
As I lay in the alley bleeding I remember the fear that built up inside of me. I had only tried to help. Can anyone hear me screaming? I feel so drowsy.
“Help is coming. Just hold on.” A woman’s voice. She sounded so calm, and yet I was here scared of death swallowing me whole and without leaving any trace of my pitiful existence.
“I... I can’t be dying. I’m too young.” I feel myself almost choking on my tears.
“I hate to say this but if it’s your time to go there is not much you can do. But I promise I won’t let you go without fighting.” I opened my eyes to look at the woman. Her face was emitting its own light. The pain was starting to drive me insane.
“Hush child. I am here.” She whispered. Looking up into the stormy clouds above she cried. “Father please give my gift to her and let me die in her place. I am ready to go.” She sat holding me in her arms, her soft touch made me sigh and relax. I sat there on the soaking wet floor of West Side Avenue so confused and sure of my death I did not argue with what she was saying and I believed that when an almost blinding light shone it was my death.

“Can we get her into this cubical please, all staff now! The patient needs us urgently. Marie in charge of airways, Jane stats and obs. Where is the surgeon?” a male voice boomed above me, the various noises that surrounded me made it clear I had arrived at the hospital. I made an effort to tell them I was awake but all my energy seemed to have abandoned me.
“He’s here sir.” A woman shouted over all the staff
“Well get him in here we need to determine the course of treatment she requires. Louise have we got those bloods and fluids going in yet?” the man appeared to have control over everything.
“Just connecting them up now sir.” The woman I assumed was Louise replied. I finally managed to get out a moan to tell them I was awake.
“What’s your name love?” he leant over me now so I could see him. “Do you know what your name is?”
“Yeah... yeah my name is Esther Agate.” I managed feeling dizzy and still overwhelmed by what was happening around me.
“Do you remember what happened to you?” then the memory came back to me.
“He stabbed me. We had been arguing about money, I refused to give him my purse so he stabbed me in the side of my ribs.” The pain in my ribs was starting to really burn now.
“Right Esther we are just numbing it so we can stitch it. We think that is all you will need. Stitching and plenty of rest.”
About ten minutes had passed and the pain was starting to fade now; they were preparing to stitch it.
The pain had been unbearable. I wasn’t sure if that woman I had seen was real or not. The doctors decided to keep me in for a few days until they believe that I am well enough to go home.

After four days I was glad just to get home and go to bed, in my own king sized bed. My chest didn’t seem quite so bad now, and I knew it would take time to heal. As I entered my house I smiled, Jenny from next door must have cleaned it whilst I was in hospital. She was old enough to be my mother but she was my closest friend. I was so excited to be home; hopefully I would be able to go back to work soon. As I sorted through my mail I saw a card of some sort in the massive pile of junk. I didn’t recognise the handwriting; I tore it open, a get well card from work. I went into the kitchen to discover it fully restocked. Jenny had to have done it that as well; I would have to get her something to say thanks. She wrote a note,
“I didn’t get milk or bread because I did not know when you would be home. There’s plenty of ready meals in the freezer and tins of soup in the cupboard. Pot noodles on the windowsill. See you soon from Jenny”
Smiling at this simple note, I turned on the radio and turned it up quite loud. My neighbours would all be at work or university so it didn’t matter. The beat of the music running through the house.
Walking round my almost spotless living room, I suddenly started getting this feeling like something was wrong. Jenny hated using bleach, she refused to use it. But all I could smell was bleach. I rushed outside and hammered on Jenny’s door, she might not be home but her son would. Nothing in the house stirred. Panic started to rush trough me. I ran back into mine and found my phone book called both her and her sons mobiles, voicemail. I suddenly felt so sick, my chest was burning and my back felt like someone was crushing it. I grabbed my phone calling 911; the wait for the police was going to feel like the longest wait in the world.
When they finally arrived I gave their names and they looked into it for me. Jenny had not been in work for two days and her son Joseph was taken into hospital two days ago after being found on the side of the road bleeding. Joseph was a year older than me but he was so kind and caring I couldn’t believe anyone would want to hurt him. I was terrified, Jenny was my closest friend and now she was missing. I politely asked the officers to leave so that I could rest.
I took my painkillers, staggered into the bathroom and turned on my shower. I wanted it to be as hot as I could handle I wanted it to melt away the aches and pains. Also try to soothe my fear and doubts. The warm water felt like the torrential down pour that had washed away most of my blood as I sat in that alley just four days before. After my shower I gently re-dressed my wound, pulled on my soft vest top and pyjama shorts. I entered my room and smiled as I noticed my king size bed made up for me. The pain in my back was starting to become unbearable. I slowly lowered myself between the soft lays of bedding and after adjusting the pillows a few times I started to drift into a deep sleep.

