
1. Archangel for dad, really?

Katrina, a seventeen year old, with long black hair that fell just short of the middle of her back, deep-dark blue eyes, olive toned skin, and a few freckles on her nose. Her life was usually boring but today was very exciting for her because her best friends Tracy and Brenda were going with her to get her braces removed. She had had braces since she'd turned ten, and today her family's dentist,
Dr. Freeman was going to remove them! And perfect timing too, tomorrow was her crushes birthday. She had had a crush on Aren Jordan since forever, he’s tall, blond hair, cut short and spiky and all messy you know, and he has the bluest eyes in the world, there like the color of the sky 10 times over! (A very light blue) In addition, he has the cutest smile, a grin so perfect that girls melt every time they see it. (And he’s only seven-teen!)
As she threw on a pair of her favorite blue jeans, black running shoes, and her new black t-shirt that had her favorite bands name on it (Linkin Park), she grabbed her brush and a rubber band as she ran out her bedroom door. When she had her hair presentable she walked as calmly as she could (which wasn't very calmly at that) to the kitchen where she could smell her dad cooking breakfast. You see Katrina lives with her father (who if he was younger, could pass as her twin.) in their little house in the small town of Everest, Nv. the population is two thousand nine hundred and ninety three, her and her dad live just a ways off the city limit.
When she got in the kitchen and saw her dad wasn't the only one there she couldn't help but laugh.
"You see last night I went speed dating and met Wendy here." Her father explained. Looking slightly embarrassed by her outburst of humor. Then he turned to the red headed women with green eyes and introduced them properly.( She had a very hard time keeping a straight face.)
"Wendy this is my beautiful, smart, and talented daughter, Katrina. Katrina this is my friend,....and fiancé, Wendy." He finished in a small voice. When he said fiancé her heart dropped to her shoes and came back up so quickly she could almost hear it go -swoosh-.
"Fia-Fi-FIANCE!" She finally stuttered out.
"Now dear I know me and your mother are still technically married but no one has seen or heard from her in four years. The police stopped searching years ago honey. I'm sorry but I think its time we both move on, that means you need a new mother, and Wendy is perfect for the job. Also last night wasn't the first time we had met. I've been talking to Wendy through EHarmony for the past five months." He finished with a stern look on his face that she knew all too well. With his eyes all big, mouth turned down at the corners, and eyebrows lifted slightly. Jonathan Remora wore this face when he was trying to convince his daughter not to argue, but it was also different because there was a hint of sympathy in it.
When she detected the sympathy she forgot everything else, she forgot my braces, she forgot Aren, Wendy, all of it, except for her pain and fury.
"How could you?" Was all she asked, but it was barely a whisper.
"How could you!" She screamed, all shyness gone, only pure pain on her face now.
"Honey deep breaths, remember, your asthma.” Her father warned in a worried voice. "You have to except it Kat, your mothers gone. I am sorry but I cannot spend the remainder of my life waiting. I don't have your patience...I’m sorry Kat, but me and Wendy are to by married this fall.” He said, the last part so low it was almost a whisper.
"It was my idea; please don't be angry at your father darling." Wendy said sympathetically. "I know it will be hard for you too except me as part of your family but, it is the only thing left that you can do Katrina." She did not know why but suddenly she detested this red headed ark angel of her fathers.
"No it’s not all I can do. You aren't part of my family, and I will never accept you as my mother!" With that, she ran from the room, down the hall, grabbed her backpack, and ran the three blocks to her friend Brenda's house.

"He didn't!" Tracy exclaimed as Brenda patted Katrina's shoulder soothingly as they sat in Brenda's bedroom.
Brenda had called Tracy as soon as Katrina told her what had happened, Tracy had been here in record time too. Now Katrina and Tracy look like complete opposites, she is tall for her age, with light blue eyes, and short straight corn silk yellow hair, a long nose, and small eyes. Kat, with her long, long wavy brown hair, big eyes so dark there almost black, straight short nose, and average size, you would never notice how they both had high cheekbones. However, they were not so different, they had both lost a parent when they were younger. In addition, neither of their remaining parents understood how they could still hope for their missing family members. Tracy's father’s plain crashed one hundred and seventy four feet from the ground. Kat's mother was driving in a snowstorm after a fight with Kat's father, and she just never came home.
"Yes he did.” She sobbed, wiping her eyes with her fingertips.
"Oh you poor thing. Well it is not as if it will last long. I mean we both know your dad, he couldn't even keep from fighting with the goldfish you owned when you were five, let alone another human being, and a woman at that." Brenda stated matter-of-factly.
Now Brenda was very interesting, she was about Kat's size, she had blond hair that she changed to purple a few years ago, now also unlike Tracy, Brenda had a anger management problem, but she could keep it in check most of the time. Now her eyes were very odd, you see she was born almost blind but her eyes got better after her surgery, but now her eyes were an odd silver grayish color. Now if you wanted to talk intelligence, Kat would have to say her friends had her beat most defiantly. Tracy was a straight A student, and Brenda was very wise for her age. Brenda never lost her parents, they were best friends. But Brenda and Kat grew up together, they were more like sisters than friends, all three of them were.
"Yeah she's right Kat, it’s not like your dads really in love or anything. It's just a phase, remember you have too let them believe they are in charge sometimes, it's just the way things are for people like you and me." Tracy said calmly.
"Your right...gotta-gott-gotta let them grow up, eventually. Ok ...I am calm. Thanks guys you’re the best friends any girl could ask for!" She said wiping away the last of her tears and smiling for her girl pals. They returned her smile with smiles of their own happily.
"Good everything is all better and we can all relax. Now let’s go get your braces removed!" Brenda exclaimed excitedly.

