
He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of class.

“We have to stop by my house, I am not going in jeans and a long sleeve shirt.” I said

“Okay. And my swim trunks are at your house too.” He said

“Basically everything you own is at my house.” I said with a laugh

He laughed and we walked out to his car. He unlocked it and we got in. He started the car and I turned on the radio. The song ‘Last Resort’ by Papa Roach started playing. I immediately started singing. This is like the best song EVER.

Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no, no breathing
Don't give a fuck
If I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort

Cut my life into pieces
I've reached my last resort
Suffocation, no breathing
Don't give a fuck
If I cut my arm bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding?

Would it be wrong or
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation out of sight
And I'm contemplating suicide

'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

I never realized, I was spread too thin
Till it was too late and I was empty within
Hungry feeding on chaos and living in sin
Downward spiral, where do I begin

It all started when I lost my mother
No love for myself and no love for another
[- From: -]
Searching to find a love upon a higher level
Finding nothing but questions and devils

'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

Nothing's alright, nothing is fine
I'm running and I'm crying
I'm crying, I'm crying, I'm crying I'm crying
I can't go on living this way

Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
Suffocation, no, no breathing
Don't give a fuck
If I cut my arm bleeding

Would it be wrong
Would it be right?
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation out of sight
And I'm contemplating suicide

'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine
Losing my sight, losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

Nothing's alright, nothing is fine
I'm running and I'm crying
I can't go on living this way
Can't go on, living this way
Nothing's all right


I watched her sing, she really is beautiful. I’ve loved her ever since I knew what love was. But she probably isn’t ever going to feel the same way. And she’d never go for a man-whore like me. But I would change for her. I’d change everything about me for her. She turned around to face me. Uh-oh. She caught me staring, I turned back to the road. I pulled into her driveway and turned the car off. Her parents were at work so we were in no danger of getting caught. We hopped out of the car and she went to unlock the front door. She pulled out her house key and unlocked it. I could have unlocked the door with my key but she got there first. I walked in after her and up the stairs to her room. She went to her closet as I went to my dresser(actually hers but all my clothes are in it). I pulled out my shorts and turned to go to the bathroom. I saw her walk out of her closet and start toward the bathroom. Oh hell NO.

“NO, I get the bathroom first!” I yelled and started running toward the bathroom she started running too. We were pushing each other.

“Haven’t you ever heard of ladies first?!” She asked/yelled

“I have, but I don’t see a lady anywhere!” I told her

“Ha, and I don’t see a man to LET a lady go first. So go ma’am I can wait.”

She said with a cocky smile. I shrugged and went in. I closed the door and locked it just in case she tried something. I stripped my jeans and put on my shorts. I knew I only had to put my shorts on but she takes too long to change. I unlocked the door and went to her room.

She was in a bikini top and some shorts. She is VERY non-sluttish for a cheerleader. But I like that about her. I like how she doesn’t chase after guys. I’m pretty much the only person that has seen her in her real bikini but when we go out in public she wears her shorts.

“Ready?” I asked her

“Yeah. Lets go pack some food.” She said

I nodded and she grabbed her beach bag that had our towels in it. She slipped on her flip-flops and threw me mine.

We went down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. She went to the fridge and got out two bottles of water and put them in the ice chest along with the food. She tried to grab the chest.

“I’ll do it.” I said

She nodded and went to the door. She opened it and waved me through. I smiled and went to the car.

§ Katie §

I locked the house up and went to the car. I got in he started the car.

“This is gonna be like, so much fuuuuun.” Logan said in a girly voice

“Firstly: girls do not talk like that, and secondly: that voice soooo doesn’t work for you.” I told him

“You know you like totally love this voice. And some girls do talk like this.” he said once again in a girly voice

“No. Name one girl that talks like THAT.”

“All your little cheerleaders.” he said in his normal voice

“So, their not really girls their puppets that stick to guys like leaches.” I told him

“Ha ha, yeah I guess. That’s why you’re my best friend, you tell it how it is.” He told me

“I don’t care what those little leaches do. Their the ones that give cheerleaders a bad name. And then they act like jerks to me when I put them in their place. Do they not know I can kick them off the team?” She asked

“I’m sure they know you can but your such a pushover. The only person your mean to is me.” he said his face turning into a pout

“I am not mean to you.”

