
First Day back.

Chapter One.


I can feel a sharp pain through my arm. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light, I can see my Husky laying across my arm. Her name is Alia. She is quite small for her breed. She is pure white with a small grey patch covering her left eye and ear. She laid still, quietly. I looked at her with lovingness. She was my dog, my father got her for me when he and my ‘mother’ divorced. She was my company while dad was often at work. He owned a mechanics shop in 5 different towns, meaning we had quite a lot of money. However I find it doesn’t affect me. Like most teenagers my age who are money hungry and always buying brand name clothes, I found myself always shopping in shops who are decently priced. I could turn into a spoilt brat, but I can’t bare when other people who act better than the rest of society. I much rather just use it for emergency reasons.

6:30 am

My alarm continued til I reached to turn it off. I looked back down to see Alia looking at me, I gave her a kiss on the head before sitting up. She hoped off my bed and headed out my door. As I pulled the blankets off me, I heard a person whistling in the kitchen, hoping it was Dad.

I got myself up and walked over to my dresser, I looked into the mirror. I was your average teen, brown hair, green eyes and oval face. I often found people referring to me as beautiful and pretty, I kinda see it. Kinda. I placed a jumper on that was folded on the dresser and headed down stairs. We had a beautiful house, it had 3 bedrooms and mine was the biggest. (I was shocked when this happened.) I skipped my way into the kitchen to see my Dad sitting at the table patting Alia. He was a buff man, short brown hair with green eyes (I get all my looks from Dad, thankfully.) He looked at me with a big grin.

“Sarah May, glad you’re up! I have wonderful news!” He chirped.
“Oh, what is it?” I asked sitting beside him.
“Well, as of this morning I am now the proud owner of a new mechanics shop!” he smiled

Well, now he owns 6 shops.

“That’s great!” I replied trying to sound enthusiastic.
“I know what you’re thinking Sarah, I actually wanted to also tell you I have a business partner. His name is Luke, his moving here from Sydney.” He explained.

If you haven’t already guessed, we live in Australia. We live in Brisbane on the Gold Coast.
“Oh really!” I smiled.

This may mean Dads home more often, hopefully.

“Yes, and his going to be helping me with everything from conferences to phone calls. He’ll actually be moving a few houses down. Along with his wife and two children.” He continued.

Great, I’m probably going to be watching these kids a lot.

“Cool, so does this mean you’re home more often?” I asked softly.

He paused for a moment. Oh no he couldn’t be at work more?

“Actually, I’ll be home a lot more. Luke and I have our own little… system.” He gave a funny expression.

“So by that, I’ll be out for 3 days a week, home for 3 then on the last day we go into the office together. You’ll be pleased to know I’ll be home for your birthday next week Sarah.” He gave a wide smile.

My Dad was the best when it came to my birthday, every year he manages to get me the greatest gift. Last year for my 16th he got me my first car. Not an expensive one though, he got me a Mazda Demio 2003. It’s blue. My favourite colour.

This year I’m hoping he’ll get me a new TV for my room. The current I got is only a small 19” one that my… ‘Mother’ gave to me as my birthday present last year. I guess you’d think that’s nice, but I was with her when she got it, at a garage sale.

My mother lives on the other side of town. Not far away enough. Her and my Dad split about 2 years ago. Just before my 15th birthday. I was happy about it. My mum is a severe alcoholic. She has been since I was 1. She blames Dad, but his never done wrong by her. He practically raised me alone as she was always at the pub.

The final straw was when Dad went to Cairns for a 2 day conference. My mother often, forgot I existed. One night I was dropped off from my friend Maddie’s house by her brother only to walk in and see my mum… screwing another man. My relationship with Dad is strong. Me being so protective, I took a photo and video before running out the door. I stayed at my friend’s house till Dad got back. He kicked mum out the house the moment I showed him the proof.

*bzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzz bzzz*

I looked at Dads phone, he picked it up and walked into another room.

“Alia, here girl.” I whistled.

She walked over and sat next to me. I patted her and seen dad walking back in.

“So, Luke is in town, his asked for some help unpacking. Wanna help?” he asked chirpy.

“Sure, I’ll get changed,” I replied before heading up stairs.

I went into my room and looked at my dresser. Thinking what to wear. I knew it was sunny today. I ended up choosing my Adidas shorts (my trainers for cheer practice) and a singlet. I looked into the mirror to see if it looked alright. OH GEEZ. I have nice sized boobs for my figure as I’m quite skinny. However, I think they’re now even bigger. I chucked my jumper back on. Much better! I put some shoes on and headed down stairs, grabbing my phone off the table I motioned to Dad.

“I’m ready!” I smiled.

He nodded and pointed to my keys. Yeah I get to drive! In one week I get to drive by myself. I’m so excited! We headed out the door, grabbing my keys on the way. We got into my car and Dad pointed to the way. Luke lived 10 houses up. We pulled up and seen the moving truck in the drive way. Dad seen Luke.

“LUKE!” He called.

Luke turned around, he was tall! Most likely 6ft5. He walked over giving my dad a hug. Bro hug I think?

“Hello, you must be the famous Sarah? Alex doesn’t stop talking about you!” Luke smiled.

Alex is my Dads name, well short for Alexander.

“Yes, I am her.” I smiled back.

I then notice a figure behind Luke. The boy looked my age, tall like his dad. Actually they look a lot alike! They both had light blonder hair with blue eyes. The boy was cute!

“Sarah this is my son Mark, his 17.” Luke said pointing to the boy.

“Pleasure to meet you Sarah.” Mark smiled.

Oh his smile was stunning!

“You too Mark.” I smiled.

We headed inside. I then met Luke’s wife Elaine and Marks TWIN sister Abby. Abby looked nothing like Mark, but did look like Elaine. Abby had pitch black hair with brown eyes. Who would have thought they were twins! I helped Abby unpack her room. She was really girly. Not like me. She sat on her bed and looked at me. I was putting her magazines on a shelf.

“Do you go the High School near here?” She asked softly.

“Yep. It’s alright. I mean todays the first day back. Speaking of which are you going today?” I questioned.

“Yep, would you mind coming with us? Mark will be driving.” she replied.

“Sure why not.” I smiled.

I checked my phone. 8:15.

“We better get going!” I smiled walking out the door. Abby followed.

I was in the living room saying good bye to Dad and passing him my keys when Abby walked in with Mark. He grabbed his keys and waited by the front door. He headed out together. Me and Abby had the same school bag but different colours. Mine was blue (not much of a surprise) and hers was pink/purple. I grabbed mine from the back seat of my car and ran over to Marks, jumping into the back seat. Off we went!

Marks P.O.V

I gripped the steering wheel backing out the drive way. Abby begun talking with Sarah. I admired her. She was beautiful. It wasn’t often I found myself attracted to girls. (I’m not gay. I’m just picky with girls.) I had the feeling she was a cheer leader, by the way she talked, but I noticed she was smart. I’ve always found cheerleaders… aren’t so bright.

“So Sarah are you a cheerleader?’ Butting it without thinking. I do that a lot.

“Oh um, yea I am?” She had a curious look on my face.

“I can hear it in the way you walk. You know’ all peppy.“ I smiled.

She gave a little smile. She continued to look at me. Was she checking me out?

“You’re a basketball player.” She said confidently.

Well, that’s true. But how’d she know?

“Yea, I love the game.” I replied amused.

“I can tell by the way you grip the steering wheel.” She smirked.

Wait, I thought I grip it normal? I gave a quick glimpse to Abby, she was staring at me like she wanted to hear my reply.

“I thought I grip it normal?” I questioned raising an eyebrow.

Abby and Sarah let out a laugh. Couldn’t be that funny… could it?

We arrived at the school. I parked in the car park and we all got out. I stood next to Abby. We waked through the gate and up to the office. As we walked in the lady looked up at Sarah with a wide smile.

“Ms. Scott! You’re right on time!” The lady smirked.

She passed Sarah a piece of paper and turned to me and Abby.

“Who may your new friends be?” she asked softly.

“This is Mark and Abby, Mrs Leigh. They’re new here. I volunteer to show them around.” Sarah smiled.

“Last name?” Mrs Leigh asked me.

“Waters-Jay” I smiled.

She passed us our time tables and we headed out the next door. The school was large. It only had 300 students however. The school was only built 3 years ago.

“Can I see your timetables?” Sarah asked turning to me and Abby.

“Sure.” Me and Abby said in sink. That happens a lot.

“Well, Abby we have one class together! English. Mark..” she paused.

“We have all the same classes!” she smiled.

I gave a wide smile grabbing my timetable looking at it. Then I had someone brush past me.

“Watch it new kid.” The voice was low. I looked over to see a boy, shorter than me but fairly built standing next to Sarah. Oh great.

“Mark, this is Dan. Excuse his rudeness.” She snapped her head to Dan.

“Hey, I’m not rude!” he smirked.

“You a-“ Sarah went to speak but he cut her off.

“So listen, I wanted to know if you wanted to catch a movie this weekend?” he chirped confident.

“Um no.” Sarah said with the look of disgust on her face.

She turned to us and pointed a direction to walk. We followed her as she showed us to class.


Sarah’s P.O.V

I was astonished Dan had the guts to ask. He was the school jerk. All of last year he made it his mission to sleep with every cheerleader. He was quite successful. But failed. I didn’t let that.. Idiot near me.

“There’s your class Abby. We’ll meet you back here once class has finished.” I smiled to Abby.

She nodded and gave a short wave and walked in. Me and Mark continued a few classes down before reaching ours. I went in and sat at a desk. There was a seat empty next to me. I look up to see Mark leaving on the table.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked politely.

I felt my cheeks go red. Oh no, I was blushing…

“Uh, no it’s not.” I smiled.

He sat down. Grabbing out a book.


Lunch time.


Me, Abby, Mark sat at a table. We were joined by Kerry, Jane, Kyle and Vern. These were my best friends.

“Guys this is Mark and Abby.” I smiled.

Each said hello to each other. I noticed Mark got along well with the boys. They even told him to try out for the Basketball team. I was surprised as this didn’t happen often! I began talking with the girls.

“Well we all know who will be captain again this year.” Kerry winked to me.

“We don’t know that!” I rolled my eyes.

I was caption last year. We went to regionals but didn’t make it to nationals. We are confident this year, but we’re 2 people down.

“Abby do you cheer?” Jane questioned.

“Yes, but I’m a bit rusty. Our squad got cut last year so I haven’t cheered in just over a year.” Abby frowned.

Jane looked horrified. She was a cheer lover. Also my best performer.

Jane was very skinny, but ate all the time. She was an amazing dance. She had long blonde hair with grey/blue eyes. Kerry was short, but like me and Jane she was skinny. She had bright red hair (she dies it on a monthly basis.) with green eyes. She also had her nose pierced.

“Abby, you should try out for our team” I practically yelled.

She blushed and nodded.


The bell rang.

We headed off to class. We had English all of us girls and the boys. We got assigned to a group task to make your own country. The teacher called out the groups. I was with Mark and Kyle. This will be interesting.

“What should we call our country?” Kyle asked getting ready to write it down.

We talked the entire lesson just about the name of the country. In the end we decided on combining our names into the name.

“Ky-Sa-Rk?” Kyle muttered.

“Kysark. Perfect!” Mark smiled.

*End of the day.*


I waited by the gates for Abby and Mark. I turned around and zipped up my bag before turning back, I only seen Kyle.

“Hey! Abby has left early, Mum took her shopping.” Kyle smiled pointing to get into the car.

We got in and I buckled up.

“So, Kyle said it’s your birthday next week?” He asked softly.

“Yep. I’m thinking of a movie night. Your welcome to come?” I smiled.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” He smirked.

The ride home felt short. He pulled up in my drive way. I sat for a sec before turning to him.

“Wanna hang out for a bit?” I asked.

Oh god. I didn’t think before asking…

“That’d be cool, sure.” He smiled looking at me.

We headed inside. I placed my bag on the table and heard a bark.

“ALIA?” I yelled.

She bolted down the hall way and jumped on me. She seemed so happy to have me home.

“This is my dog Alia. She likes cuddles.” I smiled turning to Mark.

He was already leaning down to pat her, she was all over him. Which was strange as it takes her a bit to warm up to people. But she was so content with him. I couldn’t help but blush a little.

“Are you blushing?” Mark smiled widely.

I snapped back to reality, he continued to look at me waiting my response. I’m so embarrassed.

“Oh, ugh, no…” I mumbled.

He grinned and stood back up. He gestured to the lounge room. I walked in with him, we sat on the couch, fairly close. My heart was racing. What the hell? This never happens!

“So, movie?” he smiled looking at me.

I nodded and looked on the coffee table and picked up the DVDS that were on it.

“Well we got… Fast and Furious, Spiderman or Iron man? The other movies are in my room.” I asked.

“Hmm, what other movies ya got?” he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“We’d have to go look.” I replied.

“That’s okay.” He stood up,

I got up and walked up stairs with him. We went into my room. My room was painted blue, with a brown on suite. I had a queen size bed with a large desk next to it. I sat on the bed and pointed to the long shelf on my desk.

“They’re all there.” I smiled.

I had a lot of movies, about 200 within that one shelf. He sat in the chair and scrolled through. He grabbed one out and read the back.

“Let’s watch this.”

He passed me the movie. He chose Ride Along. I loved this movie, I’ve watched it easily 100 times.

“Could watch it in here?” we spoke at the same time.

I got butterflies, I saw a smile on his face. He looked away from me then slowly made eye contact.

“Ugh, sure.” I blushed.

He gave a smile and sat beside me on the bed. I went over and put the movie on and sat back beside him. The movie began to play.
After about half an hour I looked over to Mark, he was really into the movie. He must have felt me looking at him and he made eye contact.

“Want a drink or anything to eat?” I asked softly. I swear I sounded like a fly.

“Yea I could go for a drink, just water.” He replied smiling.

Ahhh that smile melts me.

I got up and gave a nod. I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Alia was laying in her bed. I heard whistling behind me, it was my Dad, he has a habit of whistling a lot.

“AH Sarah! How was school darling? Also Angela called again. Wanting to speak to you. I told her you were at a friend’s.” He spoke with a happy tune.

Angela is my Mother’s name. She hasn’t called in a while. Normally when she does she’s drunk.

“It was really good. Same old same old. What’d she want now?” I said, emphasising the word she.

