
There are such things in this world, that are mythical we chose to ignore the sighs but some of us don't what happends when you go to far down into the Mythical world and what would happen.

I had a friend who was a witch and she could find out wat powers you have and if you were a human or not , i asked her if i was human and she said i wasnt.
i was a bit taken back, i mean who wouldnt be taken back if they found out they wernt human. i asked wat i was and she told me i was a Breeder, you see a breeder is a human that can have were children they arent many female weres so they turn the human Breeders into were's. There is a were for every type of animal that is mythical and alive.Only one Breeder is born at a time so that the weres wouldnt take over.So you see i ama breeder and because i am a breeder i am the only one my family knows and they try to help but they really cant because if they tried they would get killed.There are so many male weres that they would have to fight over me and the winner would get me But you see i dont want to be a were So i have run all my life but i finally give up so i live in a small town in Red Crove were they are no weres until they find out i am here.Weres can also invade human mindes and tell them to do things they want and they can take it off when every they want they can also enter your dreams,its a real pain in the ass.

I am Zoey Tail and this is my story.

Chapeter 1

''Zoey are you ready yet ?! '' shouted mum from the front door.''Yer just getting my books mum !'' '' Kay hun we'll be waiting for you in the car!''.I have finally gave up on moving around my mother and father are happy about that so we are going to live in Red Crove a small little town thats sorrowned by woods.I love the woods because it feels open and free i get lost in the woods for hours.
I had finished packing when Dad knocked on the door ''Hey hun are you finished yet we have to get to Red Crove before the weres come.'' '' yer dad im ready come on lets go '' Everytime we leave a house i say good bye i dunno why i do it but i feel like i have to.Some people think im a freak but really hot i swear people get dumber everyday.You see i have long silver hair with purple streaks that go down to my mid-back,a body like a super modle,tanned skin,and purple eyes with a hint of pink init.

I watched the trees whoosh by one after another,it can get quite boring stuck in your car with your parents while there singing it can also be stressful so i text my friend Tanya who lives in Red Crove i met her at a Chemical Romance concert and we have been friends ever since.
''Hey how u doing Tan '' i txted her.
''Hey im good wat bout u , when u gonna get here ? cant wait to see ya wats it been 2 years ? '' she asked.
''yer 2 years long time init not so far away lol cant wait to see ya 2 apparently we got a house next to yours YAY so ill see ya as soon as i get out lol in that great ?'' i txted back.
''yer okai speak to you when you get here i cant wait oh and the house is b-e-autiful lol and ill help ya un-pack. Lol Everyones gonna LOVE ya!So see ya soon !! ''
'' yeah see ya soon ! ''

We were about 1 hours away from Red Crove when i saw about 5 eyes watching us.I knew what belonged to those eyes.Weres.You can tell by the colour of the eyes which ones the leader the one with Purple eyes.Then its the one with amber eyes then the rest have green eyes.I kept my eyes locked with the Purple eyed were util we pasted.I couldnt see wat type of were it was because it was in the cover of the trees.
I started to feel someone trying to enter my mind but i blocked them out only the Purple eyed leaders can do that to peoples mides.Probably trying to get info on where we are going but no way am i going to let them know where we are going.

Chapter 2

We Finally arrive at Red Crove and i see my Friend Tanya.Tanya is the same age as me 16 she has shoulder length blonde hair,Black eyes pale white skin,Pink lips and is advarage hight not like me im 5'8.
She waves at me and i jump out of the car as it stops and give her a hug.The moving truck pulled up along side my parents.
''Hey T u still up for helping me unpack ?? '' i say with a shy smile.
''Yer girl id love to then we can talk for ages and catch up... and WOW look at you modle girl '' she says as and we both laugh.
so she starts helping me unpack all of my stuff in my bedrooom.I have a king size black and red bed,table to put my laptop books and art stuff on, Dresser to put cloths in and my own bathroom.
We start to chat as my mother knocks on the bedroom door.''Hey Tanya do you want to stay for some tea because were going to have Sunday Roast?''
''Nar Mrs.T i gotta go home got family coming round Ugh!Hey Zoey ill see ya tomoz at 8:30 to walk to school its just down the road thats the good thing about a small town.''She said with a wink and i laughed.'' yer see ya tomoz at 8:30.''

Chapter 3

I woke up to the blaring of my alarm clock i hit the off button.Ugh! it was only 7:20.I got up and plated my hair with a blood red ribbon.I put my Black eyeliner on mascara,Silver eyeshadow and blusher.

