
Isabelle: New school and crushed dreams... Chapter 1

Hi everyone, this is Isabelle. Iv'e entered my new school, I'm sixteen by the way. It seems quite fine till now, but I bet at any moment someone is going to jump out from where their hiding and beat me up. Just like they did in my old school. Ohh, I have to go now first period is starting.
When first period had started a boy, I think his name was Jake came into the room looking cool and maybe hot. But when he caught my eye he tripped over something and fell infront of me.
As he stud up he was blushing red like a Beetroot, he then after that just seemed to have forgotten about it and instead just stumbled to his desk.

Just like I had thought, it had already been a few months now and some bitch named Tabith noticed that Jake always stared at me in a special way. See, tabith used to be Jake's Girlfriend and thats probably why she hates me.
Because now Jake has eyes for someone else, in my opinion Jake has eyes for being a stuck up bitch just like Tabith.
As I was walking home from school someone in a Lamborgini drove by splashing muddy water all over my faveourite pair of Jeans and white Jumper. "Who-ever did this is going to pay!" I thought to myself. It wasn't fair all the other girls got designer Jimmy-Choos and all the other Designer rubbish. The stuff I would love to own myself. And now my most precious things I ever owned were ruined!!
Soaking wet I waddled home, but what a terrible suprise waited for me there. A letter that was from the Police and said:

Dear Miss.Isabelle,
Your Parents have been taken downtown. They have been buying drugs.
That is why you will have to now live with a pair of foster parents. Im also sorry to say that you wont see your parents for quite some time.
Yours George

Staight away I forgot about me being wet.
I knew it would happen, I knew my parents would get cought some-day. Yeah, thats right I knew that my parents were doing drugs. They were crazy too. I thought before that when this day had come I would be happy, but instead I felt pain.
I walked to the Police-station to wait for my Foster Parents to pick me up.
When I got there a big lady with glasses and a sundress looked at me and then at her Computer screen. Then after that had repeated itself for a while she said "Sit there my dear Isabelle, is that your name?"
I sat down on the plastic chair and answered "Yes."
Then she said "I'm sorry to hear about what has happend to you dearie, by the way my name is Annita you can call me Anna if yah like." She put a huge smile on her face.
I talked to Anna for a long time. Finaly my Foster parents showed up looking quite pleased with themself, like they had solved the next World problem or something.
I swung my old leather bag on my back and headed towards them. There was a little girl with brown plaits waiting along with her parents, who were also my new Foster parents.
They look friendly I thought to myself once I had arrived next to them. The mother gentely shoved the little girl infront of me, straight away the girl said:"My name is Lilac and I hope we will become good friends!"
Then she quickly ran behind her dad. I felt quite wierd looking at these people so tensly even though I had never even spoken to them in my life.
I then finaly said:" new Foster parents I am Isabelle the Earthling and I like Chicken-Wings!"
The little girl laughed at that one on the other hand the parents looked rather anoyed.
"Sorry." I said rather down.
I don't know why they did that but the little girls parents started laughing realy loud!
The dad grabbed my bag and we were out the door. When we were in the car the mom said:"Hello there Isabelle my name is Nina but if you like you can call me mom...because you know you might never go back to your ol....."
I cut her of and said:"How do you know I'll never go back to my Family again!?"
She answered bravely:"I don't dear but it would be nice if you'd call us family as well for now at least, anyway this is my husband Ralph might also be known to you as dad...."
I didn't listen any futher I was just thinking of my parents sad in jail.
Tears started rolling down from my eyes, little Lilac must of seen this beacuse she said:"Mummy,Mummy Isabelle is crying!"
Nina looked around and said in a kind voice:"Dear Isabelle don't cry it hurts me to see you like this."
Like she ever knew me! She acted as though she were my real mother...I hated her!
When we got to my now new home I ran up the Steps not knowing where to go.
I ended up tripping over a leg of a table and crashing into a wall, I then fainted.
When I woke up I was in a warm bed in a white room above me there was Nina looking rather worried. I noticed that I could'nt move my left leg and started shouting.
Nina said:"I'm right here Isabelle there is no need to panic!"
Yes, there was I would probably never see my Parents again and now I also had a hurt leg!
"The doctor said that you should'nt go to school today, but that tomorrow you'll be up and running!"Nina said happily.
I didn't feel happy like Nina did instead there was a cloud hanging over my day.
"I'll be right back.."Nina said. On the way out she asked:"Would you like a Capaccino and some Baked Beans?"
They had Capaccinos and Baked Beans! The only thing I got close to at home was Water with a slice of bread and cheese, that was probably because all our money was wasted on stupid drugs.
No, I would not let my bad mood with her cost me Baked Beans and a Capaccino!
"Yes please!" I said happy.
After my nice breakfast I carefully walked down the steps into Ralph's office. I asked my new dad:"Umm,dad could I maybe go to the park down the street?"
As he was turning around he said:" Sure Lil....oh it's you Isabelle it's nice hearing you say dad, about that question I don't see why not but dress yourself warmly!"
"But"I stammered "I didn't bring any clothes."
"Oh, don't worry about that we bought you some new clothes before we picked you up, they are in your room."
I was so happy I finaly had new clothes. I ran up the steps and into my room and swung my closet door open, and there inside was an amazing amount of clothes. And there in the middle was a pair of Lilac Jimmy-Choo Flip-flops, I guessed Lilac picked them since they were the colour lilac.
I didn't care that it was Winter I just grabbed them and put them on.
I put on some White jeans and a dark blue top with a nice looking puffy white Jacket.
I had never looked so good in my live!
I ran down the steps and out the door I had never felt so alive!
While I was walking down a bendy path in the seriously posh park I noticed that most of the girls that I saw were wearing Jimmy-Choos like me.
I looked around and saw that there were big beutiful houses gathered around the park.
Suddenly it accoured to me that these girls must be quite rich to have these type of houses and their own pair of Jimmy-Choos. So, the Family that I was staying with were obviously rich by the looks of it. I had already been walking around since one hour and was starting to get bored, so as I was heading home bashed into someone "Hey, watch...." and there infront of me I saw Jake.
"What are you doing here?" he asked

