
Chapter 1: Secrets and Jacka*s's

People have told me I was stupid before but I never really believed them until now. What girl would enroll herself into an all-boys boarding school for a bet? I guess I'm just that stupid; but I have never turned down a dare and I don't plan on starting now.

Right now, I am in the principal’s office of Grant High wearing a disguise so I look like a guy (wigs are probably the best invention ever!). I'm trying to sit still but I'm too nervous to stop moving. I look around the room registering every little thing about the room. It was really clean way cleaner than my room anyways. I know girls are supposed to be clean freaks but I'm the type of girl that will enter a boys boarding school for 50 dollars.

"Mr.'s very nice to meet you." Principle Mack smiles

"It's good to meet you, too." I say, trying to lower my voice.

He looks at some paper, which I am guessing is my file.

"Well, Jason. We have everything ready for you to start today." He stands up and extends a hand to me. I stand up as well and take it. "Welcome to our school."

"Thank you." I smile

I grab my schedule from him and walk out. I go to the C dorms and find my room. Room number 308. I grab the door knob and push the door open. Suddenly, the person on the bed to the left jumps up,

"Who the hell are you?" He glared

"Ummm, Jason Montgomery. I'm your new roommate?" I frowned, questioning myself

I close the door behind me feeling the guy glaring at me. I drop my bags on my bed and sit down on it.

"What's your name?" I ask curiously

"Why do you care?" He…growled?

Mmkay, Dude! Calm down!

"I sort of like to know the name of the person or people I'm going to be sharing a room with." I rolled my eyes

"Well you don't need to know my name because I'm not going to be talking to you." He said, laying back on his bed

"Tell me your name." I ordered, thinking he would do it

Stupid me.

"No, I don't know you, you could be a serial killer or something." He scoffed

"I’m not the one acting strangely, you are. You could be a serial killer. You’re the one who won't even tell me your name." I glared intensely

"So, maybe I am a serial killer." He smirked

"Sólo dime tu nombre de mierda!" I said cussing him out (Just tell me your f*cking name!)

"Whoa calm down Ricky Bobby. Calm down. I speak English." He chuckled

"Who's 'Ricky Bobby'? And shut the hell up."

He didn't reply so I just gave up.

I grabbed my bags and started unpacking my things.

"Why do you look like a girl?" He asked

 I can't let my secret come out. And this douche right here would surely tell someone. I can't trust this kid.

"Are you insulting me?" I turned to his and narrowed my eyes

"You didn't answer my question. Why do you look like a girl?" He sat up

"I do not look like a girl."

"You sort of do." He arched a brow and looked over me

"I'm not talking to you until you tell me your name." I vowed, turning around

"You even talk like a girl."

I just continue unpacking my things. I'm serious about not talking to him until he tells me his name.

"The silent treatment. Oooh, I see how it is." He laughed

I remain silent.

"Fine now I'm just going to annoy the F*CK out of you until you talk." He growled

I turned around and looked him square in the face, and glared at him. He stared at me evenly. I looked at him, up and down while he did the same to me. I turned around and started unpacking my things again.

Suddenly something hit my back. I turn around to see what it was.

A shoe.

This douche actually threw a shoe at me.

"What was that for?" I asked calmly, quietly seething in anger

"I don't like you." He stated

"I didn't do anything to you."

"You’re annoying and I don't like it like that. And I'm still deciding whether or not you’re gay." He nodded, completely serious

"I’m not gay." I laughed

"I'm not so sure yet."

"Whatever." I shrugged

Just at that moment someone knocked on the door. The kid got up and went to the door.

"Hey, Kyle you ready to go?" Someone asked

Mmm, so his name is Kyle.

"Yeah let’s go." ‘Kyle’ said

He walked out the door without looking back.

"Well at least he's gone.” I muttered

When I was done unpacking my things, I walked over to his side of the room. I opened a few drawers just trying to see if he was a serial killer of not. You can find a lot about a guy by the things they have in their drawers. I looked under his bed, pillows, and dressers (I should be a ninja or a spy. Either one). When I was done I discovered:

*He hate blondes


*Is selfish

*Is a jock


Well, I'm going to have to make sure I don't get this psycho mad.

I got dirty in the process of be a ninja/spy so I'm going to go take a shower. I grabbed some boxers and a big t-shirt from my dresser and went to the bathroom. I walked in and shut the door. I turned the shower on and stripped my clothes and corset off. Then, I stepped into the shower. I grabbed the soap and a rag and started washing my body with the rag. Then I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I wash off all the soap and shampoo and got out. I grabbed the towel and dried off then I put on my boxers, corset and shirt. I picked up my dirty clothes. I opened the door and found ALL of my things scattered on the floor. I threw my clothes on the ground.

"Que pasó por mis cosas mierda?!" (You went through my f*cking things?!)

"You went through my things first!" He yelled

"Oh so now you understand Spanish? And it doesn't give you the right to go through my things!"

"I didn't give you permission to go through my things but you still did!"

He got off the bed and suddenly I was pinned against the wall.

"I will get you back. I'll expose ALL of your secrets!" He growled

"Sure you will, Kyle." I smirked

"I wi-Wait how do you know my name?" His eyes narrowed into slits

"Your friends said it when they came to get you." I said with a smug smile

"If you ever touch my things again you will regret it." He glare

"Sure." I blinked

He let go of me and walked over to his bed. He started picking up his things that I had scattered around. I went over and started cleaning up my things that HE scattered around. I bent down to grabbed my things. When I was done cleaning I turned around and saw Kyle looking at me weird.

"What?!" I yelled

"You shave your legs?" He asked trying to hold back a laugh

I look down to see my leg shaved smooth. I didn’t know what to say.

“I knew you were gay. I'm going to tell everyone." He laughed

"No, your not." I shrugged

"Why wouldn't I?" He smirked

"Because this time YOU'LL be the one who's going to regret it." I stated carelessly

Kyle got up and walked over to me.

"Is that a threat?" He looked down at me

“A promise." I say staring straight into his eyes. He stares back at me evenly.

"What will you do if I tell?" Kyle asks, only his lips moving. His stance stays the same as does mine.

"You don't want to know."

"Actually, I do."

"I will literally kill you."

He busts up laughing and I just glare at him. I grab the front of his short and push him against the wall.

He immediately stops laughing and glares at me.

"I wasn't kidding." I said

He grabs the front of my shirt and moves so I'm on the wall and he's towering over me.

"Are you gay? If you tell me I won't tell anyone else." He promised


"No you aren't gay or no you won't tell me?"

"No, I'm not gay."

"You know if you are I will kill you?" He asks

"Come here, let me tell you a secret." I smile

He leans forward a little. I go to his ear.

"I AM NOT GAY!" I yell in his ear

He staggered back a little enough for me to get away from the wall.

"What was that for?!" Kyle yelled, cupping his ear

"You didn't believe me when I said I wasn't gay so I had to yell it."

"No, you really didn't!"

"Yes I did. You wouldn't listen so I had to get it through your thick skull." I smiled, “You’re welcome.”

He glared at me and I glared at him.

"I think you’re in denial."

Who is he? Dr. Phil?

"Por el momento maldito pasado. NO SOY GAY! Simplemente no me gustan mis piernas peludas ser!" (For the last f*cking time. I AM NOT GAY! I just don't like my legs being hairy!)

"Uh-huh." He nodded


"Whatever. But I just want you to know. I will find out your secret." He smiled innocently

"I don't have a secret." I shrugged

"Sure you don't, I just wanted you to know I'll find out. Good Night." He waved


I started walking toward my bed.

"I said 'Good Night'." Kyle said

I still didn't say anything. I didn't even hear him come up behind me.

"GOOD NIGHT!" He shouted

I jumped and fell backwards, right on top of him.

"Ugh. Get off me you homo!" He said in disgust

Is he homophobic or something?! Damn! Chill dude, chill.

I rolled off of him and got up. I extended one hand to him he grabbed it and I pulled him up. He glared at me and walked over to his bed.

"Night." I grinned

"Oh, so now you say good night after you fell on me." He nodded sarcastically, “Thanks.”

I laughed, "Well you’re the one that came up behind me."

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." He waved his hand, dismissing me

I laid down and then he laid down.

"Kyle, turn the lights off."

"No, you do it."

"You laid down last." I turned to look at him

"So." He shrugged

"Please, turn the lights off?" I asked

"Ugh. Fine." He huffed

He got up and walked over to the light switch. It got dark and I could barely see him. Then I heard his bed creak. I turned around and faced the wall. I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning

My alarm clock was ringing. I reached over to turn it off. I opened my eyes and got up. Then I noticed Kyle was looking at me.

"What?" I glared

He got up and walked over to me. He started circling me. He walked up really close to me, so close I could feel his body heat.

"Why do you have panties and bras in your dresser?" He asked

"How do you know that?" My eyes had widened slightly

"I went through your things again." He shrugged

"Why would you do that?!"

"Because I can. Now, answer my question."

"I don't have to answer to you!"

I push him out of the way and walk to the bathroom. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.

"Answer the question." He breathed


"I know your secret. I know why you have panties and bras, I just want you to have the guts to tell me the truth." He shrugged

"What's my secret?" I asked lazily

No way in HELL was I going to tell him the secret he could be lying for all I know.

"You’re a girl." Kyle stated

"What?! No I'm Not!" I yelled

"Yes, you are."

"Whatever, think what you want." My jaw clenched

"I also found tampons." He smirked

My mouth formed a soft O “….”

"Exactly, you have nothing to say.”

"You’re wrong." I whispered, unconvincingly

He leaned down real close to my face I could feel his breath on my cheek, “Am I?”

"Yeah." I said almost inaudible

He pressed his body closer to mine, "Why are you here?"

"Because." My anger was flaring

"Because why?"

"Because, I can." I glared

"No, you can't. This is an all-BOYS school, girls aren't allowed."

"I'm not a girl."

He pressed his body even closer to mine, "Yes you are. If you weren't you wouldn't react to me pressing up against you. You probably punch me in the face if you were a guy."

"Then get off me." I growled

"I don't think I will." He said, smiling

He leaned down and kissed my neck. Sparks flew through my body. I tried to move away from him but he kept holding me. He kissed my neck again.

"Stop." I say with my voice low from my will power. Well, when you have a hot guy kissing it's kind of hard to say no.

"No." He murmured into my neck

His kisses traveled up my jaw-line to the corner of my mouth.

"Are you going to tell the truth?" Kyle asked

"I told you the truth."

I moved my head a little to get his lips off me.

"No, you're still lying."

"No, I'm not."

Chapter 2: Secrets Out

He went to kiss my lips but I moved them and tried to push him away again; he didn't budge.

'This dude is strong.'

"Get off!" I yelled

"Tell the truth!" He yelled back

"I did!" I said through clenched teeth

He put both of my wrist in his left hand and put his right hand on my waist. He leaned in close.

"Tell the truth. I promise I won't tell anyone." He said in my ear, making me shiver.

"I...told you...the truth." I stuttered

He played with my earlobe. I shivered again. He kissed down to my collarbone.

"Tell me."

"Your kissing...a know."

"I don't think I am." He shrugged

"You are though. Now I have something against you." I said lamely

"Yeah, but your a girl and if you don't want me to tell everyone you'll tell me the truth, right now."

"If I tell you the truth you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked in defeat

"I promise."

"Okay...I'm a girl." I sighed

He didn't say anything he just leaned down and kissed me. I was in the moment for a minute but then I realized who I was kissing. I pulled away from him so fast it made me dizzy.

"What?" Kyle asked

"Get off." I glared

"Why?" He has the audacity to ask why!

"Just get off."

He let go of me and I went to the bathroom.

'Why did I kiss him back? Now he's going to think it meant something.'

I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I go back into the room. Kyle was staring at me but I ignored him. I turned around to face him.

"You swear you won't tell?" I asked

"I already said I wouldn't tell anyone."

I nodded and went to get my uniform. I pulled my shirt over my head right in front of Kyle. Well he knows now so what's the point. I put my shirt on and then pulled my boxers down revealing my pink undies. I grabbed my uniform pants and pulled them on. I felt Kyle come up behind me, I started buckling up my pants but...

"Let me help." Kyle whispered

"I can do it by myself."

He pushed my hands away. I felt his chest against my back while he buttoned and zipped up my pants for me.

He's a creeper.

He still didn't let go even though he was done.

"So now that you know your always going to treat me like this?" I asked angrily

"Your a girl in a guys dorm. It's kind of hard not to treat you a different way." He laughed

"Uh-huh. You can let go of me you know." I rolled my eyes

"I don't want to." He smiled

"Well, I want you too."

"So." He shrugged

"Kyle, let go." I growled

"Jason, I don't want too. No that's really weird, what's your real name?" He asked

"None of your business. Now, let go of me or we're going to be late to class."

"I couldn't care less about class." He scoffed

He leaned his head down and kissed the side of my neck.

"Why are you acting like you like me?" I asked

"Not acting." He whispered

"Whatever, let go of me."

He let go so a I could finish getting dressed. All he had to do was put on a shirt and his pants. When I was done I grabbed my shoes and put them on. I grab my binder and start walking toward the door until a hand goes around my waist and stops me. Kyle pulls me to him.

"Don't I get a kiss?" He smirked


He laughed and then he kissed me. I stayed still then he pulled away looking at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" He frowned

"Nothing." I shrugged

His eyes squinted. Oh whatever what's one kiss going to do? I grabbed his head and brought it to mine. I crushed my lips against his fiercly, at first he was unresponsive but then he started kissing me back. His hold on me tightened. His tongue ran across my lip and I granted him access. My arms snaked up his chest and up to his hair.

I grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to me. He moaned. His tongue explored my mouth as did mine to his. I moved my hands to his face. I pushed him away, walk to the door and left without looking back. Leaving him alone, and probably shocked.

§ Kyle §

Wow, she's a good kisser! I was suprised when she grabbed me and kissed me this time it wasn't the other way around. She crushed her lips against mine I was so shocked I didn't kiss her right away but then I came to my senses and kissed her back. I tightened my hold on her. I ran my tongue acrossed her lip and she actually opened her mouth. I felt her arms go up and around my neck and she grabbed fistfuls of my hair while my hands stayed on her hips. She pulled me closer to her. My tongue explored her mouth, she didn't seem to mind. Then, suddenly, she pushed me away and walked out the door leaving me alone and shocked.

§ 'Jason/Kelsey' §

Wow, was I wrong or what? That one kiss meant a lot. I really shouldn't have done that. Well, I can't take it back now. But I don't think I would even if I could. It was a good kiss. I walked into class and sat down in my seat. I was late to class but it was worth it. Today was my first actual day like with classes and everthing. After a few minutes the classroom door opens and in walks Kyle. Ugh, Really? Someone really powerful must hate me. The only seat that was empty was the one right next to me. He looked for a spot and something in his eyes flash as he saw that the only seat that was empty was next to me. He flushed pink and started walking over to the seat next to me. He sat down and tried to keep his eyes up front but out of the corner Iof my eye I saw him look at me occasionally. When class was over I packed up my things and started walking to my next class. When I got there I went and sat down in the back of the class. I waited until the bell rang and then got out my books. I don't even know why I have to come to class it's only a dare but my friends said I have to do everything that regular students do or i won't get my money. Kids started piling in and filling the seats. Someone sat next to me but i didn't look to see who it was.


I look up to see this really HOT guy. Okay, Okay calm down Kelsey. Calm down.

"Hi." I smiled

"I'm Jacob. What's your name?" He asked

"Jason." I nodded

Jacob nodded and then turned toward the front of the class. I don't pay attention at all. When class was finally over I walked out the door and to my room. I have to go pee really bad. And I can't use the regular bathrooms because of this stupid corset. I get my key out and unlock the door. I close the door behind me and start toward the bathroom. I go into the bathroom and close the door. I pull down my pants and untied my corset. Then I went pee. I re-did my corset and pulled up my pants. I washed my hands and wiped them on a towel. I open the bathroom door and walked out.

Two strong hands grabbed me. I screamed( as much as I hate to admit it I did). Someones lips stopped me mid-scream. I opened my eyes to see beautiful baby blue eyes (Kyle's). I close my eyes and just kiss him. His arms wrap all the way around my body and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips are so soft and he tastes like starburst (Author's Note: I really love starburst!!). We pull apart so we can breathe. He looks into my eyes and then smiles. I smile back. He lets go of me and I step away from him.

"I'm going to go get something to eat." I said

"Where?" Kyle asked

"I don't know. Somewhere off campus."

"Can I come? I can drive you."

"Mmmmm...okay." I shrugged

I walked over to the door and walked out. Kyle followed. We walked out to the student parking lot and he walked up to this Amazing car. A red and grey Ferrari F430 Scuderia.

"This is your car?" I asked breathlessly

Kyle laughed, "Yeah."

"OH MY F*CKING GOSH! A Ferrari F430 Scuderia?! This is like the coolest car ever! You have to be like super rich to ever afford one of these."

"Yeah, I am 'super rich'." He shrugged

I look at him.

"Really?" I asked doubtful

"Yeah, my dad is Johnathan Jacobs. My name is Kyle Jacobs." He rolled his eyes

"Well I didn't know your last name. You wouldn't even tell me your FIRST name when we met." I glared

"Well, you found out." He laughed

He walked over to the drivers side door and unlocked the doors. I got in the passengers side and buckled up. Kyle started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I reached for the radio until Kyle smacked my hand.

"Ow. What was that for?" I asked

"Didn't ya mama ever teach you to neva touch a white mans radio?" He pursed his lips

"Ha ha, very funny." I said sarcstically

I reached forward again and he smacked my hand again.

"Didn't YA mama teach you to never hit a girl?" I glared

"I believe she did. But your not a girl." He shrugged

"Then what am I?" I asked, rolling my eyes

"You're a he-she." He replied, completely serious

I laughed, "Whatever. That's so not true."

Kyle arched a brow, "Then what do you think you are?"

"Mmmmm...I am a girl dressed like a guy." I nodded

"Why would you come here?" He glanced at me

"It's a dare." I shrugged

"And you went along with it?" He asked incredulously

"Yeah, I've never turned down a dare before." I smiled proudly

"Really? Even if there stupid and embarrasing dares?"

"Yeah, I'll do 'em." I grinned

"When we get back we're playing truth or dare." He stated

"" I laughed

"Why not?" He frowned

"Because you seem like the type of person that would make me run up and down the halls naked. I don't trust you enough."

"I won't make you do anything like that I promise."

"Mmmm...I don't know." I said cautiously

"Well, think about it. What do you want to eat?" Kyle asked

"Chinese. Is there a place around here that's good?" I asked, bouncing in my seat

"Yeah, it's real good." He nodded

He drove to the Chinese restaurant. He pulled into the parking lot. I got out and followed him into the restaurant. He opened the door for me.

" know guys don't open doors for guys?"

"But your not a guy." He shrugged

"But I look like one."

"But I know your a girl so I'm going to treat you like one."

I shrugged and walked. I felt Kyle behind me his hand was on the small of my back. I reached back a pushed his hand away. He looked down at me and I just gave him a look, his eyes squinted but he didn't put his hand back.

"How many?" The waiter asked

"Two." Kyle said

"Right this way."

Kyle and I followed her to our seats. We sat down and looked at the menus.

"I already know what I'm getting." Kyle nodded

"What are you getting?" I asked

"The sweet and sour chicken meal thing."

I nodded and looked back at my menu.

"I'm getting the General Tso's chicken." I decided

"That's good, too."

Just Then the waiter come to take our drink orders. Kyle looks at me. Oh what a gentlemen.

"I'll take a diet coke." I smiled

"Sprite, please."

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asked

"Yeah, I will have the sweet and sour chicken meal." Kyle said

The waiter nods then turns to me.

"May I have the General Tso's chicken meal?" I asked

The waiter nods again, "That'll be right up."

He walks away.

"So what's this bet all about?" Kyle asked

"My friends dared me to come to an all boys school for a whole year and they'll give me 50 dollars." I shrugged

"Your doing this for only 50 dollars?" He asked

"It's not about the money. And it's fun especiallly P.E. Hot guys walking around in nothing but towels. Mmmmm, good." I smirked

Kyle just looked at me.

"You can't blame me. If you were a girl surrounded by hot, muscular guys what would you do?" I laughed

"I am not going to answer that question." Kyle shook his head

"Awwww, is Kyle sad that he can't have as much fun as me?" I teased

"I'm the only guy that has a girl in his dorm. I'm having a lot of fun." He wriggled his brows

I glared at him. He was right no other girl would do this. But hey, I'm not normal.

"Shut your face." I snapped

He laughed.

"You know you have fun, too." He said

"Never said I didn't. I'm surrounded by sexy beasts all day." I smirked

"You know your not suppose to talk about other guys when you have a boyfriend." He narrowed his eyes

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"You do now." He smiled

"No." I shook my head

"You know you want me." Kyle smirked

"More like the other way around. You're the one that always kisses me first."

"But you like it."

"So what girl doesn't like a hot guy kissing her?" I shrugged

"But you like it more than you should. That's why you don't want to be my girlfriend." He said smartly

"No, I don't want to be your girlfriend because I'm a guy and your a guy and we can't be seen around school together." I rolled my eyes

"We live together. We can spend time there. And for off campus you can just wear girl clothes."

"I don't have any girl clothes."

"We'll go shopping after school."

Just then our food arrived. They set our food in front of us. I looked up at Kyle who was already scarfing his down. I started eating my food but I felt Kyle looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Kyle asked

"Kyle..." I sid wearily

"It's a simple yes or no question."

"...Yes." I hestitated

He smiled, "Really?"

"Yes, really." I laughed

I looked down and started eating again. When we were finished we walked over to the cash register to pay.


I reached into my back pocket but Kyle stopped me.

"I got it." I shook my head

"It's alright. My treat." He smiled

I nodded and let him pay. Then we walked out of the resturant and to his car. He unlocked the doors and we got in.

"What time is lunch over?" I asked

"We have an hour for lunch and it's only been like 30 minutes."


He started the car and backed out of the parking lot. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him with a weird look.

"What, I can't hold my girlfriends hand?"

I shrugged and entwined my hand with his.

"So what's your real name?" Kyle asked


"Mmmmm, I like it." He grinned

I laughed and that made him laugh.

Chapter 3: I'm Spain All The Way Baby

We drove back to the school and then went our separate ways. I went to English and he went to math.

The rest of the day dragged on. I wasn't really paying attention. I mean come on it's a bet why do I have to participate in the classes. The last bell rang, I hopped out of my seat and ran out the door. I got to my dorm and plopped down on the couch. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels, I landed on some movie it looked cool so I left it there.

I heard the door open followed by laughter. Kyle came into veiw and he was followed by this really hot guy with bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, then a guy with electric blue eyes and blonde hair, and finally a guy with dark grey eyes and brown hair.

"Hey, Jason. This is Declan, Blake, and Derek." Kyle said pointing to the guys as he said there name. They all said hi.

Declan was the guy with blue eyes and blonde hair. Derek is the guy with the sexy blue eyes and brown hair and Blake is the guy with brown hair and grey eyes. They were all hot. I think Blake was the hottest. I'm a sucker for grey eyes. They're so uncommon, I don't think I've ever seen them before.

"Hey." I said turning my eyes back to the T.V

"You look like a girl." Said Derek

"And you look like douche bag." I retorted not taking my eyes off the T.V. Okay Derek was hot but I don't like it when people are jerks to me.

"Whatever." He said as the other guys laughed

Kyle sat down next to me and motioned for his friends to sit down Blake sat down on my right while Kyle was on my left. But Blake looked a little hesitant to sit next to me. Whatever then. Derek sat down beside Kyle and the couch couldn't fit anymoore people so Declan just stood there.

"Where am I suppose to sit?" He asked

"The floor." The guys said at the same time

I got up from the couch.

"You can sit there." I said to him

"Thanks." He said as he sat down

"Where are you going to sit?" Kyle asked

"The floor." I answered as I sat down. I grabbed the remote that was by Blake's arm and started changing the channel again. It landed on the soccer channel and I set the remote down. It was between Spain and Argentina. I'm Spain all the way baby.

"Go, go, go." I chanted as Spain's Xavi ran down the field. Lionel Messi tried to block him but he dodged out of the way and continued down the field, he kicked the ball into the goal scoring the winning point.

"Yes!" I yelled

Chapter 4: Secrets Out AGAIN? Really?

I jumped up to my feet completely forgetting the guys were in the room. I am crazy about soccer and I don't care who is with me.

"Yes. Oh Mah Gursh Nursh, Yes! Oh yeah. Spain ALL

the way." I cheered

I then heard laughter. I turned around to see all the boys laughing at me. I really don't care.

"Will you please shut up?!" Asked Derek

"If you don't want to hear it get out or shut your ears!" I told him

"Yeah man I'd cool if I were you he tried to kill me on his first day." Kyle told him

"I did not!" I yelled

"See? He's phsyco." Kyle told them

"Fine, I am phsyco. You got a problem?!"

"I don't." Blake spoke up for the first time

"Thank you." I said to him "Anyone else?"

"I don't got a problem with phsyco people." Said Declan

I nodded and looked at Kyle and Derek. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"I'm good with crazy people." Kyle said

I turned to glare only at Derek. He gazed back at me evenly. I still glared at him. Girls do not back down. The only way I was gonna stop glaring was if he said sorry. The stare off went on for about three minutes until he figured out that I wasn't giving up.

"Okay, I'm down with crazy." He said

"Nope, say sorry." I told him

"For what?!" He exclaimed

"For being an asshole."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled

"Huh? What was that?" I asked sarcastically because I heard him perfectly

"I'm sorry." He mumbled a bit louder

"Still can't hear you."

"I AM SORRY!" He yelled

I shrugged and said "Okay." I walked into the kitchen and I could hear Derek talking about me. "Shut it, Derek!" I yelled to him from the kitchen

I heard him groan and the guys laugh. I heard footsteps as I walked to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a soda. I turned around and closed it to come face to face with Kyle.

"Why, hello there." I said in a mocking tone

"Hey, baby." He said before crashing his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync. He nipped my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't let him in, he growled and tried again. I still didn't let him in. He pushed me against the fridge roughly which caused me to gasp and him to gain entrance. Our tongues met each other half way and little sparks went through my body. I pulled away from him and he looked into my eyes.

"You felt it too?" He asked

I nodded confused and suddenly his lips were on mine again. He held me tighly as if I would evaporate into thin air.

"You're gay?!" I heard a voice yell

We pulled away from each other to see Derek, Blake, an Declan standing there shocked. I already knew who yelled 'You're gay?!'


He's the only one that's that obnoxious.

"No." Kyle and I said in unison

"You guys are kissing each other and you're guys. That's gay!" Derek yelled

"He's not-" Kyle started but then turned to me as if asking permission to tell my secret. I pulled Kyle down to me and whispered in his ear

"Can I trust them?" I asked him

He nodded. I pulled away from him and looked at them.

"Can I trust you guys?" I asked them

They didn't say anything. Just stared. Well I would too if I saw one of my guy friends kissing a 'guy'.

I reached up to my head and pulled off the wig. Declan and Derek gasped and stared at me some more. But Blake didn't seem the least bit surprised that I was a girl. Okay then.

"You're a girl?!" Derek and Declan gasped

"Yeah, I wouldn't just kiss a guy like that." Kyle told them

"Oh my god?!" Derek yelled

"It's not that big a deal." I told them while ruffling my hair

"You're HOT." Declan and Derek yelled

"Hey, she's mine, back off." Kyle told them

"Aww, why do you get her?" Derek whined

"Derek, you wouldn't get me anyway." I told him

He glared at me and I just glared back.

"No wonder you look, sound, and act like a girl." Declan said

"Yeah." I said

"You guys really thought I was gay?" Kyle asked them

"Well what would you think if you walked in on your bestfriend kissing a girl that looks like a guy?" Derek asked him

"But still, you've seen me with girls before." He told him

"But that could have been all for show." Declan said

"I guess." Kyle said slowly

"Well, bye." I said to them walking away

"Where you going?" Kyle asked me

"To change." I said walking to the bedroom

I closed the door behind me and went to my drawer, I put my wig in there and grabbed some boxers and a long sleeve shirt.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my school clothes and into my pajamas. I walked out into the living room and all the boys looked up and stared at my legs.

Really hadn't thought this out.

I pivoted and went back into the room. I went to my drawer again and pulled out some spongebob pajama bottoms, I pulled them on and walked back out. They looked up again but their faces turned to disapointment when they saw that I had pants on. The seating arrangemant was Derek on the far right side of the couch (good) then Declan, then Kyle, and then blake. There was a seat open next to Blake and I went to sit down. I don't know what Blake's problem is but maybe he's just shy; he's talked to me like once and he wasn't even surprised I was a girl. I mean there's no way he could have known. Right?

I plopped down and pulled my knees up to my chest. I turned my head back and forth trying to find the remote. Kyle had it but he wasn't changing the channel it was on some paid program channel.

"Are you gonna change it?" I asked him

"Change what?" He asked turning his head to look at me. I motioned to the remote.

"Oh, no, here." He said handing me the remote. I reached over Blake to grab, my arm brushing his in the process. I stopped when he gasped. I pulled back into my regular sitting position and looked up at him. He looked like he was in shock or something.

"You okay?" I asked him with concern in my voice

"Yeah." He said but his voice sounded strained

Is my arm rough or something?

I nodded and reached for the remote again careful not to touch Blake again. I grabbed the remote from Kyle and began flipping through the channels. Then suddenly I felt someones gazed. I stopped looking at the channels and looked around then my eyes caught grey eyes.


I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine. It seemed like he was trying to see into my soul. I quickly looked away and started flipping through the channels until the Spongebob movie came on. I squealed and turned it to the channel. Spongebob is the SH!T

. I put the remote on the left side of me forgetting that Blake was right there and I ended up touching him again. This time he didn't gasp though so I shrugged it off and started watching the best movie in the world


Chapter 5: FOOTBALL!

When the movie was finished it was about 3:30. I was into the movie the whole time so I don't really know if the boys liked it or not and I couldn't care less. Spongebob is awesome and smexy(Just Kidding). Patrick can go suck a pickle.

"Well that was fun!" I said enthusiastically

"Yeah." The guys mumbled

"Come on. Spongebob is the best. And he's smexier than any of you." I told them

"Yeah right. Look at me." Derek said motioning to himself

"I'm lookin' and not likin'." I said to him

He huffed and looked away while I smirked evilly.

"So, my own girlfriend thinks I'm not smexy. I'm sad." Kyle said with puppy dog eyes

"Never said you weren't. I just said Spongebob is smexier." I replied "Okay fine all of you guys are smexy.....except Derek." As soon as I said that Derek whipped his head around to me and glared I just smirked at him. He looked away first and I turned to look at Declan, Kyle, and Blake. They just stared at me.

"What?!" I asked getting annoyed

"You just said we are all smexy." Kyle said

"Yeah." I said unsure of what he was getting at

"She's mine, I might have a chance!" Declan yelled suddenly

"Not even. She's my girlfriend." Kyle said emphasizing 'even' and 'my'

I raised an eyebrow and look at Blake. He shrugged and so did I. I turned back to look at the T.V.

"I'm bored!" I suddenly yelled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw all the boys jump. I turned to look at them and they all looked me me like I was crazy.

