I just want to start with I wasnt always like this. We weren’t always like this. For starters we were happy. We were never hit. Never, which is funny really – I am sourounded by people yet I have never felt more alone. Fucking Solomon told my him I had snuck out of the house to go to a party – truth be told I had snuck out but not for a party. I’d snuck out because I saw something in the woods, eyes like golden flames.
I shook my head that didn’t matter now, none of it did. I stood in the middle of the ‘townhall’ really it was basically a big torture chamber or somewhere you sold the young ones off for marage. Sounds bad right? People do it willingly. He stood there with a whip, slashing my back. People stood there and watched. Watched. I was not friendly with the monsters hiding in my clauset because he was real. He was my farther. My wolf screamed in my head – no im not crazy I am a shifter; well im standing in a room full of them.
I had went to see mum, to see my little brother. Yes I am in the wrong for saying hello to my dead brother and mother. I can still feel their pain deep in my heart. I can hear her cries as we found out he had canser. It was the only thing that killed us; other then a good head chopping we were pretty hard to kill. Other than old age and Canser we were pretty tough. That’s how I still stood at twenty lashes. At thirty I waded side to side, my arms and torse were covered. Suddenly the doors burst open. Lucas came barging in roaring. ‘How dare you touch our future Alpha in such a manner. Be ashamed.’ Lucas shouted carrying me down from my stage of embaracemnt. Wolves whinned and left embaraced.
‘No each and everyone of you can… clean up the blood you have spilt here. Each and everyone of you are on round the clock guard duty no matter your position. Now you Alpha go home and sober up.’ Only Lucas would get away with this, he was my Ed, my extra dad. His wife Rosalie was just as wonderful. ‘Hush now go to sleep. You Sol. Home. Now!’ He whispered yet Sol whined and followed us, Lucas dropped me into his arms and told him to carry me to his wife.
Lucas walked away but I didn’t say anything I knew Sol couldn’t do anything now. ‘Stupid bitch, bleading all over me.’ He muttered annoyed shifting my weight. ‘Maybe I wouldn’t be beaten if youd think Sol. I went to geo see my mum not go to a party. Why are you so horrible to me, what have I done?’ I pleaded, but I seemed to only be pleading to a blank wall. Tomorrow I am 18, tomorrow I will find my mate. He will chalange my dad, or hell take me far from here. I will be fine, one more day right?
You have me, you have no need for a mate.
Are you okay? – I asked a little worried, she had been present less and less lately.
Yes. Just stop fantasising about our mate, you wont like who it is.
Do you know who it is? – I asked intrigued
Of course I do. So do you.
Lets just say this wasn’t the first bad sign. By the time we got to Sol’s house I was lulling to sleep in his golstling arms. Unconfortable, but I was okay. I would not be this way forever. I will be okay. Sols stupid boring eyes smirked into mine as if he knew I was planning an escpae. How would it aid him? Rosaline laid me down on her table and added her salves and medicines, more importantly she fed me some of her blood. That is how warriors heal in battle, honey and blood were the soul search and rescue of the healing world. I quickly slept.
I woke the next morning afraid, I kept picturing my mothers body. It had only been a month but It felt like hours some times. I ran through the forest back home. I head a commotion down stairs but knew better than to look, dad got really funny when even mom went down there. I showered with moderately cold water, my back was still a slab of useless meat. Painful and red raw, maybe if I showed my mate he could heal me.
I ran to school without my backpack little mattered today. I got to school and nothing. I sighed and leaned against my locker; great what was I going to say – sorry my dad beat me last night, I forgot my homework because I was fantsising about my boyfriend killing him. I doubt that would go down too well. ‘Em told me about last night you okay?’ Millie stood infornt of me waving a coffee infront of my face. Her folks own a nice coffee shop in town, she worked there and we always got free drinks. Ever since I went in for a job interview at 10, Millie was still working there even then. My mother wanted me to have my own money – now because of every weekend and holidays work for eight years I was pretty high in money. I haven’t even spent my first pay check. ‘Thankyou, I love you and ofcourse you did. It’s just another Monday morning; people will get over it.’
I snarled at the girls hovering close hoping to catch some gossip, they should have learned I don’t talk about it. People were afraid of my farther but I’m the one who always receives the blunt end of the lashes and there okay with it. ‘Mmm whats that smell? Ahh that’s really delicious did you bring cookies?’ I asked looking at millies died black hair, she was moderately slim with big flattering eyes. Well busted and had a but to die for, piercing that looked like they hurt but other than being a little bit way goth she was pretty amazing. ‘Follow it you dummie hes here!!’ She squeeled. ‘Ouch right in the warm and fuzzies much!’ I muttered but did as she told me. She clutched my hand tightly, for the last months shes being wanting him as much as I had. My pain has always and forever will be her pain.
We ran around the corner giggling and almost falling tit over arse, we slid to a stop and there he stood. Dark hair, tall and Oh shit it was Sol.
I told you.
I laughed so loud, right in his face. 'Ugh I must be cursed!' he shouted angrily slamming some innocent kid with his fist. 'Oh but honnie I love you so' I replied sarcastically, I sneered in his face. 'I want you tittle thats all you physo bitch' He muttered angrily.
I looked at Sol amused. 'Haa as if I'd give you a first let alone second chance.' I told him. Wolves all gathered around us, everyone of them to scared to help me. 'Solomon, you complete jack ass I formally reject you.' He roared at me angrily. 'Oh come on you knew it was going to be me. We are the only Alpha and beta in country.' I said laughing, he actually had the cheek to look hurt. He stepped towards me angrily, his fist slammed into my stomach so hard I gasped. As did many of the spectators around us. I growled deeply and swiped the dark blond hair from my face, it was cut short because long hair just annoyed me. I had intense grey / blue eyes and a brown mark that almost looked red in my left eye. It had always been there. At five foot three and barely nine stone I was no match for this guy even if I had alpha blood. His hair was the same blond as both his parents and his blue eyes were also similar to their though none of the shades matched one another. He towered over six foot and he was pretty much pure muscle. I stepped forward and seemed to leak power. 'How dare you hit your future Alpha.' I shouted outraged. This wasn't me. I had no control of my body now, my feral and wild side took able. Glad to finally fight. 'I was supposed to be alpha!' He screamed charging at me again. This time I darted out of the way easily I snorted 'Never.' I snarled with such venom it scared me. 'Caiden' My best friend screamed at me, one of her my pack held her back. She was a low wolf and normally went unnoticed which was why I had befriended her, she was so loving and care free.
'She's wild' The suggestion seemed to float around the corador. 'Her eyes' Another whispered. They felt like they were burning. Sol jumped at me again, unfaised all he wanted was my title. His fists slammed into me again and again. I was used to this. I stood back up, I would keep fighting till my last breath. 'How is she still standing?' I heard Mill whisper in shock. 'Wears are tough Mill. Alpha wouldn't want you to get involve, we should leave.' Some one begged her. Eventually someone dragged him off of me, I fell into strong arms. The last thing I saw was green eyes. After that it was all darkness.
I woke up in my house, I heard the commotion downstairs. The cellar, we had a prisoner. I ran down the stairs grimacing with every step. I saw my farther and Lucian standing facing a woman and her child, I could tell they were dragon shifters they smelt of fire instead of wood. Everyone smelt different, a whole combination of smells but each breed smelt only of one kind, come to think of it, the place had smelt weird yesterday I had forgot to ask. The woman cried and cried, begging for her child's life. 'No! You tress pass, attack seven of my warriors and expect mercy you've got to be kidding me. I order you to die in the morning. Any person tries to save him and they too are dead. ' The woman's golden eyes met mine. I had never met a dragon before. Ever, they turned into massive beasts of pure destruction. Their weren't any for thousands of miles around here.
She stood before me, sparingly clothed yet she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her golden skin was un-scarred or scathed, it shone like the metal gold its self. She seemed to be old and young at the same time. Her long silver hair fell to her ankles easily, she swayed with unmaintainable confidence. Yet she knew she would die. When she saw me she visibly relaxed. 'Young wolf you must help me. I have been calling for your soul all day. My son is no ordinary dragon. I am an elder, I will die tonight but my son mussent. Protect him please. There is nothing left for me, I hear your farther at night, I know he is no good for you. Please help us, help him, help yourself. Keep him as your own, raise him right. Their will come a time where he will need his own kind. I hope you make the right decision. I am Aurora it means sunrise, please chose his name for me dear child.'
Her voice echoed in my head, it was as smooth as the streams water. I knew little Latin but from what I did know I knew the name Leo meant lion man but that was too masculine, maybe it could be a nick name for when he was a troublesome toddler. I looked at the child and his poor mother; His silver eyes followed me every movement. His eyes were filled with love and reflected light. Lucero, filled with light. I knew within seconds that's what I would call him. As I looked into his innocent face I knew I could not leave him here. I will be back later I promise. 'Audio, video, disce' I Whisper in my mind to her. She smiled as I left to prepare.
I quickly threw clothes in a bag for myself and jumped on the banister, I pushed up the lid that covered the attic and pulled myself inside to find some of my brothers baby clothes my mother had kept. Their was quite a lot but I only grabbed what was necessary. I saw my brothers old favourite bare, he was called musik. I had no idea why he called him that but I grabbed him regardless. Musik was a dog teddy that my brother refused to leave behind until he was five.
My farther was rich but I did not have a penny to my name, my mother had forced me to get a job when I was ten because I needed to learn how to protect and keep my pack afloat and well fed she had told me. I had been working on a farm ever since, I would miss it there but I have earned enough money to be comfortable for a short while. I packed food, mostly non-perishables but I don't know what he would eat. She said he was a baby but he looked around a year old. I hoped what I caught as I ran would be enough for him.
I've always been known as the quiet one. Or the lizard thing that changes to match its environment, the er chameleon but I never thought I would have to become invisible in my own home.. Odd really. I never thought I'd have the erm balls to go and break not one but like five of the pack rules. To what? Run to the dragons, Nice Caiden. The only thing I would really miss is mill. I sighed, closing my eyes and breathing unsteady, I remembered the girl who had been the only reason I had survived this hell hole. Em and Ed... Who knew only peoples kindness will be enough to save a life? That is why I have to save his life.
Hey may not be blood of my own, but he has a pure heart and soul. I crept down both flights of stairs, it had been hours since I had last seen him. Dinner had been silent, Lucian hadn't picked up any fear in my voice but for some reason I knew he knew what I was going to do. Before he hung up he had said ' Good luck and live well sweetie for forever you will be chased' Before I could even think of something to say he had hung up. Tears had fallen down my face but I just went to bed, to tired and wired to sleep or do something about it. When I had stood up and began my vigorous journey down the stairs I had heard the song 1 2 step by Cira being to play in my head.
'We about to get it on. Let me see your 1 2 step. I love it when you 1 2 step.'
I had to suppress a humourless laugh and continue my doomed mission .The thunder and rain covered my almost silent footsteps. Wolves haven't super hearing like everyone suspects, and changing into a wolf isn't a painless nor completely painful process. Bones tickle madly as they grow and nails hurt as they grow and shrink, and you most certainly do not just go human-wolf. It's not that simple, I mean think of the process. You can like grow your teeth or nails almost accidentally.
