Note: ruff draft of this book only chapter one ill be doing updates in the next few weeks. please enjoy if there are any opinons feel free to let me know thanks. im always open for opinons.. let me know what you think.. the book is in a way of how a highschool girl would write. nothing perfect. i know my spelling sucks and im not blaming my dyslexia either but its supposed to be wrong. its it the words or a teenage girl who has no time for corrections and perfections. l my books are that way because i know my limitations of spelling and gramar so i write it that way. in my books i try to get the paint accross of how teens sound with out editors with out perfect punctuation and all that jazz. so please enjoy.
- taylor
Main Character:
Jade Maria Romello - mom
Summer Arella Nerissa Romello - main girl
Jason carter Romello- brother
Trevor noam lyra - gaurde/Private
Sargent Major John Kadwell - military close family friend
Alex brent zosimos - class mate friend and stepbrother
Blaze zicaro zosimos - stepbrother
(jake tyler ) J.T Zosimos - teacher and step-dad
Crystal Allie williams - friend/enemy
(andrew john) A.J Williams - gay best friend
Blair anabella Carter - best friend
Luca artimis Carter - annoying best friends brother
Wolf pack:
Note *Ranking 1(head dog)
Pack names& age :: Rank: Background Relations
Izzy-12 #19 Hispanic adopted by ally &Knightly
Stephanie- 14 #18 Austria Bens sister( no parents)
Cam -14 #17 French & British son of ally and Knightly
Joy-16 #16 Irish Adopted by will (wife died accident)
Dylan-17 #15 Indian Adopted by Ben
Summer (Arella) - 17 #14 European mix daughter of jade and sister of Jason
Drake-18 #13 German adopted by jade
Gabe-19 #12 polish joined friends
Sharky (peter)-20 #11 Romanian joined friends
Kyle- 21 #10 Nigerian rescued and joined
Andrew-24 #9 Italian grandson of shelly and mark , brother of jade
Jason(brother) - 25 #8 European mix son of jade brother of summer
Ben-27 #7 Australian brother of Stephanie
Knightly-28 #6 British husband of Ally and father of izzy and Cam, brother of John
Ally-29 #5 French wife and mother of Knightly, Izzy and Cam
Will-30 #4 Native American father of joy
Jade (mom)- 36 #3 European mix daughter of shelly and mark
Shelly-59-elder leader #2 European mix wife of mark
Mark-60 - elder leader #1 Italian husband of shelly
John -37 husband jade father of summer and Jason
I knew I was late and I was going to die if I was late to class again. "NO RUNING MISS. SUMMER!" I looked back at the teacher " ITS ARELLA GET IT RIGHT AND I CANT I'LL BE LATE TO MR. ZOSIMOS CLASS " " BUT HOW…" ignoring him I turned and kept running till I burst threw his door to see a Mr. Zosimos looking at me with a stop watch in his hand. " Arella.." " look Mr. Z I'm sorry I was late I had to take my sister to school at a certain time for her field trip. My mom couldn’t do it she leaves at 4 am.'' " Arella I know that your mother spoke to me about everything to explain why your always late but due to school policy I must reprimand so see me after class okay? By the way your running time increased last time you were 20 seconds late now your 15 seconds late you cut your time impressive." I nodded and looked at the seats and I noticed it was full "Arella take that seat over there next to Alex" I looked at the kid while he gave me an evil smirk " Alex behave and be nice to Arella she's new remember that" I gasped " MR.Z iv only been here for what 2 weeks? I'm not new anymore" I turned to Alex there gave a wicked smile and sat down beside him.
Class was boring in every way possible but I guess history is little interesting if you try to make it interesting. I looked up at Mr. Z , he's a nice guy and funny when he wants to be. He kinda cute for a teacher to if your think about it, nicely built tall like really tall , brown hair and a wicked smile with his brown eyes. He was my favorite teacher , he never gave up on me since I got here and was helpful to me. I felt a hand pat my knee and I looked to see it was Alex. " your names Arella right ?" I looked at him with 'what the hell' look " um yea" he smiled, it was a cute smile. He's just like Mr. Z , tall, brown hair but his eyes were greenish hazel. "and your Trevor right?" I giggled and winked at him. he smiled, blushed then turned back to his work as did i.