"Your crazy." Derek muttered

"Shut up!" I snapped at him "I'm bored!" I repeated

"What do you want to do?" Kyle asked

"I don't know. What do you guys usually do?" I asked them

"Play football, basketball, got to the movies." Declan said

"Let's play FOOTBALL!" I yelled

They looked at me skeptically.

"I'm the most athletic girl in my school." I told them proudly

They nodded and Kyle got up.

"I'll go get the football." He said

He came back in with a football in his hand.

"Who's team captains?" I asked them

"I am!" Declan yelled

"Since it's uneven the players that are the best get Kelsey because she needs all the help she can get." Kyle said with a cocky smirk

I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Who's the other team captain?" I asked

"I will." Kyle said "Okay lets go to the field." Kyle added

I hopped off the couch and started following the boys out of the dorm. We went around to the football field.

"I pick Derek." Kyle said

"I guess I got Blake and Kelsey then." Declan said

We walked over to our team and set up a formation

(A/N: I'm not really the football type. More of a soccer and basketball type of girl so if I get this wrong I apologize.)

"Blue 42, blue 42. Hike." Kyle yelled passing the ball to Derek. I was the closest to him so I ran up and tackled him to the ground.

"Bet you wish you I was on your team huh?" I asked him

He groaned "Get off!"

I hopped off him and stuck out a hand. He looked at it as if it was a snake. But then he grabbed it and I helped him up.

We started walking toward the other guys and they stared at me in shock.

Déjà vu much?

"What?" I asked

"Derek has never been-" Kyle said in disbelief

"Don't give her the satisfaction!" Derek growled at them

"He's never been what?" I asked completely ignoring Derek

Kyle looked at Derek and Derek glared at him

"Derek has never been tackled!" Declan yelled out fast

I turned to stare at Derek and he was glaring daggers at Declan.

What football player has never been tackled?

"Really?" I asked Derek

He slowly turned towards me. "Yes, really. Well until now." He said angrily

"Well, don't doubt a girl. If Kyle would have put me on your guy's team you would've gotten tackled." I said

"Whatever. It's not that big a deal." He said

I nodded and we got set for another formation and this time Derek tackled me. (But I let him. Shhhh, don't tell)

We gave up after about five games. My team won of course.

"We are the champions!" I sang as we went back to the dorm. My team laughed and sang along while Kyle and Derek rolled their eyes and groaned.

When we got back to the dorm we plopped down on the couch all squished together. The order was Kyle, Me, Blake, Declan, then Derek.

Why is it that I always end up sitting next to Blake?

I thought

I mean he's not bad or anything it just seems like he doesn't like me. He hasn't spoken more than two words to me.

Kyle changed the channel to MTV and we started watching that. Then, Kyle grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine as I did the same with his.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and he leaned his head on my head.

"Awww, look at the happy couple." Declan snickered and Derek laughed

Kyle lifted his head and I turned and gave them my deadliest glare; they sobered up real quick.

Then, my stomach growled.

"What was that?!" Declan and Derek exclaimed

"My stomach." I said quietly

"Kinda figured that." Derek mumbled

"Well, I'm sorry. I haven't eaten since like 12:00." I said

Then I got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Make me a samich, women." Derek called out.

"Oh hell nah. Not even in your dreams would I make you a sandwich." I scoffed "B@stard." I added silently

I walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer and pulled out a frozen pizza. I turned the oven on and opened the pizza. I put it on a tray and slid it in the oven. I walked back to the living room and was about to sit down when Kyle grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap. I looked at him questionly he just smiled and tightened his grip on my waist.

I smiled back and was about to turn back to the T.V when his lips crashed onto mine. He kissed me roughly and passionately, at first I was shocked then I started kissing him back just as rough. My arms went up to his neck and my fingers tangled into his soft brown hair. I tugged at it and he moaned.

"Hey! Get a room!" Derek yelled

"Yeah!" Declan said backing him up

"Gladly." Kyle said as he swiftly stood up and started walking toward the room.

"Hey-" I started but was cut off by his lips kissing mine hungrily. He walked through the bedroom door and shut the door with his foot not breaking the kiss.

Chapter 6: We'll See

He set me on his bed and he crawled on top of me not breaking the kiss once. One hand was holding him up so he wouldn't crush me while the other was tangled in my hair, holding my face to his. He broke the kiss so I could breathe and he trailed kisses down my jaw and to my neck. He gently sucked my neck for a while probably leaving a hickey. He pulled away from my neck and kissed my lips again. I swiftly switched us around so I was on top.

"You like it on top, eh?" He teased grabbing my hips

"Yup." I said leaning down to his neck. I trailed kisses all around his neck. I stopped and sucked him neck. His grip on my hips tightened and I could tell he like it. I ran my tongue over his neck and I heard him try to stifle a m0an. I smirk and did it again while lowering my hips to his. I sucked harder and grinded against him. He gripped tighter and tried not to m0an again.

I put my mouth close to his ear and blew. He started breathing heavier(If that was possible).

"I'm not going to stop until you m0an." I whispered seductively in his ear. He shivered and shook his head.

"No." He croaked out "I'm no going to m0an."

"We'll see." I whispered and he shivered once again. I started kissing his neck again and trailed lower to his collar bone, to his shoulder. I reached down to grab the hem of his shirt and pushed it up. My hands trailed over his rock hard abs. He squirmed a little. I crawled down slowly and pushed his shirt up more. I kissed down his chest to his nipple. I licked it slowly and then blew hot air. I looked up at him and he was biting his lower lip. I crawled back up to his ear.

"You know you want to." I told him

I leaned back to look at his face and he was trying so hard.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked with the hint of a smirk on my face because I already knew his answer

"No! Yes! I-I don't k-know." He stuttered. My face had a full blow smirk now.

I leaned down and kissed his lips slowly. I tugged at his bottom lip teasingly. I ran one of my hand through his hair and tugged lightly.

He moaned.

I stopped kissing him and smirked.

"So all that stuff I did was for nothing? All I had to do was tug your hair?" I asked my smirk getting bigger

He looked defeated. He sighed. "You are evil."

"Why, thank you." I said smiling

I crawled off him and started walking toward the door.

"Where are you going?" He demanded/asked

"My work here is done. Peace." I told his opening the door "Oh and you might want to cover that up." I said pointing to his erecti0n

"This is so not fair. You can't just get me all hyped up and then leave." He said frustrated

"I can do anything I want. Bet that never happened to you before huh?" I asked

"No. I usually do the seducing." He said getting even more frustrated

"Haha. Well like I was saying you might want to cover that up." I said walking out and making sure my hair covered the hickey.

I walked out into the living room and sat down in the spot I had occupied before. When I sat down all the boys turned to me. I looked back innocently.

"What?" I asked tilting my head to the side

Their eyes just widened. Then we heard the shower turn on and their eyes got bigger.

"What did you do to him?!" Declan exclaimed

"I did nothing." I told them

"Why is he taking a shower then?" Derek asked

"I taught him not to mess with the number one seducer." I told them straight out

"You gave him a B0NER?!" Declan yelled

"He's easily turned on. That is not my fault." I said

"Oh. My. Gosh! You guys were in there for like ten minutes and you gave him a boner THAT QUICK?!" Declan yelled again

"Is that bad or good?"

"It's good!That mean your good at whatever you just did!" Declan yelled once again

We heard the shower turn off and a couple minutes later Kyle walked in. His eyes immediately went to me and he glared

"How was your cold shower Kyle?" Derek asked trying to hold back laughter

"You told them?!" Kyle yelled at me

"I didn't have to." I said also trying to hold back laughter

"What did she do to you? " Declan asked laughter clear in his voice

"Dudes she branded him!" Derek yelled referring to the hickey he now has

"Shut up!" Kyle snapped putting his hand on it trying to cover it

Then we couldn't hold it back anymore. We burst into laughter clutching out sides. Even Blake was laughing.

"Shut! Up!" Kyle yelled. I tried to sober up but I was still laughing a little

"I'm sorry, babe. It's just funny." I said

"No, it's not." He pouted

"Yeah, it is." Then I gasped, "My pizza!"

I rushed up.

"Calm down, Blake took it out already." Declan said

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks." I said looking at Blake

"It's alright." He said with a hint of a British accent

"You have an accent?!" I asked astonished

He nodded.

"So cool! Say more words." I exclaimed as I sat back down. I looked up at him eagerly

"Ummm...What do you want me to say?" He said sexily even though he wasn't trying. ACCENTS are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!

"You did it again!"

He frowned and his eyes widened and he looked at me as if I were crazy.

"It's going to happen every time I talk." He said still looking at me weirdly with the same accent

"But still! It's COOL!" I yelled

He looked to the guys for help. Declan and Derek shrugged shaking their heads with a slight smile on each of their faces. He turned to Kyle with pleading eyes.

"Baby? Leave him alone." Kyle said his eyes shining with with amusement at Blake's discomfort

"I wasn't doing

anything." I said exasperated

Kyle laughed and walked into the kitchen. Blake turned back to me.

"Loser." I said pouting

"How am I a loser?" Blake asked in disbelief

"You made me stop. It's not my fault you accent is all British and stuff and..... yeah."

He shook his head a slight smile on his face.

"Ha." He chuckled "You are weird."

"Accent! Sexiness! Oh it's too much!" I said getting up and walking to the kitchen. He chuckled again as I walked into the kitchen to find Kyle eating my pizza.

"Hey, back off my pizza, fool!" I yelled. He jumped and put my pizza down

"Calm down, Ricky Bobby." He said raising his hand up in an 'I surrender' motion

"Grrr." I growled as I walked up to my pizza

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I was eating.

"It wasn't very nice doing what you did in the room earlier." He said in my ear

"You loved it." I told him

"That may be true, but still. Not nice, not nice at all." He said

"If you loved it don't complain." I said

"I wouldn't complain if you finished what you started." He whispered

"What did I start?" I whispered back

He sighed, "Ugh, why? Why must you do that to me?" He groaned

"I'm not doing anything." I said as I took another bite of my pizza

"Ugh, ugh, ugh. Kelsey." He groaned

"Yes?" I asked politely

"You're mean." He said resting his chin on my shoulder

"I know." I said taking another bite of pizza

Chapter 7: Amazing News?

I finished eating my pizza and washed my plate. Then I went back into the living room where all the guys were. There were no more spots so I sat on Kyle's lap. I started watching the football game they were watching. Then I looked at the clock and it was 9:41.

I yawned and snuggled into Kyle. He shifted so I could get more comfortable. I fell asleep sometime during the night.

I was awoken when someone picked me up and started carrying me. I was too tired to open my eyes so I just let them carry me.

Then, I felt the soft comfort of my bed. I fell back asleep instantly.

I laid Kelsey in her bed and kissed her forehead. I turned around and went back into the living room. I sat down and sighed.

"She's your mate." Blake said suddenly

Blake can tell you who your mate is by touching them and he can also see if they accept you as their mate. Earlier when Kelsey was reaching for the remote she brushed his arm. When I heard him gasp I knew she was someone in this rooms mate.

"She is?" I asked happily "That's great." I added just as happy

"Yeah man, it's amazing. We're happy for you." Derek said "Even if I don't like her." He said quietly

My inner wolf and I growled because someone was dissing our mate. Derek's eyes went wide and he looked away.

"When are you going to tell her you're Alpha?" Declan asked excited

He, too, has been waiting for me to meet my mate.

"I don't know. I don't want to just spring it on her and be like 'Hey, I'm a werewolf and your my mate. Cool right?'"

"You should tell her right away." Blake said

"Does she accept me in the future?" I asked Blake

"Yeah. Eventually" He said

"What do you mean eventually?" I asked nervous

"I mean eventually. She's human so her future is kind of blurry, but I can see her accepting you. A werewolf has never been mated with a human, that's why she's so blurry. When you complete the bond she'll become easier to see. No big deal." He explained

"Why do you want me to tell her right away?" I asked

"I saw that she'd be mad that you didn't tell her right away. That's a reason why she doesn't accept you right away." He said

"So to prevent her not accepting me right away, I should tell her soon?" I asked unsure

"Yeah." He said

I nodded and relaxed from my tense position. If she didn't accept me I would die. Not really but my soul would. She's my other half and I've been without her long enough. I wasn't going to let her go.


Chapter 8: I Don't Care


"Night guys." I said getting up

"Night." They said

I made my way to the bedroom. I walked in and closed the door behind me. Then I looked over to where Kelsey laid.

She's beautiful. And mine. I sighed happily. All mine.

I walked over to my bed and pulled the blankets back. I took my shirt and pants off so I was only in my boxers, then I laid down.

I found my mate. Finally.

I fell asleep thinking about Kelsey.

§ Kelsey §

I woke up the next morning with a warm arm around my waist holding me close. I blinked away the sleep and looked up to see Kyle's baby blue eyes staring back at me. I smiled and he smiled a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning." He said leaning down and pecked my lips

"Morning. What are you doing in my bed?" I asked confused

He smirked, "This is my bed."

I looked around. This was his bed.

"What am I doing in your bed?" I asked quietly still embarrassed

"Don't be embarrassed. I didn't mind." He said looking in my eyes

I nodded, a little less embarrassed.

He laughed and leaned down to kiss me again but this kiss wasn't just a peck. He kissed me slowly and passionately. Filled with love.

I pulled back to I could breathe. I looked into his eyes and sure enough I saw love.

"Kelsey, I have to tell you something." He said becoming serious

"Okay. What is it?" I asked becoming serious too

"I-I'm...I...I love you." He stuttered


"I-I'm...I...I love you." I stuttered

I chickened out. Ugh, for an Alpha I sure am being a coward right now.

She looked into my eyes.

"I love you, too." She said "Now tell me what you really wanted to tell me." She demanded

D@mn. She's good.

"Do you promise to still love me?" I asked my voice breaking and tears filling my eyes. I looked down, away from her beautiful blue eyes.

She laid her hand on my cheek and forced me to look at her. I reluctantly looked into her eyes.

"I'll still love you." She said honestly shining in her eyes

More tears started filling my eyes at the thought of losing her. Soon some tears escaped and started rolling down my cheeks. I haven't cried in years and now my mate comes along and there's a chance she might not accept me and it has me bawling my eyes out.

She wiped my tears with her thumb and kissed my lips softly.

As if reading my mind she whispered, "You won't lose me. Just tell me."

I nodded and took a deep breathe. "I'm an Alpha werewolf and you're my mate."

She didn't reply she just stared into my eyes seeing if I was telling the truth. Soon, the silence was making me feel worse.

"Say something, please." I pleaded tears welling in my eyes again

She blinked a couple of times like she was coming out of a trance. "I don't care what you are." She whispered

"You don't care that I turn into a wolf?" I asked unbelievingly and looking down

She grabbed my jaw fiercely in her hand.

"I. Don't. Care." She said each word slowly

More tears started welling in my eyes but out of happiness. I smiled and crushed my lips to hers.

I kissed her passionately and she kissed me back with the same amount of passion. I gently cupped her face in my hands and deepened the kiss. She ran her tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted.

My tongue met her half way and when they did the sparks between us heightened. She m0aned as my tongue massaged hers.

She grabbed fistfuls of my hair and tugged gently. I m0aned.

Gosh, everything she does makes me want to m0an.

I slowly trailed my hand from her face and down her body. She shiver slightly at my touch. She broke away from my lips breathing hard. She grabbed my face in her hands.

"Told you you wouldn't lose me." She whispered

"I thought you wouldn't accept me." I whispered back

"Why wouldn't I? You're caring, loving, cocky, sarcastic, and not to mention hot. With all those characteristics who would accept you?" She asked stroking my face gently

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I love you. I love you, so much." I whispered opening my eyes to see her reaction

She smiled and said, "I love you, too."

I grabbed her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Good because I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I whispered in her ear

She sighed angrily, "How many times do I have to tell you? You. Would. Not. Have. Lost. Me." She said in an Alpha tone

She really was my mate. I could already tell she'd make a great Alpha Female.

"You're going to make a great Alpha Female." I said with a huge smile on my face

"Alpha Female? What's that?" She asked confused

"I'm the Alpha and your my mate. An Alpha Female is the mate to the Alpha. She'll be just as powerful and respected as him, and with the tone you just used. If I wasn't an Alpha I would back off."

"Ooooh, What's a mate?" She asked confused once again

"My soul mate. My other half. Destiny,fate whatever you want to call it brought us together." I explained

"So I'm denstined to be with a hottie? I like this whole mating thing." She said laughing

"I like it, too." I said laughing with her "I'm also destined to be with a hottie." I said repeating her words

She laughed and hid her face in my chest. I chuckled and hugged her tighter.

"You're too cute." I said

"Too cute? Yeah right, I'm too hot." She countered

"That's true." I chuckled

"Time to get up, we're already late." She said getting up

I groaned. I suddenly felt cold without her in my arms. I hopped up after her, wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Don't leave me." I whined

"I'm getting ready for school. Which I have you in every class. How am I leaving you?" She asked tilting her head to face me

"In class we can't be together unless we want to be called gay." I said

"Are you trying to get me to skip class?" She asked teasingly

"Yeah." I said honestly

She arched a brow, "Fine."

I smile and turned her around to face me. Then I pushed her against the wall.

"You really like walls don't you?" She asked

I laughed and leaned down to kiss her neck slowly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and tilted her head to the side so I could get better access. Then suddenly Blake, Declan, and Derek busted in the room.

I pulled my face away from her neck and growled.

"The see-ers know about Kelsey." Blake said in a rush

My eyes hardened and I went stiff. I turned to look at Kelsey who had a confused and worried expression on her face. I growled at the thought of the see-ers ever coming in contact with her.

I turned back to the guys, "When are they coming?" I asked, fighting to keep my anger under control in from of Kelsey

"Now." Derek said. His eyes were clouded with rage. He was mad for the same reason I was. Even though Him and Kelsey don't get along he knew he had to keep her safe.

"Start packing!" I ordered

The guys moved with inhuman speed and started throwing things in suitcases.

Kelsey laid her hand on my arm and wwith that simple gesture I calmed down a little.

"What's wrong? Who are the see-ers?" She asked worried

"The see-ers are people that can see the future. They have been watching for years. They've been waiting for me to find my mate." I said trying to stay calm and not scare her

"Why do they want me?" She asked casually, unafraid

Her calmness relaxed me; reassured me.

"The prophecy says my mate will change the world. The see-ers don't want change. They're going to try to kill you." I said with pain in my voice

She nodded slowly. "Where we going?" She asked

"Pack house. You'll be safe there. The see-ers won't dare come to the house."

"We're ready." Derek announced

"Okay." I said grabbing Kelsey's hand and followed them.

Declan and Blake lead the way while Derek covered our backside. We got out to the cars. Derek and Blake got in the front of my car and Kelsey and I got in the back. Declan followed us in his car.

I was tense during the whole thing.

"Kyle?" She said softly

I turned to look at her. She scooped up my hand in hers and squeezed.

"It's going to be alright." She assured me

I knew everything was going to be alright but I'm mad that the see-ers even know about her. They won't even get closse to her with the whole pack watching her.

Suddenly, tears started rolling down my face. I hadn't even noticed I was about to cry.

"I know, I-I just can't lose you. The thought of them knowing about you makes me mad and sad." I said as more tears rolled down my face

"What did I tell you about saying you're going to lose me?!" She yelled in such an authority filled voice that even Derek and Blake jumped.

"To not say that." I said quietly

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you, did you hear him Blake, Derek?" She asked/demanded

They didn't reply.

"That I'm not going to lose you." I said louder

"That's what I thought." She said

She reached up and wiped my tears away.

"Stop crying." She said softly

I nodded and pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her tightly.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you, too." She said kissing my neck

My body started heating up then,

"We're here." Blake stated

I opened the door and helped Kelsey out. Then I got out. We all walked to the front door together. I opened the door and everybody turned to face us.

Chapter 9: I Guess The See-ers Are Stupid After All

Everyone hopped up.

"What're you doin' here Kyle?" Lucas asked

"The see-ers know about my mate." I said walking all the way inside the house

"Well, where is she then?" Sebastian asked

"She's right here." I said motioning to Kelsey

Every ones eyes widened and they looked at Blake who confirmed it with a nod.

"But she's human!" Drake exclaimed

"I see that." I said sarcastically

"Humans can't be mated with werewolves." Justin said shaking his head

"Ask Blake." I said shrugging

"Is she really his mate?" Sebastian asked Blake

"Yeah, she's really his mate." Blake said

They all nodded.

"Okay, we all gotta keep her safe." Derek announced

They all nodded again.

"What's your name?" Jessiah asked Kelsey

"Kelsey. Yours?" She asked

Jessiah smile. Humans don't usually talk to use. I guess they just sense danger on us.

"Jessiah. Wow, man she isn't an ordinary human." Jessiah told me

I wrapped my arm around Kelsey's waist and kissed the side of her head.

"I know. She's perfect." I said looking down at her

She looked around. Then out of nowhere Benjamin popped up.

"Hey, I'm Benjamin! It's nice to meet you, Kelsey! I like you're pajama bottom! I like you already! You're my new sister!" He shouted

Kelsey's face broke into a smile. "It's nice to meet you, too. I'm gonna call you Benji. And you're my new brother." She said

He nodded and grabbed her hand. I growled as he pulled her away from me. She looked back and gave me a glare that stopped me mid-growl.

"Come on." Benjamin said tugging her arm

She laughed and followed him. They ran down the hallway and then disappeared.

"Dude! Fate must love you to give you that!" Marco exclaimed referring to Kelsey

I smile and nodded, "She's amazing."

§ Kelsey §

Benji pulled me down a hallway and we ended up outside. There was a huge pool and a beautiful patio.

"This is amazing." I said breathless

"I know, huh. This is where I always come to get away from that madness." He explained

"Are you a werewolf?" I asked sitting down on the edge of the pool and sticking my feet in

"Yeah." He said sitting next to me and doing the same "But I'm also part wizard."

"That's so cool. It's like mixed races but mixed species." I said

"Yeah. If you and Kyle have a baby he'll be Werewolf and Human. A Wereman." He said

"A Wereman? That's kind of creepy." I said laughing

He laughed too and we just sat in comfortable silence.


"Have you guys completed the bonding yet?" Elijah asked

I laughed, "I just told her this morning."

"So Dec when are the see-ers supposedly going to attack Kelsey?" Justin asked

Declan can see the future he's just not as good as the see-ers.

"They were on there way when we left. But they're not stupid enough to just show up at a house full of werewolves." Declan said

Everyone nodded. Then we heard a scream. My heart stopped.


We all ran out there and saw about 30 see-ers surrounding Kelsey and Benjamin's wolf form. He stood in front of her protectively.

I growled and stepped forward when Declan put his hand on my shoulder his eyes far away; seeing a vision, "Watch." He whispered coming back to reality

Just then one of the see-ers kicked Benjamin. I was about to take off but Declan had me held down.

Kelsey looked at the see-er that kicked Benjamin and glared at him. Her beautiful blue eyes turned black and she balled her hands up to form fist.

"Cover your ears everyone!" Declan shouted

Everyone looked at him confused but complied. Then Kelsey let out an ear-piercing sream. So high I could hear it through my hands but it was alluring at the same time. It almost wanted you to uncover your ears and go up to her.

She was more that just an Alpha's mate.

She was something much more powerful. Maybe that's what the prophecy was talking about.

All the see-ers fell to their knees and tried to cover their ears. Once all of them were on the ground she stopped and her eyes turned blue again. She turned around and stepped over them like they were nothing. Benjamin followed looking utterly confused.

She stopped and turned to Benjamin. "You okay Benji?" She asked concerned

He nodded and frowned. He ran into the house to change back and get clothes.

"I guess the see-ers are stupid after all." Cameron muttered

She turned and looked at the see-ers, looks like they were unconscious. She turned back to us. All of us were gaping.

"What?" She asked innocently

We just kept staring.

She started walking toward us, she stopped right in front of me.

"What?!" She demanded

"How did you do that?" I asked astonished

"They kicked my brother. I got mad." She said shrugging

I looked back at all the guys and saw that they had the same expression on their faces as I probably did on mine. Everyone except Declan who had a huge grin on his face.

I frowned, "You knew she would get out of that?"

He nodded, "Yeah right when I heard her scream I had a vision, but it was like déjà vu. Like I had it in a dream or something before.It was of her screaming. At first it didn't make sense until they started falling to the ground. Then, I told you to wait."

I was completely and utterly confused. I thought Kelsey was just human.

I nodded at what Declan said. "Get these guys up and tie them up in the basement." I said in an Alpha tone

They all ran to get the see-ers off the ground and carried them to the basement. I turned to look at Kelsey.

"Has that ever happened before?" I asked her

"I've never been in a life or death situation before." She said

"Did you feel any different when you screamed?" I asked

"Noooo...should I have?" She asked

"What made you so mad? You knocked them out with just a scream." I said looking at her face

"They kicked MY

Benji. Quiero decir, quién coño se creen que son?!" She yelled

"English baby, English." I said slowly

"Who the f*ck do they think they are?!" She bellowed and all the guys that were standing next to us jumped, "No one is going to touch anyone I'm friends or family with! Hijos de puta, culo cojos, los perdedores, los retoños polla." She ranted in Spanish

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She took a deep breathe and hugged me back.

"You done?" I asked with an amused tone

"Yeah." She said taking deep breaths

"Haha, I love you." I said leaning down to kiss her

Chapter 10: Bro-Skee!!

*Still Kyle's POV*

We all walked into the living room and sat down.

"Elias, what do you think she is?" I said referring to Kelsey

Elias has the power to sense other peoples powers.

He held his hand out to Kelsey, she looked at it. Then back to me.

"What am I suppose to do?" She asked

"Take his hand." I told her

She nodded and took Elias' hand. As soon as she laid her hand in his he started to shake convulsively. Kelsey tried to pull her hand away but he just tightened his grip.

Kelsey turned to me, “What’s wrong with him?” She asked worried

“It’s nothing baby, it just means you’re powerful.” I said squeezing her other hand comfortingly

Elias slowly stopped shaking. He looked up at Kelsey with a frown.

“Did you find anything?” Trevor asked

Elias shook his head, “She’s mixed with a lot of things. I could only find two that were solid.”

“What were they?” I asked

“Wizard and Angel.” He said looking confused “Did one of your parents ever…ever…I don’t know how to put this. Did one of your parents ever glow when they were happy, mad, or sad?” He asked Kelsey

“I’m adopted.” She whispered

Realization dawned upon Elias’ face and he started nodding.

“Do you know your real parents names?” He asked her

“Umm, my adopted parents said my real mom’s name is Thyme and my dad’s is-”

“Elijah.” Landon interrupted

“Yeah. Elijah.” Kelsey said

'Thyme and Elijah. Where have I heard those names before?'

I thought

"Your parents were the strongest wizard and angel to ever live!" Nikko shouted

'That's it!'

My eyes widened, "Do you know how powerful she's gonna be when we complete the bonding?!" I asked the guys

"And with all the other things she has in her." Elias added

"I'm confused." Kelsey informed us

"You're powerful baby." I said lovingly to her

"Mmkay. Don't really know how, but mmkay." She said raising her brows

I laughed, "A wizard is one of the most powerful creatures in our world. That's what you are. Angel is the second, you're also one of them."

"Okay, and how am I going to be stronger after the bonding? What's occurs in a bonding?" She asked

"Nothing!" I said quickly

She narrowed her eyes and turned to Benjamin, "What happens in the bonding?"

His eyes quickly went to me and I growled. His eyes widened.

Kelsey turned back to me, "Did you just growl at him?" She asked angry and like she couldn't believe I did

"Nooo. Where'd you get that idea from?" I scoffed lying through my teeth

She snorted and turned back to Benjamin with expectant eyes.

"Well?" She asked

He looked back at me, "Stop looking at him." She said

His eyes snapped back to her. He looked at her with pleading eyes.

Me: 'You better not tell her.'

I thought to Benjamin

Benjamin: 'Why not she's gonna find out sooner or later.'

Me: 'Dont!'

Benjamin: 'She's my Alpha too. I have to listen to her.'

Me: 'Benj-'

I started before he blocked me out.

"Sex." He said to Kelsey with a huge grin

I growled loudly and Kelsey looked back at me. She lifted her hand up and flicked my ear.

"Ow!" I yelled "What was that for?!"

"You growled at Benji again." She said with a frown "Apologize."

(A/N: Don't ever let someone flick your ear. It hurts like a MoFo. My mom does it when I'm bad.)

"Hell no!" I yelled and everybody but Kelsey and Declan jumped

"Really?" She asked narrowing her eyes

I nodded.

She got up, "C'mon Benji." She said

He got up and followed her.

"Come find us when your ready to apologize!" She called over her shoulder

After she was out of view everyone started laughing.

"You got TOLD!" Jace yelled

"Oh wow! I love her!" Jason shouted

Everybody continued laughing.

"Shut up!" I yelled

Everybody stopped laughing at once. Then, I started feeling woozy.

"Kyle, you okay?" Derek asked worried

"I think I'm gonna puke." I stated

"Why?" Blake asked

"Because Kelsey's mad at him." Declan said trying to hold back smile

"But why is he gonna puke?" Drake asked

"When your mate is mad and it's your fault you feel sick." Declan explained with an amused smile

"So he's gonna feel sick until he apologizes?" Lucas asked

"Yup." Declan said happily

"He's gonna be sick forever then." Sebastian muttered

Declan laughed and got up. "He is gonna be sick for awhile because he doesn't apologize to anyone. He'll do it eventually though."

He laughed walking away. Then suddenly I threw up. All over the floor.

"Ew! That's gross!" Jessiah yelled jumping away

I got up,ran upstairs and to the bathroom in my room to puke some more.

§ Kelsey §

Benji and I walked out to the backyard and sat down.

"No one has ever stood up for me like that." He told me

"He was being a jerk." I said in reply

"Yeah, but he's the Alpha. We're not allowed to disobey him."

"That's stupid. I just did." I said

"Because you're an Alpha too." He answered

I nodded.

"Thank you." He whispered

"For what?" I asked turning to him

"For standing up for me. They always boss me around because I'm the youngest." He replied

"Well not anymore." I said smiling at him. He smile back.

"Kelsey!" Someone yelled

I turned around and saw Derek running out.

"Yes?" I asked calmly

"Kyle's sick." He said

"What's wrong with him?" I asked casually

"I guess when your mates mad and it's your fault you get sick." He explained

"Is he ready to apologize to Benji?"

He hesitated, "Yeah." He said slowly

"Your lying. I guess he's gonna stay sick then, huh?" I asked turning back around

"Can you please just see if he's alright?" He begged

I looked back and saw him pleading with his eyes.

"Fine." I sighed getting up "Where is he?" I asked

"Upstairs. Five doors down and to the left." He said

I started walking into the house and up the stairs. I walked five doors down to the left and opened the door. No one was in there but I heard dry-heaving inside.

I walked in further and saw Kyle kneeling down above the toilet. I walked over to him and kneeled down beside him.

"You okay?" I asked worried

He looked up at me, "I'm sorry." He said with tears in his eyes

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." I said softly

He nodded, "Are you still mad?"

"No." I said

I stood up and then helped him up. He brushed his teeth and washed off all the sweat.

I walked him over to the bed and sat him down.

"Are you going to apologize?" I asked him

"Mmmm...yeah." He sighed

I nodded and walked over to the door.