I woke in agony. It felt like my back was trying to split open, between my shoulder blades. I could do nothing to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I couldn’t breathe, I needed help, my mind was spinning and the pain taking over. With a sudden scream I felt the air rush into my lungs and noticed the pain had stopped. I went to roll onto my back but realised I couldn’t. I forced myself to stand, noticing I felt weight on my back. I walked over to the floor length mirror I always covered whilst I slept and pulled away the deep red satin cover. With horror and shock I stood frozen before the mirror. I turned to look and my back better. I couldn’t believe what I saw. There in between my shoulders were two huge, white wings.
Panicked I called the only person I could think of, my brother David who was a priest.
“Hello? Esther?” David’s drowsy voice came through loud and clear.
“Are you busy?” I enquired
“No was sleeping. What’s wrong? You’re not in trouble with the police again, are you?”
“No... I need your help though... I don’t know what to do, but you would have to see to believe this.”
“What is wrong just tell me?”
“Will you please, just come?”
“Essie, I will come. Just promise me this is not a joke.” His use of the name he used to call me instantly helped me relax.
“It isn’t. Back door is open. I’m in my room”
“Give me ten mins I will be there.” He hung up. I placed my phone down on my desk.
Walking over to my wardrobe I pulled out my more appropriate jeans. But then again anything would be more appropriate than my pyjama shorts. I pulled out a halter neck top. I know it showed a lot of my back but I assumed it would be more comfortable than the vest, which was being pulled tight by the wings. I had to cut off the vest top. I dug in my drawer for a strapless bra, there long abandoned at the back it was. By the time David had arrived I was fully changed and sat at the table on one of my stools.

“Essie what’s wro...” he stopped mid sentence as he turned the corner. His face full of surprise and awe.
“I didn’t know who else to call. Help me?” I pleaded.
“I... I don’t know what to do. What happened?” he now looked terrified. Hanging my head I told him about the woman and how I thought I had imagined it all. By the time I had finished he was sat on the floor with his back against the wall and head in his hands.
“I have no idea what to do. But the sisterhood might. We will go to them tonight. You will have to sit in the back of the van.” He sighed. David always helped me out. No matter what, if he could help me he would. He never lent me money but he did what he could.
We waited until it was dark, then under the cover of a blanket I left the house and climbed into the back of the battered white van. I curled up in the back and cried for most of the journey. The sudden braking and the sound of a door slamming signalled our arrival. David flung the back doors wide and then went to knock on the looming, ancient and beautiful wooden doors, which I presumed was the entrance to the sisterhood’s realm.

A hooded figure answered the door, recognising David she pulled back her hood and hugged him warmly. Her face was scarred on the left side. She looked at me then at David,
“I did not know you had company of a fallen.” She smiled then looked directly into my eyes.
“It’s my sister, the wings appeared tonight.” She looked back at him then placed her hand on his cheek and closed her eyes.
“Welcome Esther. Do come in.” She opened her eyes and pulled her hood back over her head. I was unsure of how she knew my name, who she was and why had she called me a fallen. But I knew I had to trust her as much as I did not want to.
“So a woman gave you this burden?” the mysterious woman asked.
“I hardly think it’s fair that you seem to know a lot about me and yet I don’t even know your name.” She nodded
“Fair enough. My name is Sister Amelia, would you mind answering my question now?”
“I believe so. “We entered a room that was empty apart from several metal cabinets. At the end of the room was a stunning painted glass window of an angel reaching up to the heavens. I smiled and stretched out my back and noticed my wings spread. I quickly pulled them back quickly. Amelia smiled and rested her hand on my shoulder.
“You don’t have to be afraid here.” I felt reassured. I still had a question burning in the back of my mind.
“What is a fallen?” I blurted. With shock she withdrew her hand, looking at me as if I had said something forbidden. She walked away from me towards the stained glass window. As she bowed her head she spoke.
“It is an angel who is not allowed back into heaven, because she has disobeyed the lord. They are forced to walk the earth, living immortally until they pass on their gift. But the receiver of the gift must be dying.” She turned towards me. “You obviously met a fallen.” And with that she stormed out of the room.
“I apologise for my sister’s behaviour.” I spun round to see a girl who looked about sixteen. She bowed her head to me.
“You shouldn’t have to apologise.” I muttered.
“Her mother was a fallen. She wouldn’t pass on her gift. There is only one way for a fallen to die. They must burn, Amelia’s face was burnt trying to save her mother. She tries to hide it but she feel hurt by any fallen. But it does not excuse her behaviour.” She hung her head. “I am Sister Faye.”
“Thank you Faye.”I smiled to her. “Can you help me?”
“Yes. I can.” She turned away then suddenly wings exploded from her back spreading wide. She turned back her face glowing and smiling.
“You’re a fallen?” I said with genuine surprise. She nodded.
“But I didn’t fall. My mother gave me her gift. Amelia doesn’t speak to me now because our mother gave me the gift and not her.” She hung her head with a tear streaking from her eye. I walked over and embraced her. Feeling her loneliness, I cried with her. She slowly folded away her wings, and I watched in wonder as her wings seemed to be absorbed into her back.
“How do you do that?” I gasped
“You just pull them in, imagine that you are putting on a heavy bag and brace your back and they go.” She sat with me explaining so many things whilst David sat with Amelia. I had never seen him so happy, well not for a long time.