Well anyway, my point of explaining all this was because I was so nervous my own nails began to grow. My teeth making my speech a little difficult and slurred, not by much you learn to live with it. I didn't see the point in dying my hair and changing my looks because I'd always smell the same, my pack would always be able to find me. But I still wanted to be different, I was different. But maybe I could confuse people and get my self a few precious seconds it would make it easier to get away.
Thoughts would keep me occupied but I needed to focus. I entered the dingy, silver filled room, the smell made me want to run and whimper but I knew I couldn't. I wouldn't! I remembered finding my mother down here, after my brothers death. I was so angry and scared, it was the first time she had tried to kill herself. I had ran from her then, and she had died. I would not do so again, never again would I run from a situation. I would stand and fight.
I took one step after the other, the creaking steps scaring me a little more each time. My heart beating a little more. Just that little bit faster. One step one beat. Another step and two beats. A third step and I was finally in the basement. Standing before the one person I would save. The one person I would stand for.
IF your hated for no reason I think its about time to give that son of a bitch a reason. And there would never be a reason as big as mine. I would never be able to return here, lose the little family and friends I had. But was that truly so bad, here I had no life. Here I was truly dead.
I sighed, puffing cold air from my frozen lungs. One step after another I walked into the room. Darkness quickly engulfed me, two sets of golden eye's followed my every movement. Fear seemed to roll off of me in waves, the whole room seemed to echo and reflect it! Aurora and Lucero stood side by side, his beauty was only a fraction of hers but he carried a diffrent kind of beauty. Something that only came from the pure. 'Follow the suns rise each morning. The sun god will lead you to my people. Goodluck dear child.'
His delcate hands reached for my own, and without a questioning glance i knelt before him taking his soft hands in my own. He gentally laid his teeth on my throat and I laid mine on his. We both bit until blood filled our mouths, this is how the surraget mothers brand there babies as there own. This was it. This was the begining!
I carried him on my front and the bag on my back, he gripped to me and did not let go, three days we ran without a break. Three days he stayed awake eating only rabbit I picked up. They had chased us half way across the countrie before we fell asleep in a public dumpster, we had made it to another town. One far away, they did not follow us here. We kept travling in the morning, folowing the sun for three months before I was stuck down with illness.
I get it, girls get periods, right. This was nothing like that. I swear something was searing my middle, prying and burning it all in one manouver. Everything became too overwhelming, too painful to even think about moving.
I led, stuck, transfixed in my very own - temporary - bed. Whining and fucking pining for something. Someone to take away the pain. But here I was stuck and oh yea tran-fucking-fixed in my own bed. Unable to even see my son for fear of harming his delicate soul. My heart beating for his name.
I howled, breathing his soft caress of a name, with such pain and longing I nearly broke. but it had been me who had locked my door from him. Females, such as myself, do not get normal periods. Hells no, that would be too freaking easy, we bled every three months after finding our mates off course. I had never faced this before and with emotions flying wild I didn't want to hurt my Lucero - or as I call him Leo.
And this was the moment all hell chose to break loose.
Three months on the run.
I spent alone.
Fending for me and Leo.
He stood before me.
The man who was supposed to be my mate. Be there when I turned 18, when I had my first period. The single man the gods had chosen for me. Yet he stood with my farther. Ignored me my entire life. His Alphas child. As she was beaten by the day.
And chose his first touch of me was to be with a fist.
He had beaten me.
My mate;
Laid his hands upon me,
in hate.
Don't blame me for being a little upset. It had taken them this long to find us, my and my little Leo. (He became more and more Lion like as he grew older. Prowling grumpily, not so sweet now, I thought ironicaly.) We had nearly made it across the thousands of miles it would take us to find the dragons. Nearly made it! So close I could almost breathe the same air as them.
Jumping up on the bed, no longer comfortable lying down. I noticed I was wearing small, black boxer shorts and a tight tank top Oh dear...
'Leo my little lion. Stay in your room sweetie.' I shouted over the noise. Well just so you know being broken into is noisy. Tiptoeing over to my door I quickly unlocked it and jumped back as three large men strolled in unannounced. I saw Leo's gold head nod once before he disappeared and I could hear him moving heavy furniture in his room. I had taught him well. But his strength was purely his own.
In the last three months he had grown ever more, looking more like a five year old than one nearing two. He easily hit the height of my hip, not hard at five. I was on the short side, he came to everyone's else's thy.
I each one of my hands were the ancient knives that became ever more familiar with each beating of my heart and every gasp of my breath. Each as deadly sharp as the other, twins of destruction. My Ex mate was blocking the doorway, I would be unable to reach Leo till this was over, low blow. Bellow the bra man.
Behind me stood two brain-dead followers, I didn't even bother trying to negotiate or reason with either. Both incapible of simple thought. I would have to do something durastic, but what? 'What do you want sol?' I asked venem filling my tone. 'Oh my dear omaga, nothing to do with you. We've come for the boy.' He snorted and spoke through his nose at me. 'Paa do not speak so highly of yourself and so low of me my dear. You were destined to be mated to me after all.' I stayed poised on the bed, I doubted he would run at me with two knives in my hands. Next door I could hear Lucro up to something, I needed to make more nose maybe he had found a way to get away. 'Who sent you loyal servent, was it my farther? Does thy dearest hunt for me still?' I asked nearly shouting, sol too stupid to realise anything was wrong only snorted and stepped further into the room. 'Some had mistaken you for half human, they did not realise you for just a worthless bitch, they made a mistake and as for your peice of shit farther well he sends me after the boy only.' I laughed, it sounded fake and croaky but it was still a laugh.
'And how are your parents, do they still love me more than you?' I taunted sneering in his face. I deserved better, maybe the gods sent me on this path because we belonged with the dragons. Maybe they are better people, maybe I will not die alone. 'Bitch!' He snarled charging at me, I only dodged and sweeped one of my daggers along his sholder. His cry echoed across the room, was it my state of current afairs that led him here? I've heard that mates will travel half way across the world when there mate is ( ermm, in need?). It is said only the love of a mate can take away the pain and anguish. If he was my so called mate, why in hells name was he so god dammed horrible.
I jumped down from the bed and backed into the corner, something was happening outside but I coudlnt see what. 'What led you here my love?' I asked with fake charm, never taking my eyes off of the window. A flash of gold proved me right, Lucro had gotten out. I prepared to launch myself out of the window when one of his body gaurds caught on, 'Boss, the boys out!' He called looking at the window too. 'Don't just stand there you fools, go get him!' He shouted angrily. 'No you shant touch him.' I sprinted to the window but Sol dragged my hair and yanked me back. I couldn't reach him with my knives so I had to just jerk and buckle my way free.
A howl of pain and a torrent of cusses, proved that Leo wouldn't be captured without a fight. I rolled away form sol and stood in a defensive stance, I needed to get out but I couldn't without dealing with him first. I ran twords him and ended up on the wrong side of his back hand. Spralled across the floor I tried to move but his feet stood on my presious arms. 'GETOFF' I growled out annoyed. I howled and tried to head but him but I knew I was out for the count.
The cries outside echoed my own. I couldn't tell whos they were but I couldn't help them no more than they could help me. 'HELP ME!' I screamed before Sol shoved his hand into my face. He tied something over my eyes and hands. Then halled me to my feet, just to start his onslaught of punches on my stomach. A hurricane of footsteps led up the stairs, 'Unhanned the girl.' Said a perfectally monotone voice, he wasn't a wolf? Was he, I couldn't smell very much but I wasn't sure.
'Momma!' Leo screamed at me. 'Baby shh, It'll be okay.' Tears dripped down my face, soaking the blind fold. 'Im sorry, so sorry.' I whispered barely listening to the conversation. 'I said unhand her wolf!' Shouted a seriosly compelling voice, he left no room to be indicisive with. I was thrown to the floor where I quickly serached for one of my blades, I didn't want to cut a vein by accident so I held the knife in two, bound hands. 'Ouch! The little shit bit me!' Howled one of the would be attackers/savours/ I really dont know.
Leo ran straight at me and snuggled himself against me, he shivered and clung tight. 'Baby listen, If anything bad happens you need to be ready. I want you to shit now. And when you do, I need you to be my eyes. Can you do that for me baby?' I whispered into his golden locks. 'Yes mommy.' He agreed enthusistically. He shifted almost imediatly and settled his scaly self on my sholders and back, hiding his face in my unbound hair. 'Lucro listen, If the wolves try again I need you to fly out the window. I about three days, if you keep flying every day break you will find yourself with the dragons within the week. They will watch over you.' I whispered hoping no one paid attention to us, hoping he could get away.
'Get him out of here!' Shouted the same man as before, I hoped he didn't mean Leo. I clung tightly to him hoping he wouldn't be wrenched from my arms. Luckily for me I heard Sol leaving the room, moaning all the way. Slowly one of our would be resucers aproached us, I held up my knife but was useless. I couldnt see or smell anything, and there was too many people in the room as it was. I switched my head left to right trying to find the heartbeat closest to ours but Leo's suddenly skyrocketed. 'Leo whats wrong?' I asked fear masking my voice. He suddenly flew from my arms and I lunged screaming after him.
I was grabbed mid motionand held still by a massicure of arms. 'Hey, hey shh. Someone get her blindfold off! Quickly before she Impales someone.' Muttered a slightly more humours and less comanding version of the same voice. The blind fold was quickly taken from my arms and there Leo was, cuddling the world most muscular warrior. I dropped the knife 'D-dont hurt him, I'll do anything. I-im Alpha Caiden, please dont harm him.' I begged dropping on the floor before the man who held leo.
'Erm, do you think she knows were dragons?' Asked one of the smaller warriors. 'Rex put him leo down.' The one in comand asked gently he aproached me slowly and lifted one of my knives andn cut me free of my bounds. I stood relucantly 'I-i thought you'd look diffrent.' I muttered to myself. 'What have yellow eyes or something? Well you dont have fur chicka.' Muttered the small one. I tilted my head to the side, 'I do, I have teeth too want to see them?' I asked grinning. He shook his head chuckling. 'Well you seem aweful nice, be a shame to have to kill you.' Muttered another guy this one had black hair and tattoos covering his hands and face. I hissed and gathered up both knives, ready to fight again.
Suddenly my stomach exploaded in pain again and I fell to the floor in agony. Leo made a run for me but I hissed at the Alpha er comader, 'Get him away from me' I panted in pain. 'Whats wrong with her?' Asked the very vocal little guy. 'Shes a rejected are you not?' Asked the leader. I shook my head and gritted my teeth. 'I.Rejected. Sol. I. Will. Not. Be. Abused. By. Two. Alphas.' Concern filled the leaders kind blue eyes, he gentally lifted me in his arms. 'Sorry Chika.' He whispered before he palced a pill on my toung. I shook my head, tears leaving my eyes in two slow susesions of salt rivers. I felt like with each single tear more pain racked my poor body, I found myself swoling just to rid myself from the pain. I looked at Leo sadly. 'You can't know where were about to go.' I looked at him confused but soon there after sleep found me.
I woke, yet I was already on my feet. My wolf instincts was controlling me, howling for her lost son. Her evil Alpha and idiotic mate. Her cries made the tears steam ever more so, her cries were deafening. 'Shh, it's okay. They will bring Leo back. We just need to stay focused, I can feel it this is coming to an end.' When you live your life behind locked doors it’s hard to find that someone else is the one locking you away.
