Chapter 1
The year was 1900 exactly. It was just after the strike of the Newsies in 1899. My parents both got killed working in a factory. The factories weren't safe and I knew this. I couldn't think of what I could be that was somewhat safe. Then I thought of it. I remembered the whole New York Newsies strike last year and thought that it would be a perfect job. So I got onto a train from Pennsylvania and hitchhiked on it until I got to Mannhatan with my twin brother. We were 14 at the time. I looked for the News Boys Lodging House. Then I realized, of course, I needed to be a boy. I turned to Reggie, my brother.
"Reggie, I need to be dressed up like a boy so we get money and don't starve. Do you understand?" I asked. He rubbed his nose and nodded.
"Yeah. I'm not seven. But I don't understand how this has anything to do with me," he said in a bored tone. I sighed.
"Because you cannot tell anyone!" I told him exasperately. He looked at me with his brown eyes.
"'Kay, I won't tell. No worries," he said looking around. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll be right back. Don't move from this spot," I said sternly. He crossed his heart. I bought a Newsies hat and some boy clothes from a random vendor on the street. I mumbled something about it being for my brother and ran somewhere I could change quickly. Once I was changed, I stuffed my shining auburn hair into the hat. I didn't have the guts to cut it. But I did leave my clothes on the streets. I took a deep breath.
"From this moment on, I will be a boy," I said quietly to myself. I reached down to the ground and rubbed some dirt on my face. I couldn't let anyone catch me, no matter what. I walked over to where Reggie was standing. Reggie had the same color hair as me and dark brown eyes while I had the unusual violet-blue eyes.
"Reggie? I'm ready. We can go in now," I said slowly. He look at me astonished.
"You look like a boy that's lived in the streets his whole life," he said surprised.
"Well, I don't want to look like I have a girl's face," I said slowly. He scrunitized my face.
"Nah, you still have a girl's face," he said. I glared at him.
"Let's just go in," I said. He smiled.
"Whatever you say, brother," he said.
"Don't call me that," I mumbled. He smiled bigger. I opened the door to the News Boys Lodging House and went up to the old man at the desk. Before I opened my mouth Reggie started to talk.
"Hey, I'm Reggie and this is my brother, Mattie, and we were wondering if we could stay here," he said. I was surprised that he decided to keep my real name but... I guess it kind of sounded like a boys name... The old man looked at us hard. He looked at me longer than Reggie. Then he smiled at me. I felt like he knew but he didn't say anything if he did.
"Yes. We have room for you two. Reggie and Mattie wasn't it? Just up those stairs. Everyone is in one giant room. I hope you guys will be comfortable with that," he said looking at me when he said the last sentence. Reggie and I stood there a little longer. He looked up at us.
"Well then, go on up there. Most of the boys are nice," he said with a smile. Reggie started up the stairs.
"Excuse me, but what shall I call you?" I asked.
"Mr. Kloppman," he replied.
"Thanks," I said quickly while going up the steps to the large room full of boys. I took a deep breath. Then I followed my brother into the room. It was just after dark so most of the boys were just getting ready to go to bed. They all looked at us. Some guy pushed his way through all the boys to look at us. He had on a red scarf that you would see on cowboys, a black vest, and a cowboy hat hanging around his neck. His hair was a caramel color.
"Well will ya look at this, boys, a couple of new newsies," the boy said with a heavy New York accent.
"What are yous names?" asked a boy with a crutch.
"I'm Reggie and this is Mattie. We came up here from Pennsylvania hoping to make some dough," said my brother. The caramel haired boy came up to us.
"Reggie and Mattie, eh? Isn't Mattie a girl's name?" he asked looking at me. I coughed.
"Uh, my name is actually Matthew. My family just calls me Mattie. It's a nickname," I said trying to sound a tad like a boy. He looked at me for one more second and then shrugged.
"Yous guys staying here?" he asked looking at Reggie. Reggie nodded his head.
"Well, my names Jack Kelly. This here is Krutchy. O'er here is Mush, Racetrack, Blink..." he said and told me all they're names.
"Hey boys! This here is Mattie and Reggie!" Jack yelled out to the rest of the guys. I waved.
"Hey yous knows yous can take off yous hats?" asked Mush. Reggie took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. I started to panic.
"Uh, no thanks. I'd rather keep it on," I said slowly. All the guys looked at me weirdly. Then they disregarded it. Jack looked at me longer than any of them though. I blushed like the girl I was but, luckily, I ducked my head so he couldn't see.
"Yous knows yous gots a girls face, right?" he asked me slowly. I laughed.
"Yes. I know," I said.
"He hasn't hit puberty yet," said Reggie.
"Yous guys brothers?" Racetrack asked, joining the conversation.
"Yeah, twins, actually," said Reggie. Blink looked at me then at Reggie then at me again.
"Yous guys kinda looks alike. Except the eyes and this ones gots a girls face," said Blink pointing at me. Racetrack leaned in to look at me.
"Hey! Yous do gots a girls face!" he exclaimed. Reggie sighed.
"Yeah? Well so do you," he snapped at Racetrack. Racetrack rubbed his chin as if he was feeling whether or whether not he had a girls face. Krutchy leaned close to my face just as Racetrack did before.
"Yous gots some unusual looking eyes," he said.
"Lemme see," said Jack. He looked at me for a long while.
"Nah, they'se not unusual. They'se blue," said Jack. Blink looked at me.
"Nah, Jack, they'se purple," said Blink.
"Yous got one bad eye so how yous supposed to know whad color id is," replied Jack. Blink blinked his good eye.
"I guesses yous right Jack. Maybe it ain't purple," he said looking at me.
"Maybe it's not purple," I mumbled correcting him. Jack looked at me.
"Waddya say?" he asked. I stood up straighter.
"Nothing," I said quickly. Racetrack looked at me.
"The girl's face said 'maybe it's not purple'," said Racetrack. I glared. He smiled at me. Jack looked at me.
"Were you trying to correct my buddy, Blink here?" he asked me crossing his arms.
"Lookee here boys! We'se gots ourselves an educated boy!" yelled Racetrack. I gulped.
"Yeah. We're educated. Our mama and papa brought us up right, unlike you guys, obviously," said Reggie rolling his eyes. Jack glared at him but didnt say anything.
"Well, guess yous guys better pick a bunk to sleep in," said Blink. I looked around but it seemed to me that they were all occupied.
"There's one under Jack and one abouve Krutchy," said Blink. I looked at Reggie in absolute fear. He either didn't notice or pretended not to notice and took the bunk above Krutchy. I sighed and slipped into the lower bunk underneath Jack. Mr. Kloppman blew out the candles and suddenly I was engulfed into darkness. When my eyes adjusted, I saw an upside down head staring at me. I gasped in air in surprise. Then I let it out slowly.
"What, Jack?" I asked quietly. It seemed there were a lot of other conversations going on so we weren't the only ones conversing.
"Why'd yous guys come here?" he asked. I sighed.
"We already told you. We need money so we came up here from Pennsylvania," I said. He shook his head slightly.
"No, why'se yous guys leave yous family?" he asked. I felt my face get hot readying myself for the tears that were about to overflow down my cheeks. I gulped.
"Reggie is the only family I have," I said quietly my voice thick with tears. Jack looked at me hard.
"Wadda 'bout yous mother and father?" he asked slowly. I felt the tears streaking down my face and wiped them with the back of my hand.
"They, um, they passed away recently," I said unable to say no more. Jack looked sad.
"I'm sorry," was all he said and then his upside down head disappeared. The rest of the night went peacefully. In the morning, Mr. Kloppman went around waking people up, but I was up before Mr. Kloppman came around so I could shower and change without anyone seeing.
"Hey Mr. Kloppman," I said to him while making my bed. He looked at me make my bed.