After 20 minutes I realized I hade doodled all over my work. I had finished my work a few minutes after my chat with alex but I doodled to look like I was still working. Looking around the room I noticed everyone was done and handing it in. Just as I was getting up to turn my work in an arm reached out in front of me. " here let me take it for you" the hand took my paper . I saw it was alex when he walked up to the desk. I noticed Mr. Z lingered Trevor with a conversation but he had a stern face while he whispered to the boy. Their conversation lasted till the bell rang but I stayed and waited trevor. I looked at him when he came back he seemed sad " hey alex?" "ya?" " come on ill let u sit with me at lunch" "WHOA! Really?" he perked up " ya"
I grabbed his hand and we walked to my normal eating place, under the big oak tree in the center of the quart yard. I could sense the looks others gave us but I ignored and kept walking. I dropped his hand and ran for the tree then sat down." Arella why did u invite me with you?" I sighed and patted the ground " you look like you need someone to talk to, come on sit" we sat in silence for awhile . I looked at his face, I knew there was something wrong so I handed him the extra box of food I had to him. I had a thing for Japanese lunch boxes and I thought he would look at me weird but he just smiled and accepts it. After siting there eating for awhile he finally speaks , "my da.. I mean Mr.Z he well.." " he's your dad?" " yea" no wonder were this kid gets his good looks I giggled " I could have sworn he was like 26 but your like 16 " " I know but he's like 30 though my mom was young but she past 2 years ago" I hugged him " I'm so sorry" I noticed a group of people walking by " oh wow what bitches" I let out a small growl. Alex pulled back in astonishment and took my hand. It felt like we were running for ever then we reached the parking lot.
He told me to get in his car and I did. "Arella…. You growled at them and acted like you knew what they said yet there weren't close enough what's going on." " your crazy Alex you had to have heard it"
"I did not" we kept arguing for the next 5 minutes. "Alex your crazy or deaf what ever don’t talk to me don’t get so confused in something in possible" I left the car walking away furiously till my phone rang. I could hear trevor walking up behind me but I ignored him and picked my phone up. "Hello, Arella speaking" "hello Arellla, this is Sergeant Major Kadwell." "Hey Sergeant Major, what up." I sighed and took deep breaths hoping it wasn’t bad. "its your brother..Jason.. Hes injured we are sending him home.. We." " HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET HURT!!" I started balling "Arella sweetie calm down. It was a sniper attack we think it was someone who knew him. We are sending Private Lyra over he will be protecting you. And we will be assigning an undercover cop to the family." " I don’t need protection I'm fine on my own thanks for the call goodbye." I hug up and ran as fast as I could and all I could here was Alex calling my name. I kept running , I couldn’t stop it felt like my life was being pulled apart. I knew that when I answered that call my life would change forever…
Susanville, California, 2012. All mountains, many wildfires, and all the beautiful horseback riding view someone could ever get if you don’t believe me look it up. Lassen Union High School is were I go. Twenty-four hours ago I got the phone call that changed my life as I know it. I'm 17 years old and I love it here. Even though its boring its beautiful. I've lived here all my life. Iv been home schooled and kept isolated. Being around real people is adventurous for me and not like in a fairy tail. My home is on the highest mountain overlooking the town. How do I explain my home, if you have ever seen the weird twilight movie yea the vampires house is basically our house but bigger and a log cabin look with windows all the same. My room is medium and I just love siting here on it like I am now. Well you see the reason we are different and why Iv been isolated is because my family are descendants of Wolfs. I'm the pup as my brother calls me and yet he gets to go live the adventurous life while I'm stuck here. The thought of it makes me so mad I threw a picture frame at the wall.
When I hear the glass break I lingered over to the picture to see it. When I picked it up I saw the cracked glass going over my fathers face, the glass all fell out and I saw the tear on the picture the glass created and all I could do was cry. My father had passed a year ago to leukemia and I will always remember his hand going limp under mine and those lasts words he spoke to me. I stayed there on the ground curled into my knees crying holding the picture tight into my chest. "Huny are you alright?" I looked over at the door. I thought I was illusion "are you alright?" I saw my dad shadow standing there. "Summer are you alright" I saw him walk over to the other end of the room picking me up into his lap but the girl I saw was 7years old. She was crying because her kitten died under her bed . "daddy why did she die. Did she not love me anymore?" "she loved you very much but it was just her time to leave us. Baby I'm sorry kitten died but she's happy now and is watching over us." I saw her smile and my father carry her out of the room.
