Time before I have cried in this god awful place I have to call home. I wouldn't be so sad if my horrible mother would'nt have done this to me. To think I used to be a normal child like everyone else is hard to believe if you ever seen me. living my life is hard to . I watch every one see me but not the real me not th person i am on the in side. The only thing they see is someone who is weird looking and not all that pretty either. Boys are repalsed to see me so I hide on my way to school and during school.I feel bad when i go to school. My parents have absolutely no idea how i feel. They think its normal for teens to feel like crap.And to make matters worse, every time I look in the mirror it's like someone or some thing is looking right back at me. I know this sounds so stupid crazy,but I can't help but feel there is something of a higher purpose going on with me. Not just the teen feelings but something more than that is not normal. Something is going on . I ask my parents what I was like when I was younger but they tell me the same old thing" You were a complete angel" my mom says in her baby voice. I can't believe them they are leaving something out that they don't want me to know. I can feel that much. Everyone is against me but one person and that person is Dustin, my boyfriend . He is just like me but in boy form . We always tell each other everything . I am his and he is mine that is all i need. We can help each other in ways I never thought possible . Not just in the unnormal sense but also the teenager sense. We have nice romantic times that make it so hard to remember that we are not normal. Some things been happening lately that is putting Dustin in deep pain and trouble. He can't tell me anything because he will die. So where does that leave me .I have no idea but i have to find away.
chapter 1
"Wake up Clore!" i hear my mom yell. Push myself off the bed and walk drousily to my bathroom. I jump in the shower hopping to wash away the horrible dream last night. The same reoccuring dream that I can never get out of my head.I close my eyes feeeling the painfully hot water beat on my scared body.I wrap myself up when I feel clean enough and walk to my over size mirror.I can't even look straight into the mirror.I feel like a monster.I have knee legnth midnight blackish blue hair,freckles all over my face,to close together greeen gayish eyes, and to add on to the hidiousness of my body I'm 5"10".Most people agree with me that I'm ugly, so I don't question if I am any more. I'm a monsteruos looking person and can never escape that part of me.
I get dress in my normal dark emo outfit as usaul. Black tee, jeans, and blue hightop convers.No one will pay attention to me.Knowing what lay a head of me at school I feel my day start to darken like a sickening storm that hangs over my head. I can't run away or move away. I'm stuck.
Running down stairs to catch breakfast, I over hear my mother and father speaking."She is turning eighteen in 2 months. The glamour will wear off.and you do know that when it does she can no longer live here. She will have to move to the Academy of Tigerous,"I could hear my mothers's strangled cry,"no crying! You knew the that when she turned a certain age she would have to leave. Don't you see Cathryn if Cloreiana stays here we will die and she will die. this is to protect her and us." I could tell mom was ageeing with him when I heard hmy father's satisfied sigh.
I could hear footsteps coming so I walked on down to the kitchen,making as much noise as I could , to give them a heads up that I was coming. Once I was fully in the living room, my mother horridly riped her eyes and ran over to me. She started sufficating me with a strangling hug ,and all the while greeting me with'good mornings and did you have a good sleep'.Of course I lied and said I had a marvilous sleep.I tried to act as normal as possible, so my parents wouldn't suspect I heard their conversation,but it was killing me to hold all of these questions in. My mother kept on looking at me worryingly when she didn't think I was looking and my dad look at hera nd shook his head. Finally I could not handle it anymore, and made an escues saying I had to get to school when I knew I was in no hurry to get to there.
I walked slowly down the side walk. A million questions were swarminng around my head.What were they talking about when they said that the glamour would wear off? I always thought that kind of thing only belong tofairy tales.One more question nagged at me like a bumble bee sting. Why were they even discussing that they were sending me off to a bording school?I tried so hard to repress the questions as best as possible, but I couldn't focuse on anything but the conversation my father and my mother was had.
By the time I finally looked up, I was at school. I looked around the vacant parking lot for my heart and soul. My boyfriens is Dustin. He is everything to me. He saw me for me and not for my appearance. He is everything important to me and more.lately, though, he has been pushing me away and always look like he is in pain around me.
I found him sitting under a tree in the middle of the parking lot.I swiftly walked over him and sat down quietlyy next to him. I looked out the corner of my eye to see if he noticed I was there.He sure did notice me and was not to happy to either. Chloreiana, I can't do this any more. We can't be together. You're ugly, low self-esteemed , and you disgust me. We are over anddon't start crying either cause it will do no good," he said icily.I couldn't believe what I was hearing,b ut it was easy to believe though.
I looked away because I knew I was crying and I could not stop them from cacadind down my cheeks.I watched him walk away to a girl's car and kiss her passionately in front of my face. My heart ripped and half, and I could feel it bleeding in my chest.I knew , though, I could not sit there forever willowing in my own self pitty, so I got up and walkedw ith mmy head held low. "LOOK THE UGY DUCKLING IS CRYING. OMG YOU BETTTER GET AWAY YOU MMIGHT CATCH HER UGLINESS SYNDROME,"one of the many jocks who pick on me yelled.My body went numb and so did my brain.
