
The Royal Family of Tyrannrex

In a faraway land called Tyrannrex lived a royal family in a beautiful white and gold palace. An elfin family including a lion who talked and was royal to them. The family was important of course. Why mention that?  Their royalty…. Yes but there’s a story behind it. This isn’t a fairy tale about a damsel in distress and a handsome prince who comes to her rescue. Yes this is an action adventure and the royal family is very important. A few of the villagers who come in will also be important but that won’t be until a few more chapters.         

In a garden just outside of the beautiful silver concrete palace, the princess and prince of the royal family where outside with the lion whose mane was a reddish brown color and golden brown four to show that he was a good strong ruler along with the family whom he was willing to protect. The lion had golden brown eyes. The princess and the lion walked around the beautiful garden filled with red roses, white dandelions, blue and pink lilies which filled the dirt in the garden.         

The elfin princess had a mixture of color in hair. Her hair went from fire gold to fire gold to hot black to let people know her ability dealt with fire. The princess had dark brown eyes to disagree with her hair.  She wore a sword on her back in a long smoky black sheath.         

Her oldest brother, one of the two princes had blonde spikey hair which went in all kinds of directions. His eyes were blue and he was an attractive man to the women who had laid eyes on him. The prince was a rule breaker whereas the princess followed the rules. The eighteen year old prince had the ability to control the dead which is what he was out in the dark eerie graveyard doing.         

See not too far from the garden was the graveyard which was filled with dead elves from the royal family along with villagers of all races. The princess had noticed what her brother was doing and knew the trouble he would cause. “JOHN! We’re not allowed to use our powers. You know that,” she spoke to her brother.

“Oh. Flame, when are you going to stop following the rules?” John asked the seventeen year old girl.

“What are you talking about, John?”         

“I mean when are you going to grow up. We have powers, but we never get to use them. What’s the point of even having powers?”         

“Please don’t start fighting you two. Please don’t,” the lion responded, fearing what would happen when the king found out.         

“Stay out of this, Leon,” the prince spoke with harsh cruel words.         

“Don’t talk to him like that again, John,” Flame replied.

A woman about in her late twenties ran out to the garden. She had long blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She wore a long blue dress with a white apron around her waist to indicate that she was a maid and she looked kind of worried. “JOHN! FLAME!” she shouted. “You guys have to go in,” she spoke softly the moment she was close enough to the siblings. “John, your dad wants to talk to you…. Not Flame…. Not Leon…. Not anyone else…. But you, John.”

“Oh no.” John didn’t want to deal with their father. He knew he was in trouble but didn’t care enough to be around their angry father.


John had a problem with obedience. He was rebellious but in the way that only seem to get worse as he grew older. It wasn’t just a typical teenage boy acting out. He was also bit of a jerk. Flame would tell people that her brother was far worse than the man she was supposed to marry the year before but their father had stopped the marriage in time.



John, Flame, and Leon walked into the palace of beautiful off white silvery walls with paintings of kings, queens, and other royal members of their family whether from earlier generations or recently the walls weren’t baring. The blonde woman had followed them down the long candle lit hallway which had a bright glow instead of a dark gloomy touch even though there were no windows. The woman followed them into the entrance of the wide and beautiful throne room with a long wide red carpet leading toward two thrones.

The throne room was indeed the largest room in the building. The carpet which led toward the thrones had worked its way from the entrance of the room up onto the little stage and under the thrones of the king and queen. There were eight long windows on each side where the rays of the sun entered and each window had two long dark red curtains hanging down off to the sides and almost touched the floor.         

The king stood on top of the stage in front of his throne. He wore a round curvy fancy crown on top of his head, hiding his hair. He wore a long red and white cape with wool as outlining it. Under his cape was a long sleeves white shirt with baggy sleeves and long black dress pants which had seemed to match his shirt quit well. He had icy blue colored eyes and he was furious. “JOHN! COME RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!”         

“I’m coming, father,” John sighed. He hated his father more than anyone in the world. He purposely made his way over to his father walking as slow as possible.         

The king hated yelling at his children but he knew he had to; both as a way to show the people that his children didn’t get away with causing trouble and as a good father who loved his children and didn’t want to see them end up in a horrible place. “John. What did I tell you about using your powers?”         

“Not to use them.”         

“Right. Then why did you use your powers? Answer me now boy.”         

“Because…. I can do what I want to do and you can’t stop me, dad.”         

Flame and Leon covered their mouths as the king yelled at John. They couldn’t help but laugh. The blonde woman didn’t like to see the prince or the princess in trouble but understand that the king was doing his job.



Later that day, Flame was in her room, brushing her hair of three different fiery colors. Knock, knock, knock. She placed the her brush on the little white and gold glass vanity table which she had in her small but well-rounded room and stood up. She walked over to the door and opened it. She smiled at the blonde woman. “Hi, Kate.”         

“Hi, Flame. It’s time for you to eat,” Kate informed the princess.         

“Okay. Thank you.”         

“You welcome.”



Flame entered into the dining room which was the second largest room in the palace. She took her place next to her baby brother. He was a year old with a little bit of hair and his two front teeth were growing. She could tell that he was hungry but they had to wait for John to arrive. It was considered rude to eat without all of the members of the family at the table. She looked over at her mother and father who were talking to a butler.         

The butler was in his late twenties and he had light brown hair with brown eyes to match. He was a nice guy and everyone loved him. He always seemed to have funny stories to tell and no one would want to miss what he had to tell them.         

The queen, Flame’s mother, had a mixture of hair colors but it was hard to tell what colors because she always had her hair in a bun. In a certain light which reflected from her head it seem like a silvery blue green almost aqua mixed with a little gold in the middle. She wore a long puffy dress which was dark blue and a white collar which worked its way out of the dress.

When it came to eating, the king and queen would take off their crowns. It was respectful, kind of the rule ‘don’t wear a hat in the palace because it’s rude.’         

The king would prefer to wear the crown at all times to hide the bald spot on the back of his head which seem to grow more and more under his fading dark silvery black hair. The elfin men felt that people would make in fun of them if they didn’t have any hair but that wasn’t true.         

Kate hurried into the dining room, worry had filled her steps as she pasted over to the table. “John’s not answering me, sir. I don’t think he’s awake, but I don’t want to walk in on him,” she said, shaking as she spoke.         

“Flame,” the king said. A bad feeling was growing inside of him.         

“Yea, dad?” Flame asked.         

“We’re going to check on John.”         



Flame and the king walked up to John’s room to check up on him. Flame knocked on the door but no answer. The king was starting to grow angry as Flame continued to knock. “This is making me mad…. Ice power.” The king held up his hand and was about to use his ability of ice to freeze the door.         

“Dad…. Don’t use your power. Why don’t you open the door instead?” Flame asked as she placed a hand over her father’s hand and slowly lowered his hand.         

“I never thought of that, Flame. That’s a good idea. I will open the door.” The king wasn’t an idiot but he had his moments when he couldn’t think straight because of his anger.

Starting a Journey

Flame smiled and shook her head. When her father opened the door, they noticed sheets were tied up and hanging out of the window. Flame noticed a note lying on her brother’s empty bed. She walked over to the bed and picked up the note. It read:


“Dear mom, dad, and Flame,


I am going to do what I want now. You can’t stop me. I’m no longer on the good side. I’m going to become the prince of evil. I’m going to go somewhere where you wouldn’t go.



                                                                      John Caution                   


P.S. Don’t look for me…. Or else.”