“Yes you are. And you don’t even apologize.” He said

“Yeah I don’t apologize because I’m not mean to you.”


“Ugh. I’m sorry for being mean to you Logy.” I said with a puppy dog face

“I forgive you.” he said with a smile. Man I swear this boy has bi-polar.

We pulled into the beach and pulled into a parking spot. I grabbed the beach bag with our towels in it while he grabbed the ice chest. The beach wasn’t that packed because everybody’s in school. I waited by the front of the car for him. When he came around he grabbed my hand. I smiled and we walked onto the beach. We set out things down under a tree and sat down. He pulled me against his chest. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. I shivered because we were under a tree.

“Come on lets go swimming.” Logan suggested

I nodded and got up. He got up too and took off his shirt. Oh God. I looked at his well toned chest. The boy had an eight pack. Of course I already knew this but he doesn’t usually take off his shirt. I looked up and Logan was smirking. I blushed and looked away.

“Lets make a bet.” Logan said

“What kind of bet?” I asked nervously. His bets never turn out good.

“First person to the water gets to pick someone the other person has to kiss. So if you lose I get to pick someone, and if I lose you get to pick someone. Okay?”

“That’s not fair Logan, you know you run faster.” I complained


“Soooo, it’s not fair.” I told him

“I’ll go easy.” he said

“Fine but you better go easy.”

He nodded. And we got into position.

“On MY mark get ready get set…go!” I said and started to run. I really have to win this he’ll probably make me kiss an old dude or something. I heard him behind me and I ran faster. Then I saw something flash by me. It was Logan. I gasped and ran faster. Ugh he’s annoying he already knew he would win. He’s one of the fastest guys in our school. Of course he got to the water first. Then about five seconds later I got there.

“I win.” He sang

“Shut up! Who do I have to kiss?” I demanded

“Oh no, not right now. At school tomorrow.” He said

“One thing first. I WILL not kiss a girl OR a teacher.”

“Okay.” He said

I swam out to him and dunked him under the water. I laughed and swam away. I turned around and he still wasn’t behind me. Then I felt hands grab my waist. The hands pulled me under water. I turned around and saw Logan laughing. I swam up to the surface and so did he. When I got up I splashed him. That just made him laugh harder.

“That was so not funny.”

“Yeah…it…was.” He said in between laughs

I splashed him again and he splashed me back. Then it ended in a full on water fight. I jumped on his back and started splashing him. He grabbed my thighs and slid me around so I was facing him. Then he dunked us under water. I tightened my hold around his neck. He knows I hate going under water. Then he got us back up to the surface. I gasped for air. I let go of his neck and punched him in the shoulder.

“You know I don’t like going under water!” I yelled

“That’s why I did it.” He said

“Ugh, your SUCH a JERK.” I said. Then I started to unwind my legs from around his waist. He grabbed them and rewound them around his waist.

“I’m sorry.” He said

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

“I don’t believe you.” I said

“But I am.”

“Still not believing.” I sang “I want a proper apology.” I told him

“Like?” He asked

“When we get out of the water you have to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness.”

“Okay.” He said. I unwound my legs from his waist and swam to shore. He followed me. I got up and crossed my arms waiting for him to get out. When he did I motioned for him to get on his knees. He did.

“I’m very, very sorry Katie. Please forgive me?” He asked

“Okay.” I shrugged and walked back to our stuff. I felt him put his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

“Love you Katie.” He said

“Uh-huh.” I said

“I do.”

“Love you too.”

He squeezed me and kissed the side of my head. We walked back to our stuff. I set my towel down and sat on it. I opened the ice chest and got out my water. Logan grabbed his water and a bag of chips. I grabbed a granola bar and opened it.

“So are you gonna tell me who I have to kiss?” I asked

“Nah, I’m gonna tell you tomorrow.”

“Come on.” I said with a pout

“Nope.” He said popping the P

“Please?” I asked with a puppy dog face

He shook his head and continued eating his chips. I took another bite of my granola bar.

“Pleeeeeeaaaaase?” I asked

“Why do you wanna know?” He asked

“Ummmm, MAYBE because I would like to know who my lips are gonna be on tomorrow.” I told him

“You’ll see. I won’t pick someone disgusting. I promise.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and took a bite of my granola bar. Then he turned to look at me and we had a staring contest. I always win. After a couple minutes his face broke into a smile and he looked away.