Flying was amazing. After I leant it was easy. It was such a rush. Flying round the sisterhood’s land I felt alive and like I had a purpose like never before. Who would have thought that only after one week at the sister hood I would feel like this? I landed with grace and my wings blew away the dead leaves. I stood there in the leather bodysuit that the sisterhood gave me. The two small daggers were in their in-built sheaths on my thighs. The katana that Faye had given me rested perfectly between my now fully stretched pure white wings. After I had hidden my wings I walked into the main building, greeting several sisters on my way
I entered my room and removed my weapons and placed them in the cabinet. Walking into the bathroom I caught myself in the mirror. I looked so much better than I ever had before my black bob, now was perfectly straight, framing my pale face and my green eyes seemed to stand out like emeralds.

After my shower, I went to my home. Everything was exactly the same. I went next door to see if there was any news. Joseph answered, he looked exhausted,
“Hey Joseph am so glad you’re safe.” I hugged him warmly.
“Hey. Am not too bad. Have you heard anything about my mum?” he looked so scared.
“No I had hoped you had. Don’t worry she will be found.” He invited me in.
“Do you want a drink or anything to eat? We have lots of pot noodles.” He smiled.
“Sounds good. Thanks.” As we shared this simple moment all of our problems seemed to fade as we laughed and joked about anything. Then without thinking I said
“This one time your mum...” I froze, remembering. He walked over and sat by me putting a comforting arm around me.
“It’s ok. I know she will be fine.” He looked at her photo hanging on the wall. “She always said that she had a guardian angel watching her.” I smiled, knowing that I had to find her. We sat there deep in thought for what seemed like an eternity. The phone rang, shaking us out of our frozen state. Joseph leapt up and grabbed the phone with both hands.
“Hello. Yes she is here, two minutes.” He turned to me looking straight into my eyes. “It’s for you.” He slowly handed me the phone. Looking at him enquiringly I took it and slowly raised it to my ear.
“You have to help. Come quickly. I tried to stop them.” Faye’s voice cried down the phone.
“Faye... what happened? I will be there really soon. Just breathe, are they still there?” I felt anger and fear building inside of me.
“They came for us, attacking the sisterhood. David and Amelia are missing. They are in the tower; they seem to be searching for someone or something. They cut my wings. They cut them off.” Her voice broke off into sobs.
“I will be there as soon as I can, just hide.” With that I slammed down the phone.
“Joseph I need to go. I’m sorry.” I whispered.
“Do you want me to drive you?” he embraced me. I let the tears fall for a few minutes.
“No. Just let me into your back garden and you must tell no one what you see.”I knew I shouldn’t fly in the night but I had to get there quick. Joseph looked at me puzzled but he opened the door to let me outside. I gently kissed him on the cheek and turned away.
“Thank you. I promise you I will find your mother.” With that I let my wings explode from my back and with one smooth flap I was in the air and soaring high above the houses. I was at the sisterhood in virtually no time and I plunged towards the earth flapping my humongous wings just in time to stop me crashing into the earth.

