
The Trials

The sun streaming through the windows, as my stomach rumbles at the smell of baking bread. I sit up halfway and see a brown package down on my desk. Springing out of bed I hit my head on the ceiling, forming a bump. I slip on a new dress and brush the matted tangles out of my hair. Then I go into the kitchen and grab a slice of homemade bread, as I am about walk out the door, forgetting my package when a knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. My older sister Lily rushes out of her room, half of her hair up in a bun and half of it falling out. My mind elsewhere, I don’t hear her ask a question. She looks at me expecting.

“What?” I say, confused.

“Do I look alright.” she barked.

“Oh, oh yes. You look fine.”

She turns toward the door kicking me out of sight.

“May I help you?” she says, her voice dripping with honey.

“Yes ma'am. Is Ann Moori around?” A male voice creeps through the door. I peek through a crack in the door and see a tall, thin stranger with sandy blond hair.

Now it’s her turn to look confused. She turns to me and gives me a look so deadly it could paralyze a lion.

“Yes sir, she’s right here.” Lily says, stepping back and letting me take her place in front on the man. He has bright blue eyes and a red pocket handkerchief in his drab gray suit. With no time to introduce myself he continues to talk.

“Ann Moori, did you receive  a package earlier today?”

“Y-y-yes sir. How did you know?”

“Never mind that, now I need you to come with me. Bring the package along.” he said turning around on his heels.

“I’m going to have to say no, sir. I’m not going with you without a reasonable explanation.”

“Well then,” he said taken aback, I don’t think he was expecting me to say no. “That’s fine. I expect to be seeing you soon then” and without another word he walked off.Shutting the door I lean my back against it and slide down in a crouched position. After a couple seconds I decide to check out the package before school. It is the last day, after all. It won’t hurt to be a little late. I pick up the package I had left on the desk earlier and start to rip off the tape. After a quick examination I conclude my stubby fingernails aren’t long enough so I scoure the house for a pair of scissors. With no success I look both ways and bite the tape off. Carefully I open the flaps look inside. A shiny black laptop waits inside with a delicate note on top of it. Next to it lies a tiny box. I pick up the letter and admire it. So much paper in one place. We almost never get letters, much less thick one like this. With delicate hands, I open the letter and pull out the note inside.


Dear Annie W. Moori,

           Congratulations. Every year Occtula City reviews each student in our boundries test scores and picks out 50 of the most brilliant, and invite them to Occtula City for the T.R.I.A.L.S. a recognition ceremony for the best and brightest. You have been selected as one of our finalists. You will be traveling to Occtula! Please take your school provided computer and plug in the chip you will find in the black box. Once you see the green light flash remove the chip and place it back in the box. You will arrive at exactly 5:30 tonight at the city hall with the box in hand. You will also find a silver bracelet in the black box. Please put this on your right wrist. It is your tracker. Failing to wear it at all times will result in suspension. Failing to show up will result in suspension. Good luck.


It just ended there. No signature. No goodbye. No more information. I try to log back onto my computer but the chip seemed to have drained the life out of it. In a daze. I walk to my parents room and knock on my mother’s door.


“You should be on your way to school already. Well never mind. What did that man want anyways.” came the chatter from my mother behind the door.


“Mom you should see this.” I say.

Muttering she walks over to me, distracted with her tablet, but she stops, dead quiet when she sees my blank expression. I hand her the letter, still not processing what I just read.


She scans the page and then envelops me in a hug, snapping me out of my stupor.

“Oh!!! I’m so proud of you sweetheart. Now come, let’s get you ready”

As the hours stretch on my mother fusses with my clothes and hair until it is time for me to go. By the time the clock strikes 4:30 I have tried on at least ten different outfits. Finally she finds something she likes and we are ready to leave. Just then my little brother rushes in, crying. We had forgotten to pick him up from daycare and he had to walk home all by himself.  She cradles him in her arms signalling me good luck as I head out the door silently. I knew it was to painful for her to have to see me leave. Halfway down the path the door swings open and my brother runs out to me.

“Ann, I lost a toof!” He said pointing to a bloody stump in his hand, He was six and could talk normally but he knew I loved when he said toof.

“Where are you going Ann?”

“Oh I’m just going away for a few days but I’ll be back real soon. I’ll miss you.” “Bye Ann miss you too.” He says as he hugs me and starts to run home but he stops and turns around, almost sensing we wouldn’t be seeing each other for a long time. He runs up panting, with a look in his eye that would make a grown man cry and squeezes something into my hand, turning around and leaving without a word.