It was an oddly worded note but meant as a warning to the king and the other royal members of the family.  

“I can’t believe this. My son turned against me. I can’t go looking for him because I don’t know where he’s at.”

Flame looked at her father and felt as if she had to do something about the situation. “Dad…. Leon and me can look for John.”         

“No…. I don’t want you to do what your brother did to us.”         

“I won’t go on the bad side, dad. I know Leon won’t. We’ll talk to Grandma. Okay, dad. Please?”         

“Okay,” her father sighed. “Be careful, Flame, and Leon.”         

“We will dad.”



Leon and Flame started out on their first part of what would be a long journey to find John. They wondered into the little village filled with small cottages made of stone and straw. The homes of the villagers were small but strong huts. Villagers were out starting small fires for light as night fell upon the land.         

The princess and her lion came across a couple of village girls who were around Flame’s own age. One of the girls had catlike features, while the other girl had wolf like features. The catlike girl had blue-green cat eyes and a long brown cat tail. The wolf like girl had hazel eyes with an unknown tint in them and a bushy blonde wolf tail. Each of the girls had furry elfish ears. The wolf girl had long blonde hair which seem to curl as it fell past her shoulders while the cat girl had straight but should length brown hair.         

“My name is Princess,” the cat girl had introduced herself, “and her name is Lassy. Your name is….?” She appeared to be about 17 or 18 years of age at least.         

“Flame…. Princess Flame.”         

“You’re Princess Flame?” Lassy asked. She had appeared to be about 17 at least as well.        

“Lassy,” Princess sighed with disbelief, “don’t believe her. You’re not the princess. She won’t come here to the village.” She thought that the royal family were stuck up and wouldn’t be caught dead in the village for any reason other than war. It was unbelievable to her to think that the princess would be in the village and alone at that.         

“I am the princess.” Flame knew that there was only one way to prove she wasn’t lying to the two villagers. “Watch….” She drew her sword and flames began to form around the silver blade but never touched it.         

Princess’s eyes grew at the sight of the flaming sword. Only the princess had that ability which meant one thing. “You are Princess Flame.” She felt horrible as she dropped her head in shame. “Sorry I said that you weren’t the princess.”         

“That’s okay,” Flame replied as she placed the sword back in its sheath on her back. “I forgive you.”         

“So, Flame, why are you here?”         

“Because I have to talk to my grandma…. And I have to go to the woods to get to her house.” Flame took a moment for herself. Well, cave that is.         

“You have to go in the woods…. That’s bad.” Lassy began to grow worried at Flame’s words. “There’s a dragon in there; no telling what it’ll do to you…. Especially because you’re the princess…. Isn’t that right, Princess?”         

“Yea,” Princess agreed. “It’s dangerous for you to go without some other people with you…. Not only that whoever goes in, never comes out.”         

“Well,” Flame said, “I have been in there before…. I know that dragon. Well, Leon and I better get going. Come on, Leon.”         

“Who’s Leon?”         

Leon shook his head and smiled. “Me…. I’m Flame’s pet.”         

Princess looked down at the strong handsome lion. “Oh.  Hey, wait, Flame, can Lassy and I go with you?” 

“If you want,” Flame answered.         

“I have to ask my brother if I can go. I’ll be back,” Lassy said as she began walking away.         

“What about you, Princess?”         

“I have to ask my brother too. Can you wait for us?”         


Princess left, heading in the opposite direction which Lassy had went.


An attractive guy with long kind of messy blonde hair which revealed his elfish ears and dreamy blue eyes hurried out of a small little hut and kind of ran past Flame while he was followed by a peach color fur female lion which hadn’t seen to be in a hurry at all. Leon followed the lioness with his eyes as she vanished into a barn after the guy.         

Once the guy worked his way passed Flame again, he stopped and turned around. He had to be about 18 years of age. “I am sorry, miss….” He replied as he recognized who the girl was. “You’re Princess Flame…. I am really sorry. I didn’t… to…. My name’s Joseph…. Joseph Lodge at your service.” He bowed and begged for forgiveness because of his rudeness.         

“I forgive you,” Flame replied. She knew it wasn’t his fault. He was in a hurry and that hadn’t bothered her one bit. “I’m really glad to meet you, Joseph. I really am.”         

“You must be her pet, Leon, right?”         

“Yea,” Leon answered.         

“Kona! Come on out, girl!” Joseph called out toward the barn.         

The lioness worked her way from the barn, confused. “Okay….” She walked over toward the two elves and the male lion. “Uh…. Joseph…. Who are these two?” she asked, shyly.         

“Kona, this is Flame and Leon. Flame and Leon, this is Kona.”         

“You’re a lion just like me,” Leon replied with a smile. “It’s good to talk to another lion like you.”         

“The same for me,” Kona agreed.         

Leon and Kona began chatting while Joseph and Flame talked for a little while. Princess and Lassy walked out ready to head for the woods.         

“Okay, Flame,” Princess said. “We’re ready to go.”         

“Um….” Lassy began. “Princess.”         


“I think Flame is talking to Joseph right now so we shouldn’t interrupt them.”         

“Okay. Sorry about that guys.”         

“That’s okay, Princess,” Flame replied. “I’ve got to go now but I’ll talk to you later if you’re going to be here.”         

“Okay.” Joseph smiled. “I’ll talk to you later, Flame. Bye.”         

“Bye, Joseph. Bye, Kona. Come on, Leon.”         

“Well, I have to go, Kona,” Leon said. “Bye.”

Flame’s Grandmother

Leon quickly licked Kona’s cheek as Joseph shyly kissed Flame’s cheek, surprising himself as he did so. Flame was love struck by cupid’s arrow as Joseph moved away from her. Yeah they just met but it’s just a story so love can strike at any time.

“Did he just give you a kiss?” Lassy asked once Joseph and Kona were out of sight.

“Yeah…. He did,” Flame answered in a day dreamy voice.

“But my cousin never gave a girl a kiss before. Flame, my cousin, Joseph, likes you and you like him don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Flame replied, not realizing what Lassy even asked. “Lassy, did you say that Joseph is your cousin?”

“Yeah…. Why?”

“Because I like him.”

“Tyrannrex to Flame…. Tyrannrex to Flame,” Princess replied as she helped Flame snap back to reality. “I thought you had to go see your grandmother, not talk about Joseph.”

“Oh yeah…. Thanks for reminding me, Princess. Let’s go you three.”



The three elfish girls and Leon worked their way into the semi-dark woods with few trees. They walked until they came across a tall fat green dragon with a long scaly skinny neck. The dragon had two huge curvy bat wings and spikes which ran down her back and in between both wings. The tip of her tail took the shape of a diamond and had seemed to be dangerously sharp.         

“Flame, I don’t see your grandmother,” Princess replied. It was odd she had said that because Flame hadn’t explained how her grandmother had looked, and aside of Leon, her and Lassy hadn’t seen Flame’s grandmother.  

“Neither do I,” Lassy agreed. “What does she look like so we’ll know?”         

Flame sighed. “She’s right in front of you two.”         

“The dragon?” Lassy asked, confused.         

“Yeah…. Grandma, look behind you!” Flame called to the over grown lizard.         

The creature spun around and smiled. “Flame…. Leon…. Ah…." The voice of the dragon was gentle and revealed a soft side to her although it was rough because of old age. “Hey, where’s John at?”         

“He’s no longer on the good side,” Flame replied with sadness in her tone. “That’s why we’re here, grandma.”         