I stared crying all over again then I heard his voice "Arella why are you crying?" Looked over to see me 16 years old again. He walked over to my bed and hugged me "theres nothing to be sad about" "dad your dying. I don’t want you to leave us. Your my best friend" she started to cry even more and so did I. they sat there holding each other while she cried "baby, I promiss ill always be here I will never die" they both disappeared .
I sat there crying thinking of the most precious moments with my father. The last one from when I was 16 hit me hard for that was the last time he ever held me. His sickness got worse after that. I remember the day he died. He was laying in his bed , he was hooked up to machines to help him breath. Mother on one side me on the other and my brother on the computer video chat at the end of the bed. My mother and brother kept talking to him telling him everything will be alright . " baby girl look at me please" I knew I couldn’t look at him with the tears falling down my face but I look at him anyway. "there you go baby. Please don’t cry" "daddy you promised , you promised me" the tears fell faster. "I never broke my promise darling. I'm always going to be here in spirit and in your heart. I love you so much baby girl. I'm always here even if you cant see me that I promise" I saw a tear fall down his face while mine continued "I love you daddy. You'll always be my best friend." he squeezed my hand and I felt his hand loosen and his soul leave his body. I knew he had died. My mother cried and so did my brother. I saw Sargent Major Kadwell squeeze his shoulders from behind.
I heard foot steps coming closer to the room as the dream faded. I stayed curled up on the floor with tears falling down my face. "hey" it was a whispered hey as the person came and picked me up and set me in their lap. I looked up at the persons face. "hi Sharky" I smiled up at him. "Arella why are you crying?" "I was just remembering daddy" he sighed and held me tightly " we all loved your father"
We sat there and laughed about the fun times with dad and how we always snuck up behind him and joked on him. Shark was my best friend even though he was 20. he looked like a taller Andy sixx but with better hair. I always teased him about that because the truth was he was Andy's long distance cousin.
"I got a surprise for you" I looked at him with a questioning look
On my face " Andy said he would come to your birthday" I pouted I liked Andy but I don’t like his girl friend she is well a little frightening. " I wana see JayJay" he laughed he knew I liked Jay and Jay was my other BFFFFFF for life. We met at his concert and became really close friends and his boyfriend was so awesome " and Dahvie too" " you’re a silly girl" he kissed my forehead. I sat their shocked. He never did that I just blushed like a child and curled up in his lap. I felt like I was curled up with my dad again but with someone who I felt loved me.
The rest of that day Shark and I were stuck like glue. We never left each others side. I really liked laying with him and feeling secure and being curled up with him. Ever since we met I liked him but I know he sees me as a little sister but now I don’t even know. His real name is peter but we call him Sharky due to his meat frenzy obsession . "summer.." I looked up at him. Iv never seen his eyes from this angle they were so blue like ice blue. I loved how his hair fell in front of his face and the way he looks at me. "Arella…" I laid still as his face got closer and I could feel his breath on my face. " Arella… I…" then I heard a huge bang down stairs and I jumped from his arms and ran as fast as I could . I felt like id never make it in time to catch the intruder but I did I jumped off the highest step and slid down the post and knocked the intruder over. I heard a thump and a gush of wind exit from the man then laughing. " HAHA!!! I told you she'd get you if you made a hug enough noise but you didn’t listen" I turned over to see Jason rolling up in a wheel chair.
I removed my self from the stranger and ran into my brothers arms and started crying " Jason your home . I thought I was gonna lose you like dad" he just chuckled " Ari I promised id never leave you but as for my legs . They couldn’t keep that promise'' I gasped as I realized his legs were gone. I just felt like crying but I felt a hand on my shoulder. " Arella right? Look we saved him alive that’s all that matters." I look to see the man smiling at me . We stood there in silence till a voice broke threw " YO!! Jason your home!! About time we all missed you" Sharky was walking down the stairs shirtless and I felt like I was drooling. Sharky winked at me and hugged me " come to my room at midnight tell no one" he whispered then looked at Jason " its been tough dude I think last night was the worse. Little one here was having night terrors again and like normally I calmed that but we hope now that your home things will calm." Jason looked at us weirdly then laughed " haha your not creepin on my sister are u?" then his wicked smile came out " cuz if you are… you'll wish you didn’t and I say that cuz she's m sister even if you are my best friend" they just laughed and talked.