For the rest of the day I was like a zumbie. Living but not fully there in the real world.My heart was bleeding and it felt like everyone was picking up shards of glass and pocking at the mess that was left.I still didn't know how to act without Dustiin, but I knew I only had a few hours to think it over.
My life is like rocky waves now. It is uncontrollable and hectic.Weeks have passed by in a blurr, and I have no idea how I I'm going to controll it.
It is 3 days before my birthday. I can't think of a possible explanation for the conversation my mother and father had. Their hiding something and it's something huge.It's like a puzzle without a sollution.All of it is confusing.
Then there is Dustin.It is not that much to say other than he and I are over . I wish it was that simple though. I love him and ,he hates my very being.When we are in school, he looks at me with disgust. I feel like I want to sometimes when I see him kiss some random girl going down the hallway. It kils me though the most is the triumphant smile and pride he has when he sees my pained expression.He knows he has brokened me and, he still can break me. He has hold of my heart and he knows it.
Today is the weekend and my parents have left to go "check a restuarant out for my birthday".I know they're lying because the way my mom was acting all happy and kept huging me and saying she love me.I know that most parents say and do that kind of stuff all the time, but my mom isn't like that though. She rarely shows any love for me. Even if I get an award or something, she will not even show that she is proud of me. Some times I even woundered if she loved me at all. The way she talked to me was even worse ,but know that I'm older I don't care anymore. I've beentalked to so badly at school that I am numb to even the rudest of comments from my mother.
I'm know one thing though I am not going to try and find out what my mom and dad is hiding.It is best that I don't know because my heart is already broken,I don't need even more heartbreak.
My parents came home an hour later, but I could tell they were becoming very anxious to say something ,but they knew they couldn't."HI! Chlore. How are you feeling today?" my mom asked too excitedly.I mumbled,"fine.""Of course dear. I want to mske your favorite food today. Spagetti and meatballs, remember," she said happily. My mom hasn't made my favorite food in a while.To be spacific i she hasn't done anything nice for me in 7 years. I knew she was trying to make me happy and keep me from getting suspicious,but she had top know that by being nice I was alredy suspicious about her reasons for doing something good for me.
I nodded my head and walked quietly to my room.Before I was fully down the hall I heard mom wisper to my dad."do you think she suspects anything?" she asked. "If she does it's because you are the worstb actress in the world. All these years you made it your personal mission to make her feel like you do not love her and now you suddenly decide to make her favoorite food?" he hissed. I heard my mom wimper and say," I know I have not been the best suppotive mom, but I thought then that to protect her and me was to not get ettach to one another. Even though I tried so hard I could not get Unattach to her. I have gotten used to her quiet presents in the house. I would miss even through my best effots not to."
I then understoood in that one moment that mom did love me she was trying to protect mem and her from something I still had no idea about. I didn't have enough time to think about it though because out of no where my head felt like it was burning. The pain started to spread quickly and I couldn't hold in the scream that came out. My mom and dad then ran to where I was in the hallway on the floor.
I faintly heard my mom say something like ," it isn't time yet. She isn't seventeen yet. Mike do something!" That's when I fully blacked out.
I woke up with a splitting head ache and my skin felt forein to me. Like it didn't even beloung to me."She is awake," I heard someone whispered. I could hear rustling around the room I was in. I open my eyes unwillingly since they already knew I was awake. I loooked slowly around the room and what I saw was amazing and beautiful. The room was deep blue with what looked like stars and the moon on the cieling.It also had huge windows that showed the night sky amazingly.
Somehow I skipped over the most beautiful person I have ever seen standing right next to me.When I did notice him though I felt my mouth drop wide open."Hi, Chloreiana I'm Jasper Vandle. I would like to welcome you to the Acedemy of the Tigerous. You gave evryone quite a scare yesterday you know?" he sain=d in the most beautiful voice. I tried to speak but nothing came out but a hourse screak. "Jazmine come bring me some water please," he asked to a girl in the corner of the room that I didn't notice. She looked about my age but I new she had to be alot older because of her movements and the wisdom Isaw in her deep black eyes when she handed me a cup full of water.Id rank it gratefully and quietly said thank you.
"What happened yesterday?" I asked hoursely. "You really don't remember?" When he saw I had no clue ,he started to explain."Yesterday you went through your change earlier than you were supposed to,"he explain. When he saw my confused expression, he gasped. "They didn't explain to you what you are !" he exclaimed. He started pacing very fast and ranting on and on about how this was not the task he was givin and how why he was choosen at all to be the one who broke down the news of my nature."HOLD UP!Would you like to explain to me what the hello kitty you are talking about. You are raving like a a mad man. Tell me what you are freaking out about?"I exclaimed.