"Benji!" I yelled

"Yeah!" He called back

"He's ready!"

He was here in like 2.6 seconds with a huge grin on his face.

I walked in with Benji behind me. I sat down next to Kyle.

"Go ahead." I urged him

He looked up to the smiling Benji, "I'm sorry for growling at you."

Benji's smile got wider, "It's good man. Bye."

Benji walked out and shut the door behind him. I pushed Kyle back and straddled him.

"Now was that hard?" I asked, my face inches from his

"Yes." He said before crushing his lips to mine

He rolled us over to where he was on top.

"It's payback time." He whispered

I laughed, "I did nothing for you to 'pay me back'."

"You call giving me a b0ner nothing?" He asked pulling back bewildered

"That was not my fault." I said smiling

"How?" He asked

"You're easily turned on." I said matter-of-factly

"Having a hot girl grind against me is definetaly going to turn me on." He retorted

"I'm hot?" I asked with a smirk


"I was thinking more along the lines of sexy." I said

"That you are," He said "and you're all mine." He added with a smirk

"I'm nobodies."

"Mine." He sang

"Nobodies." I sang back

"Mine." He suddenly growled

I arched a brow and smirk, "Ooooh, the wolf is coming out."

"You are mine." He growled again and his beautiful baby blue eyes turned black as his wolf came out

I leaned up and pecked his lips. He instantly relax and his eyes turned blue again.

I leaned back, "I'm your's." I whispered

"Damn straight." He said smiling

"I take it back." I said pushing him off

I got up and walked to the door.

"Where you going?" He asked

"I'm hungry. Make me food!" I demanded


"Food! Now!" I yelled

"Staaaaaarve!" He retorted

I pouted, "I'm sad." I stated

His eyes sofened. Ha, sucker. He got up and started walking toward me.

"What do you want?" He asked softly

"Mmmm....peanut butter and jelly!" I yelled and ran out of the room and down stairs

He chuckled and followed me. I ran into the kitchen and all the guys were there. I sat down beside Jessiah? I think. I turned to my right and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Jessiah?" I asked unsure

"Yup." He said happily

"You're my new BROTHER!" I shouted

"Ummm, okay." He said a little weirded out

I stuck my hand out, "You have to confirm it with a hand shake." I said excitedly

He stuck his hand out and shook my. "Confirmed!" I yelled

Everyone cracked a smile and I got up. I went to another guy.

"Name?" I asked

"Lucas." He said

I stuck my hand out, "Brother!"

He chuckled and shook my hand.

Then I went to Declan who was beside him and Declan already had his hand ready I grabbed it and yelled "Brolio!"

Derek was next to him and he wouldn't look at me. I tapped his shoulder.

"Bro-skee!" I yelled and held my hand out. He smiled and shook my hand.

I saw Benji and I ran up to him, "Wazzup brotha?!" I asked

He tried to hold back a laugh. I put my hand on his cheeks and pushed them up into a smile, "You know you wanna." I teased

His face broke into a smile and he laughed. My eyes widened for no reason at all and I skipped back to my spot.

I turned to my left and saw Sebastian. His eyes widened and he smirked.

"Seb. Can I call you Seb? Yeah? Thanks. Hermano!" I shouted

He smiled widely and shook my hand. I reached across the table to shake the hand of a guy with jet black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Wazzup bro?! Name please?" I asked/shouted

"Justin. Wazzup sis?!" He shouted back

"I taught you well young grasshopper." I said calmly, and bowed my head

"I love her." Justin told Kyle who was looking at me in amusement

I looked over at him, "Wazzup boyfriend?! Where's my SANDWHICH?!"

"Calm down Ricky Bobby. It's right here." He said handing me my sandwhich

I grabbed it and took a bite, "Yum!" I yelled

I looked around the table to see if I forgot anyone and my eyes passed by Blake.

I looked at him excited and he groaned.

"Sexy accent! Talk!" I commanded

He shook his head and chuckled but didn't say anything.

"Bro-na-na-na-na-other!" I sang while staring at him

I held my hand out, "Confirmation required." I said clamly and took another bite of my sandwhich

He too held his hand out and I shook it. We both let go and I countined eating.

I turned to Jessiah, "Do you have a mate?"

"Yes." He said slowly

"Really?! Where is she?! Is she pretty?! Funny?! Interesting?! CRAZY?!" I aksed

"She's at her parents house, yes, yes, yes, and yes." He said laughing

"We're gonna get along GREAT!" I shouted

"Don't doubt it."

"Anybody else?" I asked looking at all of them

"I do." Lucas said

"Me too." Seb said

"I do!" Trevor yelled

Nobody else replied. "That's all?"

They nodded looking a little sad.

"Cheer up! You'll find her!" I told them

They all smiled.

"Let's go swimming!" Benji suggested

I nodded eagerly and jumped up. I ran upstairs and rifled through Kyle's dresser. I pulled out a pair of boxer's and changed real quick. I already had a tank top on so I just kept it on. I ran back out of the room and outside.

I jumped into the pool. I swam up to surface.

"Whoooo!" I yelled

"You're so wierd." Blake chukled

"And you're a freaktard." I retorted

Everybody laughed and jumped into the pool. Kyle swam over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"The guys love you." He whispered in my ear

"Who wouldn't?" I asked conceded

He laughed and shook his head.

"And they have too, they're my brothers." I added seriously

"You were serious about that?" He asked

"Duh, we even confirmed it with a handshake. Handshakes confirms everything." I toldhim

"Confirm being my mate?" He asked holding out his hand

"Mmmmm...I don't know...that is a confirmation I don't think I can make." I lied

He grolwed lightly, "Didn't we just have this conversation?"

"Yes, I believe we did. What's that mean?" I asked

"That you're mine." He growled

"Mmmm...I don't think so."

He suddenly smirked and leaned down to my neck. I almost moaned. Almost. He slowly kissed up my neck.

"Help me brothas! He's trying to seduce me!" I yelled to my brothers

They shook their heads no and chuckled.

"Big brothers are suppose to protect their little sisters! Expecially from werewolves!" I shouted betrayed

Then suddenly Benji and Justin jumped on Kyle's back. Justin pulled Kyle away and Benji grabbed my waist.

"Stay away from our little sister you werewolf." Benji said playfully

"Yeah, we're very protective of our Kelsey-bear." Justin said backing Benji up

"Let go of me, now." Kyle said with authority in his voice and Justin automatically let go and swam back

Kyle looked at Benji and was about to growl when I glared at him and growled warningly. I really don't know why I'm so protetctive of Benji, I just am.

He immediatley looked at me and his eyes turned sad. "I'm sorry." He said quietly

I nodded and asked Benji to let go. He did and I swam over to Kyle.

"You didn't have to use the Alpha tone." I told him

"I'm Alpha, it's what I do." He said Alpha-y again

"Don't you DARE use it on me." I growled, my eyes blazing as I used my Alpha voice

His face softened and he hugged me.

"I didn't mean to, I promise." He whispered

"You apologize too much." I told him hugging him back

"Only to you." He said with a chukle

I pulled away and swam to my brothers.

"Well thanks, bros. You wouldn't even protect me from the seducing werewolf." I told the guys excluding Justin and Benji

"Kyle's scary." They all said

"Weinies!" I yelled

They all scoffed.

"We are not wienies. We can't just defy our Alpha." Seb said

"She's our Alpha too." Benji and Justin said "So basically defying her you just defied your Alpha." Benji said

"Shut up!" They guys snapped at Benji and Justin

Benji, Justin, Kyle, and I laughed at them.

"True." Kyle laughed

"Hey guys!" A girls voice rang through the house

Jessiah's eyes lit up and he jumped out of the pool and ran inside.

"His mate." Benji explained seeing my confused look

I nodded. Then Jessiah and a beautiful girl with dark blue hair, hazel eyes, and lightly tanned skin came out.

"Hey guys!" She yelled happily, then her eyes landed on me. "Who's this?" She asked politely

"My mate." Kyle squealed and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Really?!" She asked excited

Kyle nodded.

"What's your name?" She asked me

"Kelsey. Yours?" I asked smiling

"Olivia! I like you already!" She yelled

"I like you, too!" I yelled back getting out of Kyle's arms

"C'mon!" She yelled holding her hand out to me

I grabbed it and she helped me get out.

"Bye guys!" We yelled and ran into the house

We ran upstairs and she led me to a room. We walked in and she closed the door.

She led me to the bed and sat down.

"You don't know how long we've waited for Kyle to get his mate!" She gushed

I laughed, "Why?"

"He's been so lonely. Always with $luts, really annoying. Also he can't fully be Alpha without his mate, and now that he has you he can be. I'm so happy right now!" She yelled

"I know me too!" I yelled back

"Do you love him?" She asked

"Yeah." I said shyly

"That's great, I can tell he loves you too."

"How can you tell?" I questioned

"His eyes tell you everything he's feeling, and when he looks at you love is the strongest emotion." She said

I smiled widely. Then the door burst open.

"What's up chicas?!" A girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin yelled

"Hey Soph!" Olivia yelled

"Hey Olive! Who's this?" Soph asked turning to me

Olivia smile widely, "Kyle's mate."

Sophia's eyes widened, she smiled and ran up to hug me. "Oh my gosh! Kyle finally found his mate! I could burst!" She yelled squeezing me tightly and I couldn't breathe right.

She pulled back, "What's your name?"

"Kelsey." I said smiling at her

"I'm Shophia, Lucas' mate." She told me "Have you guys completed the mating bond yet?" She asked

"No." I said quietly

"Wait this just clicked in my brain. If your Kyle's mate the see-ers must be after you." Olivia said worried

"They came earlier." I told her

"What?!" They shouted

"Yeah, they came earlier, kicked Benji and I went all tarzan on them." I said

"What did the guys do?" Sophia asked

"Nothing." I said

"Nothing? Kyle didn't help you?" Olivia asked

"I didn't need it. I dropped all those see-ers."

"I don't understand." They said confused

"You have to ask the guys. I don't really know what happened." I replied just as confused

"C'mon then. I need to know what happen." Sophia said walking to the door

We all ran down stairs and outside.

"So what happened with the see-ers?" Sophia asked the guys

The guys started laughing, "Kelsey started screaming like a crazy chick and they all just dropped to the floor." Sebastian said still laughing

"What is she?" Olivia asked Elias

"Her parents are Elijah and Thyme." He said

The girls turned to stare at me with wide eyes.

"Nu-uh!" Sophia yelled at the same time Olivia yelled "Shut up!"

"Your mom and dad were super powerful!" Sophia yelled

I just shrugged because I don't know my real parents.

"Get in there and complete the bond NOW!" Olivia yelled

"Why?" I asked

"Time for you to change the world." She smirked

Okaaaaay then.

Chapter 11: Oh, They'll Be Getting A Room Here Shortly

Kyle's POV
"Olivia!" I exclaimed

"Yes?" She asked turning to me

"What? She'll have to do it eventually." Olivia said shrugging

"We'll do it when the time is right." I said deathly calm

"The see-ers already came to get her. And with a house full of werewolfs, they've grown impatient and they don't care who's with her anymore." Olivia said

"She's right." I heard Kelsey say

Everyone turned to look at her.

"What?" I asked

"She's right." She repeated

I looked at her as if she were crazy. She shrugged.

"See? Even Kelsey agrees." Olivia said

"If that's what you want. We'll do it." I said staring at me intently

She nodded, "But not planned." She said making a wierd face

Planning when we would have sex is just wierd.

I laughed, walked over to her and wraped my arms around her waist. I rested my chin on her shoulder and kissed her neck.

"Okay. Not planned." I said into her neck

She shivered a little and I chuckled.

"Okay Lover birds get a room." Justin said

I growled quietly.

"Oh, shush." Kelsey said elbowing me gently

I stopped mid-growl. What is she doing to me?!

I never knew your mate could do this. Have this power over you.

I like it.

"We have to tell my dad that I found her." I told the pack

They all nodded.

"And if we go to his house all the packs can protect her." Derek said

"I don't think she needs protection." Declan said smirking

"Yes, she does. Even though she dropped those see-ers in 10 seconds doesn't mean anything." Benjamin said coming to stand next to Kelsey

She smiled at him and grabbed his hand. My anger flared but instantly went away when she brought her hand up and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Hola!" Someone yelled

Seb shot out of the pool and ran inside. Guess his mate is here too.

Seb came back with Ava.

"Hey guys!" She said with a huge smile, however that changed when her eyes landed on Kelsey. She glared and I saw Kelsey frown in confusion.

"Who the hell is this? Another $lut?" She sneered at me

I growled loudly and my body started to shake.

"She is not a slut!" I yelled still shaking

My vision blurred as my rage built up and all I could see was red.

I faintly heard Olivia say "She's his mate." to Ava

Kelsey felt my shaking and turned around in my arms. She put both her hands on the sides of my face and pressed her lips against mine. My eyes automatically shut and I kissed her back. She pulled back,

"Calm down. She didn't know." She whispered to me

I nodded, not that mad anymore. I looked up at Ava and she looked repentant.

She looked at Kelsey, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were his mate."

"It's alright. I know you didn't know." Kelsey said turning to face her

Avav turned to me, "Sorry."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her neck. I rested my chin on the top of her head. She reached out and grabbed Benjiamin's hand again, only I didn't get mad this time.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear

"Love you too." She whispered back

I smile.

"Heyllo!" A girls voice rang through the house

This time Trevor shot out of the pool. I'm guessing it's Madison.

Madison and Trevor came back out.

"Hey everybody!" She said happily, her eyes scanned over everybody and landed on Kelsey. "Who's might this be?"

"This is Kelsey. My mate." I said with a huge smile

Her eyes widened, "For realz?"

I nodded and she started bouncing up and down.

"That's exactly how I reacted!" Sophia said ecitedly

Kelsey laughed and it was the most beautiful sound in the world. Gosh, now I sound like a pantsy. Ha, and to make it worst, I don't care.

"I'm so excited!" Madison exclaimed running up to Kelsey

She pulled Kelsey into a huge.

"Can't...breathe...ahhhhh." Kelsey gasped

Everyone laughed and Madison let go.

"Is everyone in this house a werewolf?" Kelsey asked nobody in general "D@mn, you're strong! I think you just gave me breast cancer." She added with a serious look on her face and covered her boobs

Everyone laughed and I pulled her close. Her hands went to the back of my neck as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I could massage them for you." I whispered seductively in her ear while trailing my hands from her waist to her hips

"Eeeew! Pervert! Brothas! He's trynna seduce me again! Help meh! HELP MEH!" She yelled struggling to get out of my arms

Everyone laughed again and Justin, Benjamin, and Declan were on the ground with tears in their eyes from laughing so hard.

"You guys betrayed me ONCE AGAIN! What do you have to say for yourselves?!" She yelled

Everyone laughed harder and she sighed in defeat and stopped struggling.

"You guys are bad brothers." She muttered

I kissed the side of her head still chuckling slightly.

"Jerks." She muttered again but I'm sure they could hear her just fine

"I was just kidding, baby." I told her

"Suuuuure you were. Nasty." She said wrapping her arms around my neck again

She leaned her head against my shoulder and her shirt rose up a bit. I traced the part where her shirt went up and my wolf howled with satisfaction.

She shiver slightly. I went a little lower and she breathed a moan in my ear. My wolf growled hungrily.

'Take mate NOW!'

My wolf growled

'NO! Not until she's ready. Do you want to scare her off?'

'Fine. Soon?'

My wolf asked hopeful


I hate talking to my wolf because it seems like your talking to yourself and that's border-line crazy.

I went up higher. She had a four pack? Damn. That's hot.

"Get a room!" Olivia yelled

"Oh, they'll be getting a room here shortly." Declan said smugly

I blushed. What the hell? I never blush.

I moved my hands from her stomach and set them on her hips. She let out a huge breath and stood up straight.

"Shut up, Dec." She snapped

"It's not my fault. It's not like I WANT to see a vision of you two having sex." He fake shuddered

"Shut up!" We both snapped at the same time

He just laughed. Declan has been my bestfriend since we were born. Same with Derek and Blake. They've been around my Alpha voice all our lives. But Declan is the only one not really fazed by it.

"When are we going to Head Alpha's house?" Lucas asked

"We can go now." I said

They nodded and went to their rooms to pack.

Kelsey turned around and hit my shoulder, "Why would you do that with people around?" She asked

"It's not my fault." I said, and it's really not

"Oh, really? Then who's fault is it?" She asked sarcastically

"My wolf's." I told her "He's a horny little b@stard." I added with a smirk

She laughed and we started walking inside. We went into my room and she helped me pack my things. When we were done we went down stairs and waited for everyone else.

When everyone was done we all piled into the cars and drove the the state Alpha's hose A.K.A my father.

Chapter 12: Really See-ers? Really?

§ Kelsey's POV §

I helped Kyle pack and then we all piled into four SUV's. The ride to Kyle's dad's house wasn't that long. Only about an hour drive.

We all got out of the car and left our stuff. Kyle grabbed me by my waist as we walked up to the door. This house was huge! Like mansion huge.

I smiled at Kyle and he smiled back.

Kyle opened the door and we all walked in.

Everyone turned to look at the door. Then suddenly a little girl that looks about 5 ran up and hugged Kyle's legs. Everybody else went and sat down.

"Kylie! I missed you!" She yelled

He picked her up with one hand and set her on his hip.

The little girl looked like his twin. Same blue eyes, and the same light brown hair.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into him. A smile automatically flew onto my face at the site.

"This is Lily. My little sister." Kyle said to me

Lily looked me up and down and then flew into my arms.

"Whoa!" I laughed

"You're so pretty! What's your name?!" She asked me

"Thank you. My name is Kelsey." I said putting my arms under her butt to hold her up

"That's a pretty name! I wish my name was Kelsey." She pouted

I smiled bigger, "I like the name Lily better."

"You do?!" She asked

I nodded and looked at Kyle. He was staring at me with love in his eyes. He caught my eye and smile, I smiled back and look at Lily.

She was beautiful. Her baby blue eyes sparkled with excitement, her brown hair was to the middle of her back, her little button nose. She was wearing a baby blue sun dress.

"I like your dress." I told her

"Me too! Mommy bought it for me!" She exclaimed proudly

My smile widened and she wrappped her arms around my neck tightly.

"I love you." She said into my neck

I laughed, "I love you, too."

I looked over at Kyle and he was smiling widely.


I was surprised when Lily jumped into Kelsey's arms. Lily doesn't trust many people, and for her to feel so comfortable with Kelsey made me smile.

Kelsey looks so beautiful holding Lily. Just wait till she's holding our child. I looked at her with loving eyes. She'd make a great mom. She caught me looking and I smile at her, she smile back before looking at Lily again.

"I like your dress." Kelsey said to Lily

Lily's eyes widened and she proudly said, "Me too! Mommy bought it for me!"

Kelsey smile and Liyle threw her arms around Kelsey's neck.

"I love you." Lily whispered

Those three little words brought a huge smile onto my face.

Kelsey laughed, "I love you too."

And it sounded like she meant it. She looked over at me and smiled.

I sighed internally in happpiness.

I looked around and everybody was staring at Kelsey and Lily in shock. Like I said, Lily doesn't
trust many people.

I laughed and everybody snapped out of their trance.

"Hey Kyle!" Yelled little Kaylee

I picked her up, "Hey sweetie." I said and pecked her cheek

She giggled and looked at Kelsey who was still holding Lily.

Kaylee is my little cousin. Her dad, my uncle, is my dads beta.

"Who's that?" She whispered in my ear

"That's Kelsey. My mate." I whispered back

"She's really pretty." She whispered again

"I know." I said continuing to whisper

"Can I hug her?" She asked

I laughed, "Kelsey, She wants to know if she can hug you."

Kelsey laughed and moved Lily onto her right hip and held her arm out to Kaylee. I set Kaylee onto her hip and she hugged Kelsey tightly. Kelsey hugged her back.

Like I said before, great mother.

Everybody stared in shock again. I chuckled and shook my head. Then my Mom and Dad came down.

"What's all this commotion?" My Father demanded

"Kylie's here!" Lily exclaimed from Kelsey's hips

My Mom and Dad turned to look at us.

My Mom squealed and ran up to me.

"My baby!" She squealed again and kissed my cheek

"Mom!" I whined and pointed over to Kelsey who was holding back a laugh

My Mom followed my arm and looked up and Kelsey.

"Who's this?" My Mom asked looking back at me

"I'm Kelsey. His mate." Kelsey said smiling at my mom

My Moms eyes widened and she turned back to me. She looked between me and Kelsey a few times before hugging Kelsey who still had the girls in her arms.

Kelsey's eyes widened and the girls giggled.

"My baby found his mate!" My mom screamed

I blushed and looked down. I heard Kelsey laugh and I looked up to see her staring at me. I blushed harder and coughed.

My Mom pulled back and ran to my Dad.

"Johnathan! I'm going to die of happiness right now!" She screamed at him

My Dad cracked a smile and wrapped his arm around her.

Kelsey put the girls down and they wrapped her arms around her legs. I walked over to her and
wrapped my arms around her waist and set my chin on her shoulder.

She set her hands on top of the girls' heads and ran her fingers through their hair.

"Hey son." My Dad said with a small smile

"Hey Dad."

"Hello, Kelsey. I'm Johnathan and this is my wife Jasmine" He said holding a hand out to her

"Nice to meet you sir." She said with a big smile and grabbed his hand

My Dad smile widely and then his eyes widened and he looked down at their hands.

He frown in confusion and then smile again as he pulled her forward and into a hug.

I frowned and looked at them in confusion. My Dad had a huge smile on his face while everybody had confused expressions.

"Elijah and Thyme's daughter! Jasmine we haven't seen heer since she was one years old. How could I have not known? Not everybody has Thyme's bright blue eyes and Elijah's black hair!" He exclaimed

Oh, now I'm not confused. Elijah and my Dad used to be bestfriends...before they died that is.

My Mom pulled Kelsey from my Dads hug and looked her over before hugging her again. The whole while Kelsey had a confused look on her face.

"You parents were our best friends!" My Mom explained

Kelsey nodded and my Mom let her go.

"She's Thyme and Elijah's daughter?!" Jayden asked

Everyone in my pack nodded. Jayden is cousin. He's 26. He was close with Elijah and Thyme.

He smiled widely at Kelsey and jumped up to her hug her.

"I haven't seen you in forever." He exclaimed

" too." Kelsey said acting like she remembers him

Everyone laughed and he pulled back and kissed her cheek. I instantly stopped laughing and growled.

"Kyle!" Kelsey snapped in her Alpha voice

I stopped and looked at her trying to look innocent.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly

"Stop growling at people!" She snapped again

"Sorry." I muttered looking down

Laughs erupted through the room and I heard Kelsey sigh. She walked over to me and wrapped her
arms around my waist. She laid her head against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Stop growling at people. It's not nice." She mumble into my chest

"I know. I can't help it. He kissed you." I said angrily

"On the cheek! And he's like 30 years old!" She said exasperated and pulled away from my chest

"26." Jayden said grumily

She turned around, "Same difference."

Everyone laughed again. Even my mom and dad.

"So why are you here son?" My Dad asked

"The see-ers came to my house earlier and-" I started

"What?!" My Dad roared in anger "Did they hurt you?" He asked Kelsey

"No." She said not effected by his rage

"What happened?" He demanded

"They came and tried to take her. They kicked Benjamin, she went crazy and started sreaming.They just dropped like flies." I said

My Dads eyes went back to Kelsey, "That was Thyme's power. Did it effect you guys?" He asked us

"No." We said simotainiously

"She's more powerful than Thyme. Thyme couldn't control who her power would hurt of not. That's why in battle they had Liam shield everybody when she screamed. Did it feel like you wanted to uncover your ears and listen?" He asked

We all nodded and my Dads eyes sparkled.

"Just like her Mom." He said

I looked at Kelsey and she was listening intently to my Dad. I smiled and pulled her back to me.

"Kelsey! Wanna come play with me and Kaylee?" Lily asked

"Heck yeah!" Kelsey exclaimed, pecked my lips and ran after the girls

My Mom and Dad stared after them in shock.

"Lily and Kaylee actually talked to her?" They asked astonished

"I know. I was shocked too." I said with a slight smile

"She really is something." My Dad whispered

I nodded and smile.

"Have you completed the bond?" My Mom asked

I blushed, "No. I want to wait till she's ready." I said quietly

"My baby!" My Mom squealed and jumped into my Dads arms

I chuckled and walked down the hallway. I leaned against the doorway of Lily's room and watched them play.

"Do you love my big brother?" Lily asked

I smiled at Lily's question.

"Yes. Very much." Kelsey replied

The girls giggled and Kelsey laughed with them.

"Do you love me?" Lily asked

"Do you love me?" Kelsey ask, amusement in her voice

"Of course. You're my big sister." Lily giggled

"I love you too. And you Kaylee." She said reaching over to tickle them

The girls squealed and giggled. I smiled widely and then Kelsey looked over. Her eyes shining
with excitement.

"You wanna join?" She asked

I laughed and walked in. She continued tickling Lily and I tickled Kaylee.

They were giggling and begging us to stop. We finally stopped, all of us panting.

"That was fun!" The girls exclaimed as they hopped up and ran out of the room

We laughed and I pulled her onto my lap. I kissed her lips softly and then pulled back.

She frown and grabbed my back of my neck, then crashed her lips onto mine.

She kissed me passionately. I returned the passion and I cupped her face in my hands.

We pulled apart after we heard giggling and then turned to see the girls and my Parents with a recorder.

"Stop!" I yelled at them

They just continued recording.

"You guys are weird." I muttered as I wrapped my arms around Kelsey's waist

"I love you." She whispered

I smiled, "I love you too."

I kissed her again but then remembered my parents and the girls.

"Get out." I groaned

"This is my room." Lily said walking in

Kelsey laughed and got off my lap. She picked Lily up and spun her around. Lily giggled the whole time. Kelsey stopped spining heer and kissed her cheek.

My parents recorded the whole thing.

Lily sighed, "I love you, Kelsey."

"I love you, too." Kelsey said and hugged her tightly

"I'm tired." Lily said yawning

I looked at the clock. 7:34. Kids.

"I'll put you in bed." Kelsey said walking over to her bed

She layed her down and tucked her in. She kissed her forehead and turned to walk away when Lily grabbed her hand. Lily motioned her down.

Kelsey bent down and I had a perfect view of her a$$. Dayummm!

Snap out of it Kyle! My pants tightened. D@mn.

Lily kissed her cheek, "Night Sissy." She said in a sleepy voice

"Night Lily." Kelsey whispered

Kelsey stood up and walked over to me.

"C'mon let's go to the living room."I suggested

She nodded and started walking out the door. My parents left a minute ago to put Kaylee in bed.

We walked into the living room and sat down.

Then suddenly Kelsey jumped up, "C'mon let's go outside, the sun's setting." She said grabbing
mine and Benjamin's hands.

Then she grabbed Justin's. She pulled us all outside. She sat down on the pools edge and we all
sat beside her and watched the sunset.

I heard a noise in the bushes but I just shrugged it off.

Then suddenly about a 100 see-ers come out of the bushes. We all jump up. Justin and Benjamin change but I'm too shocked.

'Are they for real?'

They surrounded us but I still couldn't change. Justin and Benjamin stood around her protectively.

One kicked Benjamin. Oh, Gosh. Big mistake.

Once again Kelsey's eyes turned black and she balled her hands into fist.

"What the f*ck is with you fucking see-ers and kicking MY BENJI?!" She screeched

I heard everyone running out here. Then gasps.

The see-er that kicked Benjamin smirked and did it again the whole while looking straight at Kelsey.

She started visibly shaking and then her fist conected with his face. He flew all the way to the other side of the yard. I heard another round of gasp. From the see-ers and the pack.

Then the see-ers got mad and started closing in on us.

Kelsey screamed, louder than the first time. It didn't hurt at all. I turned around and everyone was staring in shock but they looked okay.

Kelsey was still screaming and only a few see-ers were still standing. Kelsey screamed louder and the remaining few that were standing dropped.

She stopped screaming and took at huge breathe. She ground her teeth and flared her nostrils. She looks mad.

§ Kelsey §

We were just sitting there, minding our own business when a 100 see-ers drop from the fucking sky.


They circle us and I heard bones cracking. I looked down and saw two wolves. They weren't Kyle I
could tell that much.

Then a see-er kicked Benji. Hell no!

"What the f*ck is with you fucking see-ers and kicking MY BENJI?!" I yelled

I balled my hands into fist and felt anger boil in me.

I heard footsteps and then gasps.

The see-er smirked and kicked Benji again. I could feel myself shaking and then my fist stung. I don't know why but it does.

There was more gasps and the see-ers started moving in on us. I felt something powerful run through me and my mind chanted,

'See-ers only, see-ers only.'

Then there was a high-pitched scream.

What the hell?

Then I noticed it coming from my mouth. Once all the see-ers were on the ground I stopped

I ground my teeth together from screaming again. I was pissed.

I turned around and saw everyone staring at me in shock. I heard a few groans and I swiftly turned around and saw a few see-ers trying to get up.

I screamed and they fell back down.

"Se inició mi puto Benji otra vez! Esos hijos de puta! Juro que si alguna vez vienen aquí de nuevo voy a matar a mí mismo!" I screamed and then took a deep breathe

"What'd she say?" I heard someone asked

"They kicked my f*cking Benji again. Those b@stards. I swear if they ever come here again I will kill them myself." I heard Sophia say

Then everone chuckled. I didn't because I was still pissed.

"Calm down, baby." I heard Kyle say

I turned to look at him and he gasped. I frowned, my anger fading.

"What?" I asked confused

"Your eyes...they, with...flames in them." He said shocked

My eyes softened, "I'm sorry if I scared you." I said quietly and looked down

Tears welling up in my eyes. He probably hates me now. Great.

"Are you crying?" He asked softly

"No." I croaked out

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked worried

I felt arms wrap around me.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You hate me now, right?" I asked while the tears ran down my cheek

He gasped, "Why would you think?" He asked angry

"Because, I'm bad." I said quietly

"You're not bad. I love you." He said pulling my face up

"I love you." He said looking into my eyes

He wiped the tears off my cheek and kissed my lips softly.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips

I sniffled and nodded.

"I love you, too." I whispered

"I love you, more." He smiled

"Nuh-uh." I smiled back








"Told you. "I said with a smile

"You tricked me." He accused

"Now why would I do that?" I asked with a smirk

He laughed and pulled me against his chest.

I pulled back and looked at everybody.

"Sorry if I scared you guys." I said quietly

They scoffed, "That was awesome."

"Just like her mother." Johnathan said

I smile. It's good to hear about my real parents.

"Well, I'm exhasted." I said yawning

"Let's go to bed." Kyle said grabbing my hand

I hugged everybody and said goodnight. Then we walked up stairs to a room with green and purple everywhere. My favorite colors!

"I love this room!" I shouted

"I do too. Green and purple are my favorite colors." Kyle said

I gasped, "Mine too!"

He laughed and laid down on the bed.

I leaid down next to him and sighed.

"What're you sighing about?" He asked

"I'm happy." I said

"About what?"

"Everything. Life." I said turning to him

"Is it because of me?" He asked smiling

"Yeah." I said biting my lip

He groaned, "Don't do that."