I couldn't control her, rage was now the poison wracking her body, I didn't even feel like we belonged anymore. She charged our body at the door, I felt my bones creak and jolt. She was clumsy in human form. Again and again she beat our body against the door. On the seventh time it suddenly opened, the door thrown back an angry figure stood there eyes blazing jaw clenching.
'Help me, I'm trapped in my own mind' I screamed before she rammed him. Instead of falling on the floor like I expected us too. No, instead arms wound around my bruised stolen body. I was forcibly held still by the sheer muscle, there was no way she would escape, well I hoped. She thrusted our body forward towards the black haired forked tonged freak, pushed our lips against his and much to her approval he stepped back annoyed. This gave her enough time and space to shift. Her growl sounded more like a purr as she pushed past the shocked warrior only to run into two more, taking little notice she ran faster. Slamming through strange doors we found ourselves in a long succession of doors. The closest smell we could sense was Sol's, first she had to deal with him. In her mind’s eye she saw Leo with the biggest warrior, she somehow knew he'd be just fine.
Would I ever get my own body back?
Our retracted claws still dug into the plush cream carpet, running down a massive staircase we were met with the stench of fear, sweat and urine. Sneezing we entered the room slowly, creeping in a predator like stance we passed three captives all of them wolves. You could smell the guilt, man flesh and night air none were currently all that welcoming to her.
'Sister, save us sister!' She shifted if almost on command. 'No one saves the dammed but the devil.' She strolled past like some kind of queen (which I guess she was) and walked straight up to sol in his pitiful chained up state. 'Hello darling.' She purred in a voice that was so unlike mine, it was so smooth and gentle. Like a caress.
He walked up to the cages front with a stupid grin on his face. 'Open the cage.' He demanded, he looked like he wanted to burst from barely controlled humour. 'You forget my dear, that I am the Alpha. You are a beta. Do you know what a beta family is? No, Well its a family dammed to always serve someone else, even when that alpha dies you will not succeed him. Know why? Cause your pathetic, you lowely peice of shit beta.' His face was hysterical, she turned us on our heal and marched away. Every step we marched twards Leo, every foot fall away from that pathetic excuse for a wolf she felt better, stronger.
He was in the middle of an extravagant living room, bouncing on a seriously expensive setae. 'Little lion what has your mother told you about jumping on furniture?' Came a motherly voice from my mouth. This whole trapped in my own mind thing was getting old. 'Well what has she told you about stealing her body?' Came Leo's little voice as he approached us carefully, he wasn’t sure about my wolf side which was what I wanted, and I didn't want him to be comfortable around my kind. 'Erm do it outside?' Came her uncertain response, Leo's face lit up and he ran over catching her hand and pulling us from the room. 'Leo where are you taking us?' I asked concerned.
'Outside mother!' He told me in his duhh voice. 'No baby, don't show us, were kind of a flight risk right now.' I warned him, kneeling at his feet. Concern lit his face 'Mommy has your belly not stopped its owwie yet?' He placed his hand upon it with worry overflowing in his eyes.
You better take over you know I'm not very good with him, he’s your cub not mine.
No he’s our cub, but yes I am a little better. Give yourself time, wolves become surrogates all the time.
'I'm not sure my sweet.' A single tear fell down his face. 'I was so scared mommy.' I laughed softy 'Am I only worth a single tear now, is food worth like three.' I tickled him till his grumpy face fled and his dimpled cheeks once again shone. 'Naa your worth maybe two, depends if you cook me stake or not.' He wiggled from my tickling arms then ran back in to tickle me back. We ended up rolling on the floor in a fit of giggles. I pinned him between my thighs and tickled until he called it with laughter filled tears fled his eyes. 'Told you I was worth more, admit it!' I mock shouted hands poised to tickle him again.
'Fine you’re worth a moon full.' He told me sitting up and kissing the mark he had bitten on my shoulder only three months ago. 'Now that is too many tears for anyone.' Came a kind, deep voice. It was the warrior I had seen before, I knew he would check up on him. His bright blue eyes shone like that of an ocean, black covered him head to toe but it wasn’t the mat black the mean warrior wore. His managed to contrast with his blond hair just right, though he looked dangerous he appeared approachable. In his arms was Lucero's bear Musik 'This smells like you, it was your brothers no?' Asked the kind warrior. I nodded and smiled sadly 'Cancer is our Akelies heal.' I told him absent mindly.
'Prisoners escaped!' Shouted an irate voice, I stifled a giggle in Leo’s shoulder and shouted back 'Really which one?' I smiled before walking towards the black haired dragon and offered my hands in peace, he took a step back and wrinkled his nose. His eyes were a vibrant grey that brought out the colour of his chin length curly hair, his facial hair was the same colour. His complexion was pale and lips almost red. 'Don’t worry she's under control she won’t try anything again.' He nodded before taking one of my wrists in his arm, I gasped and pulled it back immediately. He turned quickly ashamed filling his face, he took my hand carefully and inspected the skin.
'It's fine it’ll heal it always does.' I told him looking away ashamed, he coughed awkwardly before muttering an apology. 'I-it's okay it's not your fault.' He stopped and turned to face me. 'Why are you hear?' He asked. 'Erm hate to say it but I didn't really have a choice.' I told him looking at the wall beside his head as we continued our walk forward, I didn't feel safe with these people I didn't know them. 'You don't need to be nervous around us, I heard you. When you were talking to Leo. I know that you told him to come here. It's been playing on my mind!' He told me exasperated. I sighed before pacing before him, I was restless again.
'I-I think she was an elder, her name was aurora. She was trespassing. H-he looked like my little brother, I had to help her. My mother it was my fault, all my fault. My dad couldn’t stand me, Aurora told me to come here. When he was too much to handle but we didn’t have anywhere else to go, we were heading here anyway. He’s grown so quickly, he’s one not five!' I told him exhausted, silently he nodded and led me back to my room, and there I quickly settled myself back in bed and slept.
I woke a little while later to the black haired guy sneaking back into my room, 'don’t charge me I don’t look good in pieces.' He held up two cups, I could smell the tea. ‘Dude it's I come in pieces and tea has as much caffeine as coffee so why tea?' I asked confused, he shot me an equally confused look as he sat on the edge of my bed. 'Its caffeine free chill.' Said the smaller warrior I had seen before. 'Blake get outta here I don't need a trainee truth finder.' He told what appeared to be a smaller version of himself. 'Awh Dustin comeon, what’s she gonna do bite me?' He snorted, Dustin shot me a look as if to say help me. I jumped up out of bed and tackled him to the ground 'Might do' I said laughing, 'Never stand in reach of someone who held a knife at you mere hours ago.' I told him sitting back on 'my' bed and drinking the dark sweet tea. 'So how many of you are there?' I asked Dustin he seemed more approachable. 'There are ten of us. I’m Dustin this is Aiden. T-Rex is the big guy, his real name is Alexander but he'd probably punch me if I told you that. He has a twin brother called Gabriel, twice as grumpy know the difference or it could kill you. Look into their eyes, Gabe’s are much darker. Liam is our Alpha, his little sister Jesse - who by the way is outside of the room.'
She walked attentively into the room, her hair was a deep red that matched her green fiery eyes. She held up a hair brush in surrender. Her long red hair was one bundle of knots, which was not surprising because it reached her hips. She held up her hair brush tears trailing down her face. 'Come here sweetie I can untangle it.' She grinned and ran at me, jumping on my lap from half way across the room, I caught her easily half expecting her to. 'How old is she?' I asked already concentrating on her long blond hair, she was so quiet. 'Two, I swear she was cute just yesterday.' Dustin taunted her, she stuck out her tong and continued to sit still. 'Who else is there?' I asked interested. 'Well there’s Carter - blond giant he’s almost half as friendly as Gabe but he isn't like us and he hates wolves so be careful of him. He and Daniel are scouts, Daniels different too. For starters he’s a massive nerd. Oh and he’s not a dragon he shifts into an owl it’s really cool. Then there’s Caleb and his little brother Levi he’s my age, there both Dragons, there both great cooks though they really don’t like Carter and Dan –I’d stay away from them too they don’t get on with anyone who’s not Dragon.’ A clatter of feet bombarded their way into my room. 'Have you seen..? Oh, Jesse what are you doing in here?' Asked Rex softly.
I was half way through braiding her hair, I started braiding the rest towards the right as I got to the bottom of her skull. Liam, a guy who smelt of dragon (maybe one of the hater brothers?) and the splitting image of Rex stomped into my room looking annoyed. I started plating even faster before, never taking my eyes off the bigger guy, as soon as he took three steps forward, I tied her hair off and jumped in front of her 'Not in front of children.' I growled, Aiden quickly picked up Jesse and left. 'What right do you have touching the Alphas daughter?' He demanded with a sharp growl, his voice was like pebbles under a car wheel. I stepped forward until I was square in front of him. 'How many times of any of you touched my son?' I asked angrily, what was I going to do kill everyone in my room and escape with my son before anyone noticed that’s stupid, wolves can talk to one another so why can’t they? 'She was thinking that killing everyone in the room was stupid back down Gabe' Liam said looking at me weirdly, Stop reading my mind or I’ll read yours. I thought in his general direction.
‘That’s the smartest thing I’ve heard all day, let’s go princes’ He stepped closer still I just looked squarely at Liam – he was after all the biggest problem. He could call off Gabe, I doubt Gabe could subdue Liam.
You can mind read? He asked with a startled look on his face
Of course, I'm an Alpha. I can compel, mind read, suggest, heal my warriors, I can pretty much get into any other wolves mind.
I could almost see the direction his thought were leading in. 'Don't make me do that, there guilty we all know it. Don't make me be the one to condemn them.' He nodded once and smiled once before leaving, dragging Gabe with him. 'Well that was lovely, I think I need a run after that, Caiden wonna come?' Dustin asked. I was really, really excited then not so 'I've already proven I can beat you' I said with a sad face. 'Erm we have your kid, I doubt you’ll do anything stupid. Plus Liam already said you thought killing us was stupid.’ Dustin told me drily. I jumped up squealing, I kissed Blake on the cheek before running to where a bag of my clothes were stored, and they had appeared there sometime today. I quickly rummaged though until I found a sports bra, three quarter length jogging bottoms and a white tee-shirt covered in the face of a howling wolf.
'Where are we running?' I asked Dustin as he led me to the outside world. 'Well our compound is large, so our land is to hide us.' He said as we left the extravagant front door. Surrounding this ancient home was a beautiful, dark and dangerous forest. This forest, much like the home, looked as if someone hadn't touched it in years. Like a preserved land should, I could hear the animals in the forest scurry before we even entered.
Foot fall after foot fall we emerged further and further into the dark, abandoned forest. It was so beautiful, so untouched. The dying logs on the ground were left to degrade naturally, I bushed them with my fingertips jumped over there unstable heap. The wind rushed through my unbound hair, I hadn't something to fix the problem. I landed knees bent crushing the leaves before sprinting forward again. I didn't need music today, the forest seemed to breathe a beat that I could run to. The scent of years and years of game crashed my senses with its mouth-watering scent. I shifted quickly, still running I gave chase to the nearest hair. It was slow, uncertain of my new scent. I quickly caught the fat little juicy hair, I could honestly say its blood was made of the finest wine as it ran down my throat and across my face. I stopped, half to let Blake catch up and half to eat. The sound of flesh ripping filled my ears, as my stomach growled for a bigger taste of this treat.