I put on my skinny black pants,Chained boots Skulled T-shirt and Black and Red Convers i put on my Chained necklaces.I looked at the alarm and it was 8:00.I went to my mum and dads room and woke them up,Went down staires and made Toast with Orange Juice for me dad and mum.I ate my toast and drank my orange juice.I looked at my watch and it was only 8:20 so i went back up stares and got my ipod and got my bag ,i put all of my pens pencils rubbers and tipex in my bag and headed downstaires.I heared the doorbell ring and went to the door.Tanya and someone from her Family was her.''Hey Tanya and...'' ''Dimtri meet my friend Zoey'' when he looked i tried not to gasp because he had Purple eyes.He had Black hair that covered his eyes , tanned skin,and lips that looked like they taste of heaven.I have seen those eyes before in the woods when i was an hours away from here.

He smirked , i glared '' anyway lets go Zoey we need to hurry it up if u dont want to be late.''Tanya said.
''Yer well i wish i didnt have to..'' i mumbled.
''What ?'' Tanya asked.
''Nothing''i said.
''All right then lets get going then'' she said with a smile.I smiled back.

We maid it to the school with in 30 minutes.
''Hey Tanya im going to go to the office to get my schedule see ya around.''i said with a smile.''Oh okai well yer okai see ya around.''she said with a small smile.''aww u still know ur my bezzi mate.''i said with a grin.She grinned back.''Hey Dimitri dont you have to go and get your shedule aswell since you and your friends are starting here?'' she asked.''Yer i do, Ill go with Zoey and ill catch ya later.'' ''Okai catch you to later.''she said.I started to walk away but he catched up.I sighed '' Why are you hear?'' i asked with a aggravated tone.he Chukled '' why for you ofcourse.'' he said with a grin.I sighed again '' well then go away and how did you know i was moving here ?'' i asked '' you can block me out but not your parents.'' he said whilst Chukling again.
As we entered the building 4 guys came up to Dimitri and asked ''Hey dude where you been ? ''they all asked at the same time. I just carried on walking not giving a damn what he did.He still walked with me while talking to his 'Pack' i knew they were a pack cause of there eyes the big buff 1 with black hair had Amber eyes.Another two looked like twins they both had blonde hair and green eyes 1 had a scar on his cheekbone.The last one had Brown hair with green eyes.Dimtri said to all of them '' iv been walking with that girl Tanya and Zoey here.'' all 4 of them turned to look at me.I hated it when attention was on me,says the one thats a breeder kinda stupid init.They all stared eyes wide i saw the buff one like his lips and i said '' i dont think so dude.'' with a threating tone
''Oh and goodbye!'' I stalked off.Before any of them could come after me i already had my shedule.I looked at the shedule my classes for today where :

Chapter 4

I went to P.E and entered the Girls locker room as soon as i entered everyone turned to look at me and everyone Gasped.Eveyone had wides eyes and mouths haging open i thought it would have been funny if they werent looking at me.
Tanya shouted me over to her and everyone went back to gettin changed into there p.e kit.
''Hey Tanya..'' i smiled.
''Hey i got ya a spare kit i know i know im the best aint i '' she said with a grin.I grinned back'' yup u are ..'' before i could finsish the sentece she chucked the cloths at me.I caught them i put them on as quick as i can and i realised that they were black denim Shorts and a black tank top you could see my tanned legs and my flat stomach. i glared at Tanya, she burst out laughing '' Lol! aww u look so sexy in them cloths all the boys will be drooling all over you ha-ha!'' '' yer well i hope not'' i said with a smile.Mrs.Parker blew the whistle and sent us out to work with the boys.I groned and everyone Laughed.I stuck my tongue out at them all and they erupted to laughter again.When we got out all the boys stopped running and stared eyes wide and mouths hanging open.I laughed they reminded me of the girls.I noticed Dimitri and his pack staring at me aswell.I could see Dimtris eyes fill with lust and i laughed again and this time the girls laughed with me.