2. A party, a dance,...a mad dad!

-You look amazing- She told herself the morning of Aren's birthday party.-
When Dr.Freeman had taken out her braces he'd said they had paid off, her teeth were lined up perfectly, and were sparkling white. After getting her braces removed, her, Brenda, and Tracy went shopping for her perfect outfit for the party. She ended up buying a light blue strapless dress, with silver sparkling stars on it, and a pair of oh so cute silver sandals, she decided to wear her hair in a half braid so that it showed how long her hair was. Brenda was going to just wear a swimsuit (it being a pool party and all) that was purple and pink tie-dye, and Tracy decided on a cute pair of shorts and a t-shirt over her swimsuit (Kat had picked her bikini with blue, maroon, and sea green tie-dye, in under her dress.)
"Katrina your ride is here." Wendy said. She was standing in the doorway smiling at Kat, wearing one of her dad’s green button up shirts over skinny jeans, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. ‘Ugh I hated her and her red hair!’ She thought, but instead of saying so, she just gave her an icy stare worthy of the devil himself.
"Go away." She ordered flatly. Standing up and getting her purse, which had her cell phone, ninety bucks, her shades, and a t-shirt in it. After she had all her stuff together, she looked in the mirror one more time to make sure there was not even a hair out of place. While she did this Wendy stood in her doorway with a sad smile on her face, then she said the last thing Kat ever expected.
"You look so much like your mother; I didn't know her but your father showed me some pictures. And, with your raven hair, you and your mother look quite a bit alike. What happened to your mother, Kat?"She asked, still staring at her with that sad smile.
"Like you care! Get out of my life, I never even wanted you in it in the first place!"She screamed as she dove down the steps in a rage. Out side Brenda, Tracy and their boyfriends were waiting for her.
"Hi! What’s up, you weren't at school yesterday?"Johnny asked. Johnny's Brenda's boyfriend. He is what people would call a Ralph Macchino look-a-like. Except for the scar above his eyebrow. He got the scar in a fight last year with a boy who was picking on Brenda. Johnny has the patience of the Chinese but the temper of a redneck.
"I was getting my braces removed. What did I miss that was so important?"She asked, her spirits lifted with the sight of her big brother wanna be.
"Only the weirdest thing ever." Brock, Tracy’s almost-boyfriend, said glumly. He was a little odd but cool, he had brown hair worn in a shaggy looking style, with brown eyes, and a pretty good muscle span, Brock and Johnny were always working out together. Brock and Tracey were sitting up front with Brock behind the wheel. Tracy was staring at Kat with pleading in her eyes that Kat recognized immediately. She must have been fighting with Brock again, Kat thought as she shook her head yes.
Tracy got out of the car and then Kat climbed in next to Brock. Tracy got in back with Brenda and Johnny.
"And what might that be?" She asked as Brock started his father's Mustang, it was a deep blue so it was perfect for a pool party. "What, did Ashley Thomas make another pass at you?" She guessed.
"No silly. There was a new guy yesterday, his old man is a race-car driver. But what’s really weird is, the guy has a ton of money but he isn't nearly as stuck up as other guys!" Brenda exclaimed in disbelief.
"So." Kat said simply.
"He is going to be at the party tonight.Then you'll get to see how weird he really is.Oh, and by the way, I love your dress Katrina I can't believe how good it looks on you!" Tracy said sweetly. "You know despite the huge-um,well despite everything else he is actually pretty good looking." She said matter-a-factly,stuttering a little bit when she saw Brenda's 'Don't you dare say it' look.
"Wow,wait a minute.What do you mean he is good looking.You guys all know I'm going for Aren, so why bring up another guy?" She askd guardedly.
"Well, Ashley didn't go after Brock, she went after Aren. And..." Tracy said hesitantly. "She him."She finished quitely.
"Sorry Kat-o, but there is still the new guy.His name's Allister, Allister McCarter.Hes not a bad guy, no matter how odd he is. He doesn't have any friends yet but he is a good looking guy, gets strait A's, loves to read, I know 'cause he checked out fifteen books from the local library where I clean up and they were all kinds of books, from poetry by Edger Allen Poe,too fiction by Danielle Steel. So he is educated in taste we know that much." Johnny said hopefully.
Kat just sat there thinking 'After ten years of being hung up on this guy,he ends up with Ashley,the girl who will sleep with anyone or anything!'Engrossed so much in her own thoughts that it took her a second to notice they had parked next to Aren's house,and the others were waiting for her on the side walk. She climbed out of the car and walked up to her worried looking friends.
"How old is the new guy?" She asked with a sigh.Thinking that if he was as cool as her friends were boasting then maybe he'd have better sence than to get caught up in Ashley's web.And that any guy who didn't have the sence to steer clear of her,was hopeless.
"Your not going into the whole depressed mode,thats good. Allister is eight-teen, he is ripped and, well, you'll get to see what he looks like soon anyway." Brenda said,as she slid her arm around Johny's waist and let him put his arm over her shoulder.
Brock took Tracy's hand in his own and walked into Arens back yard, gave Aren's mom his and Tracy's invits.Then, Kat, Johny, and Brenda handed her their invitations and entered the back yard.