Its flesh was fat filled instead of chewing horrible muscle I gnawed and gobbled the whole hair in seconds. An amused chuckle stopped me mid chew. I looked round at Blake uncertainly. 'Hungry, were we?' He asked smiling, he slowly walked up to a newer by tree and rested as I finished the rabbit more slowly this time. When I stood, he pushed off the tree and began jogging in one direction but my short bark stopped him. I could smell something in the underbrush, he turned looking at me confused. I twizzled my ears around trying to pick up nearby sounds but couldn't hear anything. I lifted my nose to the wind, there I smelt it again! I growled quietly confused. Dustin was looking at me and then something behind me confused, my hair stood on end – we were being trailed but that wasn’t the problem. I shifted my weight, behind us Gabe stood looking at me oddly I shook my head and started forward smelling the air. I growled before springing forward, whoever it was they were close. Really, really close.
‘Shit, Caiden slow down!’ Gabe half whispered quickly running after me, I checked my speed so I was only a little in front of them but I came into the clearing well before them.
Millie stood alone in the middle of the clearing. I knew it was her, I caught her scent miles back, but it smelt different off. Her eyes bugged out of her head like she was in pain. I knew immediately something was wrong. How could she follow me here? She didn't have the power to summon me, did she?
Chapter 9
My farther started forward, he held my dearest friend in place with an Alpha’s command. I had to do something. ‘Millie, swear allegiance to me, I swear you will be safe here!’
‘I wish to become one in your pack, I swear my life as well as my wolf’s: blood, body and soul is yours to command.’
'Traitorous little....’ he sighed before continuing, shaking poor little Millie. She was always compassionate and sorry for me, but never had she been hit in her life, he whole body shook with fear she was free of his commands but not free of his hands. I would have given mine just to save her, and I would have too if Liam’s hench man hadn’t been holding me back. 'What are you going to do when the boy no longer needs you? When he could break your spine with a flick of his tail. Grow up kid and think long term.' His voice became the fatherly one I have always craved. The dad who made the worst pancakes in the word, but because he made them the lumpy batter didn't matter even when dry flower exploded from the half burnt batter. It was the best because he made it. I took an involuntary step forward.
'You would always tell me to grow up 'stop being a child.' Guess what all I needed was you dad. Ever thought of that, you weren’t the only one who misses mum, I lost a mum my brother and farther that day. Maybe after all this you are the one who needed to grow up and stop being a child. Only children hit out when upset – I thought we taught children not to flash their fangs farther' I spat venomously, 'Are you jealous dad, that he’ll be the one to quote break my spine and not you? Tired of being a childlike monster want me to act scared? Would that make you feel better? Unhand Millie now!' I asked angrier than before, this anger filled range made me want to charge forward even more, but I knew deep down that if I charged there was little chance I would live. Little chance Leo would have a mother.
'Awh sweetie aren’t you even curious as to how we found you? You do know you have a tracker implanted in your arm right? You were always a little flight risk. Even better news though is that our plan worked, we've been working for years on this one. Your mother didn't die like I told you, she too was a traitor, and she died trying to save some stupid pathetic dragon kid. She gave you up for this scum. They told me you couldn't be trusted, and they were right. And now you've lead us right to them. In a matter of hours thousands of wolves will be here to tear you all limb from limb. Darling we have you to thank, you have always fallen after your mother for predictability.’
‘Are you just jealous she left you for someone she loved more?’ Shouted Dustin, always on my side.
I vibrated with the growl that left my human lips, pressure built up in my chest. I could do nothing, I had done all this. Something in me fell into place, I no longer felt broken. I felt dangerous, someone who shouldn't be fucked with. I didn't feel broken, no I felt like a pipe under too much pressure it was going to break something else as it exploded. Never had I been so angry, he killed my mom. She just like me had helped the dragons, difference was that I was punished for breathing not being a traitor, no that came later. A much deserved later. 'Bring them and I will destroy you traitor.' I was fine with being predictable, I was not fine with being made as a skape goat. ‘Millie come to me.’ I commanded her. She clawed at his face and tried to break free but he quickly caught her in a choke lock. ‘Unless you bring Sol here in an hour I will break her neck.’ He shouted at me as Gabe picked up my buckling body and carried me back.
The forest no longer seemed calm but in disarray. The poor small beasts living within cried out, many being hunted at once. We truly were under attack. And it was all my fault. I needed this stupid thing out of my arm now. I scratched at my arm again and again so deep it began to bleed heavily on Gabe’s shit. Dustin gently took my hand ‘Dan will get it out and search for anything else on your person’ He told me reassuringly, though he did not let go of my hand.
As soon as we entered the house exploded with sound. ‘Damn did she find out he was tracking them and attack him?’ Asked what I assumed was Daniel he smelt like owl not dragon. I didn’t respond I was too struck on Liam he was busy scanning my brain for what happened.
Slow down your making me dizzy! I complained quietly as he sped through my memory without my permission.
Right, yes sorry. Tell me what happened.
We met my farther, he has Millie. He wants Sol for her, if we don’t hell kill her. He’s brining all the counties wolves here. I have a tracker in my arm maybe I don’t know. They found us Liam. They found me. My-my mother she help-ped a dragon they-they thought I would too. He-he killed her. This is all my fault.
Tears threatened to stream down my face in an endless heap. ‘Hey shh it’ll be okay – we dragons are made of solid stuff. Aid, T, Caleb go see if you can find Carter he shouldn’t be out there alone right now. Levi, Dustin go find Leo and Jesse now! Take them to Caiden’s room it’s got reinforced windows – more secure. Yhea her room is best. Doc – err Dan see if you can get that fucking thing out of her. Scan some shit see if there’s anything else. And Caiden calm down you sound like you’ve ran a marathon.’ I laughed nervously as Doc – I mean Dan took me down into his lair.
I led on some cold bed like thing as he asked me to take off any metal I had on me. That meant my rings and neckless. ‘I’m sorry but I have to check each isn’t some kind of recording devise. I promise you’ll get each one back after I’ve tested them.’ I nodded and led down on the bed. My auburn hair flew into my face as I lay their fidgeting. Not red – brown or blond but a little of all. He ran this metal detector thing all over my body and stopped on my right arm. There it beeped frantically. Once again I freaked out.
I sat up almost screaming – knocking Doc flat on his arse, knocking his head on the floor his glasses fell free of his skinny, freckled – red haired self. I scratched at my arm blood once again spew out. The perfectly white medical bed didn’t stay all that white for long. The pain was unforgettable but I pulled this little chip like object from my arm. I was not as good at hiding my thoughts as I had once thought. I almost fainted looking at the pill shaped object. It was small and clear. My denunciation – I had been publically accused and I had been the only one unknowing. The condemned.
A little while later Aiden ran in with some of the others but I couldn’t force myself to let go of the demeaning object. ‘Hey, what are you doing Caiden.’ He slowly approached me knowing my wolf was so close to the breaking point. I closed my eyes but that made it worse. I looked right at the new comer and growled. He wasn’t Dragon or Wolf no. He was Feline.
I shook my head and stood up slowly handing the chip to Doc. ‘I-I she’s fine now.’ I told him ignoring the question. He accepted that as an answer anyway and approached me slowly, I held out my arm as he inspected the gouges on them. They weren’t all that deep but long and jagged. ‘They won’t need stitching.’ I told him standing and applying my own bandage barely paying attention.
Leo are you okay sweetie?
Yes mommy – me and Jesse are playing in your room with Dustin he said you went on the outside.
Did you have a nice run?
I could see my room from his eyes, they were reading a book but he was paying little attention. I growled at Carter as he took a step into the room – I smelt the air around him move closer. I continued looking around my room – not paying attention to the danger I could be in. Carter kept moving forward until he was right in front of me. I tilted my head to the side growling louder, a warning.
Yes baby it was good fun but mummy’s old family found us again okay. So we need to be extra safe and stay inside I will come and find you soon sweetie.
‘Who is she speaking to Alpha?’ Asked Carter, he was directly in front of me, I took a step forward and snapped my teeth in warning. ‘No do you need me to inform him of you immediate danger?’ I asked finally finished bandaging, it wasn’t all that bad and my wrist had healed completely after eating – let alone shifting. He chuckled it sounded more like he was purring, at cat really? I silently chuckled to myself.
He’s no kitten, careful footing now Cher.
Hey – mind reading!
Hide your thoughts if you don’t want them read. I am not the only one with ‘gifts’ around here.
Oh do spill all-knowing Alpha.
Now where’s the fun in cheating.
The French are stupid.
So are those who make assumptions.
Oh are you not French?
Of course I am, stupid.
You’re mean.
I’m an Alpha there’s a difference.
There is, your just mean.
‘Couldn’t you find a more manly word then mean? Carter back down – all girls smell like that.’ A few smirks were quickly hidden. ‘No, only manly men wouldn’t request to be given manly names.’ I told him laughing, he responded only with an eye role. ‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.’ He muttered. ‘Highest form of humour though.’ I retorted quickly.
Chapter 10
‘Nice distraction now let’s get down to it. We’re not really going to trade bitch tits down there for Barbie doll are we?’ Asked Carter abruptly. ‘It’s up to you Caiden, they are your pack, no?’ He asked. ‘Millie is, but if we let him go he gets away with beating an Alpha in my books that’s unacceptable.’ I told him. ‘Oh so if it was a normal wolf it would be fine....’ Muttered Carter annoyed. ‘Course not, then I’d allow him to ask forgiveness. The wolf who was attacked may inflict the same amount of pain on the attacker or he may choose to leave branded.’ I said, looking Carter in his startling yellow eyes.
They flashed before turning back to a honey brown colour that went with his naturally pale skin, he had a hint of a Scottish accent and chocolate brown hair. The veins stood out on his skin as he clenched and unclenched his hands. A single wooden stretcher (small, the size of a pea) stood out on his left ear. His stubble was a few days old, even I had to admit he was hot – but was a total jack arse.
If you’re reading my mind imma bite you.
I wasn’t but now I’m curious.
‘What if we let all the wolves go?’ I asked curious.
‘You what? Really – let the man eater go? Seriously?’ Carter asked sickened.
‘Do you know what we do with man-eaters as you so nicely put it? We chase them as a whole pack and tear them to pieces. It’s a matter of serious security if we find them. If we let them go there will be havoc, we call them omegas or deserters. It is the biggest insult to eat a human because we are human half the time. That’s like killing one of the queen’s swans – there defenceless to a point. If we let them go, they will give chase; theirs three of them I’m guessing ten minutes tops.’ I told them curious as to their answer.
‘And who will go then lass, you?’ He snorted. ‘Are you stupid?’ I asked generally interested. ‘I’m pretty sure they know my scent, but’ I turned around to Gabe well what I thought was him – Rex pointed me in the right direction. ‘Do I have a serious need for glasses or can you literally disappear and reappear? And your scent – I didn’t smell it once I stopped because I smelt Millie.’ I asked. ‘Naw it’s a ‘gift’ of mine. My dragon form is kinda’ like completely see-through, unless I’m tired or hurt then it’s a weird whitish colour – I’m the only one who can fly in the day’ He told me grinning cockily. ‘Ugh he’s not gonna stop boasting for a week!’ Complained Aiden good naturally. ‘Shut up freak.’ Carter growled, I ground out ‘Take your own advice cat’ my growl was surprisingly loud considering I was a right midget wolf.