Full of anger now I hit the old wooden doors hard causing them to fly wide open. Some of the sisters inside covered their eyes. With incredible speed I ran up to my room and retrieved my weapons from the cabinet. I found Faye in my bathroom. She was crying and screaming out in pain as her wings started to grow back. Hushing her I help her close, I noticed her wings were forcing their way through her skin the same way they had the first time mine had come through. She dug her nails deep into my arms as I tried to hold her. Blood slowly trickled from my arms but I felt no pain just silently praying this pain would stop for her soon. With a final deafening scream that caused the whole room to shake she went limp in my arms. I gently kissed the top of her head and noticed she was still breathing with her wings now fully spread, it was over for her. I picked her up and laid her on her side in my bed.
I placed my katana on my back and left my room and went to the tower. I heard screaming and immediately drew one of the daggers from my thigh, a masked man came running down the stairs wielding a small pistol. With incredible accuracy I flung the blade which hit him in the centre of his chest. I hurried up the stairs and into the tower. I knew I had to find Amelia and David quickly. Grabbing the blade from his chest, I flew up the stairs. I stopped just before a door, peering round the edge I saw Amelia and David tied up at the far end of the room. There were roughly twenty men all with guns between me and them. I slid my dagger silently back into its sheath and slowly drew my katana, breathing deeply. I pulled away my winds hiding them from view and stepped into the room. The men turned to face me and one of them started laughing.
“Don’t laugh at me.”I growled, anger building.
“And why wouldn’t I laugh at a silly little girl with a sword against twenty big men with guns?” he said in a mocking and patronizing tone. I smiled and looked at him directly,
“I’m no ordinary person and I’m most certainly not a silly little girl.” With that I spread my wings and launched myself towards him wielding my weapon with grace and elegance. I stopped with my blade pointing to the floor blood trickling from it. I closed my eyes tears running from them. I let the sword fall to the floor and fell to my knees. Around me the men who had been pointing their guns at me lay motionless. I knelt there, wings spread and with tears running down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“You did what you had to do.” Amelia’s comforting voice whispered to me. “Is my sister alive?”
“She’s sleeping on my bed. She had to re-grow her wings. She lost a lot of blood.” I turned to face her; I was furious and knew I had to say what I was thinking. ”now that you have almost lost her once, are you going to start treating her like your sister? Are you going to hold her when she’s screaming?” She looked hurt.
“I know I haven’t done right by her. I have to fix things. Thanks.” With that she turned and left with Daniel following.
I looked out of the window at the torrential rain and flew out into the dark sky. I did not know where I was going, I didn’t even care. The rain continued to hammer down hard as I sped through the rain and clouds. I ignored the burning pain in my chest and kept going as fast as I could. I decided to see where I was as I plummeted to the ground I realised I was in the middle of a forest. I lay there under the looming pine and cried.

I woke with the sounds of the birds and the gentle breeze. As I stood I could see the sun streaming through the trees. I slowly walked through the woods studying my surroundings when I noticed mother watching me. She looked perfect.
“Esther not too far please. David what are you doing?” her gentle voice called.
“Look what I found mama.” David announced proudly as he held up the dead bird.
“Put it down let it rest in peace.” She commanded.

I woke from this sudden memory as I slipped down the embankment. I knew what I had to do.
I had no words of respect for the men I had killed only I had to say sorry and may they rest in peace. I wasn’t alone for the burial, David, Amelia and a few other sisters wanted to make sure they were buried respectfully. Faye came forward after they were buried and placed a single lily on the grave and got a small boulder to mark the grave.
“I believe just because they attacked us doesn’t mean they deserve to lay unmarked and we must respect them for they were once human to.” She spoke in a calm voice as she wiped a tear from her eye, “no matter how much pain they may have caused us, life is still precious.” Amelia walked over to her sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Slowly she turned away from the grave and walked over to me. Out of the folds of her coat she took out the katana, now cleaned and said to me
“You used it because you knew you had to; please never lose this it means too much to me.” with that I held out both hands and she gently placed the weapon in my hands, I bowed my head respectfully then stood and slid the sword into its sheath on my back.
“Thank you and I’m sorry but I cannot stay here. There’s someone I need to find.” She looked deep into my eyes and replied the way I hadn’t expected.
“I hope you find yourself whilst looking for your friend.” She smiled and hugged me tightly and whispered “remember all strength comes from within.”
“I will never forget” I vowed with my hand over my heart.
I left her stood with Amelia and David who I noticed were holding hands, smiling to myself I left.

