
~ My Fresh Start ~


Hey I'm Willow, I'm 18 and soon to be a 19 year old. I've never really had a hard life. I mean yes, my dad died when I was 14, but I never let that get in the way of me living my life. Yes, it was hard at first but God needed him more, and I'll see him again some day. My mom, Anny, and I just moved to Richmond, Virginia, this city has a population of about 197,790 people. Even with all those people around me I'm sure I'll still feel alone. My mom is usualy at work, so I don't see her that much and I'm not very good at making friends. But it's okay I'm use to being alone. I just hope that I wont be alone forever. My mom says money can bring happiness, yes it can but only for a short time. I'd rather have no money and someone who loves me no matter what, than have someone who buys me things and doesn't know how to love.

Anyways, I have my first day of school tomorrow, but I'm not really looking forward to it. I just don't like all the clicks and drama, it's so childish.

Today is the first day of school, What will I wear? I decided to wear a brown/black leather jacket over a baggy grey shirt, with some ripped dark washed jeans and my combat boots. I would describe my style as edgy and dark. I just don't see the point in trying to be someone I'm not, someone like Barbie. I'm not girly or frilly by and means, my mom is though. She's like Elle Woods times two, blonde hair blue eyes, and pink galore. I, on the other hand, take after my dad. I have dark brown eyes and hair, and skin thats beyond pale. But thats okay everybodys different, God made me who I am and I'm not going to be someone I'm not, that would be dumb.
After getting ready my mom called me down, and I know why. "Willow hurry up and get down here. I need to take a picture of you." She said. "I'm coming." I yelled, while running down the stairs and almost tripping. She put me by a wall that she said was "decent enough.""Smile big." Mom said while snapping the picture.

"Can I go now, I don't want to be late on my first day."

"Fine go." She kissed my cheek and I was out the door.

I arrived at school early, which I always tend to do. Getting out of my 1972 VW Beetle I see some of the clicks already. I'm not even inside yet and they are everywhere. Once I went in I accidentally bumped into one of the popular girls. Bright blonde hair, big blue eyes, makeup galore, and a perfect smile. "Oh, sorry." I said, with an apologetic look on my face. "Whatever freak." She answered with a snotty tone to her voice. This is why I don't have friends and never do. Because I'm the freak or the misfit. Everybody sees my clothes and my eyeliner and automatically thinks I'm weird. They don't see my heart, they don't see who I really am. They don't see me.

After forth period it was lunch time so i headed to the lunch room. As I walked in I felt like everyone was watching me. They looked me up and down, judging me with their eyes. But I don't care, this is my fresh start and it wont be ruined. I'm not very hungury, so I'll just go sit outside. While walking toward the door, that girl from earlier tripped me. I landed face forward on the cafeteria floor. Still laying on the ground, I turnd over on my back while everyone laughed at me.

"Oh, sorry." She said in a sarcastic way, while standing over me. She then walked away with her two friends laughing. Thats when I sat up and a boy hurried to my side. I thought to myself,"Is he nuts, why is he helping me?" "That's real mature Elle." He shouted at the girl. "Are you okay?" He asked while helping me up. "I'm fine." I said. Finally back on my feet, I suddenly get dizy and almost fall again. The boy helped me to a bench outside, and we sat down. "What are you doing?" I asked, as he looked at me with a confused face.

"I am helping you, am I not suppose to?"

"No, its just, I don't need help. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

"Hi I'm Jimmy, and your welcome. I always help others after they fall on their face."

"What? Are you trying to make me laugh or something?"

"You know, most people say thank you, then introduce themselves."

"I'm not like most people, but thank you."

"So are you going to make me guess, or are you going to tell me your name?"

"Well that depends. Are you planning on secretly stalking me for two years, then one day just kidnap me and kill me?" We both giggled and I then smiled and looked off to the side. I turned back toward him and said, "My name is Willow." "Well its nice to meet you Willow." He said with a smile on his face. Jimmy just sat there stairing at me, so I decided to pull out my agenda. Once I did that he took my school agenda out of my hands. "Hey, what are you doing? Give me that back." I said trying to get it back. "Willow if were going to be friends I need to know if we have any classes together." I suddenly stoped and looked at him while he was reading the peice of paper. "Friends? I never said I was going to be your friend." He looked at me and said,"Well I didn't think I needed your permission."