"Do what?" I asked confused

"Bite your lip. It's too sexy." He groaned again

I smiled and bite my lips again. Within seconds he was on top of me and his lips on mine. I
kissed him back and then pulled back for air.

He kissed down my neck and stopped at my collar bone. He licked it then suddenly pulled back.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried

"I almost marked you without asking." He said looking awa,y ashamed

I pulled his face around, "It's okay."

"No, it's not. That's disrespectful and rude." He said shaking his head "And if I'd have marked
you we would have to complete the bond in two weeks. You're not ready." He added

I nodded in understanding, "It's okay though. You don't have to be ashamed. Your wolf needs it's mate."

He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and traced his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into my hand.

"Can I see your wolf?" I asked

His eyes snapped open, "You want to see my wolf?"

I nodded and bite my lip. He nodded and got up. He started taking his clothes off,

"Hold up! Why're you undressing?" I asked a bit hysterical

"I don't want to rip my clothes now do I?" He smirked

I groaned and covered my eyes. I heard him chuckled then I heard bones popping. I shiver. It's like someone running their nails down a chalk board it gives you those weird shivers.

I felt something wet and cold touch my arm. I uncovered my eyes and saw a beautiful brown wolf with baby blue eyes. He was huge!

I got off the bed and walked up to it. I stared in awe. I reached my hand out and petted it.

It was soft too. I entwined my fingers into his fur. The wolf closed it's eyes and sighed.

"You're so big." I whispered

The wolf opened his eyes and gave me a wolf-y grin. Kyle licked the side of my face.

"Hey!" I said jumping back and wiping my face

He laughed and sat down. I sat down next to him and entwined my fingers into his fur again.

"You're beautiful." I said laying down on him

He growled playfully at being called beautiful. Then I heard bones cracking again and I sat up, watching Kyle change back. When he was in his human form again he was naked.

I looked away as he grabbed his boxers.

"Guys are not beautiful." He said after he slipped his boxers on

"You are."

He chuckled and shook his head. He laid down on the bed and I got up from the floor.

I crawled on top of him and kissed his lips slowly.

He grabbed hips and grinded against me. Which only cause him to m0an. I deepened the kiss and stuck my tongue in his mouth without asking.

When our tongues met, we both m0aned from the sparks. He he tightened his grip on my his and grinded into me again.

I ran my hands up and down his chest. Tracing his planes. I pulled back panting.

Looking into his eyes, I whispered, "Mark me."

Chapter 13: Mark Me Baby!


“Mark me.” She whispered

I just stared at her.

Is she for real? No, she can’t be.

“Hello? Anybody there?” She asked waving a hand in front of my face

I snapped out of my trance and search her face for anything that said she didn’t want to do this. I found no doubt at all.

"Why?" I asked nervously, I don't want to push her into anything

"Because I want to." She said in a 'duh' voice

"But why do you want to?" I asked

"I love you."

"I love you too, but I don't want you to do anything you'll regret." I said reaching up to caress her cheek

"I won't." She promised

"You sure?" I asked again

She nodded and moved her neck to the side. I leaned up and hesitated.

"Positive?" I asked an inch away from her neck

She groaned, "Yes."

Oh Gosh, that groan!

"Absolutely positive?"

'Shut the f*ck up Kyle and mark my mate!'

My wolf growled



I growled back

She groaned louder, "Kyle! Stop stalling!"

That groan sent me over the edge and I clamped my teeth into her collar bone. She let out a little whimper.

I leaned back and licked the wound to close it. I looked at her and she was staring down at me.

"You okay?" I asked worried

"Yeah." She said before leaning down to kiss me roughly

I kissed her back, the same amount of roughness and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against me.

"What would I do without you?" I asked after we pulled apart

"Probably nothing." She said with a smirk

"Psh, whatever." I scoffed

She laughed and laid down beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. I kissed below her ear slowly. She gripped my hand tighter and held back a m0an.

I kissed her ear again. Didn't make a sound. My mark! Why didn't I think about that?!

I leaned down and kissed my mark. She m0aned loudly and melted into me.

I kissed it again and she m0aned again.

"Stop, you jerk." She growled breathlessly

I kissed it again.

"Kyle!" She yelled frustrated

"Yes?" I asked innocently

"Stop!" She growled

"Stop what?" I asked before kissing my mark again

"Please?" She asked with a pout

I smirked and shook my head. I kissed my mark again, slowly this time.

"Mmmmm. Stop it, Kyle!" She said moving around in my arms to get out

"Oh, no you don't." I said tightening my grasp on her

"I'm tired." She whined

"Okay." I groaned

She turned in my arms and pecked my lips.

"Night." She said yawning

"Night. Love you."

"You too." She said right before she fell asleep

Beautiful. Is the second word that comes to my mind when I look at her.

Mine, is the first.

She'll be mine forever. Beautiful forever.

Forever will she be mine.

I let sleep consume me, knowing that she's mine.

I woke up the next morning without Kelsey in my arms. No wonder for the last hour of sleep I kept tossing and turning.

I got up and started walking towards my door when I heard a familiar scream. I threw the door open and ran towards the scream.

The scream led me to the front yard. I saw hundreds of see-ers and in the middle was Lily.

Screaming for help. I looked around and saw that everybody was in their wolf forms behind Kelsey.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted

The biggest wolf whined with tears glistening in it's eyes.

My dad.

"Let her go." Kelsey growled loudly, with authority clearly in her voice

Lily kept screaming.

"Come with us." The see-er that held Lily said

"Okay. Let her go first." Kelsey said

What? No! She can't go with them! They'll kill her.

"No. You come first." The see-er demanded

"I'm not going to tell you again. Let. Her. Go."

The bond! I can read her mind.

Me: "Kelsey what are you doing?!"

Kelsey: "Calm down Kyle. I'm not really going to go with them."

Me: "What's your plan?"

Kelsey: "Just watch."

Then somehow she blocked me out. Mates can't block each other.

I watch as she walked forward and away from the pack. The wolves whined, telling her to come back. Kelsey stopped in the middle of the front yard, about 40ft from the see-ers but also 40ft away from the pack.

"Let her go." Kelsey said

The see-er slowly put Lily down, but Lily was to scared and her legs were shaking. Her legs buckled and she fell to the ground.

I could sense Kelsey's anger. What surprised me was when Kelsey started running towards Lily at inhuman speed. Kelsey was by Lily's side, picking her up and running back to us before the see-ers could even comprehend what was going on.

She turned to Benjamin who was in his wolf form, "Benjamin change and take the kids inside." She said in a Alpha tone so authority filled that even if Benjamin wanted to protest his wolf would obey. She even called him Benjamin.

He nodded and changed, pulling his shorts on quickly.

"C'mon, kids!" He shouted

Kelsey kissed Lily's forehead and set her down. She ran after Benjamin and the other kids. Kelsey turned back around to see the see-ers red with anger.

Kelsey smirked, "Bet you didn't see that coming did you?"

The see-ers got ready to pounce and at the last minute Kelsey started screaming chants. Is she part witch?

The see-ers froze in their spots with pained expressions on their faces. Behind their eyes you could see flames. Like they were burning within.

I tried to get into Kelsey's mind but their was a thick barrier.

Then she stopped the chants and the see-ers fell to the ground writhing in pain.

"I kept them conscious so you guys can ask questions." Kelsey said staring at the see-ers

"That's it. I'm calling all the packs." My father stated after he changed

Everybody else changed also and put their clothes back on.

Benjamin popped his head out, "Safe to come out?"

Everyone nodded, Benjamin and the kids came running out.

Lily threw herself into Kelsey's arms, hugging her neck tightly.

"Thank you for saving me, Sissy." Lily said between sobs

"Shhh. It's okay. I would've done anything to save you. Shhh." Kelsey comforted her

Lily stopped sobbing and I turned to look at the see-ers who were still writhing in pain.

"How long are they going to be in pain?" I asked Kelsey

"Till the state Alpha says so." Kelsey said looking at my dad who stared at her like she was crazy

"What?" My dad asked

"That's just what I was told." Kelsey shrugged

"Who told you that?" He asked

"Elijah and Thyme."

This time we all turned to stare at her.

"What?" Everyone including myself asked

"E-li-jah and Thy-me." She said slowly

"They're dead." Jayden stated flatly

"Nu-uh." Kelsey argued "They're not dead. They're very much alive."

"Impossible. I saw them die with my own eyes." Jayden scoffed

"Are you sure about that?" She challenged

"Positive." He confidently

"How well did you know my parents?" She asked him

"I know everything about them."

"Apparently not seeing as you didn't know Thyme could see the future and was part witch." She stated

"Thyme could not see the future." He scoffed again

"That proves you don't know them very well. Thyme could see the future, better than the see-ers even. She saw the attack coming. The attack they supposedly 'died' in. She cast a spell on her and Elijah. A spell that would keep them alive until they were suppose to die. When God wanted them to die. God's will, nobody else’s. They're alive and looking for me. They have been for years. When Kyle marked me they knew exactly where I was. They miss you Jonathan, Jasmine, and Jayden." She explained

"What are you?" Everyone asked but me. I really couldn't care less what she is.

I walked over to where her and Lily stood. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the side of her head.

"I don't know. They'll tell me when they find me I guess." Kelsey told them

"Well, I'm calling the rest of the pack now." My dad said walking into the house

I can tell this is a lot for him. He just found out his best friends aren't dead after all.

My mom and Jayden trail after him.

"Wait dad?!" I called out

He turned around, "Yes?"

"The see-ers." I said pointing to the see-ers who were still writhing in pain on the floor

"Leave them, they scared Lily." He said turning around again

I chuckled and shook my head in amusement.

Ah, Dad.

§ Kelsey §

I woke up before Kyle did and I didn't want to wake him so I just got up and silently creep out the door.

I went down stairs to find everybody already awake.

"Hey Kelsey!" They all said excitedly

"Heyllo!" I said just as excited

"Sissy will you play outside with us?" Lily asked from the doorway

"Yup." I said walking towards the door

I picked Lily up and put her over my shoulder.

"Sissy!" She yelled laughing

I laughed and set her down. I creep over to Kaylee and grabbed her.

"Ahhhhhh!" She yelled laughing

I heard Lily laughing and then a scream. I turned around to see hundreds of see-ers and in the middle they held Lily.

I put Kaylee down and pushed her behind me.

"Guys!" I yelled

Everybody came running out.

"They have Lily!" Everyone exclaimed

Then everybody changed into their wolf form. I pushed Kaylee behind them and stood in front. Nobody was going to get hurt because of me.

"What the hell is going on?" Kyle yelled

I paid no attention to him, "Let her go." I said in a deathly calm voice, but I was nowhere near calm

Lily screamed again and my heart shattered.

"Come with us." Said the bastard that held Lily

"Okay. Let her go first." I said

"No. You come first." He demanded

"I'm not going to tell you again. Let. Her. Go."

Then I felt someone enter my mind.

Kyle: "Kelsey, what are you doing?!"

Me: "Calm down Kyle. I'm not really going to go with them."

Kyle: "What's your plan?"

Me: "Just watch."

Then he was gone. His presence in my mind was gone.

I walked forward until I was in the middle of the front yard.

"Let her go." I told them

The see-er put Lily down but she was so scared that her legs were wobbly. She fell to the ground crying harder.

That was like adding gas to the flame.

I started running at a speed I didn't even know possible. I stopped in front of Lily and grabbed her, then I ran back to the pack.

What was I?

"Benjamin change and take the kids inside." I said in a tight voice

He nodded and changed. He quickly put his shorts on, "C'mon, kids!"

I kissed Lily's forehead and set her down. I watched as she ran to Benji and the other kids. He got them inside and shut the door.

I turned back to the see-ers and smirked, "Bet you didn't see that coming did you?"

I saw the see-ers tense and get ready to pounce. Then someone entered my mind.

Their aura was so strong, I instantly gave them respect.

"Baby, it's me Thyme. Say this and think about the see-ers:

Benedico omnia partis unius
Moon ducendo vocansque Sun
Olea necessariis dolore ministras
Blandior optima Tools Hand-made
Per invocationem spiritus preces definire
Usura herbis, atque floribus supra maledictione Benedictus
Fortitudo Tree - Water purificationis
Calor flamma - Lux altaris
By focusing cogitatióne animum meum purgatio
Cum Crystals lapidibus ligare mea Spell
Intuemini cogitatio petitionem
O bene Alchemist Mix utentes Visualisation
Tarot convoca, ossa, Runes
POEMA in Chant simplex Tunes
Non cantus meruit substantia un-
Non Pagani iter Witches
Cantus non eget Fun
Fac quod vultis vobis ... sed nocet, non alius gere-video
Alpha State eorum ut sit unum tantum
Spell Si justum est libera conscientia tua
Quod vestrum est - sic fit

Confused I started saying the chant that played over and over in my mind.

What the chant is saying: (I Bless ALL, the Part, the One
By Drawing the Moon and Calling the Sun
With Essential Oils that Serve to Pain
Witching Tools that are best Hand-Made
By invoking the Spirits that define the request
Using Herbs and Flowers, previously Blessed be cursed now
The Strength of the Tree - The Purity of Water
The Heat of the Flame - The Light of the Altar
By Focusing my Thoughts and Cleansing my Mind
With Crystals and Stones, my Spell to Bind
Contemplate the Request with Deep Meditation
Mix Well Oh Alchemist, Using Visualization
Summon the Tarot, the Bones, the Runes
Chant in Rhyme and simple Tunes
Do not Spell for un-earned Riches
It is not the way of Pagan Witches
Spell for Need and not for Fun
Do what ye will...But Harm ye NONE other than the see-ers
State Alpha may their be only one
If your Spell is Just and your Conscience is Free
And this is your Will - So May it Be)

"Scream it!" A mans voice yelled inside my mind

I did and I saw the see-ers freeze. Flames were behind their eyes.

I felt someone try to enter my mind but I put up a thick barrier.

"Baby, you can stop now."

Thyme's voice said softly

I stopped screaming and took a deep breath.

"You did good, Baby."

Thyme's voice comforted

"Thanks. I thought you were dead."

I said in my mind

"No, I saw the attack coming and put a spell on your Father and I to keep us alive until God wished it otherwise. We've been looking for you. We only found you because Kyle marked you. We know his parents. We miss them and Jayden. I can see the future, better than the see-ers that's how I saw the attack coming."

She explained

"What was that I just did?"

I asked

"I'm part witch, therefore so are you."

"Where's Elijah?"

"Right here Honey."

Said an angelic voice

"You're my Father?"

I asked


"Why'd you guys leave me?"

I asked

"We had to. We had to keep you safe."

Thyme said in a voice thick with emotion

"How was I not safe with you guys?"

I questioned

"People were out to kill us. We wanted you to have a life. We've been looking for you for years. We've been with you your whole life. Even if you didn't know we were always there. Protecting you."

Elijah said with a soft voice

"Now explain to the pack."

Thyme said

And before I could protest they were gone.

"I kept them conscious so you guys can ask questions." I told them

"That's it. I'm calling the rest of the pack." Jonathan said

I heard bones cracking as everybody changed. I shivered.

"Safe to come out?" Benji asked

Everyone nodded and the kids came running out.

Lily ran towards me and launched herself into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you for saving me Sissy." She sobbed into my neck

"Shhh. It's okay. I would've done anything to save you. Shhh." I said patting her backcomfortingly

Lily stopped crying.

"How long are they going to be in pain?" Kyle asked me

"Till that state Alpha says so." I said turning to Jonathan

"What?" He asked

"That's just what I was told."

"Who told you that?" He asked

"Elijah and Thyme." I said casually

"What?" Everybody asked

"E-li-jah and Thy-me." I said slowly

"They're dead." Jayden stated in a monotone voice

"Nu-uh. They're not dead. They're very much alive." I argued

"Impossible. I saw them die with my own eyes." Jayden scoffed

"Are you sure about that?" I challenged

"Positive." He confidently

"How well did you know my parents?" I asked him

"I know everything about them."

"Apparently not seeing as you didn't know Thyme could see the future and was part witch." I stated

"Thyme could not see the future." He scoffed again

"That proves you don't know them very well. Thyme could see the future, better than the see-ers even. She saw the attack coming. The attack they supposedly 'died' in. She cast a spell on her and Elijah. A spell that would keep them alive until they were suppose to die. When God wanted them to die. God's will, nobody else’s. They're alive and looking for me. They have been for years. When Kyle marked me they knew exactly where I was. They miss you Jonathan, Jasmine, and Jayden." I explained

"What are you?" Everyone asked

I saw Kyle walk over to where I stood. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head.

"I don't know. They'll tell me when they find me I guess." I said

"Well, I'm calling the rest of the pack now." Jonathan stated

Jasmine and Jayden followed him.

"Wait, dad!" Kyle yelled

"Yes?" Jonathan asked

"The see-ers." He said

"Leave them, they scared Lily." Jonathan said turning around

I heard Kyle chuckle.

"Thank you for saving, Lily." Jasmine said to me

"I would do it again, although I hope I won't have to." I said

Then they disappeared into the house.

"You did good." Kyle whispered

I set Lily on her feet and turned to Kyle with sad eyes.

"I need to leave." I said quietly, looking down

He was silent for a while so I looked back up. He was staring down at me with anger and pain in his eyes.

"Why?" He croaked

"I can't have them come here again." I said in pained voice

I really didn't want to leave but that's twice that the see-ers have been here and this time they took it too far.

"The rest of the pack is going to stop help." He said

"I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Without you -without us- everyone will get hurt. The see-ers will take over." He said with pleading eyes

That stopped me short.

"What?" I asked

"My mate is suppose to change the world. With that change it will bring all the creatures together in harmony. We'll all be able to live together without tension. If you leave the see-ers will take over the Wizard kingdom. The Wizard kingdom is the most powerful kingdom in the world. Wizards are looked up to and treated like Gods, but they don't flaunt it. They care about everybody, and with them dead the world will erupt in chaos. Everybody's counting on you. I'm counting on you to love me and stay with me." He whispered the last part

"How am I suppose to change the world?" I asked confused

Kyle may not know this but the world is pretty big. I found out last week that there are 50 STATES in the U.S! Ridiculous huh? The world is huge. How am I going to change that?

"You're going to bring all the creatures together." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Yes, yes, I get that part but how?" I ask

"The prophecy says you'll know once you have the power. I don't really know what that means but I'm guessing when we finish the bond. That's when you'll be at your fullest power." He explained

"So if we complete the bond the see-ers won't come back here?" I asked hopefully

"Oh, no. They'll still try to kill you but when you bring everyone together the prophecy says the see-ers will accept the change."

"Why can't they just except it now?" I asked

I mean c'mon. If they just except it now, then there's no need for me to change the world and bring everyone together. Common sense. Dur-du-dur.

"The see-ers aren't the only ones trying to kill you. That's why you have to change everyone." He said quietly, so quietly I was surprised I heard "The see-ers are just the biggest threat and the most reckless." He added, just as quiet

"Who else is trying to kill me?" I asked confused

Nobody else has been after me that I know of.

"The vampires, the demons, the minotaur’s, the Moonlight pack...." He trailed off, his voice pain stricken "I'm sorry I did this to you."

I grabbed his face in my hand, "You didn't do anything." I said angrily

"But I did. I brought you into my world and now you're in danger."

I leaned up and pressed my lips against his, "Stop." I said against his lips

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"I love you. I would have came anyways." I whispered in his ear

"I love you too." He said hugging me tighter

Chapter 14: You're Going Down

Everybody went back into the house. Not caring that the see-ers were on the ground, still in pain. It was quite amusing. Jonathan didn't release the spell.

Suddenly a thought popped into my head. What about school?

"Hey, Kyle? Don't we have to go back to school?" I asked

"I already called Principle Mack and said you had family emergencies and you asked if I could give you a ride because you didn't have a car." He said

I nodded and sat down next to Benji. He put his arm over my shoulder and squeezed.

"Good job Kels." He said

"Thanks." I said slowly

What'd I do good at?

"Why'd you say it like that?" He laughed

"What'd I do good?" I asked looking up at him

He stared at me, disbelief written all over his face, "What'd you do good? Kelsey, you just dropped about 150 see-ers all at once."

I nodded slowly, "And?"

"And, that's amazing." He said like it was obvious

"Well, thank you then." I smiled

He smiled and kissed my hair. A growl suddenly erupted. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was.

"Apologize." I said looking at my nails

"Sorry." Kyle muttered

Benji's form started shaking, I looked up to see him silently laughing. His laugh is contagious so I too started laughing.

"Yeah, ha ha ha. It's soooo funny. I'm gonna get you Benjamin." Kyle threatened

"First of all it is funny and second you're not getting me." Benji said confidently

"Who's gonna stop me?" Kyle asked Benji

"Kelsey." Benji said simply

I started laughing and so did Benji.

"What about when she's not around? Huh, big boy

?" Kyle smirked

That shut Benji up real quick.

"Your not gonna leave me alone with him are you? Like, ever?" Benji asked in straight panic mode

I laughed harder, "No, I'm not gonna leave you alone with him."

"Thank God." He sighed and leaned his head on mine

I had a feeling Kyle was gonna growl again. "Don't do it."

He huffed and sat down next to me. I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers. I heard him sigh in satisfaction.

"I hate you, Benjamin." Kyle suddenly said

It was so out of the bleu that I started laughing.

"Where did that come from?" Benji asked offended

"It came from the heart." Kyle said, completely serious

Benji frowned and pouted while Kyle's face showed complete seriousness.

Benji crossed his arms over his chest and mumbled "I hate you too. "to Kyle

"I love you Benji." I laughed

I felt Kyle suddenly tense up. I looked at him and his eyes were pitch black.

"Kyle?" I asked in confusion

He wouldn't look at me. His eyes were trained on Benji. I sighed.

"Kyle!" I snapped

His eyes snapped to me and turned blue again.

"Calm down." I said

"You just said you loved him." He whispered in a hurt voice

"Yeah, like a brother." I explained

He nodded, "Sorry."

I leaned up and pecked his lips, "It's alright."

"I still hate you, Benjamin." Kyle said

Benji pouted even harder, "I still hate you too."

I laughed again and got up, pulling Kyle with me.

“Where we going?” Kyle asked

“Kitchen.” I replied

“For what?” He asked

“Oh, I don’t know. What do people usually do in kitchens?” I said sarcastically “I’ll tell you. They make Kelsey Montgomery peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” I told him

I saw Derek, Declan, Blake, and a couple of my other brothers.

I sat down in one of the chairs and turned to Blake.

“Do you not like your sexy accent or something? ’Cause you barely talk.” I said

“I talk.” He said

“Yeah, like two words.” I scoffed

“Nu-uh, I talk all the time. See?” He asked smirking

I narrowed my eyes at him and did the ’I’m watching you’ signal with my hands.

He laughed and went back to eating. I smiled and waited for Kyle to bring me my sandwich.

“Here you go.” Kyle said passing me my sandwich

“Thank you.” I said

I took a bite of my sandwich. Yum!

I swallowed and started singing 'Peanut butter jelly time'.

After I finished the song everybody in the kitchen was holding back a laugh.

“Ah, peanut butter and jelly is AMAZING.” I said before I took another bite of my sandwich

When I finished I hopped up and put my plate in the dish washer.

I started walking towards the stairs.

“Where you going?” Kyle asked

“To take a bath.” I said walking up the stairs “No, you can not come.” I added

He sighed in disappointment. I smiled and walked into Kyle’s room. I walked into his bathroom and ran a bath.

I looked around for bubbles. That’s the only way I can take a bath. Sitting there for how ever long with nothing to do? Not my forte. So with the bubbles I can play.

Get it? Of course you do.

I shut the bathroom door and stripped. Then I got in the bath and sighed.

I laid back and started playing with the bubbles, then I heard the bathroom door open.

I sat up and looked out of the curtain.

“Get out!” I yelled at Kyle

He shook his head and sat down on the toilet seat. I pulled up the bubbles so they were covering me.

“Perv! What’re you doing in here?!” I asked

“Nothing.” He replied staring at the bubbles that were covering my boobs

“Get out!”

“No. You’re my mate.” He stated

“That ain’t got nothing to do with you staring at me while I’m in the BATH!”

“It means I get to stare at you while you’re in the bath.” He said staring lustfully at me

“No it does not.” I stated

“I’m going to see in eventually.”

“Yeah, and when that time comes. It comes.” I said covering myself with more bubbles

“Can I get in?” He asked hopeful

“You can’t fit.” I said quickly

Of course he could fit. His tub was like a Jacuzzi.

“Yeah I can.” He smirked

“Ummm…you can’t fit.” I said trying to think of another thing to say so he won’t come in

“Are you calling me fat?

“Yes. And I don’t want you to get in?” I said but it came out like a question

His smirked widened, “Yes you do.”

I shook my head, “Nu-uh!”

“Yeah-huh!” He sang

I shook my head and he nodded.

“You can’t take a bath with me!” I yelled exasperated

“Why not?” He asked


“Because why?”

“Because…I don’t want you to.” I said lamely

“Yeah you do.”

“Fine you can, but no touching. And you have to wear your boxers.” I said defeated

He smiled and jumped off the toilet seat. He quickly stripped down to his boxers. I scooted till by back was to the edge of the Jacuzzi tub.

He stepped in, still smiling and sat down on the other side of the tub. I pulled more bubbles to me and made a thicker layer.

“Why’d you wanna get in?” I asked

“Why wouldn’t I?” He retorted

I glared at him and started playing with the bubbles again. He started playing with them too.

I threw some bubbles at him and it got in his eyes.

“Ahhhh! My eyes! They buuuurn!” He yelled flailing his arms

I laughed and sat there, watching him in pain. He finally stopped yelling and glared at me.

“Jerk.” He muttered splashing me with water

My thick layer of bubbles diminished. My eyes widened as I tried cover myself up again. I looked up and Kyle was staring at me, well my boobs. His eyes darkened and he slowly looked up at my face.

“Pervert.” I muttered, still trying to get more bubbles to cover me up

The bubbles were see-through now so it didn’t really work. I sighed and gave up. I am, after all, his mate and he is gonna see it eventually.

“Sorry.” He said not sounding sorry at all

“No you’re not.” I said crossing my arms over my chest

“You’re right. I’m not.” He said truthfully

I narrowed my eyes at him and just glared.

His eyes scanned over me again. “You’re beautiful.” He said softly

“I need more bubbles.” I said suddenly

I don’t want him staring at me while I’m naked.

“Why?” He frowned

“I’m naked.” I said like it was obvious

“So am I.” He said

“You have boxers on.” I pointed out

“I can take them off.” He smirked, reaching down to take them off

“That’s alright!” I yelled quickly

He continued trying to take them off.

“It’s good! I’m alright! No need to take them off!” I yelled staring with wide eyes

He took them off and rung them out, then he set them on the floor.

“Better?” He asked

I looked away, “Not really.”

He laughed and grabbed more bubbles. He put the bottle under the running water and pour some bubble soap out. The bubbles spread and I quickly grabbed some to cover myself up.

“I didn’t add the bubbles so you could hide yourself from me.” He said

“What’d you add them for?” I asked confused

“To hide myself from you.” He smirked

“Whatever. I’m not the perv here!” I said

“Neither am I!”

“You’re the one staring at me while I’m naked!” I said glaring

“It’s not like I could see anything.” He rolled his eyes

“Get out now.” I ordered

“Nope.” He smirked

“Fine. I’m getting out.” I said standing up

My bubbles no longer protecting me from my perverted mate. He growled hungrily. I quickly stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.

“Yeah…I’ll just take a bath later.” I said walking out the door

He sighed and got out. I walked over to my suit case and pulled out some panties and a bra.

I set them on the bed and turned to Kyle.

“I don’t have any clothes.” I said

“I’ll go ask Sophia.” He said pulling on basketball shorts

“Thank you.” I said

He smiled and walked out the door, shutting it behind him. I dried off and put my panties and bra on.

I laid down on the bed and waited for Kyle to come back. I closed my eyes and breathed in Kyle’s scent from his pillow.

“I don’t think I wanna give you these clothes.” Kyle’s husky voice said

I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He was staring lustfully at me. I laughed and got up.

“Thank you.” I said holding my hands out for the clothes

He hid them behind his back.

“Nope.” He said

“Kyle, give me the clothes.”

“I don’t wanna.”

I reached towards him but he dodged my hands. I tried again but didn’t get a hold of him. I fake sighed in defeat and started walking towards the bed. Then I turned around and tackled him.

“Give me the clothes!” I yelled

He shook his head. I flicked his ear, “Give me them.”


I flicked his ear again.

“Ow! What is it with you and ear flicking?” He asked

“It hurts.” I stated

“Like a bitch.” He agreed

“Give me the clothes.”

“I like you with just underwear and a bra on.” He smirked

I hit his bare chest, “Give me the clothes, Kyle.”

He shook his head, still smirking. I set my hands on his chest and leaned down so my lips were inches away from his.

“Please?” I breathed

His breathing increased and suddenly I was on the bottom and he was on top

“Trying to seduce me, eh?” He smirked

I shook my head and started rubbing his chest, staring into his eyes. “Why would I seduce you?”

“To get the clothes.” He said huskily

My hands snaked up to the back of his neck, “Why would I want the clothes?”

I didn’t wait for a reply. I crashed my lips onto his and kissed him passionately. He moaned and tangled a hand through my hair while his other one held him up.

I reached down with one hand and got a hold on the clothes. I pulled away to breathe.

“Thanks for the clothes, Kyle.” I smirked

I quickly got up and away from him. I slipped on the jeans Sophia gave me and the short-sleeve purple shirt.

Kyle got up and glared at me, then went to his dresser and got a shirt out.

I walked up to him and grabbed the shirt, “You stay just like that.”

“No. If your fully dressed then so am I.” He said reaching for the shirt

“Do you really want the guys to see me shirtless?” I asked

“No.” He said

“That’s what I thought. And all the girls here are mated so they won’t be looking at you.” I said

“So? Give me my shirt.” He reached again

I stepped closer to him, “Don’t ruin my view Kyle.”

“You ruined mine.” He retorted

“I’m not going to walk around shirtless.” I said exasperated

“Neither am I then.” He turned around and grabbed another shirt

He quickly slipped it on and smirked at me, “Ha ha.”

“Whatever.” I smiled then I walked out of the room

I walked into the living room and everybody turned to me and stared.

“What?” I asked feeling self-conscious

“Did you have a good bath?” Benji asked smirking

I frowned, “No. Kyle ruined it.”

I plopped down next to him.

“How?” He smirked

“Never mind.” I said quickly “It was great!” I said with fake enthusiasm

Everybody laughed just as Kyle walked in. They stared at him.

“What?” He asked

“So, I hear you ruined her bath. What’d you do? Get in with her?” Declan smirked

“Nooooo.” He said slowly

“Oh, God! He did!” Trevor laughed

“Shut up!” Kyle yelled

Everybody except Declan stopped laughing. Declan laughed harder. I started laughing too because Kyle’s face was red with anger and embarrassment.

“Traitor.” He muttered to me

“I-I’m sorry. That was just to funny.” I laughed

He narrowed his eyes at me, “I’m watchin’ you.”

“Stalker status!” I yelled “Benji! Protect me!” I yelled dramatically

Benji laughed, “Of course! I have to protect my little sister from big hormonal werewolves!”