I pushed Jason into the living room and we all sat down while he told us stories and the adventures while he was a way. "Arella." "Yes Jason?" I smiled at him and he smiled back " Can you go get some water for me please" I nodded then left the room I knew he didn’t want me to hear something so I lingered around the corner and listened. " Alright she's gone. Sharky what was so important you needed to tell me?" I heard I long sigh then an answer " I want your permission to tell her how I feel." "what!! What do you mean feelings? Ans why now?" another sigh escaped " because I'm leaving for training in 2 weeks and you grandparents ordered us a pair but she doesn’t know it and I felt since you took the male head of your family I should ask you" Jason let out a groan. " well go ahead but remember she's only 17 I don’t want her heart to get broken and you know how she feels about you. Be careful alright." " I promise. I know what I'm doing." I quietly walked away to grab Jason's water while a tear ran down my face.
Dinner time. How do I put it. The most loudest time of the day as in the whole pack eats together. And I mean everyone: Izzy she's 12, Stephanie who's 14, cam 14, joy 16, Dylan 17, drake 18, gabe19,sharky 20, Kyle 21, Andrew 24,Jason 25, Ben 27, Knightly 28, Ally 30, Shelly 59 (grandma),Mark(grandpa) 60 then Jason25 and my mom who's 36 then there's me . We all live together and it’s a hassle. I started to get tiered and worry some about later. I stood up and took my plate but it caused everyone to become quiet. " Darling were are you going?" I looked at my grandmother and walked to give her a hug. " don’t worry grandma. I'm full and I want to get to the shower. All this excitement is making me tiresome" she kissed my cheek and sent me off.
I was in the middle of washing my hair when I heard the door open. " who over just opened that door get the fuck out I'm in the damn shower" I heard a chuckle and I knew that chuckle. "I wanted to talk to you don’t worry I will keep my eyes shut." I sighed and continued to wash my hair. " what do u want Shark" " Never mind ill tell you when your out. Come to my room right as you get out don’t get changed this I need to talk to you about " I heard the door shut . What does he want from me then to tell me he's the dog I'm bound to thanks to the elders. I finished my shower and wrapped myself up in a towel. While I was walking to Sharks room I bumped into mystery man. "Hello" I sweetly said when I smiled at him " Hi Arella . You do know its midnight right and everyone is asleep?" I kept smiling and did a little flirt trick by running my finger down his chest " sorry what's your name again I never heard it" he was shaking " I'm Trevor. And you need to go to bed." " and your how old and from were>" he sighed " I'm from New York. I'm 22 years old. Now lets get you to bed and dressed." I ran my fingers on him seductively " sorry I cant I left something in one of the kids rooms once I get it ill go to bed now good night . Trevor" I kissed his cheek and ran down the hall before he could grab me.
I got to Sharks room and knocked on the door . "come in" and I slipped threw the crack in the door. I turned to shut it when arms came on either side of me and pinned me to the door. I turned around and looked up at his face. "what…. What the heck ...what are you doing !" his breathing was getting heavier and closer to my face. I felt his head drop and linger near my ear. "Summer Arella … I love you and I want to be wit h you." I felt his forehead rest against mine.
I didn’t know what to do. "I….I need to think alright. Let me go. Ill be back in 30 mins ok?" he nodded and let me go. What was I going to do?
I ran as fast as I could. Weaving between the trees trying to clear my mind and think.
I didn’t know how to approach him after every thing we have been through together . He was always there for me and always by my side but I just didn’t know. "who's out there?" I heard the call from a campsite. I stopped running and snuck closer to see who it was.
I climbed the tree near by and made my way over to the site. "hello? Who's there?" it was Mr. Z and Alex but there was one more boy there with them. "Blaze get the flash light " he commanded the boy. Blaze like Alex looked like Mr. Z but had jet black hair and piercings all over his face. My brother would how you say call him an emo punk that’s how I would describe this boys look. He turned around and I saw a huge dragon tattoo.
I noticed all of them had a tattoo. Mr. Z had a huge snake and Alex had a panther. My pack had tattoos as well on our backs which represented our animal guide. I had a huge snow wolf on my back. " I don’t see anyone dad" Trevor laughed " it might be in your head" " but I swore I heard crying and running" I realized I was crying and he was talking about me.