“You’re Flame’s grandmother, but you’re dragon, she’s an elf?” Princess asked.         

“I wasn’t always a dragon um…. Um…. What is your name?” Flame's grandmother asked.        

“Princess,” Princess answered        

“Well, when Flame was five years old her grandfather had just died… then I took a walk around the castle,” the dragon explained, “when I ran into a witch who cursed me to be a dragon for life and now look at me….” 

“Grandma,” Flame interrupted, “John’s bad now.”         

“I knew that I should have never trusted that kid,” the dragon replied.        

“He’s your grandchild but you never trusted him?” Princess questioned.        

“No…. I never did and I never will.”         

“Ok-ay. Grandma, if my dad comes looking for me, tell him I’m looking for John. Okay, grandma?” Flame asked.       

“Okay, I will. Be careful, Flame, Leon, and you other two that I don’t know.”         

“We will, grandma.” Flame began walking away, leaving the others behind.

Returning to the Village

The three elfish girls and Leon arrived back into the village. Flame and Leon had followed Lassy and Princess to a small little hut which appeared to be a nice little place to live. Lassy and Princess made plans as Flame and Leon followed from behind.         

“Is Samwell going to be there?” Princess asked.         

“He’s my brother of course he’s going to be there.” Lassy laughed.         


“Flame, do you want to stay the night at my hut with Princess and me?” Lassy asked. “Joseph’s going to be there….” She added with a persuasive tone. “And Leon, you can stay there too…. Kona’s going to be there.”

“Yeah,” Flame replied as she smiled at the thought of seeing Joseph again. “Mostly because Joseph’s going to be there,” she replied, jokingly.         

“Same for me but instead of Joseph,” Leon replied with a smile, “Kona.”



Joseph and Kona were relaxing inside of a four room hut. They were explaining to two other guys that the princess was in the village and how he had the honor of meeting her.         

One of the two guys had short, dark brown hair and matching dark brown eyes to match. The second guy on the other hand had blonde messy hair which flew in all kinds of directions and hazel eyes as well. Both of the two guys were dirty from working out in the steaming hot blazing sun. Neither of them had believed Joseph’s story for a minute.         

Lassy and Princess entered the hut followed by Leon but Flame had decided to wait outside for a few moments. She wanted to find a store with supplies for her adventure.         

“Kona! Kona! Where are you?!” Leon asked, searching the tiny little living room.         

“I’m right here,” Kona answered as she crawled out from under the table.         

“Oh, Kona…. I’m staying the night tonight.”         

“You are? That’s great.”         

“I know.”         

“Here comes Princess and Lassy,” the blonde boy spoke as he turned his attention toward the two girls. “Hey, Princess.”         

“Yeah, Raphael,” Princess replied.         

“Is Flame in the village?”         


“You see Flame isn’t here in the…. Wait…. What did you just say?”         

“Yeah…. She’s here.”         

“In your face, Raphael, and Samwell,” Joseph began to brag.         

Flame walked into the hut and began looking around. It was different from the palace aside from the fact that it was so small and the palace was huge. She hadn't been in a hut before and for the rooms being so close together made her wonder what it would have been like to actually have grown up in one.         

“Hi, Flame.”         

Flame turned her attention toward Joseph and smiled. “Hi, Joseph.”         

As soon as Raphael and Samwell laid eyes on Flame, they both dropped to the floor and bowed down at her feet.         

“You two can stop bowing now,” Joseph told them.         

“But it’s our first time meeting royalty,” they both replied.         

“Hey you two stay away from my girlfriend.” Joseph started to sound kind of jealous but not bad. It was cute how he was acting jealous and Flame blushed a little at the sound of his words.

John Makes His Appearance

The group had fallen asleep. They were unaware John was watching the small village from over by a slim white wood tree with few branches and leaves. He waited for the fires in the village to die down to indicate the villagers were in bed. He searched with his eyes till he spotted a graveyard. “That’s good,” he muttered to himself. “I can get the dead to listen to me and then I’ll have an army of dead people attacking the village and attack Flame…. Mmmm.”

Once John had awakened the dead, he ordered them to place the village on fire. The zombies as some would call them had obeyed and managed to start small fires which slowly grew.



Leon woke up to the smell of smoke. “Kona…. Kona…. Wake up.”         

“Why?” Kona asked in a sleepy tone.         

“Because I hear something and I smell smoke. Let’s go see what’s going on.”         


Both of the lions worked their way outside of the cottage and looked around. Leon spotted John laughing not too far away. “Oh no.”         

“Oh no what?”         

“You see that boy standing on the rock laughing?”         


“His name’s John. John is Flame’s brother…. Well, now he’s on the bad side.”         

“That is bad.”         

“I have an idea.”         

“What is it?”         

“It goes like this…. I’ll distract John while you tell everyone. Okay.”         


Leon worked his way onto a bolder which wasn’t too far away from where John stood and gave himself a brief moment. “Hey, John, up here!”         

“What? Leon! I guess you want to die.”         

“You wish. John, please don’t make me fight you.”         

“What are you talking about I never said that? I said, ‘Do you want to die?’”         

“The same thing, John.”



Kona’s nails slid out from her front paws as she lifted both of them to the door and began scratching. She continued to scratch at the door, letting the noise grow louder in order for the others to hear her at the door.



Joseph climbed out of his bed and made his way to the front door to find out who it was. He opened the door and looked down at Kona, not really aware of the fact that she was standing there in the first place. “Hi, Kona. What are you doing here?”         

“Joseph, dead people are attacking the village.”         

“Oh…. Okay…. Dead people…. I’m going to sleep now…. Good night.” As soon as Joseph finished his sentence he closed his eyes and dropped to the floor dead asleep. Kona tried to wake up him up but he wouldn’t budge until he realized what she had said. “Dead people! Attacking the village! Wait right here, Kona. Dead people are attacking the village!” he called through the cottage as he jumped up, waking everyone up.   

When Flame realized what Joseph was saying, a horrible thought popped into her head. “I didn’t find John…. He found me…. Oh man.”



Everyone hurried outside to see what all of the commotion was about. John noticed the group and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his dear sister standing in the crowd. “Oh so you have friends now, Flame?” he asked, sarcastically.         

“John, I can’t believe you,” Flame spoke, ignoring her brother’s words. “Going on the bad side.”         

“My baby sister you still haven’t learned your lesson…. Am I right or do you want me to kill you then tell dad?” he mocked.         

“You’re out of your mind, John.”         

John vanished along with the zombies, leaving the fires to play in the village.         

“That was your brother John?” Lassy asked.         

“Yeah…. He wants to kill Leon and me now.”         

“Your brother is cute too bad he’s on the wrong side.”         

“Lassy, aren’t you going out with Raphael?”         


“John is mean.”         

“I know.”         

“Never mind…. I can’t stay here.”         


“Because I’m trouble for you guys…. I have to go. Come on, Leon.”         

“Please don’t leave, Flame….” Joseph replied with heartbreak. “Please stay.”         

“I wish I could but John knows where I’m at now…. So I can’t stay.”         

“Wait, Flame. I’m going with you two,” Princess spoke up.         

“I’m going too,” Lassy added.         

“Princess…. Lassy…. Oh well. It’s going to be dangerous,” Flame told them. “Just so you guys know.”         

“We know,” they both agreed.         

“Bye, Flame, Princess, Lassy, and Leon,” the three guys and Kona told the girls.         

“Bye, Joseph, Samwell, Raphael, and Kona,” the three girls and Leon replied.