The jet black box in my sweaty hands, I take tiny baby steps down the road, careful not to dirty my dress. In thirty minutes I can see the town square up ahead and I run, not caring how dirty I get. I race up the road towards the community center, dust clinging to my dress and attacking my eyes. I slip on a rock and tumble down into a ditch. The box tumbles out of my grip and rolls to a stop settling the dust it had kicked up. I pull myself back up and scoop up the dust covered lump of plastic, continuing on my way. This time I walk, careful not to damage the box more than it already is.

Reaching the building I press the intercom and lean in to the speaker.

“Hi Marla. It’s Ann.”

“Who did you say you were?” A sweet, elderly voice drifted up.

“Ann, Marla. It’s me Ann.”

“Pam! I don’t know any Pam.”

“Marla, It is Annie Morri, did you forget your hearing aids at home today Marla?”

“Oh! Ann honey. Come on in.”

I smile and step through the door.  

I go straight to my dad’s office. He’s not here so I step in and shut the door. Hacking his computer, I go to his schedule and find that he has nothing planned for the next hour. He should be in his office. The door opens, and I jump, shutting down the computer before he notices.


“Hi dad.” I stumble, trying to think of a reasonable explanation for me being on his computer.

“Hi hon. What are you doing here.”

“Oh, just some errands for mom.”

“Okay then. I have meeting now so I’ll be back later. Tell mom that I will be late for dinner.”

He shuts the door and I take a breath. I should have told him about Octula but I couldn’t bear to tell him I would be going away for who knows how long. And I could tell something was up. For about a month now he had been staying late and making up meetings. His schedule says he didn’t have anything until noon.

I enter the lobby just as one of my classmates arrive. My heart flutters with joy. It’s Leo. I run up and hug him, he hugs me back and then kisses me on the lips. After months of meeting together after school and kissing behind magazines we finally told our parents we were dating. His did not care but mine were furious. We had to stop but I promised him no matter what, that after the last day of school, when we were officially adults, we could be together as long as we wanted.


“I knew you would make it.” He says, smiling. “You are too smart not too.”


We talk for a while and then we just wait in silence until the next person arrives. The door swings open and my heart stops. Lilliana Jones, the most popular girl in school struts in and walks over to us. Her daddy is the mayor so she got everything she wanted. Even makeup which is practically as extinct as dinosaurs. Flashing a cherry red smile she comes and sits right between us, putting her arm around Leo. She knows we are dating but she has her mind to break us up. I can’t believe she got in. Lilliana's not dumb, but she’s not real smart either. I grit my teeth for the agonizing minutes until the others arrive while Lilliana flirts with Leo.


Checking the clock I see it’s 5:24 the others should be here by now. As I walk over feeling like the third wheel the door opens and in comes Alexander and Gracie. They were twins but look and act nothing like each other. Alexander is shy and quiet but Gracie is outgoing and crazy. I don’t know them well but I do know they’re the smartest in our class. No wonder they made it into the T.R.I.A.L.S.


Gazing at the clock Leo, who had shaken Lilliana off comes behind me and rubs my shoulder. I laugh and push him away. He drapes his arm around me right as the second hand hits six. The doors burst open and two government officials, dressed head to toe in black walk in, their exact movement alike. Right, left, right, left, turn, right, left. “Welcome. You have been chosen to attend the T.R.I.A.L.S. a recognition ceremony for the best and brightest. Will you please place your computer chips in this box.”  

The other capital zombie steps forward and hold out a steel box. We put the laptops inside and are then invited into a room. It had an expensive looking desk and five chairs that look less appealing than a cactus.

“Sit.” One of the zombies commands. When I don’t places a firm hand on my shoulder and pushes me down.

“Okay then, I guess I’ll sit.” Out of a door at the other side of the room comes Mayor Keaner. Sitting down at the other side of the desk, she turns toward us and with a warm smile says “Welcome. I’m so glad you are here. I know you may have some questions but all will be answered in time. You all have been chosen to attend the T.R.I.A.L.S. a recognition ceremony for the best and brightest.”

That sentence was taken from the letter sent and it is exactly what the brain dead zombies had said. I look at Leo to see if he caught it but he just smiles and squeezes my hand.

“ a hovercraft that will take you to Occtula. Then you will be given further instructions. Good luck and, you are always being tested.”