Dad gave a shrug then grabbed and apple to eat. I poured to glasses of water.

“Also, Marks over. We’re watching a movie. Is that alright?” I asked nervously.
“I’m fine with that sweetie.” He said walking away. Phewww.

Mark’s P.O.V


I looked over to see Sarah walking back in. She held two glasses of water and had one held out for me. I grabbed it and pretty much skulled it. She was sitting back next to me. God she was hot. I could see her slowly falling asleep. I continued to watch the movie. When it finished I looked over to see Sarah asleep. I grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed and put it over her. I turned the TV off and headed downstairs.

“Oh hello Mark, enjoy the movie?” Amex called from the kitchen.

I ducked around into the kitchen and sat at the table where Alex was.

“Yeah it was good, Sarah fell asleep so I put a blanket over her.” I smiled.

He gave me a wide smile. Gave a nod and looked over Alia.

“I’m needing a favour from you Mark. Me and your father go for a weeklong conference after her birthday. Any chance you could stay here and watch her? I don’t want Angela anywhere near Sarah. She’s already cause to much headaches.” He said concerned.

“That’s fine, more than happy to help. Who’s Angela if you don’t mind me asking?” I asked slowly.

“She’s Sarah’s mother. Not a good person at all. If she finds out I’m not here she’ll come here to get Sarah. I don’t want that and if you’re here, I don’t think she’ll come. I’ve already talked to your parents. They’re fine with it. “He replied while reading the newspaper in front of him.

“It’s no hassles. Sarah is an amazing girl. I’m glad she’s living with you Mr. Scott.” I smiled.

“Call me Alex. I’m thrilled to have her, she’s my baby girl.” He sighed happily.

We talked a little longer before I left to go home. When I arrived home I seen that Mum and Dad were sitting on the porch having a laugh.

“Mark! How was school?” Mum asked excited.

“It was really good!” I replied.

“Abby is inside. We got you some clothes and new pair of, kicks, as you call them.” Mum smirked before getting up and giving me a hug.

“Thanks mum. I appreciate it.” I smiled kissing her cheek.

We all headed inside. Abby was in her room playing some Nikii Minaj crap. I headed up to my room. I walked over to my bed. It was a queen size with a wooden frame. Green covers. Well my room was green. I love green. I looked through the shopping bags on my bed. Mum got me heaps of new shirts and 4 pairs of jeans. The shoes were by far the best part- she got me green Vans. Whoo!

I sat on my bed tossing my basketball in the air. I was thinking about Sarah. Probably more than I should be. It was good to stop thinking about my ex Hannah-Lee. She lives in Sydney. We were together two years almost. I loved her. But I found out not long before the move she had been cheating on me for 5 months. With my… now ex best friend Vince. It hurt a lot. This move was almost best thing that’s happened in the past year. Besides meeting Sarah. Now that has been the best part of my year.



A suite party.








Chapter Two

A suit party.

 8:08 am Friday morning.

I sat at the end of my bed. Looking out my window. It's only four days until my birthday. It was Friday (yea school started on Thursday. Thanks to public holidays and a water pipe bursting!) I watched the tree out my window blow gently in the wind. 


*Knock knock knock*

“Come in!” I yelled.

The door began to open and I saw my Dads smiling face. He came in and sat beside me.

“How was your sleep sweetie?” He asked hugging me tightly.

“It was amazing. Best one in two years.” I gave a slight wink.

Dad smiled and patted my back. He looked sort of sad.

“Are you okay?” I asked concerned.

“Your… Angela rang again. She’s now threatening to take me to court for custody over you. I know she won’t get it but it’s got me a bit down. Since I’ll be away for a week after your birthday. I’m worried she’ll come here. Even with Mark here.”

Wait.. Mark? Why will he be here? Now I’m confused.          

“What do you mean Mark here???” I questioned.

Dad paused and bite his lip. Which only means he wasn’t supposed to tell me that.

“He, uhm. Sarah-“ he paused for a moment. I grew impatient with him.

“Dad, spill.” I groaned.

“I’ve asked Mark to stay here while I’m away. I don’t want Angela rocking up if you’re home alone.” He sighed.

“Dad that’s sweet but you don’t have to do that. I’ll smack her out!” I laughed.

“Hunny, I want you safe.” His voice was low. Almost a bit angry.

I knew he was being his typical protective self. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

“I guess he can stay here then. Just as long as I stay in charge!” I smirked.

Dad smiled before walking towards the door.

“I’m heading to work, love you Sar.” He blew me a kiss and closed the door.

I got up and changed into some skinny jeans and a jumper that read “R.I.P Diet” with cupcakes all over. It was a pretty funny jumper. I also chucked on some blue Vans. I headed downstairs and grabbed my purse, phone and bag. I noticed a sticky note on my purse. It read:


I’ve given you some money for lunch. I also gave you some extra to do some shopping after school.

Love always, Dad. Xx

P.S Mark is picking you up for school.


I gave a smile and opened my purse, he’d put in $200. I shook my head and had a giggle. He always put more than he should in my purse. But it’s the thought that counts. I heard a car tooting out the front. I walked out to see Mark in a 4 door UTE. Abby waved at me. I walked over and jumped in.

“Hey Sarah!” Abby smiled.

“Like my new car? It’s taken me and my Dad a year to fix up.” Mark smiled.

“It really suits you Mark. Ready for school maaaan?” I laughed.

Abby looks back to me and begins to smile.

“Cheer tryouts have been moved up. They’re in the Gym first, second and third lesson.”  I winked to Sarah.

“Oh cool! I’m so nervous!” She sighed.

“You’ll be fine. Should have seen my first try out. I can do all forms of summersaults but I chose to do a cartwheel. WORST IDEA EVER.” My eyes widened.

Mark and Abby burst out in laughter. It was funny than too. What happened was I did a cheer for our school mascot the Cheetah and when I went to do a cartwheel.. I may have gone too far forward and knocked myself into the table. Somehow I made the squad though.

“We’re here!” Abby called.

I looked out the window and noticed we were already at school. Wow that was quick.

I got out and stood by Abby when I had someone grab my shoulder and turn me around.

“Hey Babe.” Dan sang.

I glared at him. How dare he call me babe? I felt like vomiting.

“Don’t ever call me that. Ever’.” I histed.

 Dan laughed. He went to put his arm around my shoulder. I quickly pushed it off and took a step back.

“Dude what’s your problem?” I heard from behind me.

I turned to see Mark glaring at Dan. It kinda made me blush. He looked so angry. This might not turn out well.

“Butt out new kid.” Dan smirked looking at me.

“My name isn’t new kid. It’s Mark. Genius” Mark glared but whispering the last word.

I turned and signed to keep walking. Mark seen my gesture and followed. I heard Dan saying something under his breath. But I ignored him.

Mark ended up going to class and I lead Abby towards the gym. There was a line of about twenty girls.

“Alright. Me, Kerry and Jane do the cerography. So every year we have tryouts and only we three are guaranteed. However, if we like what you give us, you may stick next year!” I explained.

Abby smiled. I could see she begun to get nervous. I pulled her in for a hug then gave her the thumbs up. I had faith in her.

I sat at a table with Kerry and Jane. Kerry had been with this squad since the school opened few years ago. I tried out 2 years ago. She’s now a senior, when she leaves at the end of the year it will just be me and Jane. We’re both year 11. She’s been my friend since Kindergarten. Her step brother Kyle and I did date, well before their parents got married. We dated for 2 years. Till I had, family issues. Me and Kyle are now really close friends. His girlfriend lives about an hour away, we get along so well I’m her “watching man” to make sure no girl tries to flirt with Kyle. It’s adorable.

One by one we had girls try out. We reached girl number 16. Her name was Paige Higgins.

“Okay, when you’re ready Paige.” Jane called out.

She started off with a flip before doing a cheer. She then begun a dance to the song ‘How we do- Rita Ora’ her movements were perfect. She kept up with the timing and she always smiled. But half way through the song, she started to do some… inappropriate dance moves. I could tell Jane agreed with me, however Kerry seemed.. Impressed?

 At the end of her tryout she stood before us.

“Thank you we’ll be in touch.” Jane called out.

She walked off. Pleased with herself. Like seriously? What the hell.

“Well, 16 down. 5 left and we only have 12 spots. We had 4 guys tryout. We needed 4 so they all make it. 8 girls to choose out of 17. This is going to be interesting.” Kerry sighed.

I already had a draft in my head of who I wanted but I’m anxious to see what Abby brings to us.

“Next, Abby.” I called out.

Abby came in, she looked tense. I gave her a smile and a small ‘you can do it’ nod. She instantly relaxed. She began with a dance to the song ‘Ready or not- Bridget Mendler’.

She was fantastic. Her dancing was modern but appropriate. She did perfect tucks and flips and she perfected her ending. I was so proud of her!

“That was fantastic! We’ll be in touch.” I smiled widely.

The next 4 went quickly. Each performed well. But could improve. It was now third lesson into the day and the three of us sat in a circle with each person’s picture. We had a ‘NO’, ‘YES and ‘POSSIBLE’ pile. We put the boys in the yes pile straight away. It took us quite a while to choose but our final draft was both great and fall of talent.

Our new team was Xavier, Dean, Lucas, Matty. Myself, Jane, Kerry, Abby, Paige, Mika, Danni, Courtney, Jessica, Shontelle and Mary. Our squad the Cheetah’s.



Lunch time

Marks P.O.V


I walked out to my car to grab my phone out. I heard a laughter from behind so I turned around to see a tall, skinny girl with bleached hair and cake faced standing before me. Her eyes scanned me head to toe.

“Well hello good looking.” She smirked. Ewwl.

“Hi. Move please.” I replied making my way past. She grabbed my arm and turned me back.

“Ugh, I didn’t even catch your name?” she sighed leaning her head to the side.

“Mark.” I replied raising my eyebrows. Is this chick for real?

“I’m Paige. Single by the way.” She began to slowly move her hand up my arm.

“K, bye.” I quickly walked away, without looking back.

I couldn’t believe she even thought she’d have a chance with me. Who does she think she is?

“Move… New kid.” I look up to see Dan pushing himself past me giving me a glare. Great I have my first enemy!

I walked over to the cafeteria and seen Sarah sitting with Abby. Wait Abby’s wearing….a cheer uniform?

“Abby, is that-“She cut me off.

“Yes, yes it is. I made the team. Old news alright.” She blurted out.

Sarah looked concern. I know it’s not my place to say. When Abby is ready she’ll tell her.

“Anyway..” I widened my eyes.

I looked up to see all our friends sitting at the table.

“So movie night at mine tomorrow night. I’ll have food, snacks blah blah. Any particular movie let me know!” Sarah smiled.

Ahh that smile gets to me. I didn’t know whether to jump up and yell yes multiple times or just to act cool as a reply. Oh who am I kidding act cool is always the answer.

“Sounds cool. I’m there.” I said calm and relaxed. She smiled. God I really like her smile.

“Awesome.” She replied. With a slight blush.

Everyone else said they’ll be there and suggested movies. Now I got to think whether to get her a present or not.

“Hey, we gotta go. Mum needs a hand shopping.” I felt Abby tug my shirt.

I nodded and turned back to Sarah, she looked a bit sad to see us go.

“I’ll get you when schools over yeah?” I said, partly whispering.

“Oh that’d help me out a lot, hope it’s alright?” she replied biting her lip.

I nodded with a big smile. Me and Abby left school and went over to my car. Abby was smiling, a little too much.

“What’s up with you?” I asked raising a brow.

“That depends.” She replied with a high pitch voice.

“On what exactly? I asked confused getting into the car. She got into the passenger side.

“What’s the go with you and Sarah?” she asked nudging my shoulder.

I felt my cheeks go red. Oh crap.

“She’s um. Nice.” I replied sighing.

I started the car and we drove to the nearest shopping centre to meet mum. I ignored Abby for an hour. But I remember I wanted to get Sarah a git. I told mum I needed to go into a shop quickly and I’d meet her at the car. I went into the gift shop near the exit but I didn’t realise Abby had followed me in.

“Alright. What are you doing?” she said jumping in front of me. I froze. I stood for a moment unsure whether to tell her I was planning on getting Sarah a gift.

“I’m. Uhg-“She cut me off.

“Are looking for a present for Sarah? Let me help.” She sighed turning around. We began to look around.

As we got through the checkout I heard a girls giggle. I ignored it and paid for Sarah’s presents. I got her a blue jumper that had ‘I love Husky’s’ written on it. I also got her a jewellery box and bracelet with charms to put on it. Me and Abby decided to go halves as it cost a fair bit. I could’ve afforded it easily but that’s a lot to spend on someone I met yesterday. I kinda liked her, I mean she’s nice, athletic and really pretty. But I still hardly know her.

We made our way home. I looked over to see Abby on my phone.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

She began to smile and hoped out the car as we pulled up into the drive way. She placed my phone in my hands. I helped take the groceries inside and went upstairs to my room I laid on my bed trying to figure out what she done on my phone. I placed in beside me and began to think about basketball. I try out for the team Monday.

bzzz bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz*

My phone vibrated loudly. I looked over to see a message.


Hey, that’s cool I don’t mind. J So what movies do ya wanna watch tomorrow? –S


Wait, don’t mind?

I had a look through my sent box, turns out I had messaged her asking if it was cool I got her number from Abby. Great, thanks Abby.

I replied:

Cool J oh I don’t really care, I like most movies well not girly one lol I’ll let you know if I think of one –M

I felt like a goof. I smiled then entire time I typed it. I looked at the time, 2:45. I better go pick her up.

I jumped up and headed downstairs, I opened up the front door to see Abby leaning against a car. A male figure had his back to me. I knew him for some reason. I went over to my Ute and jumped in. I started the car and headed for the school. Forgetting to look back at who Abby was talking to. It wasn’t long before I got to the school. I parked directly out the front and seen Sarah talking to another girl by the office. I waited. She looked really pretty, she was wearing the Cheer uniform. I hadn’t noticed it earlier for some reason. It had a crop top with a decently long skirt. It was black and gold. On the top it had ‘CHEETAH’ with claws either side. It looked great, on Sarah that is.

She seen me staring. She smiled and began walking to the car. I couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.