"Well, boy, aren't you neat?" he asked with a smile. I felt my face grow hot and ducked my head.
"OKAY! RISE AND SHINE! TIME TO SELL NEWSPAPERS!!!" yelled Mr. Kloppman at the boys while waking them up. Each one got up one at a time.
"C'mon Henry! Boots! Trench! Jack, get up! Let's GO, Krutchy! Racetrack waddya doin'? Get going, Blink!" Kloppman yelled out to the boys. Jack jumped down from the top bunk.
"Hey, Mattie, yous up and early?" he asked scratching his head.
"Yeah. I was. I'm a...morning person," I said slowly.
"Oh yeah?" he asked yawning.
"Yeah..." I said turning away to look at Reggie.
"How'd you sleep? You dressed already? Looks like you showered too...when did you get up?" he asked saying whatever came to his mind.
"I slept fine. Obviously I'm dressed. I did shower and I woke up at the crack of dawn," I said. Jack pointed his thumb at me.
"Morning person. Shouldn't you know that?" he asked slowly looking at Reggie's face.
"Yeah. I do," he said quickly.
"I can't believe you took me cigar, again!" I heard yelling. I looked over to see Racetrack pushing another boy.
"Hey! Stop!" I yelled impulsively. Everyone turned to look at me. My face turned red but this time I didn't duck my face.
"Id's jusd playing around, Mattie. Theys won't actually hurt anyone," said Jack drawing out each of his words.
"Oh," I said quietly. The boy gave Racetrack his cigar while still looking at me. Racetrack lit the cigar while also still looking at me. I walked over to him, took his cigar, and stepped on it.
"Smoking's bad for your health," I said.
"He jusd stepped on me cigar!" he yelled out. I looked around.
"Well, it IS bad for ya," I said slowly. Then Racetrack pushed me. I quickly fell to the ground. Boys had crowded around us and started to yell fight, fight, fight!
"Well? C'mon pretty boy!" said Racetrack bracing himself. I saw that Reggie was in the back of the crowd. This time I had to take care of myself. I got up and brushed off my backside. I cocked my head at Racetrack and gave him a smile.
"Well, Race. I dunno. I dunno if I even know HOW to fight," I lied, slowly widening my eyes a little.
"Well, then, too bad, Mattie. Everyone here knows how to. Do you want to survive in New Yoik?" he said putting up his fists. I chuckled.
"Well, ok, I'll try," I said shrugging. Then I high kicked him in the face and spun all 360 degrees. Race fell back.
"Thought you said yous didn't knows hows to fight," grumbled Race.
"Eh, I lied," I said smiling. He threw a punch at me but I dodged it. I gave him a hard smile and low kicked him so he would trip. He fell back.
"Okay, okay, okay. Let's stop. We have papers to sell," said Reggie finally getting to me. Race rubbed his face.
"Can'd believe I gotd beat by a preddy boy," mumbled Race. I laughed. I never got to fight like that. My dad taught me that so if a stranger tried to mug me I could well...beat them up.
"Hey Mattie, where'd you learn to fight like that?" asked Krutchy.
"Huh? Fight? Oh, um, my dad," I said confused a little at first.
"Yous dad knows hows to fight?" he asked.
"Yeah. My dad learned how to fight from one of his neighbors. But the key is, don't use your fists. In this kind of city, they'll all expect that," I said smiling. Someone started to sing and it was like everyone knew the song. I asked Jack about it later.
"Oh, we usually jusd make stuff up and hopes theys rhymes," he replied. I thought that was pretty cool. Also they all had really good voices. When we got to the gates of the New York World Newsies pick up, a boy with curly dark brown hair and a little boy came up to Jack.
"Hey Davy," said Jack with his New York accent. Everyone had New York accents and bad grammar and it was starting to annoy me. But this "Davy" didn't have a New York accent which I thought was extremely weird.
"Hey Cowboy," he replied. He looked over at my brother and I. Jack or "Cowboy" noticed it and put his arm around me.
"This heres Mattie and Reggie. There a couple of new newsies," he said. Davy looked over at me.
"Isn't Mattie a girl's name?" he asked confused.
"Yes. It is, but my real name is Matthew," I said exasperately.
"Oh," was all he said.
"So your name is Davy," I said suspiciously.
"My real name's David," he said shyly.
"Yeah, we figured," said Reggie. David put his arm over the little boy next to him.
"This here's Les," he said.
"Did ya know that Jack's the leader of Manhattan?" said the Les excitedly.
"Um, kinda," I said. Les went up on his tiptoes so he could try to be more eye level. I bent down and put my hands on my knees.
"Did you know he likes my sister?? They like each other you know," Les said crossing his arms.
"Really? Well, I didn't know that," I said slowly. I got up. Then Les squinted up at me.
"You know you have a girls face," he said slowly. I noticed that Les had a slight New York accent.
"Yep. I noticed," I said while the gates opened. While we were waiting in line to get our papers, Les grabbed the end of my shirt and pulled.
"Yes?" I asked slightly annoyed but tried to hide it.
"Are you a girl?" He asked me. I was taken aback with surprise.
"Uh, no, why?" I asked glad that no one noticed that Les asked me that.
"I dunno, you kinda remind me of my sister...that's all," he said shrugging.
"Oh," was all I could say.
"Hey Weasel," said Jack. Weasel was big and had graying hair.
"It's MR WISELEY," he said emphasizing his name.
"Yeah whatever Mr. Weasel," replied Jack digging through his pockets for money.
"At least you added Mr..." I heard Weasel mumble.
"The usual," enunciated Jack.
"100 papes for...well that," said Weasel. Jack grabbed the papers and threw them over his shoulder so it'd be easier to carry. Reggie was next.
"Um, 20 papers please," said Reggie. Weasel looked at my brother.
"Well aren't we polite?" he said while giving my brother his papers. Reggie gave him some coins. Reggie pulled me out of line and handed me half of his papers. I shook my head and pushed them away.
"No, Reggie, these are yours. You paid for them," I said. Reggie scowled at me and shoved them at me.
"No, I have to take care of you. Take them," he said fiercely. I relunctantly took half of his papers. Race came over to us and scratched his head in confusion.
"Why'd you give him your papes? Why do ya have to take care of 'im?" asked Race.
"We're twins. I dunno. I guess it's the brotherly nature of mine..." drifted Reggie as he walked away leaving me with the confused Race. I shrugged and hurried after my brother. Unfortunately after a while I didn't see Henry's foot and I tripped. I thrust out my hands to catch my fall. I felt my body hit the ground and a thousand pricks of pain went through it. Then I felt my long auburn hair swish out of my hat as it rolled off my head. I saw it roll about a foot in front of me. My hair fell to the side of my head. I felt my face turn into horror.
Chapter 2
I saw a pair of shoes in front of me. I slowly looked up. It was Jack. His hands were on his hips and he had his head cocked to the side. Reggie grabbed my hat and pulled me up.
"C'mon, Mattie, before the others see," he said to me. I let him half drag me out of there. I looked behind me and Jack was following us. We were in a deserted place. My brother handed me my hat and I stuffed my hair into it and put it back ontop of my head. Reggie stepped in front of me. I peeked over his shoulder to see Jack's reaction.
"Huh, I knew it," I heard Jack mumble. Reggie scowled.
"Well, now that you know...watchya gonna do about it?" he asked trying not to sound the least bit frightened. If he wasn't frightened, I sure was... Jack shrugged.
"Nutin' I guess," he said slowly. My brother and I looked at him in disbelief.
"Nothing?" asked my brother. Jack nodded reluctantly.
"I kinda knew it. Shes gots a girls face," he said pointing at me. I laughed. Reggie glared at me. I shrugged.
"Well I do, you said so yourself," I said. He sighed and wiped his forehead.
"I must've jinxed it or something," he said. I laughed again.