“Hold up! I’m older than you.” I said

“So?” He pouted

I laughed patted his head, “It’s alright little buddy.”

“Hold up! I ain’t little.” He yelled

“Sure your not.” I smiled

He glared at me then laughed. I laughed with him. He laid his arm on my shoulder.

“I’m glad you have a fun mate.” He said to Kyle

Kyle smiled and sat down next to me, “Me too.”

I smiled as grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers.

“Is there a big field near here?” I asked Benji

“Yeah. Why?” He asked

“Do you guys have a soccer ball?” I asked excited

“I do.” Justin said

“Do you play?” I asked

“Do I play? Psh, I’m the best in this house.” He bragged

“Until now.” I smirked

“You are so on.” He said getting up

He ran upstairs to get the ball.

I turned to Benji, “You playing?”

“Yeah.” He smiled “You’re going down.”

I raised my brows, “Really? So I’m guessing your not gonna be on my team?”

“I don’t take losing well.” He said

“Well, too bad. ‘Cause your gonna lose.” I turned to Kyle “Are you gonna play?”

“Yeah. I’m on your team because when we played football you won.” He smiled

“She beat you at football?” Benji asked

“Yeah. She tackled Derek.” Declan laughed

Everybody’s eyes went to me.

“Nu-uh.” They scoffed

Derek growled and everybody turned to him.

“Did she?” Lucas asked

“Yeah.” Derek said angrily

“Can I switch teams?” Benji asked

“Nope.” I smirked

Just came back down stairs, soccer ball in hand.

“You ready to lose Kelsey?” He smirked

“I’m not going to lose.” I said confidently

“We’re werewolves. We are WAY faster than you.” His smirked widened

“Did you see how fast I ran this morning?” I asked

He dropped his smirked and glared. “You’re still going to lose.”

“We’ll see.” I said “Team captains?”

“You and Me.” Justin said

“Sure. Why not?” I smiled sweetly

“Ladies first.” He said


“Lucas.” He said


“Drake.” Justin picked



“Sophia.” I smirked

Justin frowned but chose, “Benjamin.”


He frowned again, wondering what I was doing, “Marco.”



“Dec.” I said



“Nikko.” He chose


I looked around and saw that only Jason was left.

“Jason. Let’s do this! Oh, and you can have the extra person. You'll need it.” Justin yelled

“I need shorts on.” Sophia informed us

“Me too.” Olivia and Ava said

“Yeah. Jeans are not the business.” I said

We all ran up stairs.

“I have some shorts for you.” Sophia said


I followed her to her room and she got out two pairs of basketball shorts.

Mine were black and hers were red. I stripped out of my jeans and pulled the shorts on as did Sophia.

We ran back down stairs and waited for Olivia and Ava. They came running down the stairs a minute later.

“Ready everybody?” Justin asked

“Yup.” We all said

“Sissy, can I come?” Lily asked

I picked her up, “Of course.”

We all started filing out the door.

“You’re going down.” Justin said

“Bring it.” I smirked

Chapter 15: Soccer Is My Forte

We walked out the front door and I set Lily on the ground. She grabbed my hand and held it in her little one.

Kyle grabbed my other hand.

There was a park right down the street I guess it has a big field with soccer goals already on it.

“So, Kelsey. How good are you at soccer?” Benji asked nervously

“Captain of my old school.” I smirked as he gulped visibly

“Can I please switch teams?” He begged

“Forget you too Benjamin.” Justin said offended “And no, you cannot switch teams.” He added

I smirked at Benji, “Ha ha.”

“Shut it.” He glared

My smirked widened.

“Justin’s team is gonna looooose!” I sang

My team agreed with me and sang along while Justin’s team scoffed and said we wouldn’t win.

We arrive at the park and went to a part of the field that wasn’t occupied by kids.

My team walked over to me and we huddled up.

“How we gonna do this?” Seb asked

“Who’s the fastest?” I asked

“Kyle.” They all said

“Are you good on your feet?” I asked Kyle

“I’m a werewolf.” He informed me

“Don’t gotta get sassy. Do you play soccer good?” I asked

He nodded.

“You’re defensive midfielder then. Can you handle it, Kylie?” I looked down at Lily who insisted that she can play

She was holding back a laugh.

“Ha ha. Very funny. I can handle it.” He said

“Okay. Anybody want central midfielder?” I asked

“I do.” Derek said

“Can you share the ball?” I asked with an arched brow

He thought for a minute, “Never mind.”

I smiled, “Anybody else?”

“I will.” Landon said

“Are you stingy?” I asked

“No. I swear.” He smiled

“Okay. Left and right winger?”

“ I can do right winger.” Sophia said

“ I’ll do left.” Derek said

“Goalie?” I asked

“This is so my forte.” Olivia said smugly

I smiled and nodded, “Fullback?”

“This is MY forte.” Ava smirked

“And last but not least, centre forward.” I said dramatically

“I don’t want that responsibility.” Dec, Seb, and Elias said in unison

“Are ya’ll for real right now?” I asked shocked

They all nodded, completely serious.

“Fine I’ll do it.” I said

“Are you good on your feet?” Kyle mocked

“Very.” I said smugly

He smiled.

“Are you ready for this, Lily?” I asked looking down at her

“I’m ready.” She said with a mean look on her face

Everybody laughed at her face and started walking to Justin’s groups.

It was Derek, Olivia, Landon, Ava, Sophia, Kyle, Seb, Dec, Elias, and I versus Justin, Nikko, Trev, Blake, Jessiah, Drake, Benji, Lucas, and Jason.

“Why is Lily with you?” Benji asked

“Because she can be.” I said smirking

“But that’s eleven versus nine.” Jason argued

“Is she real going to steal the ball from you, Jason?” I asked

“Guess not.” He said

“Who’s your guys’ centre forward?” Justin asked

“We’re not telling you.” I smirked

“It’s either Kyle, Derrek or you.” He said looking thoughtful

“Guess you’ll find you, huh?” I asked

He narrowed his eyes at me, “Positions everybody!” He yelled

His team got in position. Benji was center forward. Oh, Benjamin. You don’t know who your messing with.

I turned to my team, “Ready guys?”

“Hell yeah!” They yelled

I laughed, “Positions then.”

They got in position but Lily was still standing there.

“Where do I go?” She asked

“Go stand in the back with Sophia, ‘kay?”

She nodded and ran to Sophia. Sophia looked up at me and I nodded.

I got in my position and smirked at Benji.

“Hello, Benji!” I waved

His eyes widened, “They really put you as centre forward?”

“Yup, yup, yup!” I yelled

“Oh, you’re going down.” He laughed

“We will see little Benji.” I smiled

His smirk dropped and he glared at me.

Justin set the ball between Benji and I.

“Go!” Justin yelled

I rushed forward and kicked the ball to Seb who was the closest to me. Everybody sprung into action as Seb started running towards the goal.

I ran as fast as I could and caught up to him, fast. Benji was trying to get the ball from him.

“Seb!” I yelled

His head shot up and he found me. I nodded and looked around, everybody was following Seb. Justin’s team trying to get the ball and my team trying to keep the ball.

He kicked the ball over to me and I caught it between my feet and started dribbling it down the field.

Everybody started following me. I ran faster and they were closing in on me. I looked around and saw Kyle running a few feet beside me.

I kicked the ball to him, he got it and started running towards the goal. I ran after him.

Justin’s team was far behind. Guess he was the fastest. I was a little behind him so I sped up. Almost my whole team was right behind us. Landon, Seb, and Dec were close.

Kyle passed me the ball.

“Why’d you give it to me?” I asked dribbling it

“So you can make the goal.” He smiled

I smiled back and kicked it in but Nikko, their goal, blocked it. I flew back out of the goal but I got it and kicked it back in. He didn’t get to block it.

“Point uno for the Were’s!” I yelled

“The Were’s?” They asked

“Yes. That’s our team name.” I said

They laughed and yelled, “We are the Were’s!”

In our little celebration we didn’t notice Justin’s team get the ball. They were already half way down the field.

We all looked at each other then ran after them. Kyle and I were ahead of them and gaining on Justin’s team.

Blake had the ball and he was pretty fast. Kyle and I both went on either side of Blake. Tried to get the ball but he almost tripped me.

I growled and tried again. Then suddenly Kyle kicked it from between his feet and over to me.

I got it and quickly turned around and towards our goal. I dodged their hands and ran towards my team.

I heard Justin’s team groan as they ran after me. I kicked the ball as hard as I could so it could reach Ava who was way across the field.

Turns out I kicked it hard enough because she got it and kicked it in.

“Yes!” I yelled

Everybody stopped running. The other team sighed.

“Again!” Justin yelled angrily

“Sure.” I smirked

He glared and stomped over to his team. My smirk widened as I turned to my team.

“Well, that was fun.” I laughed

“We are winners!” Sophia yelled doing some kind of dance

I shrugged and did the dance with her.

“Hurry up!” Justin yelled

We stopped dancing and laughed.

“I need to speak with my team.” I said

“Well, hurry up then!” He yelled

“Fine!” I yelled back

I turned to everybody, “Okay, their going to think I’m centre forward but we’re gonna have Kyle do it. Just to throw them off. I’m still going to be in the same position but whoever kicks it off, pass it to Kyle if you get the ball. Kyle when you get the ball pass it to whoever is closest to you. It doesn’t matter. ‘Kay?” I said

He nodded as did the rest of the team. We walked over Justin’s team, smirking the whole time.

“Ready?” I asked

“Yes.” He muttered angrily

“Who’s kicking off?” I asked

“Lucas.” He said glaring at me

“Elias? Can you do it?” I asked not taking my eyes off Justin

“Yeah.” Elias said

I nodded and looked away from Justin.

We all got in position. Elias looked at me and I nodded. Then I looked at Kyle and he smiled at me. I smiled back and looked forward at Jason who was centre forward this time.

I smirked at him, “You replacing Benji?”

“Yup.” He said popping the P “And you’re not gonna get passed me.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?” I asked

He nodded and narrowed his eyes at me.

“Kick it off!” I yelled not taking my eyes off Jason

Yeah, Elias didn’t get the ball. I sprung into action and chased Jason, Kyle right behind me.

“Kelsey, run a little faster and get in front of him. I’m gonna kick the ball from between his feet and the ball’s gonna go forward so you have to be there to get it.”

Kyle said in my mind

I nodded and ran in front of Jason but kind of on the side so I could get the ball. I ran beside him and waited for Kyle to kick the ball.

The ball came flying out of Jason’s feet and I quickly caught it with my left foot. I around and ran towards our goal. I looked over and saw Lily beside me.

How is she so fast?

“Lily! Here!” I yelled to her

She caught the ball between her feet.

“Guard her!” I yelled to my team

Everybody got on the side of Lily and guarded her from the other team. Lily’s really fast. Werewolves. Psh, they think they’re sooo cool.

Lily ran faster and got out of the U we made for her. I stared at her and ran to catch up.

Kyle, Derek and I were the only people blocking her now. We made a V and guarded her again.

We guarded her until she got to the goal where she tried to kick it in but Nikko blocked it.

Lily pouted and tried to get the ball but it went over her head. I got it and passed it back to her. The other team was so far away, it didn’t matter.

She got it and smiled at me. She tried to kick it in but Nikko smirked and kicked it right back out.

“I can’t do it.” She said “You just do it.”

I looked behind me and saw the other team coming closer.

“Just one more try.” I said walking up to her “Fake kicking it left but kick it right. You have to do it fast though.” I whispered to her

She brightened up and nodded. I stepped back and she faked left but kicked it in right. Nikko fell for it and didn’t get to block. She cheered when it went in.

“I did it! I did it!” She yelled

I picked her up and kissed her forehead, “You did it.”

I heard other people cheering. I looked around and saw people standing around cheering for us.

I smiled and walked over to my team. Justin’s team was glaring at the crowd. Kyle wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head.

Lily giggled and wrapped her arm around my neck. She kissed my cheek. I smiled at her and tickled her stomach.

“Aren’t you too young to have a kid?” Asked a snotty voice

I looked around and my eyes landed on a girl in a short mini skirt, a tub top and hooker heels.

“She’s not my kid.” I said narrowing my eyes slightly

“She looks like you.” She sneered

“No she doesn’t.” I said looking at Lily

Lily shrugged and shook her head.

“Yeah, she does.” The girl said

“She looks like him.” I said pointing to Kyle

“And you look like a slut.” She said smugly

I heard Kyle growled lowly. I squeezed his waist.

“I’m not the one in a mini skirt that can be considered underwear and a shirt that’s basically invisible.” I arched a brow

“Says the girl with a kid.” She sneered

“She’s not my kid. She’s my boyfriends little sister.” I told her

She looked over at Kyle who was still tense. Then she looked at Lily, then to me.

“Why does she look like you?” She asked

“How does she look like me?” I asked frowning

“She has your eyes.” She said

“Kyle has blue eyes too.” I shrugged

“She has your hair.”

“Kyle also has brown hair.” I smirked

“I don’t believe you.” She glared

“Look, I really don’t care if you don’t believe me or not. ‘Kay?” I asked smiling innocently

“You’re a bitch.” She sneered

“Are you really going to cuss in front of a six year old?” I asked shocked “You better check yourself little girl.” I glared at her

“I’m not little. I am sixteen years old.” She stated

“Yeah and your wearing a six year olds clothing.” I said

“I am hot.” She glared

“Sure you are sweetie. Sure you are.” I said smiling sympathetically

“Is she your mom?” She asked Lily

“She’s my Sissy.” Lily said proudly

“Is she a slut?” She asked

“What’s a slut?“ Lily asked

Kyle and I tensed. I set Lily down and Olivia grabbed her.

I let go of Kyle and stepped up to her, “Did you really just fucking ask a six year old if I was a slut?” I growled looking down at her. I have a good 5 inches on her

“Yes, I did.” She said snottily

“What the FUCK is wrong with you?” I yelled, my eyes blazing

She looked scared but quickly covered it up, “Nothing’s wrong with me. You’re the one with a kid.”

“First of all there MUST be something wrong with you if you cuss in front of a child. Second she’s not my kid. She is my boyfriends sister.” I said the last part slowly

Her eyes went over to Kyle, “Why are you dating a slut?”

Kyle growled loudly and I groaned.

“Good job.” I told her sarcastically

I walked over to Kyle who was glaring daggers at her. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He didn’t relax this time.

“Kyle?” I asked worried

He didn’t reply, he just glared at her. Ready to pounce. I looked over at the guys shooting them a pleading look.

“Kiss him.” Dec said

“Why?” I asked

“Just do it. I already knew this was going to happen.” He sighed

I turned back to Kyle who was even tenser than before-if that’s possible. I leaned up and placed my lips on his. I felt him slowly relaxing.

I pulled back, “You good?”

“No. She’s a bitch.” He growled, glaring at her

“And your girlfriends a slut!” She retorted

Kyle growled again, I put my arm around his neck and stroked his hair.

“Why are you even talking to us?” I asked exasperated

“I came to talk to that sexy beast.” She said eyeing Kyle up

I arched a brow and smirked, “Talk to him then.”

I set away from Kyle and walked over to Sophia who was holding Lily. Sophia gave me Lily and I set her on my hip.

“Sissy, what is a slut?” Lily asked like she’d asked it before but didn’t get an answer

I growled, “It’s nothing.”

She wasn’t satisfied with that answer, “What is it?”

I sighed, “It’s a mean person.”

“But you’re not mean. Why’d she call you that?” She asked confused

“Because she wanted to make fun of me in front of Kyle.” I said

“Why’d she want to make fun of you in front of Kylie?” She asked

“Because she likes him.” I smirked

“Put me down.” She suddenly said

“Why?” I asked

“Down.” She ordered

I raised my brows and smiled, setting her down. She stomped over to the girl who was trying to flirt with Kyle who just looked mad.

Lily kicked her ankle, “Stay away from my bother you slut!”

Everybody laughed, even the crowd that watched this little…show.

The girl raised her hand, poised to slap. Anger took over my body. I ran forward(Human speed, just really fast) and pushed the girl away from Lily.

She flew back and fell down. I picked Lily up and looked at the girl in disgust.

“People like you make me sick.” I spat

“Y-you bitch!” She yelled getting up

“I’m so sorry but I am not a dog.” I said

“You look like one.” She sneered

“Thank you. I hope I look like one of those fluffy dogs. They’re really cute.” I smiled

Everybody laughed, but Kyle. He stood there tense. Glaring the whole while. I sighed and shook my head.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around my waist.

“Relax.” I told him

His gaze softened as he looked at me. He nodded and wrapped and arm around my shoulder, ruffling Lily’s hair.

She giggled, “Stop Kylie.”

I smiled as did Kyle.

“That is one ugly little girl.” The girl said

My eyes snapped up to her, “What’s your name?”


“Well, Megan. If you don’t want to get hit, don’t talk shit.” I glared

“Well, Megan. If you don’t want to get hit, don’t talk shit.” She mocked

I took a deep breath, “I’m leaving before I go to jail.”

I started walking with Lily, not really caring if the others were coming.

“Hey! I wasn’t done talking to you!” Megan yelled as I walked right passed her

“Well, I’m done talking to you.” I stated not looking back

“Yeah, slut!” Lily yelled

We are going to be in so much trouble.

“Shut up Brat!” Megan yelled

I turned around real quick. Megan was right behind us.

“Why are you still even here?” I asked staring at her like she was crazy

“You pushed me down!” She accused

“Yes, I believe I did. If you can’t remember you must have Alzheimer’s. It happened like, two minutes ago.” I reminded her

“I know when it happened bitch.” She snapped

“Sorry. Just sayin’.”

“I hate you.”

“You don’t even know me!” I yelled

“Still, I hate you. Your boyfriend obviously doesn’t have good taste in women.” She said looking me up and down

Just then Kyle walked over to us and wrapped an arm around my waist, “She beautiful.” He growled

The crowed ‘Awww’ed. Really people? You’re still here?

“Yeah, my sissy is the prettiest girl in the world. Besides my mommy.” Lily said crossing her arms over her chest and pursed her lips

I laughed at her face. She was trying to look tough. That’s kind of hard when you’re six and in a bright pink sun dress.

“And you’re ugly.” Megan said to Lily

“What’s up with you and messing with little kids? Is it because they can’t fight you?” I asked


“Then what?” I asked

“She’s a brat.” Megan stated

“And you’re a bit- bad person.” I corrected myself

“I’m not a bitch!” She roared

“What’s a bitch?” Lily asked curiously

I looked up at Kyle, “This one’s all yours.”

I gave him Lily who kept asking what a bitch was. I walked up to Megan.

“What’s your problem?” I asked quietly


“Why’d I do?” I asked

“You’re a slut.” She said loudly, to make sure everyone heard

“And you’re a bitch with problems.” I said keeping my voice down

Suddenly my cheek stung. I stared at Megan in shock, she was smirking smugly.

I heard a very loud growl behind me and saw Derek, Declan, and Blake running over to Kyle.

I looked behind me and saw Kyle visibly shaking while Lily stared at him. The guys got over to him and Declan took Lily while Derek and Blake held him down.

They nodded at me and I turned back to Megan, only to be smacked ONCE AGAIN.

Another growl erupted behind me and I closed my eyes. I opened them and my fist went flying into Megan’s jaw.

“Don’t touch me.” I said calmly and I was calm, completely serene

She screamed and cradled her jaw. Tears were streaming down her face as she stared at me.

I turned around and started towards him. He was still shaking, Derek and Blake weren’t really helping his anger by holding him down.

I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands. Blake and Derek let him go. I leaned and kissed his lips softly. He was still shaking slightly.

“It didn’t even hurt.” I murmured against his lips

He nodded briskly and pressed his lips harder against mine. I pulled back slightly and pecked his lips.

“You have anger issues.” I told him

“Nobody, hurts my mate.” He growled lowly

“It didn’t hurt.” I smiled

He smiled slightly, “Was it a good punch?”

“Hell yeah it was.” I laughed

He laughed too and pulled me close. I turned around in his arms and faced they guys and girls.

“Our game was cut short but we both know who won.” I smirked at Justin

He glared at me, “Shut your face!”

“What’s wrong bro? Have losing issues like little Benji over there?” I asked tilting my head slightly

“Shut it, Kelsey!” Benji yelled

“Nope.” I said happily

He glared at me and sulked.

“Don’t doubt Kelsey Elaine Montgomery!” I said puffing my chest out

Our team laughed and Olivia ran up to me. She ripped me out of Kyle’s arms and hugged me tightly.

“Breast…cancer.” I choked out

She laughed and pulled back, “Sorry.”

Sophia came and gave me a hug, just as tight as Olivia.

“Sophia…oh God…you guys really want me to get breast cancer…don’t you?” I asked breathless

She laughed and squeezed me tighter. Then she let go and I let out a huge breath. Derek came up and hugged me.

“Breast cancer! And possibly a few broken ribs!” I yelled

He did the same as Sophia before letting me go. Landon started walking towards me,


to the mother f*cking

no! No more hugs from strong beasts!” I yelled throwing my hands up in the air

He ignored me and hugged me anyways. Softer than the others for which I was grateful.

Seb, Ava, and Dec also gave me hug.

“You guys are freak-nuts.” I muttered

They laughed and we started walking home.

Today was a very…interesting day. Wasn’t it?

Chapter 16: Never Killing A Vampire Again

I bent down to Lily’s level, “You can’t say the words you…learned today, okay?”

“Yes, Sissy.” She smiled

I eyed her for a minute then stood up, “I think were good.”

“Okay, we can go inside now.” Kyle said cautiously

We all nodded and walked through the front door, Lily ran away.

“Mommy! Daddy! Guess what words I learned at the park today!” Lily screamed

We all looked at each other then started chasing her. She is a traitor!

“Mommy, Daddy! They’re after me!” Lily yelled as we chased her around the house

For a six year old she can run fast.

I dove forward and caught her, I put my hand over her mouth.

“Lair.” I said

She smiled under my hand, “Mhhmmhm.”

“What?” I asked loosening my hand a little

“I know.” She said

“What am I gonna do with you?” I asked her

“Let me go.” She suggested

“I don’t think so.” I said picking her up

She started struggling in my arms, “Put me down! Put me down!”

“Are you going to tell anyone the words you learned?” I asked holding her upside down

Everyone laughed at us.

“Yeah I am!” Lily yelled up at me

“Tickle her.” I commanded

Olivia walked forward with an evil grin on her face and started tickling Lily’s stomach and neck.

“S-s-stop!” Lily laughed

Olivia kept tickling her though.

“What’s going on here?” Asked a voice that was full of amusement

We all turned to the voice and it was Jonathan.

“Huh? Oh, nothing.” I lied

“Really?” He asked with a slight smile on his face

I looked around at the others and they were all looking away. Wow guys, thanks.

I turned back to Jonathan, “Uh-huh. Really.”

“Why is Lily upside down and 3ft in the air?” He asked me

“Huh? Oh, no reason.” I said still holding Lily upside down

“Are you sure?” He asked, raising his brows

“Huh? Positive.” I squeaked

“Nu-uh, they’re being sluts!” Lily exclaimed from her position

At that everyone’s head snapped to her, “Lily!”

“They’re being…sluts?” Jonathan asked, shocked

I put both of Lily’s ankles in one hand and scratched my ear nervously.

“Yeah, slut.” Lily panted from all the blood rushing her head

I took a peak at Jonathan, his eyes held amusement but his face looked shocked.

“Lily…Do you know what that word means?” He asked Lily slowly

“Yeah, it means a mean person.” She explained

Jonathan sighed in relief, “Umm, yes. That what it means Lil. Can you put her down now?” He asked me

“Sure.” I said slowly

I flipped Lily upside right and set her down.

“I have to tell Mommy!” She said running

Jonathan picked her up, “Let’s not.”

“But why not. I learned a new word.” She pouted

“Yes, I see that. But let’s not tell Mommy, ‘kay?” He said pleading with her

“Yes, Daddy.” She sighed heavily

“Okay, baby.” He kissed her forehead and set her down

She ran down the hall and I heard her door shut.

“How’d she learn that word?” Jonathan asked

“Huh? Oh, I don’t know.” I lied

“You don’t? Okay then, does anybody else know why my 5 year old daughter is going around calling people sluts?” He asked in his Alpha tone

I saw everybody except Kyle and Declan flinch. I didn’t flinch so, HA Mr. Alpha! What now?!

“We had an…incident at the park that consist of this weirdo calling me a slut.” I finally said

His eyes snapped to me, “What?”

“Yeah, long story short the whole left side of her face is probably bruised right now.” I said casually

“And I repeat: What?” He asked confused

“We were playing soccer, Lily made the last goal. I picked her up, kissed her forehead. This crazy psycho chick came up and started talking mess about me being too young to have a child and no matter how many times I told her Lily wasn’t mine, she insisted that she was because we both have brown hair and blue eyes. She started talking about-.” I cut myself off when I heard Kyle say, “Don’t tell him about that girl messing with Lily.” in my head

“She started talking about…Sophia, I got mad, she slapped me. TWICE at that. I was calm with the first slap I swear, but theeeeeen she just HAD to go and slap me a second time. I don’t take being hit very well, so yeah. I made her face a little bit more ugly. She should thank me though. Her ugliness was soooo unbalanced.” I told him with a serious face

He looks at me for a minute before he started laughing, “So, you punched her in the face?”

“Well, yeah. What else was I suppose to do?” I asked confused

“Slap her back.” He suggested

I walked over to him and set my hand on his shoulder sympathetically and shook my head in disappointment, “Jonny. Can I call you Jonny? Sure I can. But yeah, nobody slaps these days. If you want them to pay, punching in the only way. Hey, that rhymed! I should be a rapper! You know, because they always rhyme and…stuff. Yeah, stuff.”

Everyone started laughing, I turned around and gave them a death glare that instantly shuts them up.

“People do too slap still.” Jonathan defended

“Jonny, how old are you?” I ask innocently

“Like I’d tell you. You’d find a way to use it against me.” He smirked

“Old people can smirk?!” I gasp

I turned around to the guys and girls in shock.

“Did you see him smirk?!” I ask them

Looking confused, they nodded.

“Good, I wasn’t hallucinating.” I sighed, “So Jonny Boy, I’m gonna give you one more chance to answer my question before I tackle you to the ground and force you to tell me.” I said pointedly with a shrug

Gasps erupt through the room. I turned around and look at them like they were crazy.

“Shush! I’m trynna have a convo here.” I said waiving my arms crazily towards Jonny

“You wouldn’t really tackle the Alpha. You were just kidding, right?” This short kid ask, I haven’t seen him before that’s weird cause I know everyone here

“Who are you little dude?” I ask

“I am not little.” He growls

I raise my brows in amusement, I hear a growl and see Derek, Blake and Declan walking quickly towards Kyle. I sighed and shook my head.

I walk up to little dude. I’m like 3ft taller then him.

“Then why do I have to look down at you?” I asked with a smirk

His eyes blaze, “Shut up.” He hisses quietly so no one can here

“I do not like being told what to do. All I did was ask for your name.” I glared

“Josh.” He spat

“How come I’ve never seen you before?” I asked

“I don’t live here.” He snarled

Someone has anger issues!

“Cool. Oh, and for your question earlier. I would tackle the Alpha.” I said smiling innocently

“No you wouldn’t.” He scoffed

“Don’t test her Joshua.” Benji smirked

“She wouldn’t do it though. Would you?” He smirked

“You don’t know how crazy I am.” I smirked before turning around and jumping onto Jonny

He didn’t move an inch! What. The. Hell!

I start wriggling, trying to get him to fall over.

I set my feet on the ground and glared/pouted up at Jonny. He had an amused look on his face.

“What? Thought you could actually tackle me?” He asked with laughter CLEAR in his voice

“That’s messed up! Just embarrass me why don’t ya. I was trying to prove to little dude over there that I could do it. But nooooo you have to be all meaty and heavy and a werewolf! Not cool dude! Not cool at all!” I give him a mean look

He chuckles but then it turned into whole-hearted laugh. The others join in too. I turned around and see all my brothers, sister, and my boyfriend laughing at me.

I walk up to Benji and flick his ear, “I’ve disowned you as a brother.”

Walking up to Seb flicking his ear, “Consider yourself disowned also.”

I walk up to Justin who is holding his sides from laughing, “Disowned!” I yelled flicking his nose

Then I walk over to Lucas and flick his forehead, “Disowned.”

I walk over to Declan, “You know what? I’m done, just consider yourselves all disowned.”

I walked back over to my previous stop, on the way flicking Josh in the ear.

“Oops, sorry. Had one left in me.” I smirked as he grew red with anger

He started shaking and bones started popping. I heard a very familiar growl. Who could’ve done that? Please note the heavy sarcasm in that question.

“You will not change in this house. Take it outside” I said with authority

The popping sound stopped and Josh looked up at me.

“Why do I want to listen to her?” Josh asked angrily as he stood up straight

“Because she’s your Alpha Female.” Kyle sneers

Josh’s head snapped back to me so fast I’m surprised it didn’t fall off.

“You? Alpha female? Yeah, right.” He scoffed looking me up and down

“Seeing as you just listen to her command I’d say she is.” Benji said with a serious look on his face, I’ve never seen him this serious before.

Well, the see-ers and all. But he had to be serious then.

Josh looked back at me, “Shawna is not gonna believe this.” He muttered

Everyone groaned.

“Who’s Shawna?” I asked

“This girl that is madly in love with Kyle.” Declan chuckled without humor

“Ooooh.” I said when realization hit, “I’m guessing you guys don’t like her?” I ask stupidly

“We hate her.” They groaned

“Hey, that’s my cousin!” Josh glared at them

“Nobody cares.” Sophia say in a bored tone as she checked her nail

Lucas chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist, snuggling his face into her neck. She laughed quietly and laid her hand on his arm.

I chuckled at her bluntness and Josh glared at me, I glared right back. He looked away in defeat. Yeah, loser! You betta look away!

“You lose!” I yelled

He looked back at me and rolled his eyes, “You annoy me.”

“I annoy everybody.” I shrugged smiling widely

Then there was a knock at the door.

“That should be the rest of the pack.” Jonny said as he walked towards the door

“I will tackle you one day, old man!” I yelled after him

His chuckled echoed through the hallway.

I turn around and start walking towards the kitchen where I see Jasmine cooking.

“Need any help?” I asked as I walk up beside her

“Can you set the table?” She ask

“Sure.” I say as I grab the amount of plates that I can actually carry and some silverware

I turn around and gasp. The dinner table tonight is the size of Africa!

“Why is the table so big?” I ask as I set plates and silverware down at each chair

“The whole pack is coming here tonight.” She told me

“Is the whole pack big?” I ask

She chuckles softly, “Very.”

I walk back over and grab more plates. Then I start setting them on the table again.

“What’d you cook?” I ask

“Roast, green beans, corn, and mash potatoes.” She says as she smiles at me

My eyes widen, “Potatoes. Yum!”

She laughs then becomes serious, “I’m glad Kyle has someone as amazing as you.”

I blush slightly, “I’m not THAT amazing.”

“You’re perfect for him. You can keep him in check, better then me even. And I love your sense of humor. It‘s weird but…not. I don‘t exactly know how to explain it.” She laughs

I laugh with her as I set the last plate down. She starts to carry the roast over. Yum, yum, yum. Oh and did I mention YUM?!

