
A Short Novella


By Coleen Liebsch


I’m not sure when I became 100% positive that I was dead. I remember thinking, “I can’t survive this…” as a huge ball of fire raced toward me down the narrow tunnel of road. The flames were consuming my options before my brain could even comprehend what was happening. Then everything just went black.

My eyes haven’t adjusted to the light, but it’s bright now. It’s not just bright, it’s getting brighter, and I can’t close my eyes or look away from it. It is so bright that it’s going to burn my eyes out in a second! So why aren’t my eyes starting to hurt? Why is it that NOTHING actually hurts?

I don’t miss anyone; I don’t look forward to anything. I quite simply, exist. As my vision adjusts to the bright lights, I begin to see definitions. They’re vague at first, like clouds, but then they begin to take form. I see beautiful architecture and a grand castle far off in the distance. As I get closer to them, I realize they are actually flocks of angels arranged in a pattern that they believe will be a reassuring view for me. Thousands of wings are outstretched. The angels watch me anxiously as I finally realize where I am.

I am dead.

The angels begin to move, as if in formation, to create a path. Their knowing eyes and harmonic voices follow me as I walk the path created by their multitudes. Their joy and overwhelming love doesn’t just flow through me, it engulfs me. It is all so beautiful and peaceful that it’s like I simply melted into the perfection.   I no longer worried about anything worldly and had to remind myself that it had ever even existed. I remembered my loved ones as fondly as I had in life, but so many foreign things joined them in my heart. It was not unlike becoming adjusted to the bright light. My heart was so full of love that surely there couldn’t be another drop of happiness added. And yet, instead of exploding, my heart was unconfined by humanity. It was infinite. God had called me home, and I was ready to spend eternity in heaven.

As the path narrows toward the horizon of angels, I notice a figure standing in the middle of everything.  I know instantly who He is, even from this great distance, and my heart again feels like it will explode with joy. I am on the path that will lead me to Jesus!   I try to hurry my pace but I no longer remember how to


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Coleen Liebsch
Images: Laszlo Kugler
Editing: Deborah Merkwan
Publication Date: 11-05-2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-5374-4

All Rights Reserved

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