We are ushered out the door and into the nicest looking hovercraft I have ever seen. The seats seemed to be made of silk and there was a restaurant inside. There is a dining room, a sitting room, and even a playroom with a trampoline and a huge TV. After we are given the full tour we are assigned rooms. Mine was at the end of the hallway, number 7. The door slid open and I step in. A straight faced attendant tells me to get some rest and that someone will be sent to bring me to dinner. She then shuts the door and I hear the distinctive click of a lock. I turn around and try the handle. Locked. Wandering around the room I almost want to throw up. Everything is a rich color of deep green, or hot pink which is a combination no one could possibly enjoy. It is about 8 feet by 8 feet and about 7 feet tall, only enough room for a bed and a closet. I strip off the pink and green cover and throw it in the trash. Much better. I take out my hair clip and bend it to fit the lock. After about a minute of fiddling the door swings open and I crack my head out. The hall is deserted so I go to Leo’s room. I use my hair clip again and I open the door. I am instantly enveloped in a hug. I stick the clip in the door to keep it from shutting.

“Did you notice they were locking us in” He asked.

“Yeah, These people are acting so weird. Why all the secrecy. Someone showed up this morning, demanding I go with him. He said he would see me again. What do you think that’s about?”

“I don’t know but Lilliana mentioned something like that to me when she came in. Just be careful about them. I feel really uneasy about this”  

“Shh” I hush. Mouthing bugs I swing my elbow behind me, breaking a camera I spotted earlier.

“I need I get back to my room. See you later, and you are always being tested.” I say, mocking the letter.

Squeezing out the door I forget to look both ways and am ambushed by a dark figure. It plunges something into my arm and the world goes fuzzy.

I wake up to a blinding light. I blink and look around I’m back in my room and my hair clip is nowhere in sight. The sheets are back on my bed and I am wearing a plain gray dress. My hair was combed out and braided. I sit up and yawn. A speaker in the room comes to life and blares.

“Welcome. I hope you are enjoying your trip. You will now be escorted to dinner. Please do not resist, we have locked your doors for your safety. Have a nice evening. Keep in mind you are always being tested.” If they say that one more time I think I am going to puke.


A sudden knock at the door interrupts my thoughts. It slides open and another expressionless worker escorts me to the dining hall. It is a simple room with a wooden table and wooden chairs. No cushions or tablecloths or anything. I sit down in one of the chairs and tell my zombie that he can go. It shakes it’s head and replies.

“I have been told to assist you until dismissed b-b-by,” he halters “by Commander.”

“Okay then.” I say turning around. This was definitely getting creepy. In a couple minutes Gracie walks in, with one of the child control officers nervously, also wearing a gray dress and with her hair in a braid. As soon as she sees me she rushes over but my assistant stops her.

“Your spot is over here.” he commands, pointing to a chair at the other side of the table.

Gracie ignores him and continues on and her zombie comes up and picks her up. She kicks and fights but she’s just too little against the buff woman who restrains her. Carried like a baby Gracie is led to the other chair.

“Sit.” Commands her zombie. Gracie slumps down, all her energy drained. Things here are getting really strange, I look up at my assistant, wondering if I could make a run for it when Lilliana walks in, chatting the whole time to her escort. She walks over and sits next to Gracie, apparently this was her assigned spot because the zombies don’t object to it. Lilliana starts a conversation with Gracie about the importance of cosmetics while I stare at her. Why is she here. She has good grades and paid attention in class but there was no zing in her like the rest of us. Leo can build something from nothing, Gracie designed a laptop that charges using sunlight. Alexander can take apart and rebuild a car into a hovercraft. I started a council where citizens can get help with community projects. So far we have built a rain road, started a garden and a nursing home. Lilliana, well she is just populare.

Alexander arrives and then Leo, each escorted by an expressionless zombie and wearing a gray jumpsuit. We talk for a while and finally the clock strikes 8 and an old man dressed all in gray walks in, taking the last seat at the table which happens to be next to me.

“Good evening.” He mutters and clapped his hands. A truckload of servants walks in holding platters filled with food, depositing one in front of each of the guests. Mine was filled with steak, pot pie, and a heaping scoop of sweet potatoes with marshmallows something I have not had in years. Leo’s plate looked like a thanksgiving buffet, his favorite holiday. Gracie and Alexander had almost identical meals that matched the Food Plate. And the man next to me has what looks like a sandwich with a odd colored piece of ground meat with yellow goo squeezing out the sides. It looks repelling but smells wonderful. Clearing his throat the little man looks up and starts.