I arrived at Joseph’s house hid my wings, pulled on a long trench coat to cover my weapons. Making sure it was done up properly I knocked his door. I was stood shivering, not sure whether it was from the cold or nerves. He opened the door and pulled me inside.
“What happened to you? I was worried sick! You didn’t think to phone me in three days?” he looked scared and angry. I withdrew my hand from his and held both my hands over my heart.
“I’m sorry. I had a lot of things to sort out.” I looked down at the floor. I felt his arms around me as he pulled me close.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have shouted. I was just so scared of losing you.” He whispered. I leant my head against his chest listening to his heart beating. I loved him holding me close, I didn’t know how to tell him I loved him. As if he had read my mind he whispered,
“I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, I love you and always have. I thought you were beautiful from the moment I saw you.” I smiled and looked up at him,
“I love you to; I just didn’t know how to tell you.” As he leant in to kiss me I closed my eyes and relaxed, this felt so right. Then the phone started to ring, I opened my eyes and Joseph shrugged
“Just leave it. “ He smiled, after pushing him away I laughed over my shoulder,
“There’s nothing more annoying than a ringing phone.” I picked up the receiver and spoke “hello Robertson’s residence.”
“Oh hello, is Joseph there it is Sergeant Rodgers here from the police, it’s very important.”
“Umm sure no problem.” I muttered as I turned to Joseph. I gave him the handset then walked over and let myself fall onto the sofa.

“Esther sit up!” my mother’s voice came from across the room.
“Mum?” I was so confused.
“You heard me sit up and let Jenny sit down please. Or you could go help Joseph with moving your stuff in.” I stood immediately.
“It’s so nice of Joseph to help Esther with her stuff.” With that jenny entered the room looking as radiant as ever.
“Oh it’s no trouble whatsoever. It means he can work on his muscles at the same time.” She laughed. “It is nice to know we shall have a nice neighbour, welcome Esther.”
“Thanks” I said as I left the room to go help Joseph.
There he was carrying in my television. He looked amazing as he spotted me and smiled.
“Can you grab a box from the van and give us a hand?” his voice was deep and he laughed.

“Esther?” Joseph’s voice brought me back to what was happening. I was in my garden on the floor. I looked at him questioningly.
“What on earth?”
“You walked out here in your sleep and I followed you to make sure you were ok.” He said looking worried.
“I’m fine.”I said even though as I stood I was shaking and feeling weak. The day I moved here was the day my mum died.
She was in an accident on her way back home; a man had gotten into his car even though he was drunk. He fell asleep going down the motor way and his car spun. My mother had no time to move out of his way. He hit her head on, she didn’t suffer she died instantly, pain free and worst of all without her family by her side.
I turned to face Joseph with tears in my eyes. Then he understood. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me back into his house.
We sat on the sofa with cups of tea warming our hands.
“What did the sergeant want?” I enquired.
“They know where my mum is but they say the situation is too difficult to go in there just yet.” He looked absently out of the window behind me.
“How is it too dangerous?”
“It’s the downtown mafia that have her. They hope to get a ransom for her.” I shot upright so quick I spilt my tea all over the floor.
“I’m sorry.” I muttered as I stood to go get a cloth to wipe it. Joseph grabbed my arm.
“I have to know if it was a dream the other night when you came round. Did you fly away?” he was looking straight into my eyes. I slowly undid the trench coat and let it fall to the floor. I turned away from him walked to the window pulled shut the curtains and then spread my wings wide. I heard him gasp.
“You’re an angel?” he said breathlessly
“They call me a fallen. I was attacked and left to die when this woman found me and gave me her gift.” I said hanging my head. I pulled in my wings and turned to face him.
“I have to go, Jenny needs me and I promise to do everything I can to make sure she gets home safe.” I looked at him directly hands at my sides, I walked past him to his garden. I stopped suddenly when I heard him say
“Make sure you come home safe as well Esther.” I spun on the spot and ran back to him and kissed him passionately, I loved him so much and I didn’t want to leave him. But I knew I had to, for now at least. I pulled away and walked back to the garden and flew high into the night sky. Not knowing whether or not I would ever return to the man I loved. I closed my eyes feeling the wind on my face I knew what I was doing was the right thing to do.

