Frowning, Elaine Vincent walked slowly across the old playground and sat down on the cold, hand chiseled stone bench. It was only her second day home and already her and her mother were ready to strangle each other. She had never wanted to come back, but she had, for her fathers funeral.
Elaine massaged the back of her neck firmly with her finger tips, taking a deep breath. she crossed her feet and looked down at herself.
In her black heels, black buisness suit, and white button up dress shirt, she looked like she always did. The only change in her apperence in the last three years had been her hair. She had let her pale blond hair grow longer, and now it just barely hung midway down her back. Her pale blue eyes liked what they saw. She was average, she liked it that way.
With her heart shaped face, fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes, she knew her college's underestimated her worth as a lawyer. She was thirty two and knew just what to expect when she walked into the court room. No one else knew though, which gave her the upper hand.
Closing her eyes Elaine tried once again to understand the workings of her mothers mind. Maria Vincent was a carbon copy of her daught in all but the mind. They looked the same, and liked most of the same things, but Elaine thought like her father, and her mother had always found that small fact irritating.
"You know, when your concentrating you talk to yourself? It's most charming." A male voice said from behind her, startling her. Turning she was faced by a man with dark chestnut hair and chocolate brown eyes and navy blue slacks, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was pale and had an easy, almost hypnotic smile.
She recognized him seconds later, and couldn't help herself from troing herself into his arms to hug him. Stepping back she looked down, embarresed.
"Ralph, what are you doing back? I thought you were in california." She said, giving him a speculative glance as they both sat down on the stone bench.
"It was a little too sunny there for my taste." He said, grinning, a dimple showing in his cheek. Then he frowned and looked at her. "I'm here because I heard about your dad. How are you?"
"I'm ok...considering. Either way, I still have mom, even if she makes me want to rip her hair out." She said, smiling shyly. Ralph had been her first boyfriend, and her first love. They had dated for months and even discussed getting married, then his family had moved to California.
"That's true, family is family, no matter how annoying." He said, slipping an arm around her shoulder and sqeezing lightly.
"Yep." She agreed, leaning her head against his shoulder, enjoying the farmiliar and missed comfort he provided.
They sat comfortably in compatible silence for a few minutes, then Ralph wrapped both arms around her and leaned his head down to rest his forehead against hers.
"Do you miss it? Us, I mean." He asked, more serious than she had ever seen him before.
"Yes." She whispered, looking up at him with a longing expression on her beautiful face.
"Good, because I did too." He whispered, pressing his hard lips against her full soft mouth. He had always enjoyed the taste of her mouth on his, but this time, it was different. Sparks erupted into flames, and he knew he had to have her, no matter what.
"Elaine..." He whispered, pulling back and looking down at her. Since their first date he had begun to love her pale blue eyes, and her silver blond hair. Her heartshaped face was set in a look of distress he knew was caused by him retreating, and her beautiful face was slighly flushed.
"Yes?" She asked, sounding confused.
"Nothing, I just wanted to look at your face again." He whispered, unable to get his secret past his tight throat. Leaning down he began to kiss her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him, angling her cirves to his angles.
She slide her arms up and twined her fingers into his thick, slightly curled hair. She leaned her head back and clutched him to her, loving the feel of his hard body against her soft one. Her mind hazy from pleasure didn't register the slight sting of pain in her neck, or the way he seemed her clutch her more tightly, only the pleasure of his mouth on her skin.
Lifting his head away from her neck, and licking his lips, Ralph whispered lightly in her ear, in an almost begging tone. "Elaine Vincent, will you stay with me forever this time?"
"Yes...." She whispered, then blacked out.
Blinking her eyes lazily Elaine looked around, coming slowly to awareness. Her body was stiff, and she was on a big bed in a big room. She was in a hotel suite. And she wasn't alone.
Looking to her right she saw Ralph, his hair ruffled, his torso bare, the sheets covering his from hip to knee. He had a small smile on his lips and one of his arms were around her. She noticed suddenly that she was naked, and yanked her side of the sheet up. Blushing she remembered exactly what all had happened the night before, and just exactly what Ralph and she were to each other now.
"Married...." She mumered amazed, and to a vampire no less. He had explained everything to her before she had agreed to be his wife, and she was still marveling over it.
"Good Morning." Ralph said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her. "I'm glad your finally awake, I was getting bored." He said, kissing the back of her neck and nibbling the skin lightly.
"Good Morning." SHe whispered grinning, turning she kissed him. She knew what he was, she didn't care, she knew she was safe. He had proved himself last night as someone who would never intention ally hurt her.
They were proof, she thought, that Love was thicker than anything. She kissed him and promised herself that she would continue to proove exactly that to him, and more. Even prooving that Love was in fact thicker than even blood.
Publication Date: 12-14-2010
All Rights Reserved