
Chapter 1

Love, I find that word to be over used. You see couples holding hands and making googly faces at each other on the street and one would call that love when in reality when their doors are closed they get in each others faces for no reason. You see celebrities on magazines adopting children and such but I wouldn't define that as love. I could go on and on about bad examples of love. But how about I start my story before I found my true


I sat in front of my mirror running a brush through my thick dirty blonde hair. My emerald green eyes twinkled in the ceiling lights dull glare and wet pale skin glistened after a cold morning shower. One would call me stuck up for the way I sit upright and pout my full pink lips but I call it professional. It has been one of my dreams to become a model and practicing what models do on a daily basis will help in that department like exercising to keep my slim figure. I was proud of that. Although my height being 5'5" wouldn't get me that far.
I stood and walked towards my closet for my days worth of clothes. Swinging it open I screamed in surprise.
"Jake!" I yelled. "Get out of my room!" My eight year old brother was cuddled up in the far corner of my walk-in closet laughing his head off. He stood and staggered towards me still laughing uncontrollably. It was then I noticed he was wearing one of my bras and heels. Before I could reach out and grab him he darted pass me and down the stairs.
I groaned one last time before quickly pulling on a blue pull-over, skinny jeans, and a pair of converses.I fixed my hair into a messy ponytail and started downstairs.
My parents sat at the kitchen table with Jake and my three month old sister, Leila. Mom was feeding Leila while dad was eyeballing me.
"Morning." I sang as I took an apple from the fruit bowl and plopped next to Jake. I got no reply. "Hello?" I sang again. Their eyes met mines and they nodded their heads.
"So, Madeline. Saturday is Jake's birthday party, remember I asked you and Gino to host it?" Dad says between bites of his banana. I raise an eyebrow not remembering when I volunteered us.
Hmm, us, Well Giovanni aka Gino is my best friend from since the sixth grade. His name is exactly how it sounds. He's Italian and he also looks like it. Although he has lived here in California his entire life. He has silky full jet black hair always slicked with gel, astounding brown eyes, sun kissed skin and a tall muscular yet lean body. He is a every girls dream if I do say so myself.
"Fine dad but remember you promised to boost my allowance in the coming week?" I taunted. I heard him chuckle.
"And remember on your way home to pick up a baby formula." Mom added. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and a hint of boredom. Mom and I aren't always getting along since the baby was born and I have to deal with her orders every second of every day. But hey, I still love

Just then Gino knocked at the door.Letting himself in, he gave Leila a peck on the cheek and my mom a hug. He's such a gentleman. He strutted over towards me.
"Good morning everyone." He announces. Did I mention his voice? Its smooth, husky and very charming. He pulls up a seat next to me and comes in for a hug. Just like his attitude his cologne was spicy. "Ready for school?" He asks brushing his breath across my face. I nod as we stood to leave but before we left I took an extra second to slap sting my bra at Jake. While he was wearing it.

Gino opened his black Chevrolet car door for me before he opened it for himself. I threw my backpack in the backseat and waited for him to come in.
"Remember not to make any plans on Saturday, Gino." I said as he started the car. I lifted my feet onto his dashboard and hung my head from the window.
"Why shouldn't I? I have a date you know?" He replies. I put my palm to my heart and squeeze it to show the pain I was in.
"You're cheating on me?"I gasped. We would always act as if we were going out when in reality we both had our own so called 'love life'. His in partiular more exciting than mines.
"Madi, your too hot to go out with. I need someone less sexy." He smiles his sexy smile causing me to blush from ear to ear. I slapped him on the closest arm near me and pecked at his cheek.
"So sweet, my little Gino." I giggled. "Bring the dang girl to the party. Hey, I might invite some other people for when the little kids get tired. As a matter of fact I need

this party for how boring my life is." I groaned and collapsed back into the seat.
"It wouldn't be boring for long if you don't put on your seat belt." Gino chuckled.