I gently landed just outside of the warehouse that was known as the downtown mafia’s house. I slowly withdrew one of my daggers and edged against the wall of the warehouse. I slowly peered round the edge of the warehouse and saw two guards outside of the door. I elegantly and silently flew up to the roof above them. I withdrew my second blade and jumped down and landed between them raising my blades to cut across both their throats, they were dead before they hit the floor. As they lay in pools of their own blood, I snatched the key card from around one of their necks.
I entered warily with my wings now hidden. Holding my daggers close I slowly edged against the wall. I suddenly heard voices approaching.
“So you think she will ever tell us her address or number?” I held my breath as I realised that they were talking about jenny.
“Probably not. Most people would have been broken by now. If she still doesn’t talk by the end of the day, get rid of her.” A man replied in a deep booming voice.
“Let her go boss? We won’t get any money though.”
“No you imbecile, kill her! If she won’t talk there is no point in keeping her. Make sure she is dead though and get rid of her properly.” The deeper voice commanded. I quickly ducked behind a desk as they came around the corner.
They stopped just before the door.
“Just let her know that if she doesn’t talk she will die.” He commanded.
“Yes sir” the smaller man replied before running back the way that he had just come. The larger man opened the door and saw the two men I had previously killed. He slowly backed into the warehouse and closed the door behind him. In a flash I was there with a dagger to his throat.
“Who are... are you? What do you want?” he blurted.
“I believe you have some I care about. A certain woman by the name of jenny.” I whispered harshly into his ear my blade staying at his throat.
“I don’t know what you are talking about!” He shouted. I pressed the blade closer to his throat causing a tiny trickle of blood.
“Really because I would hate to make a mess of your very nice suit sir!” I said mockingly. Then I felt the cold barrel of a gun on the back of my neck. I immediately released the man I was holding.
“Now drop the blade.” A woman’s voice spoke, I wasn’t sure if I dropped the dagger out of fear or shock. The man I had been holding went behind me and left the room as I heard the door slam. With a swift motion I grabbed my katana and spun, slashing across the woman’s chest. She dropped the gun and fell to the floor. Her wounds wouldn’t kill her but they caused her pain. Picking up the gun and my daggers I left the room. Ahead of me was a long corridor with doors all along each side. I slowly walked up the corridor and sheathed my katana and held the gun confidently. I kicked open the first door, a cleaning cupboard. All of the rooms had been empty until I reached the halfway mark. I kicked the door hard and inside was a room full of weapons of all different shapes and sizes. I picked up a pistol, a belt with a holster and pocket and two packets of ammunition. As I turned I saw the smaller man from earlier behind me I raised the gun so it was pointing at his face.
“Wait no don’t shoot!” he rushed dropping his gun to the floor. “I want to get out of here. Alive.”
“You need to help me then” I growled not moving my gun.
“Kristian is a daemon; he got possessed earlier this year.” He whimpered. I lowered the gun,
“What? Oh fantastic! What are his powers?” remembering what Faye had said about daemons.
“Well he can cause you pain without even touching you and make you see things that aren’t even there.” The guy looked like he had experienced this; the fear in his eyes told me everything. I thanked him and pushed him away from me and stormed down the corridor to the next room. I opened the room into a conference room, there was no one in here but there were lots of papers strewn around the room making it look like there had been a struggle. On the large whiteboard was written
“WE MUST FIND THE FALLEN ONE.” They were after me, or Faye. I was felt fear and anger take over. I turned and left the room and stormed into the last room.