‘Just who do you think you’re talking too?’ Carter purred dangerously, his eyes flashed yellow and alternated between gold and the dangerously glowing yellow. ‘Will you two just fuck and get it over with!’ Gabe retorted with a wink at me. ‘Ooh is the tension getting to you too’ Rex retorted with a smirk. Liam stared at both of them until he was sure they had shut up and then turned to me ‘If you two do need a moment we can...’ I gave him such a glare that he stopped mid-sentence, grinning (with stupid dimples) to himself he continued. ‘Right then, Gabe you certain of this?’ He asked toning down his cheeky smile, the left canine tooth was pointed whilst the right was not. For some reason I found it really cute. He should take his stupid non shaved face and…
Stop fantasying about me, I’m trying to concentrate.
First Carter now you, what do you take me for? We mate for life. Life that means no more mates for me, don’t tease me Liam.
Seriously that is bullshit, hardly anyone ever finds there mate.
Wolves do. We always do, now I will be alone.
How do you think humans find love?
I think humans cheat, contract sexual diseases – unplanned pregnancies. Humans are messy. Wolves look after their young, we mate for life. What don’t you understand about that?
I think as soon as your Beta is dead you will find yourself a new mate.
I highly doubt I will ever fall in love after this.
I am mentally rolling my eyes at your incompetence.
Great, I’m glad my life is a comedy for you.
Hey, I’m sorry.
Stop arguing with me, you’re wrong.
I have boobs I win.
Erm I have them too.
Yhea but mine are better. Cause like I’m female.
I have pecks. Mine bounce.
Mine are bouncier.
‘I think she needs a room with herself.’ Liam mutter to no one in particular. ‘You are female shit I didn’t realise sorry.’ I mock whispered back. 'You’re so funny' He told me deadpan. 'Phaa I know I need to hide my humour where no one can touch it. Liam can I borrow your pants.' I asked with a little laugh. Erupts of laughter were quickly silenced by Liam’s glare - even carter laughed a little.
Left, right and down the corridor.
Liam’s voice was commanding in my minds ears, I had walked into the room and freed them all but Sol. He stood there watching me with a smirk on his face. His arms crossed over his chest. 'Aren’t we going to free master Solomon Ma’am?' One of the scruffier wolves, she was barely covered in clothes and that, that was covering her was blood riddles. I shook my head and tried the key I knew wouldn't work. I rattled the cage and head Carter coming down the stairs - We scattered I knew they would.
We sprinted to the end of the room into a corridor, turning left at the first opportunity. It felt like hours until we turned right. The plush carpet stuck to my feet and annoyed me. Finally I could see the small window, this I didn't have a key for. I ran full speed; jumping straight through the glass I shifted. The glass broke easily, though I did cut my torso. I ignored the scratch easily.
Good, Carter is waiting outside for you. Rex is in place. He said if you get lost find him in the white grass – we have a stock of clothes out there just in case. (Liam)
Was it me or was he laughing?
I don’t know I don’t do human – that’s you remember (my wolf)
I will see you soon Lucero, this I promise.
He didn't reply, Leo was asleep but I meant it even more. I could almost feel his cool breath on my shoulder. I took a deep breath before howling, we ran into the forest. As soon as we were in I could smell my brethren, I could almost feel their combined reaction to our entrance. I rubbed up against the only other female wolf – the one who asked about ‘Master Solomon’. I masked myself in all of their scents, even if I did have to get way to close to human blood for my liking. The wolves surrounding me started copying my howl, we were ‘free’ but I knew that each and every one of us could most certainly die today.
The answering howl was insanely loud, threatening yet oddly welcoming. It was like a sirens call, this was too dangerous for me. I need out. Now! I took such a deep breath I was scared that I’d suck on floor dust through my nostrils or something. That or my lungs would burst. I growled a warning to the man eaters around me but they bolted towards the howls. My father was at the front of the twenty so wolves running right at us. He took one sniff of the woman who ran up to him, pushing her face against hers and went to snap her neck. He only succeeded in injuring her before she bolted behind him. The opposite direction to me, the other two split off to the left which was fine with me I sprinted off to the right I couldn’t lead them back to the house. Under two minutes later I heard her wolfs screams, I have never heard anything as horrible. It was a blood curdling, ear popping, and tear jerking scream. Even more horrific, was that it was quickly masked.
The only sound that reached my ears was that of my assailants. Their heavy breathing was right on my heals, following my every footfall.
Could we run faster?
Maybe, I’m not sure but they won’t be able to keep up long.
True we’ve out ran them before.
I put on more speed, the trees were hard to see in the darkness but I easily avoided most. Even if it was only by seconds. I saw a flash of white fur right beside me in the underbrush, I ran faster. I saw a water source a little ahead of me and jumped in to wash myself free of scent, I leaped onto the other side and ran into some long white-ish grass. My legs felt wobbly but I knew I needed to run faster. I growled at my own self-pitying – I shouldn’t be moaning about wobbly legs I could die at any second. I was dragged down from behind I was so busy talking to myself I hadn’t heard them. I humongous white lion stood above me. I growled softly and butted my head on his shoulder as if to say get off please.
He shook his head awkwardly and nodded to his white paw which blended in the long whitish grass, then nodded to my paw. It was kind of a very noticeable auburn, crossed with almost orange, red and brown. I nodded and grimaced at the cut on my side, he looked closely at it and made a disgusted sound at the back of his throat. He bent his head forward and began to painfully clean and rid it of glass. I have to say, yes it is odd to have a full grown – white lion lick your side clean but what do I know. And a white one at that. Did I mention he’s white? Like main and all, normally you hear of white tigers not lions.
I shifted back to human when he was done, my clothes were a little torn, wet, mud and blood filled but they were decent. ‘Heavy’ I panted quietly, he quickly shifted his weight off of me handing me a pair of cargo shorts from a near rock in the grass. ‘I’m changed?’ I whispered, he just shot me a glare until I turned around saying ahh. There was a ripping and popping sound and then he was led their looking a little exhausted, he led still panting for a minuet eyes clothes. ‘Hey when was the last time you ate?’ I asked in a whisper, he shrugged painfully and moved his legs (not that I was looking) I handed him his cargo shorts before tiptoeing away.
I shifted easily and went in search of some food, I quickly found an apple tree. A few minutes away from the grass. I climbed it quickly and began picking apples, I didn’t really have time to check for nastiness. I was soon stopped by voices, ‘Yes boss, no I’m heading over there now – Luke said he saw something white moving in the grass, yhea maybe it was just his imagination… Radio silence, yes. Yes good… okay goodbye good luck Jase, have a good day Jase. Ungrateful jackass.’ He muttered as my farther hung up half way through their conversation.
‘Hey Jase’ I whispered, he closer to the tree looking confused. ‘Huh?’ He whispered as he found nothing, I jumped down behind him punching out just below the skull. I dragged him into the long grass and held the apples, I had dropped, in my tee-shirt – holding them up with the bottom of my tee-shirt. ‘Hey carter?’ I whispered worried. ‘Yhea?’ He muttered back annoyed, he had the shorts on now but didn’t look like he wanted to move. ‘Come on a guys coming this way, get up. Where else can we go that’s safe?’ I asked, he stood up slowly and walked over to where I stood dragging the man over. ‘Thought you said he was coming over?’ He asked half grinning. ‘He is I just happen to be dragging him, I was afraid you’d never get up.’ I whispered a little worried. He nodded and hid the guy in some thick grass. 'Come on I know an abandoned cave not too far.' He told me smiling. 'Of course it’s abandoned.' I muttered. 'Why?' He asked with a confused look. 'Cavemen aren’t alive, no one lives in caves anymore I hear they block Wifi.' I said with a quiet giggle. He put his hand over my mouth to quiet me and listened to the forest.
Scared I looked straight into his beautiful, tired eyes. He shook his head and took my wrist in his hand, not wanting but having to touch me. Gently pulling me into a direction, I couldn’t see anything anymore. We must have walked for about an hour in the pitch black. ‘You know this land stupidly well.’ He hushed me with a look and continued forward, suddenly he let go of my wrist and I was left stumbling forward I knocked into his back and he turned back to glare at me. I held the back of his cargo jeans, his lower back was cool. He must be cold. He pulled across some crawler vines. It covered a little hole in a tree. I climbed through into a rocky surface, the air was slightly stale but okay. It was freezing though.
I sat down on the freezing ground, Carter dragged something into the cave. It made a low scuffing sound as it made its way across. ‘You just gonna sit there?’ He asked sounding amused. ‘Yep, want an apple?’ I asked. He came into my eye line, he was dragging a dusty bed spread over. ‘There’s only two blankets – If were ever stuck out here the guys either light a fire or shift there warmer that way. Neither of us is all that well dressed though. But if you don’t mind we can share.’ He sounded a little uncertain like he didn’t really want to but knew it was practical. I nodded before saying ‘yhea more practical I get it.’ He started to speak again before giving up, he led one of the blankets down and then the other over it, before lying down himself. ‘What are you doing?’ He asked after I had sat still for what felt like hours. ‘Thinking about my mother.’ I said, my dad had said something today that made perfect sense it made me just want to cry and never get up again. I shivered so hard, my mind was a barren waste land – I was freezing and my arse was numb. I stood up and slowly walked over to where he was lying.
‘Want to talk about it?’ He asked as I led down next to him, I rolled on my side looking at his relaxed state. He led with his arm under his head though he still looked cold. I shook my head but nodded after, I shrugged and sighed. ‘I-I don’t know. S-she saved someone a shifter, so she wasn’t a bad person but she left me. She knew he was a drunk, why did she leave?’ I asked sounding like an 8 year old instead of 18.
‘Why don’t you start at the beginning?’ He asked looking a little confused, I moved closer but lay on my back not wanting to look in his face. Sighing I began my tale. ‘It all started during a lovely day. The sun shone so brightly, I was only a little younger then I am now. I was playing the piano, my parents were doing a gross kissy scene. I believe he loved her once, my mother I mean before all this. They danced together, shadows rapping around one another like ying and yang. My music didn’t seem to even convey half of their love. I played with all my might but I would never be able to play what they felt there and then, right in that single most perfect moment. My brother came into the room smiling but blood spilt from his nose, soiling his clean white shirt. He was so small and precious. Moments later the pack doctor was here, they did so many scans but it was clear what it was. Only one thing can affect us. Cancer. He had mere months to live. His whole lungs were saturated with cancer cells.
My mother was so distraught, my farther didn’t believe it. He turned to drinking, so heavily I was sure he was going to get kidney cancer or something. Unfortunately he didn’t, no instead my mother tried to kill herself. Over and over again she opened her veins, she swallowed tablets, so many times I made her spit them up. I felt like I was the only one who could walk her off the edge of the cliffs edge, I was called from school so much – everyone was surprised I passed. A month later I thought she was getting, she even listened to me when I spoke, she actually communicated with people. She began cooking and cleaning, she started to go on patrols.
I thought she was getting better I was wrong. She killed herself. Or so I thought. I was lying in bed dreaming about what my life could have been, dreaming instead of looking after her. It’s all my fault. She was helping other shifters my father had caught, he found out and had her murdered. My father was driven so mad on grief he took it out on me, I thought it was all me. It wasn’t, he was just guilty he murdered her. I always thought my farther didn’t know me, guess I am a traitor after all.’ Tears dripped down my face, I hated this world it’s so broken and cruel. I laid with my head parallel to Carters chest listening to his breathing, wondering what I could do to help Leo, to help Millie, to help my Em and Ed. To help the shifters who took me in, I felt like every second I was here I was putting everyone in danger.