“Be careful…. Be safe…. And send John far away from here….” Kona whispered to herself with worry.

The King’s Job

The king was searching for his beloved daughter. Like any loving and caring father he worried about his children especially Flame because she was his one and only daughter. Of course he worried about his two sons as well just more for his daughter. He wondered into the woods, assuming that she would be there talking to his mother. He had remembered how Flame had told him she would be there but somehow he knew that it was a way for her to look for John. He wanted to see if his mother could be of any help though. “Mom…. Do you know where Flame is?”         

“Yes,” his mother answered. “She’s looking for John.”         

“Oh no….” The king felt his heart drop as he began to tense up. “She’s going to get hurt because of John.”  

“Flame is a smart girl, James,” the king’s mother replied. She had faith in her granddaughter. She had more faith in Flame than in John. “She’ll be safe you just have to believe in her. Don’t go looking for her. She’ll be safe. I know she will.”         

“You know, mom, you’re right,” James replied as he began to relax a little but the fear was still there hiding. “It’s just I don’t want to believe in her. Well, starting today I will.”         

“That’s right my son.” James’s mother smiled.

“Bye, mom.”         

“Bye, James.”



The queen stood in the throne room, holding the baby in her arms. She waited for James to return along with their two children. She was panicked by the thought of anything bad happening to her loved ones.

When James finally walked into the room, he knew he had to tell her what was going on and let the words slip from his mouth.         

“John did what?!” the queen asked as fear and worry grew stronger inside of her.         

“He’s on the bad side now, Elizabeth, and there’s nothing we can do about it.” James watched the worry grew a thousand times stronger in his wife’s beautiful eyes as tears and pain slowly took over her body.         

“And what about Flame, James? What about her?” Elizabeth asked, trying to remain strong but losing it. 

James took a moment before saying anything else. “She’s going to look for John but she won’t betray us like he did. I know she won’t because my mom told me to believe in her so that’s what I’m going to do.”

Elizabeth broke down when Kate and the butler walked into the room. “Sir…. May I ask what is wrong with your wife?” Kate asked, softly.         

“Yes you can…. See John ran away,” James spoke as he pulled the note out and handed it to the maid, “to do whatever and left this note on his bed. Flame found it there. Here you can read it if you want.”         

“Okay.” Kate took the note and read it then handed to the butler.

The butler was confused by what he had read.


John took refuge in an old, abandoned castle. The place had been deserted for centuries. It needed to be fixed up but it was perfect for the evil prince. He had placed a sign on a window which let the world know that he was looking for help.         

Humans, elves, and other creatures gathered from all parts of Tyrannrex and other surrounding places for work. John interviewed each person one by one, displeased with each one he had met. None of them had seemed fit for the job.         

“Your name is?” he asked a human man with blue hair and purple colored eyes.         

The human was someone of no importance and the prince would easily have him put to death for no reason at all. “Sir Bye….” The man replied. “Bye Tendo at your service, Prince John.”         

John knew instantly that he didn’t want the human around. The man’s unique name hadn’t helped either. “I’ll get back to you on this, Bye,” he lied, hoping the man would leave. “Yea right,” he muttered under his breath.         

“What was that?” Bye asked.         

“Nothing…. Nothing at all.”         

“Okay.” The human left without another word.         

John sighed with relief glad that the human was gone. He wouldn’t have stood another moment with the man.         

“John? John Caution? Is that you?” a familiar voice had asked from behind.         

John turned his attention toward the new comer and recognized the other elf. The new comer was about his age with red spikey hair, a beard growing with a noticeable mustache attached to it around his mouth. “Timmathy Titan?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”         

“I want to help you,” the other elf replied. “That’s why.”         

“Good.” John and Timmathy had been friends for a few years.         

As a matter of fact Timmathy was the prince who Flame was supposed to marry the year before where as John was supposed to marry Timmathy’s sister, Star, the year before then. Obviously neither of the marriages had happened. Although Timmathy was madly in love with Flame, she had no feelings for him once so ever because of his cruel and dark heart. “John,” Timmathy spoke as he kind of glanced around the throne room, “I saw this girl here and she is hot…. I mean hot…. I think she wants to help you with the bad side.”         

“Bring me to her, Tim,” John told the other elf.         

“Okay. She’s this way.”         

John followed Timmathy out of the room.


Flame, Princess, Lassy, and Leon were finally on their adventure. Thoughts began to fill Flame’s mind as she thought about what her grandmother had said. While she was distracted by the thoughts, she walked face first into a tall slim white barked tree. Even though it hadn’t really hurt her, she began to remember back to when she was five.         

Kate told John and Flame that their grandmother and grandfather were going to be arriving around that time their grandmother hurried into the palace with tears streaming down her face but their grandfather was nowhere in sight.         

Grandma,” Flame asked, “where’s grandpa? Why are you crying?”         

“Flame…. Dear…. Can you please get your mother and father for me?”         

“Yes…. But why?”         

“I’ll tell you and John…. I can’t forget Leon now, can I? Well, I’ll tell you three later.” She hurried out of the room as Flame went to get her parents.



Later on during that same day, Flame’s grandmother wondered over to the three young children. “Flame…. John…. Leon…. Well, maybe not Leon….” Her mind had been confused. “But grandpa pasted on,” she told the children, not knowing the best word choice.         

“What do you mean?” young Flame asked.         

“He died last night in his sleep.”         

“No!” Flame shouted as she snapped back to reality.         

“Flame…. Are you okay?” Princess asked, confused and concerned.         

“I’m okay…. I really am,” Flame replied.         

“If you are okay then answer this…. Why didn’t you answer Lassy or me when we called your name?”         

“And why did you walk into the tree?” Lassy asked.         

“They’re right, Flame,” Leon told her. “They did call your name and you did walk into a tree.”         

“Well,” Flame answered, “I was thinking of what my grandmother said and I had a flashback but I don’t want to talk about it.         

“Oh….” Princess replied. “Okay.         

“I guess you had a bad flashback to not want to talk about it,” Lassy told her.         

“It was,” Flame agreed. I wish I never told them because now they’re going to want me to tell them, she thought. It was a nightmare of a flashback.         

They continued walking and slowly began passing signs which read: “Don’t enter,” “Beware of the black ogre,” “stay out,” or “You’ll be sorry.”


Leon began growing fearful at the sight of the first few signs. Princess grew fearful the further they walked into the forest. Lassy and Flame hadn’t shown any signs of fear as they walked.         

In the middle of the forest, they noticed a little cottage. It was too small to be an ogre’s house especially a black ogre’s house. There were many colored ogres from orange to green to black and blue.  Each one ranged in size. Green ogres where small compared to the others but still huge to an elf. Blue and orange were the next in size. Orange was a tad taller than blue but not much. The black ogres were giants compared to others and the deadliest as well. The cottage wasn’t fit for an ogre of any size though.         

Not far from the cottage stood a barn and a pasture which ran around in a circular motion, making a small hidden field in the forest. A small man, who had seem like a hermit with a long grey beard that almost touched the ground and somewhat curly grey hair, walked out of the little cottage and worked his way over to the barn. He opened the barn door, releasing nine horses. A beautiful black stallion tried to escape a couple of times but failed.         

“I’m going to talk to him about something,” Flame said as she watched the hermit.         

“But, Flame,” Leon told her, “he could be a killer.”         

“Leon’s right, Flame,” Princess agreed.         