It was huge,the pool alone took up half the yard.Then there was the long refreshments table,volly-ball court,and the huge section of a patio set aside for the live band,and any kids who wanted to dance. Kat was mistified,that was, intil she saw him. He was leaning against the back side of the house,staring impassivly at nothing inparticular. He had hair as dark as night that had a small hint of curls in it,just barely curling at the nape of his neck,also,a deep set tan,and he was wearing a white t-shirt with cut-off jeans, and he had bare feet.He was wearing some kind of pendant too but Kat couldn't see what it was from where she was standing.
She gasped,completly taken off guard by his casual yet, some how refined apperence.Then he turned his eyes her way and she caught the short amount of breath she had just managed to recover.His eyes,they were amazing.They were a dark, emerald green.When she was finally able to tear her eyes away from his, she saw his scar. It was long and oddly tan also.But it was there none-the-less.It was a long deep scar from the outer-rim of his eye,where it curved so that it met perfectly with the lower half of his jaw. But even with the scar on the right side of his other wise perfect face he was still the most handsome guy she had ever seen.He stared at her with a small smile on his lips. She was pretty sure the smile had something to do with the fact that she had stood there gawking at him way longer than absoluly nessicary.
That was when Aren cut into her view,demanding her attention.He was dressed casually,a light blue miscle-shirt,and full legged jeans,with sandles. Ashley was hanging on his arm possesivly, wearing a orange bikini, her hair down and crazy like a frizzy red halo around her face and neck, and giving Kat the evil eye.
"Katrina right?"He asked with a smile.Looking over her dress with a small self indulgent smile.
"Yeah.Why do you know my name all the sudden?Last time I checked you didn't even know I existed." She said calmly and sweetly.Suprising everyone within hearing distance,except Allister who stood,still proped on the wall,grinning as if he were watching his favorite show.Brenda's mouth snapped open,then quickly shut again,while Tracy,Johny,and Brock just stared at Kat with undisguised suprise on their faces.
"Oh!Now there is a low blow,hahaha,I didn't know someone so pixie pretty could hold fire like that in them."He said,laughing again. She just stood there smiling sweetly till he was done,then did the one thing no one expected in a million years. She walked away from Aren Hawkins!
"Cold,I approve entirly!" A voice behind her said. She turned to find the new guy staring at her, amused. "You know thats my second cousin you just walked away from?But I don't care, anyone with a brain would walk away from a jerk like him." He said laugh again,but this time at the look of complete suprise on her face.
"...Hi?" Was all she could say.
"Hi?Well if you want to be all formal then thats just fine with me." He said, grinning wickedly. "My name is Allister,but you, my firy little friend can call me Al. Now would you mind telling me your name?Or do I get the cold shoulder too?" He said chuckling once again.
Lifting her chin and squaring her shoulders, she looked at him with with barely comtrolled anger.
"Well why not,you want the cold shoulder?It's all yours!" She said calmly, and,letting the acid seep through every word,wondered why she was acting this way to him.Then she got it, he had a hint of danger in his aura. No wonder, she must have been remembering her older brothers bestfriend! He was always in jail and hitting on anyone. Her brother had put up with it, until the guy had pulled a gun on her brother. Her brothers funeral was a week later, and the boy was sent to jail. She never thought she would act like that again.
"Wow,cool it,I'm not a bad guy. Just new,and also,whatever reason you have to hate my cousin,I'm sure it's a good one.For a relative of mine he's a real jerk."Al said sincerly,with a serious expression on his face.
He had moved closer to me,close enough I could smell his breath,he smelled like Doritos and Mountain Dew.(Which actually isn't nearly as gross as it sounds.)To tell you the truth,it only made him seem more than a little like me.We were standing close enough that I could see the pendant on his chain.It was an up side down golden trident with two snakes winding around it.What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"I'm just in a bad mood.You see the girl he is with?"I asked,when he shook his head yes I continued."That's Ashley Partona,she's a Saera scaera (rampant she-devil) and the slut of this town!She is sleeping with atleast three different guys now,but also now she has your cousin under her thumb.Used to think your cousin had brains but now I know he doesn't,anyone who gets mixed up with her can't have any common sence."I said,matter-a-factly.
"You can say that again,I hear she's even sleeping with my uncle.But it's not my problem. So,I dont worry about it."He said in his deep seductive tone,although I was begining to wonder if that was just the way his voice always sounded.
"So I hear you like to wear a Stetson?I own ten of them,I rarly ever go without 'em,or my boots,but most of all my Roper jeans.You?"I said in a subdued tone,still staring at the pendant around his neck,as if the snakes might slither off the trident and bite me if I looked away.
"Never leave home without my hat.It's actually in the back seat of my car now."He said with a chuckle.Looking at me with questioning eyes he asked:"Do you always were that necklace or just when you wanna get some attention?"
Looking down at my pendant I gave him a small smile,it was a whole bodied silver owl with a star in one talon and in the other it held a most peculiar arrow, then looked away,at my pendant again."It was my mothers,she went missing four years ago.I...I guess you could say,that in my own way,when I wear it it's like having my mom back.So...the answer to your question is yes,I do wear it all the time."I said in a sad small voice. "Either way, we gotta go on."
"But you didn't go on."He said with sad pity in his voice."I can see it in your eyes,that necklace is a way for you too not go on.You don't want to forget her and I dont blame you.I know for a fact that forgetting a family member is hard,especally when your close to them.You've already seen my scar,well I got it in a car reck when I was seven,me,my brother,my mother,and my father,were all in an accident with a bunch of teenagers who were drunk.They ran us off the road and just kept going.I'll tell you just what happend some other time,right now I want you to dance with me before I have to go.May I,please,have this dance Madmoisel?"He asked in a low and educated voice.
"Why of course you may." I said,in my best british accent,happy to move on too happier subjects.Then Allister put one arm around my waist and held my left hand in his,and with that we were off.We danced,and danced,and danced.I dont think we stopped until it was time for me too leave.The song we danced too at first was '100 years' by Five for fighting.
"Goodbye Allister,I had a great time with you.I hope I can see you around town soon,since today is the first day of spring break I won't be seeing you at school.But you can always find me at the lake."I told him quickly.
"I had a good time too. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out tommorow night anyway.You know,since we both had such a good time."He said smiling crookedly.
"I would love to go out with you tommorow night Allister.What do you want to do?"I asked in a hurried voice,I was walking to Johny's car now.Allister stopped me about three feet from the car,soaking wet from falling in the pool.
"Have dinner with me,plenty of dancing,and lots of time to talk."He asked me,smiling sweetly,while also seductivly.
"Ok,pick me up at seven,my curfew isn't till nine so we'll have plenty of time to talk."
I said,while climbing into the back of the car and smiling sweetly.He just nodded looking disturbed yet satisfied.I wondered a bit at the disturbed part for a while as my friends mulled over what they had just heard,and seen of me and Allister at the party that night.
"Ok I can't take it anymore!What the hell?!?!I thought you were in love with Aren,but now your making dates with the knew guy???"Brenda exclaimed heatedly.She hated be as confused as she was at that moment.
"He's Aren's cousin,actually."I said dreamly,remembering his devilishly handsome face,and mischiviously gleaming eyes.Oh how I longed to make time speed up!
"Thats even worse!Come on,you obviously can't wait to see the guy,but what about his cousin?You know,Aren,the one you've been mooning over since second grade!"She said,still confused.Johny,Brock,and Tracy just looked at me,we were out side my house now.
"Look,I think Aren is just fine meat for Ashley,if he doesn't have the brains to stay away from her then what kind of boyfriend could he ever make other than a bad one.But me and Al agree that-"Before I could finish Tracy was talking.
"I think you should leave her alone Brenda,she is probably just as suprised as you are about the party and how it turned out."Tracy said knowingly."Now you should go,I see your dad in the window and he looks mad,we have been gone an hour longer than we said we would be."
"An hour late!?!How the heck did that happen?Me and Allister couldn't have danced as long,could we?"I asked,lookin around at the 'yes silly you did' looks on all my friends faces."Ok, well, then I'll see you guys later."I said,the last part sounding a little high and nervous.

3. Den of the monster

Later that night,during dinner my father stared at me with such ferocity that I actually cringed. I had come in the house to a stone faced dad,but as soon as dinner was ready he droped the act and stared at me with every anger he had ever musterd up in his life.Why he was so angry was a mystery to me,I knew it wasn't because of me being late,I was late for dinner all the time.
" 'wanna explain what you meant by what you said to Wendy this afternoon?Or do I need to guess?"He asked in a conversational tone,but letting some of his anger spill into what he said.
"So thats why you've been giving me the evil eye all night.Well...I meant what I said,I never wanted her in my life,and I never will.It's not my fault you dont want to respect mother's memory,it's your's.Now that I have finished dinner I am going to go to bed,good night father I wont be seeing you in the morning,I will be going down to the lake early.Sleep well."I said,when I was done he just stared in shock at what all I had said.Then,getting up and putting my dishes in the sink,I left the room planning on retiring early.But before I made it to the stairs the phone rang.
I picked it up and said,"Hello?"
"Hello,may I talk to Katrina please?"I scratchy voice on the other end of the line asked.
"Speaking,and who am I speaking to may I ask?"I said in a subdued tone.
"Stay away from Allister,Katrina.Or else."Then all there was was a dial tone.I stood holding the reciever in one hand,and clutching the hall table with the other.Who in the world was that?Who would benefit from me staying away from Allister?Ashley?Maybe,I dont know.I went to my room,digesting the feeling in my gut.
I got out a pencil and paper,and started writing at the top of the page:


1.Ashley, because:
A. she hates me?
B. she probably wants Alistair?