Sarah’s P.O.V

I walked up to Marks car getting into the passenger seat. He had a goofy smile on his face. I often see this look on guys when I was in my uniform. But surely he wasn’t admiring me?

“So, how was shopping?” I asked.

Marks paused, looking at me out the corner of his eyes. He looked nervous.

“Oh. Good. Quite good.” He mumbled before starting the car.

We talked about movies on the way to my house. I noticed there was a strange car at my house but no sign of Dads car? I looked at Mark worried. He knew what I was about to ask.

“I’ll come in with ya.” He also seemed worried.

We walked towards the front door and seen the door was actually open. I pushed the door open and see everything was a mess. I looked into the kitchen to see Alia tied to the kitchen table. I immediately begin to panic. I untied her and she went flying upstairs. We ran up behind her. We heard a scream. I knew that scream… Angela. I bolted into my room to see Alia pinning Angela to the ground. I called for Alia to get off.

“That mutt almost bit me! Angela yelled. She looked at me and went pale.

“Sarah.. I’m sor-“ I cut her off.

“What are you doing in my room?!” I yelled.

She looked around and back to me. She didn’t answer.

“Mark, call the police.” I didn’t take my eyes off Angela. She looked horrified.

“You have 1 minute to get out Dads house.” I histed.

Angela stood and she looked angry.

“You cannot kick me out my own house! Nor speak to me that way.” She whined.

I heard Mark in the hallway on the phone. I then heard yelling from downstairs. Thank god it’s Dad. He bolted into my room, glaring at Angela.

“Get out MY house Angela!” he screamed. I stood back to let Dad take over. She slapped him across the face. Mark poked around the corner and held his phone up. He was recording. Smart boy!

“I wouldn’t do Angela.” Dad histed. She slapped him again before realising Mark was recording. She went to my desk and pushed my trophies off the top, top shelf. Then pushed off my DVD’s. I was mad.

“If you EVER want me in your life get out right now!” I yelled angrier than before.

She snapped her head to me. She looked me in the eye. She’s drunk. I could see it in her eyes.

I could hear the police pulling out the front. I heard voices yelling. Mark rushed downstairs and came back up with 3 police officers. One walked over towards Angela.

“Ma’am you’re under arrest.” He went to grab her wrists but she pushed the cop away. All three cops pinned her down to put cuffs on her. She was screaming. They said her rights then took her out the door. Dad followed them down.

I looked around my room. Everything was practically destroyed. I felt Mark beside me. I continued to look at the mess before me.

“I’ll help you clean up.” He smiled. He had an arm around me. He was warm, I leant my head into his shoulder.

“Thank you.” I sighed.

Of all the timing, the day before my party. Only Angela would be such a witch and ruin my birthday. Mark helped me clean up my room and the lounge room. It still didn’t look nice though. I sat on the couch between Dad and Mark. I was now just upset.

“Well I guess tomorrows off.” I sighed.

Dad put his warm arms around me and kissed my forehead. He began smiling.

“Actually I have some news.” He smirked.

“What is it?” I sighed once again. I had no excitement in me.

“I’ve got a suit booked for you all. It’s practically the size of a house. It’s the hotel 3 blocks away. The V.I.P suit. All yours and doesn’t even matter if you leave it messy hun.” He smiled patting my back lightly.

I began to smile. I didn’t like when he spoilt me so much but at the moment, it felt really nice.

“Thank you.”  Smiled, letting out a tear.

He kissed my forehead and passed the key into my hand.

“I had organised it this morning, no offence but good timing on your mother going on a rampage.” He let out I small laugh. I smiled shaking my head, he always finds a way to cheer me up.

I walked Mark back to his house. It was beginning to get a bit chilly outside. I was still in my cheer uniform. We got to his front door step and he turned back to me. He began to smile.

“What if we did a weekend long party? To cheer you up?” he smiled. It gave me butterflies.

“That actually sounds like fun, here, my phone. I’ll go home and change and you can ring everyone. Ill meet you here before going, tell Abby to bring a heap of movies.” I smiled and gave him a hug. He was warm. He wrapped his arms around me. The hug lasted a few minutes before I let go. I went to turn around and he pulled me back, He took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders.

“Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” He smiled. He walked inside.

I had butterflies all through my body. I paced back to Dads. I ran up stars into the bathroom. I put Marks jacket on the basin and had a quick shower. I got out after about 5 minutes. Wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my room. I wore a matching black and blue bra and undies. Black skinny jeans, a blue singlet and my blue vans. I grabbed my sports bag and repacked it with spare clothes. I had a jumper sitting on top. I walked back into the bathroom and put Marks jumper on. It smelled of him. It made me smile, a lot. I walked downstairs with my bag and grabbed the esky from the kitchen table and filled it with snacks, drinks and more snacks. It was full. Dad came in and let out a small laugh. I turned to see him with a raised brow.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Nice jacket Sar.” He smirked. I instantly blushed.

He ended up dropping me off at Mark and Abby’s. When I got there I noticed about 5 cars. Mark was packing his Ute. He turned to see Dads are parking and walked over. Him and dad lifted the esky on the Ute. Dad kissed my cheek and left.  There was 17 of us in total. We split into 4 cars. I was with Mark, Abby and Jane. We checked into the hotel and headed up to the suit. It was on the third floor. Dad was right about the size. It was MASSIVE!

“Well, he wasn’t kidding.” Marked mumbled. I laughed.

We unpacked, ate and all sat in the living room. It had a big L shape lounge that sat 10 people. We found a heap of bean bags, pillows and blankets so we created one giant bed. All of us sat and began a movie marathon of the one and only, Iron MAN! (My favourite movie!)

I looked down at my phone, 10:47pm.

We’d almost finished the 3rd movie. I jumped up and grabbed Abby and pulled her into the kitchen.

“We should play true and dare.” I said smiling.

Abby seemed excited. We grabbed the bowl of Eminem’s and headed back to the lounge room. The movie just finished.

“GUYS! Gals, we’re playing truth or dare!” Abby yelled. We all sat in a giant circle.

Abby went first, she asked Jane truth or dare.

“Truth.” Jane smiled.

“Who was your first kiss?” Abby smiled.

Jane went red. I couldn’t figure out why?

“I- ugh.. haven’t had it yet.” She mumbled. I was shocked.

No one continued the topic. It continued on before long it was Xavier’s turn.  He was tall, skinny but with slight muscle. He had black hair, brown eyes and a slight beard.

“Truth or dare…. Mark!” he laughed.

“Dare.” Mark smirked.

Xavier smiled looking around the group, his eyes landed on me. Oh no.

“I dare you, to kiss Sarah on the cheek, every time a truth is chosen.” Xavier sung.

His totally getting punished for this.

“Uhm. Alright.” Mark smiled.

Everyone made that ‘Naww’ sound and the game continued. After 2 people it landed on me. Abby asked me truth or dare. Either way I’m doomed.

“Dare?” I bite my lip. Abby smiled.

“I dare you to kiss Mark, on the lips, every time someone says dare.” Abby sung proud.

Mine and Marks eyes met. He was smiling, with a slight blush.

“Fine.” I smiled getting up. I sat next to Mark getting ready to ask someone. I turned to look at Mark.

“Mark, truth or dare?” I had a wide smile. I’m about to be kissed either on the cheek or ill be kissing his lips..

“Dare.” He was smirking.

“I dare you, to wear 3 items of clothing of my choosing for the rest of this game.” I already had an evil idea. Now I had to kiss him..

I looked at his blue eyes. They were bright, stunning.. I could stare all day. He closed his eyes, I closed mine. Within seconds our lips met. It was amazing, sweet, warm and purely amazing. It lasted half a second before I pulled back. He was red in the cheeks. With a big smile. I was also blushing. We looked back at everyone who was now staring at us in awe. It was annoying. I laughed. I got up and went to the room us girls are staying in.

I grabbed crop top and a pair of my trackies. These pants were made perfectly to define girls’ asses. This would be hilarious. I took the items into the lounge and sat them on his lap.

“Your third item is your own jocks, don’t want ya junk touchin my pants.” I sighed.

Everyone cracked up laughing. Mark got up and changed in the next room. He came back in. he actually looked even more cute.

“I look fab.” He said with a girly voice.

We continued the game. I kissed him another 8 times and he kissed my cheek about 10. It was now Janes turn.

“Sarah, truth or dare?” Jane winked.

“Dare.” I laughed. I did wanna kiss him again I admit.

“ I dare you to spend 5 minutes in the third bedroom with Mark.” She winked again. Everyone began to look at me. Before I could reply Mark stood up. Oh no, his embarrassed..

“Well, off we go.” He smiled putting his hand out for mine. He helped me up and we talked into the third room. We shut the door.

“So, 5 minutes.” I bit my lip.

He smiled and sat on the bed.

“We don’t have to do anything. We could just talk.” He smiled.

He made my heart melt. His just so sweet.

“I still got to kiss you though, after all I chose dare.” I smiled.

He smiled widely and pulled me on his lap. Our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms around my waist. It was a passionate kiss. He gave me access to use my tongue. We deepened the kiss. It felt like it had only been a few seconds when the door was knocked on.

“It’s been 5 minutes!” Xavier yelled.

I released and sat beside him. I was amazed how much I wanted to kiss him again. He got up and walked to the door, he signalled for me to stay. Why though?

He opened the door, “We quit the game, catchya.” He smiled before shutting the door.

He came back and helped me up, I was red in the cheeks. I closed my eyes and we began to kiss again. I was pressed against his body. It was warm. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me to his hips. I wrapped them around his waist. The kiss continued, we stopped for a moment to breathe. He walked over with me still around him to the bed and let me down gently. He brought is body over mine. I laid, my arms around his neck. We kissed deeply once again. I was pulling on the top (well, my top) and pulled it off him, breaking our kiss. He had an amazing body. He kissed my neck lightly. It made me moan slightly. After he stopped he laid beside me.

“I’m not, pressuring you am I?” he asked, slightly sad.

I shook my head. I turned and faced him. Placing my hand in his hair twirling it in my fingers.

“Not at all.” I smiled.

We laid and talked for a long time. About everything really, school, friends, family, ex’s, food, TV. We continued on until 4 in the morning.

“We better go to bed.” He yawned. It’s amazing how cute he looks yawning.

“I agree, suppose we better get up?” I replied sleepy.

“Or… we could just stay in here tonight?” He whispered. I felt a warm sensation. I felt whole.

“Sounds good.” I replied, rolling to my side. I felt his arm reach over my waist. His arm was warm. I curled my back into his chest. It wasn’t long before we fell asleep.



I opened my eyes and seen a bright light coming through the window. I adjusted to the light and sat up. Mark was still peacefully asleep. His hair was messed but still making him look adorable. I got up quietly and walked to the door. Somehow I was wearing my trackies. I still had Marks jumper on. I opened the door to see Jane and Abby staring at me with a wide smile on their faces. I closed the door. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the island.

“So, what did you get up to last night?” Abby smirked. I blushed instantly.

“Alright, we kissed….for a while.” I mumbled.

They squealed. Abby was jumping up and down. I couldn’t understand how she could be so happy about me kissing her brother.

“And then?” Jane giggled.

“We talked, for a fair while, then just fell asleep. That’s it.” I shrugged. Although I appeared disappointed. I couldn’t be any happier.

“Well, everyone has left. They’re returning tonight. Oh except Xavier.” Jane giggled nudging Abby.

“SHUSH!” Abby glared. I stood and put my arms in the air waving them about.

“Tell me! I want to know!” I cried.

“Well. I got dared to kiss Xavier for 2 minutes.” Abby shrugged.

“That turned into an hour.” Jane winked.

Abby blushed. She was severly embarrassed, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“How adorable.” I winked before getting up. I walked over to the fridge. I was so hungry, I could eat a cow!



Marks P.O.V


I felt empty. I rolled over to see Sarah gone. I felt a rush of embarrassment throughout my body. Surely, she’s not mad at what happened? I looked down to see myself back into my clothes. I woke up earlier and felt cold so I went and changed into my own clothes. I sat her trackies on the bedside table but they were gone. She’s probably gotten changed into them.

I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling. I felt strange, like I wanted her back beside me. The last thing I want is to have my heart broken again.

I got up and walked over to the standing mirror. I looked horrible. No wonder why she escaped while she could, waking up and seeing this hair and face would make you run for miles. I kind of fixed my hair before walking out the door. I heard Abby yell something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I knew it wasn’t anything bad. (It’s a twin thing.) I went into the room my clothes were in and seen Xavier spread across one of the queen beds. He was snoring, I grabbed out a pair of jeans, a Hurley shirt, socks and underwear. I took a quick shower. It was refreshing. When I got out I changed and went back to the room. I saw Sarah’s present on the cupboard. I guess now or never. I grabbed it and walked into the kitchen. Jane, Abby and Sarah turned to me. I focused on Sarah. As beautiful as always. I walked to the island and placed the bag on the bench.

“This is from me and Abby.” I smiled looking at the gift. I hoped she liked it.

She grabbed the bag and looked inside, her eyes widened. A smile appeared on her face. She pulled out the jumped and laughed.

“You know me so well!” she laughed. Thank god, I was worried she’d hate it.

She then took out the jewellery box, she gasped. It was white with 4 draws and a lid. The inside was sky blue material. She opened a draw to find the bracelet. I got her a silver bracelet with 4 charms. One was a husky, one was a 17 charm, the letter S and a pompom charm. She looked shocked. I’m hoping for a good reaction.

“You guys!” She smiled.

“Actually, it’s not from me. Mark got it all for you.” Abby sang. Great.

Sarah looked at me, a smile so wide. I went red, I hoped Abby was playing a joke on me.

“I love it all.” Sarah laughed. She hugged me. She smelt like strawberries.

“You’re welcome.” I blushed.

Why Abby? Why you do this to me? Sarah went for a shower. I shot a look to Abby.

“What’s you lie for?” I growled.

“I didn’t lie. You paid for it. I told the cashier to pretend I paid.” Abby laughed.

The evil twin strikes again.

I walked into the lounge room and sat on the couch. There was a show on called House Husbands. I loved the show, it had a lot of drama but comedy bit to it. My favourite actor Firass Dirani plays Justin. He was one of the power rangers years ago.