“I know he’s right, Princess, but he might not be if you think about it. I’m going to try…. Wish me luck.” 

“I’m going too just in case something happens to you, Flame,” Lassy said.         

“Okay, Lassy…. Are you two coming?”         

“I don’t know about Princess…. But I’m staying right here,” Leon spoke with confidence, feeling safer where he was.         

“Okay. What about you, Princess?”         

“I’m going to stay with Leon. Okay.”         


Lassy and Flame went to go talk to the old man.         

The hermit noticed the two girls and began walking toward them. “You’re Princess Flame, and you’re one of her friends named Lassy,” he spoke with a sweet kind voice as he made his way over to them. He had a round belly and appeared to be somewhat tall.         

“Yeah…. How’d you know?” Flame asked.         

“I have a crystal ball that lets me see what will happen but sometimes it lies to me.” The two girls figured he had to be some kind of wizard. “Oh yeah. Before I forget my name is Ed, well let’s go inside, it’s getting cool out here.”



Leon and Princess watched as Flame and Lassy followed Ed into the cottage. “Are they stupid or what?” Princess asked.         

“I think they’re dumb and dumber.”         

“Which one’s dumb and which one’s dumber, Leon?”         

“Lassy’s dumb because she wanted to go with Flame. Flame’s dumber because she’s the whole reason why we’re on a journey.”         

Leon and Princess felt something breathing heavily down their backs, standing behind them.         



“Are you trying to scare me?”         

“What do you mean?”         

“You know the breathing really hard.”         

“That didn’t make any since. Oh yeah…. That’s not me.”         

“Well, if it’s not you and it’s not me then who is it?”         

“I think I know.”         

Leon and Princess turned their attention toward the giant black ogre. Princess began shaking with fear. “What do we do now?” she asked.         

“Oh the count of three we run. One….”         


“Three!” they both exclaimed as they began running for the cottage.



Flame, Princess, and Ed noticed Princess and Leon running as they turned their attention toward the window. They hadn’t seen anything chasing them though which was odd.         

It hadn’t taken long before they heard a knock on the door. Ed opened it and let Princess and Leon in. Both of them were out of breath.         

“Are you two okay?” Flame asked.         

“No…. An ogre is chasing us….” Princess replied.         

“Rusty,” Ed spoke, unsurprised.         

“Who’s Rusty, Ed?” Flame asked.         

“Rusty is the black ogre…. People think that he’s mean but he’s not…. He’s a good ogre…. He won’t harm a fly….”         

“Really?” Princess asked.         


“Is he your pet?” Flame asked. Ogres were seen more as wild animals rather than misunderstood beings of another race.         

“Yes he is….”         

“Ed, this is….”         

“Leon and Princess…. I’m Ed…. I bet you two met Rusty all ready.”         

“Yes we did…. How’d you know our names?” Princess asked.         

“By my crystal ball that’s how.”         

“Ed…. Sir…. Can we have three of your horses? Please?” Flame asked.         

“Anything for a princess and her friends.”         

“Thank you.”         

“You welcome, Princess Flame.”         

They walked out to the barn to choose horses for the rest of the journey. The black stallion walked over to Flame.         

“He likes you. You should take him but if you pick him be careful because he’s hard to tame.”         

“I’ll take him.”         

“Here you’ll need this.” Ed handed a shell type flute to Flame. “It keeps him calm and when you need him play a song and it will call him to you.”         

“What’s his name?”         

“He don’t have one.”         

“Then I’ll name him…. Blackheart.”         

“I like this white horse,” Princess said from a couple of feet away.         

“Do you want her, Princess?” Ed asked.         

“Yeah,” Princess answered.         

“Her name is Scrap. You can have her.”         

“Why is her name Scrap?”         

“You don’t want to know. Do you like her, Lassy?” Ed asked as he noticed Lassy near the golden sun colored horse.         

“Yeah,” Lassy replied.         

“Her name is Sunlight.”         

“So Sunlight is your name? You’re a pretty horse, Sunlight.”         

“Can’t get a horse but I’m glad,” Leon told himself as he examined the other animals.         

“We better get going,” Flame replied as she looked around. She went to pay Ed for the horses but he rejected the payment. “Thanks for everything, Ed.”         

“You welcome, Princess, Flame, Lassy, and Leon…. Oh yeah…. You girls take care of the horses…. That don’t include Leon for two reasons…. Bye….” He told the girls. Oh dear…. I hope they’ll be okay…. I do hope they’ll be okay…. I really do, he thought, worried.


After the three girls and Leon left Ed’s little cottage, they ran into the one person Flame and Leon would have never expected to see again…. Timmathy. “Flame, do you remember me?” the elf prince asked, working his way over to them. A few guards followed behind him.         

Flame didn’t quite recognize Timmathy. His features had changed. “Who are you?” she asked.         

“You don’t remember me? I remember you but you don’t remember me…. Maybe this will help you remember, Flame…. Your dad was going to go on with the….”         

“Wedding,” Flame finished, remembering, “but I stopped him because you’re a jerk and I let my dad know that…. Timmathy…. What are you doing here?”         

“Flame…. Do you know him?” Princess asked.         


“Can you see if he knows where John is?”         

“I won’t…. Now tell us why you’re here, Timmathy?”         

“To take you three with me,” Timmathy answered. “Guards, get them…. Now! Once you’re on my side, then you and me will get married and have the wedding we were supposed to have last year, Flame.”          

“I’ll never agree to be your wife,” Flame stated as the guards placed the three girls under arrest, “and besides I like somebody else, Timmathy.”         

“And who might that be?”         

“I won’t tell you,” Flame replied. She whispered to Leon to go find help…. Anyone but her dad because she knew he was already worried and it would have made things worse for him.         

Leon left.         

“Flame…. What did you tell Leon?” Princess asked.         

“And why did he leave us?” Lassy added.         

“I told him to go get help,” Flame answered.         

“Oh….” Princess and Lassy spoke in unison.



Leon ran into the village and found his way over to Kona who had been outside, playing with a mouse. “Leon!” she called, noticing the male lion heading toward her. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be helping Flame, Princess, and Lassy?”         

“That’s…. Why I’m…. Here…. I need to talk…. To Joseph…. Raphael…. And Samwell.” Running had taken Leon’s breath. He gave himself time to breathe.         

“Have some water; I’ll get them for you. Okay?”         


Kona hurried inside. “Joseph…. Raphael…. Samwell.”         

“What do you want now, Kona?” all three guys asked.         

“It’s Leon, he has to tell you guys something about Flame, Lassy, and Princess.”         

“What about them?” Joseph asked, concerned.         

“I don’t know but it’s going to be something bad…. Come on follow me. I’ll bring you three to Leon and he’ll tell you what happened.”         

The three guys followed Kona out of the cottage and over to Leon. “Leon…. Where are the girls?” Joseph asked as the lion drank some water.         

Leon stopped what he was doing and turned his attention toward the elves. “This guy named Timmathy…. Flame and me know him because him and Flame were supposed to get married last year but they didn’t and I am glad…. Well now if you don’t do anything, Joseph, to stop him then he’ll force Flame to marry him…. Not only that he’s helping John,” Leon stated. He figured that when they ran into Timmathy and the guards.

“Leon…. What will he do to Princess?” Samwell asked.         

“And Lassy?” Raphael added.         

“Samwell…. Raphael…. He’s going to lock them up in a dungeon or maybe kill them…. I’m not really sure about them two because I left to get you three before he said anything about them.”         