"So your not going to tell?" I asked stepping out of my brother's shadow. Jack nodded and half smiled.
"I gots to say yous a pretty lady," he said.
I blushed at his words. Reggie half chuckled but in a mean way.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" he asked pointedly. Jack looked at him.
"Yeah. That don't mean I can't say that your sis is a pretty lady does it?" he said not really asking. Jack grabbed my arm.
"C'mon! You should meet her! Sarah is gonna love dat she's not the only Newsie Girl," he exclaimed half dragging me. I pulled at his arm.
"NO! No one can know. No one, Jack," I told him. He let go of me and looked into my violet blue eyes that he delusionally thought were blue.
"It'd be just Sarah...she won't tell nobody," he said pleading with his eyes. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"Well, ok...but just Sarah," I said after a minute. Jack lit up and engulfed me into a hug.
"Gread! Led's go now!" he said and took me and my brother to a building. We followed him up the fire escape steps. He poked his head inside a window and we heard him say, "Hey come up on da roof. I need to show ya something." Then I heard a chime like voice reply, "This better be good, Jack. I've got house work to do. This better not be like last time." But the voice was playful. Then we heard: "Jack! JACK! Stop it!" then laughing. Finally the happy couple decided to grace us with their presence. When the girl with straight brown hair and a sweet looking face saw that Jack brought other people, she blushed.
"Uh, hi," she said while hitting Jack. I heard her whisper, "You didn't tell me there was other people..." Then Jack leaned towards her ear and whispered, "Well I said I needed to show ya someting," he said innocently. We followed him up onto the roof and he gestured to Reggie and I.
"Tis is Reggie and Mattie. Now remember Mattie is a girl's name. Does he look like a girl?" asked Jack looking at Sarah expectantly. She looked over at me and mouthed sorry and then pointed at Jack.
"No, not really. I mean he's dressed up as a boy and he kinda looks like a young boy. What are you trying to get at, Jack?" she asked exasperately.
"Well, he's not a boy," he said proudly. She looked at him in disbelief.
"Okay, Jack, I'm not dumb," she said slowly like she was talking to a foriegn person.
"I know you ain't dumb. But I'm serious. Tis ain't a joke. It's real. He's a she," he said suddenly frustrated. Sarah looked at me real hard.
"Uh...I don't see it," she said giving up. Jack smiled. Then he pulled off my hat. I felt my long hair swish down to my shoulders. Sarah gasped.
"Well I'll are a girl...THAT'S FANTASTIC!" she suddenly yelled. I looked at her confused. She grabbed my shoulders.
"DONT YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS??!" she asked me hurting my ears.
"Um, no," I said.
"IT MEANS I'M NOT THE ONLY GIRL THAT HANGS OUT WITH THESE NEWSIES!!!" she yelled. Jack laughed and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Sarah, keep it down. And no one's supposed to know. So, don't say anything," he said to her.
"Okay okay okay, I won't. You can trust me," she said looking into my eyes. She looked up at my brother.
"Well you guys kinda look the same. Except the eyes, and the gender. The guy has brown and you," she looked at me, "you've got violet blue eyes. How unusual," she said thoughtfully. Jack frowned.
"Theys jusd blue! Whys everyone keep saying theys purple?" exclaimed Jack. Sarah looked at him and rolled her eyes.
"He's blind. And deaf," she said loudly. Jack chuckled.
"And how'd you come up with dat?" he asked her. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Well one, her eyes are not only blue, they're also violet. And two, I didn't say they were purple. I said they were violet blue," she said looking up at him.
"Uh huh," he said disbelieving but smiling.
"Yup," she said. Then he kissed her on the lips. I've never really witnessed something like this before. Only with my parents... My parents...I thought sadly. Reggie coughed and sarah and jack pulled away from each other. Sarah looked like she suddenly remembered something.
"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot!" she exclaimed. Jack looked at her confused while she pulled a piece of paper out of a pocket in her billowing tan skirt.
"Here, a boy came to me and told me to give it to you...It's from Spot," she said whispering the last sentence. Jack took the folded piece of paper and unfolded it. His eyes scanned the page quickly and then he crumbled it in his fist.
"What? What is it?" asked Sarah, worried from the fire that was blazing in his eyes.
"He's gots da nerve to spy on me? On me?! Doesn't he know dat Manhattan is one of his loyal allies, the little..." muttered Jack angrily.
"What's it say?" asked Reggie. Jack looked at him for a minute.
"Spot has had his boys all o'er Manhattan, spying on us, and he knows that i've gots a couple of new Newsies...he wants to see if yous guys are any good," said Jack pinching the bridge of his nose. Then he rubbed his forehead.
"Any good with what? And whose Spot?" I asked. Jack looked at me sadly.
"If yous guys are any good in combat. He's gonna fight yous. Id's a test..." he said. Then I heard him mutter, "If you make it alive..." I gulped. I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Combat? Combat. What has this got anything to do with selling newspapers? And you haven't told me who Spot is yet!" I exclaimed.
"Well, Spot's territory is Brooklyn and no one messes wid Spot except...actually no. No one messes wid Spot. I mean deep down lots of leaders hate him...but we respect him ya know? But no one would organize against him. And believe it or not, us Newsies get in war a lot over territory and little stuff. Knowing how to fight is good," he said.
"Spot's a weird name," I heard reggie mumble next to me.
"So what your saying is that we have to fight this boy...with what exactly?" I asked afraid we may have to use knifes or even (gulp) guns.
"Yous fists, I guess, but sometimes if it looks like Spot's gonna lose he uses his septor," said Jack all spooky-like. Then he grinned.
"Well, c'mon! Let's go! We can't keep Spot waiting," said Jack already leaving.
"Hope you guys make it back! It was nice knowing you!" yelled Sarah. I stuffed my hair into my hat while following Jack.
"Why did she say that? What? Are we never coming back?" scoffed Reggie. Jack looked at us.
"Well, some don't," he said seriously. I gulped, again. We made our way to the Brooklyn bridge and I stopped. I heard the waves crashing on the poles that held the bridge up and it felt like it was shaking everytime the water hit it. The look of horror was pasted onto my face. I would not, could not, walk on that bridge. I looked down at the treacherous water below me. It was so far away, I thought. I gulped for the third time today and started backing away from the bridge. Jack looked back at me and tapped Reggie. They said something I could not hear because all I could hear were the crashing of the waves and my heart pounding. They ran back to me.
"Reggie says yous afraid of heights," said Jack, a little breathless. I nodded my head.
"Mattie, the bridge is safe enough, it won't break," said Reggie. I shook my head no. I will not go on that bridge! Jack sighed.
"Mattie, if yous don't go on dat bridge, Spot's fellas are gonna soak ya!" said Jack a little tiffed about me not going on that bridge. Reggie and I mirrored the same confused expression.
"They're going to soak us? With a bucket of water?" asked Reggie.
"Yeah, and if you don't-bucket of water...? No! His fellas are gonna beat yous guys up!" cried Jack, just momentarily confused.
"Isn't he going to do that anyway?" asked Reggie.
"Well...yeah but if ya make him wait, more than one person will beat ya up!" replied Jack. Jack sighed and rubbed his forehead in frustration.
"C'mon! Let's just go! I'll carry you if I have to," he threatened when I wouldn't move. I stuck my tongue out at him and shuffled along. Finally, we were across that freaky bridge. A smile lit up on my face.
"I did it! I crossed it!" I exclaimed while jumping around.
"Well, it's good you did, because we have to cross it again to go back to Manhattan," said Reggie smirking. I gulped and looked back at the bridge.
"Thanks, Reggie, thanks a lot," I muttered. Reggie laughed. Then Jack told us to hurry up so we stopped talking after that. Finally, we got to some crates where boys were sitting and talking.