As usual a whole bunch of girls swarmed around the car when Gino and I pulled up. They would practically melt when he smiled. Skanks. I left him to his business and scurried off to find my friends, Trisha and Cookie. They were right where they always were, at the back of the school making out with their boyfriends. I would always be the odd one out just sitting there, waiting for them to almost reach second base.
"Madi, guess what? Richy's parents just bought him a Ferrari." Trisha screeched when I approached. Her arm was slung around Richy's shoulders as he wiped some of her lip gloss from his lips. Cookie on the other hand was in full out make out.
Both girls pretty much look the same except Cookie is a redhead while Trisha is a brunette. Other than that they were both short, extremely skinny, and athletic. Their boyfriends were complete foils on the other hand. Richy was a rich blonde with blue eyes and big muscles while Derrek (Cookie's boyfriend) has black hair and brown eyes and extremely buff.
"Cool, what color?" I asked sitting on the hood of Derrek's black Cadillac. Richy scanned me up and down as did Derrek. They are always checking me out but I don't mind as long as my friends are happy and they don't approach me sexually.
"Cherry Red." Cookie finally says. Impressive five minute long kiss.
"What's cherry red?" Gino questions walking up towards us. He does the weird man hand shake with the boys and kisses the girls on the cheek.
"My Ferrari." Richy states. He looks over at me and winks. I roll my eyes and fold my arms across my chest.
"Awesome, you should let me take it for a spin, Richy Rich." Gino says and sits next to me. We all spoke for a couple more minutes and I invited them to the party before the couples went back to making out leaving Gino and I stuck together. He was sitting so close to me that I felt his warm breath dance across my cheek. I couldn't gather what he was talking about I was just lost in his gaze. I had to with hold my self from kissing his thin pink lips.
Saved by the bell, school was starting.

Chapter 2

"Have a seat class, we have much to do." Mr. Sebastian commands. Mr. Sebastian is the youngest teacher at Lincoln High. He has baby blue eyes, pale skin and curly brown hair. He is the definition of a hot

teacher at this school. The rest are boring old men and women.
Sebastian sits at his desk and runs his fingers through his hair and clears his throat. "Hark, through yonder..." He starts. Most of the girls mouthed his words as he spoke so sweet and gentle. I even found myself whisking in his glow until he called me up to read Juliet's part. I noticed that he especially picks on me for some reason but hey he's hot so I don't mind.
Gino automatically sits in my seat and begins to talk to Trisha as I stood to walk in front of the class. All eyes fell on me and my palms suddenly felt sweaty. I rubbed them in my jeans and sat next in the seat he placed directly in front of him. I peered into his eyes. I heard murmurs and giggles throughout the room but I didn't care. It's not everyday your gorgeous teacher is inches away from kissing you.
"Romeo, Romeo where art thou Romeo?" I begin. Laughter filled throughout the class and Sebastian was also smiling. Heat filled my body as I casually flipped my hair and hid my face with my hand. Gino was staring right at me with the most confident and friendly glare. He waved his hand at me reassuringly to continue. I looked back at Sebastian to see his eyes stuck to my thighs. I shifted my legs to divert his gaze. His eyes trailed up my legs, to my breasts and stopped at my lips. I figured that was closer to my eyes than anywhere else. "I don't think I want to do this anymore." I mumbled. I stood to go back to my seat but he held my hand. His hands were soft to the touch.
"Miss Thomas I'd advise you to have a seat. This, if you didn't know is extra credit. And trust me you need it. Based from your last test." He informed. If it was one thing I hate