“Come on, you guys, let’s go save our girls,” Joseph spoke with bravery and courage.         

“Whoa…. Joseph…. We don’t know where they’re at right now,” Samwell said.         

“I’ll help you guys look for them. Besides they have horses now,” Leon replied, trying to figure out what the point was to even mention the horses.         

“They do?”         


“If we want to save them, then we better start going.”          

“Samwell’s right,” Joseph agreed. “Kona, can you stay here and watch over the village for us?”         

“Okay, Joseph. I will…. Can you guys do something for me?” Kona asked.         

“Yeah,” Samwell replied.         

“What?” Joseph asked.         

“Be careful on the trip. Raphael, I hope you save Lassy…. Samwell, I hope you save Princess…. And last but not least, Joseph, I hope you save Flame.”         

“We will, Kona…. And don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine,” Samwell told her.         

“I’ll try not to, Samwell. Bye, guys.”         

“Bye, Kona,” the guys all agreed then left.


Timmathy had the guards drag the three girls to the old dark castle where John was hiding out at. He went inside, leaving the three girls with the guards. “I got your sister and her two friends who came with her,” he told the other prince.         

“Bring them in,” John spoke with a smile, “I want to talk to them, and Timmathy, I would like it if Tani was in here with me too.”         

“Okay, John…. But before I go who’s Tani so I know?”         

“You know that girl you showed me the other night?”         


“Well her name’s Tani and she’s now my girlfriend. I want her to meet Flame.”         

“Okay.” Timmathy left. A few minutes later he arrived pushing Princess, Lassy, and Flame into the room.   

By this time an eighteen year old girl with blue green eyes and beautiful long wavy blonde hair stood next to John.         

“Flame…. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Tani,” John said. “Tani, that’s my sister, Flame, and her two friends, Black and Blue.”         

“Hey, that’s not nice….” Princess blurted out at the random choice of words which fell from John’s mouth. “My name’s Princess….”         

“And my name’s Lassy,” Lassy replied.         

“John…. Why did you want us here?” Flame asked.         

“Oh, baby sister…. I just wanted to see the look on your face when I kill dad,” John answered.         

“I won’t let you…. If you want to kill dad, then you have to go against me first.”         

“Not if you can’t get through me first,” Princess added.         

“Princess, are you crazy?” Flame asked.         

“You have to go through me first,” Lassy included.         

“Lassy?” Princess and Flame asked.         

“You three think you can stop me? This is like Charlie’s Angels…. We got the Angels but who’s going to be Charlie, and we got the villain which of course is me,” John stated. (Yeah let’s just say that “Charlie’s Angels” was a play before anything else.) The evil prince laughed. “You three aren’t going to stop me. Timmathy, bring Princess and Lassy to the dungeon. Tani will get Flame ready as your bride in the wedding.”         

“Okay,” Timmathy agreed. He liked the idea of being married to the woman his heart was lusting after. “You two are coming with me.”         

“Can I ask you something, Timmathy?” Princess asked.         

“Yeah…. What?” Timmathy replied with another question.        

“Why are you such a jerk?” Princess asked.        

“You are heading for death if you don’t shut up,” Timmathy told her.        

“Princess…. Do you want to die?” Lassy asked.         

“No,” Princess replied.         

“If I were the both of you, I’d shut up,” Timmathy told them.        

“John…. I’m not going to get married to Timmathy and you know…. I rather die,” Flame said.        

“If you don’t get married to Timmathy then your two friends Prince and Max will die,” John told her.        

“You wouldn’t…. And besides their names are Princess and Lassy…. Not Prince and Max….” Flame was willing to defend her friends.        

“I would….And I know their names…. So if I were you, I’d get married to Timmathy. Tani, get my sister ready for her wedding,” John ordered.        

“Yes, John,” the blonde girl replied. “You’re coming with me, princess.”         

“No…. I can’t believe this,” Flame spoke in protest.

The Royal Wedding

Tani helped prepare Flame for the wedding. Flame felt helpless, knowing that there was no way to stop the madness. It was the only way to keep her friends from getting killed.



Raphael, Samwell, Joseph, and Leon found their way to the castle. They worked their way toward the cold, dark, damp dungeon. “Raphael…. Joseph….” Princess spoke.         

“Samwell…. Leon….” Lassy continued.         

“Princess…. Lassy…. Where’s Flame?” Joseph asked, concerned.         

“Um…. Joseph…. John’s friend, Timmathy, is forcing Flame to marry him.”         

“No…. That’s bad. I have to stop it.”         

“Joseph, you go and stop the wedding while Samwell and I get these two down…. Okay?” Raphael nodded toward Joseph.         

“Okay. Leon, can you come with me?” Joseph asked.        

“Yeah.” Leon nodded.



Flame stood at the altar, waiting for someone to stop the wedding… hoping Joseph would be that someone.  

The pastor had read through the vows. “Any objections…. If so speak now or forever hold your peace.” 

“I object!  I object!” Joseph called as he ran into the room, followed by Leon.         

John and Tani looked at Joseph, confused. “Who are you? And why are you here?” John asked.         

“I’m Joseph Lodge,” Joseph answered with pride. “You must be Flame’s brother, John. Well, I’m her boyfriend and I just stopped the wedding.”         

“You can’t be her boyfriend, you’re too weak…. That’s why Timmathy will marry her.”         

“I’m not weak.”         

Flame hurried over to Joseph, feeling excitement rising. “Thank you.”         

“You’re welcome.”         

“I…. I…. I love you, Joseph, and nothing can change that.”         

“I love you too, Flame.”

Fighting for the Girl Part 1

Timmathy grew angry at the thought that Flame wasn’t in love with him. He began fighting with Joseph in hopes to win Flame’s heart. “Stay away from her,” the evil prince told Joseph. “She’s a princess and you are a villager. You two aren’t meant for each other. Now because I’m a prince, she and I are meant for each other.” 

“Joseph, don’t listen to him,” Flame replied. “He’s just trying to make you look like the bad guy. Joseph, I know in my heart you’re the one for me… and this is for you, my prince,” she added, crying as she pushed Joseph out of the way. “Stop, Timmathy! Tell me what he did that makes him sound so bad?”         

“He took you from me… and I’m going to get you back.”         

“Hold up since when was I yours?”         

“Since I said… now, get out of the way.”         

“I’m not moving and you can’t make me, Timmathy.         

“Kill her… kill them both, Timmathy!” John called.         

“I can’t kill my princess,” Timmathy replied. “It’s just plain wrong, John… but I’ll kill him!”         

“Then I will… Flame, you’re mine.”         

“Oh so you want to fight?” Flame asked, pulling her sword out and flames appeared around the blade. “Okay, John.”         

“Be careful, Flame,” Joseph said.         

“I will… and same for you, Joseph,” Flame replied.        

“I will,” Joseph agreed.        

“I’ll take Flame.” John held his sword in his hand, ready to fight.         

“I’ll take Joseph,” Timmathy replied.         

“John, if you fight Flame… and he fights Joseph… then who will I fight?” Tani asked.         

“Tani, you can take Leon,” John answered.         

“Who’s Leon?”         

“Me…” The full grown lion was ready to pounce.         

Tani freaked out as Leon attacked her. “Get away from me… you monster.”         

Princess, Lassy, Samwell, and Raphael arrived to help Joseph, Leon, and Flame.         

“Flame, what in the world are you wearing?” Princess asked.         

“Are you wearing a wedding dress?” Lassy added.         