“I don’t know why I even try. You always win. It’s like you don’t even have to blink.” He said

“It’s a gift.”

He laughed and I laughed. He scooted over to me and put his arm over my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder. The all of a sudden I felt sand go into my top. I gasped and looked up at Logan. He was laughing so hard he looked like a tomato. I pushed his shoulder away and grabbed a handful of sand and put it in his hair. I rubbed it in. I pulled back and looked at my masterpiece.

“Ah, wonderful.” I said with a smile. He loved his hair, he never let anyone touch it; except me of course.

“Oh, your soooo gonna get it.” He threatened

I got up and started running. I heard him behind me which only made me run faster. But of course he caught up to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I laughed and tried to get away without success. He gently pushed me on the ground and straddled me. He grabbed a handful of sand and put it in my hair. I just laid there like I didn’t care but inside I was screaming. I would never get it out. Then he grabbed another handful and put it in my bikini top. I squirmed and tried to get it out. I frowned, It wouldn’t come out.

“Thanks Logan. Thanks a lot.”

“No problem Katie. My pleaser.” He said

“Now get off me so I can get this sand out of my top.”

He shook his head. I groaned and he laughed.

“Get off. It feels weird with all this sand in my top.” I said

“Okay.” He sighed while getting off me. He got up and held out his hand for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I hit his chest and almost fell back but he grabbed me. He picked me up bridal style and started running to the water. When we got deep enough he dropped me in. I started flailing trying to get to the surface. When I did I grabbed hold of Logan’s neck and wrapped my legs around him.

“I hate you.” I said giving him the ‘glare’

“No you don’t.” He said grabbing my thighs to keep me up

“Yes I do. Now squat down a little.”

He did and I lifted the bottom of my top a little to let the water wash the sand away. When all the sand was off I put my top back down. I looked up at Logan and he saw staring at my boobs.

“My eyes are up here Logan.” I said laughing at him

His eyes snapped up to mine and he blushed. I laughed harder because he blushed. Then he started laughing too.

“Your so beautiful.” He said suddenly

I blushed and looked away.

“Thanks I guess.”

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

“Your welcome.” He said with a smile and him smiling made me smile

“Uhhhh, we should go home now.” I suggested

He nodded and let go. I swam to shore. I got out and waited for him. When he got out I grabbed his hand and started walking toward our stuff. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled. God, why does he have to be so hot?

We got to our stuff and he let go. I grabbed my towel and gave him his. He took it and put it over his shoulder. I grabbed the beach bag and he grabbed the ice chest. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He entwined his fingers with mine. His hand formed right around mine like they were made for it. We started walking back to the car. We put the stuff in the back and got in the car.

“Were driving my car tomorrow.” I told him

“No were not.”

“Yes we are.”




“Yes and stop being so difficult.” I said

“No, your car is a girly car. I don’t want to show up at school in a Honda.”

“Well, too bad were driving my car tomorrow and that’s the end of it.”

“Fine mom.” he groaned

I smiled and turned on the radio. Nothing good on the first station or the second. I just turned the radio off.

“So how was first period? Seeing as that’s the only period where I haven’t been with you.” I asked

“It was alright. Mr. Edwards yelled at me again for grades.” he said

“Logan you have to get your grades up. Do you want to get kicked off the football team?”

“No.” he mumbled quietly

“What was that I didn’t quite hear you.” I said

“I said no.”

“Well get your grades up then.”

“Will you help me?” he asked


“Thank you.’”

“Yup. And were getting ALL your work tomorrow.” I said with a smile

“Why tomorrow?” he asked

“We need to get your grade up. We could just get it out of the way.”

“Fine.” he said grumpily

I looked at the clock. 2:26, school isn’t even out yet. School gets out at 3:48 we have about an hour an a half to do nothing (Not that we did anything today anyways). We pulled into my drive way. He lives right next door I don’t know why he doesn’t just pull into his drive way. I got out and grabbed the bag out of the back. I went up to the door and grabbed the key from the bag and unlocked the door. Logan followed me inside and shut the door behind him. We set the things on the counter.

“Wanna watch a movie?” I asked

“Yeah. But it has to be the Spiderman movie.” He said

“No, we’re watching Spongebob.”

“Spiderman.” He said


“Uh-uh Spiderman.”