He looked at me shocked for a secound, and then he came back to where I was laying.He looked around a secound like he was hopeing the words would just pop up oon the wall. To make him see that I was paying attention I sat up , with some difficulty, and looked him directly in the face. He began very slowly," You know about fairy tales about werewolfs and vampires right," i nodded my head," well you are something like that bout a whole lot more .... precious. You are the queen tigerous. You are shape shifter who can turn into a tiger, dragon, a wolf, and on e of my personal favorites a jaguar. You have more powers though that we have yet to know." I breath in a cupple of times os I wouldn't freak out." How am I all those animals. One I thought you were supposed to be insanely beautiful to be like something like that. I am not beautiful!" Jasper and Jazmine both looked at each other with worry."Jazmine go get a mirror for me please?" he asked politely, but you could hear the ergency in his voice.
No less than five minutes later Jazmine walked in with a full body length silver mirror. Jasper took it and held it up infront of me while he help me stand up. I gasped in surprise. I was gorgeous in every way possible. My eyes were a dark green , my hair was raven black and curly, I had bigger lady lumps in the front and in the back, and of course the one thing I kept was my height. I didn't even have my ugly freckles.I looked like a true queen.
"What the Hello Kitty is going on! So your telling me I am a queen?! Next thing your going to tell me I am getting married!" I exclaimed. Jasper and Jazmine both shared an expression."What are you not telling me you two?" "In do time we will tell but for now you most get some rest to begin your day tomorrow," he said looking at me with begging eyes. Telling me to let it go for now. "Okay tomorrow I want to know what you are keeping such a secret about," i said defiantly. He laughed at my defiance to let it go completely. He left the room after a small chat with Jazmine, giving her instructions to help me when I need help and to do exactly what I say.Jazmine looked at me when he left and was not a happy camper. She growled at me." You shouldn't be the queen of this place. You don't even know where you are and the place you will soon be ruling," she hissed.She laughed a wicked laugh as if she was a psycho . "It doesn't matter you are going to die any way." After she said that she walked out the room, leaving me scared and a little bit shacking. I couldn't handle all of this. I'm a queen , I have a load of powers that the world has yet to know, and I have a new enemy. Processing all this in a few hours was making me dizzy. I lay back on my pillow and close my eyes; hoping to flow into the deep darkness of my dreams and horrifying nightmares. The last thing I thought before I lost consciousness was," I'm Doomed!"
Damion's Pov
My one true queen has finally come to me. Will she accept me or will she hate my very being for being the one to force her to marry me? I can't even think of those questions going wild in my brain. Although I try so very hard to keep them at bay, they sting at me like a bunch of wasp. She is more beautiful than I have ever thought. She is all that I can ever dream of . I can't let her be force to marry me if she doesn't want to, but if she does than I will do all that I can do to make her life the happiest she could be.
"Damion,sir. Chloreiana has finally awaken," my loyal servant Jasper said . She is awake! My one and only love is awake.
Cloreiana's pov
A few minutes later a strange man walked into the room. He was the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life. He was tall , ghostly pale, muscles that weren't to big but the perfect size, and he had pale purple eyes that captured you in there depths. I knew instantly I knew I was falling head over hills for him. Also I found out that the so called"love" I had for Dustin was nothing compared to what I felt for mystery man.
"Hi, I am King Damion," he said bowing to me. "Um, H-hi. I am Cloreiana ,but m-my nickname is Chloe." I stuttered.He looked down at me and smiled a breath taking smile. Literally, I stop breathing looking at him. "Well Chloe it's nice to finally meet you. I am happy to see you got here safely. You gave us all a big scare when you transformed a little earlier than you were supposed to.," he winked at me. I was about to pass out at any moment. It took me a while to reply back . I blushed deeply when I kept staring at him and answered," Oh yeah Jasper told me about that." He then did something that I hadn't expected him to do at all.He took my hand and pulled me to him. He leaned down towards me and my body automaticly moved towards him. Next thing I know we were in a passionate kiss. His lips were soft and cool against mine.When we pulled back for breath, I stared deep into his beautiful with a huge grin across my face.
He looked at me with the same xpression. "That was very unexpected," he said laughing.
I nodded my head in agreement. "I must return to business with your arrival,but I will come back to show you around the castle," he said gravely . I could see in his eyes he was reluntant to go, but he knew he had to. He walked back to the door and before he left he took my hand and kissed it sending sparks flying through my body. I watched as he left me weak holding onto thee door from the kissed we shared. I have been kissed by a king;what is next?
Chapter 6
Flopped back on my bed and before you knew it I was asleep. ****DREAM****
I am in a room made of gold and red curtains everywhere .
Text: yasmine griffin
Publication Date: 05-30-2011
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