
Chapter 1

I was hanging out in my room with my friends when I stumbled upon a loose floorboard. I opened the loose floorboard and I found an old book that looks like it could be a diary and that's still in good condition so I showed it to my friends and they were shocked to see that I found a very old book in my room under a loose floorboard but are also excited to find out about the person who the diary belonged to and what there life was like during their time. So to find out who the diary belonged to we decided that we would take turns reading each entry so I started reading the first entry in the old book to find out who it belonged to.


 January 16, 1776
Dear diary,
Today is my 16th birthday. Happy birthday to me. I have to clean the whole entire house again all by myself as usual as always. Anyways father and mother are gone to celebrate my brothers birthday that was last month. So I'm stuck here alone all by myself and I'm reading all the books in the library all day today. Oh I also found a new hiding spot in the castle today and this is my tenth time this week. I gotta go there back and mom is calling me. I'll be back.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess


“Wow now I feel sorry for her” Tristan says
“Did you notice that her name is the Same as my name” Belle says
“No what's her name” Kat asks
“She signed Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling vampire princess” Belle answers


They think over the new information that they just got from the diary. So they went back to reading more from the diary to find out more about Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess. They each take turns reading each entry.

Chapter 2

January 18th 1776
Dear diary,
As to why I'm crying right now well I'll just tell you what happened. I just got into trouble today for not getting my chores done on time for dinner so I got stuck going to bed with no food again for the 16 millionth time or so. My brother made it even harder for me to get my chores done because he made everything that I cleaned dirty again and he didn't get in trouble for it at all not once did he get into trouble by mama or papa but I got into trouble for it. I want to get away from here and never have to come back here again. I want a prince to come and get me Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess away from here.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess


“Wow she was being abused by her own family and she has no one who cares about her to help her out” Kat says
“Well we don't know that yet Kat cause for all we know she could have a friend and there family that care abut her” Belle says
“Or she could be alone and have no one to care for her because her own family won't let her hang out with anyone” Jake says
“That true too Jake” Trent says
“All of them could be true or not” Jay says
“Well let's keep on reading to find out more about her okay guys” Lola says
“Ok Lola” Luna says

Chapter 3

February 12, 1776
Dear diary,
Today I had to do the garden and cut the grass. I also had to clean the hallways, all the guest bedrooms, my brothers room, the bathrooms, the kitchens, the ball room and the throne room. It was a lot of hard work and it was not fun doing it by myself and the servants are all sad to see how I am being treated by my own family and they can't do anything about it or else they are punished for trying to help me with my chores. They help me with my chores when my family aren't home at all and when they don't have chores to do themselves. The servants are the only ones that really care about me and I care more about them cause they treat me better than my own family does.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling


“Wow I feel really sorry for Isabelle because if anyone of the servants that try to help her are punished for trying to help her” Lola says
“I agree with you there sister that it's a harsh punishment for her and the servants” Luna says
“Why don't we go to bed and we can read some more Tomorrow ok guys” Jake asks
“Okay Jake your right we do need to get to bed and why don't you guys take the guest bedrooms you always have when you guys sleepover” Belle answers
“Ok good night everyone” Kat says
“Night Kat” everyone says


The next day everyone gets up and gets ready and eat breakfast. They all help Belle get her chores done. Once they are done helping Belle get all her chores done they all go upstairs to Belle's room and grab Isabelle's diary out of its hiding spot and open it and start reading it.

Chapter 4

February 26, 1776
Dear diary,
Today I have to get the ballroom ready for the party that my parents are hosting. My brother gets to go but I can't go at all. I don't even think anyone knows that I exist and if they do know that I exist they probably think that I was dead for all I know. I wish that someone would come from the party and find me and ask me how come I'm not at the party and I'll tell them that my parents don't want me at there parties that they host ever. They will ask me why and I will tell them that they hate me and treat me worse than a servant and give me chores and if a servant tries to help me while my parents are home then they are punished for trying to help me. I tell them that I want to get out and go far away from here and never come back here at all and I'm only coming back home when my people need me. I care about my people better and more than the rest of my family does.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling


“Wow she really cares about her people if she would only come back if they need her help” Lola says
“Guys Lola's right you know about Isabelle only coming back to help her people if she got out of her families clutches and got away” Jake says
“I can't believe that she doesn't know if anyone knows about her or cares about her” Trent says
“Why don't we read more and find out” Luna says

So they read the next entry in Isabelle's journal.