“H-h-hello. W-w-we are s-so g-glad you are h-h-here. Y-you musssst be wondering w-why you have been brought here.” Then losing his stutter he starts again. “All will be answered in time but for now I must tell you” At this point timid Alexander raises his hand and says in a squeaky voice.

“Why are we being tested, sir?”

“Excellent question young man. But not one that shall be answered at this moment. I have faith in you all and my only advice is to remember, you are always being tested.” With that he walks off, not pausing to say goodbye. I chew my steak and notice a hint of chemical. My eyes go hazy and I try to spit the stuff out but I can’t.

“Poison.” I faintly say as I slip out of consciousness.

Blinking I sit up, surrounded by a field of grass. A folder is neatly tucked under my arm with a sheet of papers. I clutch the folder to my chest and bite my lip, staring at the massive white structure before me. I know I have seen it before but I don’t know where. Opening the folder I find a slip of paper inside. It reads:

Make it to the library. Good luck!

Looking up at the building again I smile as I remember the lesson in second grade. Our teacher Mrs. Leechon was working through a section on the history of Occtula. She was pointing at a picture of the building before me. Talking is the most high pitch voice I had ever heard she explained how presidents of America, the country that inhabited the land before our country of Sofia was born would live in the house for 4 years until their time of presidency was over. I had thought  that kind of stupid. Living in a house for only 4 years and then having to move again. In our province the living space you were born in was your house until you were matched with your spouse and then were assigned a new living space to live in for the rest of your life. Then Mrs. Leechon explained how the House of White was turned into a library, one of the only few in existance.

Snapping out of my daydream I stare up in awe at the historic building’s splendid beauty I hadn't noticed the dark figure creeping up behind me. A hand clamped over my mouth and pulled me into one of the giant bushes. Earlier I had thought them a thing of beauty but now I see them only as an opportunity for disaster. I thrash and try to scream but I only succeed to annoying my captor. I stop struggling as someone binds my hand and my feet. The sound of crunching leaves tells me that I am alone. I can’t see a thing in the pitch black of the bush but I can hear the distant calls of others calling in distress. This must be a test, I thought. I have to pass. I have to continue on or else I will be eliminated. Fingering my restraints I find that it was a loose square knot, that can be easily undone. If you plan to kidnap someone you should know how to actually tie a knot. Growing up near a lake and spending much of my time sailing the water collecting water samples for my dad I know how to tie knots and sail a ship. In a few minutes I am free and have my pocket flashlight in hand, collecting fallen papers. I calmly walk out of the bush as if nothing ever happened.

Listening to the other contestants struggle to find their way out. I wish we knew what the point of th test was. Are we supposed to help the others get free, or to continue on and get to the house first. I decide no matter the consequences I will go with my heart and what my parents have taught me all my life. If someone needs help, you help them. I set my papers on a bench and crawl into the nears bush. I switch on my flashlight and find a girl caught in the branches by her dress. I catch her hand and whisper.

“It’s all right. It’s just a test. You’re fine.”

She finally calms down and I start to pry her dress free from the clutches of the branch.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Samantha” She chokes out then starts to shake. Soon she is crying and all I can do is to hold her close. When her dress is freed I half carry half lead her out to the bench. Setting her down I sit next to her and stroke her hair.

“Shhhhhhh.” I say trying to comfort her.

Soon she stops crying and I leave her to go find someone else. When a particularly loud bush starts to shake I decide to go find whoever is in there. Climbing through the branches I find a boy sitting on the ground, clutching his foot. A stick was impaled in it and the wound was gushing blood. I gasp. I am the most squeamish person you will ever meet. I hate blood, I hate bones, I hate doctors and hospitals, practically anything in that category. not pointing the flashlight at his foot I start to unbind his wrists.

“My name is Ann and this is all a part of a test. It’s ok. Once we get you inside they’ll stitch up your foot and you’ll be fine. It will all be fine.” I say more for myself than him. “What is your name.” He just whimpers. With the bindings off I take a deep breath and look at his foot. Luckily it was not a root in his foot for then I would have to take it out by myself and I would have probably done it wrong and then someone would have to amputate it. So I just put his arm on my shoulder and dragged him out of the bushes. We go over to Samantha and as soon as she see’s his foot she starts to scream. I go over to calm her setting the boy down carefully and picking up my flashlight.