I liked the show because I see Dads raising their children all the time. My Uncle Clark raised three girls. Anna 16, Mia 13 and Lilly 10. He did a great job, their mother pissed off after Lilly was born because it was ‘too much’ yet Uncle Clark managed it just fine. This show kinda reminds me of him. He was a funny bloke, loves his kids and always forgets to attend the teacher conferences. (I think on purpose.)

I started to drift off. I felt a warm presence next to me. I kept my eyes closed. I had a blanket pulled over me. I then felt a head resting against my chest. I took a peep, it was Sarah. I felt instantly whole again. Having her presence made everything so much better.

I slept for about an hour. I woke up to find Sarah still resting on my chest, she was awake though.

“Thanks for the blanket.” I yawned.

She looked up to me and smiled, she sat up and sat beside me. She looked amazing, she had leggings on that had a skeleton pattern and she wore a black shirt and my jacket. Wow, Stunning.

“Afternoon sleepy head.” She smiled.

“How long did I sleep for?” I asked.

“Oh about two hours.” The girls left to the spa downstairs but I decided to stay here.” She smiled looking back to the TV.

“So, it’s just me and you?” I asked nervously.

She nodded and placed her hand on my left leg. She continued to watch the TV. She must have put a movie on.

“Can I ask you something?” I mumbled.

“Of course?” she asked looking back to me.

“If I did, would you allow me to kiss you-“she cut me off with a small giggle. I melted.

“Yes Mark.” Her eyes gazed into mine.

I smiled and sat up properly, I held my arm out so she could lay into my chest. She did. Her body was warm, she smelt amazing and her hair was perfectly intact.

I had my arm wrapped around her, I held her close. I didn’t want her to move.

“Do you think we hardly know each other?” Sarah asked softly.

I thought about it, at first yes, but the conversation we had last night made me learn so many things about her.

“To begin with, yeah. But I feel after the long chat we had last night, I feel I known you a long time.” I replied smiling.

She blushed a little and looked back to me.

“I was feeling the same way, but I don’t want to like..” She paused. She looked hesitant to finish the sentence, I knew what she was going to say.

“Because of the current situation you’re in we should be, just friends?” I sighed. I was disappointed but I rather her to happy.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” She frowned.

“Hey, it’s okay I get it. I actually agree, but can I at least kiss you?” I questioned. I can’t believe I even asked that I mean why-

Her lips suddenly met with mine. I lost my train of thought. Her lips were sweet and soft. She pulled away smiling. I went red. I blush too easy.

I sat up and pulled her on my lap. She laid into my shoulder. I held her around the waist. We kept watching the movie and I noticed she was wearing the bracelet I got her. How adorable.

We spent the entire day cuddling on the couch. That was until everyone rocked up again.

There’s only 10 of us this time. Me, Abby, Sarah, Jane, Xavier, Courtney, Jessica, Kerry, Kyle and Vern. I really get along with Xavier and Kyle.

We ordered pizza and watched a marathon of comedy movies. I didn’t really pay attention, I kept thinking about Sarah. I felt like she didn’t deserve this situation, her mother being such a physco. It was a good night, it his around midnight when we all went to bed, we decided to have a basketball match tomorrow girls vs. boys. So we needed the rest. Me and the guys went to bed. There was a queen bed, double, single and a fold out couch.  I decided to take the fold out. It was a double but the others thought it would be the most uncomfortable.. It really wasn’t. They all fell asleep straight away. I laid awake. I heard the door slightly open. I could barely see, I then felt someone nudging my shoulder.

“Who’s that?” I whispered. I then felt her lips press against mine. It was Sarah.

“Come with me.” She whispered. I got up, only in boxes and walked out the room beside her. We lead to the room we stayed the night before. She turned the light on and closed the door.

“I was hoping you’d stay in here with me?” she sighed. Of course I would! Wait.. Act cool.

“Sure, be better than the fold out.” I replied with a laugh, slightly lying. I mean the fold out was more comfortable but I’d choose being in the same with Sarah over a comfy bed any day! We laid next to each other and she kissed me softly, I looked at her, I was so happy. I kissed her, it turned into a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me over to her. We continued to kiss passionately. I began to feel my jocks getting tighter. SHIT! Not now!



Sarah’s P.O.V


I curled my finger with his hair and allowed him entrance into my mouth. I felt something firm against my leg. I knew immediately what it was. It got me slightly turned on. I hadn’t realised I was pressing my hips towards it, it was now quite hard. Our lips parted and he began to kiss my neck. I loved this, it was making me melt. I didn’t want it to stop, but I started to feel nervous, I’m still a virgin…

He pulled back, he looked worried.

“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He whispered. I really wanted him, but it was too soon. I gave a nod. He rolled back decide me and wrapped an arm around me. I felt happy.

“I’d never want to make you uncomfortable, I care about you too much.” He sounded sleepy. I kissed his cheek and watched as he fell asleep. I couldn’t sleep though, I continued to think about the words, I care about you. They repeated in my head. I’ve never had a guy say it to me before. It felt.. Incredible. 

It's complicated.

Chapter Three.


I felt a kiss against my neck. I opened my eyes to see daylight. I began to smile. I rolled over to see Marks smiling face, he looked amazing. I wanted to just lay here and stare at him but I remembered we have a game today.

“Good morning.” He smiled kissing my head. He was warm. I blushed a little and tilted my head down. The blanket was covering his chest. It was perfect! His abs were staring me in the face, his V line was screaming out to me. I wanted to just grab him and not let go!

“Yes, I have an amazing peck no need to stare.” He laughed. I shit, I must have been staring quite badly. He pecked my lips and got up. He had an amazing ass. I didn’t look for too long however before getting up. He then came over and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me passionately, I than remembered all I was wearing was a bra and shorts. I liked teasing him! I pressed myself against him and he let out a slight moan. I felt something against my leg again this time it didn’t take as long. I began to get turned on as well, wrapping my arms around his neck he lifted me to his waist. I wrapped my legs around his firmly. Our kiss broke for air then continued again. His bulge pressed against me. It was making me severely turned on. He let me down and broke the kiss. I was devastated. He walked to the door and locked it. He turned back to me smiling. That smile made me melt!

He came back over to me and kissed me again, but more passionately then the past two nights. I was once again around his waist. He took a step against the wall. He held me around my waist firmly. He broke the kiss and began to kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan and closed my eyes. I was loving the way his lips pressed against my neck. I pressed myself against him, he moan slightly into my neck. I knew their and then. He was the only person I wanted. He held me walking back to the bed, he let me down gently. He kissed my neck again. I let out little moans every so often. This was an amazing feeling. He slid one hand behind my back, he undone my bra with a single hand. That had me more turned on, if that’s even possible! I slid it off. I had C cup boobs. The sight made him moan a little loud but not enough for anyone to hear. These walls were practically sound proof. He kissed my collar bone than traced back up my neck. I placed my hands to his waist and held his boxers. I wanted to rip them off but I waited for him. I slowly began to slide them done. He met with my lips again. He held himself up with one arm and trailed the other down my rips. He had hold of my underwear. He also slowly slid them down. After a while we both were naked. I grabbed the duvet and threw it over us. I released the kiss and kissed his neck. He placed it in side. I wrapped my legs around him as he tensed up. It was an incredible feeling. Each time I planted a kiss on his collar bone he let out a groan. He kept to a pace. I felt the urge to grab him tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. I moaned, loudly. This sensation took over my body. I shivered a bit. I knew what it was. I wanted to feel that way again. He pulled away and rolled over and laid beside me. I knew he didn’t.. As he was still very, very hard.

“That..” he paused catching his breath.

“You didn’t.. Did you?” I wanted to be sure.

“No, I didn’t wanna without… protection.” He puffed. We laid for a while then realised everyone would be awake by now. Although we didn’t hear anyone in the kitchen.

I grabbed my underwear and shorts and pulled them back on. I reached over to the floor and picked up my bra putting it back on.

“I need to tell you something..” Mark sighed. I turned to see him a little blushed.

“What’s that?” I asked nervous.

“You may have… been my first.” He had honestly written all over his face. I knew he wasn’t lying. But how’d he do one hand with my bra?

“You were mine too.” I smiled. He instantly smiled. He looked so happy.

We got fully dressed (I snuck a change of clothes in for us last night hehe) and opened the door. No one in the kitchen? We walked into the lounge and only Xavier was up.

“Where’s everyone?” Mark asked confused.

“Girls are getting dressed and guys bailed. They got a call saying Verns Mum needed him home so Kyle took him. I have to head off as well soon, I’ve got a date.” Xavier smiled. He was dressed in nice jeans and a red polo top.

“With who?” I asked confused.

“Possibly me..” I turned to see Abby smiling as she replied. She was wearing a black dress with strappy shoes. NAWW!

“Well! Have fun you two!” I winked at Abby and she blushed. They headed out. It was just me, Mark, Jane and Jessica. Courtney left with Vern and Kyle. Kerry felt sick so she bailed last night. (After me and Mark went to the other room.) We all packed our gear and headed out. We went to the mall not far away for lunch. We all had something different. I had Chinese, Jane and Mark had Wendy’s and Jessica had subway.

“So, when’s first practice?” Jessica asked.

“It’s Tuesdays but this one time it will be on Wednesday as I won’t be at school Tuesday.” I replied.

“On your birthday?” Jane laughed. I nodded.

“Me and Dad have a tradition. Plus it’s his only day off before he goes away for a week.” I sighed. I could tell they all understood. We continued eating.

I remembered what Dad had told me, Mark would be staying at the house. I felt a slight bit happy but I don’t want to lead him on, if I haven’t already.. After last night I know I have strong feelings for him but at the moment it’s just not the right time.

I was in such a daze I didn’t even see Jane and Jessica leave. It was just me and Mark.

“Wait.. Where’d they go?” I asked confused. Mark smiled and laughed bit.

“They both decided they were too tired to stay.” He smirked.

“Common, I’ll take you home.” He half smiled before getting up.

I got up and walked out to the car park with him. It was quiet. I was so nervous. We got into the car, I done my seat belt, looked over at Mark and he’d done the same. But he hasn’t started the car. Huh?

“Can we talk for a sec?” he sighed.

“S-sure.” I mumbled.

“Last night…I mean..” he paused. Trying to grab his words together. What could he be telling me?



Marks P.O.V


It was killing me to try and say it. It wasn’t the truth. It’s the opposite of what I want. But I don’t want her scare her off.

“I hope even after last night you still just want to be friends?” I was breathing heavily. It was breaking me to say it. I looked over to her, she looked kind of relieved. Ouch.

“Thank you Mark, for now yeah.” She replied rubbing my shoulder.

Wait… did she say for now? YES! Now I’m relieved!

I started the car and took her home. The ride was filled with Sarah singing along to the radio. She did sing pretty well, it made me smile. I pulled up into her drive way and turned to her. She was just sitting there.

“Can I talk to you for a sec?” she smiled. What could she possibly want to talk about?

“Of course.” I replied, my palms sweaty.

“I really enjoy being around you, to be honest I really enjoy kissing you but I just want to figure out a way to handle Angela before I start dating. But when I’m ready I would really like to go out with you.” She wasn’t looking at me. I could tell it was making her nervous.

“Sarah, the moment you’re ready, I will take you out on a date every, single night. I promise that to you.” I smiled. I admired her. She had a wide smile.

She kissed my cheek, I felt her heart lift a bit. I was happy she at least, kinda, liked me.

“Come inside, I wanna show you around properly for when Dad leaves.” She smiled opening her door. I was out the car within seconds.

We went inside and Alia bolted towards Sarah. I loved Alia, she was a beautiful dog, gentle and so loving. After she cuddled with Sarah she came over to me. I think I spent 5 minutes just patting Alia. I was shown the downstairs, it had the lounge room, kitchen, dining and first bathroom. As we walked upstairs I was staring at Sarah. Her long hair, her soft skin, her ass…STOP! Don’t stare or… oh shit. I was hard in my pants. Luckily my pants weren’t showing it, they did a good job hiding it. We walked up to find her room, her Dads room and the guest room. Her Dads room was smaller than Sarah’s which was weird but I guess he thinks he doesn’t need a big room? Sarah then showed me the bathroom that was between her Dads room and the guest room. We somehow ended up back in her room. I sat at her desk and she laid on her bed. We talked for a while. She even told me she likes basketball and showed me the ball she has had since she was 6. I then found out she had an older brother and little sister.

“Brodie is 18, he lives here. Same Mum different father. He hated mum and moved out at the age of 15. He loved me and Dad, heaps. But wasn’t enough to keep him here. Then I have a sister, Mikky. Same Mum and Dad. She’s 16. She lives with Brodie as Mum made her life miserable. Angela disowned her. According to Angela I’m her only child.” She sounded heart broken.

“Do they know your dad left Angela?” I asked softly. She shook her head in disappointment.

“We can’t get a hold of them. No one knows where they are. We just know they’re here in Brisbane.” She looked down.

I felt empty, knowing she was feeling this way.

“Well, let’s find them.” I blurted the words without thinking.

“How?” she asked confused.

I had to think quickly.

“My Mum’s a police officer who deals with missing people. If you tell her what’s going on she’ll probably help without hesitation?” I was now worried what her response would be. She sat up slowly. Smiling!

“Well, we better get going, but first,” she paused. Standing up. She walked over and sat on my lap, she crashed her lips on mine. It was passionate. I felt my pants getting tight. She pressed her body against me and wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled apart for air. I was gazing into her eyes. I saw lust. She then kissed my neck. I may have moaned. She continued to my collar bone. I now moaning quite loud. I swore my pants were about to rip! Damn she’s good. 

Finding my family.

Chapter Four.

Finding family.


I sat in the kitchen at Marks house. It was big. I looked up along the wall, it was filled with family photos. There was a photo of Mark when he was probably about 8. It was what looked like his and Abby’s birthday party. He was holding a basketball with a wide smile. Abby was in the background dressed as a princess. I noticed however one of the girls looking at Mark with big googly eyes. She was pretty.

“Hello Sarah!” Elaine called.

I looked over to see her and Mark walking into the kitchen. We sat at the table. We talked about finding my brother and sister. She seemed really curious about them. I told her everything I knew about them, starting from what they like to where I last seen them. She was writing it down. She seemed interested in helping me.

“Final question, when’s their birthdays?” She asked softly with a smile.

“Mikky’s is April 15th, Brodie’s is November 8th.” I said smiling.