Chapter 5

March 7, 1776

Dear diary,
I'm hiding from my brother so that I don't get into trouble for whatever it is that he did. I am hoping that while I'm hiding that I will find a new secret hiding spot along the way. I really need to get away from my family because they are becoming more mean and more hurtful every day that I am living here and I can't wait to leave. I don't care if I have to get married if that's what it takes to get me out of here then I'll be happy to get married just to leave this place. I heard that the Ravens are looking for a bride for their oldest son Alexander who I call Alex and just so happens to be around my age. I can't wait to see Alex when his parents bring him here. Alex and his family are the only ones besides the servants that knows that I even exist and their also the only one besides the servants that care about me. Well Alex can't wait till the ball his parents are hosting for him so that he can be by my side all night because I keep all the girls away or so he says. Oh wait before I forget to tell you Alex's full name and title. Alex's full name and title is Alexander Jay Raven wolf prince. Oh I gotta go.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling


“Wow she has a family that actually know that she exists and who care about her” Belle says
“Yeah that is amazing” Kat says
“I want to see what it's like to be at a ball wearing what they did back then” Lola says
“Oh Lola you only you would say that” Tristan says
“Guys lunch is ready” Raven says
“Ok we're coming mom” Belle says
“So what have you guys been doing for the past day and a half” Alex asks
“We've been reading Isabelle Sterling vampire princesses diary” Luna answers
“Really you found Isabelle's book” Jack asks
“We were hanging out in my room and I tripped over a loose floorboard and it was there” Belle answers
“I can't believe Isabelle's diary been found after it went missing for nearly a century” Nick says
“Really that's how long her diary's been missing for wow I never new that” Trent says
“Yeah it was and everyone thought that Isabelle's diary was just a rumor, a myth” Raven says
“Wow thanks mom for lunch” Belle says
“Yeah thanks Raven for lunch” Nick and the rest say
“Your welcome you guys” Raven says
“Let's finish lunch then go and read another entry of Isabelle's diary okay guys” Jay says
So they finish eating and go in the living room and start reading another entry in Isabelle's diary.

chapter 6

March 19, 1776

Dear diary,
today is Alex's grand ball to help him find a bride. One thing that Alex and his parents don't know is how my parents and brother treat me. I am like a mystery to Alex and his parents. I am someone who gives them very little about their life growing up. I'm not going to the ball because my parents don't want me to ruin their reputation by going to the ball looking as ugly as I am or so they say. My parents want me to stay home and do my all my chores that they have given me. Alex and his family only know me as Isabelle the servant and not Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess.
Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling


“Wow that's crazy” Jay says
“Hey Liz you've been really quiet since we started reading this what's on your mind” Kat asks
“I'm just thinking what it must be like for her in that period of time and how she must feel and I was also thinking what it would be like if I lived in a situation like she did” Liz explains
“Wow I didn't think about it like that at all” Belle says
“I know me either” Lola says
“I'm also trying to wrap it around my head that Isabelle was treated like a fucking servant for part of her life” Liz says
“Liz your language” Trent says
“Oops I cursed didn't I ” Liz asks 
“Yes, yes you did curse Liz “Trent answers 
“I love you guys” Belle says
“We love you to Belle” Alex answers from right by the living room.
“Go away Alex and don't you have your friend Nick here for you to hang out with” Belle says
“Um unfortunately no Nicks brother is coming here to take him home” Alex explains
"Which one of Nicks brothers are coming here for him Alex" Belle asks
"I don't know which one but we will know when he gets here to pick him up Belle” Alex answers
Soon enough there's a knock at the front door so Jason answers it.
"Hi Draco your here for Nick so I'll just have Alex go and get him for you Draco “Jason says
"Ok thanks that would be great” Draco says

"Alex can you get nick and tell him that his brother Draco is here" Jason asks

"Okay dad I will" Alex answers

So Alex goes to his room and tells nick that his brother is here for him.