‘You aren’t the one murdering your own kind, you didn’t murder humans none of this is your fault, what you’ve just explained is a very sad and tragic story but you no longer live in that story any more, you have Leo. You have your friend to look after. What did you used to dream about?’ His voice was a comforting rumble under my ear, a nice calming sound. He was so warm and comfy to lie on. ‘I dream of dancing. Like every time I pick up a guitar or play on the piano I just visualise how I could dance. Not some of that crap half dance they call twerking but like real dancing, sometimes I dream of running or ice-skating it depends on the song I guess. What do you dream about?’ I asked smiling a little. ‘Well I love playing my guitar but can’t say I’ve ever mentally ice-skated whilst playing. I think I’m doing it wrong.’ He told me laughing.
I shoved his stomach, ‘No fare man I told you that in confidence, you have to tell me now.’ I made my eyes wide and pouted my lip. ‘Stop pulling puppy faces at me you’re a wolf. And you’re not going to be able to hold your eyes open for long you’ll get something in them.’ I led there staring at him for like two full minutes before he caved in. ‘Fine I’ll tell you.’ He told me grinning as I swiped at my eyes. ‘I dream of home. I never knew my parents, I grew up in foster care. I didn’t know I was a shifter until I had a run in with Caleb. He was beating on some small kid so I put him in his face I got so angry, Liam dragged me into the forest seconds before I shifted. It was scary close to like world’s biggest secret blown.’ He said laughing, he had a nice laugh it was merry yet the first time I had heard it, and I felt like I wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.
‘Have you had any close calls?’ He asked me smiling a real smile. ‘Course plenty, gym locker, playground some kid pulled my hair, mother shouting at me, my father’s beati…Erm beatboxing he’s so bad.’ I lied, It was such a weak I lie. He waited until I said it. ‘I nearly changed a dozen times when he began beating me but I got used to it I guess.’ I said instead, he nodded his appreciation ‘Didn’t anyone realise what he was doing?’ He asked curious. ‘Probably most of them were in on it. But yes, his betas. Em and Ed If I didn’t pick up after five minutes of going home he would come around. He would check how close he was to passing out, once he hit a certain beer point he was fine but before or after was rocky territory. Normally he was alright but there was off days where he would beat me sometimes he got people to watch. Punishment he said, liars deserve it. I was his daughter I must know discipline. Lucas would carry me to his house after the five minutes of calling – by then I could barely walk. Em I mean Rosalie was really good with healing though it was her gift.’ I said smiling lightly at the thought of my extra parents. ‘Ed? Em?’ He asked with a small smile. ‘Extra mom and Extra dad’ I said with a small giggle. ‘You should laugh more’ He whispered barely above a breath.
‘Where’s Doc my head hurts?’ I whisper-giggled. ‘Back at the house sweetie come on, it’s this way but were playing a game so you need to be quiet.’ He put his finger to his lips and smiled his crooked little single fanged smile. It was cute I smiled back.
Where are we?
We’re going home.
Are you my mate, because this doesn’t smell like home? Home is full of pain. I don’t want to go home.
No my home, your home too now, Leo your little baby is there.
Who is the farther? Are you the daddy of my puppy?
Hes a dragon not a puppy Mon Cher
Are you French, French accents are stupid.
Phaha yep you’ve told me that before.
There only stupid because there stupidly romantic.
I walked in a wobbly straight line until we reached a bunch of white grass. ‘Right climb on’ the strange man whispered. ‘On what?’ I asked confused I turned and looked for a tree but there was none. ‘Carter.’ The strange man whispered angrily. I was man handled from behind for the nice man from in the cage? No it was a cave I think. Though I’ve been in many cages, maybe daddy put us in a cage again. I felt the man move and shift into something new. I felt his sides, he felt scaly instead of fury. His scales a midnight black blended so well into the night air. I led down on his back, already warm from his scaly side. He was massive even bigger than dad’s wolf, which was very big. We flew swiftly though the night air, the breeze flew through my hair, tangling and untangling it easily. I let my arms fly out either side, I felt really dizzy and more memory hit me fast like a train. Someone told me to hold on but it was already too late I was falling.
I opened my eyes and we were inside now, what happened to the night air. ‘Hahaha did they have to clean up my blood in the end? I remember the lashes. Thirty of em... They hurt. Millie why did he whip me.’ My head felt heavy, as I rolled my head around the pillow I looked at those crowded around me.
‘What’s wrong with her?’ Millie cried out to the stranger, this time there was many of them surrounding me. A pair of grey eyed twins who smiled softly. A guy with a blue Mohawk and a guy who looked like his big brother – his hair was short and black – longer on top. He sat smoking at the end of my bed. They both had their noses and lips pierced. A matching tattoo of a birds flying on their necks. Other than that there was two guys with brown hair, one with a single canine and the other with golden eyes.
‘Carter messed with her emotions she reliving everything slowly.’
‘Do you think they like my blood Millie is that why they hitting me? Why? Millie why?’ My back and arms burned with the pain of the lashes, where was the blood where was it? I shouted hysterically. Millie bent forward and slapped me hard across the face. ‘Calm the fuck down!’ She half shouted gabbing my hand a kneeling by my side. ‘Millie I feel it, each and every one. I can count them, they burn. I can feel the blood as it drips down my back. I remember when I brought the silver knife why did you stop me Millie?’
‘Remember we promised to find you your mate; I read recently about second mates. Some people are destined to have more than one mate, I bet the moon goddess was wrong. I know she has a mate for you.’ She whispered. ‘I can’t Millie, no more they all hurt.’ I whispered back tears leaking down my face. ‘No one’s whipping you anymore that was months ago.’ She looked right into my eyes seeing someone crazy, someone deluded. ‘No, I can’t love anyone else. I hurts too much, there’s no more room. My heart doesn’t work. It’s telling me no more.’ I couldn’t feel them anymore somehow that was worse, at least before I could expect what was next I didn’t know now. The crooked one knelt by my pillow, he was still higher than me. ‘I want all of you out now please. OUT!’ He shouted when no one moved. I didn’t flinch I could almost see it before it happened.
‘I want you to move your toes and your fingers. You feel the pain in your side that’s real. Nothing else, trust nothing but only that you can see.’ He whispered pushing my hair from my face. 'They've stopped now, why do I still hurt? Did you drop me?' I asked with a little giggle. I could hardly move, but I tensed my fists and feet seeing if they were real. 'No, you kinda fell but well it wasn’t too far down. A tree broke your fall.' He said with a little smile. 'Where will you sleep?' I asked a little confused, I moved up in the bed and patted beside me. He rapped me in his arms and I fell asleep there.
'Liam? Why are we here?' Oh he was asleep.
Sleeping shh!
Yhea? - He yawned mentally, which was weird to watch.
Why are you in a dinosaur onesie?
Oh I think It’s one I wore as a kid. Oh that’s cool!
No its not, still why are we here?
Ahh you had the kiss of death off of Carter. He's kind of an empath. Only thing is he hasn’t figured out the whole back fire thing yet?
Right wait we kissed? You sure it wasn't my wolf she kissed Aiden yesterday.
Nope that was all you.
Well I bet his face was a picture.
Well I'm pretty sure he’s gay.
Oh really that’s cool
Oh shit this is hard, please don’t tell anyone. This whole Secrets in your mind thing is tough. I’ve never met another telepath before.
Really all of our Alphas are Telepaths
I've never met an Alpha before.
Its okay, I guess I’ve got some tricks to teach you – not just yet though this is too much fun. Oh. Oh Millie’s coming - wake up now.
I am awake?
Then why are you still in your dinosaur onesie?
‘Ahh’ Liam muttered half asleep. ‘I had the weirdest dream...’ He muttered to no one in particular. He rolled over and tried to use my shoulder as a pillow before I flicked his ear. ‘Pillows don’t move. Go away.’ He muttered still half asleep. ‘Okay’ I pushed him off of my shoulder and he fell on the floor. ‘Ow. Okay maybe I deserved… It wasn’t a dream Awh man not the dino onesies thanks mom.’ He muttered just as Millie walked into the room eyebrows raised.
‘Ugh was I slap happy?’ I asked already knowing I was. ‘Well I did slap you!’ she retorted sitting at the end of the bed as Liam sat beside me silently watching. ‘What, you bitch you didn’t!’ I laughed at the thought of it. ‘I fucking did, babe you didn’t tell me half of the stuff he’s done to you! Why did I have to beat it out of you?’ She started to laugh but couldn’t quite manage it. ‘You didn’t beat me’ no one would ever beat me again. ‘Shut up and answer’ she retorted angrily. ‘I am an alpha not a puppy, I don’t need to be treated like one.’ I growled her annoyed. ‘No your my Alpha alright, my best friend first so put your teeth back in and spill.’ She replied softly. ‘Alright, I wanted you to think it was getting better, I mean my mom got a little better right? It wasn’t so bad, you were happier.’ She smiled as tears reached her eyes. ‘You’re and idiot.’ She told me as she reached over to hug me. ‘You the idiot. Beta’ I told her grinning excitedly.
‘What no really!?’ She asked surprise apparent on her face. ‘Well you see Sol’s kind of on holiday and never coming back so yes I need my Beta.’ She squealed and hugged me tighter. ‘Right first step of Beta duty is telling you, you reek and your energy is killing my head go work out already.’ She told me pointing at my slightly bouncy self. ‘Do I smell?’ I asked Liam, who suddenly feigned interest in the window. ‘I knew I pushed you out of bed for a reason.’ I muttered before standing up. ‘Do you have a training room?’ I asked already jumping up and down on the spot. ‘Yhea I’ll take you.’ He stood up too and faked holding his nose, or maybe I did stink. ‘Ohh I’ll go grab you some honey need to ‘drink mii blood?’ She asked in her stupid Dracula impression. ‘Naa honey will do it. If you can’t fight with a bruise..?’ I didn’t finish she was already walking out of the room muttering ‘You can’t fight at all.’
Liam silently took me around weird corners and obscene staircases. ‘It’s the full moon soon.’ He mentioned casually. ‘I can feel it, it starts tomorrow.’ I agreed eagerly. ‘Really I thought it only lasted a day?’ He turned back to look at me confused. I shook my head, ‘No, the moon will stay high in the sky for three whole days. During that time the day becomes less and less. The night time takes over as do our wolves.’ I replied, my eyes scanning the corridors cream carpets and red walls – white ceiling. Nothing seemed out of place – who cleaned it?
‘Would it be a good idea to attack then?’ He asked me looking thoughtful. ‘It depends, on a full moon I guess we can be compared to a woman lifting a car to save her baby. Did you know the baby on bored sigh isn’t to stop people from rear-ending you but to tell the firefighters to check the back seat first.’ I told him proud of myself for remembering the fact. ‘I understand they’ll be hormonal but is it a good idea?’ He asked.
‘Firstly it depends on the time of day – I would suggest checking we are in human form before attacking they will be drowsy. Perhaps the third day. But you then run the risk of there being more wolves there. But if you attack on the first day they will still have energy and may even attack back, you could end up with hundreds of wolves sitting in your front room I’m afraid.’ I replied honestly. He stood silent for a moment before opening the door. ‘Thankyou for being straight with me Caiden you could have saved many lives here. I will discuss this with the rest of the men before making any more plans.’ He allowed me to pass him without another word. I nodded my thanks.