"Well, if it isn't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick," a voice up above said. Then a boy came down from on of the crates. I couldn't see what color hair he had under his hat, but he was the most beautiful boy I've ever seen, and I already spent the night with Jack and Mush. He spit into his hand and Jack did the same and they shook hands.
"Hey Spot," said Jack. So he's Spot, I thought dreamily, he's the boy i'm going to fight, how wonderful. They were saying something I couldn't hear. I just stared at Spot and the rest of the world disappeared. I tilted my head. Hmm, if I turn this way his eyes look slightly green but if I turn this way, I turned my head, his eyes are blue-gray. A beautiful blue-gray, I thought mentally sighing. Spot turned to me and his lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything. Then somebody hit the back of my head.
"Ow!" I exclaimed rubbing the back of my head. Spot put his septor back into a loop on his belt.
"What are you staring at?" asked Spot angrily. Probably because I didn't answer him, I thought. He's even beautiful when he's angry, I thought dreamily. I saw him throw his hands up in frustration.
"What is he? Deaf? Mute?" asked Spot to no one in particular.
"Apparently," mumbled Jack. I blinked a couple of times.
"Why'd you hit me?" I asked after a while. Spot looked at me.
"Oh, so he speaks," Spot said sarcastically.
"Well, I'll be. He must've been sleeping wid his eyes open. I mean look! He's drooling!" exclaimed Jack, bursting into laughter. I glared at Jack. Then I wiped my mouth just in case.
"So are we gonna fight or what?" Spot said.
"Well, alright," I said relunctantly.
"Be warned Spot, Mattie's a real good fighter," said Jack crossing his arms. Spot guestured with his sceptor indicating the start of the fight. He took a swing and I ducked easily. He seemed slightly surprised but aimed another hit at my stomach. I turned and dodged it just in time. His momentum carried him further however and for a split second we were face to face our noses almost touching. His eyes really were beautiful.....the next thing I knew, there was a sickening pain in my side and he was smirking. I realized he had hit me with his sceptor. I doubnled over and backed away toward Jack and Reggie. I turned to look at them.
"Mattie! What happened? Why didn't you dodge that one?" asked Reggie somewhat angry and somewhat concerned.
"Yeah Mattie! Why didn't you dodge it? He was right in front of you!" exclaimed Jack in fake surprise shaking trying to hold back his laughter. I gave Jack a shut up glare and turned to face my opponent. I couldn't think of him as Spot. He's my opponent. MY OPPONENT!! He turned around and locked his beautiful eyes with me. Oh gosh, he's adorable, I couldn't help but think.
"Coming back for more?" he asked cockily. I glared at him. What an egotistical PIG! I yelled in my head. He saw the look in my eye and braced himself. Then I did a double flip and landed behind him. He was looking around. Obviously I'm too fast for him, I thought to myself.
"Looking for me?" I asked. He turned around and I socked him in the nose, slapped his face, and then I spin kicked him. He fell to the ground moaning in pain. I put one foot on his chest.
"I win," I said innocently. He glared. Then Jack coughed and I looked up. He adjusted his hat exaggerately. I fixed my hat and Spot looked at me suspiciously. I just smiled. Spot scowled at me.
"I never lose," spat Spot.
"Well you did, just now," I said looking around.
"Move your foot," he just said using his hand to push my foot off of his chest. I moved it. On the way up here, Jack told us that Spot was the "King of Brooklyn" and that whatever he says goes (well, at least in his territory...) He got up and brushed off his knees and took out his septor and pointed it at my brother.
"Yous next," he said. After watching my brother make almost the same moves as me, Spot finally pinned him down.
"I win," he said without much enthusiasm but he did smile. His "fellas" started clapping and cheering. The look Reggie was giving Spot was a look I learned to stay clear of. Reggie was angry. He doesn't like to lose. Spot's foot was on Reggie's neck and Reggie tried to struggle free so he could fight him again and again until he won.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said Spot menacingly pushing harder on my brother's neck until he was gasping for air. Then he lifted his foot and my brother jumped up and rubbed his neck, breathing deeply. Spot walked over to us.
"Well, this one's good," he said pointing his septor at me.
"I told ya," said Jack proudly putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah, yous got a good one here...he's gonna be pretty useful someday," he said slowly with a slight New York accent.
"But no muscle and he's all skin and bones," he said looking at Jack. Then he looked at me, his eyes smoldering like only his blue gray icy eyes could. But I was slightly angry.
"Excuse me? I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me...IN FRONT OF ME! And I don't like the way your talking about me either. I'm not a piece of meat. I could, and would, kick your butt again to show you a lesson or something," I ranted. He turned to me.
"I dare ya to talk to me in that way again," he said soft but angry. His face was really close to mine. His soft cool breath blew on my face. I felt dizzy with him so close to me.
"Fine, I'll continue. You're such a drama queen! You carry around a septor, people call you the 'King of Brooklyn'! You're like a...a girl! Stubborn and dramatic and...I dunno a girl! Not saying that girls are like that...I mean some are...but not..." I said stopping myself from saying "not me". He took his septor and hit my lower legs causing me to fall to my knees.
"I am the King of Brooklyn and you shall bow down to me," he said crossing his arms. I glared at him. Then I stood up brushed my knees off and stared at him.
"Sorry, but I don't bow down to babies," I said slowly. His eyes blazed with a blue fire.
"This kid's gots guts. But if he ever talks to me like that again, you'll be wishing he'd never had come," he said to Jack. Then Jack nodded his head and dragged me away before I could open my mouth and call him an egotistical PIG!! Jack practically dragged me back to the Brooklyn Bridge.
"I know you were trying to hide your feelings from him, but you cannot talk to Spot like that!" exclaimed Jack. Reggie looked confused and decided to ignore us.
"I don't know WHAT you're talking about," I said playing with the ends of my sleeves. Jack threw his hands up.
"Yous hopeless! Absolutely hopeless!" he exclaimed in frustration. After I shuffled across the Brooklyn Bridge, he took us to Sarah's building again. Then David showed up with little Les.
"Davy! Take Reggie with you. Help him sell papers. I need Mattie to talk to Sarah," said Jack taking my stack of papers and handed them to Reggie.
"Well, go on," he said making the 'shoo, shoo' motions with his hands.
"Why do I have to talk to Sarah?" I whined after David, Les, and Reggie disappeared.
"Well, because Sarah's a girl...and you's a girl...and yous guys can discuss yous problems..." stammered Jack, looking for the right words. I crossed my arms.
"I DO NOT have problems," I said stubbornly. He just looked at me. Then he pulled me along to the roof.
"Stay here," he demanded. When he was gone I was wondering where the heck I would go? I'm on a ROOF! Then I was considering whether or whether not I should jump...but he came back up with Sarah. He came over to me and took off my hat.
"So yous look like a girl when yous guys have yous goil talk," Jack explained when he saw my confused expression.
"So, Jack told me about your, uh, problem," said Sarah pulling up a chair.
"What problem?" I asked looking at Jack and then Sarah.Sarah looked at Jack.
"Well..." started Sarah slowly.
"She knows what her problem is! You don't have to explain it to her," interrupted Jack.
"Actually, I really don't," I said crossing my arms.
"Sarah, Mattie is IN LOVE with the King of Brooklyn!" exclaimed Jack geturing to me.
"Whose the King of Brooklyn?" I asked playing dumb.
"Jack, she doesn't even know who you're talking about so how can she be in love with him?" Sarah asked. Jack opened and closed and then opened and closed his mouth again. Sarah, obviously satisfied that he wasn't going to interrupt her anytime soon, looked over at me.
"Okay, so Mattie, how did you react when you saw Spot?" she asked. Jack leaned forward, itching to know what I was going to say.