a bad grade. I plopped back into the seat and pouted.
"Can I at least have a different partner to act with? Say Giovanni? I mean, I feel much more comfortable with him." I state. I knew it would be a long shot but to make it count I smiled my sexiest smile showing my pearly white teeth. Sebastian dropped his head and a slight chuckle rose from him. I was known for my flirting skills.
"I don't mind, Mr. S." Gino shouted from behind. My flirting skills were phenomenal but Gino's commanding skills were nothing but magnificent.
"I don't see why not." Sebastian says standing and ushering for Gino to join me. A wave of relief flew over my body. Not only did I not have to withstand the constant eyeballing from Sebastian but at least Gino would do a better job...I hope.
After our hour long session of acting we were finally allowed to go back to our seats. "A real ass isn't he?" Gino jokes as we sat. I shrugged, I didn't want to offend Sebastian. He was, how do you say, charming.
"I just hope no one noticed how he was raping me with his eyes." I laughed.
"Hey, the only man allowed to rape you is me. Then again I wouldn't force you Madi. Or would I?" He kissed my cheek playfully and turned back to Trisha who was doodling in her notebook.
"I don't see why he never calls me up? I mean I have horrible grades." Trisha finally says as she adjusted the 'y' on Richy's name.I couldn't help but giggle.
"Come to think of it, I have fantastic grades and on my last test I got an 'A'. It's a bit weird huh?" I noticed and pointed out. Trisha stops doodling for a second and looks at me with a smirk.
"No need to rub it in Madi. We all know your like Einstein's descendent." She says. Gino and I laughed. I was pretty smart.
"May I inform you that Einstein-"
"No, you may not inform me." She interrupts and laughs.
"Care to share what's so funny you three?" Sebastian scolds. We all stayed silent. "I thought not. If I hear another word from you there will be consequences." Once he turned his back we giggled... somewhat quietly.

After class Gino followed me to my locker where he braced his back against it like most boyfriends would do. "You can give people the wrong impression by doing that you know?" I say shoving him from my way. He exaggerates his stagger as he collapsed onto me pushing my body against the wall. His hands were against it and his face was inches from mine. His minty breath once again was dancing across my cheek.
"I don't care. Let them think what they want. What's important is how you feel." He was leading to something and I didn't know what.
"What do you mean, Gino?" I whisper.
"Have you ever imagined what it would be like for us to be together?" He asked. My stomach fluttered and my palms began to get sweaty. I thought for a moment.
"Yes." I reply.
A smile spread across his face.
"And what?"
"And would it be weird if we did go out? I mean it's just a question."
"Where is all of this coming from, Gino?"
He sighed. "Madi, you really haven't noticed how I've been acting towards you?"
"Is this the 20 question's game because I want out."
"Fine answer this last question." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. They were smooth and soft and I would regret the day I let them go. I found myself closing my eyes and leaning into the kiss even more.
I mean I like Giovanni a lot. For a long time actually but didn't know if he liked me back. That's why I made him my friend. A best friend.
I moaned softly from the intensity of our passionate kiss but I guess that stopped it all. He slowly released the kiss before opening his beautiful brown eyes. "Did you like that?" He utters. His lips were now pink and moist I just wanted to kiss them again and again and again. I nodded. He smiled and walked away leaving me to dwell on what could've been.

