
1. November

Dear journal,

11,2,11. WEDNESDAY

It is almost 2 O'clock and I have to go somewhere at two-forty. I have to pick up my U.B.F.F (Unlimited Bestest Friend Forever) Faith. She goes to public School, I on the other hand am lucky enough to be home-schooled. I also have two brothers. One is My big brother Sam. He is 14 while I am only 12. My other one is my little brother, Vincent, -But I call him BB for Baby brother.- he is 11. He is the one I know is a dork my brother Sam is a mystery to me.

11,4,11 FRIDAY

Ever since I started writing in this journal I started ignoring everything but it. I don't know why...But it's super addicting.Guess where I found the picture I worked hard on to draw for BB was? IN THE RAIN!!! BB says he accidentally left it out there, I want to believe him so I will. During D.n.D my journal got taken away, - for people who don't know what D.n.D means it stands for Dungeons and Dragons it's kinda a geeky game -

- still in progress -


Publication Date: 02-03-2012

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