"Uh, like how I meet anyone I guess," I lied. I felt bad lying to her but I didn't have any problems!
"LIAR! Did you see how she averted her eyes when she said that?" snitched Jack. His nickname should be Snitch...not the other guy's, I thought angrily to myself.
"Mattie, you can trust me. If you want me to send Jack away, I'd understand why. He's delusional," she said smiling. Jack pointed to himself.
"Me? Delusional? She's the one whose delusional! At least I'm not the one in love with the King of Brooklyn!" exclaimed Jack.
"Jack, just go," said Sarah pushing him toward the fire escape stairs.
"But I wanna know what she says," protested Jack. Sarah stopped and turned him to face her.
"Jack, are you a girl?" asked Sarah.
"What does that have to-"
"Jack, are you a girl?" repeated Sarah.
"No, but-"
"Then go away! This is girl talk," said Sarah firmly, crossing her arms across her chest. Jack sighed in defeat and walked away.
"Now where were we?" asked Sarah.
"The King of Brooklyn?" I asked sarcastically.
"Oh right, Spot," said sarah slowly, carrying out the one syllable in Spot. I rolled my eyes.
" do you feel about Spot?" asked Sarah trying so hard to sound nonchalant. I brushed my fingers through the ends of my hair.
"He's okay," I said a little too quickly. She noticed that too and raised her eyebrows but disregarded it.
"Well do you...feel anything for him?" she asked slowly, watching my reaction.
"What do you mean?" I asked playing with my hands.
"I mean do you like him?" She finally asked the words I was dreading to hear. Now I had to ask myself the same question. DO I LIKE SPOT CONLON??!
"I don't know," I finally said. She raised her eyebrows at me.
"Well I DON'T! Ok...maybe a little," I admitted when she gave me her "look".
"Really?" she said interested.
"Well, I mean, can you blame me? You have seen the guy right? I mean look at his eyes sometime. And I don't mean just randomly glance at them, stare into them! They just make you melt, like, like PUDDING! And trust me I HATE
pudding! I guess I don't like the flavor. Or the texture. I mean c'mon people not EVERYONE has to like pudding? And what's with all the flavors? They're all not good anyway! What's the point? Now ice cream I like. Not chocolate though...I never liked chocolate..." I mused. Sarah snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"Spot?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, well so since I hate pudding and he makes me feel like pudding so then it's not like I LIKE the feeling I get when he's close to me...okay, I like it a little...but I can't CONCENTRATE when I feel like that so I get angry. And it's not like he's easy to get angry with. HE'S EXTREMELY EASY TO GET ANGRY WITH! I mean he's arrogant, dramatic, and so...FULL OF HIMSELF! Plus also, he actually, get this, ACTUALLY wants people to TREAT HIM LIKE THE 'KING' HE IS??!! I mean, seriously? SERIOUSLY? and people actually LISTEN to this guy? But anyway...I don't know. I seriously don't know....and the way he moves...its like a tiger stalking his prey! He butters you up with those smoldering blue-gray eyes of his and then he, he, he, like...ATTACKS!! Ok not really, but you expect an attack. Verbally or physically. And that look he gives's so...I don't know but it makes you want to give him whatever he wants! Like, here want my shoes? They're yours! Want to take my breath away? You already did so that's yours too! How about my heart? You want it? I'll rip it out of my chest and give it to you! Want me to jump in front of anything to protect you? Already done, no need to ask me twice.....I'd die for you....I'd do anything for him," I admitted sadly. Sarah looked at me with wide eyes. We didn't say anything for a long time. Finally she got up and hugged me.
"I didn't know you had so much to say," she said letting go of me.
"Trust me, I didn't either," I muttered.
"Well...I must say that this is extremely...WONDERFUL!" exclaimed Sarah.
"How is this wonderful? SHE'S OBVIOUSLY DELUSIONAL!" we heard a voice yell out. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Jack? Were you listening?" she asked exasperately. His head popped up.
"Well, yeah, I wanted to be able to say I told ya so!" He said getting up on the roof.
"So...I told you so!" he said to Sarah. She sighed but she was smiling.
"So this is not good," said Jack.
"I think it's great," said sarah.
"Sarah, listen to me, he's the King of Brooklyn. IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!" exclaimed Jack. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Why does my boyfriend not believe in love?" she asked me.
"Sarah, it's different with us. She's supposed to be a BOY and BOYS cannot like other BOYS!" exclaimed Jack.
"Actually they could. If they wanted to," mused Sarah.
"Not in this century," said Jack putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, then, fine. She can tell him," Sarah said Jack sighed.
"Tell him what?" he asked impatiently.
"Tell him she's a girl and not a boy," Sarah replied.
"Wait, you want Mattie whose dressed like a boy but is really a girl to tell Spot Conlon the King of Brooklyn that she's not a boy and that she's a girl dressed up LIKE a boy? Yeah, THAT'S gunna go over well!" exclaimed Jack.
"It miiiiight," sang Sarah.
"How would he take it well? How would ANYONE react to news like that?" asked Jack. Actually, in my opinion, it ws fun watching Sarah and Jack argue.
"Wait, who would react to what?" Reggie suddenly appeared.
"Well, Spot knowing Mattie's a girl," said Sarah as Jack said, "Uh...NOTHING!" Reggie just looked confused.
"What? Why would Spot need to know Mattie's a girl?" asked Reggie. I put my head into my hands. I groaned really loudly. I felt Sarah's gaze on me.
"Well, Spot would need to know because apparently Mattie is in-" went on Sarah before Jack went over and covered her mouth.
"In...?" asked Reggie inviting anyone to elaborate on that.
"Um..." I said peeking out of through the gaps between my spread out fingers.
"Because Mattie is in...a rival enemy mental really mental battle with him," said Jack looking at me when he said 'really mental'. I just glared. I got the message.
"I don't think that makes any sense," said Reggie slowly. Sarah laughed from behind Jack's hand.
"Mamts mecuuuuz id moesent," she replied. Reggie just looked confused at what she said because honestly nobody could understand her.
"Sorry, I just don't....understand her," said Reggie gesturing to her. She crossed her arms.
"Uh, nobody can, so it's getting kind of dark and I haven't eaten all day! Reggie I sure hope you made some money. For at least some bread," I said quickly trying to change the subject. Reggie smiled as I stuffed my hair into my hat.
"You would not believe it but apparently I'm a really good newsie. I probably have enough money to buy at least a drumstick of a chicken," he said excitedly.
"I hope your willing to share," I said as Jack released Sarah and kissed her on the top of her head. Then we all walked to one of the stores and got a real good bargain on two drumsticks. Reggie and I were eating them on the way back to the News Boys Lodging House. Jack stared me down before we opened the door.
"So, you gunna give me part of that?" he asked widening his eyes as I looked up at him. In reality, Jack was very tall. I laughed as a ripped off a piece off of my drumstick. He took it and ate it.
"Well, that's the only thing I'm gunna eat. I didn't sell any papes today," he said rubbing his stomach as he swallowed the piece. I looked sadly at my drumstick and slowly handed it to him. He laughed and pushed it away.
"No worries. My fellas probably gots something for me," he said laughing. We opened the door and said 'HI' to Kloppman and ran up the steps to the giant room. All the guys stared at my brother and I, drool slowly coming out of their mouths. Race came up to me.
"I roll for it," he said nodding his head at my drumstick.
"It's only half a drumstick," I said in disbelief.
"So? It's meat. So, waddya say?" he said taking out a single die. I took a small bite out of my drumstick.
"What do I get if I win?" I asked.
"Well, the drumstick..." he said. I shook my head.
"Besides the drumstick," I said. He pondered it for a moment.
"50% of my profits for a week," he said smiling. He seems pretty sure of himself, I thought slowly. I raised my eyebrows.