Chapter 3

Gino met me at his car after school with a huge grin planted on his face. He brought me in for a hug and a quick peck on the lips.
"Did you miss me?" He teased as he opened the door for me. I slid in and waited for him to join me. Although he start the car.
"What are you waiting for?" I asked. I kind of new why he didn't but I was to nervous not to ask. We texted during school and I agreed to go out with him under one condition. We don't tell my parents and all of our kissing had to be done somewhere other than my house. They knew we were best friends and all but they hated when I was near boy's so all my boyfriends were hidden.
Gino laughed and looked over at me. He brushed a loose blonde hair from my eyes and cupped my face. He ran his thumb across my cheek and pulled me in until our lips met. I longed for his kisses from since he did it by my locker and this was worth the wait. This time I let his tongue scoped my mouth as our lips entwined with each other. His thumb continually brushed my cheeks and the other hand ran up and down my arm. We kissed for a long time until a knock sounded at the window. I regretfully peeled away from him and looked up to find Sebastian staring in at us. How weird could that be?
Gino rolled down the window as Sebastian instantly began scolding us. "You kids aren't supposed to be doing this on school property." He says. "I ought to call your parents."
"No!"I screamed. I couldn't risk getting into trouble for making out with my best friend. I mean how would that sound. "Please Mr. Sebastian. I cant get into trouble for this."
"Sorry Mr. S." Gino called after my plea. Sebastian nodded.
"Alright but you two have a weeks worth of detention in my class after school. At least you'll do something constructive there." I glared up at him. He looked jealous of some sort.
"Ok bye Mr. Sebastian." I called. Gino quickly rolled back up the window as we both sighed in relief.
"Can you believe that man? To say he's supposed to be a cool teacher." Gino jokes. I stared at him as he started the car.
"Remember I have to go to stop in at Walmart on the way home." I say after the quietness filled the car. Gino shrugs and glances over at me.
"Are you ok with all of this?" He asks sincerely.
"Of course I am Gino. Why would you think I wasn't?" I defend. His phone suddenly began to ring.
"Where the hell are you!?" A girl screeched in his ear. "You were supposed to pick me up!" Seems like he's in trouble. Then it hit me. Maybe it was the girl he was supposedly going on a date with to Jake's party. I tried to push that thought from my head because I knew he wouldn't hurt me like that.
"Tabatha, calm down. I got side tracked. I need to think our date over." He says and glances shyly at me.
"What do you mean---" It was hard to hear her seeing that it wasn't on speaker phone.
"I can't go on a date with you. I just remember I promised someone else."
"Who?" I managed to hear her scream. Gino looked at me and smiled weakly. I shook my head trying to tell him not to say anything.
"You don't know her. But you can still come to the party on Saturday. It will be fun." He's so sweet. Not wanting to hurt the poor girl's feelings. They spoke for a couple more minutes. More like her yelling at him until I snatched the phone from his grasp. Hey, he was still driving.
"Leave Giovanni alone!" I screamed and clicked end. I laughed at my possessiveness and Gino well, he seemed to like it.

Chapter 4

I wonder how my possesiveness haven't broken Gino's and mine relationship. I mean whenever a girl talks to him or even looks at him I feel like pulling her hair out. He reassure's me that he'll never leave me but trust me I know Gino. When he has a girlfirend they rarely last and I just hoped if our relationship didn't work out that we would still remain best friends but then again one could only hope.
Jake's friend's were now running all over the backyard like moron's while me and my friends sat up in my room watching movies until the kids left or at least get tired seeing that a few are staying over. I was curled up in Gino's arms on my bed, Trisha and Richy were making out on the floor and I dont even want to know what Cookie and Derrek were doing in my bathroom. There were two other girls there: Anna and Tara but I didn't pay them any mind.
"So, what time did you say this party finishes?" Gino whispers in my ear. He wrapped his arm around my waist tighter and pulled me closer until I felt him