"Nick your brother's here for you” Alex says

"Which brother is here for me Alex" Nick Asks

 "That would be your navy and army marine brother Draco Nick" Alex answers

"Wait your telling me that my navy and army brother Draco is here to get me then le'ts go so I can see him" Nick says 

"Okay let's go then" Belle says

"Belle how did you get from the living room to here so fast" Alex asks

“I was right behind you the whole time you idiot” Belle answers

“Oh ok Belle” Alex says

So they go downstairs to see Draco who is home from the navy/army for a while.

“Nick it’s so good to see you again how have you been?” Draco asks

“I’m fine Draco how about you” nick answers while going to hug his brother

Draco returns nicks hug and tells him how much he missed him while he was away. Nick picks up his stuff and leaves with his brother to go home.

“Bye Nick Bye Draco” Belle says

“Bye guys see you tomorrow” Nick says

Once Nick leaves Belle and her friends go back to reading Isabelle’s diary.

Chapter 7

March 21,1776

Dear diary,

Alex says that he wishes that I was there at the ball and I told him I wish the same thing. I asked him what the ball was like and he told me it was boring like it always is. So I told him that next time he should make the most out of it. He thought it was a good idea and thanked me for the idea. I told him you’re welcome. My brother jack told me to get back to work or else he’s telling on me. So I told Alex bye and that I will see him next time and I got back to work. Well I’m Getting tired so I think I’ll stop for today and head off to bed.

Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling


“Wow that must be a boring party then” Alex says

“Enough of this sadness why don’t we go outside and do something other than sitting around here and reading Isabelle’s diary all day long” Jake says

“Okay then why don’t we go outside and ride bike or hangout at the park” Trent says

“Well then we can all ride our bikes to the park and hangout there for a while and besides we got the whole summer to read Isabelle’s diary anyways” Luna says

“Okay then I’ll go and get the garage keys so we can get the bikes out” Alex says

“Thanks Alex “Lola says

“Yeah thanks Alex” Luna says

So they go outside to and ride bikes and hangout at the park. They played soccer, baseball, football, and basketball until it was time for everyone to go home.

“See you guys tomorrow” Liz says
“Sorry guy’s belle and I won’t be here tomorrow” Alex says
“why won’t you 2 be here tomorrow” Kat says
“Because we have to go see Kevin tomorrow for a family reunion and it won’t be good at all” Belle Explains

“Yeah when Kevin and the girls ask if you have a boyfriend” Alex says
“Yeah and it’s fucking annoying” Belle says
“Belle your language” Draco says
“Oh sorry Draco” Belle says
“That’s okay Belle” Draco says
“well lets go Belle” Alex says


So Belle and Alex take their bikes and go home to get ready for tomorrow. Belle goes to her closet and gets her travel bag and packs her closet and gets her travel bag and packs her clothes in it. Belle packs Isabelle’s journal, her laptop, her iPod touch, and grabs her phone. Belle and Alex eat dinner and get ready for bed. The next morning Belle and Alex got up, ate breakfast and got ready to go. They put everything in the car and were on their wat to their cousin’s house. Once they got there they regretted coming instantly when they saw there Cousin Kevin and his friends. Kevin and his friends see Belle and Alex and go over to them and start being mean to Belle about not having a boyfriend. Alex and Belle go inside and put their stuff away in the guest bedrooms. Belle takes out Isabelle’s diary after she locks the guest bedroom door and started reading it but before she can read it her aunt calls dinner time so Belle hid the diary in the secret compartment of her suitcase. After dinner belle went up to her room to read Isabelle’s diary. She closed and locked the door as soon as she got into her room.

Chapter 8

March 25, 1776


Publication Date: 01-11-2016

All Rights Reserved

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