From my last memory of them, Brodie was the exact twin of mum. But Mikky was, like me, twin of Dad. Brodie left first because Angela wouldn’t allow him to do anything. She hit him twice. He didn’t want to leave me, Dad and Mikky but he felt he had too. Dad didn’t know till the divorce. Mikky left one year before. She went straight to Brodie’s after school one day with only a note telling Dad. I was so hurt because me and her were so close.

“I’ll start research tonight.” Elaine said standing up. I had relief all through my body.


I looked down to see Dad calling. I picked it up worried

Me: hey Dad!

Dad: hello Sar, are you at Abby’s by any chance?

Me: Yeah I am? Why?

Dad: Ask Elaine if you can stay the night.

Me: why?

Dad: just trust me.

He sounded upset, I wanted to know more but I don’t wanna make him angry.

“Elaine!” I called

She paced in worried.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Dad wants to know if I’m able to stay here tonight?” I asked raising my brows.

“Of course you can.” She replied smiling. She walked out.

Me: she said yes.

Dad: good, I’ll drop some stuff off in about an hour. Don’t go home, promise me?

I was really concerned…

Me: I promise..

Dad: okay, love you, bye.

He hung up before I could reply. The hell?

Mark came back in and sat next to me. He had a big smile on his face.

“Why you smiling?” I asked biting my lip.

“Well, Dads out of town for one of the shops. Mums gone to work and Abby’s on a date.” He was smiling again.

“And?” I replied raising a brow.

“It means, I can cook you tea.” He said smirking.

Okay, I blushed like mad! A guy, cute guy, wanted to make me tea. Ahhh, thank you Dad!

 “Okay, sounds good.” I was blushing still. He got up and made his way towards me and had his hand out. I grabbed it and we walked out the back. His back yard was huge. It was surrounded with a beautiful garden. There was a pool in the far left, he lead me to it.

“We’re going for a swim.” He smiled. Um what??

“I haven’t got togs??” I replied confused.

Abby left you some, here.” He passed me a bikini set, shirt and shorts. In my size too!

“Um, thanks? I’ll get changed.” I replied turning around.

“Get changed in my room.” He called. I heard a splash. I walked inside.

I found his room at last. I sat on his bed and looked at the togs. Tags still attached? They were blue with white stripes. The shirt was grey and shorts were black. I changed into it and ended up leaving the top on the bed. Maybe I could tease him. This could be fun. I left my clothes folded in a pile on his bed. I felt like my boobs were a little big for the top but I didn’t care. I walked back outside. I saw Mark standing by the pool, shirtless. I could’ve drooled there and then. I walked over and tied my hair in a messy pony tail. He looked over at me and his eyes were almost popping out his head.

“It’s rude to stare.” I smiled. He smirked with a slight blush. My plan was working already!


*Marks P.O.V*

I look into the warm water, knowing any moment Sarah will return. It was a beautiful day. I couldn’t imagine spending it differently. I’m excited about cooking for her, now to figure out what to cook! I heard the back door so I turned around. Sarah didn’t have a shirt on, only the bikini. She looked so hot! I mean they’re basically staring at me. Wait… I’m staring! Shit!

“It’s rude to stare.” She smiled. I instantly blushed. I turned away for a sec, only to realise that was happening in my pants… I got into the pool and leant up on the wall. Hiding mini-me.

She hopped in and grabbed a noodle. She was floating with it. Once he settled I swam towards her and floated in front of her with the other noodle. We just floated for a while. Till I broke the silence.

“So, what would you like for tea?” I sounded girly.

“I’m not sure. Maybe some sort of stir fry?” she giggled slightly. I nodded. I wanted to kiss her. Really bad. Oh what the heck!

I leaned in and kissed her softly. She was kissing back, I let go of the noodle and stood, holding her waist. She pushed hers away and brought herself close to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her closely. I gripped her hips. She wrapped her legs around my waist, it wasn’t long before he appeared again. Damn you! I kissed Sarah softly then pulled back, I needed to cool off. We looked at each other for a while, her legs still around my waist. She was smiling.

“I think you get turned on quite easily.” She teased biting her lip. Now, was hot.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about?” I played dumb.

She pushed her hips into mine, making me moan. This time she wins, but I will get her back.

“I better go wait for Dad.” She laughed. Letting go of me and swimming to the edge. When she got out I noticed she was smiling, nonstop. It makes me melt. I finally decided to get out, I pulled a towel around my waist and remained shirtless. I went inside and seen Alex.

“Hello Mark! How are you?” he smiled. I sat at the table.

“I’m great, yourself?” I replied smiling. I noticed Sarah was in sight?

“Look, I need to talk to you.” He clenched his door. I began to panic. He sat across from me.

“Sure.” I replied, taking a gulp.

“I need Sarah to stay here until tomorrow night. I brought a new house, for us to start over and I need to figure out all her furniture, so I can make sure her new room is big enough.” He sighed.

“Oh, fair enough, where are you moving to?” I was now really panicking.

“Two streets over. Not fair. But that how we’re in makes me miserable. Plus the one I have now is four bedroom, so I can have a proper study for work.” He smiled. Whoop! Relieved!

“Do you think she’ll take the news okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, she asked a few months back to move. But Angela is to not find out where. I’ve told her other side of town so hopefully she believes it. I’ve gotten so prepared, I got me and Sarah a new car and Alia, has a backyard twice the size! Which reminds me of the reason I’m talking to you..” he paused.

“I take it you’d like Alia to stay here?” I laughed. I didn’t bother me.

“Precisely.” He smiled.

“No hassles. She’s welcomed here.” I laughed.

“Good, she’s asleep in the lounge room as we speak.” He laughed.

I laughed along then Sarah returned.

“What ya’ talkin bout?” she asked.

I remained silent.

“I’m giving Mark advice on handling you.” He said grinning. I instantly burst into laughter.

“Real nice Dad.” She sighed, slightly smiling.

Alex left about 20 minutes later. Alia was now out the back with Sarah and I was preparing tea. I loved stir fries, they’re by far my favourite food. I cooked up a Thai been stir fry. It only took about 40 minutes. I served it up in two bowls and placed them on the table with a fork. I went to the back door and seen it was still open. Sarah had her back to me patting Alia while she slept. She was talking to her. I took a few steps being quite I could now hear her.

“I really want to be with him Alia, but there’s no way I can with Mum showing up all the time. Its causes me to stress. His so incredible. But I don’t want him to wait for me, it’s not fair on him.” Her voice croaked. My heart sank. I snuck back inside and was about two meters from the door.

“Sarah, teas ready.” I called. Now to act like I didn’t hear anything.

“Okay.” She replied coming back in.

Her eyes were red. I knew she’d been crying but I didn’t want to ask, I’m afraid of what she’ll say.

We sat quietly and ate tea, she must have enjoyed it, she seemed to moan lightly with each bite she took, when she finished she looked up at me.

“Your cooking is amazing.” She smiled.

“It’s a gift.” I laughed. I wanted to pick her up there and then to tell her how I felt. But I couldn’t..

*Sarah’s P.O.V*

2 hours later.


Me and Mark sat on the couch, a fair bit apart. It felt like he was keeping a distance. I couldn’t figure out why, had I done something wrong?

“I might go get changed, I’ll be back.” He sighed standing up, I could tell now he was upset.

I wanted to know, I ended up walking up to his room and his bathroom was connected to his room. I waited for him. He only took about 10 minutes.  When he came out he froze when he saw me. I walked up to him and stood in front of him. He still looked sad.

“Can you tell me why you’re upset?” I asked softly. He looked down and back to me, biting his lip.

“I’m just tired.” He was lying.

“Mark, tell me please.” I asked placing my hand on his shoulder. Luckily we was wearing boxes. This would have been awkward if he was in a towel.

“I-I uhm…” he paused, looking sad.

“I really like you..” he whispered. I felt my heart rise. I didn’t think that was what he’d say. I remained frozen trying to hold in what he said. He put his head down and passed me, throwing on a pair of shorts and a shirt. I turned to look at him, he looked like he was about to cry..

“Mark, I really like you too.. bu-“ he cut me off.

“I know, it’s not the right time. I understand. I just wanted you to know. He went to walk pass me again but I grabbed his arm, causing him to turn to me. I grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me, pounding a kiss on his lips. I had never felt like this towards someone. I wanted to be his. So bad. He kissed me back roughly but pulled away.

“Sarah..” he sighed. I can see hurt in his eyes.

“Be mine..” I whispered. The words escaping my mouth.

“Wait, what?” his eyes widened. Now I had to make a decision, risk it to be happy with him even with the chance of Angela returning, or hold it off till it’s too late and I lose him completely.. I remained silent for quite a while, hurt returned to his eyes.

“Be, mine.” I smiled. I would risk it all night now to see him smile. He did. I had never seen such a amazing smile, it made him soo handsome, unbelievably handsome! He picked me up and swung me, when he put me down he kissed me passionately. But we heard a voice down stairs.

“I’m home!” it was Elaine. We stopped kissing and headed downstairs. She had the biggest grin on her face.

“I found them..” she smiled. I heart was racing, after only a few hours she found them, I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her, I was crying with joy.

When I pulled back she handed me a piece of paper, it had an address and mobile number.

“Thank you!” I smiled, still crying. I ran upstairs to the quest room. I grabbed my phone to store the number. I check the time, 8:14pm. Well, I can’t wait till morning. I rang the number.


Girl: Hello Brodies phone,

Me: Hi, is this Mikky?

Mikky: yes, who’s this?

I froze for a moment. What would her reaction be?

Me: It’s Sarah..

There was a long pause, I heard a small sob.

Mikky: are you really Sarah?

Me: yes, I’ve missed you…

She hung up, my heart sank. I couldn’t believe I heard her voice… my baby sister’s voice.

I didn’t call back. I ended up laying on the queen bed and went onto my laptop. I cried for a short time. After about an hour, I felt my phone vibrating. ‘BRODIE & MIKKY’ calling. My heart jumped, I didn’t hesitate to answer.

Me: Hello?

Boy: is this Sarah?

Me: yes..

Brodie: it’s Brodie.

My heart lifted, I was now smiling.

Me: I’ve missed you!

Brodie: we miss you too, sorry Mikky hung up and she freaked a little

Me: nah, I get it would have been a big shock.

Brodie: so how are you? And dad?

Me: great, it’s just me and him now.

Brodie: yeah, I know. Mum found us last night. She went on about what you did, I’m so proud of you.

I was so happy but I can’t Angela found them..

Me: well, come back home?

Brodie: I don’t know, we don’t want hassles for Dad..

Me: do you think he’d give you the choose?

Brodie: good point. Well I know it’s your birthday Tuesday, wanna have a family day? Yes with Dad as well.

Me: I’d love that! Look, message me and we’ll organise it yeah?

Brodie: sounds good, I gotta go now, love you baby sis

Me: love you to bro.

He hung up. I had an amazing feeling inside of me. I wanted to scream with joy. I laid on the bed and day dreamed. I eventually fell asleep.

I suddenly felt a warm body carrying me, bridal style. I tried to open my eyes but they were glued shut, I was so tired. I could feel the person placing me back down on a different bed, this one was waay more comfortable! I curled up and as I was about to fall asleep I felt an arm around my waist, it was warm and gentle. I knew instantly it was Mark.


I awoke to the sound of an alarm. It turned itself off after a bout a minute. I opened my eyes to see myself in Marks room, he still had an arm wrapped around my waist. He was in a deep sleep breathing heavy. I felt comfortable being next to him, I managed to roll around without waking him. I was now facing him, he was shirtless. I curled up into his chest, I kissed his chest softly and heard him moan lightly. Hmm, this could be fun! I kissed him again on the chest and he moaned again. I was able to straighten my legs and I pressed my body against his, once again he moaned. I spent about 15 minutes of this, I then notice him stir so I pretended to be asleep. He yawned and I felt his head lift up, my eyes remained shut. I felt him kiss my forehead then press his ear against mine.

“I’ve been awake this whole time ya know.” He whispered. I must have turned into a tomato.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I pretended half asleep. He laughed and gripped me tightly against his chest. I opened my keys and looked up to see him smiling, he looked amazing. His eyes were more blue than usual. I have never seen him so, happy. I admired him so much. Wait, said be mine yesterday.. Wonder if he now classes me as his…

“Sarah?’ he whispered.

“Yes?” I replied looking up to him.

“I want to ask you something.” He replied taking a deep breath.

“Yeah?” I asked now confused.

“Will you-“ he paused, I could see he was nervous.

“Will you… go to the formal with me?” he smiled. I melted. I felt incredible.

“Yes, I’d love to.” I grinned. I kissed his cheek and sat up. We got up and got changed.

I was wearing a blue Fox crop top with grey skinny jeans and blue vans.  Mark was wearing black skinny jeans and a red singlet that showed basically every muscle he had. It made me drool a little. We ended up taking Alia to the dog park a few blocks away. I couldn’t stop thinking about those words I said. Now I don’t know if he thinks we’re a couple or that we’re ‘just friends’. I wanted to ask. How can I ask without being suss?

Mark was throwing a ball with Alia while I sat on the swing. I noticed a group of guys, about 4 walking into the park. They had 1 dog with them. Luckily neither Alia nor their dog cared about each other. Three of the guys went over to the other side of the field. But one was walking towards… me? He got close and gave a smile. He was alright looking. Probably 6ft tall, he had black hair with brown eyes. But still not as cute as Mark.

“Hey. I’m Dean.” He smiled at me.

“Hi.” Was all I said.

“Are you here alone?” He asked, checking me out.

“Nope.” I replied popping the P.  I continued to look at Alia and Mark.

“Oh, you’re with, him, huh?” he chuckled. I really wanted him to go away.

“That’s a nice dog you got there. Alia right?” he smirked.


“Excuse me?” I raised a brow. I wanted answers now.

“I work for your Dad. He talks about you and Alia all the time.” He was now doing this, weird goofy smile.

“Sorry, you must have the wrong person.” I glared at him.

“I know you’re Sarah, may I say you’re smoking hot.” He winked at me. I hadn’t realised Mark had returned with Alia. He stood right next to me smiling.

“Hi, I’m Mark.” He smirked.

“That’s nice. Sorry but we were talking.” Dean replied looking at me.

“Yeah, my girlfriend doesn’t wanna talk to you. Plus I’d walk away before I get you sacked.” Mark was now growling. HOT!