on my lower back.
"Eight or so. You know how nine year old's are. So energetic until night falls." I reply and roll onto my back to face him.
"It's five and I'm pretty sure everyone here is bored out of their heads."
"Well what did you have in mind?" I teased softly pressing my lips to his.
"I had something in mind but I don't want you to make a lot of noise." He winks and pulls me in again.
"Madeline!" My mom screamed. I shoved Gino from me making him fall onto Tara. Mom opened the door and her head popped in. "Oh good. You're not busy. Could you watch Leila for a bit? She's not sleeping and we're about to burst the pinata." I sat up adjusting my shirt and nodded. She brought Leila to me and rested her on the bed.
"She's such a cuty!" Trisha shrieked pulling at my sister's cheeks. I laughed. I mean all of the girls in my family are hotties even for a three month old Leila's light blue eyes, soft pale skin and thin blonde hair attracted all of the guys attention when we went out.
"Takes after her big sister I guess." I boasted.
"Sure did." Gino commented with a wink. So sweet. I craddled Leila in my hands before setting her in her spare cradle at the corner of the room. She instantly fell asleep and I kissed her on her forehead. I wondered why she didn't with mom?
"So Madi you never did tell me when you and Gino started going out. I mean aren't you two supposed to be bff's?"Cookie finally scolds as she and Derrek shuffled from the bathroom. A foul yet sweet smell filled the room. Is that how its supposed to smell?
"We wanted to try something new in our life long relationship." Gino informs and reaches for my hand.I gently squeeze it and rest our hands on my lap.
"Yupp." I said and leaned over to press my lips to his. Tara was right beside us watching us in awe. She was a cute brunette with chocolate brown eyes. Cute for a shy teen.
"I don't care to that Romeo and Juliet B.S. It's not logical." Cookie says. I give her a glare but I somewhat still felt Tara's eye's on us.
"No one cares what you think Cookie Dough. You're just a BIG OL' SLUT!" I teased. Her mouth dropped to the floor and she lunged at me softly pulling at my hair. Everyone was laughing at how she was making her face look. Gino waited a couple seconds before pulling her off of me while I laughed hysterically.
"Just because I'm not a virgin, Madi, huh?" She says smiling.
"Who said anything about that?" I asked smirking. I raised my shoulders and hands to act all innocent like.
"Fine, since you're not scared. How about we play...Seven minutes in heaven?" Trisha butted in.
A knock suddenly sounded at the door and three more people came in. Luke, a really cute junior; Marcus, a buff football player; And Samantha, the preppy cheerleader. "Great, just in time you three." Cookie snickered. All of the boys eyes fell on me. Who would've thought?

Soon afterwards everyone was sitting in a circle and a green Heinekin bottle laid in the middle of us all. Gino sat directly in front of me hoping that when it was my turn it would land on him. Tara sat to my right and Trisha to my left. Richy sat to Gino's right and Luke sat at his left. I sighed and reached for the bottle twisting it hard. It spun and spun for a couple of seconds until it stopped. At Derrek, oh no..wait,Gino. No, not Richy.
Everyone gasped as I found myself gasping as well.

Chapter 5

"It's cold in here don't you think?" Richy asks as we sit opposite of each other on my bathroom floor. We had six more minutes in 'heaven' to endure and I'm surprised he hasn't made a move. I wouldn't blame him when we were getting up to go inside Gino's face was tomato red. I gave him a reassuring smile but I guess he didn't see it.
"I kinda think its hot. I mean, it could be me." I answered fiddling at my fingers.
"We don't have to do anything if you don't want too, Madeline. I know your seeing Gino and all." He looks at me and smiles. I haven't noticed how soft his skin looked. He was actually quite attractive. No wonder Trisha was dating him.He had the cutest dimples when he spoke.
"So how are things with you and Trisha?" I asked dodging his previous thought.
He frowned and his baby blue eyes darkened but I still felt attracted to him. I didn't know how to explain it. I am seeing Gino yet I like Richy. I feel like a slut now. I frown with him.
"What's wrong?" Richy asks. I divert my gaze to the tiled floor and run my fingers over my reflection.
"Nothing." I whisper. There was a pause.
"We have five more minutes." He informs.
"Good,I need to get out of here asap." I bark.
Richy clears his throat and shifts a little. "Madeline, umm there's something I need to tell you. It's about Giovanni." I now look back at him to see his expression dead serious. I raise my eyebrows ushering for him to go on."Do you know he has a girl friend?"
"I-I'm his girl friend." I stutter.
Richy sighs and places his hand at his forehead. "He's using you. That Tabatha girl or was it Tara is his girl friend. I know you're best friends and all but he's just interested in one thing. And I figure he thinks you're an easy target. I'm sorry." This was all thrown in my face to quickly and I found myself crying. How is it that my best friend would treat me like this. A part of it sounded so true but I just couldn't accept the fact.
I wipe my eyes and stare at Richy. "I dislike liars and I dislike you Richard. I can't belive you'd make up something like this. Gino's amazing and I just think you're jealous." I spat. I stood and walked to the other side of the bathroom but he followed.
"Why would I lie to you at a time like this? Huh Madeline. I've liked you from day one and Gino knows that. He knew I was going to ask you out that's why he made out with you." I wiped my tears some more and forced myself to look him in the eye. There wasn't a hint of guilt in his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes.
"Trisha?" I whimpered. He smirked a little.
"Trisha is a friend. We just like making out that's all." I laugh through my cries.
"Why should I belive you?" I ask. He pushes a stray hair from my eyes.
"Because...your special." He replies.
We had three more minutes and it seemed like the happiest three minutes of my life. Richy isn't what I thought he was. I always thought he was a narsosistic jerk/pervert. But I guess I was wrong. We talked for the last three minutes before the door swung open and Gino gazed in at us. I forced a smile to him to hide the pain.
"We did nothing Gino." I said holding his hand to get up. His eyes were filled with anger towards Richy and I glanced at him and smiled to make him feel better. "What's wrong?" I accused. He blinked a couple times before looking back at me. He brought me in a kissed me for no reason. Was it to make Richy jealous?