I stared at it, mouth agape. It looked so darn good!

“Stop drooling, honey.” Jasmine laughed

My hand went up to my mouth, “Lies.” I say after I find out that there was not a single drop of saliva running down my face

She holds back a laugh and grabs the potatoes, this time I’m sure that I’m drooling.

“Can you go tell everyone dinner is ready?” She asked

“Yup!” I yelled popping the P

I run into the living room and everyone turns to stare at me.

“Jasmine says dinner is ready.” I smile widely

“Who is that girl? She’s rather strange.” I hear someone whispered

“Whoever asked that, my name is Kelsey and I am indeed strange. Thanks for the compliment.” I say as I happily skip back into the kitchen.

I walk over to Jasmine, “Dey es comeng.” I say in a weird accent

“Thank you.” She laughs, “Oh, your seat is on the end by the right side, the first seat next to the end. If that makes sense. Here, I’ll just show you.” She smiles

I nod and she walks me over to my seat. I sit down as everybody else comes in and sits down. Kyle sat down at the end seat right next to me. All the girls glare at me. Okay then. Creepers…

“Hey, baby.” He grins

“Heyllo!” I smile

“Excuse me?” Asks a really high pitch voice

I turn around and my eyes land on a clown. Okay, not really but she was wearing so much make up it should be illegal and banned from her reach.

“Yes?” I ask

“This is my seat.” She sneers

“Jasmine told me to sit here.” I tell her

“Well, this is my seat so get up.” She glares

“Just a heads up for you, I don’t like being told what to do.” I smile

Kyle laughs but hides it with a couch and sips his water.

“Well, I don’t like people sitting with my man.” She snarls

“Do all werewolves snarl?” I ask no one in particular

Kyle hid another laugh.

“Kyle, tell her to get out of my seat!” She whines

“That’s not your seat, Lashawna.” He says, his smile gone

“I always sit here. Your mate is suppose to sit here. I’m your mate.” She says in a serious voice

“No your not.” Kyle says frowning

“Yes I am.” She says stubbornly, “Is it this bitch that has your changing your mind?” She sneers at me

Kyle growls as all of my friends snort.

“What’d you just call me?” I asked calmly

“A bitch.” She says smugly

“Thought so. I’m just gonna get this out of the way right now. I’m not a dog. Don’t look like a dog. Don’t act like a dog. I will never be a dog.” I say slowly

“Shut up!” She snaps causing Kyle to growl and hold the arms of his chair tightly

I stand up and turn to her, “I’m not going to shut up for you or for anyone. You will respect me! I don’t take disrespect very well if it’s towards me, a friend, or a complete stranger. It’s rude and I will not tolerate it.” I say in what Kyle calls my Alpha voice

She whimpers as everyone gasps. I sit back down and cross my arms.

I turn to the other girl that were glaring at me before, “Anybody else?”

They all look down at there plates, I raise a brow and turn back to Kyle who is staring at me in adoration.

“I love you.” He says like he’s in a daze

I frown, “Love you too. Kyle? You okay?” I ask

He shakes his head, “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” He smiles

I smile back and grab his hand under the table. He sighed and squeezed my hand gently.

Jasmine set the corn and green beans on the table and takes a seat at the end of the table by Jonny who is at the head of the table.

“Who wants to say grace?” Jasmine asked

“I do!” Benji practically shouts

“Go ahead, Benjamin.” Jasmine chuckles

People start grabbing each others hands, I turn to my right and see who’s sitting next to me, it’s Blake. Oh yeah, he’s gonna get annoyed.

I smirk widely and grab his hand. I hear him groan and that makes my smirk widen.

“Bless us, O Lord and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.” Benji smiled looking around

“Amen.” We all said together before we let go of each others hands

“Let’s eat!” Jasmine said

“Potatoes.” I mumble staring at them as they get passed around

It’s a lot of potatoes so I’ll have enough. Blake passes me the green beans and I pass them to Kyle, I like corn better.

“You don’t like green beans?” Kyle asks as he puts some on his plate

“I like corn.” I smiled and widened my eyes

He frown slightly then smiled back, kind of creeped out but I don’t blame him. I’m a creeper, like straight creeper status. Yeaaaaaaah.

Blake passes me the corn and I take it from him smiling.

“Thank you.” I say

“No problem, weirdo.” He says in that sexy accent

“Sexy accent. Ugh!” I groan as I put a couple of scoops of corn on my plate

He sighed and shook his head as he began to eat what was on his plate. The potatoes and roast have yet to come and I’m waiting. Mostly for the potatoes.

I look around and see a few girls glaring at me.

“Your little fan club doesn’t like me.” I whisper to Kyle

“They’re just jealous because you’re beautiful and mine.” He said, not even trying to lower his voice

“Lower your gosh dang voice.” I snap at him

“Sorry.” He laughed

“It’s all good.” I said nodding

I turn and see the potatoes and roast two people down from Kyle’s right. It’s so close! I can almost taste those potatoes. I wonder what kind they are? I hope they’re cheesy. Yeah, cheesy.

My eyes widen as the potatoes go to the person right next to Kyle. He puts some on his plate and hands it to Kyle. I smile widely in anticipation.

Kyle smirks at me as he slowly gets his potatoes out and sets then on his plate. He takes another spoonful, painfully slow.

“Kyle, some people would like to get some potatoes in this house.” I glared at him

“Is that some people you?” He smirks

“Huh? Psh, no and Blake.” I lie

“You can’t lie to your mate. Just to let you know.” He whispers to me as he hands me the potatoes

I eagerly take them from him and put three spoonful’s on my plate. I smile and hand it to Blake while Kyle hands me the roast. CHEESY!

I take two slivers of roast and set it on my plate. I pass the roast to Blake and start to eat.

When I take the first bite of potatoes I moan quietly. They’re soooo good!

I hear a groan so I open my eyes and see Kyle with a pain expression on his face as he looks at me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask

“Don’t do that.” He chokes out

I smirk and take another bite of potatoes, keeping my eyes on him the whole time as I moan from the taste. Enjoying him squirming and groaning. I laugh and go back to eating.

“So Kyle, who is this young lady?” A mans voice asks

I turn to look at the man and he looks funny. Like, really funny. A weird funny though. He’s going bald for one, he really needs to cut off the four hair he has left.

He has a weird looking nose and his eyes scare me. They’re yellow. Creepy I know. And his lips are all old looking, that man really shouldn’t smile.

I can practically feel Kyle’s grin, “This dear Alfred is my mate, Kelsey.”

I hear a growl erupt, echoing through the room. Turning to the owner of the growl it’s Shawna, how delightful. Man, I’m on a roll today with all this sarcasm.

“Whoa, Calm down Ricky Bobby.” I said

“I’m your mate!” She whined to Kyle

Everybody’s eyes turned to Kyle and I had to hold back a laugh at the look on his face. It was a mix between horror and amusement.

“I’m very sorry Lashawna, but you are not my mate.” He smiled politely

I laughed a little then went back to eating my food. The potatoes are THE best, then it’s the roast, then the corn. It’s just regular corn.

“This sl-” I cut her off

“There are children at this table so I’d really appreciate it if you don’t cuss me out with them around.” I said before I took a bite of roast “Thanks.” I added

“Go, Sissy!” Lily yelled from her seat next to Jonny

“Hey, Lily.” I waved

She frantically waved back, eyes wide, and a smile that took up 80% of her face.

“You’re so far away!” She pouted

“I know, we‘re like forever away from each other. Heyllo, Jonny!” I waved at him

“Who’s Jonny?” I heard a couple people ask

“Do we have a Jonny in the pack?”

“Hello, Kelsey.” He chuckled and waved

Everybody gasped, “She called our Alpha…Jonny?” They asked in disbelief

I turned to Kyle and gave him a ‘WTF’ look that he just smiled and shrugged at.

I shrugged too and started eating again.

“So, Kelsey. Do you like wolves?” Asked the same creepy guy with yellow eyes

What the hell kind of question is that?

“Sure.” I say slowly with a frown of confusion on my face

Kyle laughed but hid it when he took a drink of water.

“Does the thought of werewolves repulse you?” He asked

“No.” I say without hesitation

“What do you like about wolves?” Creepy dude asks

“What’s not to like?” I answer his question with a question of my own

“Are you going to answer the question?”

“Are you going to answer mine?” I ask

“I asked first.” He raised a brow which only made him look creepier

“I asked second.” I retorted

“What do you like about wolves?” He asked with a slight edge in his voice

“What do you like about wolves?” I ask leaning back in my chair

“Again, I asked first.” He said

“I like that they always have each others backs and they stay together like a family, your turn.” I say

He looked me straight in the eye, “I like that we can run fast and kill.”

“So you’re a murderer?” I ask not breaking eye contact

He smiled his creepy smile, “I wouldn’t put it that way.”

“I would.” I raised my brows

“You probably would.” He nodded

I nodded briskly and continued eating. I really don’t like that dude.

“What’s your favorite thing to do?” He asked

I thought we were over with 20 questions.

“Soccer.” I said vaguely because I don’t want to talk to him

“What else?” He ask

“Basketball.” I answer with one word again

“Are you only going to answer me with one word?” He ask and I could here the amusement in his voice

“Yup.” I said popping the P

“Why only one word?” He asked

“With all do respect Sir, I really don’t want to talk to you.” I say bringing my eyes up to his

His eyes harden, “May I ask why?”

“Reasons.” I said evenly staring back at him

“What reasons?” He ask

“Just don’t wanna.” I said simply

“Why not?” He asked with a clear edge to his voice

“Because I don’t want to.” I said slowly but with authority

“But-” Kyle cut him off

“She said she doesn’t want to talk to you.” Kyle said in his Alpha voice

“Thank you.” I say to him with exasperation in my voice

He smiled, “No problem, Baby.”

I smiled as he grabbed my hand under the table.

“Are you human?” Asked a really high pitch voice

“Why Lashawna, yes I-”I got cut off

“No, she’s not.” Elias interrupted

I raised my brows at him, “I’m not?”

“She’s not?” Everyone asked

“That’s what I’m asking.” I said

“Elijah and Thyme are her parents.” Elias said carefree

Everyone that didn’t know turned their heads towards me.

“E-Elijah and Th-Thyme?” They stuttered

I frowned at them. They are weird!

They continue to stare at me.

“Sooo…” I trail off because their stares are getting quite uncomfortable

“When you are done, go to the pack meeting room.” Jonny said to everyone

I look down at my plate and I only have a couple bites of food left. Getting a spoonful of potatoes I shove it in my mouth and chew slowly. So good!
I feel like moaning again but why would I torture Kyle? Because it’s funny that’s why, so I let the moan quietly lips from my lips. I smirk when he groans again.

“Oh, gosh.” He groaned

“What’s wrong, Kyle?” I ask innocently

He narrows his eyes at me, “Nothing.”

I smile at him and take the last bite of my food, Kyle watched the movement intensely.

“Stop staring.” I smirk at him

“Huh? Oh, right.” He smiled

“Yo soy hecho.” I announce standing up

“What?” Some people ask

“I’m done.” I said

“Nobody cares.” Lashawna says

“Says you.” I scoff

“I’m done too.” Kyle says standing up

He grabs my hand and drags me up stairs.

“Where we going?” I ask

He doesn’t reply, he just opens his door. Pulls me inside and slams me against the door.

“What-”I get cut off when his lips attack mine

He taste like potatoes! I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck and entwine my fingers in his brown curls. He starts to walk backwards until we’re falling. We land on the bed with me on top of him, well I was before he flipped us.

He nipped my bottom lip and I moaned, causing him to gain the entrance he wanted.

His tongue explored my mouth feverishly as did mine to his. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He groaned and pulled away,

“Yeah?” He asked angrily

“We’re having the meeting now.” Jasmine’s amused voice rang through the door

He groaned, “Be there in a minute.”

“Okay.” She laughed

He didn’t waste anytime to bring his lips down to mine. I kissed him back for a minute then pulled away.

“Let’s go.” I said

“I don’t wanna.” He pouted

“You have too.” I smiled

“I know.” He sighed

I leaned up and pecked his lips, “Off.”

He groaned again and hopped up. I got up and started walking over to the door but he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest.

“We’ll finish this later.” He whispered huskily into my ear

I unwound his arms from my waist, “We’ll see.”

I opened the door, “C’mon. You have to show me when it is.”

He groaned and shut the door behind him, then grabbed my hand.

He led me down the hall and to a room with double door. He pushed them open and everyone turned to us. All my friends gave me a knowing smirk that I blushed at.

Kyle led me over to a chair and pulled it out for me.

“Thank you.” I smiled

He smiled back and sat down next to me at the end of the table.

“Now we can start.” Kyle smirked

I shook my head at him and glared.

“Very well, as you know Kelsey is Kyle’s mate and there are people after her. We’ve already run into the see-ers plenty of times. They are getting more careless. They showed up here, here of all places and threatened to take Lily.” Jonny said, all business

People gasped and glared at me, “Did they hurt her?”

I scoffed, “Yeah, because I’m sooo going to let people get hurt on account of me.” I said sarcastically

“No, thanks to Kelsey Lily got saved. Kelsey has Thyme’s power. Also did any of you know Thyme was part witch?” Jonny asked them

They all shook their heads, confusion the number one emotion on everyone’s face.

“Well she was. Thyme and Elijah are alive and they were guiding Kelsey earlier.” Jonny said

“Impossible!” Creepy dude yelled as he glared at me, “She’s lying.”

“Watch yourself Alfred.” Kyle growled

“Elijah and Thyme have been dead for seventeen year.” Alfred snarled

“Can someone please answer me, do all werewolves snarl?” I asked looking around

“When we’re mad.” Said this really buff dude

“Thank you.” I smile “Why are you mad Creep-Alfred?” I correct myself

“Because you come in here with your little jokes and sorts. Then you say Elijah and Thyme are alive, you can’t know that. You were one when they died. And supposedly they ‘guided’ you. What game are you playing?” He sneers

“Creepy Dude, I haven’t played a joke on anybody…yet. I say Elijah and Thyme are alive because they are. I may have been one years old when they died but I remember clearly what they look like. All the up to my Moms beauty mark that is right by her lip. Is that knowing them enough, Alfred? Or do you want me to tell you how many eyelashes they have?” I asked staring directly at him, he made me mad “Is that good enough for you?”

He stared at me in shock as did everyone else.

“Well, is it?” I asked impatiently, “That’s what I thought. Don’t ever call me a liar. Can you please continue Jonny?”

Jonny nodded, “Well, umm, yes as I was saying Kelsey saved Lily earlier which I am highly grateful for. But the reason that you guys are all here is because the see-ers numbers are raising. Every time they come here they have more and more. All the see-ers that have already tried to attack us are in the basement, locked up. We have to keep Kelsey safe, she’s the only one that can change our world.” He says staring at everyone

“Our world doesn’t need changing. Why don’t we just let the see-ers take her.” The lovely Lashawna suggested

“That is not an option!” Kyle yelled

“Kyle, don’t yell.” I say quietly so only he could hear

“I do not ever want to hear that come out of anyone in this houses mouth. Understood?” He says

“Yes.” Everyone said

I sighed and shook my head.

“Yes, we all have to keep Kelsey safe. Also now that Kyle found his mate I can relive my duty as Alpha after they finish the mating bond of course.” Jonny smiled at Lily and Jasmine as he grabbed their hands, “And spend more time with my family.”

I look over at Kyle and he was smiling but his eyes were hard. Does he not want to be Alpha?

I grabbed his hand and squeeze it gently. He looks at me, his eyes soften and he smiles a real smile.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper

He shook his head, “Tell you later.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

I turned away from him to find everyone staring at me.

“Yes?” I ask

“She doesn’t look like she could change the world.” Lashawna sneers

I take a deep breathe so I don’t start yelling at her, “I could do a lot that you don’t know about.”

“Whatever.” She hisses

“Now you’re a snake? Make up your mind women.” I said with wide eyes

“Snake?” Declan asked confused

“She just hissed at me like a snake.” I pointed out

Kyle growled, “Get out.”

Everyone turned to him, “Who?”

“Lashawna. Get. Out.” He said between clenched teeth

“Kyle, she doesn’t have to get out.” I told him

“I want her out.” He said looking at me

I nodded.

“But-”Lashawna started

“Now!” Kyle yelled

His yell echoed through the room.

Lashawna got up and ran out of the room.

“You hurt her feelings.” I told Kyle

“So.” He shrugged

I rolled my eyes at him.

“You’re all dismissed.” Jonny announced

Everybody stood up and started filing out of the room. Kyle and I got up and started walking towards the door.

“What do you want to do?” Kyle asked

“Mmmmm, I don’t know. What do you want to do?” I asked him

“You already know what I want to do.” He smirked

“Yeah, we’re not doing that. Ooooo, I know. Let’s get ice cream!” I said jumping up and down

“I don’t know, it’s almost dark out. The see-ers could be anywhere.” He said

“We’ll bring some friends.” I say

“Okay.” He says reluctantly

“Yes!” I pound my fist in the air

I run down stairs with Kyle on my heels.

“Benji?” I asked

“Right here.” He raises his hand

“Let’s go get some ice cream. All my brothers and sister, and anybody else that wants to come, come.” I said happily

“I’m so down for some ice cream right now!” Justin said hopping off the couch

“Let’s go then.” I said running to the door, “Wait! Where’s Lily and Kaylee?” I asked standing in the middle of the doorway

“Lily is with-” Suddenly I was being pulled back by arms gripping my waist

“Kelsey!” Kyle yelled as he started running towards me

I started thrashing and when I looked around, see-ers were covering every inch of the front yard.

I started screaming and some of them fell to their knees. The one holding me winced and loosened his grip a little. I screamed louder and his grip loosened a little more.

I threw my elbow back and it came in contact with something, don’t really know what but it got him to release me. I kept screaming as I walked over to the wolves.

One see-er started running towards me. Not affected by my screaming at all. That means he’s not a see-er then.

One of the wolves jumped forward and tackled him to the ground. I don’t know who that wolf is but if he kills that guy he’s going to die with him. There’s no reason to kill anyone unless they try to kill one of the wolves.

Once all the see-ers are down I see other people behind them. I stop screaming because it’s not affecting them.

“Why aren’t those people going down?!” Kyle yelled

“They aren’t see-ers. I have to know what they are for the scream to affect them.” I told them

“Oh, gosh.” He sighed

“Some of them are werewolves, a couple are vampire’s, believe it or not some are humans, and I don’t know what else.” Declan said

“Can you do it now?” Kyle ask

“If I do werewolves it’ll affect you guys too.” I say shaking my head, “I’m not doing it.”

“What if you say our pack name? Will it still affect us?” Blake asks

I turn around and look at the other people and see that they haven’t moved.

“Okay, I’ll try. What’s your pack name?” I ask reluctantly

“Jade Pack. Hurry!” Kyle says

I nod.

‘All vampire’s and werewolves within this area except the Jade pack.’ I say before I start to scream

I turn to look at the guys and they’re all on the floor in pain. I immediately stop screaming rush over to Kyle.

“Are you okay?!” I ask

“Yeah, please don’t do that again.” He gasps

I look up and see some of the wolves standing up and shaking it off.

“What’re we going to do?” I ask looking behind me

“We’re going to have to fight them if they don’t leave.” Jonny said

“We aren’t going to kill them, right?” I asked with wide eyes

“How are we going to get them away?” Creepy dude rolls his eyes

“Fine.” I said reluctantly

I help Kyle up. He staggered a bit before regaining his balance.

“That stuff was painful.” He groaned

“Hell yeah! It’s like your paralyzed from the pain.” Benji said running his hand through his hair

“Kyle made me do it.” I said

I turn around to see all the people staring straight at me. I could see their lips moving but I can’t hear what they’re saying.

“Secrets don’t make friends!” I yelled at them

They stopped talking to glare at me. They say one more thing before they start running towards us. I can hear bones popping behind me and I know the rest of the wolves are changing.

“Gosh, some people are stupid.” I mutter before I start running at the same speed I did to save Lily

The first person that passes me I kick in the chest and he flies into a wall that I didn’t even know was there. Two wolves are right beside me, getting the people that are trying to attack me from the sides.

My fist comes in contact with a neck and the body slumps to the ground. Yeah fool! Don’t mess with me.

Then I feel guilty. I just killed an innocent person. Well, he’s not innocent if he’s trying to kill me but still.

I hear a whimper and it caught my attention. My head snaps towards the sound and I see a big brown wolf with baby blue eyes under a vampire.

Anger takes over my body and I find myself already halfway to Kyle. I stop in front of him and grab the vampire’s shoulder, then throw him into the ground with strength I didn’t know I had.

The vampire hops back up and runs to attack me. He lunges at me and I lean back.

Some matrix shit is happening right now! Aha!

The vampire lands behind me and I act like I didn’t know it was still there. I stand still and then I hear running behind me. I turn around quick and grab the vampire by it’s throat.

Kyle was still standing in his spot, watching me.

“Kyle, how do you kill a vampire?” I ask him

‘Take it’s head off.’ He said in my mind

I sigh and tighten my grip on the vampire’s neck.

“Sorry.” I say before I put my foot on it’s chest and both my hands around it’s head, then I break his neck and pull his…head off.

“Kyle, I’m never killing a vampire again.” I say throwing the head

He nodded and gave me a wolf-y grin. I smiled back before we both started running and killing more people. Kyle didn’t make me kill anymore vampires though, which I was grateful for.

I stopped running to breathe. I saw a jet black wolf jump up in the air and pounce on someone.

“Show off.” I muttered

I turned and saw Kyle’s wolf running into the house. To change I assume.

I heard bone popping and it sent chills down my back. It caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. It just sounds weird.

Kyle came running back out with basketball shorts on.

“Are you hurt?” He asked with worry in his eyes

He stopped in front of me and looked me over, then turned me around. I heard his sigh of relief.

“Are you hurt?” I ask in amusement

“I’m good if you’re good.” He says pulling me into a tight hug

“Did you get hurt?” I asked in a serious voice as I pull away and look him over

“Don’t play with me boy.” I narrow my eyes at him

He smiles slightly and pulls me to him again. I wrap my arms around him and sigh as I feel those familiar sparks run through me.

“That was so nerve wracking for me.” He sighed and held me tighter

“Why?” I ask

“You could’ve gotten hurt.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

“I’m okay.” I smile

“Yeah…Benjamin’s not.” I heard someone say

I gasp and pull away from Kyle. Looking around the yard I see familiar blonde hair that belongs to a motionless Benji.

Chapter 17: Shapeshifters are B*tches

I ran over to Benji and held his head on my lap. Tears silently ran down my face and dropped onto his lifeless form.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked

“Vampire bite.” Someone spat angrily

“What’re we going to do?” I sobbed

“There’s nothing we can do.” This person who I don’t know said quietly

“There has to be something.” I said looking up at them

They all looked down at Benji with a sympathetic gaze.

“Is there no one that can help him?” I asked looking down at Benji

“No one can bring back the dead except healers.” Declan said with tears running down his face

“Are there any healers around here?” I asked frantically

“No. She’s lived all the way across the country. Healers are basically extinct.” His voice broke

“Baby, you’re a healer.”

Thyme’s voice said in my mind

“Do any of you guys know what a healer does?” I ask

They all shook their heads.

“Thyme? Thyme, you have to help me.”

I begged

“I’m not a healer so I don‘t know how this works. Just focus on Benjamin, focus on him getting better. Place one had on his wound and the other one on his heart.”

She ordered calmly

I look over his body to look for his wound. When I see it on his neck I place my left had on it and my right hand over his heart.

“Will this work?”

I asked Thyme


I close my eyes and try to focus on Benji. On him breathing, smiling, laughing.

“What is she doing?” I heard someone ask

I blocked them out and focused entirely on Benji. I suddenly felt a rush of energy flow from me, I felt a little weaker but I had to stay strong for Benji.

“Come on Benji.” I sobbed

I felt another rush of energy current of energy flow out of me, making me feel even weaker.

“Just one more, baby. Just one more.”

Thyme’s voice comforted me

I took a deep breath and forced one more gush of energy out.

“Is he better?”

I asked Thyme

“Look for yourself.”

I could hear the smile if her voice

I opened my eyes and saw Benji still staying motionless. Another sob escaped me and I ran my hand through Benji’s hair.

I looked up and everyone was staring at me in shock.

“I just did what I was told.” I whimpered

“Miss me?” A familiar voice croaked out

I looked down and stared at Benji in shock. It worked?! He’s actually alive.

“Please don’t tell me this is a hallucination.” I begged staring at Benji

He smiled slightly, “It’s not a hallucination.”

I smiled widely and hugged him tightly, “It actually worked!”

“Thank you, Kelsey.” He hugged me back

“No need to thank me. It wasn’t for your benefit.” I laughed

“Well, forget you too.” He chuckled

I laughed and pulled back, wiping my tears.

“Go get some clothes on.” I chuckled

He blushed and slowly got up. He winced as he did.

“Dying sucks.” He groaned, “Don’t ever get bit by a vampire.” He pointed at everybody

I got up and grabbed his arm to help him stand up straight.

He slowly walked towards the house. I ran my hands down my face, suddenly feeling really exhausted.

“Bye everyone. I’m gonna go to sleep now.” I said sleepily

No body said anything, they only stared at me. Shrugging slightly I started walking towards the house. I stumbled slightly and tried to regain my balance. Blinking rapidly I try to clear my vision. It didn’t really work and I feel myself slipping.

I swayed on my feet and it felt like I was going to collapse any second. I suddenly felt arms lifting me.

“Go to sleep, Baby.” Kyle’s voice whispered to me

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I closed my eyes and let exhaustion take over.

*Mystery Girl POV*

“Where do you want to go next?” My best friend Amabelle asked me

“Uh, let’s go to Journey’s. I need a new pair of shoes.” I said

She nodded, “Me too.”

We started walking towards Journey’s when I felt a sharp pain go through my heart. I clutched my chest and doubled over in pain.

“Aliyah? Are you alright?” Amabelle asked worried

Tears rolled down my cheeks, “My…m-my m-mate just d-died.”

She looked down at me in sympathy, “I’m so sorry.”

Another shot of pain went through my heart, stronger this time. I collapsed on the floor panting and clutching at my chest.

“It’ll pass soon.” Amabelle soothed

“How much longer?” I gasped

“When he’s fully dead it’ll go away.” She rubbed my back

I nodded, unable to speak. I don’t even know my mate, now I’ll never get to meet him. My other half will be gone.

I cried harder at the lost of my mate. Then suddenly the pain seemed to ease a little. I felt a rush of energy and the pain faded a little more. I was able to breathe now, I took a deep breathe to calm myself.

After another rush of energy the pain stopped all together.

I slowly stood up and wiped my face off.

“You okay now?” She asked

“Yeah.” I sighed

“I’m sorry this happened to you. Maybe you’ll find someone you love eventually.” She smiled slightly

I frowned, “My mates not dead.”

“He’s not?” She gasped

I shook my head and smiled, “He came back.”

“How is that possible?” She asked

“I don’t know and I really don’t care. As long as he’s alive, I’m good.” I grinned

She smiled back but there was confusion in her eyes.

“Let’s just go get some ice cream. We’ll get shoes later.” I said

“Sure.” And we started walking out of the mall and to my car


I watched as she ran over to Benjamin, fell to her knees beside him and cradled his head in her lap.

Watching as she cried I suddenly came aware of how much she actually loved him. Not how she loves me but how much she cares for him.

My heart broke as I watched her cry over Benjamin’s still body. My mate is here crying and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I can’t bring Benjamin back, if feel so helpless.

“What’s wrong with him?” She asked looking at everyone

“Vampire bite.” Noah spat angrily

“What’re we going to do?” She cried

Another part of my heart broke. I’ve never seen her cry and I don’t ever want to see it again.

“There’s nothing we can do.” Austin said quietly

“There has to be something.” She said with pleading eyes

They all looked sad and sympathetic as they looked down at Benjamin and Kelsey.

“Is there no one that can help him?” She asked

“No one can bring back the dead except healers.” Declan said, his voice thick from crying

“Are there any healers around here?” She asked

“No. She’s lived all the way across the country. Healers are basically extinct.” Declan sobbed quietly

She stayed silent for awhile. She had this look like she was listening intently to something. I frowned as I watched her.

“Do any of you guys know what a healer does?” She suddenly asked

Everybody shook their head, feeling as useless as I did.

She got the look again and stayed like that for a couple minutes. Then she started looking over his body. She placed her hand on his neck and the other above his heart.

Everybody had a look of confusion on their faces which I’m sure matched mine.

She closed her eyes and looked deep in thought.

“What is she doing?” Someone asked

I didn’t know who it was or care really, my eyes were glued to Kelsey. Even crying she looked beautiful. NOT the time to this about that, Kyle!

I blinked and when my eyes opened again she was glowing. There was a blue aura surrounding her. The aura got brighter and Benjamin started glowing a bright gold color.

I watched in shock and amazement. Every time Kelsey would get a brighter blue, Benjamin would turn a brighter gold.

The glowing suddenly stopped and Kelsey opened her eyes. She looked down at Benjamin who was still lying in her arms, as motionless as before.

She looked up at us, “I just did what I was told.” She sobbed

The pain of seeing her cry again overtook my curiosity of her last sentence. It’s painful to see your mate in pain, it’s even more painful because I know that there’s nothing I could do.

“Miss me?” Asked a raspy voice

Shock filled her features and she looked down at Benjamin.

“Please don’t tell me this is a hallucination.” She said

“It’s not a hallucination.” Benjamin smiled

I was too shocked to feel happy. Kelsey was a healer? There is only like one healer left in the world and she lives in Africa. How many things is she? I need answers, I just don’t know where I could get them from.

Kelsey threw her arms around Benjamin and hugged him, “It actually work!” She exclaimed

“Thank you, Kelsey.” Benjamin said in a grateful voice

“No need to thank me. It wasn’t for your benefit.” She laughed her beautiful laugh and my heart fluttered at the sound

“Well, forget you too.” Benjamin laughed with her

She pulled back and wiped her tear off with her arm, “Go get some clothes on.”

Benjamin turned brought red and started to get up.

He groaned in pain, “Dying sucks. Don‘t ever get bit by a vampire.”

Kelsey got up and helped him stand up all the way. He started walking towards the house and opened the door. I looked back at Kelsey as she ran her hands down her face.

“Bye everyone. I’m gonna go to sleep now.” She said like she was in a daze

Everybody just stared at her in shock and wonder. She shrugged and started walking towards the house when she stumbled slightly.

I started walking towards her but stopped once she regain her balance. She swayed slightly so I ran up to her and lifted her up into my arms, carrying her bridal style.

“Go to sleep, Baby.” I told her

She closed her eyes and her breathing evened out. I walked into the house and up stairs to my room. I turned the knob and kicked the door open. I walked over to my bed and gently laid her down.

She curled up into a ball and hugged the pillow. I smiled and covered her up with my blanket. I kissed her forehead before walking out of my room, shutting the door softly behind me and walking down stairs.

Everybody was sitting in the living room talking about Kelsey. Some good and some bad. Why would they talk bad about my mate? Don’t they know I can kill them without a second thought?

“Is she alright?” Benjamin asked, worry etched in every plane of his face

“Yeah, she’s sleeping right now.” I sighed

I sat down in a chair and rested my elbows on my knees, while cradling my head in my hands.