2.Aren, because:
A. embarrassed him in front of everyone at his party?
B. Ashley put him up to it?
C.He is just vain enough to do something so stupid!


I stopped to think,who else could do such a thing?Allister?NO!Why would Allister want me to stay away from him?HE asked ME out,not the other way around.Why would he ask me out then try and scare me?But even with all of those positive thoughts,behind them a worse thought made itself noticed.
"What did the disturbed look on Allisters face mean?"I said,the thought making its way to my lips and on to my tounge.With out realizing it I had written a name down on the number three line.Allisters name!Before I could erase it there was a knock on my door.
"Come in."I said flatly, not wanting to listen to one of my dads little speeches about manners and reputations to be held.
"Katrina?I'm not disturing you am I?I was just wanting to tell you a few things."A distinctly feminine voice said from the door way.I turned to find Wendy staring at me as I sat at my desk, writing away.
"No,although I would prefer if it waited till I died."I said,pointedly.Staring at Wendy,in her cut off sweats,and wife-beater shirt,with her hair pulled back in a sloppy pony-tail,she didn't exactly scream attractive,but not ugly either.
"I guess I figured as much.But it would really help both you,and me if you would listen..."She said,in a pitifully hopeful voice.
"Fine,but make it quick.I have stuff to do."I said coldly,getting up to go sit on my bed,Which had a red fake silk sheet and over sheet,with a black comforter.As she walked over too the bed she stared at my room like it was the cave of some long extinct monster's.
The desk was shoved over against the wall on the right side of my room.It was a small black and silver colored desk with a comtuer on it,with just enough space for my papers and folders.The wall was just that,a wall,no wall paper,no paints,just wood.The beds interior was brass,the walk in closet was also a full length mirror on the outside.There was a big siver radio and sound systen set up on a shelf oppisite the desk.And a small brass bedside table with an alarm clock,a water bottle and the only gift my dad had ever given me that I haden't already out grown,a small picture, frame and all,of me,my mom,and my dad.It was summer in the picture and we were all at the lake,goofing off and splashing around.My mother was laying on the beach watching as I learned how to swin.She was wearing her favorie two piece swim suit,blue with an out line of dark green,smiling and encoraging me to keep going.My father was standing next to me and splashing me with the shallow water,I was smiling ear to ear because I had just swam for the first time.
The carpet in my room was a dark red,like my sheets and curtains.Wendy walked in on bare feet,still staring,then remembering her manners she made eye contact with me and flinched away from the icy cold glare I sent her.
"I just wanted to explain to you exactly what is going on between me and your father."Wendy said,coming to sit on the edge ot the bed,facing the balcony window in the room, which extended into a small balcony just big enough for two people and the few flowers that had planted in pots to decorate the balcony with.
"Oh joy,I hope I dont choke when you explain the 'love at first site' bit."She said laughing, and letting the sarcasm seep through every word.
"Don't you even want to try to listen to me?I guess I already know the answer to that question though."She said in a distant and annoyed voice as she walked over to the desk and sat down it the leather enteriored swivel chair."Look, I only want to explain it so that you'll know I'm not here to hurt anyone,or to take anything from anybody.I want you to be able to like me,atleast for us to be friends,you don't have to pretend I'm your mother or anything like that,I promise."She said solomley.
"No I don't have to pretend,or act,or do anything for you!You know what,I don't think I feel like talking right now.I'm sleepy,I'm going to bed so if you will be so kind as to grace me with privacy I would very much enjoy that.Goodbye Wendy Shanati!"She said, letting every word ring loud enoguh to wake her father from a dead sleep,if he had been asleep.
"Goodnight....Katrina,I just wanted to be your friend,but if you wont even let me be that,then I guess you win.But,just remember this,hating me isn't going to bring your mother back."And with that Wendy left her to herself, in a room that used to be a safe haven,but now was only a memory of her mother, and was forever haunted by her ghost. She closed the door,shutting in all the times, her and her mom had disagreed,leaving one of them crying, while the other was too proud to apolagize.
Once Wendy closed the door and walked down the hall she threw herself on to her bed and cried till she finally fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep.