Jake: Do I love her..... Chapter 2

Once I had asked her that question she didn't answer instead she just stared at me.
It felt quite awkward just her staring at me and me staring at her.
Her beutiful blue eyes stared at me so lovingly. Then out of no where she said:"I have to go now!"
"Wait, you cant go now.....umm, would you maybe like to go get a Ice-Cream with me?" I asked.
I cant believe I said that!!
"Umm, I don't know I hardley even know you. But I guess a Ice-Cream sounds good."
While we were walking to the Ice-Cream stand I noticed scars going along her arms, instinctly I grabbed her arm and asked worried:"Isabelle why do you have scars along your arms?!"
she jerked her arm out of my hands and said:"I don't want to tell you Jake, look let's just get some Ice-cream so I can go."
But I wasnt going to forget it so easily so I said:"Forget the Ice-Cream I want an answer Isa...."
"Well your not getting one!" she said angrily
And just like that she started running away, but because I was quicker than her I caught up with her and lifted her of the ground and carried her screaming to my house. My mum looked rather confused as I walked in with screaming Isabelle. She asked:"Is she hurt Jake?"
"No, mum." I said firmly. I carried her up the steps and into my room, I then gentley put her on my bed and locked the door behind me. Then out of breath I asked her again:"Why are there scars along your arms??"
She was quiet for a while and then she whispered:"Because my parents used to hit and beat me, now they are in Jail though because they bought drugs from some weirdo...."
She started to cry as she told me what happened to her.
"Don't cry Isabelle." I softly told her.
It was so depressing to see her like that, that I could'nt stand it but to give her a hug.
I hugged her tightly and lovingly to myself. With Isabelle I always felt something that I had never felt with other girls. I felt like I had time for her no matter what and she was always so kind, loving and shy at school something I loved about her. She was amazing......
"Jake are you still there?" Isabelle asked kindly.
"Ofcourse I'm there you idiot!" I answered humorisly. When I looked down at her I felt like I could never let go, but I had to. After she had stood up she said:"It was nice talking to you Jake but I think I should go home."
"Oh ok, I could take you home if you like."
She seemed to be thinking for while but then finaly she said:"Fine, but don't pull up infront of my house. My parents will freak out!"
When we were outside I was realy exited to show her my Black Lamborgini, but right when she saw it she looked anoyed not happy.
"What's wrong Isabelle?" I asked.
"You should know that your Lamborgini ruined my favorite jeans and white sweater!" she said laughing:"But that doesn't matter I anyway now have my very own wardrobe full of them!"
"Oh, why did you look so anoyed then?" I asked
"Well I'm not anoyed now so who cares!" she exclaimed happily.
Without asking she jumped into the car and screamed:"Get in and start driving!"
So I did that she then asked:"Hey, Jake could I maybe put on the Radio...?"
"Sure" I answered quickly so she he had no time to finish her sentence.
She put the radio on full Volume and started singing along to "Call me Maybe".
I tried to sing along too while she kept saying how off key I was. It was a whole lot of fun!
"So, where do you live then?" I asked
"Right around the corner... stop we are here!"
She jumped out and vanished into the dark. I then just drove of back home.
At home while I was eating dinner with my family my mom asked:"How was your day honey and what happend with that poor screaming girl?"
I knew what my mom really ment, she ment repulsive screaming girl, in her opinion nearly everything is repulsive. I wasn't going to let her think that Isabelle was a bad influence, she wasn't going to take her away from me!
"Mum, my day was fine and I had a nice time with my friend." I said
My little sister exclaimed:"Jake has a girlfriend!"
"No, I don't Susi she is just a friend who happens to be a girl."
My dad wanted to know:"Whats her name and how old is she?"
"Dad she is nearly seventeen like me and she is called Isabelle."
"I see." he simply answered
Once I was in my room I could'nt sleep so I thought to myself "Do I love her..."

Isabelle: Family problems... Chapter 3

When got into the house from a long day at I hoped new friends house my parents weren't to happy to see me.
I'd hoped it would be a peacefull night, but I guess my parents had a diffrent plan for the night.
I kicked my now quite ruined Jimmy-choos off and threw my coat onto a chair next the door.
Straight away my dad asked:"Why did you get out of some boy's Lamborgini with an acctual boy inside of it?!"
"Dad it's not like that, he is just a friend." I threw back
Somehow he calms down when I say "Dad"....
Because he just answered:"Good to your sister and her friend Millie to dinner."
With that I ran to the Livingroom and shouted:"Lilac and Millie if you don't come quick enough I'll eat all your dinner!"
We three raced to the table, sadly millie got there first and that shows even more of what a misriable runner I am.
We had Lemon and Chicken, it was the only thing I had ever eaten since today morning.
So once I was finished.....


Text: Cassia Products
Publication Date: 01-08-2013

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