I felt I shouldn’t let him go crazy. I loosened my grip on the branch and prepared for the fall. I swiftly jumped off and landed perfectly in front of Mr. Z " I think he was speaking of me Alex." I just stood there grinning as Mr. Z got over his theoretical heart attack I gave him. I felt a hand touch me and I turned to see Blaze. " hi" I smiled at him then I poked him " dear your blushing and you don’t even know me . I feel complemented." "I wasn’t blushing I .." I gave him a look that told him I knew he was lying. " I was just thinking of how right Alex was. You are beautiful" I took a step back from them all. " I just wanted to say I'm sorry for spooking your Mr. Z I'm heading home now good bye" I turned around and ran.
I ran so fast I transformed into my real form. I stopped when I heard footsteps. I looked right into the eyes of Mr. Z. I growled at him hoping he'd back away " dad get away from that wolf" he kept getting closer. I snarled my teeth at him showing how I could rip him apart. He smiled at me and knelt in front of me and spoke in a low voice only I could hear " I know the truth now Arella. If something at home is bothering you I will listen. And I wont tell anyone this secret. Please trust me." I noticed he was hugging me in my wolf form.
I whimpered back " thank you" he stood up and patted my head " dad how did you…." "don’t worry boys she's a good friend of mine lets go… unless .." he winked at me "Summer are you hungry?" I let out a little whimper and followed him pretending that was my name. "you call her summer? But she's a white wolf" I looked at Alex as if he didn’t know a snow wolf when he saw one so I nudged him "heyyyy" I giggled a little but all they saw was me eyes rolling. "dad how old is she and were did Arella go." Blaze looked at me with curiosity " she headed in the direction the wolf came from." I layed down and looked at Alex hoping he would figure it out on his own." her eyes look aren't they pretty." I was smiling in side my head.
I heard a snap in the woods and I smelled something bad "who's out there" I growled at Blaze and Trevor making them back into the tent. I motioned them with my head to get in "she wants you boys in the tent she knows some things wrong" they obeyed my orders and I walked around the whole place. Then he walked into the site " Well hello sir and oh my I see you know my friend.." he looked at my eyes "Arella how could you simply associate with humans. They aren't friends , they are toys." I spoke while in my wolf form "humans aren't toys they are nice and they understand better then you Claude." I howled calling Sharky then transformed into my human form and grabbed the sweats and shirt I saw lying around. "why are you in my packs territory?" he smiled and got into my face"you don’t remember do you Arella or should I say Summer" he grined.
I seriously hated Claude with all my heart. I don’t know what girls see in him he's a total ass. Then I smelled another who suddenly stood next to him. "Arella dear, you remember your half brother Wolfy here right?" I spat at him then chuckled " he is no half brother of mine. He is the child your father's brother created with my mother years ago when he raped her. That boy is the son of a rapist. " Wolfy smiled " oh and how is mommy" "How is your father?" he nodded and retreated from speaking "good puppy" he whimpered. " Even in two different packs you still have power over him"
I looked back at Claude " He might be from another pack but he is still my half brother even if a year younger. And as head of the youth litter I want him we're he belongs now that his fathers dead." he smiled at me " And where might that be pup?" I smiled and grabbed Wolfy by the shirt " With his mother" I whispered slowly in his ear telling him to go to my room.
I knew the things they were doing to him even If he is a son of a rapist he's still family and my mother loves him. He would have been with us if the elders didn’t send him off with his father. Yet my mom and dad loved him and were sad to send him with a drunk. I had heard stories that they were beating him for being a son of another pack and he was an outcast and it was only matter of time before they had him killed.
I had met with him two nights ago when he warned me of this meeting I told him to do what ever it took to go with Claude so I could send him home. I heard Knight enter the site when I finished with Wolfy. "Well hello princess thanks for waking up" I chuckled when he snapped " shut up brat your moms awake too. What's going on." he saw Claude and flipped out " WHAT!? Why is he here and there are huma… people around other people he could hurt them.." " Knight " I cut him off. " Take Wolfy home to my mom alright ill handle Claude" I gave that boy a wicked smile when I said his name " Oh princess Knight protect me from evil Arella she might break my nails" he laughed. But I think we all did to be honest.
Knight and Wolfy left back to the cabin when Alex and Blaze came out from the tent and saw me."Mr. Z, Alex , and Blaze leave your things take what you need and go home ill have the rest to you on Monday. For your safety please obey my orders." and for once I was obeyed and they left with out arguing with me and took what they needed.