"Okay then, Race. Let's do it then," I said smiling. He rolled the die and well, after a lot of complaining at how I'm some kind of a demonic child and I cheated with some supernatural power that only the devil could have, I won.
"Sorry, Race," I said truly remorseful for him. So I gave him the rest of my drumstick when nobody was looking. He looked up at me in disbelief.
" won," he said slowly. I shrugged.
"So?" I said as he slowly took the drumstick.
" won," he said. I sighed.
"Yeah, well, I'm not hungry anymore. Besides I still get half of your profits for a week," I teased. He looked at the drumstick and took a big bite and moaned at the taste of it.
"Yeah, this is so worth it," he said eating it as fast as he could so no one could take it from him.
"Yeah, enjoy," I said just staring at him. Then I heard yelling in Russian.
"I asked Jack what you guys were being so confusing about on the roof and...and....and....WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??!!" Reggie yelled at me in Russian.
"Oh, for God's sake it's not that big of a deal," I said calmly back in Russian.
"NOT THAT BIG OF A-....? UGH! Mattie why didn't you tell me you were IN LOVE WITH SPOT CONLON??!!!" yelled Reggie angrily. I could tell everyone around me only understood my name and Spot Conlon. Now they were wondering what does Spot Conlon have anything to do with me?
"Would you not say his name? I mean they still obviously understand you," I said back.
"Oh well then would you rather me say it in English?" he asked laughing hardly.
"NO!" I yelled out. Everyone took a step back and cleared the way between Reggie and I.
"You wouldn't," I said switching back to English.
"Watch me," he said doing the same. I started to panic. So I ran over to him and spin kicked him in the gut. I heard him yell out his surprise.
"Did you just seriously spin kick me?" he asked in Italian.
"Oh so now we're speaking Italian. Nice to know," I said switching easily from one language to another. Then Reggie cussed me out in Japanese.
"You're mean," I said in English pointing at him.
"Me? Me. You're the one keeping secrets from me!" he said in English back. Then I turned away from him and looked at Race.
"So, did you like your drumstick?" I asked innocently. He just stared at me with wide eyes.
"I'm Italian," he said slowly.
"Great, I'm from Pennsylvania," I said back.
"But, he, you, spoke...Italian...for a little while but then he, you, he, you spoke other different languages," he said confused.
"Yeah, we do that," I said shrugging it off like it was no big deal.
"But...where did you learn that? And what were you speaking?" asked Mush joining the conversation.
"Oh, our parents. I never really asked how they learned it...questioning our parents were never an option anyway. And we were speaking Russian, Italian, and he spoke Japanese," I said slowly.
"What else can you speak?" asked Krutchy in awe. Jack was close enough to hear what we were saying but not close enough to join the conversation. I looked over at Reggie who was on the other side of the room. It looked like he took an interest in Snitch, Bootlets, Pie Eater, and Skittery. I guess we have different friends now, I thought sadly.
"Um, lots. Almost all of them. I can't speak Indian though," I said slowly thinking.
"Oh," they all replied.
"Who can?" asked Mush shrugging his smile reaching to his eyes and crinkling them. I smiled back at him. He's such a nice person, I couldn't help but think. But just when I thought that I saw Spot's face and eyes pop into my head. So beautiful...
"Ok ya bummahs! Ids time foah bed. Let's get going. Gots ta carry the bannah tomarrow," said Jack pulling off his button up shirt and pulling on a undershirt. He grinned at me when he saw me stare at his chest before he pulled on his undershirt. I cleared my throat and looked away, getting ready for bed myself. I pulled off the covers that I so neatly made this morning. It's so hard to believe that we got here only yesterday, I thought to myself. Kloppman came around and turned off all the gas candles so we all were once again engulfed into darkness.
"Mattie, how do ya not knoah how yous parents learned those languages?" I heard a voice that sounded like Jack's say.
"I dunno Jack. I just don't. I never really asked and my parents weren't home a lot anyway. I mean at least one was home at a time but, I don't really know. They were never really together except the few minutes they had between shifts I guess," I said slowly. I saw Jack jump down from the top bunk and landed in my bed whether or whether not I wanted to scoot over. He turned his head to look at me.
"How long would they be gone at a time?" he asked with that New York accent of his.
"I don't know. I couple days. Maybe weeks. But they always came home with at least 10 dollars in their pockets," I said probably asking myself the question that Jack was about to ask.
"Didn't ya say yous parents woiked in a factory?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said sadly, knowing that they couldn't have worked in a factory.
"If this was da case. Whys they have ta leave foah so long?" he asked looking at me, his eyes sparkling with mystery.
"I actually don't know. But I get the feeling that they couldn't have worked in a factory," I said. But why would they lie to us? I yelled in my head. The loudest thing on my mind.
"Yeah, I do too," he said winking at me and then disappearing to his bunk ontop of me so fast that I wouldn't have known where he had went to if it wasn't for the sagging from the mattress in front of me. I quickly fell asleep dreaming of Spot. I woke up with Spot's eyes in my head. Then when I opened my eyes, Spot was in front of my face.
"This must still be a dream," I said out loud. He looked confused. Then I reached up and touched his face. Then I giggled.
"You feel so real, Spot," I giggled and clapped my hands.
"'Course I'm real. What's da mattah wid you?" he scrunched up his face in anger. I giggled and clapped my hands again and carressed his face
"You're so soft," I breathed. He got real close to me and and then whipped my hand off of his face.
"You drunk? Is he drunk?" he asked looking at....Race?
"Oh hiya Race," I said giggling. Then I pointed at Spot.
"He's here, he's always here," I said still all giggly.
"He ain't always heah, Mattie. Whats wrong wid ya?" Race asked me feeling my forehead. Jack jumped down from the bunkbed.
"No worries, I'll wake 'im up foah ya, Spot," said Jack. Jack pulled me and half threw me over his shoulder. He seemed determined to make sure my hat was still on my head. I grabbed the air and started to yell.
"No! Jack, let me go! I wanna, I wanna I wanna," I groaned.
"I know what ya wanna but he ain't yours yet," whispered Jack. Huh?
"What are you-" Then Jack splashed ice cold water in my face.
"AHHH!" I screamed and jumped up away from the cold water. I wiped my face with a somewhat clean towel.
"What did you do THAT for?" I asked somewhat yelling.
"'Cause yous were just 'bout ta bloah yous cover wid Spot," he exclaimed. I looked around and I was in the washing room and the door was firmly shut.
"How did I-?"
"Get here? I carried you here. Yous were all touching poah Spot's face. Id was ahwful," groaned Jack. I felt my face turn hot.
"You mean, that WASN'T a dream?" I whispered horrified. Jack shook his head slowly. He lifted his head to look at me.
"Though id was hilarious ta watch," he said stifling a laugh. I glared at him which I seemed to keep repeatedly doing.
"Lemme in there so I could soak da lil bummah who dared ta touch Spot Conlon!" Spot's voice yelled from behind the door. I groaned.
"Oh, God, help me!" I prayed looking up at the ceiling, my hands folded together. I was serious so I didn't know why Jack was snickering at me.
"C'mon in Spot," called out Jack. The door opened revealing a very angry Spot. His eyes blazed with a very dangerous fire. I looked up at him sadly.
"WHY'D YA TOUCH ME FACE LIKE THAT?" he yelled at me.
"I thought I was dreaming," I mumbled. Spot cocked his head.
"And why would I be in yous dream?" he asked slowly.
" terrify me?" I asked mostly myself.
"Yeah, I bettah, you bummah," he mumbled. Then he pointed his gold top cane at me.
"Don't ya evah touch me again," he said menacingly.
"Why are you here anyway?" I asked slowly.
"I'll tell ya afta ya come out. We's gonna have a lil walk," he said his blue eyes glinting. Then he left.
Jack turned to look at me, a twinkle in his eye.