Jesse and Dustin were already in the ‘workout room’. It wasn’t quite a gym. I mean what gym has a boxing ring manning the middle of the room. Around the outside stood weight machines, treadmills – weights, skipping ropes and a dusty beaten looking punching bag. ‘Dustin, Dustin, Dustin!’ I called out running over to him. ‘Sup?’ He asked pushing his purple blue hair away from his face, it was currently down instead of filled with jell. ‘Fightme, Fightme, fight me please.’ I asked jumping up and down on the spot. He looked at my bouncing state and laughed like I was a maniac.
‘Calm down full moons tomorrow not today!’ Millie shouted to me across the room. She threw me the honey – it was in a little bare bottle. It was so cute I didn’t want to squeeze it to get all the honey out. I pulled a sad face before popping off the lid and squeezing some of the bottles yumminess into my mouth. I swallowed greedily, loving the thick smooth texture of the liquid on my tong. It worked almost half as well as packs blood did. I felt sorry for lone wolves. ‘Thankyou baby bare!’ I called kissing the bares head. I threw the bottle back at Millie but she wasn’t paying attention she was in deep conversation with Gabe. Just as she laughed at something he said the bottle hit her in the side of the head. I laughed and then ran over apologising a million time a minuet. She just laughed and rubbed her head ‘Jeez woman what have you taken today it looks like fun – I want some.’ She told me as I embraced her for the third time that second.
‘Jeez get off me and get in the ring already!’ She called grinning at me. I sprinted over to the cage and jumped a couple feet in the air, landing squarely on the cages outter shell. I climbed it easily until I reached the top. Where I quickly jumped down with a loud bang. ‘What is with her?’ I heard Jesse ask Liam. ‘Alphas blood is much stronger than an average wolfs, there like a really old blood line. They feel the pull before many others. It’s a major down fall for most. Though she seems to only be a little hyper right now – I personally don’t want to be anywhere near her during the full moon. The Alphas that I’ve met only go crazy the night before the full moon not a full day. She has good blood – we ought to be cautious.’ Suddenly I didn’t want to know about how fascinating my blood was, I just wanted to get rid of some energy and quickly.
I jumped up and down bending my neck left and right. Shaking out my arms as I did so. I put my right leg in front of me and leaned until my arms were straight ahead of me. I then did the same to the left side. I placed my leg on the cage around hip length and easily touched my toes with either had. I repeated the process with my other leg. I then walked a few steps away from the cage and lifted my right knee up, I twisted my upper body away from the leg and heard my spine click. I quickly did this with my left knee before stretching my arms.
Across my chest and behind my back. Dustin threw me some grappling gloves whilst he wore only a wrap around his hands. I threw the fingerless gloves down knowing I didn’t need them. During the three months I was I had trained to fight every day. I took classes, I even bought my own punching bag. For the first month training was all I did. Between feeding, bathing and putting Leo to sleep. By the second month I enrolled us in self-defence classes. He looked around three instead of just under one. I had found a place that had classes – running at the same time – for parents and their children. It was filled mostly with single parents and the room next door with their children.
It was a nice place. We stayed there for a couple of weeks before I got jumpy. After that we only stayed in a town a week at a time. A few days if we could manage it. That’s how we lived for three months, it was hard and scary as hell but we made it. And now standing before Dustin I had never felt more prepared. I hadn't just taken karate or Tae quoin doe but Mixed martial arts, kick boxing and any other class I could get my hands on. I often went to three or four classes a day. Mostly Leo went with me, sometimes I found him a 'playfarm' or something nearby that he could attend for an hour. I knew he was safe, we were for ever in each others heads. I miss that.
I approached Dustin looking squarely into his surprisingly bright eyes. He stood there without a box guard or any kind of protection. As neither did I. I took a step forward, standing tall and holding a loose guard up. I took another step forward, quickly looking down at my arms one across my face – the first fist level with my ear but not touching me at all. For starters I knew I didn’t want my arm to fling back with the force of a blow and hit me in the face. The other arm was much lower and the fist directed in the opposite direction. ‘Sure you don’t want a mouth guard?’ He asked also taking a step forward.
‘Shut up or I’ll make you wish you wore one.’ I growled out. My wolf wanted this fight as much as I did. She knew he was a dragon, a friendly one. But she still really wanted to fight. I was seconds from releasing all my pent up energy. ‘Are you sure this is a good idea? Can she control herself?’ Liam asked Millie sounding uncertain. Just when Carter strolled into the room, he wore a black sleeveless top and dark blue navy shorts. ‘She’s fine she just wants to release energy. I wouldn’t leave him in the cage though. I’m pretty sure you’ll get your ass kicked – sorry bro.’ Dustin shot him a look but left through the door, he obviously trusted his fellow warrior enough. ‘Let me fight her, I can tell when it’s too much. Heck you can be in my head the whole time.’ I howled in reply prowling the cage. ‘Bring it on kitten.’ I purred, a thrill blasting it’s way though me.
Carter jumped onto of the cage making the whole thing shake, he quickly jumped down landing directly in front of me. I lightly spread my feet a little further apart and turned my whole body letting my right arm fly out as I did, it nearly hit his face before he jumped away.
I jumped forward into a roll and landed in front of him hooking my leg around the back of his leg. He picked my whole body up, his mistake. I thought as I shifted into a wolf, I snapped my jaws millimetres from his throat and shifted back to human. ‘Dead’ I whispered as he dropped me to the floor. We walked back and bowed before commencing again.
This time I kicked, reaching around his shoulder height. He grabbed my leg and yanked me forward, I quickly used the momentum to punch his unprotected face. He growled and grabbed my arm with his free hand. This too I used to my advantage, I grabbed his upper shoulder shirt and pulled my body up, kicking him as I did so. He quickly let go and I fell to the ground – In heap I quickly straitened. This time he tried to hit me but I side stepped and threw two punches of my own. He punched through my guard and caught my chin unguarded.
I growled back angry now. ‘Who said this was a good idea?’ Jesse asked sounding a little worried.
An hour later I sat with Doc outside of the cage now, Jesse and Millie were messing around but he clearly had the upper hand. My Beta wolf needed training but she was mine.
‘What’s new doc? ‘I asked grinning flashing my bloody lip.
‘Sprained wrist’ He replied eyeing it slowly.
‘OH that’s a new one’ I replied happily.
‘Possible trapped nerve in the stomach’ He said after he got me to lie down and press the muscles in my stomach, I couldn’t hold my legs up for very long. My legs and stomach visibly shook with the effort.
‘Naa that’s another old one’ I replied, nothing new poked and prodded. He looked at me for a long time scanning my body before landing at my feet.’Erm pretty sure you’ve pulled the main ligament in your foot.’ I grinned at him. ‘Ooh your good – had the doctor check it out about a week ago’
‘What did he say?’ he asked curiously.
‘No to do anything strenuous for six weeks’ he shot me a dark look. ‘What at least I still wear the brace’ He shot me another look. ‘Okay sometimes.’ He shook his head at me ‘Can’t you like break a bone or something that would make my life way easier.’ He told me tutting. ‘Now that would be boring plus a break would fix’s its self almost immediately after shifting forms. Sprains and stuff are just not all that important, the body conserves its energy for some real fixing. This baby stuff is all for you’ I told him proudly, wiggling my toes.
I grabbed the bottle of honey and squeezed more into my mouth. ‘Mmmm’ I moaned drinking the rest of the bottle I even tried to stick my tong in the bears head but it didn’t fit. I pouted at the bottle and stuck my finger in it. Slowly gathering the reminder of the precious yumminess. I sighed and put the bottle down, I could already feel the itchy annoyingness of a heal. I shifted twice - bones growing, breaking and shrinking twice. It was painful but I no longer minded. I led there panting for a little while before sitting up painfully.
You’re so weak you will never find a mate. They will always reject you. The little voice in the back whispered. It was kind of right, how would I ever find another mate? Sol was supposed to be the other half of me, am I expected to believe that my soul is split in to like four different pieces. My wolf, my ugh sol and my new mate. What about myself with every walking day there seems to be less and less of me? Sol was supposed to complete me, he was nothing like me.
But I know now that I can live with that. When Gabe took away all the sadness and pain I was still a person. A slightly insane slap happy person but I know now that I can live with it. I no longer have to be alive just for Leo or my mum. I can be a live for me too.
The energy built up with me. I seemed to vibrate with it. The forest called to be so sweetly. I felt at that very moment that the forest was the only thing that loved me unconditionally. The moon called my name with every single exhale. I could almost feel the wind caress my aching bones. I could almost hear the trees dancing in the moonlight. I rolled my neck feeling the joints crack and pop. I knew no matter how far I run the moon would forever follow me. And that was okay, I craved the moons love. The moons attention, I don’t need a mate. I need freedom.
I threw back my head and howled with glee, I looked over at Millie we both wanted out of this room. We would. And soon. I stalked slowly over to the other side of the room, prowling for the exit. I could feel my farther out there, I could feel sol in here. I needed them both gone. Now. I sprinted from the room, running and running until I could smell the wind.
I could hear the gentle rain as it dropped on to the ground. I could almost see the ground as it dealt with the rains fierce impact. A circle of mud and twigs thrown away from the blow. Again and again, the rain hitting the trees and slowly crawling down their precious – silk soft leaves. I could hear the wild life as they scurried for shelter. The owls ‘wit woo’ and the foxes scuffle after lonely rabbits. Suddenly I was angry, I was supposed to be the one chasing game. I was a wolf after all.
No, we are wolves
Yes we are.
You got that right.
Millie and our wolves all agreed fiercely, I could feel mine passing in my mind. She wanted out. I howled out of the window and all of my pack howled back, it was starting. I saw the moon in the day’s sky, it lay there tantalizingly. Calling to me. Leo walked over to me slowly, making soft pining noises.
‘Sweetie, hey come back this way.’ Liam called softly walking forwards slowly, one step at a time. My human part walked forward but I could feel my animal side rising quickly. I jumped forward putting my hand on his arm. I looked into his eyes terrified. He nodded before pulling me into my room and locking me there, minutes later Millie was thrown in – growling and hysterical. This was going to be a bad three days.
You okay?
Liam? Yhea I think we’re all good now! Is there some where we can go with a little more… well running room?
It would suck to tear where I sleep up!
Well wasn’t that the sweetest thing you’ve said all day. Maybe in the morning – your weakest then right?
No, we are never weak.
Quit your snarling mother.
Leo, you should be sleeping.
How can I, with you prowling around. I coming in with food, try anything and I’ll bite you.
I laughed humourlessly. Only Leo my little lion would have the Kahooners to come in during the full moon. ‘Hey kid.’ Millie called as Leo walked in with sandwiches. At least they were vegetarian I don’t think I can handle processed meat right now. ‘Hey mum.’ He called sheepishly. I smiled and he quickly jumped into my arms, ‘Hey baby.’ I whispered into his hair, forget the sandwiches. I led down with my son in bed and cuddled him until he was asleep.
Can you get Rex in to take Leo? He likes Rex best.
Fine but Gabe is going to so don’t try anything.