"oh sweet heart. Why did you send our toys away. They will never make it out before my pack catches them". I heard howling in the distance from Ben and Kyle when I was pushed into a tree. I let out a loud howl to tell Kyle to get the humans to safety.
I looked at Claude who was pushing me up against a tree holding my hands in his while his body hand control to make sure I didn’t get loose. "Claude let go. I'm nothing more then the elders granddaughter. And well younger then you as well" I knew he had a thing for me but has never gotten this close. " well princess I'm only 19 I'm closer to your age then you think." "Awesome pooh bear. And your also gonna be a rapist too" he chuckled at my comment then he got serious and stroked my cheek. " I'd never rape you Summer. But I will make sure I’m the one to marry you and join the packs." I squirmed and tried to get loose.
I knew he was joking because I'm supposed to marry Sharky. "Well that wont happen because I'm already bound with another and Joy will be the one binding the two packs but not until she is 20 and she is 16 " I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Alex watching me from the bushes and I got angry. " Look Claude can we talk about this tomorrow and let go of me." he pushed harder " No. I want you princess and you will be mine. Ill do what ever it takes." his mouth was suddenly on mine and was pushing hard against mine.
I heard noises in the bushes he let go of me. I felt claude loosen up and get soft as though he just wanted me. I saw a side I never thought Id see. I whimpered, hoping he'd let go. He pulled back from me with his head down and was mumbling to himself. "alright slap me'' "I'm not going to slap you."
" why? We are sworn enemies and I just kissed u" I sighed and started towards him "how about we meet tomorrow around noon at divers peek and we will speak about this. Understood?" he nodded and started walking away " oh and claude" " ya" " kiss me like that, threaten me like that or push me against a tree and I'lll kill you" he chuckled and walked off into the night.
I sighed and started to walk home. I looked around wondering were everyone was. The lights were on in the house when I got home. I knew that I was in big trouble when I walked in that door. I opened the door preparing for the worse and I knew the worst was awful.
I knew I was going to get my ass beat by everyone . Walking threw that house was awful.
Everyone was looking at me when the door opened. Wolf was on the floor bleeding from the cheek. My mother had blood on her nails and hand and I knew she had cut him.
" MOTHER!" I ran to him and started cleaning his face off " how could you cut your own child?" he was crying. He was only a year younger then me and hes still my brother. "child don’t touch this filth. Yes he might now be apart of this pack but his still nothing . We will treat him better then the other packs but he is not owned her e no adult wants him." I growled at her and threw my arms around him and tears started to fall. "YOU ARE A BITCH TO CALL YOUR OWN DAMN CHILD FILTH. YOU MIGHT AS WELL CALLED ME FILTH."
I ran out of the room holding him by the wrists. "we are gonna clean you up" I had him sit on the toilet in the bathroom while I cleaned his wounds from what the devil threw on to him. " I'm sorry mother hit you. She's been uneasy since Jason came home in a wheel chair." " its alright.. Ow that.." there was knocking at the door " go away you whore of a mother" I heard a chuckle " its only Shark and Jason let us in we have antibiotics" "doors unlocked" I sighed and continued to clean wolf.
I watched Jason wheel into the bathroom holding the neosporin. He looked at wolf and sighed " look I'm sorry for what mom said to you. She had no right. She is in a bit of a funk right now. But if no adult will take you as their own then I will. From now on you come to me. I know I'm not in best of shape but ill train you to become stronger. Shark here will help as well. And I know Arella here will as well. If this family won't count you as family then we will. " everyone in the room smiled. "Ok so Arella were is he sleeping ?" " in my…." I got interrupted by shark claiming he would be in his room for the night. "Ok" he seemed very unsettled by all of this so I hugged him "everything's alright I promise" I smiled and he blushed " good night boys" I made my way to my room.
I shut the door behind me when I entered the room. "Arella" faint whisper entered my room. Someone was in my room and I stood frozen facing my door. "Ari" I kept silent hoping I wasn’t real "please look at me" I turned to see a man in my window. The man was in his human form but I could smell the outcast wolf smell on him. It was Claude's cousin who even his clan wont except.
......To be continued
Text: never copy this its for reading only
Publication Date: 04-25-2012
All Rights Reserved