“You can’t sack me mate.” Dean laughed.

“No but my father Luke, aka your boss can.” Mark smiled.

Dean began to glare, but walked away without another word.

*Marks P.O.V*


Who does he think he is?! Come near my girl like that. Wait… did I just say my girlfriend to him? Shit, what if she thinks I was being serious?! I turned to see her smiling at me, maybe she thinks I said it to make him go away?

“Girlfriend huh?” she smiled biting her lip. My gut dropped and I felt nervous. What the hell was I meant to say?

“Oh um, I-“ she cut me off.

“Am your girlfriend.” She smiled. It felt like I had just lifted an elephant off my shoulders. I was so happy.

“Really?” I grinned. She nodded and laughed. I sat on the swing beside her, I couldn’t stop thinking about that word. She’s my girlfriend. All mine. I turned to her to see her slightly blushing.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I check to see Alex messaged me.


Move is done, her rooms set up! Bring her to 23 Crimely Rd, feel free to join us – Alex


Well, here we go! I told Sarah we should take a walk around the block. I took her down Crimely Rd and we saw his car out the front of a very flash house. It was white with a blue roof, 2 story home. Sarah seem confused.

“Common.” I said pulling her to the house. I opened the door which revealed Alex with a bunch of flowers. Alex was in shock.

“Welcome to your new home.” Alex smiled giving her the flowers. She began to cry and hugged her Dad. I took Alia off the lead and she was wondering around the new house. It was beautiful.

“Common I’ll give you the royal tour!” Alex yelled, he was happy.

We were in the living room at the time, it had white walls with grey carpet. All the furniture was black except the couch that was a baby blue colour. We then continued to the dining room which was plain. The kitchen was incredible, it was white with wooden bench tops. It looked amazing. Then we headed upstairs, first we seen Alex’s room which was the size of Sarah’s old room. It was all red in colours with black furniture. The walls were cream. We then seen the study and spare bedroom. There was the bathroom which was huge! It had a shower, basin and toilet AND a spa. Then lastly, Sarah’s room. It was MASSIVE. The walls were sky blue, her furniture was white and her floors had grey carpet. She had a new queen size bed with a fresh set on it. Her room looked like a photo you’d see in a magazine. Stunning! Just like her. (hehe)

“Dad! I love it!” She screamed. She literally couldn’t keep her excite under control, she’d be squealing one second then crying the next.  She still looked adorable though.

“I couldn’t be happier!” she repeated for about 10 minutes.

She eventually settled down, we all sat in the lounge room talking. Sarah looked nervous. I think her Dad doesn’t know about her finding the siblings.

“Dad, I need to tell you something. I, found Brodie and Mikky.” She sighed, unaware of his reaction. His eyes widened.

“You… did?” he asked shocked.

“Yes, they’re coming over tomorrow for my birthday. I really hope you’re happy..” she looked pale.

“Sar, I’m so proud of you!” Alex had a tear run down his left cheek whilst smiling.

“Would you like to ring them with me?” she asked smiling.

He nodded excitingly, getting up to sit next to her. I thought it was time for me to leave.

“I better get going, I’ll see you soon.” I said getting up. I didn’t wanna kiss/hug her since her Dad was there, I think she caught on, I left and headed home. 

She's back.

Chapter five.


*Sarah’s P.O.V*

Me and Dad spent about 2 hours on the phone to Brodie and Mikky. They’re coming to our new house tomorrow to spend the day, I feel soo happy at the moment, I have my entire family (Angela doesn’t count) back together and an amazing boyfriend, oh shit my boyfriend! He left earlier and he didn’t hug or kiss me.. Then again dad doesn’t know, I should tell him. I walked into the kitchen where Dad was unpacking.

“Dad?” I said trying to get his attention. He looked up.

“Yea sweetie?” he replied.

“I have a boyfriend.” I coughed. He stiffened a bit and stood up.

“Oh really? Who?” he asked leaning against the counter.

“M-Mark..” I mumbled. He just looked blank for a while. But he eventually smiled.

“Well, I’m just glad it’s someone I can trust with my baby girl, thank you for telling me. He leaned over a kissed my head before resuming to unpacking. I stood frozen. That wasn’t the reaction I thought I’d get.

“Wait.. What?” I was still confused on what just happened. Dad laughed then looked up at me.

“I. Approve.” He spoke slowly and clearly. Whilst having a goofy smile. I nodded, still amazed at his reaction and walked off. I went back to my room and laid on my bed, I decided to ring Mark, he didn’t answer so I watched TV ON MY NEW FLATSCREEN! About 20 minutes later he called back.

Me: hello?

Mark: Hey beautiful, sorry I didn’t answer I was in the shower

Me: that’s Okay, I wanted to tell you I told Dad about us

Mark: Oh…

Me: he smiled then said he apporves

Mark: wait.. What?

Me: I said the EXACT same thing.

Mark: Well, that’s weird, but really good!

Me: I know aye, well Brodie and Mikky are coming over tomorrow, would you like to meet them? Come over for tea?

Mark: sounds good! I’ll see you then beautiful, you better get some rest.

Me: Okay, good night

Mark: good night.

He hung up, I placed my phone on the bedside table and quickly got changed into pyjamas. I was wearing pants that were blue with the phrase “I’ll sleep for food” all over them. I was also wearing the jumper Mark got me. I snuggled into bed. It wasn’t long before sleep consumed me.

I was woken by a person jumping on my bed, I slowly opened my eyes to see Dad smiling like a goof.

“GET UP THEY”LL BE HERE IN AN HOUR!” he yelled before running out.

He makes me laugh, sometimes I wonder if I’m the parent not him. I got out of bed and into in to my luxury bathroom. I took a quick shower and hoped out. I wrapped a towel around me and one around my head. I went back to my room and locked the door. I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and my cheer T-Shirt. It was a dark shade of grey with Cheetahs written in gold. I went in to the bathroom and applied a little gold eye shadow and eye liner. My hair was naturally straight so I brushed it and place it around to my left shoulder. I was now almost ready! I went back and chucked on my black and white vans before heading down stairs. I looked over to Dad and he was wearing blue jeans and a black button shirt with a pair of Nike runners. His hair was getting long. For a 40 year old, he looked quite young. We waited in the lounge. About half hour later we heard a car pull up. Dad looked out the window and seen Brodie in a Holden commodore with Mikky in the passenger. We waited until they knocked. When they did Dad jumped up and basically ran to the door, when he opened it I could hear the excitement in his voice. He led Brodie and Mikky into the living room. Brodie looked taller and he must have dyed his hair as its now really dark brown. He had beautiful brown eyes. He was about the same height as Mark. Mikky looked stunning! She had long brown hair like me with beautiful green eyes. She was a little shorter than me, by about 5 centimetres. She was wearing leggings and a tank top. Along with vans. She was the tiniest bit chubby but she looked way healthier then what I did.

“Hello Sar, long time no see?” Brodie spoke. His voice was deep.

“Too long big bro!” I replied standing up. I gave them both a hug and sat down with them and Dad.

We talked for ages, we made sandwiches for lunch then moved the coffee table in the lounge against the wall of the lounge. We grabbed all the blankets and pillows me could find and made a giant comfy seat. We all started talking and somehow got onto the topic of Angela.

“So, you’re officially divorced?” Brodie asked Dad. Dad smiled.

“Yep, it was official 14 months ago. Happiest day of my life besides the arrival of my two girls and meeting you Brodie.” He smiled like a goof.

“She showed up last week, trying to say she wanted us back and have one big happy family.” Brodie laughed. We all cracked up in laughter.

“Sorry to say but I would never, in a million years get back with, excuse my language.. Dumb ass physco bitch.” Dad groaned, it was hilarious both the words he used and the tone he had!

It reached 5:15 when I decided to make tea. I messaged Mark to come over. I was making steak and vegies for tea when the doorbell rang.

“I got it!” Dad called. He answered and I heard chatting before the door closing. I than felt arms sliding around my waist. I turned startled to see Mark grinning.

“Jesus, scared me!” I smiled. He laughed then let go and leaned against the counter.

“You Dad thinks you should introduce me seeing as I’m your boyfriend.” Mark chuckled. I smiled.

I grabbed his hand and walked into the living room. Brodie and Mikky looked straight to him.

“Brodie, Mikky. This is Mark, my boyfriend.” I smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” Mark smiled. He sat down and started chatting to Brodie and Dad. I returned to the kitchen.

Mikky joined me in the kitchen and leaned against the bench,

“What’s up sis?” I asked.

“Boy talk. So boring.” She sighed.

“I know the feeling. How you been?” I asked serving up tea.

“I’m good. I’ve missed having you around. Always dealing with boys.” She sighed.

“Got a boyfriend?” I asked winking. She blushed.

“Yeah, his name is Kayden. His a brother of one of Brodie’s friends. His 16.” She replied. I paused.

“Wait… Kayden Johns?’ I asked smiling.

She blushed again.

“Yes my childhood crush.” She laughed. I thought it was adorable!

“How long have you been together?” I asked.

“A whole year next week.” She bit her lip.

“Awwww.” I chuckled.

“Boys! Dinners ready!” I called out.

They piled in and we all sat at the dining table. We ate in silence. Once we were done we chatted again. Eventually it got a bit late so Brodie and Mikky headed home. BIG NEWS! Dad asked if they wanted to move back in. They said yes! They’re moving in this weekend. Mark asked to stay the night and dad said yes. Dad was in bed by 9:30. Me and Mark went up to my room.

“I love your brother.” Mark smiled.

“Oh really?” I laughed.

“Yep, we both love basketball, cars and adore the shit out of you.” He then blushed realising what he said.

“Awww, you’re the adorable one!” I said pinching his cheek he laughed.

I went in and got changed in my bathroom. I was wearing the same pyjama pants as last night with a shirt Mark gave to me. I went back out and Mark was in a singlet and boxes. He looked at me smiling.

“May I say, my shirt looks good on you.” He laughed.

“Looks better on me hey?” I winked sitting beside him. He rolled his eyes smiling. 

“I actually think it does.” He smirked. I blushed slightly and rested my head into his chest, he was so warm. Sleep consumed me after a while.


I heard a loud crash downstairs. The sound pierced my ear and I awoke frightened. I looked over to see Mark had also woke up shocked, I looked over towards my alarm. 4:12AM. We both got out of bed and he opened my door slowly, I seen Dad I his door way looking over at us, he was holding his baseball bat. He looked relieved to see us. We slowly walked down the stairs before hearing a smash sound. Like. Glass?


We walked quickly through the kitchen and my cars alarm begins going off, it was a high pitch sound that cause my ears to ache badly. Dad and Mark raced out the front door while yelling“OI.”.


I remained inside. Mark came back in after a few minutes and said the crook had run off. But he and Dad seen who it was. F**kin Angela. I went out and looked only to find mine, Dads and Marks cars all damaged. All my windows were broken, the two front doors were severely caved in and my headlights were broken. Dads car was the least damaged. It only had smashed in windows except the back window. Marks car, strangely, was the most damaged. His use had all smashed windows, his doors were caved in and all his headlights and tail lights were smashed. His bonnet had massive dents, his tray outline was covered in dents and his roof looked like Angela had keyed it multiple times. I felt my face boil in rage.


“That fu-“ Dad paused, he was now clenching his fists. (Okay so, my dad is never angry. When he clenches his fists the way he just did… run.)

“Dad?” I sighed.

I knew what he was thinking instantly. He slowly turned to me, his eyes had gone dark.. Beyond dark, basically black. Why the hell are they black?! He was staring for a moment, he looked at Mark but he no longer looked angry. He was devastated? He released his fists and walked towards us. He was looking so, upset. It was breaking my heart.

“Sorry hunny, I’m just so-“ I cut Dad off.

“Angry? So am I. we need to call the police though.” I sighed. Mark rang the police and we gave a statement each. Marks dad ended up picking him up at about 6:30AM. I realised Dad was meant to leave for his trip later today. I know deep down now his not going to want to leave.

“Dad?” I called from the kitchen. I was sitting at the counter with a warm coffee. I was so tired.

“Yes?” he replied entering the room.

“Have you packed yet?” I asked getting to the point. His eyes widened.

“Excuse me?” he replied sharp.

“For your trip.” I half smiled. He sighed. He sat beside me placing his arm around my shoulder.

“I don’t want to leave you hunny…” he sighed, but sounding like he was going to cry.

“Dad, it’s important and I think you should go. Mark was saying I can stay at their house if I need too. As long as you and Luke is alright with it.” I chuckled.

He was hesitant but agreed after a few moments. He rang Luke at 7:30 and talked for about an hour. Once he got off the phone he came up to my room where I was sitting with Alia. Amazingly she slept through the entire thing! It wasn’t till I came up to my room she woke up from her bed. Damn husky’s sleep through everything!

“Luke said it’s alright to stay there. Only rule is you cannot go anywhere by yourself. You’re not to come here without him or Mark and Alia will have to stay in the backyard there as his allergic.” Dad explained sitting on my bed. I nodded in agreement.

I didn’t want to leave Alia here so I was glad she is coming with at least. He passed me a small black box and placed it in my hands. He looked at me, with watery eyes.

“No matter how far away I am I’ll be right here, I promise.” He said croaky. I had a small tear and opened the box, it was a beautiful locket, I opened it too see a photo of Dad and Alia. My heart melted. Pure perfection.