We spun the bottle a couple more times. One landing on Tara and Luke. I watched Gino's face and what Richy was telling me started to make sense. He did look jealous when it came to them two. Even more jealous than when I was with Richy. We all stood and pressed our ears to the door to hear what was going on. Gino ofcourse closer than ever. I stuck a knife between the cracks of the door and what I saw made me smile but it made Gino livid. They were making out like crazy! Grinding on one another until Luke's hand gripped her thigh and the other fumbled under her shirt. We all started to giggle except for Gino. I looked back at Richy to see him wink at me. I blushed.
"What's wrong Gino...babe...boyfriend?" I knowingly asked with a devilish grin planted on my face. He looked at me and his face softened. He might have noticed how he was watching them. To make him feel more guilty I looked back at the knife. The two were already on the floor! Tara was riding Luke like mad!
"Get out of there!" Gino finally yelled and pounded his fists against the door. The two jumped in surprise as the rest of us scurried back to the circle. The door flew open and Gino walked in crushing his fist in Luke's face. Poor boy. I stood along with the other boys and rushed to his aid. I started beating on Gino. Punching him in the face and groin. He screamed in pain. Boy, was I strong. He glanced up at me with pitiful eyes.
"Why?" He whispered.
"I don't like being used Gino and I thought we were closer than that." I barked and walked away. My parents came into the room had I not noticed Leila was crying. I held her and craddled her once more.
"What's going on here?" Dad asked with his hands and his hips.
"Love gone wrong I guess." I shrugged and threw daggers at Gino who was toppled over on the bathroom floor. He smiled revealing his bloody teeth. I then looked over at Richy who was giving me a thumbs up and air kiss.
Who's my winner?


Hey! I don't recall telling you that my love story was good. I just said that I can give you an example of my true

love. In this case it was Gino...then Richy. Funny huh? Teens, what can you say? It's hard to trust anyone. Even the ones you've known your entire life but there is always someone looking out for you. And that's TRUE

loving love.

Just to let you know I'm in the process of writing a better book than this. This book was just something that popped into my head. :) Hope you liked it. Oh and my other book is called: Remixed Romance. Its about a woman who's husband was killed by a drunk driver and years later she falls back in love. The man turns out to be her husbands brother! :D


Text: Kitana Harrigan owns all the rights to this book. You may not under any circumstances use or re produce this book (except for reading it and commenting on it and favoring it and recommending it) without her permission. Every aspect of this book is fiction is so happen any event in this book is true it is purely a coincidence. Thank you!
Editing: Kitana Harrigan
Publication Date: 06-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

My parents, how I love them so!

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