"I think he's mostly upset 'cause he liked it," he said winking.
"Ha, ha, ha," I said sarcastically. I walked out of the bathroom dressed but I got dressed after I told Jack to stand in a corner and absolutely not look at me.
"Spot?" I asked. The boys pointed towards the door. I looked at Jack and Reggie helplessly.
"Uh huh. Spot said only yous," said Race pushing me towards the door.
"What?" I let my surprise slip. Then I quickly opened the door and went outside of the lodging house. Spot was leaning on his cane looking up at the sunrise.
"Hi," I said seemingly loud against the quiet air. He turned to look at me.
"Mattie," he said nodding his head in my direction his eyes peircing into my soul.
"Spot," I said still lingering on how he said my name. I mean, I guess it was like how anyone said my name...but coming through his lips, it sounded special and made my heart beat faster.
"Come," he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.
Chapter 3
We were at the Brooklyn Bridge looking down at the dark waters below us. I took in what Spot had just told me.
"So you want me to join Brooklyn? And leave all my friends behind?" I asked just to make sure I got it right. Spot looked at me with sadness for a split second.
"Yeah," he said looking at his hands. I looked at him with curiosity.
"Why?" I asked the dreaded question. His head snapped up.
"Waddya mean 'why?'? 'Cause I want ya on my side! Dat's why!" he said angrily. This is why it was the dreaded question.
"What if I don't want to?" I asked slowly wondering what his reaction was going to be.
He sighed loudly.
"Listen Mattie, I may be da toughest guy around but I ain't forcing nobody ta be on my side. Usually people want ta be with Brooklyn," he mused looking at my violet blue eyes and straight into my soul. I turned away. I had no allies in Brooklyn, I forced myself to think. And Reggie, I added.
"I can't," I said quietly looking at my hands.
He nodded like he expected this.
"Well, Mattie, that's a waste on your abilities," he said turning to walk away.
"Wait! Spot!" I yelled after him. He turned around.
"What do you mean abilities?" I asked him. He looked astonished.
"Ya don't know?" he asked slowly.
"No," I replied just as slowly.
"Yous a good fightah and apparently yous can speak many different languages?" he stated asking the last part.
"Yeah, except Indian," I said. His eyes widened like a kid at a candy shop. I started to feel really self concious.
"I need you on me side," he said so quietly I'm not even sure I heard right.
"Another thing Spot? I have ears like...I don't even know. I can just hear really well. Including what you just said and I'm not joining forces with you," I said kind of angry and kind of flattered. He scowled at me.
"Why not?" he asked leaning on his cane septor thing.
"Because, I have friends in Manhattan," I said exasperately.
"Well, ya could make friends in Brooklyn," he said. Wow, he's desperate, I thought.
"Why do you need a fighting machine who can speak different languages?" I asked him crossing my arms across my chest.
"Uhh..." he said not answering the question.
"Exactly so, I'm gonna leave now," I said turning away. He grabbed my arm. It was like an electric current went through my arm. If he felt it, he didn't show it.
"I'm being threatened. I'm not gunna tell yous who 'cause you ain't on me side," said Spot. Oh, I so badly want to protect him, I thought.
"I can't," I said after a while. His face was downcasted.
"I'm sorry," I said quietly.
"Don't be 'cause I ain't gunna give you up. Yous gonna be mine," he said fiercely. Then he turned away towards Brooklyn. I smiled like the girl I was. I'm going to be his! He's not going to give up! EEEP! I am such a girl....
I skipped all the way to Sarah's house and rapped on her window. David opened it. He turned back at Sarah.
"I thought you were seeing Jack," he said.
"I am," I heard her voice pierce through the air.
"Then why's Mattie here to see you?" he asked looking at me.
"Mattie? Mattie!" she exclaimed, when she saw me. Then she climbed out of the window.
"But if you're not seeing Mattie, then why are you going with him?" asked David after us.
"Oh Davy! You don't need to worry. Mattie's not my type," she said to him. Then she smiled at me. Our secret, her eyes told me. Then we walked up to the roof.
"What brings you here, Mattie?" she asked. I took off my hat and ran my fingers through my auburn hair.
"Spot wants me," I sighed and twirled around my arms outstretched.
"So, he knows you're a girl?" she asked slightly confused.
"No," I stated.
"Then..?" she asked. I took a deep breath.
"He wants me to be on Brooklyn's side," I said. She leaned forward, her jaw dropped.
"What?" she exclaimed.
"Yep," I said back.
"And you said...?" she asked clearly excited.
"I said no," I said sadly. She gave me an astonished look.
"You said no....? WHY?" she said. Gosh this girl lives in a fairy tale, I thought. I knew what she was thinking. He would fall in looooove with you, Mattie! He's like a prince! and you're like a PRINCESS! It would totally work out. Forgetting one thing, Sarah. He doesn't know that I'm a girl! Plus also, NO ALLIES!! Ugh.
"Because I would be leaving Reggie," I simply stated. She pouted for a second.
"Ugh, I don't know why you didn't say yes. Do you know what it would mean?" she asked. I opened my mouth to answer but she wouldn't give me a chance.
"He would fall in loooooove with you, Mattie! He's like a prince and you'll be like a PRINCESS!! Then you guys would get married and have little children...OHMIGOD! You ruined it I'm sure. If you'd just've said yes, I'm sure it would've worked out," she said hands on hips. See? Just what I thought she would've said. Except the whole married thing and children....
"One problem, Sarah. I'M A GIRL DRESSED LIKE A BOY!" I exclaimed. Sarah looked at me for a second.
"It's not that hard to figure out," she replied.
"Not that har-Sarah YOU couldn't figure it out the first time you met me!" I practically yelled at her. She looked hurt and we didn't talk for a while.
"Look, Sarah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...*sigh* I just meant that no one knows I'm a girl there. I need allies," I said. She nodded her head.
"No, you're totally right. You need allies. So, I guess it's good you said no..." she mused. I smiled.
"But guess what else!" I exclaimed excitedly. She leaned forward in her chair.
"What?" She asked wanting to know so badly.
"He said he's not going to give up," I said smiling. She practically screamed.
"NO WAY!" she shouted.
"Yep," I said.
"Wow, this is so going to work out between you two," she said. I crossed my fingers.
"Hope so," I said. Then David popped his head up.
"Davy?" asked Sarah.
"I heard the whole thing," he said angrily. Before we could say anything he was gone.
"Oh, no!" cried Sarah.
"What? Why was he angry?" I asked her.
"Because, Davy has issues with liars," she said looking at me.
"What does that mean?" I asked her.
"It means he may do something he'll regret," she said hanging her head at her brother's vengefulness. Oh no! I thought, he's gonna tell the others.
"I've got to go Sarah! Bye!" I called out to her behind my shoulder. I ran as fast as I could, cussing myself out in every language possible (except Indian) HOW COULD I BE SO CARELESS????! I finally made it to the Newsboys Lodging House but the door was propped open. I walked in and then I hat! I forgot it back at Sarah's. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I hit my head three times with my palm. Klopmann just stared at me smiling.
"You knew didn't you?" I asked him. He just nodded. I sighed.
"Did David come through here?" I asked. He nodded. Then he pointed upstairs. WHY O WHY ME??!! I ran up the stairs and opened the door to the large room yelling, "I can explain!" All the boys just looked at me. Jack shook his head sadly. David was over by Jack. Apparently they were whispering something. Oh God, they didn't know, I thought. Then I cussed out loud in Italian. Racetrack just looked at me astonished by my use of language.
"Mattie?" asked Krutchy. I put my head in my hands while everyone started to laugh. At least they're not....what was the word Jack used?...soaking me. Someone patted me on my back.
"Guess, Mattie ain't a boy. He's a goil!" yelled out Racetrack. I lifted my head, my eyes glinting.
