
No F-ing way

The sounds of the calm forest, wind blowing through my hair, a slight drizzle of rain splashing against my face, and this would all be so peaceful if I wasn't running for my life! While dodgeing trees and boulders I trip and fall flat. I don't move for a moment, then I jerk around at a low gutteral noise from behind me. What I see is.....nothing. Then before I'm able to react there is a giant midnight black wolf ontop of me, just standing with his huge paws on my hands holding me down. He just stands there looking down at me and then he lunges for my throught and.......I jerk awake to someone screaming. It takes a second for me to relize it's me doing the screaming. I abruptly stop screaming and glance at my alarmclock. It flashes seven o'clock. I start to lay back down then start to panic because school started in forty-five minutes and I still had to get dressed and get to the school, which was fifteen minutes away. Damn!



Publication Date: 04-11-2012

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