I nodded knowing he couldn’t see me, Rex and Gabe knocked on the door minutes later. ‘Can’t you lend her some of your clothes?’ Gabe growled when he saw Millie, she was still wearing her horribly blood stained clothes from earlier. ‘No point, by the time we finish shifting they’ll be ruined anyway.’ I replied sighing. She shrugged not really taking notice, she was staring at Gabe hungrily. ‘Millicent.’ I growled pulling her away. ‘I don’t want to escape.’ She purred trying to wrap her body around Gabe, I rolled my eyes and pinned her to the floor. ‘Go.’ I whispered pushing some of Millie’s hair from her face. ‘Cold shower. Now!’ I ordered her, for once Gabe didn’t disagree with me.
Gabe took a step towards me looking uncertain. ‘You, you?’ He asked looking more than a little hesitant. I nodded noncommittally. ‘Do you think we can win this war?’ He asked honestly intrigued. ‘Ask me tomorrow when I’m exhausted you’ll soon see.’ I muttered already feeling tired. He nodded ‘Thank you.’ He muttered looking a little embarrassed. I smiled softly to myself climbing back into bed, but sleep wouldn’t take me.
Half my evening was spent doing sit ups, burpees, jump squats and plain old push ups. The rest of it I spent in a tired heap on the floor. Eventually I slept, dreaming of running. I was awoken suddenly by Liam, I smelt him before he even touched me. ‘Gabe overheard the rest of the packs are here in a few days.’ He whispered trying not to wake Millie but not wanting to risk mind linking. ‘Could be false information.’ I told him shrugging painfully.
‘That’s true but they wouldn’t expect us to be listening, right?’ He asked. ‘You’re an unknown species, we can hear for miles around when were in wolf form. We have all the abilities of a wolf and more, we know wolves not dragons. It could be false or true. It depends when and where you heard it.’ I replied tiredly. ‘How so?’ He asked intrigued. ‘If it was close to the house it was most likely false info like how people in wars give out fake information maybe for morel or to scare the enemy. If you heard it before or after a change they are hyped, sluggish. Three parts wolf one part human.’ I replied yawning.
‘What do you suggest?’ He asked, hmm. ‘I suggest more than one attack, eyes on them. On the surrounding area and to try and get reinforcements in.’ I replied honestly. ‘When and where?’ He asked.
‘Well maybe start a ‘natural’ forest fire when their wolves see how many scatter pick as many off as you can.’ I told him the first idea that came into my head. ‘Set up different attacks in different areas they will scatter but remember they can all talk to each other, no breaks or halts in relaying information. They can pass information mentally or by the flick and twist of a tail.’ I replied thinking. ‘Or the scrunch of a nose.’ Millie called from in the bed, she even scrunched her nose to prove a point.
‘What do you suggest Beta?’ He asked looking at Millie, like a warrior not the lowly ranked wolf she was. ‘Don’t bother with the Alpha or betta, go for the head commander or lead warrior they will be the biggest. The Bettas are good wolves, the Alpha controls his pack by scaring them. If the head fighters are gone that’s it they should high tail quickly.’ She replied devishly grinning.
Remember there are good wolves out there, but if they fight you first don’t forget to fight dirty.’ I called after his retreating back. ‘When did you come such a knowledgeable Beta?’ I asked rolling over and smiling at her. ‘When did you become such a kick ass Alpha?’ She called in response growing softly.
‘The second I realised my worth.’ I replied smiling softly. She grinned back ‘Wow, that only took you eighteen years!’ She called. ‘What brought this realisation on?’ She asked curiously. ‘When I realised I didn’t need Sol, he led me here. He led me to my Son, maybe that’s all the Moon goddess has in mind for me. Or like Liam thinks maybe it’s just the start.’ I responded deep in thought.
‘So was that before or after he caught you sucking faces with Carter?’ She asked throwing a pillow at me. ‘After.’ I replied giggling and throwing the pillow back. ‘So what was it like, kissing such a hunk?’ She asked rolling to face the ceiling. ‘I can almost see you fantasising about Gabe.’ I called back sweetly. ‘He might just be you know.’ I told her, ‘What?’ She asked rolling back over to look me in the eye, hers shone brightly. ‘Your mate, don’t act like you weren’t thinking it.’ I said giggling again, I couldn’t help it. We’d been searching all our lives for faithful, good warriors. We couldn’t help it we fantasised a little.
‘Screw you and your sonic brain.’ She retorted sighing. ‘You do realise that made no sense at all right. It’s not a really good ear or a screw driver.’ She just stuck her tong out in response. ‘When we’re done here I think I need to talk to Sol.’ I whispered sleepily. ‘Why?’ She murmured back. ‘I need to find out why.’ And then blackness.
I woke up with unbelievable back ache, ‘Ugh, why am I led on the floor!’ I groaned rolling over to face Millie who was drooling on my bed. ‘Hey quit drooling on my bed!’ I shouted my pillow at her head. ‘Hey!’ She called back groggily pushing the well-aimed pillow off of her face. ‘Because some idiotic force made you exercise now shh.’ She called groggily pulling her blanket over her head. ‘Nothin wrong with a bit of exercise.’ I practically sang, but decided it was a bad idea to move.
‘Shall we break into Sol’s cage, I really need to know why.’ I spoke softly, as if not to be overheard. I couldn’t mentally feel Liam, he was out or asleep. Or maybe he just didn’t want me to know he was listening. Hmm. ‘Okay, I kinda need a break from this room anyway. How do you suppose we do this?’ She asked sounding rational. I sighed, ‘Man we need music. Something bond-y. Maybe pink panther.’ I said giggling as I made my way over to the window.
I opened the window a little worried, looking around the small room I smiled. Putting one leg over the white plastic I climbed where the glass normally is. I landed on a window porch, I walked over to the edge and looked down. I held my breath and jumped. It was a long way down. The air rapped itself around me, pulling me to the ground faster.
Battle wounds; it’s a funny word right? It implies war. But you don’t get hurt only by battles, battle wounds can be created by yourself. A knife, a razor a blade. A smile, a tear a word spoken. If I was normal I would have to wear long sleeves, clothes over every scare. I would have wrote my goodbye note with a shaking hand, bleeding out from every cut. A sad child alone, except for all the misery.
The world is contaminated with sins. But I wasn’t scarred, I wasn’t bleeding out. I made it through the night and many more after that. I stood up feeling stronger. ‘Come on’ I whispered to Millie feeling the jolt after I landed. I smiled up at Millie, I knew I had to do this.
I caught hold of Millie and grabbed her hand and ran in the direction of a floor window. Climbing into an empty blue roomed bathroom, I quickly turned the light on. Looking around it was clean and filled with products. I opened the door and stuck my head round the corner. No one was here. Breathing in deeply I quickly caught on to Sol’s scent.
I ran in the direction knowing I no longer needed band aids to feel better, I needed truth. The truth would set me free. Running, air ran through my hair, winding and waving it was free. I quickly came upon the cellar. No one was guarding it, no one needed to.
I had been searching for so long for a place to belong, but now I knew I needed to be accepted for me. I won’t change for the world anymore. I stopped and walked slowly, Sol stood there looking pained. Alone and scared. It was his fault, he deserved this.
‘Sol.’ I called walking confidentially, I walked right up to his cage. I am not afraid.
‘She’s out Liam.’ Dustin called over the phone, he sounded panicked. ‘Well what is she doing?’ I asked, exasperated. ‘Well she jumped out of her window. Ran in through the down stairs bathroom but I lost her.’ He replied sounding confused. ‘Well she’s inside, just go look for her, and were a little busy.’ I called, battle was all I wanted to think about. I could taste it on the tip of my tong. We needed this, no one gets away with eating humans, there weak. No one gets away with beating on the innocent, don’t pick a fight you know the other person will never win. I sighed, ‘Check the cellar.’ I whispered almost to myself, the thing that plagued Caiden most was confusion. She was always searching for the why, why wasn’t she enough? Why did her farther murder her mother? Why couldn’t she be happier, stronger?
I could almost see the clogs in Dustin’s brain working, he shifted back into human form and ran through the house in a haze of panic, but there she stood. Standing close to his cage. Asking him why, fighting for her right as a person. ‘Asking him why, part of her hated the rest of her soul so much.’ The monster in the cage laughed. ‘I will never despise you half as much as you hate yourself. Don’t think we don’t know how weak you are, how you dreamed for escape, for release. How your mate would save you, it was sickening. Guess you finally did the impossible and grew balls.’ He called back looking confident.
She roared, she marched forward and grabbed his chest. ‘I will and forever had more balls then you ever had. Omega.’ She called snarling in his face. ‘Think my farther will keep you now you’ve failed? What after he murdered his own wife, beat his hair? Really Sol I highly doubt it. The moon goddess will judge you, and she will find you guilty. He was right, I will find another mate because you are not worthy.’ In a few minutes she had turned into an Alpha, Dustin felt the power and took a step back. Something was happening in the room.
I felt relieved, for once I felt no expectations. Nothing forcing me to be something I wasn’t. I felt stronger and more in control. I took a step backwards knowing I no longer needed answers. I no longer needed anything from anyone, I was just fine. Someone ding the bell for round two. The relief sent a burst of power, it almost sent me back off of my feet.
‘Freedom is powerful but accepting your destiny is another kind of power all together, you have done well young one.’ A white light seemed to etch its self into every nook and cranny covering the room. I couldn’t see a foot in front of me, let alone the person who was speaking. ‘Who are you?’ I asked softly. ‘Some call me mother of the wolves, others call me an angle or goddess. I believe in your beliefs I am known as the moon goddess.’ Her voice was like the sound a spoon made when contacting a crystal glass. Almost bell like, almost birdlike but different. ‘Why have you come, mother?’ I asked a little confused and worried. ‘To congratulate you Caiden Alpha of one.’ She replied, I could almost see her white smile. Almost. ‘Why ma’am?’ I asked still confused.
‘Because no one before you has accomplished what you have.’ She replied lightly. Yes no one has refused there mate, gone rogue, brought chaos to the dragons, adopted an enemy, gotten people hurt… The list could go on. She sighed, ‘You do not understand, Wolves and Dragons were not put on the earth as enemies. A long time ago they were allies. Against the darker forces.’ Her tone turned dark, ‘I believe the common tong for them now is Vampires, they were destroyed many moons ago. But time forgot, and a new war was waged. You, young defenceless wolf have changed this. I will reward you with another mate, on one condition.’ She called sounding wistful. ‘Thankyou mother.’ I called softly bowing my head. ‘Do not thank me yet child, for dangers are to come. Enemies come in the form of allies and friends can become enemies. Trust none but your instincts.
‘What is it that you wish for me to accomplish?’ I asked a little out of turn. ‘I wish for you to unite the forgotten Allies. For this silly war to be forgotten before it’s too late, I fear a new enemy are rising and you will not defeat them alone.’ I looked up only to fine no one before me, a tear ran down my face. Sol stood before me awestruck, trembling he reached for my hand. ‘Can you do it?’ He whispered. ‘I don’t know.’ I whispered back. The back of my neck burned so fiercely I was afraid it was on fire. I put my hand on the place that burned and felt a circle and two quarter moons facing away from one another. I the middle of the circle seemed to be a tree, was it the tree of life? I thought leaving my fingers there dumb struck.
A laugh filled my ears, Hunting’s over boys. New plan I’m afraid. Liam called sounding only a little disappointed.
Publication Date: 01-12-2015
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