“Spongebob or we’re not watching anything.” I said

“Why? Spongebob’s gay. I mean come on a sponge that lives under water, really? And then Patrick is an idiot.”

“Oh hell no don’t you dare dis Spongebob OR Patrick.” I said

“What if I do?” He asked

“I. Will. Slice you.” I threatened

“Sure you will. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He said

“Come here.” I said to him. He did as I told him to and started walking toward me. I stood on my tip-toes to whisper in his ear.

“Don’t doubt me so much.” I whispered in his ear. He shivered a little. I leaned back and smirked at him. “I can be very dangerous. Don’t forget I know ALL your weaknesses Logy.”

“You’re a meanie.” He said

“Ha ha, how?” I asked

“You just are. And your going to pay.” He said in a threatening voice.

He reached over and started tickling me. I squirmed around trying to get away. I finally got away and I ran up stairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and went to my closet and hid behind some clothes. I heard my door creak open. Curse my parents for not putting a lock on there.

“Katie, come out come out where ever you are.” Logan sung. I stifled a giggle. I heard him look under my bed and behind the door. Then he looked at the closet and a smirk came onto his face as he started walking toward where I was hiding. He walked into my closet and started rifling through the clothes.

Then he found me, I screamed and tried to get away. He grabbed me and started tickling me again. I hit him upside the head and ran out of the closet. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and waited till he came out. As soon as he did I hit him with the pillow.

“What the-” He said. Then he looked at me. He ran to my bed and grabbed a pillow. Then he hit me.

“It’s war!” I yelled. We started hitting each other.

“Katie?” My mom asked from down stairs. We stopped hitting each other. When did my mom get home?

“Yeah?” I asked

“What are you doing home?” She asked

I looked at Logan. He's useless.

“Uhhh…school got out early today for Juniors.” I lied

“Okay.” She said

I sighed in relief and turned to look at Logan.

“Well thanks for your help.” I said hitting him with the pillow

“You’re a pretty good liar.” He said

“Like you didn’t already know that. I’m awesome.” I said with a shrug

“I’m awesomer.”

“Ha ha yeah right. I’m the best.” I said

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He said

“It does help me sleep at night because its true.” I said

"I'm the greatest." He said

"Greatest isn't even a word." I told him

"In my dictionary it is."

"Your dictionary doesn't count. Besides we both know I am the awesomest, coolest, best lier IN the world." I said

"Your awesome but not as awesome as me." He said

"We'll ask the fan club tommorrow."

"But the girl are gonna vote me and the boys are gonna vote you. It won't work." He said

"True, but we can still ask because I'm awesomer." I said with a shrug

"Uh-huh whatever. We'll ask."

"Okay. Let's go down stairs." I said

"You should change out of your bikini first."

I looked down and sure enough I was still in my bikini top. OMG I just had a pillow fight with Logan and I was in my bikini top. I could have fallen off. I blushed and went to my drawer. I grabbed a shirt and slipped it on.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Tell you what?"

"That I was only in my bikini top."

"I don't know." He said

"It could have fallen off." I said

"I wouldn't have minded." He said with a smirk

I rolled my eyes and walked out my door. I heard Logan following me. I ran down stairs.

"Hey mom." I said

"Hey sweetie. Hey Logan." My mom said

"Hey Sara." Logan said

"What's for dinner?" I asked

"I have to go back to work and your Dad has to work late. I'll leave you some money and you can order take out if you'd like?" My mom asked while taking out her money.

"Sure. When do you have to go back to work?" I said

She looked at her watch. "Now. Bye honey, bye Logan see you guys later." She said handing me the money and grabbing her things. She ran out the door.

"And then there were two." I said

"What do you want to eat?" Logan asked

"I don't know. Any ideas."

"" He suggested

"Sure. I'll go call." I said going to grab the phone. I dialed the number for Round Tables.

"Hello Round Tables what can I get you?"

"Hi, I would like one pepperoni pizza and one breadstick." I said

"Okay. Your location?"

"2764 Cottage St." I said

"Your pizza and breadsticks will be there in about ten minutes."

"Okay thank you."

I hung up and walked to the living room. Logan was in there watching a football game. Of course. This is all he ever watches. I plopped down on the couch next to him. I grabbed the remote from him and turned it to spongebob. I could feel him looking at me. I slowly turned to him. He was staring at me with a shocked expression.


Publication Date: 04-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

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