“Samantha. It’s ok. This boy is hurt and he needs our help. There are more people trapped and we need to get them out. I need you to be strong and care for him while I go help more people just like you and him, trapped in those huge bushes with no way to get out. Can you do that.” I say as if I’m speaking to a child. She nods her head and I run off, hoping they will be ok.

After about an hour I’ve found 5 more people, each injured in a mental or physical way. I seemed to be the only one not affected by this test. Our province was right next to the border and there was always a chance some of the Others would stumble in. We always had to be prepared for disaster so I was just trying to pretend that this was just a drill back in Olatha. Assesing our situation I see that Samantha has stopped crying and is bravely attending to a girl who has a deep gash and another boy, Ralf who I found knocked out on the ground is helping Nathan wipe off the blood from his foot. The three others are stumbling around trying to clean themselves up. That is eight in total but the old man had said there would be five groups and with fifty of us that should leave 10 in each group. There must be two more out there. I turn to Samantha and tell her she is in charge as I run toward the library in search of the two other students.

I search for about thirty minutes, finding nothing and am about to head back when out from behind me someone trips me. I fall flat on my face but quickly whip myself back up to find Lilliana staring back at me with a crazy look in her eyes, breathing hard. She kicks at me and I stumble back.

“Lilliana.” I shout. “What are you doing?”

She just smiles and lunges out at me, taking me down. We struggle on the ground and I try to hold her back but she keeps going for my hair. Pulling out a chunk of it she laughs and I catch her in the moment, flinging her up. Her smile fades and the crazy look in her eye vanishes as she slumps to the ground.

I bend down to catch my breath. Why did she attack me like that. It was like she had become another person. Not wanting to be there when she wakes up I leave her and go back to where I left the others. When I get back to our little camp I bend down to help Samantha bandage a girl named Lisa’s broken arm and while I tell her about Lilliana. She nods

“She must have caught dandy fever.” Samantha says in a hushed voice. “After the war some chemical seeped into a plant called dandelions. They started to change. Anything that touches it turns into a monster. They grow all over my province. Once my friend got infected. For days she just screamed. The city officials took her away for a while but she came back. She was fine then. Everything was okay after that. You friend must have barely touched one for it to wear off that quickly.” I nod and give Samantha instructions to help our group get to the library and I head off to go find Lilliana again.

She was right where I left her so I scoop her up and half carry half drag her to the House of White. When I get up to the front door I knock but no one answered so I walk around the porch, trying to find some sort of keypad or other contraption. I finally find a little red button on the bottom of a lounge chair so I hold by breath and push it. The door clicks and I push it open. Waiting to greet me is two zombie assistants. One tells me to follow her while the other carries Lilliana inside. I sigh and follow the zombie through the halls filled with book shelves until we get to a dining room.

“Stay.” She barks and leaves. I do as I’m told and sit down. Wondering the room I run my hands along the walls of book shelves. The Testing, The Hunger Games, The Princess Academy,  The Book of a Thousand Days, Walk Two Moons, If I Stay, Prisoner B-1346, Rouge, Gifted, Ella Enchanted. I read name after name each book sounding more enchanting than the one before. I pick one up called World of Water by Maddie Mason. I flip to the first page. When the doors burst open and Lilliana walks is. She runs up and hugs me.

“Thank You. You saved my life. If you had not snapped me out of that daze I would have gone on like that until I ran out.” I hug her back.

“Aww. It was nothing.” I blush. We talk as others from our band of misfits trickle in and soon all nine of us plus a boy named Spencer are gathered. My stomach growls at me as I think about lunch. A group of servants come in, supporting trays filled with steamy stew and crackers. The trays are distributed and I gobble my portion down in about thirty seconds. As soon as the blank faced servants left a screen at the other side of the room comes to life. The man I ate dinner with the night before pops up.

“Welcome all of you. I hope you enjoyed your first day here. After great evaluation my committee has decided on the list of you that will sadly have to leave us today. Some of you aren’t ready for this opportunity. If your name is called please report to the front of the building where you will be escorted to a hovercraft.” He holds up a piece of paper, the words facing him so we could not read it. “Ahem. Mr. Steven Williams, Stefanie Roberts, Lisa Grace,” Lisa crumples to the ground and sobs. Lilliana bends down to comfort her but I fix my eyes on the screen praying he does not say Leo’s name. “Leo, oh I can’t read that, Leo Sansanobby,” I sigh with relief. Susan Wilson, Mary Stith, Delbert Harding, Bob Anderson, Mack Becksby, and Shelby Reynolds. If your name was called please go to the front of the building and wait there. You have five minutes and if you are not there in time an escort will be sent to get you.” The screen shuts off as Lisa shakily stands up and walks out. I wave goodbye and she gives a hint of a smile. After five minutes the screen comes back on but this time a woman sits in the man’s place. She looks to be about 20 and had her hair pulled back in a bun.