After P.E all of the lessons passed like a blur,Dimitri and his 'pack' were in all of my lessons.
I started walking home with Tanya when Dimitri and his 'pack' came to us.''Hey i didnt get to introdus you guys before to Zoey cuz she walked off'' said Dimitri with a smirk.''Zoey! really i didnt excpect you to do that.''said Tanya in a shocked tone.''Yer well i do alot of stuff you dont excpect''i mumbled.''Wat ya say girl ? ''asked Tanya.''Nothing''i sain.
''Any way the twin with the scar is called Zack,the other one is called jack,the one with brown hair is called Michalle and buff boy here is called Tray.''Dimtri said.''Its so nice to meet ya.'' i said in a sarcastice voice.Tanya glared at me and the boys laughed.

Chapter 5

When i got home i had tea with mom and dad after that i went up stars and put on my chemical romance and lie down and think.I think about how i could be putting everyone in danger and if i should move or run,i mean i did promise mum and dad that we would stay and stop moving but would it be so bad if i break the promise to protect the people i care about?would you?.

I started to feel my eyelids get heavy and close.I dreampt that i was in a bed the covers were violet and double,There were animale poster pictures on the wall,a Panther with Purple eyes,a wolf with amber eyes,two siberian tigers with green eyes and a cheeta with green eyes.I found my self staring at the Panther picture the one with purple eyes and then it hit me it was Dimitri.I was still staring at it when i felt arms cirle around my waist.I turn around and found Dimitri lying next to me with a grin.I was just lying there in a top and Panties.I was still staring when he leaned forward and kissed me on lips.His lips were warm and soft.I was shocked i felt my self kissing back.We were there making out in his bed when i felt something hard against my leg.I just ignored it and carried on kissing.When i pulled back gasping for air he was too but he climbed on top off me and pinned my arms above my head.I looked at him with shock and i realized that his eyes were bitch black and was filled with lust.I was about to scream when his lips came crashing down on my lips.It felt nice but yet wrong and a bit rough but i gussed i like that i know stange init.I accept the fact that i liked it and kissed back he realised my hand and put his hands on my hips,i linked my arms around his neck,he lifted my top above up and ripped it off,i did the same with his top,he ripped off my bra and panties and i pulled down his boxers,he bit my shoulder and i moanded in pleasure then he plunged him self insind me i preety much forgot the res of wat happed all i felt was ecstasy and pure pleasure.
I woke up sweaty and naked,i was confused and i felt my heart beating fast.Everytime i closed my eyes i pictued wat i saw in my dream,i looked at my clock,11:54pm Ugh! i got up and put on my silky skulled top and black silky shorts.I went into the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror.I gasped,i had a bite mark the same bite mark in my dream there on my shoulder.I turned and ran into the room and threw the covers on the ground and yep there's the top,panties and the blood.Man i am NEVER going to sleep again.I changed my bed sheets into black and electric blue and then i knew wat happended.Weres can get into some breeders Dreams and claim them as a mate and turn them within a dream,They mark them with a bite and then give them some of there blood so it will change them into an were animal like them.So Dimitri has marked me as his mate,for life,i swear when i see him i would kill him LOL! i wish when you are claimed they can feel your emotions and you cant harm them except change them into a were(if there a breeder).So i cant hurt him but he can turn me GREAT!that idiot!

I got changed and walked down stairs to my mother and father and told them about the dream." Can you believe that arrogant son of a ..." i was cut off by my mum."None off that language in my house even if he is one"my mother scolded me."She is right Zoey try to stay away from him okai " my father said."Okai dad" "Thats my girl now..." my father was cut off by a knock on the front door.I got up and answered the front door." Oh! hey Tanya hi Dimitri."i said.He just looked at me and smiled " Hello how did u sleep last night ?" he said with a smirk."I had a nightmare" i said.He glared and i chuckled." Am i missing something hear or did u two do something last night ? " Tanya asked."Nope,nothing at all."i said." Alright then lets get going."Tanya said her voice full of excitment.I turned around and picked my bag and said goodbye and i was out the door.I looked at Tanya and she had a big smile on her face."hey Tanya why have you got a smile on your face ? " i asked."No reason just somebody is planning on doing something to you.. i mean for you." she finsihed with a small chuckle.I looked at Dimitri and he had a big grin on his face. They both turned around at the same time and tried to catch me, i quickly ducked and ran to the entrance of the school.I quickly walked to my other friend Crystal and talked to her and asked if i could hang out with her for the rest off the day."Yer sure were in the same classes anyway so why not plus your really funny." she said with a laugh.Crystal has blond hair big blue eyes pale smooth skin and is 5'8 her laughs are really infectous you have to laugh aswell.I felt eyes watching me and i turned round to see Tanya,Dimitri,Tray,Michalle,Zack and Jack were staring at me.Crystal tapped my me on the shoulder "Hey u okai why are they staring at you like that." she asked. " I dont know why." i lied." I felt a rain drop hit my cheek and it started to Thunder storm.I dont know why i had this feeling that something bad was going to happen.I just ignored it and went to Music.

