The Book of Lies
By Daniel M Bryant
I remember when I was a young boy, maybe somewhere around the age of 13, I was in a tree in the backyard. (As hard as it may seem for some of today’s youth to imagine, kids actually did climb trees many years ago. We even road bicycles!) I used to meditate about deep things while sitting on a limb in a large oak tree in my mother’s backyard. One day, I found myself thinking, “Why am I even here? Why do I even exist at all? What is the meaning of life? Where did all of this come from?” Then, after meditating on these deeps matters, usually without coming to any concrete answers to these questions, my mind would wander to more current and pressing matters: “I wonder if that pretty blond haired girl (name omitted intentionally) who is in my Biology class is going to be hanging out at the library again today? I should probably ride my bicycle to the library again today and see if there are any books available that might provide answers to these pressing questions.”
As the years have gone by, I have come to the conclusion that these questions are probably not unique to me. Many minds greater than mine have pondered these questions. (I am referring to the meaning of life questions, not my wonderings about “name omitted intentionally”.) The reason I am writing this book is to answer those questions for others. I have learned most everything there is to know, and I am glad I get to share this with others. This is my gift to humanity.
Table of Contents
The Beginning of Everything
The Universe
Life in Space
The Origins of Life
The Beginning of Mankind
The Origin of Concepts of Morality
How We Arrived at Where We are Now
The Beginning of Everything
In the beginning, nothing existed. It has been proven by science that within this nothingness, an ancient unknown power force, and a tiny, primordial
Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Publication Date: 03-01-2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-0022-9
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to anyone who desires to find out the truth about life.