most children live happily with there parents because they were planned and there parent were ready but not me my mum went chasing a different man each night and takes them home then one night it got out of hand and i well became a baby inside her. but she didn't want me as soon as i was born she wrapped me up in cloth and fled to a different country put me in a thorn bush ran away and flew back home shed abandoned me I had no food for three days until a woman was out picking berries and found me but of course i don't remember all this she told me on my sixteenth birthday i was a bit startled at first but then it all started to make sense why i had all of the scars on me why my mother well actully shes not my mother so godmother was so old and why i look a lot diffrent than to what she did so i went to bed that night thinking i have to meet her she must still be alive!
Publication Date: 09-06-2010
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