*Alex’s P.O.V*

It hurts to leave. I don’t want to but it’s the only way to support her. There’s nothing more important to me then my children. Sarah, much as it’s horrible to say is my favourite. She stuck through everything Angela thrown at her. Just to make sure I was okay. I and Angela had been married almost 15 years before divorcing. I was unhappy basically the entire time. But I wouldn’t change being with her because then I wouldn’t have Sarah, my pride and joy. Leaving seems to be getting harder. I spend an hour crying once a week. Not because I’m a sook but because I feel like I’m failing her. My father failed me. I don’t want to be like my father. See, we’re werewolves. But only males can be. My father was the leader of a pack called ‘the frightens.’ and he passed away two months ago. I now have to deal with the pack responsibilities. Being second in line sucks. I was always being told how to live my life, how to walk, to talk and my father used to beat me. I was 16 when I left. I met my first love, Cindy. We have a child together but Sarah doesn’t know. A son named Vern. I was terrified I’d turn into my father so I left. Cindy understood, luckily she was a very understanding person and she still speaks with me. As I was second in line I was allowed 2 children, but once one had matured I was allowed to have another. Vern was 15 when Mikky was born. Now his about to turn 30. But I wanted to not tell Sarah. If she knew my real age, my secret.. I’d lose her. Brodie left because his father was also a werewolf. But not an important one like me. Mikky knows everything because Brodie told her when she moved in with him. She promised me not to tell anyone, especially Sarah. Mark is one, but I know he isn’t aware I know. Luke was a part of my pack, not just a business partner. We've known eachother for a long time. his helping me protect Sarah from Angela. she knows it all, she knows the secret, she knows of my mistakes and I'm afraid she'll reveal it all. I know i should be honest with Sarah, but it eats me up the thought of loosing her. i cant imagine not having her in my life. She was my half, my angel.. Our laws were simple for us, humans weren't to know our existance. if they knew, they'd have to pledge, to our committee. which is me and my four assistances. Unfortunately I didnt wth Angela. That is one of my many mistakes. a pledge is when the comittee meets together with the human and basically we make them drink a formula that allows us to make a command that can never be undone. We can have commands but a werewolf is unable to ignore it if they choose, however this pledge they cannot. it was killing me to have these secrets. for 17 years, I've grit my teeth and delt with the consequences. but it feels like i cant escape this pain. i cant escape the fear i hold within. i sat on my bed staring at my suitcase. I didn't want to leave her, i didnt want her to feel unsafe. Thats the last thing I'd ever want. Ever. There it was, all packed readyu to go. These next 7 days are going to drive me insane. I'm lucky to have Luke helping me, and Mark. His a good kid. I can sense the good in him. Important wolves get gifts. so my father, was able to read minds. I on the other hand can sense behaviours in people. Yes, i sensed Angela as a bad person but i was, well old but to Sarahs knowlegde young and in love. I was in over my head marrying her. She can't change, if she could it would only be for worse.  


I struggle sometimes, trying to figure out if I am doing the right thing for Sar. I'm not often scared, not at all basically but I do fear one thing, hurting Sarah. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. No matter what it takes. As I stood I grabbed the suitcase in my arm. I headed downstairs and out to my work car Luke organised me. Placing my suitcase in the car, I shut the door to go back inside. I could hear Luke and Mark laughing in the distance. They were coming to get Sarah, I was slightly relieved. I went inside and said my final goodbyes. This is driving me beyond mental.

"Take care Sar, the next week will fly by i promise." I said as I bear hugged Sarah.

"Dad I'll be fine. Enjoy your trip." Sarah laughed softly punching my arm. I can see she doesn't want me to leave. It's their in her eyes. Why do i have to leave?! Oh that's right.. Wolf buisness.



*Marks POV*


I walked up to my room quietly. Sarah's asleep on the couch and everyone has gone food shopping. I decided to go relax on my bed while i still can. As i entered my room i noticed my phone flashing, I walked over and seen I had 5 missed calls from a random number. It's not often my phone rings anymore, not many people have my number since changing it after moving here. My phone began ring again.

Me: Hello?

voice: Mark?

Me: Who's this?

Hannah: It's Han.

Me: What do YOU want?

Hannah: I'm sorry. For everything. You were the perfect boyfriend and all I did was treat you like crap. I'm sorry.

Me: I know, but that doesn't change anything.

Hannah: Do you remember how I gave your laptop back to you? Do you still have it?

Me: Yes, now skip to why you really called Hannah.

Hannah: I said I'm sorry, that's why I called. But I also called to tell you i wrote a note in your word document the day you left. Read it? I know you haven't otherwise I was sure you would have contacted me by now. Please read it and ring me back. We can figure this out. I love you.


With that she hung up. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Should i read it? I guess I might as well. I grabbed my laptop from the edge of the bed and opened it, luckily it was already on and fully charged. i scrolled through all my documents but found one titled 'Don't go- Han' so here goes nothing, I opened it and began reading.


"Mark. I'm sorry. I know what I done was stupid. I can't tell you it was an accident because I'd sound stupid. but it didn't mean anything. I felt abanded, you were leaving so I allowed vince comfort me. I knew before you that you were moving.. And thanks to me I broke your heart right before the move. Why? Because I'm stupid baby. I fucked up, badly. I love you, even though I didn't show it. Vince is nothing like you, I miss YOU. like a lot. I still have one of your jumpers and a shirt. Why? because I kept them to remind me of you. I have everything you've ever given or brought me. Like the necklace with the letter M that stands for Mark. I wear it everyday. I always will.

I'll be in Brisbane soon, please meet with me? I'll be staying with my cousin Dan, I think you'd know him? His a basketball player as well. Anyway, call me yeeah? I love you.

You're my forever. I'm your girl.Han xxx"


I slammed my laptop shut. Why did I not know about this note before now? Not that it changes anything. I've moved on. A bit quickly but that's besides the point. No, I don't want to meet with her. Hannah-Lee. I dated for over a year technically. She was tall, 6ft actually. This but the girl couldnt get a tan to save her life. She has blue eyes but dyes her hair red. She had faded freckes just on her cheeks. She's beautiful, but evil deep down. She always paraded around my mates. She always showed her body more then needed. Sure, she loved me. But no where near the amount I did her. It angers me when I think about how she slept with Vince. My BEST MATE. Well he used to be. He was lucky I was moving, I would have blown up and started laying into him severly. Yeah I know, that's not being the 'bigger man' but he would have deserved it! But how the hell do I avoid her? Especially if she'll be in Brisbane staying with Dan. I honestly don't think I'll get away with it. so I guess I'll just have to tell her straight. I decided I'll call her back.


Voice: Hello?

Me: Is Hannah there?

Voice: Is this you Mark?

My stomach dropped, it was him.

Me: Yeah. Now where's Hannah?

Vince: She's just talking with her Mum, look dude i'm sorry for what I did to you.

Me: What's with everyone saying sorry? Look I don't care anymore.

Vince: because we mean it, it was a mistake.

Me: The only mistake was me trusting either of you.

Vince: Dude I said- wait here's Hannah.

Hannah: Mark?

Me: Yeah, read the letter. but it doesn't change anything.

Hannah: Look I know, but I needed you to read it.

Me: Fair enough. Look I don't want to see you. Especially when you tell me how big of a mistake it was, yet Vince answers when I call? That makes sense.

Hannah: There's a reason for that! His dating Tayla. Myself and Mum were talking to her and I asked him to answer as he said the caller ID was on private. If I had known it was you I wouldn't have let him answer.

I couldn't help but laugh at this point. Tayla was Hannah's twin sister, whose now dating the guy Hannah cheated on me with. Talk about messed up!

Hannah: What' so funny?

Me: You. Look, I don't want to see you, if I do I'll be polite but don't expect me to go out my way to talk to you. I'm finally starting to get over you and what you did, don't drag me back into your crap. Bye.


With that I hung up. It's the first time I ever stood up to her. I mean literally, whenever we argued I always gave in even if she was wrong. I hated the way she made me out to be an idiot. If anything she was the idiot. by that I mean what type of person believes that if you don't eat one piece of gum a week your hair will start falling out? Hannah is that sort of person.


"Mark? Are you okay?" Sarah yawned as she entered my room. I nodded with a smile.

Yeah I'm not okay, but she doesn't need anything worrying her at the moment.

"Yeah I'm fine beautiful, how was your nap?" I smiled.


"It was nice, but if I slept any longer I'd be awake all night." She laughed. Hearing her laugh made me fell a ten tone better. 

"Come here, I want to give you a hug." I croaked out. She seemed confused with the tone I used but walked over to me without saying a word. 

I gripped her tightly as she sat on my lap. she placed her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulders. This, is all I want. Not Hannah.


 "Brodie and Mikky can't know about what happened last night." Sarah blurted. 

"How are we going to explain the banged up cars though?" I asked softly. 

"Well Dad doesn't know but I save some of the money he gives me just in case things like this happen. My car will be written off I know it but I'll get a new, smaller car. I'll have Dads windows replaced and I want to help you pay for your car to be fixed." She croaked. 


Did she really think I'd allow that? It wasn't her fault Angela got to my car. But why my car? Now that I thnk about she target a car she had no clue who it belonged too. Unless she thought it was my car, but I've only ever met her once and that was from calling the... Oh. Now I understand. 


"Umm, Mark?" Sarah asked. 


I snapped out of my day dream and realised I still hadn't replied back to Sarah. I completely lost train of thought. 


"Oh sorry, I was thinking about what you said. You don't have to put anything into my car being fixed. I won't allow it. However I agree we need to get your Dad's windows fixed. How about we do that first thing tomrrow? Ill get Mums ute and bring my car here. As for yours and your Dad's we'll call one of the shops. Hopefully the one about 15 minutes away as Aaron works there." I smiled hoping to cheer her up. 

"Sounds perfect. So whose Aaron?" she asked softly. 


"My brother." I laughed. How did she not know this?

"Your.. What?" her eyes widened. 

"Brother." I repeated. 

"I thought it was just you and Abby?" she asked confused. 

"Well, Aaron is Dads other son. However different Mums. His actually a senior at our school." I explained. 


She still looked puzzled. Now I feel like an idiot not telling her this sooner. Even though I only met her last Thursday... And now we're dating? Holey shit. 


"Alright, I'm sorry I didn't mention this sooner. I swore I did the other night but I'll tell you about him." I mumbled. She gave a slight nodd. 


"Aaron is 18. His a senior and has an apprentiship at one of the shops. But he still wanted to complete school so he attends 2 days a week and works 4. Meaning he works every Saturday. Anyway, His lived in Brisbane about a year now. He has always lived with his Mum Sandra, who is an amazing lady. Aaron and I used to hate eachother until we reached 15 and 16. Now we can't go a day without speaking. His like a best friend only a brother as well." I smiled. he really was my best friend. He was there for me when Hannah cheated on me. Unlike all my other mates back in Sydney. 


"Oh wow." Sarah smiled. I gave a nodd with a small smile. 

"He sounds amazing, definately want to meet him now." She continued holding my hands. 

"That'll be perfect. He would adore ypu." I laughed and kissed her cheek softly.


"We should at least tidy up the house today, plus organise the bedrooms." Sarah smiled. 

"What's going on with your Dads study? He was so happy to finally have one." I asked. 

"We have a rumpus room out the back but it needs work down. like i good paint job and carpet or flooring laid down. plus a new light. Dad said he wanted to wait a few weeks so we could settle in properly before we started on the remodeling." She replied. 

I guess that made sense. But I have a better idea.

"What if we surprise him and do it up while his away? We'll get all the people together from our group and have it done by Tuesday. Same with your Dad's car!" I cheered. I sounded like a genius right now. 

"This, is why you're mine." She laughed. She hugged me tightly and stood up. 

"But we're late for school, during lunch we'll speak to everyone about our plan! I've got a massive book we can plan it all in." She smiled before kissing my lips gently. 


We got ready for school and took my Mums car. It was much bigger then mine. I know my car has too much damaged to be fixed, but I'm not telling Sarah that. Today I decided to wear my new Nike shirt, shorts and my amazing green vans. Sarah looked incredinle today, she had her cheer top and tights on for when they do warm ups. she looked hot! One thing I'm not looking forward to today? Dan. 




Sarah's P.O.V 


*cheer practice an hour later.*


"Alright, we need to choose a theme of dance and a song for state finals. If we come into top 10 we get to go to Reginals. if we make top 5 we go to Nationals which will be a first for our school!" Jane yelled for everyone to hear.

"But first we need a captain." I smiled. 

"Correct. What we do is nominate 3 people to 'try out' as captain. There's no rehersal, no practice it's all about winging it. We then (the rest of the team) choose who our favourite is and they will become captain for the year. We then nominate a Vice Captain. Jane spoke again. 


I loved how well she can communicate with everyone. So I know who I'm nominating.



"Nominations? I start with.. Abby, Jane and  Kerry." I wrote on the white board. Like I would nominate myself, that's selfish. 


Everyone took turns placing a vote towards 3 people. We done a tally that looked like the followng:


Abby- 6 votes

Jane- 7 votes 

Kerry- 6 votes 

Sarah- 10 votes

Paige- 1 vote

May- 5 votes 

Xavier- 5 votes 

Mika- 5 votes


Myself and Jane were in a secure spot however Abby and Kerry were a tie for the third spot. 


"I would like to withdraw my votes as I cannot fulfil Captain duties. I already orgainse uniforms and travel costs. I'm fine." Kerry laughed. 


It was settled. Myslef, Jane and Abby were about to perform. We weren't allowed to see each other performances. I danced to the song 'Black Widow- Iggy Azalea' that I know off by heart. I know how to perfectly time a move. Amazingly I done well, better than last year that's for sure. Considerig I was only a Year 10 and besides my 2 friends everyone else was a senior. How I was nominated was beyond me. 


After everyone performed we got the announcement. I was now captain for another year and Abby was Vice. I had a sneaky feeling Jane purposely done this, she stresses under pressure and I'm certain she was thinkning this is beyond pressuring. 

After practice we all sat at a lunch table, the biggest one in the court yard. It was 10 minutes until lunch. All of us girls began talking until Paige decided to open her trap. 


"So who has a boyfriend here? I don't but hoping that'll change soon." she laighed. 


Each girl stated their status, single or taken and who they were dating/who they wanted. 

Abby spoke before me as I was last to speak. 


"I don't technically have a boyfriend but me and Xavier haven't gone a day without going out somewhere together." she smiled with a slight blush. I liked Xavier, he was funny. 

"Alright Captain, lucky last!" Paige slightly yelled. 

I went to speak but the bell rang. I guess that's a good thing, I wasn't fully sure if Mark wanted it announced. 

The court yard started filling and the rest of the gang piled into the empty seats after some of the girls left to be with a different group. This didn't bother me. Mark sat beside me, he was quiet. 

"What's wrong?" I asked slighly worried. 

"He was asked to join the basketball team!" Kyle yelled enthusiasticly. 

"I didn't even try out." Mark said looking confused. 

"I don't think I understand.. are you upset you didn't need to try out or..?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh no I'm thrilled, it was just strange." Mark smiled placing his hand on my leg. 

Paige was eye raping Mark I hated it. 

"So you never answered my question Sarah." Paige smirked. 

