charles himself. Henry was loving the things he was learning and in less than a month's past, he had moved in with Charles. He also learned about the love between Charles and Sage and how much they meant to one another, not including Henry. He and Sage had even become friends. Sage helped with the demands whenever she visited Charles, which sometimes lasted for a few hours and once they were almost caught by the general.
Machine Turning Against Mankind?
The next morning was bright and sunny like it was in the afternoon around lunch time. He saw that Henry was already there and working harder than ever. Then he noticed that Sage was there too and also working harder than ever. Then he saw it: The demands had sky-rocketed to being in the millions. He immediately got to work while only wearing a night gown from 2012, which was a tad too short so his thighs were visible. This didn't disturb any of them because they were too caught up in work. They worked for three days straight with only two hours of sleep each day. On the third day, Charles realized that two more years had passed since the friendship with Henry had started.
"Henry, have you realized what year it is?" Charles asked curiously.
"No. I haven't Charles," Henry answered. "By the way, what year IS it?"
"It's March 3, 2042," answered Charles. "It's been two years since our friendship began."
Weoh, beep, weoh, beep. The alarms for Drone 87 were going off more than they usually did. This sent Charles off to find the problem and fix it before they lost control of Drone 87 and it went against all mankind. But it was too late. Before he knew it, he was on the ground, unable to get up and listening to the screams of his friends being dragged away. All of a sudden, there was blackness. Charles woke up to see the basement completely destroyed and all of the drones and Drone 87 gone, even his friends were gone. He tried to get up, but realized that his left leg was broken. He dragged himself to the chair across the room and built an upgraded leg cast for his left leg. He limped to the door only to see a dog lying on the ground, barely alive, missing a leg and bleeding out. Charles had to act fast and opened the door and limped to the dog. He bent over and picked up the poor dog and took it into the basement, where he made a robotic leg, just in time to save the dog's life. With that, he and the dog were bonded forever. He decided to name the dog Faithful, because he was a faithful and trusting companion. They roamed the streets for days, looking for stuff like food and weapons. They had to hide from the drones that roamed the streets looking for him.
It was a hot, dry day and Charles had come across the SMG that he was working on, and they stopped for the night, staying out of sight while he finished the upgrades. By 9:00 the next morning, Charles had made the SMG the ultimate gun besides the drone's guns. They were ready to set off to their search for friends and other humans that were running from the drones and knew the location of the others. They were not half a mile away when they ran into one of the drones.
"Halt! You are hereby arrested for treason and assault against Drone 87!" said the drone copy.
"Run Faithful! Run!" Charles screamed as the drone started fire upon him. But the dog held its ground for the dog was faithful.
Charles pulled out the SMG and started to fire upon the drone. The first two shots missed, but the second two hit the head directly between the eyes. The drone continues to fire but was soon brought down by the SMG. Charles went over to check for more. Luckily, the fires didn't attract any attention. Charles dragged the drone's destroyed body to an alley way that was well hidden from the rest of the world. He then started to conduct diagnostics on the drone's main control panel. He then found that a virus had gotten through the drone's main frame and had completely turned it against them. Charles created an anti-virus to fight against it and destroy it once and for all.
They then set off for their journey and were finally ready to face Drone 87 and finally knew what was wrong wtih the drones. They fought throught all the drones that got in their way and finally made it to Drone 87.
The Final Battle Between Man and Machine
They fought through the drones until they got to Drone 87, which had upgraded itself to have the capabilities for war too. Charles pulled out the SMG as he and Faithful walked in through the doors of the offices of an apartment building. Then Charles heard the call out to him from Drone 87.
"Charles, I presume. I have been expecting you for a while now. I have to say though, you took a little longer than I thought you would have," said Drone 87 with no feeling or expression in its voice.
"Really? I knew you would have been because I created you, Drone 87," answered Charles from behind the desk.
"Okay. But I will be the one to stop you today on the morning of Christmas 2042, the end of Charles' existence and the end of freedom for all mankind," Drone 87 said, unfolding a gun from within its arm.
"Well, I have heard enough talking. Let's do this!" replied Charles with confidence.
They were both on opposite sides of the room when Drone 87 shot the first shot, missing Charles. Then, all of a sudden, there were fires everywhere, even Faithful was fighting with Charles. Charles suddenly got hit in the left side then the right arm. Drone 87 also got hit in the right arm and the left side of his face. It was finally the last shot that Charles could take. He made a run for Drone 87 while taking 3 more hits. He jumped and shoved a flash card into Drone 87's head and Drone 87 fell to the ground with a THUD.Charles, too, landed with a THUD but still pushed himself to free the men and women. But he had pushed himself too far and could not save himself from death. He died in the arms of Sage.
Three more hours had passed and they made a grave for Charles. As they stood there, an eagle flew down and landed on the head stone of Charles' grave. This made everyone there feel happy, even Faithful, for they knew Charles was in peace and also the eagle represented their new-found freedom!
Text: William Stiles
Images: William Stiles
Editing: Kayla Stiles
Publication Date: 05-10-2014
All Rights Reserved