4. Marrik, the hero

Tonight is definatly the best night of your life,hell,if your lucky he'll kiss you!Oh how I wish such fatasies were true! She thought to herself as she put on her mother's owl necklace, pair of silver hoop earrings that matched her silver bracelet. She had her hair down so that it was falling just barely past the bottom of her shoulder blades, and a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of stilletos and a white dress shirt,sleeves rolled up just bellow the elbow,and a small black vest,buttoned and low cut.
I had just finished applying some lipgloss very lightly to my lips when my father knocked on the door entering,not waiting for me to answer.When he saw me his mouth hit the floor and stayed there till I had finished putting my make-up,cell phone,ect,ect,in my purse (silver colored,obviously) and was about to walk past him.
Before she made it to the door her father recovered and reached for her arm. She let him pull her to the bed,and it was there that he sat as well.
"You look good,whats the occasion?"He asked,in a teasing voice.Despite all she had done to ignore Wendy she had still made her way into her life, and spilled to her dad that she was up here sprussing up.
"I have a date tonight and would very much appreciate it if you didn't embarress me when Allister gets here."She said sternly, crossing her legs, which were a lovely bronze thanks to the fact that she had sunbathed all day today,only coming home thirty minutes before Allister was due to come and get her.
Then she heard the lyrics to 'Songs about me.',one of her favorite country songs. She ran to her window/balcony and looked over the edge of the balcony which was waist high, to see a car pulling up in the drive way.And getting out of the '69 Dodge Charger,was Allister!
"Kids got a nice ride, he rich or something?"Her dad said over her shoulder. "He must be, if he can afford a car like that. He better be taking you somewhere nice and fancy. Although judging by the make-up,stilletos,and jewelry. Well...I guess that just means I don't need to worry about that much,now do I?I'll take your blush for a no."He said, grinning at her as they descended the stairs.
Allister was already in the sitting room, it was a small cozy room, with two leather recliners (black) a light blue carpet, a huge leather couch, also black, a plazma screen t.v. that hung on the wall oppiste the couch.Allister was sitting in the leather recliner closest to the door,so he saw her last. He was staring at the plasma t.v.,not really watching it,but looking aroud and enjoying the company of her soon to be step-mother, Wendy Shana. She made a sour face, not at Allister, but at Wendy, who just couldn't NOT charm any male with-in tweny miles.
Her father cleared his throut to get there attention.He looked at her then at Allister, who was staring at me with big green eyes, and his chin on the floor.
"Wow, you look great Katrina."He said, making me blush which inturn trigered his mischevious lopsided grin."Um, you ready? Or would you rather we spent sometime on introductions?" He asked, in a polite, yet teasing voice.
"Well, you met Wendy, you know I am her father,and that if her brother were here he would be scaring you out of here fast enough to start a revolution." Her father said in a distant tone,looking Allister over.
Allister was wearing a white button up dress shirt, untucked, with the sleves rolled just below his elbows.He was also wearing black slacks, and black dress shoes. She could see the pendant on his chain,just a barly aduble golden shape hidden by his shirt.He was also wearing a golden watch,and his hair looked just as it had the other day, messy yet neatly arranged that way. While looking over Allister she realized something was different about him,not so big that it was easily detected,but just enough for her to pick up on. His scar was covered by, from what she could see, was stage make-up.
"Mr. Remora, I highly doubt anyone could scare me bad enough to leave the gorgeous creature at your side,who obviously has your best features Sir, here and abandon our date."He replied, thuroughly examining every look that flash across her fathers face.
"Ok...I think enough introductions have been made,lets go Allister.Preferably before you end up wooing my dad instead of me."She said in an annoied voice, which only made the men in the room chuckle uncontrolably.
"Fine, have it your way!"And with that She was out the door and waiting by Allisters car.He came out just behind her, smiling like the true fool he was."What’s with the smile?"She asked in an off-hand tone,knowing he knew she was just being her, when she stormed out the door.
"Your father is very funny and I wasnt joking when I said you looked like him."Allister said as they backed down the drive in his '69 Charger.Once they hit the road Allister was less fake and more real to her, all day she had been thinking that she had just dreamed him up!But it turns out I didn't she guessed, huh funny how you can imagien certain things like that isn't it?
Allister's car was dark with barely any audable light to see with.Only the green neon glow of the clock on the dashboard.In the dim green light his scar looked almost sinister. Looking at his scar, She remembered something, something he had said at Aren's party the other night.
"So are going to tell me the rest of the story of how you got your scar?Or do I get the cold shoulder?"She asked quoting him,with a small smile on her lips. He looked at me in suprise for a second then comprehenton entered his suprised gaze.
He laughed out loud,his voice ringing in the car,sounding like deep bells ringing, oh if only he would laugh more!There wouldn't be a single female on earth that wouldn't want to fall to his feet and listen to his laughter for all eternity!
"I'll tell you my story later,right now I want to hear your entire name,where your from,your mothers name,why you dont seem to like your father's fiance,everything there is to know about you I want to know!But of course,that will all have to wait till dinner,right now,I just want to hear about your mother."He said, his voice very gentle and sweet but still somehow deep and seductive.
So she told him everything she could about her,concluding with:"So there you have it,my mothers name was Carlene,she had dark brown hair,a silver greyish eye color,she was twenty-four when she went missing,her favorite color was silver-blue,her favorite thing to do was read,she loved sunbathing,she never mentioned her father or mother,or any siblings she might have had,she hated it when women wore a heavy amount of make-up,prefering herself just lip gloss and mascara,her favorite season was summer,she loved going to the fair each year, etc, etc, etc, ......"She had went on like that for hours.
"Where are we going?"She finally asked.She stared at him for a moment wondering if she really should have dressed as fancy as she had. Then she checked out what he was wearing once again,and decided that she wasn't dressed that fancy.
"There is a lake, just a little ways to our left,were going there,the road is taking us about another half mile then I will turn on too a little dirt road which will lead us too the lake's edge.I had a friend set a few things up,I don’t know your taste but I think I might have gotten a little bit of my choices for tonight right."As he said this she noticed a small quiver in his voice,though I didn't know weither it was amusment,or just his nerves.
"If we're going to the lake why are both dressed so fancy?"She asked in a nervous tone,making it obvious that she was worried that she looked to fancy,and that he thought her silly."I thought we were going to dinner?" Glad that at least she would be spared an audience for the night.
"Because men who shower girls with money usually want something in return,me,I don't just as long as you will have dinner with me and talk,and dance,then theres nothing left to worry about.And showing you a good time,without an embarresing audience,and also a good way to proove that I know how to have a good time with a girl and not need a ton of money to do so.And also I believe that you,my lady,deserve a good time your way."He said with a small sincere smile.
"Ok,well...why are you treating me so regally,I am just a kid or a toy to play with to most guys."She asked, letting the confusion and annoyence slip slightly through her well composed feelings.
His reply was a bit of a shock but after it set in she was a bit flatterd.His reply had been:"Because a lady deserves to be treated right,and I think of you as a lady.Not a little girl,not a toy to play with,but a lady who should only be around those who have manners and know how and when to use them."His reply was honorable and his face was the most serious she had ever seen it,no cocky amused smile,or even a gleam of mischif in his eyes.
At that moment the car stopped, and as she looked down to makes sure everything was in her purse, Allister walked around the car, and as she was about to open the door and step out, he opened it. How he got to the other side of the car so fast she didn’t know.
“Like I said my lady, manners are everything. I hope you will enjoy spending the evening with me and my manners, or am I too annoying?”He said, going back to his charming smiles and voice.
“Nope I’m just fine with it. You know you’re actually kind of sweet, Al.” She said in a sweet voice. Oh crap, if she found herself flirting with this boy she would die! She thought to herself. But still, she found herself staring and practically purring the words at Allister.
He looked at her and when he saw her full lipped grin he threw her one of his Im-a-hot-guy- who-knows-what-hes-doing-looks,he lead the way across the wide berth of trees and through the brush so that they ended up in a little clearing surrounded by trees and was right next to the bank of the lake.All she could do was stare at it,it was a clear night,an indian summer night if there ever was one.
"So...what do you think?"He asked,gesturing to the small picnic blanket with her favorite foods on it,fried chicken,honey hot sauce mixture,fruit salad,and last of all a watermelon sliced into chunks.
"I am very glad we came here instead of going to a resturant.So you did all this just so we could be comfortable and afford us some privacy?"She asked, smiling in a confused way.
"Yep,sure did,and I had a great time cooking the chicken with your step-mother also. The sauce was your fathers doing,he said you loved it and that your mother had come up with it,the fruit salad is one of my favorites,and the watermelon for our date is my mothers doing."He said, grining sheepishly.
She just smiled and followed him too the blanket,sitting down across from him with her legs tucked inunder her derriere so that there was no unappropriate scenery.He sat with one knee up and his right arm slung over it.He picked up a picnic basket and started getting out napkins and silver-ware,and a bottle of red wine,she stared at the wine making a face as he also removed two wine glasses from the basket.
""She asked with confusion and a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
"No,no,no,no."He said with a laugh."Your father said no wine,so I cheated,it's just orange juice mixed with strawberey juice and a small hint of apple cider.I call it the 'All juices juice' I know it sounds odd,but really,it's quite good once one gives it a taste."He explained,smiling the whole time.
"No way!You goofed my dad!Go you!"She exclaimed laughing so hard she nearly fell over. "And my father actually thought that I would drink a bunch of wine and then probably do something stupid? Wow,I guess Marrik's death got too him more than I thought .He knows I am way more responsable than Marrik."She said,somber now as she realized why her father had said no wine.
"Who's Marrik?"Allister asked in confusion.
"Marrik is,was,my brother.Three years ago Marrik and my father got into this huge fight and Marrik left,got in his car and drove to his friend Daren's.Daren was twenty one so he was old enough to have beer,well he let Marrik have some and after getting drunk Marrik called up his girlfriend,Areil,and they went down too the lake.Now,Marrik was not exactly liked well here.He had more enemies than he did friends.But the worst of all was this dude who called himself Snakes Viper.His real name was Marrien though.Well Marien showed up and started fighting with Marrik,now Marrik usually just walked away from fights.He wanted to make sure I didn't have a rep like his 'cause of him fightin' and he knew I always wanted too be like him.Marrik was always the hero in my mind,the Robin Hood of my home,and the Bruce Willis of our School.
He was only two years older than me."She said,breaking off too take deep breath and give Allister a trembling smile."Anyway back to the story at hand.Marrien got too him this time.But in the middle of they're fight Marrien pulls out his gun.Me and my father had gone out looking for Marrik and I ended up looking around the beach while dad looked around town.I had come up behind the fight scene and was hiding behind some rocks.I saw Marrien pull out his gun and a shut my eyes and squeezed them shut tight.I figured Marrik would get out of it, but I was still scared. I heard Areil scream and then I heard a gun shot, I looked and saw Ariel laying on the sand not 4 feet from where I was hiding. Marion had shot her the chest and she was already dead. I looked up from Ariel and saw Marrik was staring at her body in horror. Then, as Marion raised his gun, Marrik looked directly at me and whispered that he was sorry. Then it was over, I stood there frozen as Marion shot my brother too death. First his knee caps, then his shoulders, and lastly, as Marrik lay, back down on the sand writhing in pain, Marion walked up too him and shot him between the eyes. And all I could do the entire time was staring in horror."She broke off, unable to continue because of the writhing pain in her chest where her heart was. And the shaking that had invaded her body.
Allister sat in silence and she got a handle on herself and composed her pain, guilt, and shame. When she was calm enough to take a drink of the juice he had poured in a wine glass and handed her.
“You are going to hate me for this but…I think, no I know, that you are trying to shoulder all the blame for your brother’s death. I know what that is like, but…I also know when it goes too far for it to be healthy for you.”As he spoke she listened, decided on letting him talk since he had listened to her rant about her brother even though it was only their first date, second if you count Aren’s party.
“No…you’re wrong, I don’t hate you for it. Your right, I should not take all the blame. But I choose to. I don’t know any other way too cope,other than don’t and just be a psycho. So I take the blame, I think that if I do it help’s me too realize that if I hadn’t stood there like a trapped rabbit…my brother might be here. Sure he would be here bugging me about dating, while trying to kick your butt, but I still miss him.” She explained, trying hard not too cry.
"Ok,why don't we just forget it and move on to greener grasses then?Would you like some more juice madam?"He asked, in a fake but quite convincing british accent.