"Yeah? Well, I'm a girl that beat you up the other day," I said pointedly. He looked surprised. Then he laughed.
"Guess dat's true, huh?" he asked me. I walked over to Jack and David. I pointed at David.
"I thought he was going to tell, then I left my hat and....ugh," I said. Jack laughed.
"He was telling me wondering if I knew. He wasn't gunna tell eh, Davy?" asked Jack slapping his back.
"No. I wasn't," he said. I groaned some more.
"MUSH SAID YOUS A PRETTY LADY, MATTIE!" yelled Racetrack from across the room standing next to a blushing Mush. Mush hit Racetrack playfully but in a more upset and embarrased way. Reggie just looked angry. I blushed.
"He really did though," said Racetrack in Italian suddnely next to me.
"Really?" I said back in Italian.
"Yep. He's awestruck. Do you like him?" asked Racetrack still in Italian.
" I kind of like Spot," I said blushing. He looked surprised.
"Yeah, I'm going to punch both of their faces in," said Reggie in Italian. Racetrack just laughed.
"No one understands us. It's awsome!" said Racetrack. Reggie and I looked at each other and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess," we both said.
"Wow, I didn't know about Spot," said Racetrack waggling his eyebrows. I blushed.
"No one does so you better not tell," said Reggie switching to English.
"No way! I won't tell. Mattie's my best friend. Ain't dat right Mattie?" he asked me looking at Mush and smiling.
"Sure, Race, sure," I said smiling and rolling my eyes.
"So, yous a lady. Kinda weahd aint it?" asked Krutchy.
"I guess. Maybe," I said. Then Spot came through the door and he saw me with my long hair out of my hat.
"Mattie?" he asked looking over at me.
"Uh...hiya Spot!" I said brightly. I heard Reggie mumble uh oh under his breath.
"Yous a goil," he said.
"Yep," I said shaking my head and biting my lower lip.
"But, yous beat me," he said pointing at me.
"Yeah, I did," I said slowly. Then he spun on one foot and stormed out of there.
"Spot! Wait!" I yelled out to him. I got up and ran out the door and down the steps yelling out Spot's name. Finally I caught up to him.
"Spot. Wait." I panted. He turned to look at me his blue gray eyes flashing.
"When were you gunna tell me this?" he asked gesturing to all of me.
"Spot, I swear I-" I started.
"This ain't real is it? I mean, this is some kind of joke. Yous wearing a wig," he said.
"Uh, yeah Spot! I'm wearing a wig!" I said with fake cheerfulness.
"I canst believe yous guys thought I would believe something like that. I ain't dumb," he said. Then he playfully pushed my shoulder but I wasn't ready for it and I fell over the side of the Brooklyn Bridge.
"Mattie!" I heard Spot yell before I plunged into the icy cold water. I gulped in water and I was choking under water. I tried to grab something but there was nothing to grab. The light wasn't as bright under the water as I thought it would, I thought slowly. Then blocking the light was Spot's head. He's swimming towards me, I thought. I tried to give him my hand but I was falling down into darker waters. Bubbles filled my vision and then I couldn't see anything.
I woke up coughing. I was wet. Spot was sitting on a rock about two feet away from me, staring out over the river.
"Thanks, Spot, I think you just saved my life," I said wringing out my hair.
"Yeah, I did," he said barely glancing at me. Then I looked down at myself. My clothes stuck to my body when they were wet. He could see that I was, indeed, a girl.
"Spot I-"
"I don't want to hear your explanations," he said dismissing me. I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me.
"I don't care if you're the stupid King of Brooklyn but listen to me! I had to be a boy! To make good money ok? So my brother and I could stick together! And I didn't care that I was a boy until I met you and..." I said looking at him. Pleading with my eyes.
"What are you trying to say, Mattie?" he asked me angrily.
"I'm trying to say that I didn't care I was pretending to be a boy until I met you because to tell you the truth...I think...I think I'm in love with you," I finally said. He looked at me. His eyes searching my violet-blue eyes. Then before I knew what was happening, his lips were mashed onto mine. I pulled away and looked into his blue-gray eyes.
"I think I'm in love with you too, Mattie," he whispered. Did he just say-? I thought.
"But, you've always thought I was a boy," I told him.
"Yeah. But yous a pretty lady," he told me. I laughed.
"So they tell me," I said. He frowned.
"Who says yous pretty?" he asked angrily.
"Just...people," I said shrugging. I smiled at him innocently.
"So, yous a goil," he said looking at me.
"Obviously," I said.
"You know most likely people would buy newspapahs from you 'cause yous a goil out on the streets. Yous probably canst stay with old man Klopp can ya?" he asked me. I shrugged.
"Well...yous can stay wid me," he said pulling my arm. I jerked him back.
"Wait, what about Reggie?" I asked. He frowned.
"What about Reggie?" he asked confused.
"SPOT! HE's my brother! I can't just leave him," I said. Besides he'll punch your face in, I added in my thoughts.
"So? Yous gunna have to leave him someday. Like when you gets married or something," said Spot rubbing his arm sheepishly.
"Spot Conlon, are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked him.
"Whad do ya think im saying, Mattie? I kinda want yous to marry me..." he said softly. I put up one finger then I turned around and screamed, "OH LORD SPOT CONLON WANTS TO MARRY ME!!!!" and then I turned back around to look at him. He looked somewhat shocked.
"Did you jusd...?" he asked.
"Yep," I said.
"So is that a yes?" he asked.
"That depends," I said. He looked at me confused and wanting me to go on.
"Don't EVER push me off this bridge again," I said sternly.
"Whatever you say, my queen," he said smiling.
So, Mattie and Spot, or Spattie as their friends like to say, got married in Brooklyn near the crates. Her brother got to punch Spot's face in and then a letter came addressed to Reggie and Mattie Ricks. Reggie and Mattie opened it together and inside was $150 and a letter from the President saying that their parents were respected greatly. Reggie and Mattie were of course confused and then they saw the other letter that had their parents handwriting on it. It said:
Dear Reggie and Mattie,
If you have gotten this letter that means that we have passed away. We love you dearly, don't ever think any different. We just couldn't tell you this. We didn't work in any factory. We worked for the government. That's why we trained you, you know. In case some bad person tried to kill one of us, you guys had to know how to protect yourselves. We taught you everything we know, so use it wisely. Probably with this letter is a lot of money. Split it between you two. We are so sorry that we couldn't have told you was just confidential. Oh and our real names are not Hiedi and Paul. It's Rebecca and Jonathan. I'm sorry we couldn't even trust you with that. We love you.
Mom and Dad
Mattie cried and Reggie was astonished but when Reggie found out, he wanted to do more than sell newspapers. So he signed up to work in the government. A spy. Reggie had permission to let Mattie know that he was a spy and to send money to her every month. She was going to need it because she had another Conlon on the way....
So, I wanted to write this story because I was obsessed (still kind of am) with the movie Newsies and the character Spot. Now I don't own any of the characters except maybe Reggie and Mattie. I hope you enjoyed this story, it took a lot of effort and a lot of time. What? It's been...a month? I didn't write as much as I could but I wasn't really feeling the story by the end.
I want to thank winterhead123 for trying to get me to write everyday and write more. I love you, girl!
I want to thank my best friend, Olivia. She gave me a lot of ideas. Not all of them I elaborated on or put in but thanks all the same!
I want to thank my family. You guys encourage me a lot. INSPIRATIONAL!! Ha Ha.
I want to thank Kenny Ortega for directing the movie Newsies. IF it wasn't for you, Mr. Ortega, I don't think I would be writing this right now.
I also want to thank Gabrielle Damon for so darn HOT he is!!! Or was....
~Bianca Gray~
Publication Date: 01-17-2011
All Rights Reserved