A hand rested on my shoulder, “She’s alright. No need to be so down.” My mother voice soothed

“It’s hard seeing her like this. It’s hard when I see her like this when I know that there isn’t anything that I could do.” I said with pain laced in my voice

“Son, I know it’s hard but she’s going to be alright.” My Dad assured

“How do you know? I brought her into our world knowing people would be after her. This is all my fault. It’s my fault my mate is in there exhausted from fighting. It’s all my fault.” I said quietly into my hands

“It was fate, Kyle.” My Mom’s soft voice said

“Fate my ass. Was it fate that has her dying from exhaustion right now? Was it fate to have Benjamin dying in front of her? Oh, tell me. Was it fate that hundreds of see-ers just so happen to team up with the vampire’s and humans for fuck’s sake? We just killed humans. The see-ers brought humans into this fight. Who the hell would even think that’s okay?” I asked angrily

“Don’t talk to your mother that way! Look Kyle, I know your mad and sad but you can’t take it out on everybody else. We’ll find out what exactly Kelsey is but in the mean time you just have to be there for her.” He said in a strict tone, not his Alpha tone. In his fatherly tone

I look over at my Mom, “I’m sorry I took my anger out on you. Being mad isn’t an excuse to speak to you that way.”

“It’s alright, Honey. I know you’re upset.” She smiled at me

I try to smile back but a smile wouldn’t make it’s way to my face.

“I’m gonna go up and check on her. Benjamin you can come if you want, she’ll want to see you when she wakes up.” I said looking at him

He nods and gets up.

“I’ll tell you guys when she wakes up.” I said walking up the stairs

Benjamin followed me silently. I could feel guilt rolling off him.

“There’s no need to feel guilty. She’d die for you.” I said quietly

“She already is.” He whispered

“She’s tough.” I said before I open my door

I look over at my bed and Kelsey’s gone. I started to freak out as I frantically look around the room. Then I hear the shower running. I run into my bathroom and throw the curtain back.

“Kyle!” Kelsey yells as she tries to cover herself

“Sorry.” I mutter staring at her in awe

She’s perfect. Which is weird because I don’t even believe in perfection. Imagine all the things I could do to that body. Aha!

“Get out!” She yelled holding the curtain against her

I snapped out of my lustful state and look up at her face.

“What?” I asked

“Get out!” She repeated

I smirk at her, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

She blushed, “J-just get out.”

My smirked widened, “Okay, okay. I’m leaving.” I said while slowly backing out

I walk out and close the door behind me.

“Is she alright?” Benjamin asked worried

I turn around and smirk at him, “She’s more that alright.”

“Sicko!” He yelled at me

I laughed and plopped down on my bed. Benjamin laid down beside me and chuckled.

I heard the shower turn off and a minute later Kelsey cam out in nothing but a towel.

She turned to me and gasped, “Benji’s in here?!”

I slapped my hand over his eyes while staring at Kelsey. She ran to her suit case and grabbed it before running into the bathroom.

I took my hand away from Benjamin’s eyes.

“That hurt.” He groaned

“Sorry.” I laughed

“I wasn’t gonna look.” He said

“Yeah right.” I scoffed

“I wasn’t. She’s like my sister.” He smiled

I smiled back, “She really loves you.”

“I love her too.” He smiles, “Like a brother!” He adds quickly

I laughed at him, “I knew what you meant.”

Kelsey emerged from the bathroom in a black tank-top and some shorts.

She glared at me and sat down on the edge of the bed. I smiled cockily at her.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” I asked with wide, innocent eyes

“Shut up. Heyllo Benji!” She smiled at him

“Are you alright?” He asked guiltily

“Yeah, I was just a little exhausted early but I’m good now.” She said happily

“You sure?” I asked looking at her intensely

“Yeah.” She said slowly

I sighed, “How many times do I have to tell you? You can not lie to you mate.”

“I’m not lying.” She said quickly, a little too quickly if you ask me

“Why’d you even wake up?” I asked

“ ‘Cause I’m not tired and I want my ice cream.” She pouted

I chuckled, “Only you would still want ice cream after an attack.”

“Hell yeah! Ice cream waits for no one. Let us go!” She jumped up from the bed

She stumbled a little bit then held her hands up, “I’m okay!”

I looked over at Benjamin as he looked at me. Why can’t she just lay down and got to bed? Why do I have to have a difficult mate?

“You’re going to bed.” I stated sitting up

“Nope.” She smiled widely

“Yes, you are.”

“I don’t wanna.” She frowned

“Why won’t you just go to sleep?” I groaned

“Because I don’t wanna.” She said slowly

“Come lay down.”

“You can’t make me!” She yelled before running out of the room

I sighed and stood up, “She’s so difficult.”

“Yes she is.” Benjamin agreed as he ran after Kelsey

I went to my dresser and grabbed a shirt, then I grabbed some socks and my shoes. I ran down stairs and quickly put my shirt, socks, and shoes on.

“C’mon Kyle!” Kelsey yelled jumping up and down

I raised my brows and walked over to her, “Anyone else coming?”

“Yeah, Benji, Justin, Lucas, Ava, Seb, Olivia, Sophia, Elias, Derek, Trevor, Declan, Blake-” She said quickly but I cut her off

“So basically everyone that lives with me?” I asked

“Yes!” She smiled “Now C’mon everybody.” With that said she ran out the front door

I followed and frowned in disgust as I saw what the front yard looked like. Bodies and blood were everywhere. Blood from the…humans we killed. The see-ers are douche bags.

I looked over at Kelsey and she was looking around with horror and pain on her face. I couldn’t blame her.

I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

She looked up at me, “Why is there blood everywhere?”

“There were humans in that group.” I sighed

“Why would see-ers even do that?” She asked

“I don’t know.”

“Okay…um, let’s go.” She said quickly

I nodded and all of us walked out onto the street. The ice cream parlor was right down the street so we could walk.

“So, you’re a healer, Kelsey.” Declan smiled

“I guess.” She shrugged

“That was awesome though.” Olivia nodded

“It was. You did great Kels.” Benji wrapped his arm around her shoulder

“Thanks Benji.” She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyed

I squeezed her hand and smiled down at her. She looked me and she smiled a real smile. We got to the parlor about 5 minutes later.

We walked in and there weren’t many people in there. But I could smell that there were werewolves not from our pack in here.

I shrugged it off and got in line with everybody else.


As soon as I walked into the ice cream I felt…I don’t know how to explain it. Whole? Warm? I don’t know. I shrugged it off and got in line before the others.

“What would you like?” The ice cream scooper person asked

“Rocky Road please.” I said

He nodded, “Cone or bowl.”


He got a cone out and scooped ice cream into it. He handed it to me, I thanked him and turned to Kyle.

“You’re paying for my ice cream.” I said before turning away

“No, I am not.” He argued

I didn’t listen to him and kept walking until I bumped into someone. I held my ice cream in one hand and my other hand shot out to grab the person’s waist.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking.” Said the most beautiful voice in the world

I slowly looked up and was met by bright green eyes. She stared back into my blue eyes.

I heard a throat clear and I snapped out of my daze. Standing up straight, I pulled her up with me.

I looked back and Declan was smirking at me. Then he looked down at my arm, that’s when I realized it was still around the girls waist. I blushed and took it off.

“Um…I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I apologized looking at her

“I-it’s alright. I wasn’t paying attention either.” She smiled slightly

“What’s your name?” I asked

“Aliyah, yours?” She smiled

I couldn’t help but smile back, “Benjamin. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She said staring into my eyes

I stared back getting lost in her emerald eyes.

“Benji? You’re blocking the exit.” Kelsey’s voice brought me back to reality

I looked back at her and smiled, “Oh, sorry.”

She smiled back and looked at Aliyah. I looked at Aliyah and she had a hurt look on her face.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” I asked worried

“N-no. I’m fine.” She nodded looking down

“Heyllo! I’m Kelsey. What’s your name?” Kelsey smiled widely, winking at me playfully

Aliyah looked up, “My name’s Aliyah. It’s nice to meet you.”

Kelsey smiled at her, “You too.”

“Baby? You coming?” Kyle’s said from across the store

Kelsey looked up at Kyle, “Yeah, I’m coming. Bye Benji. Bye Aliyah.”

She skipped over to Kyle and sat down with everybody else. I looked back at Aliyah and she had relief written all over her face.

“Why do you looked so relieved?” I asked her

“Oh, nothing.” She smiled

I looked into her eyes and I realized why she was relieved. When Kyle had called Kelsey he said ‘Baby’. Aliyah probably thought Kelsey was my girlfriend.

“She’s my sister.” I smiled

Aliyah’s eyes widened, “Oh, you guys don’t look alike.”

“Well, we’re not real siblings. We just treat each other like we are. She’s so weird.” I chuckled

Aliyah laughed and it made my heart flutter.

“Aliyah…uh, we have to go. It’s getting late.” Said a girl that was standing next to her

“Okay, Amabelle.” Aliyah said not looking at me

I looked over at Amabelle but she was staring at Elias. Elias was staring back looking into her eyes.

I looked back at Aliyah, “Can I get your number?”

She smiled, “Sure.”

I took my phone out and she took out her, we switched phones and put our numbers in. I handed her back her phone with a smile while she gave me back mine.

“It was nice meeting you. I hope we see each other again.” I grinned

“Same.” She grinned back

“Kay, Amabelle we can go.” She sighed

I turned to look at Amabelle again but she was still staring at Elias.

“Hey, Amabelle. Can I get your number?” I said loudly so Elias could hear

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his head snap towards me and he growled. I smirked and focused on Amabelle.

“Why do you want her number?” Aliyah asked loudly

I motioned her over with my pointer finger, she complied and walked over to me. “She’s mated with my friend over there.” I whispered to her

She pulled back and looked at Amabelle, then followed her gaze. Aliyah smiled and looked at Amabelle.

“532-7729.” She whispered to me

“532-7729.” I muttered over and over again so I wouldn’t forget

“Bye Benjamin.” Aliyah said as she pulled Amabelle out

“Bye.” I smiled

“532-7729.” I mumbled as I walked over to our table

“What the hell was that?” Elias asked angrily

“532-7729.” I smirked

“What’s that?” He asked still angry

“Your mates number.” I smiled

He looked at me in shock, “Really? Are you messing with me right now?”

“No, 532-7729.” I repeated

He quickly took his phone out and put the number in.

“Thank you!” He yelled at me

I laughed, “No problemo, Brolio.”

“So Elias and Benji found their mates. Congrats guys.” Kelsey smiled at us

“Thank you. She thought you were my girlfriend.” I frowned

“Ewwww! That’s disgusting! It’d be like incest.” Kelsey said scrunching her face up

“I know! She was hurt when you came up to me, but then Kyle called you Baby and she had relief written all over her beautiful face.” I smiled looking into space at the last part

“Benji, snap out of it.” Kelsey laughed

I came back to reality and licked my ice cream while smiling widely.

I found my mate. And she’s perfect.


I’m happy for Benji and Elias. When Benji asked for Amabelle’s number Elias was about to kill him.

I licked my ice cream, smiling.

“You know Benji, Elias. You should thank me that you found your mates.” I smiled and nodded my head

“Why?” They asked

“I’m the one that wanted ice cream where your mates were. Sooooo, you are welcome.”

“Whatever.” They scoffed

I scowled and glared at them, “Forget you guys too. Douche bags.”

“Rude!” Benji yelled

“I don’t care.” I said slowly

He glared at me and licked his ice cream, still glaring.

“I’ll kill you.” He stated with a serious look on his face but his eyes showed amusement, his eyes flicked to Kyle and he smirked and nodded at me

“Not if I kill you first.” I glared

“Hon’, I’m a werewolf.” He pointed out

“Yeah, well I’m a lot of things. What now dip-SHIT?!” I yelled

“Whatever, Bitch.” He scoffed

Kyle growled loudly at Benji and gave him a death glare, “Shut. Up. Now.”

We ignored him, “Wow, has my little Benji grown up. You finally learned how to cuss. I taught you well.” I pinched his cheeks

He pried my hand off of his now red cheek, “Why don’t you fall in a hole and die?”

“Why don’t I tie you up with metal chains and throw you into a lake to drowned?” I retorted

“Why don’t you just suck a cock and die?” He glares but there’s a slight smile on his face that I’m pretty sure Kyle can’t see because of how dense he is

“Why don’t you act like a crazy chicken, run in the road and get hit by a car?”

“Why don’t I just break your leg?”

“Why don’t I just choke you?” I asked before I leaned over and choked him

“Kel-sey!” He gasped trying to get my hand off his neck

“Yes?” I asked innocently

“Let…go!” He chokes out

“Nope!” I said popping the P, “Apologize for telling me to suck a coke and die then maybe I’ll let you go.”

“Nev-er!” He tries to yell

I tighten my hand around his neck, “I thought you were a werewolf.” I tease

“I am…but DAMN…you’re strong!” He yelled but it come out in a whisper because he’s losing his oxygen supply

“C’mon, Benji. You can do it. Pry my hand away from your skinny, stick like neck. You can do it.” I encourage with a smirk

“Kyle!…Get…her off… OF ME!” He screeches

“Now Benjamin, when do I EVER listen to Kyle?” I asked him with a smile on my face

“She’s got you there, Bro.” Declan smirked eating his ice cream

“Help…anybody?” He whimpers silently, “God, please help me. This women has gone psycho and it trying to kill me. Please get the devil out of her BEFORE I die.” He begged looking up at the ceiling

“A.P.O.L.O.G.I.Z.E.” I pronounce

“I’m sorry.” He whimpers

“What for?” I urge

“For telling you to…suck a…cock and…die.” He pants

I let go, “Damn boy, do werewolves not need much air?”

“We need it! Didn’t you see me about to die a minute again?!” Benji yelled glaring at me while rubbing his neck

“Oh, I saw. I just didn’t care.” I smirked and licked my ice cream

“You’re mean.” He pouted

“Awww, thanks!” I smile widely and pull him in for a hug

He didn’t hug me back, “Love you, Benji-Kins!”

He laughed and hugged me back, “Love you too, Ley-Lee Bear.”

I pulled back and laugh, “Ley-Lee Bear?”

“Yeah.” He smiled

“I like it! Kyle? Why haven’t you given me a nickname?” I glare at him

“You haven’t given me one!” He defends

“Yeah-huh! It’s KeeKee! What now?!” I said getting in his face

He smiled and kissed me. I quickly pull back.

“What is up wit’ chu always try’nna seduce me?! Huh, whity?!” I asked with an attitude

He chuckled, “I don’t try to seduce you, Mexi-melt.”

“Mexi-melt! So you try’nna be races against my Mexicans now too?! You can kiss my black ass!” I state looking away

“Your ass isn’t even black.” He points out

“How do you know? I could’ve burned it in the sun or sat on a stove or oh, I don‘t know HIRED SOMEONE TO PAINT MY ASS BLACK! You neva know!” I said, wide-eyed the entire time

They all started laughing loudly while Kyle has a smirk on his face.

“Trust me, I know.” He said

“Pervert! You be lookin’ at me in my sleep?! Wow, Kyle! I didn’t know you were a seducer and a rapist! Oh My Gursh Nursh! You took advantage of me?! Am I now longer a virgin?! Ahhhhh, I hate chu!” I sobbed into Benji’s shoulder

Everybody laughs harder and that irritates me.

“How can you laugh when he raped me?! What wrong wit’ ya’ll?!” I demand

This just makes them laugh harder and Kyle has an amused look on his face.

“Baby, it’s not called rape if you enjoyed it.” Kyle smirked

“Why would I enjoy being raped by a rapist?! Rapist could have kinds of diseases! Do you think I want AIDS Kyle?! Do you?!” I demand glaring at him

“No, Baby. I don’t think you want AIDS.” He laughed

This moron actually has the audacity to laugh? HELLLLL NO!

I grabbed my ice cream and shoved it in his face before storming out. He’s a meanie! First he tries to seduce me, then he admits he raped me, THEN he actually laughed about.

Jerky-jerkster! I leaned against the wall on the side of the ice cream shop, using every curse word in the world to cuss Kyle out in my mind.

I heard the jingling sound from the door. Then footsteps walking over to me.

Kyle came into view with ice cream smeared all over his face. I held back a laugh, remembering I was ‘mad’ at him.

“Baby? Are you mad at me?” His dense self asked

“No, Kyle. I’m not mad.” I said sarcastically

“I didn’t take advantage of you. I promise.” He smiled

“Oh…” I trailed off, “Sorry.” I put on my innocent face

“It’s alright.” He said putting his hands on the side of my head, trapping me.

He leaned down and placed his lips on mine gently. The familiar sparks went through my body and I shiver slightly. Kyle, being the ‘observant’ person he is, notice my little shiver and smirked, pressing his lips and body harder against mine.

I nipped his bottom lip gently. He groaned and opened his mouth allowing me the entrance I wanted. Our tongues dance together in fiery passion. I pulled away for air,

“I’m a good actress, huh?” I smirked

“You were acting?” He asked incredulous

“Of course. Like I would really accuse you of raping me.” I rolled my eyes

“If you were acting did you really have to smash ice cream in my face?” He scrunched up his face and tried to look at the ice cream that was on his nose

I leaned up and licked his cheek, “Peanut butter’s my favorite.”

His eyes got darker as he stared at me in lust. I ducked and got out of his trap.

“Goodbye.” I waved and started walking towards the door, but of course Kyle couldn’t have that

He grabbed my waist and gently but firmly pushed me against the wall.

“I don’t think so.” He said before crashing his lips onto mine

I pulled back, “I do.”

“Don’t care what you say.” He mumbled against mine neck

“Yes, you do.” I sang wrapping my arms around him neck

“Shut up.” He said kissing my neck

“Nope, nope, NOOOOOOOPE!” I sang in his ear

He jumped back and away from me, “Ow! Ow, ow, ow! That shit hurt!”

“What hurt?” I asked innocently

“You can’t just go around screaming in werewolves’ ears. Do you know how acute our hearing is?” He groaned

“Really acute?” I guessed confused

“Yes, really, really acute.” He said holding his head, “I think I have a headache.” He stated frowning

“I sowwy.” I smiled at his pain

“No you are not. You like seeing me in pain.” He groaned

“Okay….you caught me.” I sighed

He didn’t reply, just kept groaning and complaining about how I may have busted his ear drums.

“Well if you didn’t try to seduce me AGAIN, maybe your ear wouldn’t he hurting and you wouldn’t have a headache.” I stated smartly

“Whatever.” He muttered leaning against the wall, holding his head in his hands

“Does it still hurt?” I asked stupidly

“Noooo. It feels amazing.” He said sarcastically

“Don’t have to be mean.” I mumbled

“I’m sorry.” He looked up at me

“Yeah, yeah.” I said walking out of the alley thingy

I skip into the ice cream parlor smiled widely.

“Hiya!” I said sitting down

“You’re weird.” Benji stated

“Flattering will get you nowhere!” I teased

“Where’s Kyle?” Olivia asked

“He is in the alley cry.” I said

“Why’s he cry?” Declan smirked

“I sang.” I smiled

“You sang?” Declan repeated

“Yes, in his ear.” I smirked

“He’s probably deaf.” Benji muttered

“You wanna go deaf too?” I asked him

“I’m good.” He said smoothly

I smiled. Then I heard the jingling sound of the door. I turned around and Kyle came strolling in.

“Hey, Baby.” He smiled at me

I narrowed my eyes, “Hey.”

I thought he was mad?

He sat down in his previous spot and grabbed my hand. I didn’t feel the sparks I usually felt.

“You okay?” I asked cautiously

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” He asked confused

“I thought you were deaf.” I smirked but it was fake

“Oh…I’m better now.” He smiled

I raised my brow and looked into his eyes. They weren’t bright and playful like they usually are.

I leaned over to Benji and whispered in his ear, “That’s not Kyle.”

“How do you know?” He whispered back

“Look at his eyes.”

I sat back up straight as Benji looked over at Kyle.

“You all right, Baby?” ‘Kyle’ asked

“What was the first thing you ever said to me?” I asked

“Um…” He trailed off

I let go of his hand, “Where’s Kyle?”

“I’m right here.” He said confused

Everybody except Benji looked confused.

“Elias, Declan, Derek, and Blake stay here. The rest of you go check the alley.” I ordered

“Why?” They asked

“I’ll tell you out there.” Benji said getting up

They all left except for Derek, Blake, Declan, and Elias.

“Elias, grab his hand.” I said to Elias

“Why?” He frowned

“Just do it.” I said in my Alpha tone

Elias reached over and grabbed ‘Kyle’s’ hand. I looked at Elias and he was frowning deeply.

Then he threw ‘Kyle’s hand away.

“Who the hell are you?” Elias asked angrily

“Kelsey! He’s gone!” Benji yelled running inside

I looked back at ‘Kyle’ and grabbed his throat. I dragged him outside. The others followed.

‘What is he, Elias?” I asked

“Shape-shifter.” He sighed

I banged the fake Kyle against the wall, “Where is he?”

He smirked, “You’ll never find out.”

“You and your little people must not know me very well. Never isn’t in my vocabulary.” I said before I scream

“Ahhhhh.” He yelled

I stopped, “Are you going to tell me where he is?”

“No.” He groaned

I clenched my jaw, “I’m not afraid to kill you, you know that, right?”

He shrugged and I tightened my grip on his throat. I screamed again, right in his ear. I stopped when I felt him starting to lose consciousness.

“Tell me something, okay?” I asked

He clenched his jaw.

“Do you like being a shape-shifter?” I asked him, smirking

His eyes widened, “You can’t take my powers away from me. You aren’t that powerful.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes.” He spat

“And just to let you know, I am that powerful.” I said, “So if you don’t want to lose your powers, I suggest you tell me where Kyle is.”

“Never.” He said

“I really didn’t want to do this.” I sighed before quietly chanting a spell that would take his powers away

“Okay, okay!” He yelled

I stopped and looked up at him, “Yes?”

“He’s with the see-ers. They knew you would go after him. So they took him.” He gasped

“So they have the shape-shifters on their side too?” I asked

He nodded in defeat.

“Thanks, you’ve been a great help.” I said before I finished the spell

Before my eyes he turned into a regular man. One that didn’t look like Kyle.

I dropped him to the floor and turned around.

“What’re we gonna do?” Blake asked

“I’m gonna go get him.” I stated walking out of the alley

“You can’t go alone.” Benji argued

“Well, I am.” I said

“We’re coming with you. So is the whole pack. That’s why they’re here.” Declan said

“It’s not enough.” Elias said

“My mate is the Alpha’s daughter.” Benji said

“Do you think they’d help us?” Derek asked

“Yeah, if they knew it could save the world.” Benji said

“Call her then.” I said walking down the street

“Where you going?” Derek asked as he caught up with me

“To get Jonny.” I said

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “He’ll be alright.”

“I have no doubt about that because if he has even one scratch on him. The see-ers will be extinct.” I shrugged

He laughed quietly, “I hope my mate will be as…whatever you are.”

I smiled slightly, “I know. I’m awesome.”

We were already in front of Jonny’s house. I hadn’t even noticed how fast I was walking. I walked through the front yard, around the bodies and to the front door.

“Jonny?” I called out

He came into view, “Yes Kelsey?”

“The see-ers have Kyle.” I said with tears in my eyes

“What?” He asked in a whisper

“They have him.” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

His eyes turned hard, “Everybody get ready. We’re leaving in 15 minutes. I don’t care if you don’t want to go. You’re going.” He said in his Alpha voice

Everybody scrambled up the stairs.

“They said yes.” Benji said

“Who said yes?” Jonny asked

“My mate is the Alpha Rick’s daughter.” Benji said, “They said they’d help us. They’ll be here in a bout 10 minutes.” He added

Jasmine came in with tears running down her face, with Lily on her hip who wasn’t any better.

“Sissy.” Lily sobbed holding her arms out to me

Jasmine handed her to me and I grabbed her, burying my face in her hair.

“He’ll be okay.” I soothed

“Yeah.” She agreed burying her face in my neck

Everybody came running down stairs.

“Can everybody huddle up real quick?” I asked

“Why?” Jonny asked

“I’m gonna put a spell on you guys that will keep you alive no matter what.” I said, “It might hurt, but only a little.” I added

Jonny and my friends nodded while the others glared at me.

“Why should we trust you?” Creepy dude sneered

“I haven’t given you a reason not too.” I stated

“You’ve given us lots of reasons.” He growled

“You know what! Fine! Die then! But I WILL protect everybody that means something to me. If you don’t trust me. Fine, I really don’t care. You guys don’t have to like me, and I don’t have to like you. And newsflash: I don’t.” I said in my Alpha voice

Everybody stared at me in shock.

“So everybody that wants to be protected, huddle up.” I ordered

Everybody huddled up, even creepy dude.

"Per dracones lucem hac nocte Dico tibi dare me fortitudine tua, III, vi, Coniuro te, omnes tueri, circumdedit me, sic fiat semper, Sic fiat semper!” I yelled

I opened my eyes and everybody had their eyes closed, trying to withhold from the pain.

“Sorry it had to hurt.” I apologized

They all slowly opened their eyes.

“That felt weird.” Jonny commented, smiling slightly

I nodded.

“Hello?” Asked a strong voice

I turned around and saw a BIG group of people.

“Hello, are you Alpha Rick?” Jonny asked

“Yes, who’s Kelsey?” He asked looking around

“Right here, Sir.” I raised my hand

He looked over and smiled at me, “So you’re gonna change the world?”

“If I get Kyle back, yes.”

He nodded and they all walked in.

“What happened out there?” Rick asked, jerking his head to the front yard

“An attack.” Jonny stated

“Ah, I see. The blood?” Rick asked

“The see-ers brought humans into the fight.”

Their eyes widened.

“Humans?” Rick questioned

“Yes, they have the vampires, shape-shifters, minotaur’s, and the Moonlight Pack. Even the demons.” Jonny sighed

Their eyes widened again, “How will we defeat all of them without dying?”

“I can put a spell on you guys that will keep you alive.” I offered

Their eyes snapped to me.

“You’re a witch?” Rick asked

“Among other things, yes.” I nodded

“And if any of you get hurt she’s can heal you. The spell she can put on you won‘t stop you from getting hurt, it will just keep you alive.” Jonny said

“She’s a healer too?” Rick asked in astonishment

Everyone from Jonny’s pack nodded.

“Very well. You can put the spell on us.” Rick said

“It’s gonna hurt.” I warned

“How bad?” Aliyah asked

“I don’t know, ask one of them.” I said

“How bad?” She asked Benji

“It just feels like…you’re on fire. But the spell is short so it won’t hurt for that long.” He said quickly

“Fire?” She squeaked

Benji smiled, “Yeah, but it only hurts for like, three seconds.”

She nodded and took a deep breathe, “Whenever you’re ready, Kelsey.”

"Per dracones lucem hac nocte Dico tibi dare me fortitudine tua, III, vi, Coniuro te, omnes tueri, circumdedit me, sic fiat semper, Sic fiat semper!” I yelled without warning

Some of them groaned and some clenched their jaws to stop the scream that wanted to come out.

“Sorry.” I said

They opened their eyes.

“That hurt like a MoFo.” This teenage kid groaned

“Kelsey, don’t you need the spell put on you too?” Benji asked

“I have the witches protecting me. I can’t die.” I frowned

“Why are you frowning?” He asked

“Huh? Oh, nothing.” I lied

“You’re lying.” He sighed

“It’s not fair that I have all the witches protecting me and you guys only have my spell to protect you guys.” I sighed, “I mean, the spells gonna work but still, it’s not fair.” I added quickly

“We’ll be fine, Kelsey.” Jonny patted my back

I nodded, “Where’s Lily and Kaylee staying?”

“Kaylee’s at her grandmothers…Jasmine, where is Lily staying?” Jonny asked

“We can drop her off at my Mother’s house.” She suggested

“Okay, and it’s on the way toward the see-ers.” He nodded, ‘Does everybody have everything they need?”

Everyone nodded and we started filing out the door.

Lord, please let Kyle be okay.


Chapter 18: Kryptonite

We all walked out and the packs went to different cars. I was with Jonny and his pack. I forgot their name. Eh, who cares?

I leaned my head against the back of the seat and closed my eyes. Praying that Kyle would be alright.

“Kelsey? Where am I?”

I heard Kyle ask

My eyes shot open and I sat up.

“Kelsey?!” Benji asked alarmed

I ignored him, “Kyle? Are you okay?”

“Where am I?”

He groaned

“The see-ers took you.”

I stated

“Ah, hell.”

He sighed

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?”

I asked


He lied


I demanded

“I’m not hurt.”

He argued

“I will kill you.”

I growled


He chuckled

“Don’t test me Kyle. When we find you, you’re dead.”

“If you find me.”

He whispered

“Shut up! We are going to find you! Do you know where you are? Like is there a certain trade mark thingy about it?”

“You’re coming.”

He stated in a flat tone

“Yup! I’ll see you in about an hour.”

“Don’t come here.”

He growled

“Why not?”

I asked

“That’s what they want!”

He yelled

I raised a brow even though he couldn’t see me, “Then I guess they’re gonna get what they want then, huh?”

“Kelsey! Just go back to the pack house!”

He yelled AGAIN

“So…are you gonna tell me anything about the place you’re in or are you gonna have me searching the whole little see-ers den looking for you?”

I asked in a bored tone

“I said to go home! I can handle this!”

“Sure. So, what do you notice about the room?”

I asked, ignoring his anger

“God damn it, Kelsey! Why don’t you ever listen?! By you coming here, you’re giving them what they want! They WANT you to come and get me! Just so they can kill you! Go. Home!”

He yelled furiously

Unfazed by his anger I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, “ I’m coming whether you want me too or not. And if you don’t want to tell me anything about where you are, then I guess I’ll search the whole place. So I’m going to give you one more chance. ‘Kay?”

I waited for him to respond

“Go. Home.”

He said slowly

“Nope. Last chance, KeeKee. Where do you think you are?”

“Kelsey! Just go back home!”

He yelled

“Are you going to tell me where you might be?”

I asked

“No! I want you to go home!”

He shouted in my head

Man! I’m so gonna have a headache from this little conversation.

‘I‘m not going back. I‘m coming to get you. Bye, I love you. See you soon.” I said before blocking him out

“You okay?” Benji asked throwing an arm over my shoulder

“Kyle wouldn’t tell me anything about where’s he’s being held.” I sighed

“Why?” Benji asked

“Because he wants me to go home.” I said

“Why is he so stubborn?” Derek growled lowly

“Don’t know but I do know that I’m more stubborn.” I shrugged

A few laughed, easing the tension slightly.

“Is he still trying to tell you not to come?” Jonny asked

“I blocked him out.” I stated

Jonny looked in the rear view mirror at me, “You blocked him out?” He asked in confusion

“Yes.” I said

“You cant do that with your mate.” He frowned

I shrugged, “I guess I can.”

I looked out the window as we passed the ice cream parlor.

“Stop!” I yelled

Jonny slammed on the brakes and I jumped out of the truck.

“Kelsey!” They yelled behind me

I ran to the alley and looked around. Laying there was the used-to-be-shape-shifter. He was still unconscious from the spell I used. I didn’t know it at the time but that spell was really powerful.

I grabbed him arm and started dragging him back to the truck.