5. A kiss, a poem, memories, a suprise.

"Thank's Al,I had a great time tonight."She said,as he walked me to the front door of my home."I especially liked the 'All juices juice' drinking competition."She added with a laugh.
Now there's a laugh worthy of Kyran himself,Allister thought.He had seen her laugh more tonight than he ever had in his three thousand years."No problem gorgeous.You know,if you smiled any wider you would probably get a cramp?But I don't mind,you look good when you laugh."He said cooly. Allowing just a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Oh nu-uh.You did not just tell me I am smiling too much!"She said,pretending too be insulted. " just so happened to have been a little giddy tonight also, pal, so don't start on me."She laughed at the complete look of shockthat flashed across his face.
The moment her laughter hit him the insult dissapered and in its place all he had left was the constant worry that had knotted its'self in his gut all evening.He could never really have her for his own, he thought sadly,about how he had always wanted an easy going girl with a sence of humor and a unique sence of self.Look's good on her from where he was standing,he thought.
"Well..."She was feeling little off standing on her front porch,looking at Allister,and thinking that any guy who looked that good in slacks and a dress shirt should be put in jail,and if she didn't get inside soon,real soon, she would do it herself.
"I guess you need to go in now, right?"Alistair asked politely, while inside thinking that if he let her go in now with out kissing her he would die from the embarrassment that would come when he found he could not make himself do it later.
"Ya...I guess I do, wanna come in and get a drink before you go?"She asked,hoping he would drop th coolness of his attitude and kiss her already!
"Naw...not thirsty." At least not in that way,he thought ruefully.He knew that if he kissed her now he might loose his control and accidently bite her.But also,the temptation nagged at him more than the consicuinces, as usual, he thought bitterly.
Finally she couldn't take it anymore."Are you going too kiss me already, or do you need a little boost of confidence?" She said, hoping he would try to prove her assumption, that he was scared too kiss her, wrong.
She got what she wished for, he though, picking the thought out of her head as he had done many times that night.
Leaning down, he brushed his lips lightly over hers, then, sliding his hands up too her face so they could press to her now flushed cheeks he kissed her. It was short, sweet, and very, very, intoxicating, she thought as he pulled away, taking step back.
"Hope I didn't disappoint. Never had any complaints before but then again, never knew anyone quite like you either." He said, feeling arrogant, confident, and very, very...aware. All he could do was see, listen, and hear, all the while hating the fact that a kiss from a seventeen -year -old girl could have this kind of power over him.
"It was very...very?"She said, trying too play cool but failing completely and embarrassing herself too boot no doubt, she thought bitterly.
“It was very, was it? Well I guess I met my match in kissing didn't I?"He asked, laughing another one of his deep and charming laughs, and staring at her with those gorgeous green eyes!
"I don't think that would be possablee even if you lived too be three hundred." She said,automatically catching the twing of amusement that flashed into his eye's and away again in the blink of an eye. "But,of course,if you wish too test your skills,then you may use me to experament on anytime." She said,hoping he would feel that need real soon.
I just might,he thought evily. "Maybe I should go, you know, before your dad decides too use the gun he is cleaning in the window of that room. But then again, you did just invit me in , ah...well,goodnight ...Katrina." As he walked away all he could think was 'What am I going to do now? I just hope she isn't as stubborn as her friends think she is.'

But it was a vain hope.Katrina stood on the porch a moment more waving as Allister drove off, just trying to unscramble the big blob his kiss had turned her brain into.
Standing there she recalled a poem her mother had for her and recited it perfectly every night for her at bedtime. Katrina remembered every word and almost without choice she recited the words quietly too herself.