"Well you do."

"I just thought that we could be good friends. But I guess if you would rather me be that stalker guy who in two years...."

"Fine were friends."

"Good, because we have AP History together right now."

"Well then I guess we better get going. Don't want to be late." I got up and started walking and he followed. Once in the class room, I sat down and Jimmy chose a seat right next to mine. "Do you have to sit by me?" I asked. "Why can't I? I thought we were friends." Jimmy said with a pathetic look on his face. "We are it's just...." "Good morning class I am Mrs. Hollin, and I will be your AP History teacher for the next 6 months."

After school was over I started walking to my car. "Willow." Jimmy shouted while walking over to me. "What?" I asked a little irritatedly. "Do you need a ride home, because I can...." "I have my own car Jimmy." He looked a little dissapointed when I said that. "Oh, okay then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." I continued walking,"Yea, see you tomorrow." Once I got home I did my school work, cooked some dinner then went to bed.

It's a week later now and Jimmy is still bugging the heck out of me. "Jimmy why are you so clingy?" I asked him while he was eating a sandwich. "What, I'm not clingy." He said defensively.

"You are, your like a puppy or something. You never leave me alone. Do you have relationship issues?"

"No I don't have relationship issues."

"Then why are you always around me at school?"

"Well we do have have more then half of the same classes together."

"So, that doesn't mean you have to sit by me in every class."

"Maybe I like you."

I looked at him, suprised that he just said that. "What?" Jimmy got up and walked out of the lunch room. I quickly got up and followed him.


~ A Blossoming Friendship ~


"Jimmy wait." I said rushing behind him. "What?" He yelled as he turned to face me and stoped walking. "You like me? In what kind of way? Like a friend or...." He cut me off, "I like you like a friend, thats all.""Are you sure?" I asked somewhat hoping for a different answer. "I'm sure." He said then he walked out side and sat on a bench. I decided to go out and sit on the bench as well. I just sat there and stared at him. The wind blew his dark brown hair while he just sat there, and his beautiful bright blue eyes just looked around. He then looked at me and smiled, and I put my head down and smiled as well. Jimmy scooted closer to me, so I looked up at him. "You know...." He said, "Your my bestfriend." I smiled and told Jimmy he was my bestfrind also. Later when school was out, I walked to my car and tried starting it, but nothing. Jimmy saw me set my head on the stearing wheel and came over. I sat up when he said my name.

"Willow whats wrong?"

"My car, it wont start."

"I can drive you home."

"Thank you."

We got into his truck and he drove me home. Jimmy then parked and he walked me to my front door. "Do you want to come in?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Sure." We walked inside toward the kitchen and my mom was home. "Mom what are you doing home?" I asked. "I got off work early today...." She pulled me close and whispered, "Is that your boyfriend?" I then shouted, "What no." Jimmy looked at me and I walked over to him. "Mom this is my friend Jimmy." Then he interupted me saying, "Bestfriend, Jimmy." I looked at him and smiled. "Well Jimmy I am Anny, Willow's mother but I'm sure you already know that. Willow I'm going shopping do you want to come?" My mom said. "No I'm fine." I answered back. Then she said bye and left. "Oooo shopping, how fun." Jimmy said sarcasticaly. "No not really." I said.

"So, you have a nice house. A very large nice house. When were you going to tell me you were rich?"

"I'm not rich, my mother is." I said while putting my keys and bag down on the kitchen counter. "Money isn't everything."

"It can buy you everything."

"Not love." I said softly.