“Yes… I am,” Flame answered.         

“Why?” Lassy asked.        

“I had to because if I didn’t… then John would have killed you two. I didn’t want you two to die… because you two are my best friends,” Flame replied.        

“Thanks but you could have let us die,” Lassy continued.        

“I didn’t want you and Princess to die,” Flame responded.        

“I know,” Lassy agreed.        

“Flame, look out!” Princess cried.         

“Huh?” Flame asked.     

“Gotta…” John held Flame’s sword in his right hand while he wrapped his left arm around Flame. He was ready to kill her. “What are you going to do now, Flame?” he asked. “Don’t anyone move or she’ll get it.” 

“Flame!” Joseph called.         

“Joseph!” Flame cried.         

“You wouldn’t dare.” Joseph had turned his attention to John.         

“I will do it if you force me, Joseph,” John replied.         


Fighting for the Girl Part 2

Leon attacked John from behind, knocked the sword out of John’s hand, and Flame was released from her brother’s grip. Flame reached for her sword, but before she could grab it, Tani picked it up.

“Oh… this is yours? What would happen if I do this?” Tani asked with an evil smile on her face. She snapped the sword in half and threw it on the ground.

The two broken pieces slid in front of Flame’s feet. She picked up both pieces and for a brief moment, she was mad. A small thought popped into her mind. “You think you broke it but you didn’t.” She carried both pieces of the sword over to Lassy.

“What do you mean?” Tani asked, confused.

“You’ll see.” Flame handed the broken sword to her friend. “Here take these and put them together.”

“But, Flame?” Lassy was just as confused as Tani was. “I don’t know….”

“You don’t think that you can fix this; am I right?” Flame replied.

“Yeah,” Lassy answered.

“I know you can do it,” Flame spoke with encouragement.

“Okay.” Lassy placed the two pieces together and instantly the sword was back in one piece. “What did I just do?”

“You fixed my sword. Thank you, Lassy.” Flame smiled and took the sword back for Lassy.

“You’re welcome, Flame, but how did I do that? That’s what I want to know.” Lassy was in shock at the ability she didn’t even realize she had.

“It’s in your blood,” Flame answered.

“But I-” Tani tried to make sense of the situation. “How did you… it’s impossible… I broke it… John, say something!”

“Flame, how did she do that?” John asked.

“I’m not going to tell you,” Flame replied with a smile. “Oh, Le-on,” she sang.

“Yes, Flame?” the strong fierce lion answered.

“Get Timmathy away from Joseph for me, please,” Flame replied.

“It will be my pleasure, Flame.” Leon turned his attention toward Joseph and Timmathy.

“Thanks, Leon,” the princess replied.

“No problem.” Leon crawled his way behind Timmathy and be prepared to pounce.

Meanwhile, Princess began fighting one of the guards while Lassy and Tani fought. Samwell and Raphael teamed up against a couple of other people and Flame went back to fighting with John.

“We both can’t have her, Joseph. That means one of us has to die… and that will be you because I seen Flame first,” Timmathy spoke while he walked closer toward Joseph. “I guess you think that you can like her. Well, you can’t have her.”

“And what makes you so sure about that?” Joseph asked.

“Because she’s a princess… that’s why.”

“If I were you, I’d turn around.”

“Why? So, you can pull your sword out and stab me in the back with it?”

Leon launched on Timmathy, knocking him over. He laughed and dug his sharp claws into Timmathy’s back to make things worse. “Take this, Timmathy. Hahaha… Run, Joseph! Go before he gets up.” The lion jumped off of Timmathy and watched him.

“No,” Joseph replied. “I’ll help you for helping me. It’s only fair.”

“Sounds good to me,” Leon agreed.

“Oh man.” Timmathy slowly stood up and glanced at Joseph and Leon. “That’s not fair. I don’t have anyone to help me, but there’s two of you.”

“We know,” Leon replied.

“You can’t… it’s not… you guys are breaking the rules… helping each other… you can only do that if I had someone helping me.”

“So,” Joseph replied with a shrug. “We don’t care about that… right, Leon?”

“Right, Joseph,” Leon answered.

“No,” Timmathy said and wound up backing into a wall.

Leon and Joseph both prepared to fight.

Timmathy didn’t know who he should fight first. “You can’t do this,” he replied with anger. “And you know it, Joseph.”

“I can and I will,” Joseph replied.

Princess locked eyes with the guard. “You want to fight? Come on… come and get me,” she told the man. She stared into the man’s eyes and instantly the guard was stricken with fear. He couldn’t move at all and she knocked him over.


At that time, Samwell and Raphael had made their way over to Princess. Samwell was amazed by what Princess had done to the guard. “What… how… but… but how did you do that?” he asked.

Princess laughed. “Honestly, Samwell, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she joked.

John and Flame fought by using their powers. “All the dead in the grave come to me and attack my sister and kill her,” John spoke with a small smile.

“That won’t work this time, John,” Flame replied.

The bodies of the dead moved toward Flame. She held onto her flaming sword and one by one she destroyed them.  “This is why they call me Flame,” she spoke while she fought.

Each dead body disappeared after they had been destroyed. John was furious by what he had just seen. He left with Tani and Timmathy. Flame knew that the battle against her brother wasn’t over and had a feeling that he was going to find a place where he could get stronger. His enemy was no longer their beloved father but now Flame was his next target. 

Just the Beginning

Joseph walked over to Flame. “This is just the beginning. Right, Flame?” he asked.

“Yeah this is, Joseph,” she answered. “It’s only the beginning.  He’ll be back but even more powerful.” She placed her sword back into the sheath and began crying. She rested her head on Joseph’s chest. He tried to cheer her up with Lassy and Princess’s help.

“Flame… I won’t let John get you. If he does, I’ll save you. I want you to know that.”

“Thanks, Joseph.”

“You’re welcome, Flame.”

Princess and Lassy took the moment to start singing:


                             “Flame and Joseph

                             Sitting in a tree


                             First comes love

                             Then comes marriage

                             Then comes Joseph with

                             A baby carriage”


It was childish but it got everyone to laugh. The two girls continued singing:


                             “That’s not all

                             That’s not all

                             Eating peanut butter

                             And kissing each other”


Flame laughed and Joseph blushed. He thought about what Timmathy had mentioned about how him and Flame weren’t right for each other because they were from different worlds.

“Joseph, you don’t need to be embarrassed… and besides, it’s not what’s on the outside… it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Like I said before I love you and nothing can change that,” Flame told him.

“I love you too, Flame. You’re right I can’t believe Timmathy,” he replied.

“Now that’s the Joseph we know talking,” Leon interrupted. “We better get going; the king and queen are probably worried about you Flame.”

“Leon’s right,” Flame agreed. “We better get going.”

The Horses

Flame used the flute type instrument to call the three horses. Blackheart, Scrap, and Sunlight had appeared instantly. Joseph, Raphael, and Samwell’s eyes grew wide at the sight. They remembered that Leon had told them about the horses but they hadn’t thought about it.

“Where did you three get the horses from?” Joseph asked.

“From an old elf named Ed,” Flame answered.

“How old is he?”

“He’s really old, Joseph… about eight hundred years old.”

“Oh… okay… are you sure, Flame?”

Flame laughed at the question. “Yes, I’m sure.  Isn’t that right?” she asked Princess, Lassy, and Leon.

“It’s true, Joseph,” all three of them replied with nods.

“Okay,” Joseph spoke with sigh.