"Dusk is a pretty time,
So many colors mixed,
But its all over with the drop of a dime,
When dusk breaks away it cant be fxed,
As I lok through the dark,
Dusk's final light fades,
I look for somewhere to climb,
As I fall throught the dark,
Then its over abd dusk is back,
And with a sigh I say.
'Any minute, dusk will fade away.' "

She stood there in silence with tears streaking her face at the memory of her mothers face until Wendy brought a tissue too her face and wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye. Then, handing the tissue too Katrina, Wendy prepared too make a quick escape before she could be screamed at by her lover's daughter once again.
But Katrina suprisedher by saying,"No...stay, please. I know I've been rude...but,I'd like the chance too redeem myself. If you can give me the chance,please, will you sit with me?" She could still hear a little quiver in her future daughters voice as she turned and walked back.
Before Katrina could apoagize for everything Wendy spoke up.
"Katrina, I don't expect you to love me like you did your mother, I only wish you would give me the chance to prove that I am not here too hurt you or your father, and the chance to be your friend." She spoke very quickly and when she was done she dropped down into the white wooden porch swing that was held up by silver chains.
"Don't worry, I see that your point of veiw on me is tainted, and by my hand. I will try too be your friend, and treat you as a mom,it might take a while but I am determind too proove myself as mature and responsable and most importantly,trusting of my father's judgement. If my dad trust's that you are a good person and that he is in love with you,...then I will too. It is not my place too contradict my father's choices any how."Katrina said, realizing the impression she must have made on their first meeting and all the ones since.
Sitting down on one of the cusions that were on the swing,and picking up another to hug, she stared Wendy in the eyes.
"Ok.So we'll start over again,but before we do,I have a question. Who wrote that poem you were reciting?" She asked quietly. She had stood in the door way after Katrina's date had left,and had heard her reciting the poem.
“Well…it was by my mother, she used to recite it for me every single night before bed.” She said in a shaky and uneven voice.Hoping that she wouldn't burst into embaressing tears right there.

"Come on,we'll go inside and gossip about your date and that cute, and I mean capital C.U.T.E, cute butt of his." Wendy said with a devilish,and in a very odd way, teenagers kind of smile.

“Sure,but aren’t you engaged madam?”She asked in sweet,innocent,and joking voice. Hoping she would ick up on the joking and not be offended.
But her worries were unnessisary. She knew they were the moment Wendy's laugh hit her.So laughing they went inside and talked for hours.Her father had walked down stairs when they decided to take a quick break from their gossip fest.
"Getting along much?"He asked as he stormed to the fridge for a drink.When he turned around he was in a better mood because he had his Mountain Dew again.He drank it slowly, savoring it.
"We were just gossiping about Katrina's dates cute butt. Along with other features and qualities."Wendy stated, matter-a-factly.They both had a terrable time trying not to laugh when he spewed his drink all over the kitchen.After drying off his face he stuttered at his soon to be wife about properiety and all that non-sence.
"Oh stop it John,you know I love you and would never try to ruin your,and soon to be my,daughters honor.Go on Katrina tell him."She said confidently, walking over too him and wrappng her arms around his waste, she stared at Kat.
"Well...ok? I don't like having to tell you, since your my dad, but...daddy you don't have to worry. I am still a virgin and have no immediate desires to change that personal status." She explained quietly,blushing beet red all the while.
"Ok,thats uncomfortable. Look I get it but still...a father has certain rights sweety."He said,blushing just a badly as she.
"Well...I think I want to go to bed now.I have been up way pat my curfew and I really am quite tired,have a good time guys,see you in the morning." She said,kissing her father on his light pink cheek and hugging Wendy softly before slipping upstairs and into her room before her father could ask any questions or embarres them both anymore.
Once in her room she sat on the edge of her bed and quietly re-evaluated the evenings events. Confused on weither to feel happy or embarred she slipped of her clothes and took a shower in her small bedroom bathroom.Afterwards she put on her brothers old tattered John Cena t-shirt,and her facorite pair of orange pajama pants and paced around her room after pulling her hair into a ponytail.
After carefully considering the risks of her dad picking the lock on her bedroom door, she pulled out a big purple envelope that had the cherokee words,u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya written on it in her mother's messy but fasionable hand writing. The farmiliar cherokee word for daughter warmed her to her usually rock solid core, that was currently more like jello or mushy potatos after you added water.
She opened the envelope and removed the smooth white unlined paper, unfolded it and quietly re-read the contents of the note as she had done so many times before. Just to be sure she could still think rationally while reading, she sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her bottle of water and took a drink. Then she began to read the words that had broken her so many years ago.

Dear Katrina,
My beloved daughter, I am very sorry to have to say these things and do such as this, but there is no choice in it anymore. Me and your father married at a very young age. We didn't give it time to see each others flaws and how different we really are. I hope you can forgive me for leaving . I will come back and visit you my u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya. And until i can visit you in body I will be with you always in your heart my daughter. Never give up hope that I will come for you. Goodbye u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya. Remember always my daughter,gv-gi-yu.

Carlene, your mother.

Katrina stared at the letter a little longer then tucked back into it's hiding place under her pillow. She knew there was a list of belongings her mother had stuck in a box and hidden away in her closet, the list stated for it al to belong to Katrina. Crawling onto the floor she drug a medium sized brown card- board box. She picked up the box and sat back down on her bed, setting the box in front of her, she began to go through it. One precious memory at a time she began to spread out the contents of the box onto her black comforter. Careful not to break anything she stared down at the last remaining memories of her mother. She lifted a small, golden, decorative cross from he comfertor and got up. She walked over to her bedroom door and hung it on the nail in the door.
She walked back to her bed and picked up the silver framed photo of her mother in her wedding dress, standing, hand in hand with her father on their wedding day. She walked over to her window that had a seat in the frame. She laid the picture,back down,on the seat.
She returned to the bed and collected a small shoe box of love letters from her father to her mother and placed it on her desk. The next item on the bed made her freeze in suprise for a second. Still a little suprised she lifted the nickle sized circle emerald. She knew it was a real emerald because she had asked her dads college buddy Brent, who works with certain types of chemicals and rock substances, to take a look at it. When he got the results back they'ed shown that it had been an authentic emerald. And judging by the crest and cut of it, they suspected it to be an authentic, King George the III,emerald. Like,they thought it could be straight out of the crown! She had forgotten about it completely.
She stared at the nickle sized jewel and speckulated what to do with it. She had examined it many times before and discovered a small metal link hanging from the top. That gave her a brilliant idea. She walked over to her jewelry box and opened it. She took out a small silver link braclet and attached the emerald. She put the braclet on and continued through the box.
After careful consideration she lifted the lid to a small palm sized music box. It was a rich deep brown with slivers of gold on the edge and arond the lid and box.
Inside it held a treasure she deemed worthy of all the worlds gold. It was her mothers wedding ring.
The ring was small. A thin golden band, the diamond was just as simple, it was a small oval no bigger than a three year olds pinky nail. Yet...somehow, it meant the world to her.
She was lifting the ring when her door opened, instantly she cursed herself for not locking it.
Wendy tiptoed in, a small smile of mischif played around the edges of her mouth. She turned and closed the door, being sure to lock it behind her.
"Hey, I figured that we could talk for a minute, I had a brilliant idea for some friend and friend fun...?" She had turned and spotted the ring as she spoke. Slowly she saw the other new casualties.
"What is all this stuff?" She asked in confusion.
"It all used to belong to my mother. Please, speak quietly. I don't want my father to come up. He has no idea my mother gave it all to me." She said, hoping that she would understand her desperate need to have the things her mother had listed to go to her in the letter.