Jimmy looked at me, smiled, and said. "Your right." I smiled and said, "I know." We then walked to the door and walked outside. A peice of my hair got in my face and before I could, Jimmy moved it out of my face. "Thanks." I said and I started to blush. We said bye and he left. The next day was picture day, and I wished I hadn't told my mom. She made me wear a short skirt, and I don't know why. You cant even see my legs in the picture. Sense my car was getting fixed Jimmy said he was going to take me to school and back. Jimmy rang the door bell and I opened the door. He just stood there and looked at me. "My mom made me wear this." He still stood there silent. "Lets go." I shouted. We then left for school, and as soon as we got inside everybody was stairing at us. "What are they stareing at?" "You." Jimmy said.

"What?" I said as I turned to face him.

"Willow, have you looked in the mirror yet?"

"No. Hold on" I then checked the girls bathroom and no one was in it, so I pulled Jimmy in with me.

"I'm not suppose to be in here."

"Jimmy why are they looking at us?"

"Turn around." Jimmy said as he faced me toward the mirror. "They arn't looking at us, they are looking at you." I looked in the mirror and started to say, "I look...." "Beautiful." Jimmy said. I then looked at Jimmy and told him he was crazy and we left the bathroom. Later at break time I went to get some water. After I did that I started looking for Jimmy. I wondered into a hallway calling his name, then I heard some yelling so I turned the corner to find Jimmy and some other guy fighting. So I quickly went over and pulled Jimmy off of the other guy. "Jimmy stop!" I yelled while pulling him away. He had a cut by his left eyebrow and his left cheek was starting to bruise. "Hey sweetheart I need some comforting too." the other guy said while winking at me. Jimmy began to get mad again and started to clench his fist. "Go get some comforting from your mommy stupid." I said as I pulled Jimmy away. Once we got outside we walked to the park around the corner and sat on a bench. I turned to him with a napkin I had wet with some of my water and started to wipe the blood off of his forehead. "Jimmy are you crazy you could have gotten suspended or expelled." I said. "It would have been worth it." He responded. I then took out a small butterfly bandaid out of my bag. "No it wouldn't, what has gotten in to you?" I looked at him with a concerned face. I put the bandaid on his temple, then he said. "Where did you get that bandaid?"

"Don't try to change the subject Jimmy. What happened?"


"That sure didn't look like nothing." I said looking him in the eyes.

"He was saying things."

"What kind of things?"

"Things about you."

"About me? Jimmy what did he say?"

"Nothing he was just talking crap." He said, as I looked away.

"Jimmy?" I looked at him. "Were you defending me?" I asked. "I was protecting you." He said. "Jimmy you don't need to do that. I can protect myself."

"I know you can, but I want to." We both smiled at each other, and then we walked back to school. After the day was over everybody heard about the fight and was stairing us down big time. But I didn't care, well as long as Jimmy doesn't get in troble for the fight. We left the school and went to my house. I made some dinner for us and mom got home early again. "Willow, something smells amazing." she walked into the kitchen when me and Jimmy were done eating and he was about to leave. "Hey Anny." Jimmy said. "Well hello Jimmy, it's nice to see you here again." My mom looked at me then went upstairs. Jimmy and I walked outside and I closed the door. "When you get home you need to change the bandaid and put an anticeptic on it.""Okay." Jimmy said,"I'll see you tomorrow then."
"But tomorrow is Saturday." I said kind of confused like. Then Jimmy answered, "I know."
We both smiled and he was about to walk away when I said, "Wait." "Whats wrong Willow?" He asked. "You forgot something." I then leaned in and kissed his cheek and whispered thank you. He smiled and then got in his truck and left. I went inside and found my mom in the kitchen. "What happened to his head?" She asked in a suspicious voice.

"He was in a fight."


"I don't know, but I stoped it."

"Willow I don't think you should be hanging out with someone who causes troble."

"Mom he was protecting me, thats what the fight was about. Me."

"Oh, well just make sure he doesn't get into any more fights, it doesn't look good."

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." I walked up stairs and went to bed. The next morning I woke up really happy and I don't know why. Do I have feelings for Jimmy? Feelings of more than a friend
or bestfriend? I've never felt this way before. Does he feel the same way too, or is it just me? What am I thinking of course he doesn't, this is just a blossoming friendship thats all.