“Who the hell is that?” Jonny asked suspiciously

“Wanna-be-Kyle.” I stated throwing him in the back

I hopped in behind him and shut the door.

“Why are you back there?” Jonny asked turning around

“I have to get him conscious again. He might know where they’re holding Kyle.” I said setting one hand on his chest and the other behind his head.

“Drive.” I commanded Jonny

He did as told and started the car, driving off.

I don’t know how spells come to me but it’s like I always knew them. They just come to me. Always the right one for the situation too.

A spell came to my mind and I started chanting it quietly. I felt a current of energy flow out of me and Wanna-be-Kyle’s heart started beating faster, almost like he was afraid.

I looked down and he was blinking rapidly.

“Morning sunshine.” I smirked

He blinked some more then he looked a little more focused. When his eyes landed on me they widened and he scrambled away from me.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” I smiled

His chest moved up and down rapidly, “Y-y-you t-took away m-my powers.”

“Congrats buddy! You figured it out. It’s not like you weren’t there or anything.” I teased sarcastically

“A-and you k-k-killed me!” He stuttered

“You’re here aren’t you? That means I didn’t kill you. I’d never kill anyone on purpose or if I had a say in it.” I said, offended that anyone would think that about me

“Nice going, Dickhead! You made her sad.” Benji spat glaring at Wanna-be-Kyle

I smiled at Benji and looked back at Wanna-be-Kyle. Wow! That’s a mouth full!

“What’s your name?” I asked innocently

“Why do you need to know?” He growled

“Growl at her again and it’ll be the last

thing you ever do.” Derek snarled

Yup! They all snarl!

“Thanks Bro! So, Wanna-be-Kyle. What’s your name?”

“Adam.” He spat, not looking at me

His gaze was transfixed on my upper arm. He was staring intently at then his eyes slowly slid up to mine.

His eyes were wide in shock and horror. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak but no words were coming out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worried

He opened his mouth again but closed it.

“What?!” I yelled

“Y-you’re the U-uniter.” He stared in horror

“The what?” I asked in confusion

“That’s the official name for you.” Declan said

“Ahhh, then… Yeah, I guess I am.” I shrugged

He suddenly started apologizing.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!” He sobbed

“Didn’t know what?” I asked softly

“They didn’t say the uniter was involved! They just said they had to get this one girl to save that guy! I didn’t know!” He cried into his hands, “I’m such a disgrace to my kind! If they ever found out I went against or hurt you in any way, I’ll be killed!

“Why would you be killed?” I asked

His head shot up, “You’re our hero. You’re suppose to save us!”

“Now let me ask you something Ad. Is it alright for me to call you Ad? Of course it is. Okay, back to the question at hand. Why in fuck’s name would I want to save a species that helped in the kidnapping of my boyfriend?” I asked angrily

“The shape-shifters aren’t in this.” Adam sobbed, looking at me, pleading

“Then why the hell did you shape-shift Kyle?” I sneered

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the pack flinch slightly.

“I had too.” He said quietly

“I’m waiting.” I said impatiently when he didn’t elaborate

“They have my little sister. They said I could get her back if I did this.” He sobbed

“How old is your little sister?” I asked


“Why do they have her?” I asked him in a formal tone that hid all my emotions

The see-ers are going extinct tonight. That’s all there is too it.

He chuckled softly, “She yelled at and tried to kill the see-ers leader for talking bad about the Uniter.”

“So it’s basically my fault.” I stated in a whisper

He looked up at me and searched my face but I hid my emotions with a blank expression and cold eyes.

He flinched when he looked at my eyes, “Why are your eyes black?”

“Because I want them to be.” I shrugged not wavering my gaze

He nodded and the car jerked to a spot. I looked around and saw little houses.

“Come on Lily. It’s time to see grandma.” Jasmine smiled but you could tell it was forced

“Grandma?!” Lily screamed in happiness


Lily jumped down from he car and ran around to the back. The door flung open and Lily jumped into my arms. I held her tight.

“Be careful, Sissy.” She murmured against my neck

“I’ll try.” I smiled

She pulled back, “Love you, Sissy. Will I see you in the morning? And Kylie?”

“You’ll see all of us tomorrow.” I smiled at her confidently

I’m confident because I know nobody’s going to die. I won’t let it happen.

“Promise?” She held her pinky out

I linked my pinky with hers, “I swear.”

She kissed my cheek and jumped down from the truck.

“Bye guys!” She yelled running up the stony path

“Bye!” Everybody yelled

Jonny and Jasmine walked Lily to the door and hugged her before knocking. An old lady came out and started talking to Jonny and Jasmine.

You could see the worry on her face all the way from here. Suddenly they all looked our way and the lady met my eye.

I saw her visibly stiffen before relaxing. She smiled warningly at me and I smiled back slightly, still confused about her reaction.

Were people meant to be scared of the uniter or whatever I am? Cause if they were then I don’t want to be it.

“Kelsey! Can you come here a minute!” Jonny yelled

I frowned in confusion and got out of the truck, and slowly made my way over to them.

“Yes?” I asked slowly

“She would like to meet you.” Jonny said motioning to the old lady

“Well, hey, I’m Kelsey. You?” I asked smiling, holding my hand out to her

“Lorraine. It’s such a pleaser to meet someone as powerful as you.” She gushed holding my hand so tight I thought it would fall off. I suddenly felt a bolt of electricity run up my arm and I shook my whole body.

What the hell?!

“Kelsey?” Jonny and Jasmine asked

I couldn’t reply because my body was shaking so hard I could barely breathe.

“What’s wrong?!” I heard Benji yelled

“I don’t know!” Jonny yelled setting his hands on my shoulders

I looked up into Lorraine’s eyes as saw that they were white. Just white. No pupil, no color. Nothing.

I felt power flowing into me. But it was too much. She could kill me giving me this much power.

“Get-her…off me.” I choked out, “Hur-ry!”

I felt people trying to pull Lorraine’s hand off mine but the lady has a death grip on there.

It felt like I was about to blow up. Is she trying to kill me?! Who the hell is this lady?

The shaking heightened and I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head momentarily.

When I looked back at the women, her eyes were no longer white. They now has a wickedness to them I didn’t see before.

“She’s-trying-to...kill me!” I said

“What?!” I heard people yell

“Elias! Find-power!” I gasped

“Okay!” Then I felt air rush by me

“Shape-shifter, demon and witch. Rouge.” Elias spat

“Step-back!” I tried to yell but it came out in a soft whisper, but I’m sure they heard

When I was sure they stepped back I lifted my leg and kicked the ladies chest. She went flying back into the house and I felt myself stop shaking.

I ran into the house and pick ‘It’ up by it neck.

“What are you doing?!” I heard Jasmine scream

I turned around, “This is not your mother.”

“What are you talking about?! Yes it is!” She yelled trying to get out of Jonny and Elias’s grip

I banged ‘It’ against the wall.

“Why don’t you show who you really are.” I growled, “Demons have to show themselves it someone asks, right? So do it. And don’t try that shape-shifting crap on me.” I spat

She smirked and ‘It’s’ face started to contort until it was a man that screamed “Demon! Yup! Right here! I’m a Demon!”

“Wow, you are really ugly.” I stated

‘It’ growled and tried to bite me.

“What the hell?! Did you just try to bite me, you freak?” I asked in disgust

“A demon’s bite can kill the Uniter.” Adam‘s voice stated

“Ah, thanks for the tip.” I said before kneeing him in the groin

He doubled over in pain and I kneed him hard in the face. He fell to the floor unconscious.

I walked away, “I’m not killing it.”

“Psh! I am!” Benji said walking forward

I shrugged and walked down the hall. I opened the last door in the hallway and saw a lady tied up to a chair, all bruised and bloody.

I gasped and she looked up, frightened. I started walking towards her but she flinched so I stopped.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just gonna untie you, get that weird thing out of your mouth and heal you. That’s it.” I said with my hands raised

I saw her nod slightly so I started walking forward again.

“Kel-” Jonny abruptly stopped as he took in the lady

“Keep Jasmine out of here.” I said as I stood in front of the lady, “Shut the door, please.”

He stared a second more before nodding and shutting the door.

I started by getting the thing that looked lick a sock out of her mouth before untying her.

“Is anything broken that I might need to know about?” I asked as I stopped from picking her up

“I think my left ribs.” She whispered staring at me in amazement

I nodded and picked her up on her right side. She groaned and I quickly walked over to the bed and laid her down gently.

I sat beside her, “What’s your name?”

“Lorraine.” She muttered

“Cool, my name’s Kelsey. Now, tell me where it hurts the most.”

“My ribs then the back of my head.” She said

I nodded and lifted up her shirt, “Don’t worry I have a boyfriend. I promise not to rape you.”

She smiled slightly and her body shook a little before she groaned.

“Don’t make me laugh.” She said smiling

“Sorry.” I smiled placing my hand on her left rib cage

She winced slightly and I apologized. I closed my eyes and thought of a fixed rib cage. I guess school does come in handy. Who knew?

I felt energy rush out of me but I only hand to do it twice because I could feel the bones slowly connecting again.

I opened my eyes, “You’re head hurts?”


I lifted her head slightly and place my hand under it. I felt sticky stuff there and I don’t even want to think about what it is.

I closed my eyes and felt more energy rush out of me as I healed her.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breathe, “Any where else?”

“It’s alright, Dear. You’ve had enough.” She smiled

I looked over her and saw that she had tons of bruises and scratches. I can’t let Jasmine see her mother this way.

“It’ll only take a second.” I said setting my hands on her head

“No! Dear, don’t! You’re going to get too tired!” She yelled before I pushed bolts of energy into her

I felt myself drain slightly but I still had power from when that crazy demon witch gave me some but it turns out he was trying to kill me. That sneaky bastard!

I pushed another current of energy out before laying down beside her.

“Is everything alright in there?” I heard Jasmine’s voice ask

Lorraine sat up, “You may come in.”

The door slammed against the wall as Jasmine rushed in, followed my the others.

Benji came to my side with a bottle of water. He unscrewed the top and lifted my head up,

“Drink.” He commanded

“Yes, Sir.” I teased before drinking the water

When I finished it I felt a little better.

“I want a cookie. Peanut butter cookie.” I groaned getting up

Benji pushed me back down, “We’ll get it.”

“I have to get up anyway. We have to go get Kyle.”

“But-” I cut him off

“Move.” I said trying to sit up again

He pushed me back down.

“Benjamin London Toyley! Let me up now.” I said

“How do you know my full name?” He frowned

I frowned too, “I don’t know.”

I shrugged and took advantage of the distraction and quickly got up.

“Lorraine? Do you have a cookie for the road?” I asked sweetly

She smiled, “Yes.”

I beamed at her and ran out of the room, all the way to the kitchen. I sat down and waited for Lorraine to come in so she could give me my cookie.

She walked in and went to a cabinet.

“Do you have peanut butter?!” I asked excitedly

“Yes, Dear.” She chuckled

“Good!” I said bouncing up and down in my seat

She got out a package of peanut butter cookies and set them in front of me. I ripped the package open and started stuffing cookies in my pockets and mouth.

“Kelsey.” Benji scolded

“Wha?” I asked with my mouth full of deliciousness

He gave me ’The Look’. I glared at him and shoved another cookie in my pocket.

“What?” I asked with attitude

“Put them back.” He said crossing his arms over his chest

“Kiss my black ass.” I said quietly so Lily wouldn’t hear

“It’s not black!” He yelled exasperated

I turned to Lorraine, “Is it alright if I have all these cookies? Yes. Oh, thank you!” I stuffed more cookies in my pockets

“Kelsey!” Benji yelled

I turned to him, “What do you want now?!”

“Put. Them. Back.” He said slowly

“Lorraine said I could have them!” I whined

“No she didn’t!” He yelled

“Ask her.” I retorted crossing my chest

He turned to Lorraine, “Can she have your cookies?”

“Yes. It’s quite alright.” Lorraine smiled

“Ha ha.” I teased stuffing another cookie in my mouth

He glared at me, “Hurry up.”

I nodded and grabbed the rest of the cookies, shoving them in my pocket. I stood up,

“Thanks for the cookies.” I mumbled through the three cookies that are currently in my mouth

“It’s my pleasure.” Lorraine smiled, “You did, after all, heal me.” She added in awe

“Now that was my pleasure.” I smiled

“Now Lorraine, don’t open the door for anyone. If it’s us, make us confirm that it’s actually us. We’re leaving Lily here because we-re going to the see-ers kingdom. They have Kyle.” He finished looking pained

Jasmine set her hand on his arm and rubbed it. Aw!!!!

“What?!” Lorraine practically yelled

“Damn women, you got some lungs on YOU!” I yelled in shock

Who knew old people could still yell? Did you? I didn’t.

She ignored me which made me laugh, “They have my Baby Boy?!”

“Yes.” Jonny sighed

“Why?” She asked worried

“They want Kelsey.” He said motioning to me

She looked at me and I flinched from the coldness of her eyes.

“Why did they take Kyle when they want you?!” She screamed at me

I shifted uncomfortably, “Um…”

“Mom! She’s the Uniter!” Jasmine yelled

“So?! Why did they take Kyle?!” She yelled giving me a murderous look

“She’s his mate.” Jonny stated

Lorraine’s eyes widened, “Oh…um…I’m so sorry!”

I nodded slowly, “Yeah…it’s all good.”

She still looked apologetic but found out that there wasn’t anything she could really say that will help the situation. I already forgave her so….What else could she say?

“So…are we gonna go?” Benji asked probably sensing my discomfort. I’m pretty sure everyone can feel it.

“Yup!” I yelled, “Lorraine, thanks for the cookies. They’re my favorite. Bye Lily. See ya’ll soon!” I added running out to the truck

I noticed Alpha Rick’s truck behind Jonny’s. I ran over to it and motioned for him to roll his window down.

“Wazzup?!” I yelled

He leaned back and blinked at my outburst, “What?”

“Wazzup?!” I smirked

“What?” He asked even more confused

I sighed heavily, “What. Is. Up?”

“Oh…why didn’t you just speak like a normal person? And nothing is up.” He smiled

I nodded, “Cool! I almost got bite by a demon. But other than that, I’m all good!”

Everybody gasped, “Are you alright?!”

“Sheesh, calm down Ricky Bobby’s. I said I’m good.” I smiled

They sighed, “Good.”

“Yup! So, we’re about to leave. Be ready! Ahhhhhhhh!” I yelled running back to the truck

I hopped in the back and sat Indian style. I waved at Rick.

“OMG! I was just over there, now I’m over here! Magic! Oooooh!” I yelled stuffing two cookies in my mouth

The pack walked over and got in the car.

“Remind me why I agreed with her having cookies.” Benji frowned

“I don’t need your permission to get cookies, Dip-shit!” I yelled eating another one

Adam got in back with me and shut the door. I turned to him.

“So, shape-shifters aren’t in this?” I asked eating yet another cookie

“I don’t know who that was.” He defended

“If I see one shape-shifter when we get to the see-ers kingdom. Something bad is going to happen to your kind. Got it?” I asked

He nodded, looking scared. Good! I turned around and set my hands on the back of the seat by Benji’s head.

“Wazzup, Benji?” I asked kissing his cheek

“I’m regretting the cookie decision.” He sighed

“You should see me when I eat spaghetti!” I exclaimed

“Spaghetti?” They questioned

“Yeah! I get SOOOOO hyper!” I yelled, Can we have spaghetti for dinner tomorrow?!”

“No.” They all said at once

I pouted and leaned back, “Well, forget you guys too.”

They didn’t reply so I closed my eyes and let down my wall.

“Kyle? Are you ready to tell me anything?”

I asked


He yelled

“I’ll take that as a no. Bye…again.”

I said before blocking him out

“How much further?” I asked munching on a cookie

“About 20 minutes.” Jonny answered

I nodded and turned to Adam, “Wanna cookie?”

“Sure.” He smiled

I dug into my pocket and pulled out a whole cookie. I handed it to him and he stared at it.

“Well…aren’t ya gonna eat it?” I asked, wondering why he hadn’t devoured it yet

“I’m not sure it’s safe to eat.” He frowned

“Fine.” I snapped and grabbed the cookie out of his hand, stuffing it in my mouth. “There, no cookie for you.” I smirked

He turned his nose up, “That’s nasty.”

“Ya Mama!” I yelled

He frowned, “Wow. You are one CRAZY chick.”

“Aw, thanks.” I smiled

The pack laughed as did I.

I sobered up and turned to Adam, “Do you have any idea where they might be holding Kyle?”

“All I know is that he’s on the west side of the kingdom.” He looked sorry that, that was all he knew

“Thanks.” I smiled

We pulled over. I looked around and saw that we were surrounded by trees. I’m just gonna tell you guys right now, I DO NOT do the forest. I am a straight city girl.

“Um…” I trailed off looking at everybody

They all got out and shut the doors behind me. Benji came around and opened the back door. I hoped out as did Ad.

“Why are we in the forest?” I asked looking around

“The see-ers kingdom is through here.” Jonny said pointing into the darkness

“Jonny, I don’t have night vision.” I stated

“Well, you need to get it.” He smiled

I laughed as Rick’s pack walked over to us. Benji immediately walked over to Aliyah and grabbed her hand.

“Aw! Benji!” I jumped up and down

He lost his smile and glared hard at me as Aliyah laughed. That didn’t ruin my mood.

“Don’t be rude, Benji!” I scolded glaring at him

I smirked as his eyes softened.

“Okay, how are we gonna do this?” I asked turning away from Benji before he could apologize

“We will split up into four groups. Packs combined because some of us know more than others. They’ll be expecting us to attack from the back, so we are attacking from the front. We will also attack from the sides. Kelsey you are not attacking from where they are holding Kyle. Do you understand me?” Jonny said staring at me the ENITRE FRIGGIN’ TIME!

“That’s not cool, dude!” I yelled, my eyes blazing

“I don’t really care. They will expect you to try to find Kyle first. So we are not do that. Right?” He glared

I glared right back, “Yes, we are.”

“No. We are not.” He growled using his Alpha tone

I blinked, unfazed by his little Alpha-ness, “We’ll see.”

“Maybe she’s right, Jonathan. She’s the most powerful of us.” Jasmine said setting a comforting hand on his arm

I smirked smugly, “What now?”

“No. I refuse to put her in that much danger. Kyle will not lose his mate because the see-ers are psychotic bitches.” He growled loudly and started shaking

I blinked again and saw Jasmine trying to calm him down.

“Fine! I’ll listen to you, for now. Better not get used to it.” I glared

Jonny took a deep breathe and nodded.

“But I’m attacking from the back.” I stated

His head snapped up and he locked eyes with me, “To hell you are.”

“Either that or I go straight to Kyle.” I said crossing my arms over my chest

“I like her.” I heard someone mutter

I raised a brow, “Offer end in three seconds. You don’t answer I’mma go straight to Kyle.” I shrugged

His eyes glazed over.


“Fine!” He boomed, “You can attack from the back!”

I beamed at him, “Thanks, Jonny!”

He rolled his eyes and turned to Rick.

“Meanie.” I muttered

I saw him roll his eyes again. I laughed and turned around. Elias was talking to Amabelle.

Why don’t I embarrass him too?

“Aw! Eli! So cute!” I said pinching his cheek

He also lost his smile and glared at me while Amabelle held back her giggles. I turned and saw Olivia.

“Olivia! I haven’t seen you in forever!” I said hugging her

“I saw you like a minute ago.” She chuckled hugging me back

I looked over at Jessiah, “I’mma steal her.”

He growled playfully and grabbed her waist, pulling her away from me.

I lowered into a fighting stance, “I will fight till the death for her.”

He let go of Olivia’s waist and also crouched down into a fighting stance except he looked like a deformed walrus.

I burst into a fit of laughter at my last thought, “You!…You look like!….a deformed….Walrus!”

He stood up straight and started stalking over to me.

“Ummm…” I looked around and everybody was LAUGHING

Jerks! Ugh, they are SUCH traitor’s!

Jessiah grabbed my waist and tried to throw me over his shoulder but I grabbed him and pushed him roughly against the truck. In fast motion! Cool huh?!

He groaned and rolled his eyes, “Stupid powerful lady, chick…thing.”

I chuckled and let him go.

“Lalalalala!” I sang as I reached into my pocket for a cookie

I only had two left! Ah, the horror!

“Guys…” I trailed off

They all looked at me, “What?!”

“I only have two cookies left.” I cried

They sighed and creepy dude just HAD to speak up.

“Why don’t you grow up and act mature for once?” He sneered at

“Why would I want to grow up? So I can be old and wrinkly like you?” I glared

“You know what!” He yelled stalking towards me

He reached his hand out and I grabbed it, twisting it behind his back.

“Don’t ever attempt to touch me again, understood?” I whispered in his ear

He growled and tried to get free.

“Creepy dude, if you haven’t noticed that I’m stronger than you in the shirt amount of time you’ve know me. You’re an idiot.” I stated pushing him away from me

He tried to touch me again but Jonny slammed him against the truck. Ha ha, Creepy dude.

“Don’t. Touch. Her.” He growled, “If you do. I will personally kill you.”

Creepy dude nodded, terrified. I smirked and sat down on the ground, criss-cross applesauce.

“Thank you, Jonny.” I smiled picking up a pebble, “So when are we going?”

“Can you try talking to Kyle again? Tell him to tell you where he is.” Jonny commanded

“Yes sir!” I said putting my wall down

“Heyllo, Kyle Anthony Jacobs.”

I sang

“Are you at home?”

“Nope. Outside the forest by the see-ers kingdom. You’re Daddy told me to make you tell me where you are. If that makes sense.”

I finished, thoroughly confused

He sighed, “The room in dark red, brick walls, and there’s a window like 100,000 feet up in the friggin’ air. I chained up, the chains are pretty strong though. “

“Thanks! Finally, couldn’t you just tell me earlier?! Gursh Nursh!”


I could hear the smile in his voice

“No prob. See you in a bit.”

“Love you.”

“I love you too!”

I yelled before coming back to reality

“The room is dark red, has brick walls and there’s a window that’s really high up. He said he’s chained up but the chains are really strong. You’ll need someone strong to do it. If you can.” I smirked, knowing I was the strongest

“No.” Jonny said bluntly

I pouted and stood up, “Please? I even have a cookie for him.”

“No. Benjamin, Blake, Derek, Declan, and Justin, let me have a word with you.” Jonny said walking away

“Ohhhh, you guys have been bad boys.” I tsked

They rolled their eyes and followed Jonny. I smirked and sat back down.

“Lalalalala, I’m so bored!” I expressed loudly

“Shut up.” Creepy dude snarled

I stood up and walked up to him, “Why when you open your mouth all I hear is a whining little girls voice? I’m going to tell you ONE more time. You don’t have to like me because, I, for damn sure don’t like you.” I stated with finality in my voice

He cringed and stepped away.

“That’s right, Creepy dude. Back the fuck up.” I sneered

“Don’t talk to him like that!” Lashawna’s annoying voice yelled

I slowly looked over to her, “You have MAJOR issues.”

“How?!” She shrieked

“You hate me because I mated with Kyle. Can I help that? No, I can’t. So you need to drop it before I actually do something about it.” I glared

She stalked over to me and we were soon face to face. I was slightly taller but you could barely notice.

“Yes?” I asked sweetly

“How can we even trust you? You could be sided with them.” She snarled looking at everybody to get it into their minds that I’m evil

“So you think I’m helping them?” I asked in a dull voice

“Yes.” She said bluntly

I walked a little closer, “See, here’s the thing Lashawna. You say or rather assume I’m helping the see-ers, correct?”

She nodded so I continued, walking closer to her again, “Your assuming will get you nowhere because you of all people know I’m not helping them, am I right?” I smirked

She visibly stiffened, “W-what?”

I turned to look at the rest of the pack, “When we went to get ice cream, was Lashawna there?”

Some shook their heads while others just stared in confusion. I turned back to Lashawna,

“So, if you weren’t with the pack, where were you?” I asked

“I was in the guest room.” She stated confidently but I could see how nervous she was through her eyes

“Is that so?” I asked

“Yes.” She said smugly

“Don’t think so. Because as I recall you weren’t even there when the attack was happening. You were gone but what I want to know is, where were you?”

“I-I was in the bathroom.” She stuttered slightly

“You’re lying. You said a minute ago you were in the guest bedroom. Is it the guest room or the bathroom?” I smirked

“B-bathroom.” She stated

“Were you now?” I smirked widely, “Which one?”

“T-the one…downstairs.” She said

“Where is it located?” I asked

“End of the hall.” She said confidently

“Wrong. Middle. So that right there proves that you weren’t in the bathroom. Wanna lie about the guest room now?”

“Where are you taking this?” She snarled

“I think you know.” I smirked and cocked a brow

“No, I don’t think I do.” She glared

“Do you want me to say it bluntly?” I asked


“You’re helping the see-ers.” I stated

“What?! No I’m not!” She yelled

“Wow, defensive much?” I grinned

“I’m not helping the see-ers.” She growled

“You want me to tell you how I know this?” I asked

“Why not?” She said sarcastically

“You remember when you got sent out for hissing at me?” She nodded, “You were alone for about ten minutes. And when we went down stairs and I walked out the front door. Hundreds of see-ers just so happened to be there. How could they have known I was going to be the first one out the door? Unless it was someone in the house telling them.”

She stayed silent so I continued, “Now fast forwarding to the walk to the ice cream parlor. When we got there I saw bright green eyes hiding in the trees. Now don’t get me wrong cause that could have been anybody.

“But what about when I stormed out into the alley? I saw those same green eyes connected to a platinum blonde wolf hiding behind the dumpster. How many packs are in this state or near your house?” I asked Jonny

“Just Rick and I.” He stated in confusion

I nodded, “How many of you have blonde hair here?”

A few people raised their hands, “Now raise your hand if you have blonde hair and green eyes?”

They all dropped their hands and I turned to Lashawna, “And it comes down to the only blonde haired green eyed girl in the pack.

“Before I walked into the parlor I looked back, but you didn’t notice that because you were staring at Kyle, in remorse and regret, might I add. I saw you come out of the shadows followed by Ad here.” I said motioning to Adam

“I left thinking it was nothing but what a mistake that was, huh? I haven’t trusted you since I first talked to you. You know how people say they have a sixth sense for that kinda thing? Let’s just say I have that.

“You know being the ‘Uniter’ and everything has it’s perks sometimes. You have a power, right? Mind telling us what it is?”

She didn’t blink, just stood there staring at me.

“Don’t worry I’ll tell them. She has the power to make people do anything she wants. Adam here was apart of this little setup because he was under the…influence, shall I say. The see-ers needed a shape-shifter but no one would go against the Uniter.

“So they took desperate measures. They knew you guys wouldn’t let me go that easily so they had to get someone inside to help. Inside the pack, someone that would be trusted by you guys. Trust worthy. Right, Lashawna?

“They chose you because they knew you wouldn’t like me. Seeing as I am Kyle’s mate. The man you’re in love with…supposedly. They also chose you because of your power. But guess what? Kyle’s immune to supernatural powers.

“How do I know this? Easy, I have EVER powerful creature on my side right now. They can talk ya know. But they didn’t tell me you were helping the see-ers, no I had too figure that out on my own.

“It wasn’t hard though. I just had to look carefully. Pay attention to the small things. See, I knew from the beginning that someone in this pack was going to betray me. You know Thyme? Yeah, she’s my mom. She could see the future. You know what they say? Like mother like daughter.

“I saw that someone was going to betray and hurt me but I could never see it’s face, only blonde hair. But hey, it could’ve been anyone. A friend of the packs or a complete stranger.

“As you know Lashawna, many people don’t like me. For what the reason? It is beyond me. But I know why you helped them. I understand. You wanted to get me out of the way so you could have Kyle.

“But if you claim you love him, why hurt him by killing his mate? You don’t hurt the ones you love. You protect them. You can’t love Kyle as you say you do because you put his life and these packs lives in danger.” I finished

Everyone stood speechless and staring at me in shock.

“Hey, Lashawna can you tell me something?” I asked, when she didn’t reply I shrugged and asked anyway, “How many see-ers are out there in that forest right now, waiting to attack?” I asked not taking my eyes off her but pointed to towards the forest where we were suppose to go through

She tensed even more and her eyes glazed over and white took over her green eyes. I though, but not her thoughts.

“Can you see her eyes?” I asked aloud, “That only happens when you’re communicating with a see-er.” I stated

Everybody moved to get a good look at her eyes, when they did they gasped and stepped back.

Her eyes slowly turned back to green and she smirked at me, “A lot.”

“Yeah, 6,289 to be exact.” I said

She glared but smirked again, “You’re right I don’t love Kyle like I claim too. I love the thought of being with him. He thought of being Alpha Female. So it’s not going to hurt me when they kill him right now.”

Everyone gasped and started talking.

“Stop!” I yelled smirking

The talking stopped and everyone turned to me.

“They say that the Uniter is the most powerful creature in the world. Me being the Uniter I am the most powerful person in the world. Kyle’s had a protection spell on him ever since I found out how to cast a spell. With this spell on him, the sharpest knife in the universe couldn’t even hurt him.” I said smirking the whole time

“We can just take it off.” She smirked

“Can’t take off the Uniter’s spell.” I sang, “You want to know the only way to release every spell I have ever cast?” I asked

“We already know.” She said smugly

“What do you have to do?” I smirked

“Take away your powers.”

“And how do you plan on doing that? See-ers can’t hurt me. Plus, you can’t take away the Uniter’s powers. It’s impossible.” I stated smirking smugly

“No it’s not.” She growled

I raised a brow, “How do you know?”

“We have one of the most powerful witches on our side.” She smirked

I raised my head slightly, “May I ask who it is?”

“It’s Thym-” She abruptly stopped as realization dawned upon her face

“You finally understand. Yes, Thyme is the most powerful witch, besides me that is, but she’s on our side. I’m assuming you’re using Elijah too? My Daddy?”

Her eye twitched, “We can just use the second most powerful witch.”

“Ah, yes. Miss Annie Mae.” I smiled, “Do you know who’s her mentor?”

She shook her head.

“Thyme.” I smirked as her eyes clouded with rage then turned white

I sat down on the ground and waited. I looked around and everybody was staring at me, I smiled at them and pick up a pebble. Rolling it around with my forefinger and thumb.

“We can just kill them and use Annissa, Annie’s daughter.” I could hear the smirk in her voice

“Can’t kill a witch that’s protected by the Royals.” I stated not looking up

“Not all of the witches are protected by the Royals.” She hissed

I nodded and said a quick chant, “They are now.”

“We can just have the demon kill you.”

I said another chant, “Not anymore.”

“We can have the most powerful see-er kill you.” She smirked

I stood up, pebble still in hand. “You know how in every superhero movie, the superhero always has a kryptonite?”

I started walking in a circle around her, waiting for an answer.

“Yes.” She said impatiently

“And you know how most kryptonite’s don’t have a cure or antidote so to say?” I asked standing behind her

She tensed, “Yes.”

“Well, the see-ers have a very rare kryptonite. It only comes around once. Only once. Need I remind you. You know what that kryptonite is?” I asked

“No.” She growled

“Me.” I said before I slammed my fist into the back of her head


Text: Alyza Slaton
Images: Google
Editing: Alyza Slaton
Publication Date: 04-13-2011

All Rights Reserved

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