There he was, sat at the top of the table with a woman cleaning the small cut on his neck. he saw me and growled.
“I thought Chloe would have finished you off.”
“well I don’t think Chloe will be finishing off anyone for a long time.” I said with a smirk. I saw a frown cross his face. I laughed as several men withdrew their guns.
“I don’t know why your laughing, you are surrounded you have one gun and a few swords. What could you possibly do to stop us killing you?” with that one of the men fired a single bullet, I swerved quickly to dodge it and returned the shot hitting him in the chest. Kristian stood and held up a hand to stop anyone else from firing. One of the men however shot at me anyway, leaning over backwards to avoid it I shot him in between his eyes. With a loud thud he fell to the floor, blood flowing from his wound. I slowly stood and faced Kristian.
“so Kristian I heard you are possessed.”
“how do you know my name?” he spat
“Doesn’t matter. I also know you are hunting a fallen, why?”
“Fallen blood could make me live forever.” He laughed. All of a sudden I felt a crushing pain in my head.
“I hurt you before don’t think I won’t again” I gasped through gritted teeth. The pain continued as I raised the pistol and fired but he was too fast easily moving out of the way. He released his hold on me.
“So you can fight on through pain.” All of a sudden everything went black and I heard his voice echoing around me.
“You could never defeat me!” his deep voice bellowed from the darkness. Joseph appeared walking towards me covered in blood his stomach bleeding heavily I grabbed his arm as he fell towards me.
“Wait... no... none of this is real.” I cried into the darkness as I let go of the fake Joseph as he hit the floor he turned into a pool of blood. I heard jenny’s voice,
“What have you done?” she cried out to me. I lowered myself to the floor covering my ears and repeating over and over how none of this was real. With extra strength I stood proudly and spoke boldly
“None of this is real and you do not scare me daemon!” with a flash of white I was back in the room. “I fear no one and nothing” I announced boldly.
“Let’s see if you fear death then.” Kristian mocked and he nodded to his men to start firing I raised my katana and charged towards the nearest person swinging the blade quickly across his chest then turning to fight off the next person who, like everyone else in the room had frozen in shock. I stopped myself momentarily then withdrew one of my daggers throwing it as hard as I could and he fell to the floor with my dagger protruding from his throat. Raising the pistol I shot down four of the men before I returned to my blades. Throwing one of my daggers with extreme accuracy I hit the man stood next to Kristian. Adrenaline filled me as I continued to fight. Moving through the room with a deadly elegance and grace dwielding the blade masterfully, it was not long before I was holding the blade to Kristian’s throat and pointing the gun at the woman who had been tending his wounds.
“Now what was that about me fearing death?” I laughed.
“Go on then kill me!” he spat shaking with fear. With one smooth motion, I drew the blade across his throat watching his blood run down his body. I lowered my blade and walked away. I suddenly heard a hissing noise as I turned I saw smoke rising from Kristian’s body and moving towards the woman.
“No!” I yelled. Before I could say anything else, the woman screamed and the smoke entered her. She turned to me growling with her eyes glowing,
“You thought you could stop me that easily!” she laughed. I backed away full of horror. “I know you are different. However, are you a daemon like me or an angel? I cannot tell.” Her head turned to its side at a horrible angle cracking as it turned.
“Why would I ever want to be a daemon?” I demanded.
“Ah you are an angel. Sent to capture me I wonder?” she smirked. I let my wings burst from my back ready to fly if I needed to. Her expression fell.
“You? A fallen?” she laughed throwing her head back so that her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders and away from her face. I growled at her feeling my face glowing brighter and brighter.
“I can and will defeat you.” I roared. Feeling my rage growing by the second. I retrieved both my daggers with speed, and turned to face her. I leapt out of the way, as she flung a ball of fire at me, the flames reflected off the sequined corset and skirt she was wearing. She growled ferociously at me as I withdrew the katana, I charged at her and swung the blade only just cutting her wrist. She raised the shallow cut to her mouth then snarled at me before changing shape to form a leopard. She pounced for me and I took to the air flying high above her raining down shots. She changed back and leapt up grabbing my ankle and slamming me down to the floor. I stood covered in blood and threw a dagger, which she caught and flung back at me. Ripping the blade from my shoulder, I charged at her only just dodging the fireball she threw at me. I slipped on the blood soaked floor and fell onto my knees.
“Ha see you are no match for me!” she screamed. As she threw another fireball towards me, I flew up into the air. Aware of the fire now burning violently around me, I knew I had to hurry. I dived towards her with my dagger and pressed it hard into her chest where her heart was. Blood soaked her clothes and she let out an ear-piercing scream.
She fell into my arms and I slowly lowered her to the floor. I quickly let go, as her body got warmer and warmer, then suddenly without warning she burst into flames. I stepped back feeling really faint and dizzy, I knew I had to get out of there. I noticed my stomach was bleeding heavily, I fell to the floor. Just before everything turned to black, I felt strong arms scooping me up and saving me.

I woke up in the hospital, wires attached to me, a drip going into my hand with blood and a clear liquid I could not identify and an oxygen mask on. There on the bed next to me was jenny, she was sat up and talking to the doctors, she looked pale and thin but she was alive. On my other side, Joseph was sat holding my hand, I gently squeezed his hand and he looked up at me.
“Oh thank God.” He shot out of the chair and held me close calling over the doctors. He let me go and the doctors looked at my injuries and said I had to rest. As I lay back on the pillows, I had pain shoot through my stomach.
“What happened?” I whispered, the whisper felt like I was trying to scream.
“I came down to the mafia house because I was worried and the place was on fire, so I rushed inside and ran down the corridor and went into the end room and there was my mum. She could walk so she ran out and called the fire brigade, I went next door and you collapsed just as I got in there so I carried you out. The ambulance and fire got there soon after but you did not wake up. I thought you had died, you lost so much blood. It’s been five days. Don’t worry I phoned David and he said he would tell the sister hood. I am so glad you’re alive.” He stood up and gently hugged me before kissing me on the forehead and going over to talk to Jenny. I slowly drifted back to sleep.