Only If I knew What A Huge Mistake That Was.

Chapter 6

When me and Crystal got into the music room we went to her usual spot,the back corner.We were 5 miniutes into the lesson when the substitute
walked in.I turned my head to look at the teacher and saw that he had green eyes,he caught me staring at him and winked in my direction.Just as he winked at me the lights flickered and then they blew.The unease started to grow and i could feel something staring at the back off my head.Crystal seemed to notice my unease and turned her head to the window,i watched as crystal froze and started screaming.I quickly turned round to see about 30 eyes staring at me and the other students,i knew what they were because they had eyes like an animal.Crystal started tuggin at my arm and pulling me away,just as i turned around the window shattered into thousands of pieces,I didnt waste anytime of getting out of there i grabbed Crystals arm and dragged her out."W-w-what a-are they ?" sobbed crystal.I looked at crystal and she was crying so i decided to tell her everthing.Whilst i was telling her i could hear the growls,howls and shrikes of animals."I believe you."she said."really?" i asked."Well yeah because if what i just saw,i kinda feel sorry for you really having all of them after you,so sorry."she said with worry filling her voice."hey dont be sorry its not your fault is it."i said.she smiled.I started to drag Crystal to the front doors of the school.I looked outside the windows on the door.No one was there.Me and Crystal ran outside and to my car,i unlocked the car and got in whilst Crystal made her way around the car.She got in the car and she started the engine and speed away.I looked over to Crystal and she seemed a bit dazed."Hey Crystal are you okay?" i asked."Yup im fine im hearing voices in my head." she said.I immediately knew that a couple of the weres were trying to get into her head.

Chapter 7

I kept glancing at Crystal whilst she drove."Im sorry..." crystal said.I glanced at her."Sorry for what?" i asked with a worried tone."For this..." she said. A soon as she said that, she hit the breaks and i jolted forward, hitting my head on the dash board. The last thought in my head was Dame for got the bloody seat bealt ...

I might of been unconcious but i could still hear perfectly.Crystal unbuckled her seatbealt and opend her side door and got out closing it after her, i felt quit lonely in the car while she was doing whatever it was.Sounds silly right.
I noticed that i started lose my hearing and knew i was going to go into a deep unconcious sleep. When i awoke i kept my eyes closed so i could get a feel of my surrodings, it felt like i was lyeing on a soft feathery bed and my legs and arms were in binds, my legs bound to the end of the bed and my arms bound to the headrest above my head.I decided to open my easy, as soon as i did it still felt like my eyes were close because the room was pitch black, no windows, no light coming from anywhere. I lifted my head up, what a big mistake that was as soon as i did i felt dizzy and the room i was went spinning and my head it the bed while i growled in pain and annoyence.
I knew someone heard me because a flash of light came into the room, from what i guessed was the door." well,well,well looks like our little princess has awoke ." said a unfamiler voice." just let me go you annoying big headed pombouse ass. " i said with a smike but winced in pain as i found out that not only my head got hurt when i hit the dashboard.
" Ha-ha looks like your in pain lovly too bad you will be in more pain when i turn you anyways so you should get used to it hun ." he said, you could even hear the happiness in his voice with a grin. "Pfft! why would i let you turn me." i asked." why because i have your family at the mercy of my hands... plus! you know me anyway " he said his voice filled with happiness i wanted to gag!" what the hell are you talking about! yeah you might have my family but i dont know you!" i screamed." You dont remember me because my father made you forget your memory... but i am going to give you those memorys back." he said.As soon as he said that i felt his lips crash down on mine, his lips tasted sweet and warm against mine.As soon as his lips were on mine they were off and i fell into a light sleep again bringing my forgotten memories back and forgotten feelings....

Chapter 8.

It was like i was in a diffrent world filled with darkness, i could walk but i only went forward and back looking over each memory that had been erased, They were like Tv's but i couldnt press stop or pause they just carried on playing over and over again.Each memory i past i started to notice that not all Were's were the same, the unfamiler man in the room who gave me my memorys back is my best friend or was, but that was until me and my family found out what i was and what he was.My father threatened him to leave me alone and never see me again and told him the most hurtful thing he could ever imagin.That i didnt care for him and that i wanted him gone.I just stood there in the darkness watching the memory play as my father threatened him.Christian.The one were that i actually cared for, i never told anyone my feelings but i can never hind them from my mother, as i stood there i realized that i cared for him more than i cared for anyone( including my self.)