“So, Princess, can you introduce me to your horse?” Samwell asked.

“Yeah sure… Samwell, this is Scrap. Samwell is my boyfriend,” she told the horse after talking to Samwell.

Samwell lost his smile at the sound of the horse’s name, confused. “Why is she named Scrap?”

“Good question. I asked Ed but he said, ‘You don’t want to know.’ So I’m not sure.”


“Raphael,” Lassy said. “This is Sunlight. Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Yeah, she is,” Raphael agreed.

“So, Flame, what’s her name?” Joseph asked.

“Her name is Blackheart, and Joseph, she’s a he… Blackheart’s a boy horse, not a girl,” Flame answered.

“Oh… I’m sorry, Blackheart, for calling you a girl.”

Flame looked down at her dress and realized that she needed to change out of the wedding dress. “I’m going to go change back into my original dress before we leave. Okay, guys?”

“Okay, Flame,” everyone spoke with a smile.

Journey Home

When Flame walked out in her dress, the group decided to start heading for home. They stopped once it was late. Joseph and Flame stared at the stars and had a conversation.

“When I was little,” Joseph explained, “I would always go outside at night and I would look at the stars and the moon. Sometimes my dad would join me, and he would always say, ‘Your mother would be happy to us… she’s probably watching us right now from the stars.’”

“What happened to our mother, Joseph?” Flame asked. “Why don’t you do this anymore? And what happened to your dad?”

“My mom had a really bad heart attack, but since there wasn’t anyone to help her, she died. I don’t do this anymore because it would make me think about her and my dad. My dad died because of these two idiots that stabbed him right in the heart. I ran to my aunt and uncle’s house which is Lassy and Samwell’s house. Lassy and Samwell are my two only cousins. Well, their mom and dad died because of a fire. So we moved to the village where Princess and Raphael live and stayed there ever since.”

“That’s a sad story. Can I ask you something else?”

“Yeah… go ahead.”

“How did you meet Kona?”

“I found her alone. No one to take care of her so I took her as my pet because we both needed someone to take care of us and because I like animals. That’s the story of my life.”

Princess, Lassy, Raphael, Samwell, and Leon sat around a fire, taking turns telling scary stories. Leon felt lonely because Samwell was with Princess and Raphael had Lassy but he didn’t say anything.

“There were three kids,” Princess began. “Their names were Timmathy, John, and Tani…”

“Oh… I know what you’re doing… You’re making fun of the bad guys and bad girl… aren’t you?” Raphael asked.

“That’s my girl,” Samwell replied.

“Well,” Princess continued, laughing, “anyways, they seen a little cottage. It was said to be haunted but they didn’t believe that the cottage was haunted so they went in anyways… take it from there, Lassy.”

“Okay, I will. As soon as they walked in,” Lassy added, “they heard someone say, ‘Get out or you will pay the price.’ They looked to see who it was but no one else was in the cottage. They began looking for the person to see if it was a joke….”

“But,” Princess jumped in, “they didn’t find anyone. Then these two hands came out from nowhere and grabbed Timmathy. Tani and John thought he was playing a game on them so they didn’t bother looking for him. The same two hands grabbed…”

“John,” Lassy continued. “Tani was all alone. She saw a dark figure in the shadows. The dark figure spoke in the same creepy voice they had heard earlier, ‘Get out or you will pay the price just like your friends….”

“So she ran out of the cottage, screaming. Then she seen Timmathy with a rope tied around his neck and a tree branch. His body just hung there lifeless. Not long later she spotted John with a knife in the middle of his back. He was also dead. That’s the end,” Princess concluded.

“That was good, Princess and Lassy,” Raphael and Samwell agreed.

“Thank you,” Princess replied.

“You’re welcome, Princess,” Samwell replied.

Leon laughed. “You two did great. I thought it was funny how you used Tani, Timmathy, and John’s names to be the characters in the story.”

Princess laughed. “Where’s Flame and Joseph at?”

“They’re on that hill over there, talking, but I don’t think that we should mess with them.” Leon curled up next to a long and fell asleep.

Princess went to get Flame and Joseph while Lassy put out the fire with a bucket they found and filled with water. Then everyone went to sleep.

No Place Like Home

The next day the group arrived to the village. Flame went to let her grandmother know that they were safe and Leon followed. When they got to her grandmother, they realized that she wasn’t breathing. Flame tried to wake her up but she knew it was pointless. Her grandmother had passed away from old age.

Flame and Leon hurried to the palace and told everyone what had happened. Elizabeth cried with Flame and the baby cried but only because they were crying. James and Leon didn’t cry but they were hurt by what had taken place.

Kate and Peter, the butler, had walked over to Flame and Elizabeth. “Peter and I are really sorry about your grandmother,” Kate told the princess with tears in her eyes.

“Very sorry,” Peter agreed. “Flame, this isn’t a good time but a Joseph Calvin Lodge….”

“Let him come in,” Flame interrupted.

“Okay.” Peter left the room.

“Um… Flame, who’s Joseph?” Elizabeth asked.

Joseph had walked into the room and Flame ran over to him. She hugged him for a moment then turned toward her parents. “Mom… Dad… this is Joseph.  Joseph, meet my parents.”

Joseph bowed. “I’m glad to meet you, King James, and Queen Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Oh… So, you’re the one who saved Flame?” she asked, placing everything together in her mind. I just want to say thank you, young man, for saving her.”

James took one look at Joseph and didn’t like what he saw. “I won’t say anything that has the words thank you,” he replied, rudely, “but I will say that you better stay away from my daughter.”

“Dad,” Flame said.

“James,” Elizabeth spoke right after Flame.

“But he’s a villager, Elizabeth,” James answered.

“Yes but he saved our daughter. You should be thankful, James. I am sorry, Joseph. Flame, show Joseph the guest room, he could stay there.”

“Yes, Mom… come on, Joseph.” Flame motioned for him to follow her.

“So I guess… I’m staying… here for a while… huh?” Joseph asked, worried.

“I guess you are,” Flame agreed. “I’m sorry about my dad.”

“That’s okay. I understand he hates me.”

“He don’t hate you; it’s just that he… don’t know if he should trust you or not.”

“Oh… that’s really helping.”

Flame smiled. “Well, I trust you.”

“I know.”


Staying in the Palace

Flame and Joseph went to kiss when Peter and Leon walked into the room. “Flame… what are you doing in the guest room?” Peter asked.

“I’m… ah… showing, Joseph, his room for a while,” Flame answered.

“Okay… come on, Leon, we better leave these two alone.”

“Okay, Peter,” Leon agreed.

“Well, this is going to be your room,” Flame told Joseph. “My room’s down the hall so if you need me. Oh yeah. You can get Kona and she can stay here too. I’ll go with you so that way my dad won’t think you’re up to anything. Okay?”

“Okay,” Joseph answered.



Flame told Kate where she and Joseph were going so she could tell the king and queen. James had Peter follow them.

Once they arrived back to the palace, Kona was with them. She looked forward to seeing Leon again. Joseph and Kona lived with them. Of course, James hated Joseph, even though Joseph tried everything to get the king to like him. No, Flame and Joseph aren’t married yet. Princess, Lassy, Raphael, and Samwell go and visit Flame and everyone all of the time. Flame knew that her grandmother was with her grandfather and that they were watching over them. Well, that is the end of Flame’s story… for now.


                                                 The End


Images: Anna Svahn
Publication Date: 10-01-2013

All Rights Reserved

For everyone who enjoys fantasy and fiction

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