"Stirring up old memories? I understand that. Do you mind if I steal you away from your memories for an hour or two?" She asked, whispering now so as not to wake Kat's father. It was, by the alarm clock, three in the morning.
"What could we possably do at three in the morning Wendy?" She asked, starting on packing the things back up as Wendy retrived the cross for her.
"I am going to take you somewhere my mother used to take me when I was your age and I was bored. It's this old pond just a ways into the forest. Trust me you'll love it. But make sure you bring a swim suit. And don't worry about your father, I told him I was going for a walk and that you were going with me." She explained, walking over to the window seat that was a deep red trimmed with black.
She picked up the picture without looking at it. Trying to respect her privacy Katrina guessed. She carefully handed the picture to Katrina and turned to grab her a pair of jeans from her closet.
"You know, all this girl time we've had tonight is libal to make us sisters instead of step-mom and step-daughter. But I did always want a sister so I don't mind." Katrina said in a very slow and embarresed voice. She felt uncomfortable revealing such things to someone she barely knew.
"Then lets go ''sis''. We only have a little time before your father comes to investigate. I'll go get us some snacks together. You get dresses and pack your backpack full of stuff you would take to the beach." Wendy said over her shoulder as she tip toed down the hall and down the stairs.
Katrina dressed in a pair of faded jeans Wendy had handed her, an over sized tie-die t-shirt, and silver sandels. She picked up her orange backpack, and filled it with things like towels, a small hand-held radio, an extra set of clothes, she already had her swim suit on inunder her clothes, two little hand-held fans that had water rigged in them so that they lightly sprayed you with water when turned on. Finding nothing else she could add to the little supplies she had thought to pack, she went down to the kitchen, bag over shoulder, to meet Wendy.
In the short time Wendy had been able to scrounge up some food for them from the kitchen, then sneek into Kat's Dad's room and grad a t-shirt jeans from her overnight bag. She took Kat's hand without a word and together they slipped out the door and into the small woods behind kat's house.

6. Wolf!

"No! You can't do it, I won't allow it!" Allister said in pure rage. After last night how could he allow anything hurt her now? He thought. She might be able to save him, might be able to save them all. After taking a deep calming breath and getting hold on his temper, he turned to face Kyran once again.
"You must. She could be the death of all shape shifters, vampires, werewolves, and your own, dimension jumpers." Kyran said, loosing his patience with his bestfriends son. "I sent you because you are the most affectiant of all your kind. And because before his death, my old friend, your father, requested that I gave you a chance to proove that you would do whatever it took to take care of your family. Your kind!" He finished, coughing a bit and excepting the golden goblet filled with blood from one of his servents.
The raven was a small secluded section of the forest out side of town that was inconvenienced by the avid hiker, but the vampires took care of them easily enough, they were also good for guarding the fortress at night when they were their strongest.
Kyran was a vampire of his mid-thirties or late twenties. He was over four thousand years in vampire age. He had spent eighteen years here, before that he had had a wife, daughter, and a life. His brother had taken it all from him in a fit of raging jealousy and pain. Slaughtering Kyran's wife in front of him and taking his daughter away. Now he had no heart, did not care if he hurt someone for life, or if he took a daughter away from her father. However, what was worse was that he didn't as much as flinch when a mother, wife, or child was killed in front of him.
"I will find a way to take care of the problem without hurting her, her father, or her father’s fiancé. There are other ways to deal with such problems." He said, hinting to Kyran that there were many of them and she could become one quite quickly and without hurting her family, or killing her. "Think uncle, would it really be necessary? Besides, if she was one of us we would just be able to fight your brother with a force to match his own. And we wouldn't be taking the only family left of a father of two, whose son was already murdered."
"Fine!" He snapped impatiently. "You have ninety-six hours to finish this and change her into one of our kind. Preferably a vampire or shape shifter."
“Thank you uncle. I shall have our little problem finished and done with by then."He said dutifully. Quickly walking out of the underground tunnel room and up to the sun bathed world above again.
"Wendy! Wendy slow, down darn it!" He heard Katrina say, under her breath he heard her cursing.
Panicked about why they we're out in the forest at three in the morning, he followed behind Katrina quietly.
He noticed that, for a human, she ran quite quickly, Especially in flip flops.
But the moment he heard Wendy's horrified scream he found out just how fast she really was. Running seemed second nature to her, as she rounded a tree and came face to face with Wendy and a gigantic wolf.
The beast lunged, for Wendy. But she was fast even if in hysterics. She spun around and ran to Katrina, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her along. Katrina looked at the beast in utter amazment and suprise, but absolutly no fear.
"Katrina!" She heard Wendy screaming as she tugged her along. Then, like a horror movie waiting to happen, another beast of a deep grey almost identical to the other except in size, where this one was smaller, came out from behind a huddle of trees. At the sight of a second one Wendy screamed louder.
The beast knocked Wendy aside and focused on Katrina. From the corner of her eye Katrina saw Wendy hit her head and fall. Slumping into a lump of flesh and bone onto the forest floor.
Before she could decide weither or not to shoot the beast with the gun she had stuffed into her bag at last minute, the beast struck. Hitting her hard in the head with it's huge paw.
At first there was only surprise and shock, then the pain became as clear as the warm red stuff oozing down the side of her head. In an instant everything changed. One minute she is standing there bleeding, staring at a beast in horror. Then she is laying on the ground staring up at Allister as he cussed out at the human who had joined them and now stood where the beast had just seconds ago.
"Katrina? Kat, can you hear me? Look at me Kat, look at me!"Allister said in a panicked voice. Already calculating the exact amount of time she had before that gash and huge mark would become deadly, knowing that she was loosing alot of blood, and the discoherant look she was giving him wasn't helping his odds.
"Alistair? What the...?" She asked in a small, quiet, half her, half not, voice.
"Yeah it's me, look at me Kat, can you see me? Can you hear me?" He asked anxiously. Worried by how her eyes kept trying to roll into the back of her head. When she didn't answer and he saw her eyes close the rest of the way he made an impulse decision. "Daru, take the woman back to her house and get back without anyone seeing you." He said to the big muscly black man who stood in the place of the wolf, rattling off Kat's address as he picked her up and spun around. Back towards the raven.
"Yes, sir." Daru said as he scooped Wendy up and turned in the direction of the town.
"Don't worry, I have you, I won't let you die, mo chroi, I promise." Allister said, hoping he would be able to keep the promise.


Publication Date: 09-22-2010

All Rights Reserved

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