After my father left him i watched him break down and fold in on him self and started to mourn,because of what my father said, that i didn't care for him and i wanted him gone.I watched as he walked to the forest and his clothes began to shead, like the leaves that fall of trees, as his fur began to come through his skin, the colour of the fur was beautiful soft and smooth cheeta fur, i watched as his legs snapped and replaced them selves to became the legs of a cheeta, his musclar arms and shoulder broke and the joints snapped and moved back into there animal form, i watched as his human teeth became thouse of animal and i watched as his tail swished the broken leaves around him, he was on all fours.Christian let out a ear piercing,saddened cry and took off running, running to get away from the the one who he cared about the most, the one who stole his heart.

When a were changes forms it is usually quick and painless but from what i just watched he did it slowely on perporpes to feel the pain and forget about the heart break he went through but that only last a mear 10 seconds and it comes crashing back, the painfull memory. When the image finished it started up again.Tears worked there whey through my vision and rolled out the corners of my eyes and stolled down my face.
I have had enough of the images and the unexpected feelings rushing back.So i ran.I knew i couldnt escape the memory world as i call it but i ran and carried on running.The blackness started to close in on me and i suddenly felt weak, weaker than i ever felt before so i just stopped and welcomed the darkness.

chapter 9.

When i woke up the memory's came rushing back aswell as the feelings.I sat in in the bed i was in and looked around at the corner of the bed, sat Christian.His blond and black hair covered his closed blue eyes,he was tanned and very-very muscual.I sat there staring at him until there was knock on the door.Christain whirled aroaund stood up and whent to the door, the chair scooted back a couple of meters but that was about it until it hit the wall with a thud.He opend the door and there was a maid there.Well if you called a whore in a maid outfit a maid.Just seeing her made me gag and want to rip her head off.Its always been like that with whores.I know its not my fault for what they are but it does tick me off alot when they prance around with a fake everthing.
"Hey Christian want to have a little fun baby." said the whor- i mean maid." No Christy i dont want to have a little fun and never will thank you, your not my type."said Christian. " Yeah like your type would be a fake tangarine." i said under my breath, but apparntly not to low enough because they both heard me.Christain eyes held amusment while Christy had a look of death in her eyes.
" Oi bitch what are you doing in Christians bed thats my terf." said Christy.
" really i dont see your name onit." i said.I smiled and she lunged for me.I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, but it didnt come. I slowly opened my eyes and found my self looking at Christy being pinned up against the wall and Christian behind her.
" Listen carefully you,you will never hurt Zoey she is mine and mine alone if i ever find out you layed a hand on her you will be executed.Understand ?!" said Christian in deathly toned voice.
"Y-yes-s sir-r Christian." she said with a scared and worried filled tone.
"Good now run along."he said and let go, she dropped to the floor and scurried away to the door.I watched as she opend the door and ran out.The door swinged shut behind her.
" You know, you always cause trouble little princess." Whispered Christain behind my ear.His hot breath against my neck whilst he brushed his fingers over my cheek.I couldnt suppress my giggles.
" So you know eveything now about what your true feelings are and the memorys." he said with a sad filled tone but with a hint of hope.I turned around and was suprised by the closness of out bodys. I looked into his eyes and saw love desire and hope in their.I smiled faintly and the hope died out.I put m hand against his cheek.
" Yes i do remember, i even saw what my father said to you just before we were leaving and what you did in the woods and the pain you went through.." i paused to see his reaction, he looked hurt and upset." and what he said wasnt true i do care about you even more than i care for myself and i dont want you to leave ever, i even think im falling for.." i didnt get to finish the end of the sentence because Christaine swooped me up and hugged me in the air, squizing the air out of me.I couldnt help but giggle at the happiness and love in his eyes. He sat me back down on the bed and wraped his arm around my waist bringing my back agaist his chest.
" Hey one question though" i said.
" And whats that" he said.
" why did Christy call you sir Christian" i asked while turning round in his arms so that we were face to face.
" oh thats easy that because im the Prince of the Were's " he said with a smile.


Publication Date: 02-02-2011

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