~ Maybe Its More ~


Once Jimmy got to my house he said he was going to take me somewhere. He said it was going to be a surprise. "Willow I need you to put this blindfold on." "What, are you crazy?" I responded. "Yes, I am actually. But really, just put it on." He said in somewhat of a convincing voice. "No. Jimmy stop." I said while he tried to put it on for me. Jimmy turned me around to face him and he asked, "Do you trust me?" I stood there for a few seconds thinking about what he had just asked me. "Yes...." I said taking in a breath and letting it out. "I trust you." Then I turned around and he put the blindfold over my eyes and walked me to his truck. I got in carefully, then he started to drive. While he was driving I started to think maybe this isn't just a friendship, maybe its more. About 10 minutes into the drive I could feel us slowing down and then come to a stop. Jimmy got out and opened my door. I stepped out and I could smell a freshly mowed lawn. I've always loved that smell. He took the blindfold off and I looked around.

"Jimmy, why are we at a cemetery?"

"I want you to meet someone."

"What?" I asked while he grabbed my hand and lead me to a grave stone. It read, "Nathan Jack Ladaro" I then looked at Jimmy and hugged him. Still holding on to his sides, I looked up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It was when I was 12. Its not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal. Jimmy your father is dead, and its not that big of a deal?" I turned and started to walk away because I felt tears coming. Jimmy grabbed my hand and turned me back around toward him. With sadness in his voice he said, "I didn't want pitty, or to upset you, but now its to late." A tear ran down my face and I looked up at him. "We are bestfriends. Were not suppose to keep things from each other." "Wheres your father, you never talk about him." Jimmy said with an angered tone in his voice.

"In my bed room."


"My dad, he's in my bed room on the shelf above my desk. His ashes are in a purple container."

"And your angry with me for not telling you about my dad. When you have your dads ashes in your bed room." I looked at him with a confused face. I wasn't angery. "What? No, Jimmy I'm not angery with you. I'm just...." He then cut me off saying. "Your just what?" "Confused, I'm just confused." I looked at his beautiful face once more, then I started walking away. He followed me but didn't say anything. Once I got to the truck I got in and buckled up. Jimmy soon came and we left. The whole ride back to my house was silent. I then got out and I opened the door, not even bothered to look back at Jimmy. "Willow." He said in a caring voice as I shut the car door. I went inside my house and ran upstairs to my bed room. Sitting on my bed I just started to cry and I couldn't stop. Sunday was a blur, all I remember was going to church and coming back home. Back upstairs I went and then I woke up this morning. My car was out of the shop now so I drove myself to school. I ignored Jimmy the whole day until he came up to me while I was walking out of the school doors. "Willow we need to talk." He said. "Theres nothing to talk about." I replied while still walking. Jimmy grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"Don't shut me out Willow."

"Whatever." I looked away.

"I can't do this without you."

"You can't do what without me?" I said while turning my head to look back at him.

"Live." He said in a soft voice.

"Your still breathing, you look fine to me."

"Thats not funny, you know what I mean."

"It wasn't suppose to be funny." I said then turned and walked away. Once I got to my car I left and went home. I then went into my house and about a minute later the door bell rang, and I new who it was. I took a deep breath then let it out and opened the door. "What do you want now?" I asked Jimmy while walking outside on the front porch. He looked at me with a caring face and simply said. "You."

"Well that's to bad, because you can't have me."

"Why?" Once Jimmy said that I walked over on the grass and he followed.

"Why? Because you can't always get what you want, because you need honesty in a relationship. Thats why."

"I will be completly honest with you 100%. Please, I need you."

"No." I said with tears starting to form in my eyes. "Why?" He asked. I then looked at him with a tear coming down my face and said. "Because I don't deserve you."