With Joseph supporting me on one side and David on the other we slowly entered my house, everything was redecorated and new and there were flowers everywhere. Tears welled up in my eyes, I had never been so happy. Jenny was there sat on the brand new deep red sofa, she smiled and stood when she saw me.
“Welcome home hun.” She beamed as I was lowered onto the sofa.
“ Thanks Jen. Did you organize the decorating?” I smiled back.
“Well I had plenty of time.” She laughed. I had been in hospital now for five weeks and was glad to be home.
“Thank you.” David said before I had the chance. There was a faint knock at the door. Joseph went to see who it was. I slowly closed my eyes silently thanking God for brilliant friends and family. Faye and Amelia entered,
“Hey how you feeling?” Faye smiled.
“Much better thank you.” I grinned back. I noticed Amelia and David holding each other closely. I was glad David had finally met someone, Joseph sat by me and placed his arm around my shoulders.
We all sat talking for hours, eating Chinese and laughing. I was glad to be home and happier than ever before. It was well into the early hours before everyone left. Feeling exhausted, Joseph and me crawled into bed and I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke the next day, alone. I slowly sat up in bed and listened for any signs of life. Downstairs I faintly heard Joseph cursing downstairs and the smell of burning toast soon followed. Giggling to myself, I slowly climbed out of bed and went downstairs to help him and stop the smoke alarm from waking the neighbours. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest.
“Good morning baby, problems with the toaster?” I heard him sigh and imagined him rolling his eyes.
“Morning, it was supposed to be a surprise breakfast in bed. The stupid toaster got jammed. I burned my fingers trying to get it out.” He sounded rather annoyed. I turned him round and gently kissed his fingertips.
We spent the rest of the day watching films and just spending time together. I was happy, safe and I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world.

Three years later.
I felt Joseph running his hands over my swollen belly. I was 7 months pregnant and they had told me I was expecting twins.
“Good morning Mrs. Robertson. How are you today?” he whispered into my ear.
“Very good thank you. Any chance I could have some toast, with chocolate spread? Please?” I said in my sweetest voice.
“Of course, one slice or two?”
“Three?” I joked , shortly after he returned with three slices of white toast with chocolate spread all over them. I smiled and gave one to him as he slipped into bed again.
“We have to get ready soon love. It’s almost ten, we have to be there at eleven.”
“I know, mum’s bringing my dress round at quarter past.” Since we had gotten married last year, I had called Jenny mum. She did not object.
We arrived with ten minutes to spare. The sister hood had been busy, decorating the main hall with flowers and pale blue ribbons. I spotted Faye at the end of the room beckoning me with one hand and holding a door open with the other. I kissed Joseph on the cheek and shuffled over. Faye hugged me warmly,
“I am so happy you’re here. Quick come up and see Amelia she looks amazing in her dress. I can’t believe David proposed.” She was so happy she was glowing. She took my hand and slowly walked me up the stairs and into Amelia’s room. She was stood looking out of the window in a pale blue dress. She turned to face us then ran over to hug me.
“I am glad you made it in time. I was starting to get worried.” She smiled.
“Of course I was going to be on time. I had to make sure you actually took him.” I laughed. We sat there talking. Before we knew it, Faye was coming to get us for the service to begin. With Faye’s help, I slowly waddled down the stairs.
The wedding was beautiful and at the end, David swept up Amelia and carried her out of the church. Me and Joseph left the church holding hands and smiling.
I was so happy and I quickly pulled Joseph’s hand onto my stomach as I felt kicking in my stomach. We shared a gentle kiss then walked though the graveyard and through the woods. I loved my life and everything about, I just prayed that everything would be fine and I still loved it after the babies were born.
Me and Joseph sat under the weeping willow, I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing deeply. I smiled and linked my fingers with his. The sounds of the birds singing and the wind in the trees were so relaxing it was not long until I was sleeping peacefully. Everything was perfect. In addition, for the first time in my life I knew who I was. I was Esther Robertson, guardian angel and my duty was to protect those who I had met, no matter the cost. However, right now everyone and everything was at peace and safe, for now.


Publication Date: 11-23-2010

All Rights Reserved

With a special thanks to Kris Price who helped me out with some ideas. Also this book is dedicated to the memory of James Fish, you will never be forgotten. We will meet again one day.

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