“Hello. And congratulations on making it past the first test. In a few moments you will be given your rooms and I advise you to get a good night's sleep. I will call your name and then list your room number. You will have an hour to find your room and get settled. Group One: Jude Adams 246, Kenny Anderson 468, Ashlynn Brooks 135, Mia Dillon 810, Simon Ecbert 358, Silver Pennington 579, Leonard Delporto 681, Zeda Davenson 101, Katlyn Barr 232, Ann Moori 666…” I jump up. Lilliana hugs me and whispers.

“Break a leg sister.” I walk out smiling to myself. I look up and I’m not in the library anymore. A stone wall and either side of me and behind me. I walk along the corridor to where it branches off into at least 10 different halls, a sign in the front reads:

Don’t touch the walls. You have one hour. Remember the numbers.

Turning around to exit back out the door I look and find just a wall. I sit down dizzy. Remember the numbers. What does that mean? A speaker overhead turns on and the lady says.

“I’ll repeat the list one more time. Group One: Jude Adams 246, Kenny Anderson 468, Ashlyn Brooks 135, Mia Dillon 810, Simon Ecbert 358, Silver Pennington 579, Leonard Delporto 681, Zeda Davenson 101, Katlyn Barr 232, Ann Moori 666. Group One: Jude Adams 246, Kenny Anderson 468, Ashlyn Brooks 135, Mia Dillon 810, Simon Ecbert 358, Silver Pennington 579, Leonard Delporto 681, Zeda Davenson 101, Katlyn Barr 232, Ann Moori 666. Group One: Jude Adams 246, Kenny Anderson 468, Ashlyn Brooks 135, Mia Dillon 810, Simon Ecbert 358, Silver Pennington 579, Leonard Delporto 681, Zeda Davenson 101, Katlyn Barr 232, Ann Moori 666. Group One: Jude Adams 246, Kenny Anderson 468, Ashlyn Brooks 135, Mia Dillon 810, Simon Ecbert 358, Silver Pennington 579, Leonard Delporto 681, Zeda Davenson 101, Katlyn Barr 232, Ann Moori 666.” Over and over again she repeated the list, Louder and louder each time. I covered my ears and started to scream. I couldn’t think with the racket. I stand up and almost bump into the walls. I catch myself before I touch them though. She started to repeat the list again but I stopped hearing the names just the numbers. “246, 468, 135, 810, 358, 579, 681, 101, 232, 666, 246, 468, 135, 810, 358, 579, 681, 101, 232, 666, 246, 468, 135, 810, 358, 579, 681, 101, 232, 666” I scratch the numbers onto the ground, 246468135810358579681101232666. I go through the second path, then the fourth, then the sixth, and on and on until I’ve reached the door with the numbers 666 scratched into the wood. I turn the knob and step inside. Everything is pink, bright pink. Pink bed, pink desk, pink dresser, pink closet. The only thing not pink was a silver band laying on the desk. I walk over and snap it on. The second I do a trap door in the ceiling opens up and a black TV lowers down. It turns on and the lady from before comes on.

“Hello Ann. Wonderful job on the maze by the way. You were the only one in your group to complete it on time. The rest in group one have been eliminated.” I gasp. She laughs. “Don’t worry they are safe. But you show great potential. You are welcome to explore the library. Dinner will be served in 3 hours at 5 and your door will lock for the night then. If you are locked out of your room you will be eliminated. Have a nice day.”  The screen shuts off. What kind of an ending is that? You will be eliminated. Have a nice day!

I am debating  whether or not to risk it and go out when there is a sharp knock at the door. I open it and am enveloped in a hug.

“Leo.” I shout pushing him off. “You scared me. Don’t do that!”

“I’m sorry” he says with a look on his face that means he really didn’t. “Can I come in?”

“Nooooooooo.” I say. “The color is making me sick. Let’s go somewhere else to talk.

“Ok.” he said as he slunk out the door.

“Wait, how did you get in here?” I asked astounded. “Did you get the clue with the intercom and the numbers?”

“What are you talking about Annie?”

“The maze you idiot! How did you get through the maze?”



Publication Date: 05-05-2016

All Rights Reserved

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