~ Four Little Words ~


Jimmy looked me in the eyes and said, "If anyone doesn't deserve someone, than I don't deserve you." I started crying harder, then he pulled me closer and held me. After crying for a while I stoped myself and smiled at him. "I'm tired, I need to rest." I said to him. He then simply said "Okay" and walked me to the door and I went inside. On monday when I got to school, Jimmy was waiting for me by my locker. He just leaned up against it with a beautiful smile on his face while he watched me get closer and closer. Once I reached him he just stood there, stairing at me.

"Quit looking at me, its freaky." I said.

"I just can't help it, your just so beautiful." He replied.

"You need to stop lying to yourself. It's not going to get you anywhere."

"I'm not lying, you just can't see it."

"Whatever." I said while rolling me eyes, then I began to walk and he followed. Jimmy then got closer to me and held my hand. I suddenly pulled my hand away and said. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Willow I'm not pretending anymore. I can't."

I looked at him then walked away. I didn't speak to him in the class or in any of our other classes, and now it's lunch time. I walked outside, and sat on a bench, when Jimmy came up behind me and scared the crap out of me. I screamed, stood up, and turned to see Jimmy laughing hysterically.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jimmy?"

"I'm sorry I just had too. You were just sitting there so calm."

"I'm not any more." I started walking away when Jimmy stoped laughing and came after me. He grabbed my arm and I turned toward him.

"What do you want Jimmy?"

"You. I want you. I want my bestfriend back."

"No." I looked away and then back at him. "You don't want me. I'm broken."

"Then let me fix you. Willow, please."

"You can't repair something thats unfixable."

I walked away and continued my day. after school was over I went home, did my work, ate dinner, and then went to my room to go to bed. I walked in and turned on my light to find Jimmy sitting on my bed. "Oh my gosh." I said in a startled voice.

"Get out."


"Do you want me to call the cops? I will."

"I need to tell you something."

"You could have just called me. Or maybe use the front door."

"Yea right, like you would answer my calls or open the door."

"Well at least I wouldn't have to call the cops on you."

Jimmy then walked out of my room and I followed him downstairs toward the door. "You just don't get it Willow." He said opening the front door. "I don't get what? The fact that you think it's okay for you to stalk me?" I asked. He turned around and faced me. "I love you Willow." I stood there for a few seconds. Those four little words. They should have no affect on me, they should mean nothing. But thats the problem, those four little words mean everything to me. I slowly leaned in and it happened. We kissed, it was amazing all I could have wanted and more for a first kiss. I looked at him and smiled.

"I love you too Jimmy."


~ His Beauty ~




  Sitting on my bed I began questioning myself. Why did I kiss him? Why did I put myself in such a vonerable spot? Being his girlfriend, I can get really hurt if something goes wrong. I can be destroyed. What am I thinking, he's not going to hurt me. If anyone is going to get hurt its going to be him. Agh, I just need to get to bed.

  After sleeping on it I realized how excited I am to be Jimmy's girlfriend. "Jimmy's girlfriend. Wow I can't believe I'm saying that." "So your my girlfriend now." Jimmy said while coming into my room. "What are you doing here, in my bedroom?" "Your mom let me in, through the front door. Arn't you pround of me? I used the door this time" He said while walking toward me, as I was sitting on my bed ready for school.

"Yes very proud." I said with a giggle.

Jimmy then leaned in to kiss me. But my mom walked in and I pushed him away.

"Hey mom."

"Willow I'm not going to be home for a few days, I have an out of town meeting to go to."

"Okay." I said with an akward smile on my face.

My mom then looked at Jimmy and said, "You keep her safe while I am gone."

"Yes mam." Jimmy replied. Then my mom left and I pulled Jimmy close and kissed him. We then went to school, and while in class I just staired at him. I am amazed at his beauty, and how he could be with me. I so avrige looking, I'm not the prettiest or the ugliest for that matter. But, why me? Whats so special about me? As I sat there contemplating those questions the bell rang.

"Finally, I am so ready for a nap."

"Your always ready for a nap." Jimmy replied.

I then giggled and we went home. Well my home that is.


Text: Corinne Rose
Publication Date: 08-25-2012

All Rights Reserved

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