"What question?" Mark asked curiously. 

"Whether she's single or taken." Paige smiled. 

Mark noticed I turned red, he squeezed my leg slighlty and began smiling. 

"She's taken." He laughed taking a mouth fall of his drink. 

Paige looked confused. 

"By who?" She asked, slightly curious.

"She's taken by me." He smiled now holding my hand.

Aww's went around the table, except Paige. 

"Oh." was all she stated. 


We then all talked about the idea me and Mark had for the house. Most of the people were in and said they'll help get it started today! We all talked about what needed organising. We then found out we al had the last 2 lessons with no class. So we wrote down who was doing what job. I gave Mark my set of house keys as no one except him knows I sit for my P Plates today. My instructor insisted in my last lesson that I'll pass without even trying. So my plan was to get home, everyone will be like 'Where were you' and BOOM I'll show them that I got my license! 


Once lunch finished I walked my way to class with Mark. We both had Maths. However we didn't end up attending. We walked over to the oval on the far side where no one could find us but we could still make it to our next class on time. 

"So, why didn't you answer Paiges question?" Mark asked sitting down. 

"Honestly I wasn't sure if you wanted it annouced yet." I sighed. I sat beisde him and rested my head on his shoulder, he placed his arm around me. He was laughing? 

"I've told anyone and everyone possible, that we're dating because I'm proud to have you as mine." he smiled kissing my cheek. I turned red. This guy was a keeper. 

"What if I didn't want anyone knowing?" I asked winking. 

"Tough luck." He replied poking his tongue out. 

I kissed his lips quickly but gently. His smile turned wide. We then started figuring out what colour walls and flooring to have. We ended up deciding to do white walls with red trimming and black/grey carpret. All his office furniture would match that way. 


When school finished I walked down to the registration office. I met with my instructor Melonie and she went through the paper work with me. We then got in the car for an hour session. 


*2 hours later* 


I was waiting at the rego office for Mark. I passed my license with flying colours. but I'm going to pretent like I failed, to see if Mark believes me. I can hear a voice behind me, it sounds familiar? 

I took a step to the side so I was hidden by a sign. I took a quick glimpse behind me and it was her. Angela. She was talking to a guy with white hair. Not at all old, but dyed white. But she looked, good? Everytime I've ever seen her she was a mess. Hair all of the places, dirty clothes and drunk. But right now her hair is perfect, she's wearing a pretty summer dress with lacey shoes and she looks healthy. Completely normal looking. Which actually frightens me. I mean surely there's a logical explanation and it's some sort of evil plan she has. 

I suddenly had an arm on my should which caused me to jump back behind the sign. I turned to see Mark, worried. 

"Are you okay? Did she see you? Did she say anything?" he questioned looking me over. 

"No she didn't see me. But lets get out of here before she does." I whispered walking into the opposite direction of Angela. We got in the car and took off. I honestly hope she didn't see me. 


We arrived back at the house, he hadn't asked if I got my license. Nor did he even speak on the way home. He just remained silent. So did I. 


He sat for a moment and looked at me. I began to think something was bothering him. 

"What's wrong?" I asked hesitant. 

"Aaron has fixed your Dads car and said yours is half way, all thats left are your windows to be replaced." He half smiled before going back to the sad expression he had. 

"Wait.. My car? Surely it would cost too much to fix?" I asked puzzled. 

"No, yours was the easiest, your Dads windows were harder to replace actually." he repleid looking down. 

"So what?" I asked still confused where this conversation was leading. 

"Aaron rang every shop, even the ones our Dad's don't own and my car will cost $6,800 to fix." He replied quietly. I was shocked. 

"I told you I'll help you." I replied placing my hand on his leg. 

"Sarah, my cars only worth about half of that. There's no point. It's just a pain because it took me and Dad a year to build him up and only a week for him to be destroyed. I'm just devistated. That's all." He explained with a soft voice. 


This is my fault. All my fault. If I hadn't asked him to be mine, if I hadn't invited him over that first day or kissed him repeatidly that night at the suite this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault. 



Marks P.O.V


I looked up to Sarah, she was white as a ghost and her eyes were puffy. She was crying. Surely she wasn't blaming herself?

"Sarah, it's not your fault!" I choked as I grabbed her hands. 

"Yes it is." She cried. This is the worst feeling, I've made my girl cry. 

"No! Don't ever blame yourself, this is all Angela. Look at me?" I whispered holding her head up to mine. She was looking into my eyes. 

"She can destroy my car, even my home. She can attack me herself but that won't chage a single thing. I'm with you because I want to be and that's not going to change just because yourm mum makes it her mission too." I explained drawing circles with my thumb on her cheek. She had stopped crying and was now relaxed. 

"Thank you." She smiled as she kissed my lips gently. I loved when she did this. 

"Now, tell me how you went on your finals." I laughed as I let her go to get out the car. She paused. Like she was thinking whether to tell me or not. 

"I passed with 99%." She smiled. I was thrilled. When we both reached the front of the car I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. 

"I'm proud of you." I said quite loud. 


"Mark?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned and Sarah remained behind me. I couldn't believe my eyes. Hannah was standing only a few metres away. 


Can't handle.


"Hannah." I groaned. 


I couldn't believe she was in front of me, did she really have the nerve to come here? I was beyond angry at her. She's beyond stupid. 

"Who's that?" Sarah asked from behind me. 

"No one important. Go out to the room I'll be in shortly." I said glaring towards Hannah. 

Sarah actually listened and went out the back without a word. However I know she'll ask me about this later. 


"I didn't plan on just showing up but you didn't answer my calls." Hannah mumbled walking towards me. 


She had changed slightly since I last saw her. She now has jet black hair. It suited her and her personality. 

"That's because I'm trying to avoid you." I hissed. 

"Common, can we please talk?" She started whining. The exact whine that won all arguments, but not this one. 

"No. I'm done talking." I argued. 

"Who was that girl behind you?" She question looking me straight into my eyes. 

"Her names Sarah. My girlfriend." I smirked. She hated when I done this. 

"Well you moved on quickly." She groaned. 

"Coming from the one who cheated on me!" I laughed. I mean common she won't win this argument. 


Her bottom lip dropped. She then had a tear running down the face. I actually managed to win, I won against Hannah-Lee! 


"I guess there's no use me being here." she sighed. 

"I told you I didn't want to see you." I groaned. She's trying to make me feel bad. 

"But we need to sort things out and I need to sort it out!" She cried. 

"Why? Because you're visiting? That makes no sense!" I said confused. 

"I'm not visiting. I live here now." She mumbled. 


WHAT?! Wait.. WHAT!


"Say what?" I asked basically yelling. 

"Yeah, Mum and Dad are having financial issues, so I'm leaving with Aunt Dee and Dan." She explaiend. 


I couldn't listen to another word. I placed my hand up and signaled for her to go away. I then walked out the back. I headed into Alex's new study. All the painting was done and all the windows were fixed and replaced. 

"Alright, all that's left is carpet which is getting done in one hour, so tonight we can start moving furtiture in!" Sarah smiled. Everyone cheered. 


We all headed inside for food, Sarah had ordered pizza for everyone and it arrived within 20 minutes. 

I was lucky no one mentioned what was going on outfront eariler. Although I wouldn't know how to explain it. I mean saying 'Oh that was just my ex who cheated on me with my now ex best mate. Oh and she's moving to Brisbane and just so happens to be going to the same school.' would make me sound like a absolute retard. Like common. I gotta tell Abby though. 


"Hey Abby?" I asked looking over at her. 

She glanced up and mouthed 'what' to me. 

"Need to talk." I said standing up, I gestered towards the backyard. She followed without questioning. 

"What's up?" She asked gently punching my arm. 

"Hannah's here. In Brisbane." I coughed. I know what reaction I'll get. Her eyes glared and anger come across her face. 

"SHE'S WHERE?" Abby yelled louder than needed. 

"In Brisbane. She was out the front eariler trying to sort it out with me." I groaned. 

Abby shook her head and headed inside. I followed her in and she was standing in the centre of the kitchen looking over at Sarah. 

"Hey Sarah, if I flog someone, who deserves it. Will I get kicked off the team? Abby questioned with rage still firing her up. 

Sarah looked confused and worried. she walked over and placed her hand on Abby's shoulder. She instintly relaxed. 

"Well no, if it remains off school grounds then I can't kick you off the team." Sarah spoke smoothly. 

"I'll make sure it's no where near school." Abby smiled. She then turned to me. 

"Call her and tell her to come back, I wanna have a little chat to her." Abby laughed, a bit scary. 

"Abby I don't thi-" she cut me off. 

"Do it." She yelled. 


I done as she asked immediately. I rang Hannah. 


Hannah: Mark?

Me: Sorry about earlier. Your should come back so we can talk. I was just really surprised about what you said. 

Hannah: Yeah I did spring it on you a bit quick. I'll be there in 10 okay?

Me: Okay.


I hung up. Abby looked satified. 

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" Sarah asked confused. Abby looked to her and realised what was just caused. 

"I'll tell her Abs, you wait outside, she'll be here in 10." I said walking over to Sarah. I lead her into the lounge room and sat her down. 


"Do you want it all at once? Or bit by bit?" I asked softly. 

"All at once." She said calmly. I took a deep breath. 

"Well, the girl that was out the front, her name is Hannah. She's my ex. We dated for about a year and she found out before me that I was moving. Now, the best friend I had at the time, Vince, was living down the road from her. She apparently freaked out and he happened to be close by. Offered her some comfort. More than once. So She cheated on me. She told her best friend Celeste who aodres the crap out of me because I got her out of a situation but that's another story. Anyway Celeste came straight to me and told me. I was a wreck leaving. Then she's been calling me the last two days and rocked up here earlier. I told her I'm with you. Abby is still angry at her hence thw whole threatening to bash her. Which will occur any minute now." I explained slowly. Hoping she was keeping up. 


"I actually get it. Now I want to see Abby flog her." Sarah said as she ran towards the back door. I got up quickly and followed her. Everyone was waiting by the back gate (3 of them had phones ready to record.) and Abby was in the mix. She had her hair in a pony tail and she'd taken all forms if jewellery off. I know my sister and she was literally about to kick the shit out of Hannah. Within a few minutes Hannah was walking into the driveway. She gave a funny expression as everyone piled into the front yard. I walked out along side Sarah. 

"Sorry, but Abby wants to.. chat." I said gripping my teeth. 

Abby then appeared in front of Hannah. 



Abby's P.O.V


She stood there, frozen. Staring at me with regret. I was about to get every bit of anger I've built up these past few months and lay into her. 

"Abby.. I don't want a fight." Hannah croaked.

"Really? Should have thought about that before cheating on my brother with his bestfriend and my boyfriend! You little bitch!" I yelled. 

I've been in a few fights. Ive even wrestled with Hannah before. She's in for a rude awakening. 

"He didn't tell me use two were dating still!" Hannah yelled, basically crying. 

"Even if we had broken up YOU cheated on MY brother." I yelled more angry then ever. I can't hold back any longer. 


I launched myself at Hannah and she fell with her back to the ground. I immediately started clenching my fists and aimed straight for her face. I stood up after a few punches and stood back a bit. I'd given her a blood nose and a cut lip. She was crying. But she looked angry. 

"You know what? You're the one that wouldn't put out so Vince cheated on YOUR sorry ass!" Hannah yelled. 

This, is where it got ugly. 


Hannah launched towards me and grabbed my hair, classic bitch move. I started punching again and she let go after a while. However she pulled it occasionly, scratched and even slapped me. Nothing stopped me from laying into her. She finally gave up and fell down. I won. 


"You broke my brother's heart. You even broke mine. You deserve every punch you recieve." I spat. 

I turned to Sarah and Mark, they were both smiling. 


"One other thing. You're no where near as perfect as Sarah. At least she knows right from wrong. Oh and she's SO much prettier then you." I laughed. Hannah stood and walked off down the road. 


"I love you sis." Mark smiled. I have never seen him so happy. 



*Later that night* 


Sarah's P.O.V


"Mark?" I asked. 

"Yeah?" he replied looking up at me. 


We were all in the lounge room piled with pillows and blankets. Me, Mark, Abby, Xavier, Kyle, Vern, Jane and Kerry. However everyone but me and Mark were asleep. 


"The night at the suite, you said that-" I paused. Was I really about to ask this?

"I said you were my first. It's true." Mark smiled resting his head against the couch. 

"So you and Hannah.. What did happen?" I asked curious. 

"Honestly? It was mostly making out. I took her bra off a bit however. We planned on.. you know. But she then cheated on me so it never happened." He sighed. 

This explains sooo much. 


"Can we talk privately?" I asked. He nodded and we went up to my room. 

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting on my bed. 

"Nothing." I smiled sitting on his lap. I kissed him gently. However it didn't remain that way for long. We began making out quite passionately. My legs ended up around his waist. His buldge began poking me. He laid down and I remained on top. At some point my top had come off and I was in my black lace bra. Mark looked me over and moaned. He began kissing my neck. He rolled us over and now his warm body covered me. I took his shirt off and his lips crashed to mine again. It was the most intense kissed we'd had. I loved every moment of this. 


After another long time of kissing, We'd ended up by my pillows, both only in underwear. I looked at his body, it was mouth watering. the way it V line sat perfect, his abs which screamed for my touch. His broad, strong shoulders that protected me. I even looked him in the eyes. For a split moment I felt like we were the only two in existance. He was perfect. Maybe even too perfect? 


"Are you okay?" He asked concerened. I must have been a daze, admiring him for a bit too long. 

"Everything's fine." I smiled. He kissed my forehrad softly. It made my entire body melt. He then kissed my cheek, my chin and my neck. He made his way to my collarbone and softly pecked my chest. His lips were so gentle each time he kissed my body. It was an incredible feeling. He then came back up and kissed at my neck again, with slight bites occasionly. It was making me impatient. I then gripped my hands to hip lips. His buldge was struggling to remain in his Jocks. He kept his mouth to my neck and balanced himself with one arm. What happened next, I will never want to forget. 

He was gentle, it felt incredible. My body was numb with pleasure, my arms were like jelly and we spent so long just.. Making love. I almost didn't want it to end. 


Text: Kelly, H
Images: Google images
Editing: Kelly. H and S.L.R
Publication Date: 08-20-2014

All Rights Reserved

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